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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: no.1simplified on July 17, 2019, 06:31:01 AM

Title: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: no.1simplified on July 17, 2019, 06:31:01 AM
There is multiple gods (Good guy) but only one satan (bad guy).
Should we then change the name of the different gods to GOOD and rename satan BAD?
Therefore, we know its a battle of good between bad. lol

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: StaffDear on July 17, 2019, 09:05:34 PM
This is the silliest thing, that I have read on this forum. I wonder where do you get your fantasy to post such masterpieces?

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: pamchik on July 17, 2019, 10:20:55 PM
I just wasted 2 minutes of my life on this, you are bad, not satan

I agree, why I spent my time on it...

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: pavlooster on July 18, 2019, 09:31:51 AM
SO if we do 'good' thing we became a God?  ;D

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: walton687 on July 18, 2019, 02:36:06 PM
That was a silly question tho ;D but the real question is, do we have the right to change the name of god?  :)

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: trapatalce on July 18, 2019, 02:56:10 PM
God doesn't exist, neither does Satan. Doesn't matter what you call them.

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: XarXymtroa on July 18, 2019, 03:27:09 PM
I just wasted 2 minutes of my life on this, you are bad, not satan
Hopefully you read his first post a few times and that it didnt take you 2 minutes to read 39 words

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: Johnzky on July 18, 2019, 03:53:29 PM
There is multiple gods (Good guy) but only one satan (bad guy).
Should we then change the name of the different gods to GOOD and rename satan BAD?
Therefore, we know its a battle of good between bad. lol
Then who told you that there are multiple God?your book?or your neighbors?

There’s only one God and that is the Father(creator) and no other aside from Him..

I just wasted 2 minutes of my life on this, you are bad, not satan
And I think I will agreed on this post,and maybe your the one who needs to change name from th recent to Satan 😂

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: omonuyak on July 18, 2019, 06:51:01 PM
There is multiple gods (Good guy) but only one satan (bad guy).
Should we then change the name of the different gods to GOOD and rename satan BAD?
Therefore, we know its a battle of good between bad. lol
Christainity and other religions believe that gods are spirit and some religion even believe that satan is one of the gods including Bible passage that refer to devil or satan as "the God of this world"! Therefore satan and gods are not classified as bad or good but human beings are bad and good!

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: KimJongUnCoin on July 18, 2019, 08:59:17 PM
i like the idea around the flying spaghetti Monster ^^
i would like to be an Pastafarian haha

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: rodel caling on July 18, 2019, 11:21:40 PM
I just wasted 2 minutes of my life on this, you are bad, not satan

I agree haha they wate time for this tread because is nonsense to talk about god between satan, and nobody change the name of god, and op correct god is good specially for their followers and believers.

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: peter0425 on July 18, 2019, 11:37:32 PM
There is multiple gods (Good guy) but only one satan (bad guy).
Should we then change the name of the different gods to GOOD and rename satan BAD?
Therefore, we know its a battle of good between bad. lol
Lol, if scholars wanted to change the name of Gods, they could have change it in the beginning. With that said, I don't see any reasons to change it at this generations and even if they wanted, it will endure a lot of debates around the world and it might turn ugly.

Maybe you can share some of what you smoking lately?  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: pavlooster on September 05, 2019, 01:54:06 PM
I think we may change the name of a thing if we own that thing. And we can't change the name of other's people thing.
In this case, I can call my God whatever I want, but I can't call yours as I like.
So, in general, who owns the God?  :D

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: omonuyak on September 05, 2019, 08:15:12 PM
There is multiple gods (Good guy) but only one satan (bad guy).
Should we then change the name of the different gods to GOOD and rename satan BAD?
Therefore, we know its a battle of good between bad. lol
You have a point there. we have many gods and all of them trying to claim good and some of them are completely working for the satan. Remember satan is the god of this world according to the Bible. Therefore, Satan is also a god and it rules in the heart of those men that are following worldly things. Good and bad are the same the different is how human beings used them!

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: sweetbet on September 05, 2019, 08:44:39 PM
God is a title not a name. We refer to him as God while Arabs refer to him as Allah, and other religions refer to him using a different term, but God is not his name. It is just a title.

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: wattcrypto on September 05, 2019, 10:00:40 PM
Interesting question you posed and would really like to know the alternatives you possibly had in mind

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: DeepuEzy on September 06, 2019, 04:53:12 AM
There is multiple gods (Good guy) but only one satan (bad guy).
Should we then change the name of the different gods to GOOD and rename satan BAD?
Therefore, we know its a battle of good between bad. lol

I have seen people discussing about many topics on various forums, but this is weird and funny at the same time..

