Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: robelneo on July 31, 2019, 06:42:07 AM

Title: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: robelneo on July 31, 2019, 06:42:07 AM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Bttzed03 on July 31, 2019, 06:50:55 AM
I would still prefer the Government to control lottery. I think we've had enough privatizations in the last few decades and we already know the consequences. The ban has been lifted already by the way.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: rhomelmabini on July 31, 2019, 06:59:21 AM
I prefer it will still be on the government side but prefer the President himself should appoint the new ones or those that he prefers that will run it with ease and out of greed and graft.
One thing I don't want to happen is to stop operation they do to help people through them, they help a lot of people and I guess my family been the one of those during the days my aunt are undergoing on chemotherapy.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Questat on July 31, 2019, 07:45:22 AM
Government would be best because we don't feel we are just purely gambling, we gamble with a cause which is to hep the government programs of the country.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: crwth on July 31, 2019, 07:57:22 AM
Let's talk about first what the Government of the Philippines has done. They had stopped the operations of the Lottery, why is that? AFAIK, the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office has massive corruption inside it and imagine that it should be for charity but the ones benefiting from it are the employees working there. Imagine if the top person is scamming funds, the people below them will follow as well. So it's better to get to the top of things and just seize the operation.

I would still be in favor of a government running the lottery and mainly, the charity should be the ones benefitting. The people who really are in need. I hope the ones on top would do the right thing.

Just like other people have said, the operations continued.


Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Thanasis on July 31, 2019, 09:30:28 AM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts
Government can be the best because even we lose the money we can be happy that all the money will go to the development of our economy but like in Phillipines the corruption can ruin all the lottery amount for themselves can be serious issue.So playing with private can be best if we just gambling for fun and care about the legitimacy.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: shoreno on July 31, 2019, 10:25:31 AM
Private or public are i think both the same because if its private , the officials can fully pocket the money because they arent monitored anymore and if its a government based , there will always be a corrupt official that will pocket some of those cash  and will only remit the 1/2 or th 3/4ths of the collected funds .  however government based have some benefits in which they provide help for the poor using some of those funds but private is i think dont have any benefit from others  

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Kasabus on July 31, 2019, 10:58:16 AM
Private or public are i think both the same because if its private , the officials can fully pocket the money because they arent monitored anymore and if its a government based , there will always be a corrupt official that will pocket some of those cash  and will only remit the 1/2 or th 3/4ths of the collected funds .  however government based have some benefits in which they provide help for the poor using some of those funds but private is i think dont have any benefit from others  
If this is private there is no corruption because the government is only after the tax they will get in this profitable business, but since it's the government that is running their own lottery, it's expected that corruption exist because in general, politics in the Philippines are corrupt and that's the reason why it was temporary halted.

What the Philippine government should do is to impose a strict penalty on corrupt officials, a death penalty maybe harsh but if that will solve a rampant corruption, I would not be against it.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: DarkDays on July 31, 2019, 11:02:09 AM
Whichever one has the highest return to player rate and actually pays out.

If there are private lotteries that have lower operating costs and can give more back to the players, why not use them over some state-sponsored scam?

Most states have rules that ensure only the state can run lotteries, which is basically monopolizing the gambling industry. Not something I support.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: rodel caling on July 31, 2019, 11:03:15 AM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

I am not agree to handle private company the operation of the Philippine lottery much to put an auditor and monitoring board to avoid corruptions.
My reason is if the ph lottery goes under the private company possible to stop allocate charity funds to help the poor people hospital assistance.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: samputin on July 31, 2019, 11:41:49 AM
I would still prefer the Government to control lottery. I think we've had enough privatizations in the last few decades and we already know the consequences. The ban has been lifted already by the way.

I really hope that with the suspension being already lifted, they have learned something—do the right thing and not tolerate corruption and illegal gambling. They must serve their function without anomalies to prove that they are with the President's battle against corruption (as what they have stated). After all, they are there for the charities, and those people who are in great need; not to make rich people richer and poor people become poorer.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: NeuroticFish on July 31, 2019, 12:05:37 PM
Unfortunately both private and government - run lotteries can be rigged. If you go on the path of not trusting them, you'll distrust them all.
I think that most important is the history. If it has a pretty good history of big wins, where the winners are indeed independent from the ones running the lottery, then it should be okay.

