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Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: Upgrade00 on July 12, 2019, 09:20:53 PM

Title: Positives of Industrialization
Post by: Upgrade00 on July 12, 2019, 09:20:53 PM
Industrialization can simply be defined as the mechanisation of labour. Going from manual and human driven to independent machines.
Technology has been growing in leaps and bounds and we keep inventing more innovative ways to get work done.

There are some who are pessimistic about the use of machines to do jobs previously done by humans. But, this is surely not a new ideology, all technological innovations has been met with a degree of skepticism.
People assumed cars would steal jobs of chariot and carriage riders
The telephone, many said would make letters unnecessary.
While this innovations did what people feared, it also opened opportunities. And the savvy grabbed them quickly. They moved with the trend.

Industrialization is a trend, and it could be seen as an threat to human jobs or as an opportunity to create jobs in different fields. Grabbing this opportunity would require work from people, to analyse the situation, and reposition themselves so as not to get washed away by the new trend.
Change is inevitable. Adjust to it.

Title: Re: Positives of Industrialization
Post by: LeGaulois on July 12, 2019, 09:39:10 PM
Sure, cancers, hybrid food, pollution, animal abuses, deforestation, child labor are also the trends that go with, but hey 'Change is inevitable. Adjust to it.'
Industrialization on a certain scale certainly but humanity is stupid enough to kill itself

Title: Re: Positives of Industrialization
Post by: Coyster on July 12, 2019, 10:27:19 PM
People assumed cars would steal jobs of chariot and carriage riders
The telephone, many said would make letters unnecessary.
While this innovations did what people feared, it also opened opportunities......
At the heart of innovation is research, and research is carried out due to perceived inadequacies, cars were created because bicycles and motorcycles could no longer be adequate to move far distances, planes were created cos cars proved inadequate also, likewise rockets, so man could go to the moon.

Telephones were created to solve the problem of time wasted in getting letters delivered.

The thing with innovation is that it perceives a problem, a research is made to solve that problem and after solving the problem, another problem is created that also needs to be solved, hence innovation never stops.

Title: Re: Positives of Industrialization
Post by: Upgrade00 on July 13, 2019, 10:13:14 AM
Sure, cancers, hybrid food, pollution, animal abuses, deforestation, child labor are also the trends that go with, but hey 'Change is inevitable. Adjust to it.'

Cancer is also caused by open fire, which was and is still a part of developing countries, i.e, it has many causes. Majority of the others are not innovations or even remotely related to this post.

I was taking the point of view of an entrepreneur, and how to see opportunities in new innovations and reposition yourself.

Title: Re: Positives of Industrialization
Post by: acmakc12 on July 13, 2019, 06:04:25 PM
For many years we will take robots and automatic mechanisms as an example at manufacturing plants, automate everything as quickly as possible and do not require human labor to perform a particular task, taking into account how the direction of neural networks is developing, in the near future we will have big discoveries.

Title: Re: Positives of Industrialization
Post by: Pmalek on July 16, 2019, 06:53:23 PM
Industrialization is just as good as it is bad. What we are doing is creating robots and machines that work better and faster than us. They also don't need healthcare, insurance, they don't ask for sick days or to leave early because their kid is sick which makes us - the humans, obsolete.

Take a look at the automobile or shipping industry today and compare it with how many jobs were available 50 years ago.
People used to work in harbors transporting cargo from ships. Coffee, fruit, meat, coal, so much off it was transported by hand. It is all automated now and hundreds of jobs are no longer available.

We invented more efficient ways to move cargo but we are forgetting that physical workers also need a source of income.

I found these two YouTube videos, the first shows manufactures of Chevrolet from 1936.

The 2nd video shows a Skoda factory.

Please compare these two and check what kind of jobs were done in the past and how they look now. Sure, machines took over heavy lifting, that part is OK but there are other tasks that humans can perform even today but they cost too much.