Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CryptoBry on June 05, 2019, 11:36:20 AM

Title: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: CryptoBry on June 05, 2019, 11:36:20 AM

Justin Sun, the TRON & BitTorrent CEO, is on the news because of the huge amount of money he paid to have lunch opportunity with Warren Buffett. Because many are asking why he did it, here are the reasons behind such a move, according to an interview with CNBC (

3 reasons behind the bid:

1. Show of gratitude for Buffett’s inspiration
2. @GLIDEsf charity in San Francisco
3. Want to become bridge between institutional investors & crypto

Update ( Justin Sun invites the founders of #Ethereum, #Litecoin, and #Binance to lunch with Warren Buffett.

So what do you think?

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: bitcoin-shark on June 05, 2019, 11:44:31 AM

first he did it to get media publicity , secondly to try together with the others to convince him to invest in the altcoins...

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on June 05, 2019, 11:45:05 AM
Or he was trying to give a massive advertisement to the tron platform. I thought that it's worth to pay millions dollars and then the whole of media around the world will try to make him as the main news and put his face in the various sites and not forget to mention
#tronplatform, right?

I just thought if this another kind of his effort to promote tron platform.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: mindrust on June 05, 2019, 11:53:01 AM
Why did he pay for a lunch with the most successful stock trader and investor ever?

Because he can.

Mark my words now: If you had the power, you would do it too.

There are some things in life which you can't put a price tag on. This is one of them. In the end it still had a price but... not for everybody.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Docbee on June 05, 2019, 12:36:52 PM
It is only justin sun that will make announcement of another announcement,  this is just for a publicity for his trons coin, he actually got a lot of attention from the crypto community due to this agreement.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Simple_Plan on June 05, 2019, 12:46:18 PM
I only know that TRX's price pumped insanely after Sun's lunch with Buffet. That tells everything. He's advertising his TRX. $4.57 million is a huge number to a normal person but it only costs him a fraction of his TRX.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: pynetx on June 05, 2019, 12:50:37 PM
so that he can wear his tron branded t-shirt while having lunch and lure people to multiply the amount he used to buy that lunch.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: NeuroticFish on June 05, 2019, 01:17:11 PM
3 reasons behind the bid:

I wanted to write 3 times "advertising", but here's a better list:

1. Because he can.
2. Because he wants advertising.
3. Because he hopes he can talk business too.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Little_king on June 05, 2019, 02:11:44 PM
Making such huge move is an exception for crypto space and I believe he did this to make name in crypto space and also to make buffett see hiw wonder the blockchain industry can transform the world .

Inviting other CEO of great coin is a great move but I think we have many other that can join that launch with those he invite in this crypto space.

Good luck to him and the member of the tron foundation for also contributing to the charity for helping others in need .

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Vinalians on June 05, 2019, 02:27:16 PM
Popularity will also boost in his act. The TRON's popularity is now increasing and it will be more if he manages to convince Warren to like cryptocurrency by giving him the best speech about this altcoin (TRON), it can also be that he wanted to prove warren that cryptocurrency is not what he thinks and also it is for the modern people.
I think he can do it with the help of those people he invited.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: semes on June 05, 2019, 02:31:47 PM

Justin Sun, the TRON & BitTorrent CEO, is on the news because of the huge amount of money he paid to have lunch opportunity with Warren Buffett. Because many are asking why he did it, here are the reasons behind such a move, according to an interview with CNBC (

3 reasons behind the bid:

1. Show of gratitude for Buffett’s inspiration
2. @GLIDEsf charity in San Francisco
3. Want to become bridge between institutional investors & crypto

Update ( Justin Sun invites the founders of #Ethereum, #Litecoin, and #Binance to lunch with Warren Buffett.

So what do you think?