(And I 100% disagree about the statement that government run lotteries' money help the country; usually that doesn't happen, or it doesn't matter.)

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: btc_angela on July 31, 2019, 12:10:07 PM
I guess it boils down as to where the profits its going, if its on the pocket on government officials then it's better to give it to the private sector so that there will be no corruption. But how about organisations that are dependent on the profits? So its a dilemma, the President of the Philippines should really rid itself of corruption inside the gaming industry but not totally give to private companies, just saying.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Distinctin on July 31, 2019, 12:13:53 PM
(And I 100% disagree about the statement that government run lotteries' money help the country; usually that doesn't happen, or it doesn't matter.)

If you look at the entirety, it doesn't really help the county as majority of the bettors are coming from the poor people whom I think they don't have excess amount for gambling in lottery since poverty rate in the Philippines is also high.  The government are getting funds from poor people to help the poor people, that doesn't makes sense IMO.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Indamuck on July 31, 2019, 12:24:18 PM
The government takes a huge cut and they don't spend the collected money on what they said.  We need a more fair system without a person that takes a large cut off the pool.  This could easily be set up as a world wide crypto lottery with fair odds.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: kaya11 on July 31, 2019, 12:34:36 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

I am totally in agree with the current president, there is something fishy inside the lottery system in the Philippines, in my whole life I ave only bet 2 to 3 times because I never felt winning in the game ever. The time has come that my wishes has come true, investigating the illicit activities inside the lottery would make it better if it re-opens again with no corrupt employees inside.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Oceat on July 31, 2019, 01:41:25 PM
The government would be the best choice if you want the lottery to be more transparent since there are some problems that would rise up if another private sector would own a lottery. Some people might think a monopoly if another company owns it because we all know how much money does a lottery owns just by looking at the said jackpot prizes.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: rosezionjohn on July 31, 2019, 01:58:48 PM
I would prefer that the government still hold lotteries. It is still better than letting some private corporation control the prices of the tickets and where proceeds should go.

The government are getting funds from poor people to help the poor people, that doesn't makes sense IMO.
It's not like people are being duped by the government to give their money though. They aren't forced to join.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Oilacris on July 31, 2019, 02:06:55 PM
Government or state lottery would be better but the ones who do handle such area should really be corrupt-free which means it do needs some people who are worthy on said position.

If the president do see corruption in regards to this then it was just a right decision for it to be stopped but somehow it do have some consequences yet we know on how does PCSO works when it comes to helping indigenous people.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: pieppiep on July 31, 2019, 02:51:56 PM
I think it is better to let the private company run a private lottery without any interfering from the government because they can get people by inviting them using many ways. Besides that, they can hide the gambling places from the government. But it is better if the government knows about their activity so the government can control the lottery system and they will make sure there is no cheat in the game.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: JohnBitCo on July 31, 2019, 03:17:50 PM
I would still prefer the Government to control lottery. I think we've had enough privatizations in the last few decades and we already know the consequences. The ban has been lifted already by the way.

I think if a government is running the lottery system then it is more trustable.  
Lotteries by the private companies has a lot of problems and there are more chances of it being a scam.
Also I think that government may hesitate to start their own lottery system unless they need some money.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: robelneo on July 31, 2019, 03:48:56 PM
The latest update is they are resuming the lotto operation

But only the Lotto operation other games incorporated by Lotto are not included, there is still an ongoing investigation and it seems the corruption is massive, can you imagine the Lotto operation is over 25 years and they are remitting less than what has expected the amount government official has made this agency their cash cow.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: stomachgrowls on July 31, 2019, 03:58:08 PM
The latest update is they are resuming the lotto operation

But only the Lotto operation other games incorporated by Lotto are not included, there is still an ongoing investigation and it seems the corruption is massive, can you imagine the Lotto operation is over 25 years and they are remitting less than what has expected the amount government official has made this agency their cash cow.

It do tells 60-70% less on what should really be remitted and thats a hella big of corruption.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: adzino on July 31, 2019, 06:53:51 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts
None. Both Government run lottery or private lottery will be filled with corruptions in one way or the other. That is the huge problem of centralization. Single authority means giving power to a single person who can manipulate anything according to his own will. That is why decentralized lottery would be the best thing. Everything will be publicly available and the lotteries will also be fair. No corruption or manipulations!

