Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 02:39:51 PM

Title: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 02:39:51 PM
when he say its really not decentralized its becuase he some how cannot figure by him self how tech work very simple

to help other in the same position

all came from peer to peer file sharing like napster which was illegal.

peer to peer in reality its computer to computer without middle man like file sharing peer to peer= decentralized tech

so when he say its not really decentralized there is no defention to this why either it yes or not, ether it peer to peer or not very simple.

in file sharing peer to peer some computers hold more info to share then other this is make it some how centralized off course not its the nature of peer to peer decentralized tech.....

the same with bitcoin peer to peer or computer to computer(wallet to wallet) some hold more bitcoins some less like file sharing peer to peer, so when he say its really not decentralized he mind dont understand tech very simple, its  decentralized because it peer to peer very simple and peer to peer tech some peer hold more and some peer hold less if it money like bitcoin or file sharing or other stuff.

peer to peer or computer to computer which the same meaning called decentralized-------------->>>

as smart mind know the idea of peer to peer money came from the idea of peer to peer file sharing but lets go more deep for a second,

from where the idea of peer to peer file sharing come, before this was central server/s(central tech) which hold all the movies and mp3 music and other file like software and so on,,,there is no private computers act as server(peer computer), which mean the governments shut down preety fast the main servers that hold all the info which is easy for them but when its peer to peer and there is not central server they need to shut down miilion of computers which share and act as peer on the world and this is impossible as we know


for all the noobs here its great start point to get deep and get simple idea from where and why and where its lead us

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 02:41:42 PM
spread this info its help noob and good people not fall to traps and stay away from scams and get the idea how all started from where the idea of bitcoin and why decentralized tech will save us in this planet...

if somebody dont get this i will try to explain in more easy way

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: BrewMaster on June 15, 2019, 03:04:02 PM
very bad comparison in my opinion.

for starters file sharing has never been illegal as you put it here. what was illegal was and still is "pirating" which is obtaining an illegal copy of something that has a copyright!

as for owning more bitcoin, those people didn't get those coins out of thin air. they have either paid hard earned cash for them to directly BUY them or they have paid hard earned cash to MINE them. the fact that they believed in bitcoin sooner and longer than others doesn't make it unfair or centralized!!!

and finally when you say peer to peer and file sharing usually the first thing that people think of is either some of these websites like mediafire (which is fully centralized) or torrent network which is smi-decentralized since you still need a server. so it still isn't the best comparison.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 03:38:45 PM
very bad comparison in my opinion.

for starters file sharing has never been illegal as you put it here. what was illegal was and still is "pirating" which is obtaining an illegal copy of something that has a copyright!

as for owning more bitcoin, those people didn't get those coins out of thin air. they have either paid hard earned cash for them to directly BUY them or they have paid hard earned cash to MINE them. the fact that they believed in bitcoin sooner and longer than others doesn't make it unfair or centralized!!!

and finally when you say peer to peer and file sharing usually the first thing that people think of is either some of these websites like mediafire (which is fully centralized) or torrent network which is smi-decentralized since you still need a server. so it still isn't the best comparison.

for starters file sharing has never been illegal as you put it here. what was illegal was and still is "pirating" which is obtaining an illegal copy of something that has a copyright!

as for owning more bitcoin, those people didn't get those coins out of thin air. they have either paid hard earned cash for them to directly BUY them or they have paid hard earned cash to MINE them. the fact that they believed in bitcoin sooner and longer than others doesn't make it unfair or centralized!!!

and finally when you say peer to peer and file sharing usually the first thing that people think of is either some of these websites like mediafire (which is fully centralized) or torrent network which is smi-decentralized since you still need a server. so it still isn't the best comparison.


your wrong mate peer to peer money come from the idea of of peer to peer file sharing and one peer hold more info and less the same with bitcoins even if you need to money for bitcoins but its was not the point the point peer to peer file sharing is from bitcoin come

send what i say to expert blockchain or some smart fox in mit he will say you so fucking dumb you even dont know what you talk

and the same time you mslead noobs to understand it in the most simple way..