Sometimes money changes people very quickly. As far as Sun comes from a wealthy family, but popularity is something new. Someone with a bad personality in Justin Sun.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: ccsang on June 05, 2019, 02:35:30 PM
I only know that TRX's price pumped insanely after Sun's lunch with Buffet. That tells everything. He's advertising his TRX. $4.57 million is a huge number to a normal person but it only costs him a fraction of his TRX.
Yes, Justin Sun is the founder of TRON, It's the world top 15 crypto network and web 4.0 blockchain dapp platform, $4.57 Millions paid for have a lunch with Warren Buffett, I think most of the people will said that too crazy and worth it? I think it's a good opportunity to advertise TRON platform, most important is Justin Sun have a lot of $4.57 Million :D

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: z21770179 on June 05, 2019, 04:17:42 PM
I think he wants to advertise for his project. And that's what he's always been doing for the TRX project, it's simply giving up a lot of money that people think big. But for him, it helps a lot for TRON

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: timmmers on June 05, 2019, 04:30:23 PM
Everything what Justin Sun do is about marketing. Thanks to this he will became popular in medias. They will write about him. He only needs to bring attention to his glorious project Tron.  :D

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: avikz on June 05, 2019, 04:38:38 PM

3 reasons behind the bid:

1. Show of gratitude for Buffett’s inspiration
2. @GLIDEsf charity in San Francisco
3. Want to become bridge between institutional investors & crypto

So what do you think?

The reasons are great for theory and for records. But I see it as a sweet revenge against Buffet because he is a known and probably the most influential crypto hater. With the additional invitees for the lunch from the crypto businesses, I am sure the revenge will look even more sweeter!

Sun should offer to pay the amount in cryptos only!

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: smyslov on June 06, 2019, 04:06:37 AM

Justin Sun, the TRON & BitTorrent CEO, is on the news because of the huge amount of money he paid to have lunch opportunity with Warren Buffett. Because many are asking why he did it, here are the reasons behind such a move, according to an interview with CNBC (

3 reasons behind the bid:

1. Show of gratitude for Buffett’s inspiration
2. @GLIDEsf charity in San Francisco
3. Want to become bridge between institutional investors & crypto

Update ( Justin Sun invites the founders of #Ethereum, #Litecoin, and #Binance to lunch with Warren Buffett.

So what do you think?

Why would he have to spend this huge amount for someone who is against Cryptocurrency, this is rubbish maybe he is thinking to convert Buffet to cryptocurrency, but I doubt if you can teach an old dog new tricks, after this dinner this old idiot will go back posting negative against cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: siddartha1492 on June 06, 2019, 05:46:36 AM
Justin Sun is just trying to get a new achievement to his name, i.e. "Harbringer of Buffet to the Crypto World" (during a buffet)!! Jokes aside, he just wants more acceptance as a crypto influencer. Right now, well he is just known as a shiller. Pretty uncommon for founders of top crypto projects. So he wants to bring more seriousness to his image. And of course bring more publicity to Tron.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: el kaka22 on June 07, 2019, 02:20:38 PM
I guess it is a nice gesture considering warren buffet is the godfather of all great investors, dude is a saint and a god in investors world plus it goes to a charity not to him. He doesn't need money and he just uses this opportunity to get some charity money so we are talking about a lunch with Warren Buffet that also supports a charity as well which is win-win for Sun since he likes to donate as well.

Plus, we know Warren is not really interested in crypto but with this lunch and this much money Sun will have a chance to explain crypto a lot better to Buffet and show him why we like it, he may still dislike it as an investment option after this lunch but at least even if its a bad investment in his mind he will realize why we like it and why we use it since its a lot more honest and fair then banking system we have and we all know Buffet hates banks as well even though he invests in them.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: aioc on June 07, 2019, 02:31:35 PM
I don't think he can change Buffet's position and turning him into a crypto believer, that's not going to happen he is wiser than Sun and more experienced and he will lose his reputation if suddenly he changes his position about Cryptocurrency and become its supporters, the old man is very rich you can't bribe him with that $4.5 million lunch.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: asbak66 on June 07, 2019, 02:57:56 PM
Cause he's attention seeker?
I don't get it why he pay for $4.5 million just only for dinner with Buffet.
Dos he think he can chenge buffet mind so easily? Buffet is a master and I don't think with only dinner he can do that. Just waste of money.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Sithara007 on June 07, 2019, 03:13:30 PM
It looks like Justin Sun is plain retarded. He got rich from crypto-currency. And now he is giving away a part of that wealth to some old fart, who had mocked the very idea of crypto-currency multiple times. Warren Buffet has been a rabid critic of crypto-currency, for the past several years. I doubt whether Justin Sun will be able to convince him on the merits of crypto.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: target on June 07, 2019, 03:30:06 PM