So now that day has finally arrived when there is a debate between the Types of Gods

btw, this whole scenario looks like i'm watching some sort of a movie, may-be "Loki" (played by Tom Hiddleston) vs "Thor" (played by Chris Hemsworth) from Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Good Guy (God of Thunder and Lightning) vs the Bad Guy (God of Mischief)
You know those old days.. lol  ;D

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: Vod on September 06, 2019, 05:12:56 AM
So now that day has finally arrived when there is a debate between the Types of Gods

If one group of people can make something up, why can't another?

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: Paulinerims on September 06, 2019, 05:21:37 AM
Couldn't believe there would be a topic here like this one. lol.

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: CPNpr on September 06, 2019, 05:29:59 AM
God doesn't exist, neither Satan.

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: pavlooster on September 09, 2019, 03:00:04 PM
God doesn't exist, neither Satan.

Just human which is both  :P

Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: BADecker on September 10, 2019, 06:07:12 PM
There is multiple gods (Good guy) but only one satan (bad guy).
Should we then change the name of the different gods to GOOD and rename satan BAD?
Therefore, we know its a battle of good between bad. lol

1. In the topic title the spelling of god is lower case first letter. This doesn't fit with the idea that there are many gods. However, if the Creator - The Great First Cause (TGFC) - God is the One Who is being talked about, the name should be capitalized.

2. The word "God" is not the name of God. We apply the word God to TGFC, but originally and throughout the ages, the word God has not been the word that was used. In the Bible, for example, the places where God's name has been translated from the original, the actual name was something else... like Elohim, Adonai, Yhwh, Saviour, etc.
"God" is not the name of God. But since we apply it as though it were, we have already changed the name of God.

3. The Bible tells us in at least two places that, every person who believes in God as his personal Saviour is a god. However, none of the gods (idols) of the nations throughout history are gods. If they were, they would be believers in TGFC-God, as talked about in #2. But the writings about them never talk about them believing in TGFC-God. Therefore they are not gods.

To call these idols "GOOD" is to call them something they are not. They are nothing. They have no strength. If any of them are found to have any strength whatsoever, the strength was granted to them by TGFC-God, temporarily, for His purposes.

Renaming Satan "BAD" is not a good idea. Why not? Because humans do bad things, and are often called "bad" as well. Only if you are going to categorize people who do not believe in TGFC-God as Satan's children, only then should you rename Satan to "BAD," and his children right along with him.

4. The battle between good and bad has already been finished. Jesus finished it with His death on the cross, and confirmed it shortly thereafter with His resurrection. The only reason why bad exists is the same reason why you can chop off the head of a snake, and its body will still wiggle for some time.

Satan is dead. But he will be resurrected for a short time near the end of the world, for 3 basic reasons:
A. To confirm what is being said in TGFC-God's Word, the Bible;
B. Because many godless people are asking for Satan, and God hears and often answers the requests of unbelievers. Consider that God gives unbelievers food, rain as they need it, many of the desires of their hearts as they wish for them, and even their bodies and minds... just like He gives to believers. God wants them to recognize Him and to believe is His salvation so they are not destroyed in the Lake of Fire;
C. So that he (Satan) can be marched into the Lake of Fire, which is the dissolution of this universe that will dynamically go on for eternity.


Title: Re: Shall we change the name of god?
Post by: Artemis3 on September 10, 2019, 09:15:07 PM
Then who told you that there are multiple God?your book?or your neighbors?

There’s only one God and that is the Father(creator) and no other aside from Him..

What makes you think its male?

Language is a huge barrier. Aramaic has a word that embodies both, and its apparently how Jesus actually taught his disciples. But all is "lost in translation".

The word God does deserve some rethinking as well, ignoring the joke nature of OP, it is a valid concern. People like to anthropomorphize God but you could say the universe is his/her body, and yes male/female are all within.

The Greek caricature of a god doesn't differ much from modern day comics, and that is where the Deus word comes from, at least you are spared from that in English...

You never see God because you are seeing it all the time, silly.

Satan is more of an analogy. Evil only exists the moment you decide to do it (or "welcome" it). The moment you say no, it dies. Rising this concept to a "God" like level, was actually something Judaism borrowed from Zoroastrianism during the Babylonian exile (when they entered in contact with).

You'd be surprised how easy religion is once you add some actual history (context) to it.