do you hear your self how much shit you talk and you have starts in this forum hhhhhhhh fucking dick head

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Lily_Olive on June 15, 2019, 03:39:47 PM
Thanks very informative and useful post..well we must spread  this info all over the will  heplful for noob.. newbies must  know all info about bitcoin.. be aware and stay  away from scammers.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Lily_Olive on June 15, 2019, 03:41:01 PM
very bad comparison in my opinion.

for starters file sharing has never been illegal as you put it here. what was illegal was and still is "pirating" which is obtaining an illegal copy of something that has a copyright!

as for owning more bitcoin, those people didn't get those coins out of thin air. they have either paid hard earned cash for them to directly BUY them or they have paid hard earned cash to MINE them. the fact that they believed in bitcoin sooner and longer than others doesn't make it unfair or centralized!!!

and finally when you say peer to peer and file sharing usually the first thing that people think of is either some of these websites like mediafire (which is fully centralized) or torrent network which is smi-decentralized since you still need a server. so it still isn't the best comparison.

I think this is good comparison.. why you think that it is bad comparison??

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 03:48:53 PM
very bad comparison in my opinion.

for starters file sharing has never been illegal as you put it here. what was illegal was and still is "pirating" which is obtaining an illegal copy of something that has a copyright!

as for owning more bitcoin, those people didn't get those coins out of thin air. they have either paid hard earned cash for them to directly BUY them or they have paid hard earned cash to MINE them. the fact that they believed in bitcoin sooner and longer than others doesn't make it unfair or centralized!!!

and finally when you say peer to peer and file sharing usually the first thing that people think of is either some of these websites like mediafire (which is fully centralized) or torrent network which is smi-decentralized since you still need a server. so it still isn't the best comparison.

your wrong mate peer to peer money come from the idea of of peer to peer file sharing with twist and one peer hold more info and less the same with bitcoins=mine even if you need  money for bitcoins but its was not the point, the point peer to peer money come  from peer to peer file sharing idea

send what i say to expert blockchain or some smart fox in mit he will say you so fucking dumb you even dont know what you talk

and the same time you mislead noobs to understand it in the most simple way..

why some people inveted peer to peer file sharing which always was illegal and kids know this compare to you, because before peer to peer there was central servers which hold mp3,software,movies,and other stuff and the governments very fast and easy shut down this main servers, then the people became more smart and bring tech peer to peer=decentralized why??? you dumb head ass very simple becuase today if the governments want to shut down they need to shut down around 1 billion computers around the world which peer info like software and mp3 and games and other stuff and they cannot shut down billion computers which each computer act as peer=server....its just impossible

you dick head and go ask someone pro in blockchain he will say that you dont have any idea from your bullshit answer...

bitcoin come from the idea of peer to peer file sharing very simple if you dont get this you to fucking dumb with your 5 five starts in this shit forum,,

why peer to peer file sharing come to the world becuase before this the tech share file was central which mean few main servers hold all the movies ,software,mp3 and other stuff and the governments was easy shut them down and end of the story then the people find away which called

peer to peer each computer act as peer /server to share file some hold more some less, and now the governmentsnedd to shut down around 1 billion computers around the world hhhhhhhhhhh fucking dumb dick head ass

its so fucking simple kids on reddit know this and you with all your stars here so fucking dumb

even more send this info to expert blockchain he will tell this is the most clever way to explain noobs why peer to peer is great tech and from where it come

do you hear your self how much shit you talk and you have starts in this forum hhhhhhhh fucking dick head

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 03:52:05 PM
Thanks very informative and useful post..well we must spread  this info all over the will  heplful for noob.. newbies must  know all info about bitcoin.. be aware and stay  away from scammers.

some people try to be smart when in reality they are far away from this and even more they will stand for their worng point until he hit table where smart people talk he understand that he fucking to much bullshit

he say you torrnet is not decentralized which is yes very simple ask kids on reddit they know this,,,,,,,,,then he say you need server when in reality your computer is the server and the peer to share file which show he dont have idea what he talk

