Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: Bitcoinqubit on July 06, 2019, 11:10:32 PM

Title: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 06, 2019, 11:10:32 PM
there is another factor to take into account which bend the time in crypto and it work only in small supply coins...

when the supply is very small like 21 million coins and demand is to much big and no body sell coins its surge the price to astronomical number and in this situation the marketcap is misleading somehow...

lets look on this effect in different industry like diamonds.

lets say for now that there is x=500000000 demand for y=7000000 diamonds , now in order to understand this effect we need to think what will happen if we lower y to 30000000 just for the example, in other words the demand is much more big now and its surge the price per diamond without actually selling any,

what i mean is when demand is grow and there is low supply and no body sell its surge the price per coin to astronomical number and in this point market cap is some how fucked up its hard to calculate this,

its just example what can happen with small supply coins when there is huge demand and no body sell them and there is max supply compare to diamonds and gold, its fucking surge the price to astronomical number, its happen over the history in other verticals....

for example there was few rare diamonds which the price was around 80 million dollars per diamond, the demand grow for them and no body was sell them so the price surge to 150 million dollar per diamond , so after some time was founded bunch of this diamond compare to few , the price fell to 60 miilion per diamond.

its a game of supply and demand and if supply is very low and demand is very huge and no body sell its surge the price of the supply to astronomical number.

this kind of effect cannot happen with projects with billions of coins because if the supply to much big it lose value over time and demand will never will be more then the supply in projects with billion of coins.

this effect will start to work when people dont need to convert crypto to fiat money and use it directly ,

zeex startup going to help this happen and by this kind of stratups we can predict this kind of effect.

zcash spiked to 2.3 miilion per coin because of this effect

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: figmentofmyass on July 07, 2019, 03:50:21 AM
when the supply is very small like 21 million coins and demand is to much big and no body sell coins its surge the price to astronomical number and in this situation the marketcap is misleading somehow...

yes, which is why old hands around here are always telling people that market caps are useless metrics. when spot exchange supply becomes extremely low, it takes very little capital inflow to see exponential price increase. this is the magic of withholding supply from market.

to take an extreme example, let's say no one is willing to sell coins anymore so the entire sell side = 1 BTC. how high do you think the price can go? hello, quadrillion dollar market caps! :P

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: davis196 on July 07, 2019, 05:24:58 AM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.The supply/demand logic of coins with limited global supply(like bitcoin) had been discussed here for years and you have reached the same conclusion like many people before you.Bitcoin price will never hit 1 million dollars and that's perfectly fine.We don't need a 1M price.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: figmentofmyass on July 07, 2019, 06:49:31 AM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.The supply/demand logic of coins with limited global supply(like bitcoin) had been discussed here for years and you have reached the same conclusion like many people before you.Bitcoin price will never hit 1 million dollars and that's perfectly fine.We don't need a 1M price.

why are you so sure? :)

usually the people quoting market caps say the same thing. they say "look at the market cap of the stock market, or gold. bitcoin can't do that!" why not? bitcoin might store a huge chunk of the world's wealth someday.

just imagine if it gets mass adopted like cell phones or the internet. or if it becomes a staple in institutional portfolios and central bank reserves. if these things were to happen, $1 million is within our sights.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Naida_BR on July 07, 2019, 07:07:07 AM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.The supply/demand logic of coins with limited global supply(like bitcoin) had been discussed here for years and you have reached the same conclusion like many people before you.Bitcoin price will never hit 1 million dollars and that's perfectly fine.We don't need a 1M price.

The growth of 1 million dollars in the price is out of logic.
It may be higher as the demand goes up and the supply is decreased.
The speculations of 1 million 2 millions or billions are just stupid speculation that just try to manipulate investors.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Wilhelm on July 07, 2019, 07:30:05 AM
when the supply is very small like 21 million coins and demand is to much big and no body sell coins its surge the price to astronomical number and in this situation the marketcap is misleading somehow...

yes, which is why old hands around here are always telling people that market caps are useless metrics. when spot exchange supply becomes extremely low, it takes very little capital inflow to see exponential price increase. this is the magic of withholding supply from market.

to take an extreme example, let's say no one is willing to sell coins anymore so the entire sell side = 1 BTC. how high do you think the price can go? hello, quadrillion dollar market caps! :P

A quadrillion would suit my needs quite fine 😉

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Upgrade00 on July 07, 2019, 08:12:30 AM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.

The OP isn't trying to say anything new, and has been repeating the exact same content on various topics and now as a thread.
Post history:;u=2612251;sa=showPosts

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: figmentofmyass on July 07, 2019, 08:17:13 AM
The speculations of 1 million 2 millions or billions are just stupid speculation that just try to manipulate investors.

maybe the people charting tops at $50k (or here) are trying to manipulate you into selling too low. :P

i let top callers and bear analysis fool me into selling coins way too low over the years. i coulda been a thousand-aire if i had been a believer from the start. i'm not banking on million dollar bitcoins but i'm smart enough to know it's possible!