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Ayiranorea on July 31, 2019, 08:11:15 PM
Government lotteries were much preferred over the private ones. If employees associated with the lottery were found pocketing money it is time to correct them or replace with another employee. This will be the right choice than suspending the lottery as there will be people who are regular buyers with hope of winning it someday.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: squatz1 on July 31, 2019, 08:12:25 PM
I mean I don't think its fair to say that just because in this particular instance the government has been caught doing shady things -- such as embezzling money, that shouldn't mean that all government run lotteries are scams and that private companies should come in.

This sort of gambling should be run by the government, for the main reason that these governments should be using the profits from these gambling activities to reinvest into the community.

THOUGH -- Government does run into this problem with the fungibility of money. Meaning that because they get money from the lottery and dedicate it to schools (or whatever they dedicate it to) They're going to then take the money that was originally going to schools and put it somewhere else, as the money from the lottery is able to cover what their initial contribution was.

People think that this system makes more money go into education --> NO. The same amount of money is there, government has just diverted where the initial money was going as the lottery is now covering essential services.

But sadly this is probably the best system we currently have. As private companies have no place in lotteries (in my mind)

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: omonuyak on July 31, 2019, 09:00:15 PM
I would still prefer the Government to control lottery. I think we've had enough privatizations in the last few decades and we already know the consequences. The ban has been lifted already by the way.
Government's control lottery is far better than private's control one and I do prefer to buy lottery tickets when governments are behind as this does bring fairness to the whole thing. You may actually reduce your risk if the government is involved due to scams lottery companies.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: bones261 on July 31, 2019, 09:00:45 PM
Whether a lottery is run by the Government or a private company, frequent audits done by disinterested parties should always be done. The only trick is to make sure the auditors are indeed disinterested.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: suzanne5223 on July 31, 2019, 09:03:34 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts
The governments usually fight for their pocket and these are the things Satoshi sees before he created bitcoin so that every individual can actually benefit from the system not only some organization, government etc. But, as the lottery is consider nothing guarantees that the lottery which will be run by private companies won't be manipulated except if laws and a body are set up which will monitor and penalize any company that manipulates the game result.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: bisdak40 on July 31, 2019, 09:09:43 PM
Government should run this lottery all they need to do is placed a system wherein it's impossible to corrupt, maybe blockchain technology will be useful here and also the auditor's integrity is clean and reputable. Corruption really is the source of the problem.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Dreamchaser21 on July 31, 2019, 09:31:56 PM
Lottery that is being managed by the government has a good reason to run its just happen that many corrupt officials are part of their system. I don’t want private companies to run that because we know they only work for their own purpose, it is still good for the government to control it.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: jhongzjhong on July 31, 2019, 09:52:54 PM
Whether a lottery is run by the Government or a private company, frequent audits done by disinterested parties should always be done. The only trick is to make sure the auditors are indeed disinterested.
A good suggestion of yours, the problem here is being corrupt staff on lottery gambling and maybe there are too many of them inside of the company which is they can negotiate others to become one of them. Money is powerful and even us, we might be tempted if someone offers on us with a high amount of value just to make our mouth shut. Auditing is good but I think this time that they must use blockchain technology which having transparency and will detail all of transactions activities.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: squatz1 on July 31, 2019, 10:15:35 PM
Whether a lottery is run by the Government or a private company, frequent audits done by disinterested parties should always be done. The only trick is to make sure the auditors are indeed disinterested.
A good suggestion of yours, the problem here is being corrupt staff on lottery gambling and maybe there are too many of them inside of the company which is they can negotiate others to become one of them. Money is powerful and even us, we might be tempted if someone offers on us with a high amount of value just to make our mouth shut. Auditing is good but I think this time that they must use blockchain technology which having transparency and will detail all of transactions activities.

Something like this isn't going to be as easy as you say it is.