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 03:58:31 PM
very bad comparison in my opinion.

for starters file sharing has never been illegal as you put it here. what was illegal was and still is "pirating" which is obtaining an illegal copy of something that has a copyright!

as for owning more bitcoin, those people didn't get those coins out of thin air. they have either paid hard earned cash for them to directly BUY them or they have paid hard earned cash to MINE them. the fact that they believed in bitcoin sooner and longer than others doesn't make it unfair or centralized!!!

and finally when you say peer to peer and file sharing usually the first thing that people think of is either some of these websites like mediafire (which is fully centralized) or torrent network which is smi-decentralized since you still need a server. so it still isn't the best comparison.

when you say torrent is not full decentrilzed you dont understand what you speak like all other here lets look why

torrent its real decentralized  tech peer to peer , the same napster and emule and other.....lets look on the defenition

Napster=torrent is a different way to distribute MP3 files. Instead of storing the songs on a central computer**,  the songs live on users' machines *. This is called peer-to-peer sharing, or P2P. When you want to download a song using Napster, you are downloading it from another person's machine, and that person could be your next-door neighbor or someone halfway around the world.

when you dumb head say you need server hhhhh its becuase you dont know what you output from your mind,,,because the server is your pc=peer

hhhhhhhhh do you understand this.

you say: those people didn't get those coins out of thin air ------my answer the same with mp3 and software and movies it didnt come from thin air

peer to peer money like bitcoin come from the idea of peer to peer file sharing ask expert blockchain.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Kriptonian1661 on June 15, 2019, 03:59:52 PM
Once again ill say : BTC is not decentralized

here is a link to a explanation why

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: tsaroz on June 15, 2019, 04:04:46 PM
Bad idea to promote bitcoin. You can call internet decentralized, it doesn't reside in a single server and is distributed in different servers around the world. The servers are computers, devices. So, everything in internet are as decentralized as bitcoin.
The thing is we don't know how decentralized the bitcoin is exactly but it seem to be much decentralized than fiat wealth, where some 26 people have 50% of wealth.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 04:06:42 PM
or torrent network which is smi-decentralized since you still need a server. so it still isn't the best comparison.

you fucking kill me if some expert will see this he will say what is fucking wrong with him

how the hell you say you need server when your computer is the server ,,,and to know this is to do research which take one second  hhhhh

and this is the most funny one i go to upload it to rdddit hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

he say : torrent network which is smi-decentralized , you are wrong torrent is peer to peer tech look on the net the defenition of torrent

torrent is a different way to distribute MP3,software,videos,games files.

Instead of storing the songs on a central computer, the songs live on users' machines.   ** when you say you need server fucking joke hhhh

This is called peer-to-peer sharing, or P2P. When you want to download a song using Napster, you are downloading it from another person's machine, and that person could be your next-door neighbor or someone halfway around the world.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Tipstar on June 15, 2019, 04:08:08 PM
Once again ill say : BTC is not decentralized

here is a link to a explanation why

They would promote anything that makes bitcoin look bad. They are so intended in making bitcoin look like an evil currency that they sometimes forget bitcoincash too is a fork from the bitcoin with 1:1 ratio distribution according to the holding. Anyway, we should be open for discussion and level of decentralization of bitcoin is a good topic.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 04:08:33 PM
Once again ill say : BTC is not decentralized

here is a link to a explanation why

its peer to peer mean computer to computer and cannot be not decentrilzed and fuck your source i have tons of friends in mit and oxford and blockchain experts dumb ass head go to reddit i bring popcorn there will funny how people react to ill people like and he say facebook coin is the best hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 04:10:01 PM
Once again ill say : BTC is not decentralized

here is a link to a explanation why

They would promote anything that makes bitcoin look bad. They are so intended in making bitcoin look like an evil currency that they sometimes forget bitcoincash too is a fork from the bitcoin with 1:1 ratio distribution according to the holding. Anyway, we should be open for discussion and level of decentralization of bitcoin is a good topic.

mate he is dont have logic to understand tech who have know to spot shit on the web and stay away from it,, to be undepented

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Kriptonian1661 on June 15, 2019, 04:16:44 PM
Once again ill say : BTC is not decentralized

here is a link to a explanation why

They would promote anything that makes bitcoin look bad. They are so intended in making bitcoin look like an evil currency that they sometimes forget bitcoincash too is a fork from the bitcoin with 1:1 ratio distribution according to the holding. Anyway, we should be open for discussion and level of decentralization of bitcoin is a good topic.