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 08:52:46 AM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.The supply/demand logic of coins with limited global supply(like bitcoin) had been discussed here for years and you have reached the same conclusion like many people before you.Bitcoin price will never hit 1 million dollars and that's perfectly fine.We don't need a 1M price.

I don't understand where you answer lead really it's very general.

1. A lot of people here invested in huge supply projects with billions and think it will moon and it never will happen and most of the people here uneducated about supply and demand , because people with 5 stars which years in this industry support huge supply projects with billions of coins, and you say you already know this, really you try to sound smart when ironaclly you far away and what I explained here you really didn't know you play your self like you know and other but really you didn't because you sound more angery then smart hhhh, more then 60% in this fourm invested in projects with billions coins and live in a dream they will get to somewhere but time will put them in the right place,. We saved ton of people who invested in xrp and was switch to ethereum in the right time when it was 2-7 usd range , you know the statement supply don't affect price is dominate the web.

2. Bitcoin can very easy to reach there and will reach there it cannot be the other way, ask smart math teacher he will show you the equation relative to supply of gold/diamond which Bitcoin is much more less in relative terms.

3. More then half people here incest in stable coins where supply and demand is dead because it's stable, and other invest in huge supply projects , so you come and say it's million time explained.

4. What I explained about this effect never explained in this forum by ANYONE, period is period dick head I hate when people lie and in the same time wanna sound smart when ironaclly they angry because they didn't know this type of effect.


When the supply is very small and demand is very high and NO BODY SELL it's surge the price to astronomical LEVEL and the market cap is don't no how right to calculate this,

In other words when the supply is small it's good siginal we can get to high price per coin, it's one factor ok, and this is what everybody talk about that supply and demand create price per coin.

Now there is another factor which NO BODY EVER explained here is when the demand is huge and no body sell, in other words people don't convert crypto to money , it's surge the price to astronomical level beyond the imagination.
Scash spiked to 2.3 miilion dollar per coin.
And the market cap in this situation is fucked up.

In other words the same example, there are some demand for diamonds now in the world but let's say you double the demand and in the same time no body sell it's happened to some rare diamond which was surge to 180 million dollars per this rare diamonds,

Now relative to diamonds the amount of diamonds are much more but much more then Bitcoin, there is equation to calculate this relative to each other WHICH mean

Bitcoin is only a kid compare to add hunen when this kid will grow diamonds will be stones compare to Bitcoin,
Ask every smart math teacher...

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 09:08:09 AM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.

The OP isn't trying to say anything new, and has been repeating the exact same content on various topics and now as a thread.
Post history:;u=2612251;sa=showPosts

You are just to fucking dumb mate to understand what I explained hhhhhh

Because when supply is small it's mean the price per diamond/Bitcoin whatever CAN BE HIGH, very simple

This is why there is some sort of level/price to diamonds because of this,


If suddenly the rate of selling diamonds is fall it then it's surge the price per diamond because some how the same level of demand is bigger now which in reality it's the same just bigger because the rate of selling diamonds fall


If* the the rate of selling dimaonds fall which some how surge the price of per diamond and make illusion that demand is bigger when ironaclly the rate just selling diamonds fell ok , let's assume after all this demand also surge, do you know how much diamond can be worth you fucking dumb faggot uneducated which think he is smart and reality don't know this simple factors in economy and think I talk simply only about supply and demand

Go ask expert economist he will tell you explain this shit know what he speak.
Sum it again so faggot like you get it and mic drop forever

If the rate of selling diamonds fall drastically, it's surge the price per coin and create illusion like demand it's suddenly bigger when in reality it's because only the rate of selling diamonds fall and not because demand was growing hhhhhh

Now imagine the same situation just in the same time demand also grow ,
From this effect the price per diamond will by so fucking astronomical,

Now after all this if you buy with diamonds after all this effect it's don't hurt the price it's exchange but if you sell them it's hurt which mean

Bitcoin right now only 8-9% of the population even lower use it and the demand is very low and it has much less then diamonds relative, and people only selling it,

Soon people will not sell they will buy directly with it which will surge the price and in the same time demand will grow.

You need go back to school mercy on your soul if you cannot see the difference situation I explained

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: radambom123 on July 07, 2019, 09:10:52 AM
You are waiting lol, I think 20 years from now, when the world is bitcoin

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 09:27:24 AM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.The supply/demand logic of coins with limited global supply(like bitcoin) had been discussed here for years and you have reached the same conclusion like many people before you.Bitcoin price will never hit 1 million dollars and that's perfectly fine.We don't need a 1M price.