Thing about a reputable company who does audits who is hired to do something like this -- a lottery audit account isn't worth that much, so they're not going to jeopardize their company -- and jail time for the people that are involved, just to help someone else out (or to make a small amount of money for themselves)

It's not worth it. Audits are helpful and they do a very amazing thing if done by a reputable company.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: hulla on August 01, 2019, 12:54:29 AM
I would prefer that the government still hold lotteries. It is still better than letting some private corporation control the prices of the tickets and where proceeds should go.
If the governments fails to give the masses what they needed, there's nothing wrong in letting the private companies run the business

The government are getting funds from poor people to help the poor people, that doesn't makes sense IMO.
It's not like people are being duped by the government to give their money though. They aren't forced to join.
They aren't forced to play the lottery because it a game of chance and the victims believed a lottery run by the governments was another way to help the masses, so there's nothing bad in trying out ones luck but the part of stealing from the game player is way too wrong and that's scam.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: imstillthebest on August 01, 2019, 01:32:10 AM
How is it possible that a government run program/lottery is "spam infested".
Me iether . i dont know why its consider spam by the op . i think the spam word is not good to use on this situation  because for me spam means too many unwanted ( like in a forum post for example )

I thought government things are usually well controlled?
Yes it is but it also depend on the country that your living . outside countries like u.s are more in controlled of any government related activities while other countries are known to have a corrupted governement .

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: NavI_027 on August 01, 2019, 01:39:50 AM
Gambling is still a gambling, it causes bad effects for us so I don't it doesn't matter if it run by government or private sector. For tjis reason, it makes me hard to choose between the two. But if I really have to then I'll go for government-run because I can assure of its legality and the prize pool is way bigger than the other ;D.
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery
By the way, the president Duterte finally uplift the suspension on lotto operations. Take note, lotto operarions only, STL and Peryahan ng Bayan are still closed. I think that was good than nothing, at least you can still gamble :).

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: LogitechMouse on August 01, 2019, 01:52:09 AM
None. Both Government run lottery or private lottery will be filled with corruptions in one way or the other. That is the huge problem of centralization. Single authority means giving power to a single person who can manipulate anything according to his own will. That is why decentralized lottery would be the best thing. Everything will be publicly available and the lotteries will also be fair. No corruption or manipulations!
I'm assuming that we are living in the same countries because we see the same with the governments.

I'm not against our government but even government-run lotteries can be filled with corruptions too unless they will be transparent enough and share every information to the public then maybe. A private-run lottery is surely filled with corruptions. Decentralized lotteries with the power of blockchain is I think the best way to prevent corruptions in lotteries.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: iMark on August 01, 2019, 02:13:53 AM
I would still prefer the Government to control lottery. I think we've had enough privatizations in the last few decades and we already know the consequences. The ban has been lifted already by the way.
I think what the Philippine president did right from their side, that the lottery was only spam infested, so they decided to ban it, so that the use of lottery gambling could be reduced, but instead allowed third parties to operate more. we as players will certainly be disappointed because they think that the government will be far more reliable when controlling it. there is no guarantee of security when the private corporation that operates it

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Janation on August 01, 2019, 02:48:24 AM
I think he does not want government officials to hold that kind of money but I think that is an opportunity private companies will abuse and that is their turn to get some of that great price.

I agree that as long as there is money involved, there will be still 100% one of those people who will be corrupting that money. For me, I think it is better for the government to run that than these private companies or other third parties.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: maydna on August 01, 2019, 03:21:51 AM
Gambling is still a gambling, it causes bad effects for us so I don't it doesn't matter if it run by government or private sector. For tjis reason, it makes me hard to choose between the two. But if I really have to then I'll go for government-run because I can assure of its legality and the prize pool is way bigger than the other ;D.

I think if we could choose the government-run, it will be safe for us because we don't have to afraid of the places will scam us. Besides that, I think people don't have to be a worry about the worst thing that might happen because the government will protect the people. And like what you said, the lottery will get the legality from the government. But yes, it might be corruption that will happen with that industry since the government taking control of every place. I am sure that there will the next update from the government, and they will explain everything.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: samputin on August 01, 2019, 03:28:43 AM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery
By the way, the president Duterte finally uplift the suspension on lotto operations. Take note, lotto operarions only, STL and Peryahan ng Bayan are still closed. I think that was good than nothing, at least you can still gamble :).

And may I just add, PCSO have this new way to entertain queries of the people which they called "Itanong mo kay GM" (Ask GM) where GM stands for General Manager. Based on my understanding, its aim is to address inquiries regarding their operations and is directed to the aforementioned official. Though they are not yet investigating, at least people can now raise their questions more conveniently (at least that's what I think).

