Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: TimeBits on June 08, 2019, 08:36:57 AM

Title: Can we do a investigation in Hal Finney`s Death?
Post by: TimeBits on June 08, 2019, 08:36:57 AM
Died 2014

Satoshi stopped talking here in

This was his second last post;u=3;sa=showPosts
Satoshi Nakamoto: "WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us."

Who was in the room at the time?
Where was he?
Alcor Life Extension Foundation?

I have a friend with ALS he has been around for years in worse condition than Hal looks to be in the pictures, I think there may have been some foul play.

Ok let`s make a list of suspects, please note I don`t think any of you did this but if you did, I hate you.

1. ALS (natural death, I really hope it was this)
2. ALS (the ALS caused by someone, someone poisoned him)
3. Fran (please know I don`t think you did it, he did mention price to you before his death but I don`t think you are that type of person)
4. Gavin Anderson
5. CIA ^ he was in contact with them
6. FED
7. Dorian Nakamoto (that ip address did come from where he lived)

Anyone else we should add?

Title: Re: Can we do a investigation in Hal Finney`s Death?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 08, 2019, 08:42:14 AM
Who was in the room at the time?
Where was he?
Alcor Life Extension Foundation?

I have a friend with ALS he has been around for years in worse condition than Hal looks to be in the pictures, I think there may have been some foul play.
Really! Looking at the picture you judged a person who was one of the key person to bring Bitcoin where it is now? Hal Finney was the most respected person in for the Bitcoin enthusiast and he will be called the same as long as Bitcoin exists.

I do not think any investigation needed to be done here. Let the guy rest in peace.

This was his second last post;u=3;sa=showPosts
Satoshi Nakamoto: "WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us."

And did you miss the post before (the third last post) the one you pointed?
That means a lot coming from you, Hal.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Can we do a investigation in Hal Finney`s Death?
Post by: TimeBits on June 08, 2019, 08:45:55 AM
Who was in the room at the time?
Where was he?
Alcor Life Extension Foundation?

I have a friend with ALS he has been around for years in worse condition than Hal looks to be in the pictures, I think there may have been some foul play.
Really! Looking at the picture you judged a person who was one of the key person to bring Bitcoin where it is now?

Yes I looked at Hal`s pictures and see how the ALS progressed in him, My friend also has ALS and looks like this.

but in worse condition, for years.

I know they are different people but given the circumstances I still think we should look in Hal`s death.

Title: Re: Can we do a investigation in Hal Finney`s Death?
Post by: AB de Royse777 on June 08, 2019, 08:50:57 AM
but in worse condition, for years.

I know they are different people but given the circumstances I still think we should look in Hal`s death.
Just stop it bud. You are going to hurt a lot of people here. What did you expect from this picture that Hal would recover and live a life of a disable person? Or you think he was wanting the sympathy from everyone for his disease? He wanted those donations to have them under his belt.

Please stop before you hurting another person here.

what are you trying to cover something up? why not look into it?
What do you mean to cover something. I am looking into everything and trying to point you out that the hornet’s nest was not pointing out to Hal.

Yes I see that, I still think Hal could of been Satoshi, You don`t think he could of played himself like a lot of people do with 2 accounts on this forum? also whether Hal is satoshi or not, still should be looked into.
This is another argument.

Title: Re: Can we do a investigation in Hal Finney`s Death?
Post by: LMBDA on July 31, 2019, 06:34:42 AM
Its not gonna bring him back, lets stop this nonsense and let the guy have his own peace.