The growth of 1 million dollars in the price is out of logic.
It may be higher as the demand goes up and the supply is decreased.
The speculations of 1 million 2 millions or billions are just stupid speculation that just try to manipulate investors.

You are fucked up in this life because what I explained it's kid stuff and far away from complex things in economics,

Because I explain everything with sharp logic without bullshit.

Again I will explain in the most simple way Try do do my best...

1. Supply and demand determine price percoin/diamond/gold other words if there is to much supply of gold/diamonds/coin whatever the demand will never be bigger and with the time will lose value, so in order get high price we need small supply.

2. Ok now let's imagine if suddenly the selling rate of diamonds fall drastically, this effect will surge the price up per diamond and give the illusion that demand grow while in reality the price surge because the selling rate of Diamonds fell drastically , but if the price grow it's mean demand grow but not in this situation it's just give illusion that demand grow but in reality the same demand JUST the selling rate drastically fell of diamonds.

3. Now imagine another situation if the selling rate fall of diamonds which surge the price to the moon and give illusion like demand growed when ironaclly demand didn't change what the changed is the selling rate and became lower, so assume right now that in the same time demand also grow while the selling rate is following all this effect lead to astronomical price per diamonds. situation the selling rate fall and give illusion that demand is growed but really not it's just selling rate fell and surge the price up, why it give illusion that demand grow because most of the time when price grow it's because demand BUT here it's because the selling rate fell.

2. Another situation not only selling rate of diamonds fall in the same time demand grow fast and it's surge the price to Mars not moon.

Simple factors in economics.

Just know to sell or buy have different effect on the price which mean if you buy with diamonds it doesn't hurt the price but if you sell the it's overall hurt

Which all this lead to BTC ...
Soon people will buy directly with it and not convert them to money which why the price will surge to sky and in the same time demand have space to grow because only 7-8% in this area,

This is how expert explain without lieing and bullshit the most simple beautiful way

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 09:29:59 AM
And it's not speculation this is how smart minds analyze things ,.... And predict it right most of the time.

In Reddit the MODS involved in everything and say to stay away from huge supply and stable coins scams and other shit HERE where they are...ghhhhhhh

They need somehow to be involve in all this

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 10:54:03 AM
You are waiting lol, I think 20 years from now, when the world is bitcoin

20 years???? Hhhhhghhhg

Bro you need to work with sharp logic in anything in life and especially when you invest money,

I will try to be simple as possible .

We need go back to my explanation....

Let's set there is some demand for diamonds/bitcoins which determine some price per Bitcoin/diamonds ok,

Get it ....let's move on

If suddenly the selling rate of diamonds/bitcoins fall drastically because of few reason it will surge the price and will give the illusion that demand is was growed, and why it's give this illusion it's because price grow almost always by demand BUT here the selling rate of Bitcoin/diamonds just fell drastically and this is the reason the price surge

Now let's split the example...

Diamonds are only store of vaule most of the time and you cannot buy with them home,clothes,cars and so on you must to SELL them which hurt this industry

Compare to bitcoins which act as store of value and money which mean compare to diamonds(don't get lost)

With Bitcoin you can buy directly and not SELL which soon will surge the price because more and more accept Bitcoin...and startup like zeex from Israel will help us to buy all the brands and almost anything with crypto which lead us to the first my explanation...

If the selling rate going drastically fall it will surge the price and smart investors know all this shit, they know when he will surge by this sharp logic/factors(THE ANALYZER)

So zeex already come and we will buy almost anything with  crypto. Soon you will see snowball effect it's around 1-3 years ...and you say 20 years???, Why and what without any deep understanding of economy.

Now let's move on....after we one one factor which surge the price and market cap is fucked here is when the selling rate fall and not cause because more demand comes yet it give the illusion that demand growed but ironaclly it's just selling rate fall nothing more,

Don't forget and don't get lost ....selling cannot fall in diamonds/gold because they pure store of value and stores don't accept it, it's mean you always must SELL in order get some kind money which accepted everywhere.

Let's go on...don't get lost....

So selling rate of crypto soon going to fall drastically from simple understanding startups like zeex and other help us buy anything with crypto and when you BUY you don't hurt the price/value it's called exchange...

Then demand is going to bombard soon you know why?

I will not tell why it's so damn easy but after all what you read play with your logic make it more sharp and be analyzer....

I will give a hint

There is to much space for demand in other words 7-8% inside this game but it's not the reason why demand going to bombard soon,. IT'S JUST HINT...

Why it going to bombard figure out your self

Good luck

I did my best and in very simple way

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 10:57:45 AM
Reread it mate it will learn you to work with logic and be analyzer rather then out non sense from your deeper mind which based on anything, people don't feel this gap they just talk compare to ANALYZER which can know from few words who is the mind behind the words and I far away from kidding...REread it it will learn you how to think and how to get right in other verticals in life

20 years???? Hhhhhghhhg

Bro you need to work with sharp logic in anything in life and especially when you invest money,

I will try to be simple as possible .