That does not mean that they are not talking about the truth

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 04:18:31 PM
Bad idea to promote bitcoin. You can call internet decentralized, it doesn't reside in a single server and is distributed in different servers around the world. The servers are computers, devices. So, everything in internet are as decentralized as bitcoin.
The thing is we don't know how decentralized the bitcoin is exactly but it seem to be much decentralized than fiat wealth, where some 26 people have 50% of wealth.

who was you teacher very interestin so much bullshit in one post and to much general and messy

every tech that work on peer to peer without middle man its called decentralized  whether it money,movies,software and other shit..

the internet is not decentralized some something that seat on the web is decentralized like torrnet,   but soon the web will be fully decentralized for sure.

then you say The servers are computers.....but i laready explained this to the first one which was saying you need special server in torrnet peer to peer tech where in fact your peer is peer/server .

then you say : The thing is we don't know how decentralized the bitcoin is exactly but it seem to be much decentralized than fiat wealth, where some 26 people have 50% of wealth.

its the nature of peer to peer tech some peer hold more some less and it depend on several factors so with bitcoin why some wallets/peer hold more bitcoin then other wallets/peer because some people are much more smart and was spot the gold idea tech of peer to peer money without money and started to collect it fast , and if one peer/wallet hold more bitcoins then other its mean its not decentralized, hell NO .

so fucking easy, bitcoin can grow to astronomical number per one btc ask smart teacher in math he will show you the equation the number is so fucking scary this is why some people collect as much they can they know everything and dont depend on others they know to figure out everything them self

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Kriptonian1661 on June 15, 2019, 04:23:57 PM
Bitcoin grows by the Supply & Demand. Without Demand it would be worth nothing.. how do you explain the wash traded    $156.249.938.000 Market Cap? When in reality the number is faaaar less than what it says on CoinMarketCap..

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: franky1 on June 15, 2019, 05:39:26 PM
bitcoin is not just one small thing. its a protocol, its a network, its a currency, its a brand.

firstly the 'brand' is centralised around a group of devs called core.
the code/protocol is also centralised around a group of devs called core.

the currency is decentralised as there is no single database of account
the network is predominently run by one code source. again core

now to compare it to file sharing. its like only being able to use one brand of torrent software from one source to be a full filesharing seed.
yes the movie/music/game is then distributed throughout thousands of users but even getting the link to start leaching requires connecting to a central server.(most bitcoin DNS peer discovery servers are managed by core)

yes bitcoin can become more decentralised by no longer REKT campaigning other dev groups that want to be on the same level network as core. but thats a fight thats been tried for the last 4 years and core are winning.

side note.
someone mentioned about pirating files is illegal. stating about copyrights. well thats only half the story. even having a copyright doesnt auto make distribution illegal. as mit licence/copyright allows it. its the copyright terms which would state stuff like fre to view but illegal to resell for personal profit
this is where you can stream videos for free, but if you try to monetise it EG youtube adverts. or putting videos onto DVD and selling at garage sales/bootsales expect the authorities to slap your wrist

in summary
the currency is decentralised and distributed
the users are distributed
but the code and protocol and brand is centralised to one group.... and that needs to change

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 07:17:10 PM
bitcoin is not just one small thing. its a protocol, its a network, its a currency, its a brand.

