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Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: Coyster on June 13, 2019, 08:42:03 AM

Title: Liberty
Post by: Coyster on June 13, 2019, 08:42:03 AM
Liberty in simple terms means freedom,it can be freedom from oppression, government control, slavery etc.
For the purpose of this post I'll be talking about freedom from government control which I think is needed in our society today.
British philosopher,poet,utilitarian,social critic,political economist JOHN STAURT MILLS shares this view also in his epic essay on Liberty, the essay postulates that individuality be supreme and citizens be allowed freedom so long as their actions do not harm others.
Liberty(individuality)would only lead individuals to take up actions that will be beneficial to their lives and society in the long run.

Our government today tends to have control over everything, stiffling individuality in the process which affects individual liberty.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said any individual who allows the state to determine the course of his action is in no need of a faculty other than the ape like one of imitation.

Basically Individual freedom should be encouraged today as long as our actions do not harm others, and if it does then such individual should be accountable to the government.
Just as j.s mill puts it "The worth of a state in the long run is the worth of the individuals composing it and a state which dwarfs it's men that they may be more docile instruments in its hands for benefitial purposes will find out that with small men no great thing can be accomplished"

Title: Re: Liberty
Post by: TimeBits on June 13, 2019, 05:23:32 PM
True Democracy = Liberty = Freedom Bobby Kennedy's Speech for Humanity

Did I mention it creates 8.8 billion jobs+ (everyone votes and gets paid to vote on issues, rather than voting people to vote for them and they line their own pockets and become corrupt)
Want another 8.8billion jobs? everyone is part of the police force
Want another 8.8billion jobs? everyone is part of the fire fighting force
Want another 8.8billon jobs? everyone is part of the military (team earth)
Want another 8.8billion jobs? everyone is a medic
Want another 8.8billion jobs? everyone is on court duty a judge
Want another 8.8billion jobs? space exploration
Want another 8.8billion jobs? making homes for everyone, food, water and back up shelters!

Everyone creates the supply

What is the most freedom you can give someone? the right to vote on issues in their nation, the right to have their voice heard. The right to say where their tax dollars go. The right to earn a honest money supply, One created by the people for the people.

Title: Re: Liberty
Post by: bitcoindusts on June 16, 2019, 05:21:40 PM

What is the most freedom you can give someone? the right to vote on issues in their nation, the right to have their voice heard. The right to say where their tax dollars go. The right to earn a honest money supply, One created by the people for the people.
These freedom are commonly enjoyed in free countries but I am thinking of countries where people could not even speak their mind, enjoy the fruit of their labor, go to places they want to go and choose the type of job they want. People who are in slavery. I could hardly imagine how sad and hard could it be for them since I am enjoying freedom and have no idea how it feels to be bound hand and foot.

Title: Re: Liberty
Post by: Sharon121212 on June 17, 2019, 07:56:17 PM
I am no poet or professor but the first freedom anyone has to first attain is freedom from self imposed restrictions. People are so quick to put every of there problem on the government(although some government are notorious for the wrong reasons) still we have to break out and free our self from fear, insecurity, relying on others.

Title: Re: Liberty
Post by: Cnut237 on June 22, 2019, 04:00:23 PM
There's also the distinction between true liberty and apparent liberty.

I live in what is called a 'capitalist democracy', which is a bit of an oxymoron. We are apparently free to have our own opinions, but in practice a capitalist democracy is really a plutocracy. It may be one person one vote, but the rich have far more power than the poor. Our opinions are heavily influenced by mainstream media. You can try to fight it, but you can't escape it. You have huge swathes of the population who vote according to the latest nonsense that's been spouted by the tabloid newspapers, whose mega-rich owners consequently have huge influence on electoral outcomes.

Unquestionably I would rather live where I do than in certain other countries, and I have far more liberty than I might elsewhere - but it's always constrained and always influenced. I think whatever system of government you have, the people in charge will always be tempted to act in self-interest rather than in the interests of the wider population. This is one reason why decentralised crypto is so important.