He must have some good proposals to these guys. If its just for marketing then he just got the massive response from the media but I'm not sure if Warren Buffet will accept the invitation. I don't see Vitalik, Lee and CZ won't be attending they can all come up with something more productive than just bragging about their achievements. Sun must have some goal for all the crypto users.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: tranduong123 on June 07, 2019, 03:41:36 PM
In my opinion, the simple reason is that he wants TRX, BTT and himself to be more popular and well known.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: CryptoLing on June 07, 2019, 03:46:51 PM
I would say that the move is beyond stupid. Warren Buffet is a seasoned investor, he won't be convinced into crypto in just a lunch with Justin, which however not the best people pitching crypto, Warren's investment method is "old" and that's why it won't fit with Bitcoin or every crypto. That $4.56 Million could be a fund to make crypto space a better world by putting it another way.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Golftech on June 07, 2019, 03:58:51 PM
He had enough money to begin with, its pure advertisement and to gather public interest, promoting his projects by doing such actions will bring a lots of media attentions, there's nothing but for business purposes, he knows that it will give good privilege for him being interviewed by creating this huge noise and it's a good time for him to promote his business and to invite more potential investors.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: SirLancelot on June 08, 2019, 12:17:44 PM

Justin Sun, the TRON & BitTorrent CEO, is on the news because of the huge amount of money he paid to have lunch opportunity with Warren Buffett. Because many are asking why he did it, here are the reasons behind such a move, according to an interview with CNBC (

3 reasons behind the bid:

1. Show of gratitude for Buffett’s inspiration
2. @GLIDEsf charity in San Francisco
3. Want to become bridge between institutional investors & crypto

Update ( Justin Sun invites the founders of #Ethereum, #Litecoin, and #Binance to lunch with Warren Buffett.

So what do you think?
Hahaha, this are all marketing strategy, though it's a very good one because it's going to help his coin very much in mooning, only a newbie in the crypto space should not understand what's going on because I think he is trying to shill is project but this time not on bitcointalk but on social media entirely since he has a lot of money to throw away, lol. I own a lot of tron in my possession and I will still keep acquiring more because I see the future is bright.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: sehoon on June 08, 2019, 01:29:25 PM
To be honest, I would've done the same thing. Assuming that I own a project and I have that enough money, I will do it for the publicity and any form of publicity is good publicity. This marketing move can surely make his coin stronger and can rack up some price in the future.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Little_king on June 08, 2019, 01:37:49 PM
Am sure SUN did this to get crypto close to buffet and nothing else has he is against the crypto world due to the disadvantage to his own business ideal .

But still sun actually trying to create a pump for his coin cos we can all see that the coin is dumping to a low of 200sat area and doing that will affect the market cap cos I dont see any reason see come out and say trx will be in 10position in market cap ranking all in the name of launch with buffert .

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Lagonda on June 08, 2019, 01:55:00 PM
Spending $4,57 million to have half of the world known about his coin, Justin Sun is smart indeed. The amount looks huge but he only needs to sell a bunch of tokens to get enough. Knowing that his ambitious goal is to make TRX in top 10 and BTT in top 30, it's understandable he's risking that huge amount. If he's succeeded, he'd have hundred of times that amount. If he failed, he'd lost a bunch of tokens only.

Title: Re: Why Tron's Sun Paid $4.57 Million Lunch?
Post by: Mysteryla on June 08, 2019, 02:53:51 PM
This guy has made a lot, which is why he can afford to give out such huge amount to Warren Buffet who is already rich.
On the other hand, this will give more publicity, not just to Justin Sun alone, but to the coins he has lunched (From and Bittorent), as well as other altcoins which might follow suite.
This is why he is also calling on others to do the same.
I also sense that it will enrich Warren Buffet more and he, Justin, will be well compensated.