now to compare it to file sharing. its like only being able to use one brand of torrent software from one source to be a full filesharing seed.
yes the movie/music/game is then distributed throughout thousands of users but even getting the link to start leaching requires connecting to a central server.(most bitcoin DNS peer discovery servers are managed by core)

when you say :  leaching requires connecting to a central server.   its wrong mate its truly peer to peer tech which was come because people know to ban few main servers that hold all the info is easy for the government but compa tor peer to peer they need to ban biilions of computers that download and upload between them.  ask expert he will say the same there is no central server and nothing

here is how it work : BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that the computers in a BitTorrent “swarm” (a group of computers downloading and uploading the same torrent) transfer data between each other without the need for a central server

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 15, 2019, 07:18:59 PM
bitcoin is not just one small thing. its a protocol, its a network, its a currency, its a brand.

yes the movie/music/game is then distributed throughout thousands of users but even getting the link to start leaching requires connecting to a central server.

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that the computers in a BitTorrent “swarm” (a group of computers downloading and uploading the same torrent) transfer data between each other without the need for a central server

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: franky1 on June 15, 2019, 07:53:52 PM

when you say :  leaching requires connecting to a central server.   its wrong mate

to even get the magnet file to begin.. is from websites.
ever heard of pirate bay.

if file sharing was true decentralised there would never have ever been a website like pirate bay

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Lizzylove1 on June 15, 2019, 08:15:16 PM
I think what they ostensibly mean is that: some whales could be controlling the price of the bitcoin, when we see a quick rise and sometimes a quick pump. This doesn't mean it's not totally decentralized but that the market need to grow to point where no group of whales could trade and cause some ripple in the market. No single miner takes home all the mined block per week or day, this is decentralized enough.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Eildosa on June 15, 2019, 10:40:01 PM
Not knowing the basics of bitcoin and the history of its appearance is really a big problem. Any thinking person should have an idea of what he is doing. And so every newcomer who came to crypto, you need to understand the real purpose of crypto and its basics. Then there will be no misunderstanding.

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 17, 2019, 06:28:20 PM

when you say :  leaching requires connecting to a central server.   its wrong mate

to even get the magnet file to begin.. is from websites.
ever heard of pirate bay.

if file sharing was true decentralised there would never have ever been a website like pirate bay

it dosent mean you need some special server ,,,its just google for peer to peer nothing more...hhhh

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 17, 2019, 06:48:30 PM
the most right answer ** ask expert blockchain but if you have good logic and you trust yourself you dont need expert, kids on reddit know this * but this kids are smart they learn  a l0t

educate yourself just a bit before you output crap from your mind,,,

when you say it not Decentralized you really try to say it not distributed, search and learn before you post hey, but the problem is 99% of the people can figure out for few reasons , very huge check stats!!!

out of the 99% around 30% is people that dont know to figure out and go learn and stuck to the smart people in every vertical and they somehow get to nice results and much more until they move alone BUT the problem how do you know who is smart if you cannot figure who speak truth and dont lies, here from the 30% only 10 % survive the other move after wrong people. but why Huh? because the internet is dominated by scams and everywhere...

the ones that can figure everything them self are the small % who make in this game and other games....very simple

ahhhhh think how the 30% who are willing to learn and not to output the crap inside their had in a p0st, and get they will know to who listen.... its mean if somebody have 5 stars in this website or other he know what he speak ,,,hell no

examples : some high profile people(really not and didnt make a penny they just high profile because of some stars shit and other shit)say supply dosent important which in fact is the most important for example the founder of say this ?? hell founder hhhhh so idiot.  its mean smart people always invest in small supply projects max 1b coins and the best less then 300 m coins.

there are more example and other shit...

better to stick expert blockchain and their blogs and find them... they lead to the right path

back Decentralized its mean peer to peer...wallet to wallet or pc to middle man(central medium)  for example:

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that the computers in a BitTorrent “swarm” (a group of computers downloading and uploading the same torrent) transfer data between each other .** ... In this way, everyone downloading a torrent is also uploading the same torrent.