We need go back to my explanation....

Let's set there is some demand for diamonds/bitcoins which determine some price per Bitcoin/diamonds ok,

Get it ....let's move on

If suddenly the selling rate of diamonds/bitcoins fall drastically because of few reason it will surge the price and will give the illusion that demand is was growed, and why it's give this illusion it's because price grow almost always by demand BUT here the selling rate of Bitcoin/diamonds just fell drastically and this is the reason the price surge

Now let's split the example...

Diamonds are only store of vaule most of the time and you cannot buy with them home,clothes,cars and so on you must to SELL them which hurt this industry

Compare to bitcoins which act as store of value and money which mean compare to diamonds(don't get lost)

With Bitcoin you can buy directly and not SELL which soon will surge the price because more and more accept Bitcoin...and startup like zeex from Israel will help us to buy all the brands and almost anything with crypto which lead us to the first my explanation...

If the selling rate going drastically fall it will surge the price and smart investors know all this shit, they know when he will surge by this sharp logic/factors(THE ANALYZER)

So zeex already come and we will buy almost anything with  crypto. Soon you will see snowball effect it's around 1-3 years ...and you say 20 years???, Why and what without any deep understanding of economy.

Now let's move on....after we one one factor which surge the price and market cap is fucked here is when the selling rate fall and not cause because more demand comes yet it give the illusion that demand growed but ironaclly it's just selling rate fall nothing more,

Don't forget and don't get lost ....selling cannot fall in diamonds/gold because they pure store of value and stores don't accept it, it's mean you always must SELL in order get some kind money which accepted everywhere.

Let's go on...don't get lost....

So selling rate of crypto soon going to fall drastically from simple understanding startups like zeex and other help us buy anything with crypto and when you BUY you don't hurt the price/value it's called exchange...

Then demand is going to bombard soon you know why?

I will not tell why it's so damn easy but after all what you read play with your logic make it more sharp and be analyzer....

I will give a hint

There is to much space for demand in other words 7-8% inside this game but it's not the reason why demand going to bombard soon,. IT'S JUST HINT...

Why it going to bombard figure out your self

Good luck

I did my best and in very simple way :D

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 11:15:50 AM
You are waiting lol, I think 20 years from now, when the world is bitcoin

If you did get lost at some point just tell me I will do my best just to help more people to be his own analyzer...not be dependent on any body..

I will sum it

Selling rate of crypto going to fall very drastically because of start ups like zeex and other which soon come,

We can buy almost everything with crypto hence the selling rate will fall and will surge the price up per coin because people don't need to sell it they buy directly with it , and when you buy with crypto you don't sell it's call exchange , sound same but different,

Compare to diamonds and gold which will never be accepted as cash/money payment it's pure store of value hence the selling rate of gold/diamond will never will fall and only grow...
Bitcoin is store of value and money..

Ok let's move on

When selling rate will be fall hard by the effects of this kind of startup like zeex from Israel, it's give illusion that demand growed when in reality I didn't move just the selling rate fell drastically.

After all this why crypto going to bombard soon I mean to explode....

I will give hint you need to train your mind to analyze and not just output what inside your head...

Right now 7-8% from entire world inside this game, which mean there is space to grow for demand,
But this is not the reason why d mand will bombard all around the world....what I said it's hint

Something else going to this and the answer between the lines I wrote above...

Also when selling rate full market cap don't know how to figure out this didn't drive because demand growed it happened because selling rate fell because some startups help us to buy everything with crypto...

But the price we all surge after this because demand is going to bombard and explode like NUKE
And I know my shit

Figure this out alone the hint is
From the entire world around 7-9% inside which it has space to grow yet this is not the reason why it's going to explode it's just show there is huge space to grow.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Bitcoinqubit on July 07, 2019, 05:01:21 PM
example for what i explained :

there was few rare diamonds which only few hold them in the world and the price was around 80 million dollar per diamond, after some time the price surged to 180 million dollar per diamond because the selling rate was almost zero, no body sell them....and then the price moved to 100 million per diamond because they started to sell and move on the system and after all this kind of diamonds founded more in our planet which lower the price then the selling rate fall again to zero and the price surge to around 130 million dollar per diamond because the selling rate almost zero,

after all this demand grew drastically for this price which surge the price back to 180-190 million dollars per diamond.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: DebitMe on July 07, 2019, 05:04:42 PM
example for what i explained :

there was few rare diamonds which only few hold them in the world and the price was around 80 million dollar per diamond, after some time the price surged to 180 million dollar per diamond because the selling rate was almost zero, no body sell them....and then the price moved to 100 million per diamond because they started to sell and move on the system and after all this kind of diamonds founded more in our planet which lower the price then the selling rate fall again to zero and the price surge to around 130 million dollar per diamond because the selling rate almost zero,

after all this demand grew drastically for this price which surge the price back to 180-190 million dollars per diamond.

