Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: rhomelmabini on July 06, 2019, 04:16:52 PM

Title: [Suggestion] Character limit over post should have warning how much left below.
Post by: rhomelmabini on July 06, 2019, 04:16:52 PM
So, I was posting this long topic ( of mine and I wanted to merge it along with other info but this error caught me (see image below), instead, I cut it with a new reply.

What I want to suggest is to have a warning below on how many characters still left on your post/reply before it will be cut-off just like what we see on our signature profiles when we updating it. Though it is rare to see a long reply I guess when someone is posting a long topic it should be visible below.

Title: Re: [Suggestion] Character limit over post should have warning how much left below.
Post by: TryNinja on July 06, 2019, 04:31:49 PM
I've made a script that does that. If you're interested:

Here is my try (in case you are interested).

It's a GreaseMonkey/TamperMonkey script. Just paste this in a new script file and whenever you start typing a new post/thread, it will show up "Characters left: X" a little bit under the text area; (X = 64000 - current count)


// ==UserScript==
// @name     BitcoinTalk Characters Left
// @version  1
// @include;*
// @grant    none
// ==/UserScript==

function getElementByXpath(path) {
  return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;

countText = document.createElement('span');
countText.setAttribute("id", "countText");

document.getElementsByName('message')[0].onkeyup = function () {
  document.getElementById('countText').innerHTML = "<b>Characters left: </b>" + (64000 - this.value.length);

P.S: I suck at Js.

Title: Re: [Suggestion] Character limit over post should have warning how much left below.
Post by: rhomelmabini on July 06, 2019, 04:52:13 PM
I've made a script that does that. If you're interested:

Thanks for that tool that'll help but with 168,207 active profiles as per BPIP I can't tell if even half of them will install this script or all of them will come across this topic, how many of them will be caught to that error or how many of them will post long topics. My suggestion is if ever the forum itself can implement it just by giving a warning to how many characters still left just what can we see on our profile when updating our signatures,  I guess that's best for all in my opinion.

Title: Re: [Suggestion] Character limit over post should have warning how much left below.
Post by: TryNinja on July 06, 2019, 04:54:49 PM
Thanks for that tool that'll help but with 168,207 active profiles as per BPIP I can't tell if they will install this script, all of them will come across this topic, how many of them will be caught to that error or how many of them will post long topics. My suggestion is if ever the forum itself can implement it just by giving a warning to how many characters still left just what can we see on our profile when updating our signatures,  I guess that's best for all in my opinion.
Yeah, maybe theymos could consider addding this.

There is a new forum software that will be released soon, so that's why he's not focusing so much on adding new features to the current forum. My script is just a temporary workaround, but I agree it would be better if that was a native function of the forum.

Title: Re: [Suggestion] Character limit over post should have warning how much left below.
Post by: Btczhageh on July 06, 2019, 05:17:07 PM
Thanks for that tool that'll help but with 168,207 active profiles as per BPIP I can't tell if they will install this script, all of them will come across this topic, how many of them will be caught to that error or how many of them will post long topics. My suggestion is if ever the forum itself can implement it just by giving a warning to how many characters still left just what can we see on our profile when updating our signatures,  I guess that's best for all in my opinion.
Yeah, maybe theymos could consider addding this.

There is a new forum software that will be released soon, so that's why he's not focusing so much on adding new features to the current forum. My script is just a temporary workaround, but I agree it would be better if that was a native function of the forum.

Please how do I locate the newly built forum, just want to be part, thanks for this information, for you to know this, you need a thumb-up but can't do so right now.

Title: Re: [Suggestion] Character limit over post should have warning how much left below.
Post by: TryNinja on July 06, 2019, 05:20:43 PM
Please how do I locate the newly built forum, just want to be part, thanks for this information, for you to know this, you need a thumb-up but can't do so right now.
The forum will be the same. It will just use a newly made software.

Fow now, it is still in development/beta. But you can see how it looks like and test it (maybe to search for bugs) in one of the forums that is using it right now: