Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Warning__3 on March 15, 2014, 05:19:32 PM

Title: The homeless child experiment
Post by: Warning__3 on March 15, 2014, 05:19:32 PM
This is an experiment done by a youtuber namned 'fouseyTUBE' and it's really an inspiring video about people today :O
Just wanted to know what you all bitcoiners thought about it :) (

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: tkbx on March 15, 2014, 07:55:18 PM
These experiments always seem to have some "magical" outcome.

But yes, it's pretty sad how they can't even look in his direction, they just keep walking and ignoring him completely as if to try to forget that they saw him.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: zolace on April 04, 2014, 04:31:41 PM
 I agree it is sad how we can ignore a human being just because they are different then the standards of society god bless them. and i hope we can help each other .

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: shorena on April 05, 2014, 03:50:57 PM
You just see this to often in big cities. People begging with their infant children and/or dogs, people without legs sitting on the floor, their wheelchair hidden in the bush. I have seen those "poor poor" beggas stand up, change their clothes and just walk away. Some are even organized. Everyone has a place in crowded streets and in the evening when the stores close, they all get picked up by the same bus. Begging is a job in big cities.

The only people that still get money from me on the streets are people that rob me (obviously), make music or some sort of art or punks (they just buy alcohol with it, they dont lie about it if I ask and are usually very nice and happy).

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: SaltySpitoon on April 05, 2014, 04:05:40 PM
I live around a huge homeless population, and sadly I can say, there are a huge amount of scammers. I've made it a policy not to give out money, but instead, give out food if I see someone begging. I met a guy begging for money one day saying that he hadn't had anything to eat in two days, when I handed him a sandwhich, he said, "I don't want that, I want money." It sucks that homelessness is such an issue, and it sucks even more that people are willing to exploit the homeless even more by pretending to be homeless for a quick buck. I met a guy in New York on the subway asking for money, and ended up talking to him for quite a while. He said that he will sometimes make $90k per year (untaxed) begging on the subway. He was genuinely homeless at one point, but then pan handling became his job.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: supernovax on April 22, 2014, 10:40:54 AM
I think it's rage worthy because it takes away from the legitimacy of real beggars kind of. Like all this does is show people how easy it is to get ripped off buy some kids asking for money.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: Rigon on May 05, 2014, 05:04:45 PM
I won't give the homeless money but I will get them something to eat. Some except and some don't.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: Snorek on May 07, 2014, 07:42:32 AM
If You really want to support homeless and poor people just donate to organizations that are helping them. Most of beggars nowadays are just scammers, so You really don't know who You are donating.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: sana8410 on May 07, 2014, 01:37:00 PM
This is an experiment done by a youtuber namned 'fouseyTUBE' and it's really an inspiring video about people today :O
Just wanted to know what you all bitcoiners thought about it :) (

I do give to the homeless. A guy begged for a change as he had not ate in two days. I spared him a pound. He was over the moon. Shouted thanks as I walked away. He said I was only one who had bothered to stop and ask what was wrong.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: Fatpony on May 07, 2014, 01:50:39 PM
This is an experiment done by a youtuber namned 'fouseyTUBE' and it's really an inspiring video about people today :O
Just wanted to know what you all bitcoiners thought about it :) (

Well bit more then 2$ collected? That seems bit low. In many countries beggars can get that amount in less then 10min.

But lets not forget that we tend to overlook people that are " not in our rank ", and lets face it, that is a normal thing. We mingle with people that have similar background, status in life and surrounding, material status.... It's just how life is nowadays, of since forever.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: Jcw188 on May 07, 2014, 01:53:05 PM
I sometimes buy food for people who need it and I've seen women crying and I ask if they are ok or if they need a meal.  But I generally will not give money to beggars on the street (I'm in a city in the US).  For one, yes there are scammers.  Second usually they will use it for drugs or alcohol, or gambling.  From experience I think that giving money to addicts is not really "helping" them, as it enables them to continue the addiction.  I have compassion for them and I try not to "ignore" them but there are other ways we can help.  Give money to charities and addiction therapy charities.  

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: noviapriani on May 10, 2014, 09:06:34 AM
I agree it is sad how we can ignore a human being just because they are different then the standards of society god bless them. and i hope we can help each other .
Indeed...we should not hesitate to help one of our own. Personally i think other countries should take care of their own themselves, though. America isn't really in the position to be playing big brother with every other country. but at the very least, we should always try to help a fellow American.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: dwma on May 10, 2014, 11:29:35 PM

Society as a whole has come to realize that so many beggars have substance abuse problems and that the donations will not go to food, which is either very cheap or free.  I am not sure that people are any more heartless than they were before, but they definitely are more aware.

Give a man a bitcoin and you feed him for a month; teach a man to mine and you feed him for a lifetime.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: DNScode on May 11, 2014, 02:04:14 PM
people always just keep walking and ignoring such situations

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: umair127 on May 11, 2014, 02:46:34 PM
Love this guy Fousey tube, I commend him in opening everyone eyes, he should be nominated for a nobel peace prize.  I hope that each of you open your eyes and start supporting companies that do for others instead of the ones who take and take and take with no giving back.

Title: Re: The homeless child experiment
Post by: cyberlink on May 11, 2014, 05:35:29 PM
I rarely help homeless, but if help - buy them food. I agree, that we are all the same people, but until homeless have hands and legs they can work. Just sitting and asking for money isn't the right thing to do.  :(