So a free market? We have too few crypto exchanges for this to happen. Unfortunately, it is quite apparent a lot of the current exchanges trade against themselves to increase activity.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: buwaytress on July 07, 2019, 07:47:17 PM
Just a few days ago I read about bitcoin time and how it's a lot quicker than internet time. Agreed with some of the concepts there but your post is probably has a bit more depth even if it is a very old and well discussed one. And yeah, I think market cap is only as useful as a means to give some definition to the positioning of a particular crypto -- we've got a lot of rather meaningless indicators as well. Market cap, right up there with Bitcoin dominance (which is climbing now too btw). Not saying that even I don't think of them, but apart from Bitcoin, which other asset really carries the weight of those numbers (and there are some with even lower supply than Bitcoin).

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: WinslowIII on July 07, 2019, 07:55:57 PM
OP,you aren't saying anything new in this post.The supply/demand logic of coins with limited global supply(like bitcoin) had been discussed here for years and you have reached the same conclusion like many people before you.Bitcoin price will never hit 1 million dollars and that's perfectly fine.We don't need a 1M price.

How the fuck do you know? I hate posts where people say shit can't happen. Nothing is impossible with bitcoin.
The example of comparing diamonds is a very poor one. Diamonds are something people buy to look pretty, they have no real uses beyond that. Bitcoins serve many uses THAT ARE PRICE-IRRELEVANT. This is the one fact that keeps getting ignored. Just a couple examples; a $1m bitcoin enables someone to move value peer to peer across borders and store their wealth in a deflationary vs an inflationary one just as well as a $10k bitcoin. The person may not have a whole bitcoin, but it doesn't fucking matter - the purposes are met just the same! In comparison, nobody would buy diamonds if the price were $1m/diamond so it would never happen. Compare diamonds to precious metals, the price of luxury watches, plastic surgery or hotel prices in vacation areas - not bitcoin.

For many years a $10k bitcoin was thought of as impossible. Now that the impossible has happened, anyone who thinks a $1m bitcoin is impossible is a narrow minded fool. Everything remains the same, the only difference is 2 zeros - it is absolutely NOT impossible.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: hatshepsut93 on July 07, 2019, 09:49:02 PM
1 million can be briefly touched because of those reasons, but it can't be sustained for long - someone will sell, and then others will sell, people will start fearing becoming a bagholder, and will sell even at a loss. The last time it happened with $20k price, who knows what will be the next peak - 100k or 1 million, or maybe even something as low as 40k. But to get sustainable 1 million per coin, the demand should be huge, and it shouldn't be speculative demand.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: 1Referee on July 07, 2019, 10:39:24 PM
Bitcoin price will never hit 1 million dollars and that's perfectly fine.We don't need a 1M price.

Firstly, saying that Bitcoin can't reach a certain high number is wrong. We have a decade showing that nothing is impossible in Bitcoin land. People placing long term bets against Bitcoin will pay the price for it, very much so. Those not investing in it because they think we've seen the best of Bitcoin already will lose out big time.

Secondly, who are you to decide whether we need a $1 million Bitcoin price or not? Higher price means more liquidity, more financial freedom to those owning it, more job creation due to more investment possibilities, more secure network, etc. I see only benefits in having a higher price. Weird that you don't. ::)

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: WinslowIII on July 07, 2019, 11:03:11 PM
1 million can be briefly touched because of those reasons, but it can't be sustained for long - someone will sell, and then others will sell, people will start fearing becoming a bagholder, and will sell even at a loss. The last time it happened with $20k price, who knows what will be the next peak - 100k or 1 million, or maybe even something as low as 40k. But to get sustainable 1 million per coin, the demand should be huge, and it shouldn't be speculative demand.

$1m may be briefly touched then dumped down, you are right. But just like every time before, it will end up surpassing this amount - and by a lot - in the future. Open your mind ffs, stop allowing it to be limited.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: Reid on July 09, 2019, 10:36:40 PM
You are not wrong about that.
It all relies on demand.

It is not just because of the low supply, we can also consider the lost bitcoins that will not be back anymore. There is just no way to recover them anymore.
Good thing also is no one controls it, so we don't need to bloat the number of it in order to supply the others.
That just works on ICO using ERC20 methods.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: STT on July 09, 2019, 11:03:00 PM
bitcoin might store a huge chunk of the world's wealth someday.

just imagine if it gets mass adopted like cell phones or the internet. or if it becomes a staple in institutional portfolios and central bank reserves. if these things were to happen, $1 million is within our sights.

