Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: supertee on June 25, 2019, 09:19:34 AM

Title: Sign MultiSig Transaction in Electrum (created in Core)
Post by: supertee on June 25, 2019, 09:19:34 AM
Hi there

I am trying to sign a multisig transaction, that I created in the core wallet. Here is what I did:

Installed Bitcoin Core and Electrum. Created wallets on both instances.

Electrum: Right click on a receiving address, Detail, get the Public Key.

addmultisigaddress 2 "[\"some core wallet address\",\"electrum address public key\]"

importaddress the-address-i-got-as-a-result-from-above "" false

send bitcoin to the address

listunspent => to get transactionid and vout

createrawtransaction "[{\"txid\":\"xxx\", \"vout\":x}]" "[{\"receiving address\":amount-minus-fees}]"

this will get me te transaction hex, so I can sign it with my core wallet:
signrawtransactionwithwallet hex...

This will get me a new hex to sign on another wallet, this works perfectly fine when doing it on another core wallet somewhere out there (obviously when I get the public address key from that wallet, too)

but when I try in Electrum, the "Sign" button is disabled :(

=> Load Transaction from Text and enter the result from "signrawtransactionwithwallet hex..." ...

Any ideas where I am wrong?

Thanks for your help

Title: Re: Sign MultiSig Transaction in Electrum (created in Core)
Post by: jackg on June 25, 2019, 07:47:55 PM
I doubt this will work. They're two different formats (e.g. the extended public key is included in unsigned electrum versions when using a multisig).

Doinb a multisig on the same computer isn't very helpful, if it's different computers, you can just install electrum on the one with core on it and use that to build up the multisig transaction.

Title: Re: Sign MultiSig Transaction in Electrum (created in Core)
Post by: pooya87 on June 26, 2019, 03:55:27 AM
the only thing you can do to make it work is if you are a programmer and write a "translator" app that can take as input the format that each of these wallets give out and then convert it to the other wallet's format that it can understand. it isn't that hard to write something like that either, it just takes time. you can use this link to get started: and use Electrum's source code for detailed information.

Title: Re: Sign MultiSig Transaction in Electrum (created in Core)
Post by: supertee on June 26, 2019, 06:31:05 AM
Thanks guys! Sorry, seems like I don't have any merits to share, I tried. :(

I am a bit disappointed, the two widely used wallets are not compatible to each other.. Bitcoin will never get fully adopted, when not even bitcoin parties work with each other..

I'll have a look at the translator thing :)