Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Collectibles => Topic started by: DaveF on June 23, 2019, 01:41:06 PM

Title: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: DaveF on June 23, 2019, 01:41:06 PM
I was going to ask BTC.1 per spot.

So before I go and get it out of the safety deposit box are there enough of you here willing to bid that much?

Not that it mattes much but:
1) It was funded back in Nov 2014 so outside of clams it has all the forks.
2) Since it was funded before it shipped there is no "buyer funded" laser mark on the holo
3) Never been out of the airtite that is was shipped to me in.


Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: DaveF on June 23, 2019, 01:58:07 PM
Is the coin graded?

Maybe....  I have a similar coin up for sale at just about the same price

Wonder if it would be easier to do something like this than a straight sale?  :D

Not graded.

Since it does not look like yours is moving at the 1.65 price I think the raffle might work better.

BTC.1 as a 1 in 16 chance to win BTC1 is not that bad a gamble.

And if you are going to peel & convert to fiat it's BTC.1 to win BTC1.1 give or take with all the forks.


Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: owlcatz on June 23, 2019, 02:04:43 PM
I don't think 16 spots will fill @ .1 each, myself....

Gambling ~ 1k on a 1 in 16 chance is nothing I'd be interested in anyways.... Just sayin'... :P

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: dolphriends on June 23, 2019, 02:34:10 PM
I don't think 16 spots will fill @ .1 each, myself....

Gambling ~ 1k on a 1 in 16 chance is nothing I'd be interested in anyways.... Just sayin'... :P

agree with owl, would be a difficult fill without a handful of raffleceptions

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: Mbitr on June 23, 2019, 02:48:16 PM
Just an idea , but you could add decent 2nd, 3rd and/or 4th prizes to the raffle ? People may be a bit more interested in taking a 0.1BTC gamble. Personally I wouldn’t chance it as a raffle as it is. Hope this helps

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: Spokanistan51 on June 23, 2019, 04:24:56 PM
Great idea, but the raffleceptions would be ideal for those of us that don’t have a large amount of expendable BTC to gamble with. Spots for .01 BTC for example, would get you more participation. If you work the ceptions correctly, you still gain the same amount (or more) in the end. Thanks!

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: bavicrypto on June 23, 2019, 04:29:36 PM
I don’t think you’ll be able to get much more than 0.07BTC/spot
1.6btc seems very steep for this particular coin, at current btc/usd range.

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: buckrogers on June 23, 2019, 04:47:26 PM
I don’t think you’ll be able to get much more than 0.07BTC/spot
1.6btc seems very steep for this particular coin, at current btc/usd range.

One thing has nothing to do with the other.

The cost for a raffle ticket is completely separate from what you are saying about the 1.6 BTC for the total coin value.

Whether a ticket was .01BTC or .1BTC it is still Apples and Oranges from what you just posted.

The coin could be worth 1.6BTC or 1.9BTC and the ticket price is unrelated, as there could be 100 tickets in ceptions, etc.

Above being said, I think if you price the tickets right @DaveF you will have yourself a raffle - whatever way you do it :)


Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: BitcoinNewsMagazine on June 23, 2019, 05:24:35 PM
IMO raffles like lotteries are not for me. Just auction the coin. No way would I throw away 0.10 on a raffle ticket. That's a sucker bet.

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: chronicsky on June 23, 2019, 06:25:59 PM
Contact Hhampuz and turn this into a 256 ticket raffle by adding more prices. am sure there are many people looking to sell such funded items
would be more fun and cheap

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: dazedfool on June 23, 2019, 07:27:08 PM
Contact Hhampuz and turn this into a 256 ticket raffle by adding more prices. am sure there are many people looking to sell such funded items
would be more fun and cheap

very tough to raffle a big item unless the premium is super low

but agree with the above, call on rafflemaster hhampz to host. his cut is very fair for the work

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: dolphriends on June 23, 2019, 08:06:32 PM
Contact Hhampuz and turn this into a 256 ticket raffle by adding more prices. am sure there are many people looking to sell such funded items
would be more fun and cheap

very tough to raffle a big item unless the premium is super low

but agree with the above, call on rafflemaster hhampz to host. his cut is very fair for the work

I also say give it to Hampe and let him get this rolling ::) ::)

Title: Re: Thinking about a raffle for a loaded 1BTC 1 oz Silver Gold-plated Lealana
Post by: Agrawas on June 23, 2019, 09:18:41 PM
Just an idea , but you could add decent 2nd, 3rd and/or 4th prizes to the raffle ? People may be a bit more interested in taking a 0.1BTC gamble. Personally I wouldn’t chance it as a raffle as it is. Hope this helps

This is what always gets me going for taking part in raffles especially if there are 2nd 3rd and 4th prizes.