Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: TimeBits on July 19, 2019, 05:02:06 PM

Title: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: TimeBits on July 19, 2019, 05:02:06 PM
So they can now identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka, gloves and a mask. Each heart gives off a unique signature.

Now imagine wearing a watch, with the blockchain on it and a heart monitor, sending the signal to sat`s, they can tell where you are at all times, and if you are dead or alive.
Weird everything I dream about comes true. I was thinking about this heartbeat technique a few days ago.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: TimeBits on July 19, 2019, 06:37:08 PM
Do you think this can be most secured password? I think people will easily hack if our hearbeat is our passwords.

Well you would still have a key yourself (like your password, on top of it)

It is scary now once they know your heartbeat signal, you will be detectable anywhere and there is no way to mask it like your fingerprint or iris. They can literally track you back in time with sat`s with this stuff on it. See where you went like 10 year`s ago on the heartbeat blockchain once they implement it, They won`t even need to see you on the cameras, it won`t matter if you have a phone on you or not, your body gives them GPS of you.  

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: TimeBits on July 19, 2019, 08:36:51 PM
Most vulnerability to our privacy concerns,I don't like this to be implemented to be honest because I don't want to be tracked.

Well to bad bud, your heart makes a unique beat. NSA don`t give no fucks if you like it or not.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on July 19, 2019, 09:12:57 PM
Biometric auth, nice. 2fa pls.

Something you have, something you know.

Besides, clones are right around the corner and what about working out to change your heart beat average over time?

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: TimeBits on July 20, 2019, 12:44:36 PM
Biometric auth, nice. 2fa pls.

Something you have, something you know.

Besides, clones are right around the corner and what about working out to change your heart beat average over time?

It does not work like that, It is not the heart beat speed, it is the distinct sound of it *from the murmurs from all of your organs* So it might beat faster or slower, but it will still make the same sounds. I guess unless you get a heart transplant and a few organ transplants.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: bluefirecorp_ on July 20, 2019, 01:03:41 PM
It does not work like that, It is not the heart beat speed, it is the distinct sound of it *from the murmurs from all of your organs*

So, clones don't have identical organs?  ::)

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: TimeBits on July 20, 2019, 01:19:12 PM
It does not work like that, It is not the heart beat speed, it is the distinct sound of it *from the murmurs from all of your organs*

So, clones don't have identical organs?  ::)

I think even identical twins do not, conjoint twins might if there is only 1 heart.

I am not sure about clones, but I planted cloned plants for a long time and each plant comes out different.

Lol, think about that one, imagine a conjoint twin did a murder, do you have to put both of them in jail? how would that work  ???

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: Spendulus on July 20, 2019, 03:51:24 PM
It does not work like that, It is not the heart beat speed, it is the distinct sound of it *from the murmurs from all of your organs*

So, clones don't have identical organs?  ::)

Cloning is genetic duplication; does not affect various things that are not genetically programmed.

These include heart rate pattern and fingerprints.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on July 20, 2019, 04:13:31 PM
Interesting and scary at the same time. There is less and less space people can run away to if they want to have nothing to do with society. Maybe there are ways to "block" them from scanning? I know there are signal jammers for mobile, maybe someone can come up with something powerful enough to mess with the transmission.

The only positive I can see from this is if you can set something to just go off when you die. Like, maybe release documents into the web. Or you know, set off an actual bomb should someone try to kill you.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: Spendulus on July 20, 2019, 05:06:05 PM
So they can now identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka, gloves and a mask. Each heart gives off a unique signature.

Now imagine wearing a watch, with the blockchain on it and a heart monitor, sending the signal to sat`s, they can tell where you are at all times, and if you are dead or alive.
Weird everything I dream about comes true. I was thinking about this heartbeat technique a few days ago.

This has enormous potential for automated fining of jaywalkers.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: coolcoinz on July 21, 2019, 01:13:41 PM
Now imagine wearing a watch, with the blockchain on it and a heart monitor, sending the signal to sat`s, they can tell where you are at all times, and if you are dead or alive.
Weird everything I dream about comes true. I was thinking about this heartbeat technique a few days ago.

And when it's off your hand you have some time to press in a number code or it erases all stored information. The ultimate hardware wallet, just remember to tighten the strap every time so it doesn't slip off your wrist unnoticed.

All burka is good for is a mailbox cosplay.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: Mometaskers on July 21, 2019, 02:37:08 PM
It is scary now once they know your heartbeat signal, you will be detectable anywhere and there is no way to mask it like your fingerprint or iris. They can literally track you back in time with sat`s with this stuff on it. See where you went like 10 year`s ago on the heartbeat blockchain once they implement it, They won`t even need to see you on the cameras, it won`t matter if you have a phone on you or not, your body gives them GPS of you. 

Wasn't signal jammers a thing? I remember watching news that some jails have installed those devices so that even if phones were smuggled in, they wouldn't be usable as much. Maybe we can wear something similar to add "noise" and make the heartbeat signals hard to distinguish?

And when it's off your hand you have some time to press in a number code or it erases all stored information. The ultimate hardware wallet, just remember to tighten the strap every time so it doesn't slip off your wrist unnoticed.

I like the idea of it as an extra biometric key for the wallet (and for other things as well). I understand the fear that it could be used for surveillance but I'm sure people would find a workaround if it comes to that.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: KingScorpio on July 22, 2019, 08:07:24 AM
So they can now identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka, gloves and a mask. Each heart gives off a unique signature.

Now imagine wearing a watch, with the blockchain on it and a heart monitor, sending the signal to sat`s, they can tell where you are at all times, and if you are dead or alive.
Weird everything I dream about comes true. I was thinking about this heartbeat technique a few days ago.

the orthodox muslims have more sustainable birth rates than the western population,

there are also advantages if we treat women like muslims, so lets go on with that.

i would actually approve sharia law in germany against muslims, especially if it would be executed with western perfection.

Title: Re: We identify you off your heart beat signature, good luck wearing a full burka.
Post by: TimeBits on July 22, 2019, 02:56:51 PM
the orthodox muslims have more sustainable birth rates than the western population,

there are also advantages if we treat women like muslims, so lets go on with that.

i would actually approve sharia law in germany against muslims, especially if it would be executed with western perfection.

First off this post is more about how hiding behind clothes can`t really help you anymore as the sound your heart gives off is like ESP wall hacks to one who can identity it, all they need to know is your unique beat and have sound sensors on the streets.

As for the birthrates, if we just made it so you could only have 1 kid per person or 2 kids per couple before charging big tax fees, it would sort itself out real quick to a sustainable, manageable and maintainable numbers.

Yikes, you should treat woman the same as you, you should treat all races and people the same. Just treat others how you would like to be treated, literally if you live by that, you will have a good afterlife.