Nothing moves in isolation is the main point to counter that, if Bitcoin is rising alot its for reasons elsewhere and dollar is likely dropping alot.    BTC has to compete with many other forms of currency trade that might do as well or better in holding value.
   I do agree BTC is very unique and has good reasons why it will continue to be used but also I dont think it goes up by itself as if the only shooting star in the sky.   We are witnessing a solar storm if BTC gets to $1m and a dollar will likely have more then halved by then also.    Revolution can happen, I'm not saying no this cant happen but we're missing 90% of the story to only look at price and theres going to be so many different effects in play.

yes, which is why old hands around here are always telling people that market caps are useless metrics.

I wont say useless, but market cap is reflecting a long term measure and contains quite illiquid holdings that might only come into play when we go into an entire company takeover if it was stocks market cap for example.   Market cap is most relevant when we can measure liquidity and which holdings are being exchanged every quarter at least.   BTC has a ton of addresses that never move, I'm not clear if they are including those in market cap when I would not.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: exstasie on July 10, 2019, 10:09:17 AM
Nothing moves in isolation is the main point to counter that, if Bitcoin is rising alot its for reasons elsewhere and dollar is likely dropping alot.    BTC has to compete with many other forms of currency trade that might do as well or better in holding value.
   I do agree BTC is very unique and has good reasons why it will continue to be used but also I dont think it goes up by itself as if the only shooting star in the sky.   We are witnessing a solar storm if BTC gets to $1m and a dollar will likely have more then halved by then also.

Sure it's competing with other assets, gold for instance. It will take from their market share.

Dollar value is getting halved pretty quickly anyway due to inflation, so your assumption is fair enough. If it takes 10-20 years to get to $1 million, I wouldn't be surprised if my dollars only went half as far. That's still $500K in today's dollars.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: omonuyak on July 10, 2019, 11:27:12 AM
1 million can be briefly touched because of those reasons, but it can't be sustained for long - someone will sell, and then others will sell, people will start fearing becoming a bagholder, and will sell even at a loss. The last time it happened with $20k price, who knows what will be the next peak - 100k or 1 million, or maybe even something as low as 40k. But to get sustainable 1 million per coin, the demand should be huge, and it shouldn't be speculative demand.
Bitcoin cannot be stable at $1,000,000 for long term but it can fluctuate along that line if the populace adopts it as money and we become familiar with us. Currently, we do see people selling often but that did not change things if the market decided to remain strong. For bitcoin to be worthwhile people must be able to sell and buy it on a regular based and the demand and supply should be the determining factors.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: shield132 on July 10, 2019, 04:13:46 PM
when the supply is very small like 21 million coins and demand is to much big and no body sell coins its surge the price to astronomical number and in this situation the marketcap is misleading somehow...

yes, which is why old hands around here are always telling people that market caps are useless metrics. when spot exchange supply becomes extremely low, it takes very little capital inflow to see exponential price increase. this is the magic of withholding supply from market.

to take an extreme example, let's say no one is willing to sell coins anymore so the entire sell side = 1 BTC. how high do you think the price can go? hello, quadrillion dollar market caps! :P
There are many bitcoin holders but do you really think most of them will stick with it? No, once bitcoin will reach price which will let people to get some profit, they'll sell it without thinking. At some point that's good, why to stone money? If we won't use money and put it in one place, how will economy develop? To my mind money (and yeah, bitcoin is money) has to be in circulation and natural price growth will be better than that one.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: figmentofmyass on July 10, 2019, 07:16:19 PM
to take an extreme example, let's say no one is willing to sell coins anymore so the entire sell side = 1 BTC. how high do you think the price can go? hello, quadrillion dollar market caps! :P
There are many bitcoin holders but do you really think most of them will stick with it? No, once bitcoin will reach price which will let people to get some profit, they'll sell it without thinking.

thus, "extreme example". :)

there will always be people taking profit, distributing after price rises. i'm just talking about what happens during bubbles: most of the BTC on fiat exchange order books disappears until the top is in. this facilitates huge price rises.

people always say bitcoin's price growth will slow down at higher valuations because "more money is needed push prices up". they assume there is always some static number of BTC waiting to be sold and thus it will take more USD to buy them. i'm saying that's not necessarily true. there may simply be much less BTC on the ask side to buy. it's not just demand that causes bubbles, but lack of supply.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: STT on July 10, 2019, 10:05:50 PM
Everyone has their price, as an argument is simple but hard to really counter.   I tend to agree that genuine growth in price is going to come from a trio of factors building rather then singular stack of just speculative activity which ultimately makes the price action volatile, unstable and more likely to fall from poor support.    BTC isnt a backyard water fight anymore, we got giant capital flows and leverage ready aimed to be bought into force against the price.   For profit of course, markets will do this and its correct however you feel about BTC it has to stand up for itself.
    I do imagine anything fake about BTC will eventually end up demolished long term all long with alot of other nonsense in markets, bad loans, etc