get it mate --- without the need for a central server in bitcoin its mean without banks and paypal and visa now , when you say bitcoin is not Decentralized you wrong, its Decentralized BUT in peer to peer  tech some peer hold more the other less very simple if it movies and mp3 or bitcoins....

but distributed tech compare to Decentralized tech its mean each peer is equal hold info ,,,for example in BitTorrent with distributed tech each peer equal compare to other in the amount of files*(movies,mp3,software....and so on) and there no one peer hold more then other which mean in money its not great idea ,,,compare to files*,  distributed its peer to peer but each peer hold equal amount of x.....

after all this we understand that bitcoin is Decentralized even if one peer/wallet hold more then other its the nature of Decentralized,,,in other words if some hold to much bitcoins its dosent make it non Decentralized from tech prespective and logic without bullshit but it LESS distributed

which lead to us before you post research deep its healthy, you try to say something and use wrong words and other here also uneducated and even answer and there is huge gap between people because not the right words used to explained and other answer even more wrong and basically you have a situation where there is huge conversion which is empty like air and dont have meaning hell its funny to spot this f0r smrt pe0pel..

good luck

reread it mate its healthy Smiley

Title: Re: when somebody say bitcoin is not really decentralized give him this info
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on June 17, 2019, 06:49:41 PM
the most right answer ** ask expert blockchain but if you have good logic and you trust yourself you dont need expert, kids on reddit know this * but this kids are smart they learn  a l0t

educate yourself just a bit before you output crap from your mind,,,

when you say it not Decentralized you really try to say it not distributed, search and learn before you post hey, but the problem is 99% of the people can figure out for few reasons , very huge check stats!!!

out of the 99% around 30% is people that dont know to figure out and go learn and stuck to the smart people in every vertical and they somehow get to nice results and much more until they move alone BUT the problem how do you know who is smart if you cannot figure who speak truth and dont lies, here from the 30% only 10 % survive the other move after wrong people. but why Huh? because the internet is dominated by scams and everywhere...

the ones that can figure everything them self are the small % who make in this game and other games....very simple

ahhhhh think how the 30% who are willing to learn and not to output the crap inside their had in a p0st, and get they will know to who listen.... its mean if somebody have 5 stars in this website or other he know what he speak ,,,hell no

examples : some high profile people(really not and didnt make a penny they just high profile because of some stars shit and other shit)say supply dosent important which in fact is the most important for example the founder of say this ?? hell founder hhhhh so idiot.  its mean smart people always invest in small supply projects max 1b coins and the best less then 300 m coins.

there are more example and other shit...

better to stick expert blockchain and their blogs and find them... they lead to the right path

back Decentralized its mean peer to peer...wallet to wallet or pc to middle man(central medium)  for example:

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol, which means that the computers in a BitTorrent “swarm” (a group of computers downloading and uploading the same torrent) transfer data between each other .** ... In this way, everyone downloading a torrent is also uploading the same torrent.

get it mate --- without the need for a central server in bitcoin its mean without banks and paypal and visa now , when you say bitcoin is not Decentralized you wrong, its Decentralized BUT in peer to peer  tech some peer hold more the other less very simple if it movies and mp3 or bitcoins....

but distributed tech compare to Decentralized tech its mean each peer is equal hold info ,,,for example in BitTorrent with distributed tech each peer equal compare to other in the amount of files*(movies,mp3,software....and so on) and there no one peer hold more then other which mean in money its not great idea ,,,compare to files*,  distributed its peer to peer but each peer hold equal amount of x.....

after all this we understand that bitcoin is Decentralized even if one peer/wallet hold more then other its the nature of Decentralized,,,in other words if some hold to much bitcoins its dosent make it non Decentralized from tech prespective and logic without bullshit but it LESS distributed

which lead to us before you post research deep its healthy, you try to say something and use wrong words and other here also uneducated and even answer and there is huge gap between people because not the right words used to explained and other answer even more wrong and basically you have a situation where there is huge conversion which is empty like air and dont have meaning hell its funny to spot this f0r smrt pe0pel..

good luck

reread it mate its healthy Smiley
