Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: KingJN on July 11, 2019, 10:07:55 AM

Title: Me and my friend are traveling to Prague next week and we need a guide!
Post by: KingJN on July 11, 2019, 10:07:55 AM
As the title says we are looking for someone local in prague that can show us some cool stuff in prague.
We are staying from thursday till sunday evening and traveling back to our country on monday.
What we would like the guide to show us:

the best nightlife clubs in prague
cool historic places maybe ...
where to get the best beer
the best food and such

and maybe you have some ideas for what we should experience when visiting prague?

if you are up for it, please tell us why we should have you as the guide

we will be paying between

100-200 $ for this easy job  (will be paid in btc )

preferable that you are a man / womanl between 25 / 35 years :)