The real justification for BTC will come from a growing population who can utilise its advantages for their own convenience and it must be easy to use and ideally not expensive (for the smallest people, Bitcoin should never forget the little 'bits').   I'm not biased against any crypto but just about everything comes down to efficiency and free markets work to destroy inefficient processes, so I dont imagine this BTC dream of higher prices is occurring without genuine advance.  Its a pipe dream and you can only smoke what you grow and harvest first :p

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: WinslowIII on July 10, 2019, 10:11:15 PM
Everyone has their price, as an argument is simple but hard to really counter.   I tend to agree that genuine growth in price is going to come from a trio of factors building rather then singular stack of just speculative activity which ultimately makes the price action volatile, unstable and more likely to fall from poor support.    BTC isnt a backyard water fight anymore, we got giant capital flows and leverage ready aimed to be bought into force against the price.   For profit of course, markets will do this and its correct however you feel about BTC it has to stand up for itself.
    I do imagine anything fake about BTC will eventually end up demolished long term all long with alot of other nonsense in markets, bad loans, etc

The real justification for BTC will come from a growing population who can utilise its advantages for their own convenience and it must be easy to use and ideally not expensive (for the smallest people, Bitcoin should never forget the little 'bits').   I'm not biased against any crypto but just about everything comes down to efficiency and free markets work to destroy inefficient processes, so I dont imagine this BTC dream of higher prices is occurring without genuine advance.  Its a pipe dream and you can only smoke what you grow and harvest first :p

But you forget the fiat debt crisis, your comments make a lot of sense in a healthy world economy - which it is anything but. The only thing keeping economies afloat is an unlimited supply of fiat that just gets added to debt that will never be paid back. It is the epitome of insanity, and is not sustainable. What we are seeing isn't bitcoin values rising - it is fiat values falling against it.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: exstasie on July 10, 2019, 10:37:13 PM
But you forget the fiat debt crisis, your comments make a lot of sense in a healthy world economy - which it is anything but. The only thing keeping economies afloat is an unlimited supply of fiat that just gets added to debt that will never be paid back. It is the epitome of insanity, and is not sustainable. What we are seeing isn't bitcoin values rising - it is fiat values falling against it.

I agree fiat systems are unsustainable but I disagree with the last statement. Bitcoin is going up way faster than any major fiat money is being devalued.

I strongly believe it's being speculated upon based primarily on its monetary properties. Inflation and fear of fiat currency collapse play some role, but Bitcoin's price will be marked up regardless.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: WinslowIII on July 10, 2019, 10:46:53 PM
But you forget the fiat debt crisis, your comments make a lot of sense in a healthy world economy - which it is anything but. The only thing keeping economies afloat is an unlimited supply of fiat that just gets added to debt that will never be paid back. It is the epitome of insanity, and is not sustainable. What we are seeing isn't bitcoin values rising - it is fiat values falling against it.

I agree fiat systems are unsustainable but I disagree with the last statement. Bitcoin is going up way faster than any major fiat money is being devalued.

I strongly believe it's being speculated upon based primarily on its monetary properties. Inflation and fear of fiat currency collapse play some role, but Bitcoin's price will be marked up regardless.

One can see it as a rise in fiat price or a fall in fiat values against bitcoin. The difference between what you see will dictate whether you will still be holding any when it eventually crosses $1m.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: STT on July 10, 2019, 11:00:45 PM
Well FIAT is still overvalued so BTC price rising is a real value appreciation at the moment.    I think too large a movement will be placing it under pressure to either perform in growth or on price.  
    In a hyper inflation environment I'd agree with you, what happens is prices rise to compensate for the loss in unit denominator.   Marc Faber did a lecture on Mexico's currency crisis (years ago) with the conclusion being stock holders didnt lose or gain anything over the period of instability, the price rises they saw just adjusted out to an equal value at the end of period study to match the start.   This isnt profit but at least they survived I guess.

Gold bugs dont really often say this but the ultimate projection for gold's price changes is to do the same, its value matches not exceeds inflation.   Its not a growth asset, you dont get rich exactly owning it but at least retain what you bought.   The exception of course always with every price, if you can observe and buy the dips and sell the peaks then you gain on your trading ability but thats not investment or economic comparative exactly.   [A gold stock is not the same dynamic, leveraged management and will give profit over plain commodity, ditto a BTC company could profit even while price dropped I suppose depending on arbitrage]

Sure it's competing with other assets, gold for instance. It will take from their market share.

BTC wont take from gold market share.  I dont think gold really has a proper market share at present, its in an accumulation stage that might preceed its monetary usage but thats speculation.   I see both crypto and gold growing in replacement of the giant elephant in the room which is US dollar unpinning the majority of the worlds trade.   Delibrately it is the global reserve currency, Keynes actually objected to this policy at the original Bretton Woods for the reasons we are seeing now I think.  Unfortunately he died not long after from a weak heart and all we hear of his name, is the idea QE is just fine which is a mistake on his policy afaik   (ie. QE & surplus budgets not just debt as we've seen for a decade)

Gold or anything if used genuinely more in future then now will see actual value increases.   Thats why Im more excited about BTC being a fast usable and simple to navigate network, if its not advancing as a protocol (or possibly secondary companies but mostly the protocol) I grow more bearish as I believe something else will meet the majority of the population in that need.  Pioneer products can be replaced if they dont innovate.

I dont know about lies and BS but the entire story for the path to 1 million is a long and winding road.   I do hope BTC stays on that road but I think its a dam bumpy and treacherous road, the price is not the most important part of that journey if its going to make it and its secondary to stability, durability really.

Good website to follow actual value changes I think, at least in this measure and it has crypto in there as well:   

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: timerland on July 10, 2019, 11:23:02 PM
its just example what can happen with small supply coins when there is huge demand and no body sell them and there is max supply compare to diamonds and gold, its fucking surge the price to astronomical number, its happen over the history in other verticals....

for example there was few rare diamonds which the price was around 80 million dollars per diamond, the demand grow for them and no body was sell them so the price surge to 150 million dollar per diamond , so after some time was founded bunch of this diamond compare to few , the price fell to 60 miilion per diamond.

its a game of supply and demand and if supply is very low and demand is very huge and no body sell its surge the price of the supply to astronomical number.

this kind of effect cannot happen with projects with billions of coins because if the supply to much big it lose value over time and demand will never will be more then the supply in projects with billion of coins.

I actually don't entirely agree with this section of your post.

While it is true and universally recognized that supply and demand is what ultimately shapes the market clearing price, there is no indication (or rather, guarantee) that demand for BTC will grow at such an astronomical rate over the next few years. Also, your comparison of BTC to rare diamonds doesn't make the most sense either.

Furthermore, in terms of your statement about supply, that's not necessarily true either. It really doesn't matter whether bitcoin's supply is 21 million, 2.1 million, or 210,000. An increase in demand should still result in the same percentage gain, if you get what I'm saying.

this effect will start to work when people dont need to convert crypto to fiat money and use it directly

This part, I definitely agree with.

Once merchants start adopting BTC on a large scale, I think that there will be significantly less downward pressure on BTC as people are capable of now fulfilling their needs without needing to move out of this asset, leading to less supply.

Another point that needs to be mentioned is the long term depreciating nature of fiat currencies, which means that even if demand of BTC stays relatively the same, assuming all else equal, there should be an increase in nominal BTC prices - since it has a capped supply and therefore is a long term store of value. However, when will hyperinflation come, nobody knows.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: fabiorem on July 10, 2019, 11:31:16 PM
1 million dollars is a complete logical price. There is not enough bitcoin for everybody, and even if we have only 21 million users, the whales still will hold most of those coins.

The price is so low right now thanks to those who want to sell it at that price.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: WinslowIII on July 11, 2019, 01:41:54 AM
1 million dollars is a complete logical price. There is not enough bitcoin for everybody, and even if we have only 21 million users, the whales still will hold most of those coins.

The price is so low right now thanks to those who want to sell it at that price.

At least someone gets it.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: el kaka22 on July 12, 2019, 07:12:11 AM
Simplest calculation for this is the fact that if each bitcoin becomes 1 million then the whole of bitcoin (including all of 21 million coins when they are mined) will be worth 21 trillion dollars. You can check any market you want, stocks, golds, forex and whatever else you want and compare the size of those things to crypto as well and figure out if crypto will be that big.

I am not going to say it will be that big or it won't be that big, I just want to show you the path to calculate how much one bitcoin should worth by comparing it to other investment methods. People have been using other methods of investment for centuries so you would have time to calculate how they got up and become big as well so you can actually see if bitcoin is on track of becoming even bigger or not as well.

Title: Re: it easy for bitcoin hit 1 million dollar without lies/bullshit -- sharp logic
Post by: exstasie on July 12, 2019, 07:35:06 AM
Simplest calculation for this is the fact that if each bitcoin becomes 1 million then the whole of bitcoin (including all of 21 million coins when they are mined) will be worth 21 trillion dollars. You can check any market you want, stocks, golds, forex and whatever else you want and compare the size of those things to crypto as well and figure out if crypto will be that big.

3x the current size of the gold market actually seems possible to me, though I'm sure it sounds crazy to others. They aren't considering how much value Bitcoin might swallow up from other assets.

Anyone remember how the gold/oz price acted roughly as the top in 2013? I wonder if the gold market cap might act as a similar psychological barrier in the next bubble. Depending on timing, that'll be $300-400K. :o