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: joniboini on August 01, 2019, 03:59:06 AM
Philippine should use blockchain, or any other public verified and transparent database for that. The question is tricky because it requires you to trust either government or private companies which is difficult at one point or another. It's almost impossible to verify how the systems work if they don't make it public/open-source, and you'll need to rely on other parties, to investigate it. So, there are at least 2 layers of trust involved.

With blockchain and smart contracts, verification will be easier. We just need to make sure the smart contract that is used is the same one.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: mu_enrico on August 01, 2019, 05:02:39 AM
IMO, both government and private is not provably fair and prone to embezzlement at many levels. Just like @joniboini said, it is better to use on-chain lottery with smart contracts. You guys might want to check LOTEO as this casino provide provably fair on-chain PvP lottery.

Perhaps on-chain betting would be the new norm of running games of chance.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: vintages on August 01, 2019, 08:16:47 AM
A government run lottery seems safer and less likely to take everyone's money and do an exit scam.

You can't be too sure about how safe it will be when
it is been run by the government. What we should be looking at is how transparent it will be of it is being controlled by either the private or the government.
If the private can be fair in it with accountability than the government then it will be safer being held by them and so it will be if the government is transparent more than the private holder.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Natalim on August 01, 2019, 08:45:22 AM
IMO, both government and private is not provably fair and prone to embezzlement at many levels. Just like @joniboini said, it is better to use on-chain lottery with smart contracts. You guys might want to check LOTEO as this casino provide provably fair on-chain PvP lottery.

Perhaps on-chain betting would be the new norm of running games of chance.

I hope everyone operators would adopt with that as that would surely give real transparency to millions of people betting their money in lottery.
Philippine Lottery  is just like this -

They are still employing an old school way of drawing the winning combination, and that kind of way games can easily be rigged with inside job.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Darker45 on August 01, 2019, 10:54:13 AM
Actually, it does not matter to me whether the lottery is being ran by the government or a private company. What matters is the prize. And of course the fairness behind the draw. It is better to bet on provably fair online lotteries. It seems to me that there is a little problem with the way government-ran lotteries are being drawn. The persons who will handle the draw are from the government, the witnesses are also from the government themselves. It is easy to smell something fishy with government works. 

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: swogerino on August 01, 2019, 11:52:09 AM
I think that depends on the country where the lottery is running,in USA I would trust more a lottery run by the government rather than one from a private company as the US government is seen as one of the less corrupted in the world but I would trust more a private company in the Philippines running a lottery rather than the government there. It all depends on what country is issuing the lottery.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: MonsterV on August 01, 2019, 01:19:51 PM
None. Both Government run lottery or private lottery will be filled with corruptions in one way or the other. That is the huge problem of centralization. Single authority means giving power to a single person who can manipulate anything according to his own will. That is why decentralized lottery would be the best thing. Everything will be publicly available and the lotteries will also be fair. No corruption or manipulations!
I'm assuming that we are living in the same countries because we see the same with the governments.

I'm not against our government but even government-run lotteries can be filled with corruptions too unless they will be transparent enough and share every information to the public then maybe. A private-run lottery is surely filled with corruptions. Decentralized lotteries with the power of blockchain is I think the best way to prevent corruptions in lotteries.

Well right, when government-run lotteries are corrupt, it is certain that privately managed lotteries will have far more corruption. Transparency is very precise with problems like this, but I think the lottery manager will not provide information to the public.

Lottery Blockchain can indeed be a solution here, I support this kind of lottery where everyone can transparently the lottery results without corruption and everything is stored without manipulation in the blockchain. The problem is that there are still a few who accept it, but for those who don't want to be victims of corruption, they will definitely choose this.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: TimeTeller on August 01, 2019, 01:50:02 PM
None. Both Government run lottery or private lottery will be filled with corruptions in one way or the other. That is the huge problem of centralization. Single authority means giving power to a single person who can manipulate anything according to his own will. That is why decentralized lottery would be the best thing. Everything will be publicly available and the lotteries will also be fair. No corruption or manipulations!
I'm assuming that we are living in the same countries because we see the same with the governments.

I'm not against our government but even government-run lotteries can be filled with corruptions too unless they will be transparent enough and share every information to the public then maybe. A private-run lottery is surely filled with corruptions. Decentralized lotteries with the power of blockchain is I think the best way to prevent corruptions in lotteries.

Well right, when government-run lotteries are corrupt, it is certain that privately managed lotteries will have far more corruption. Transparency is very precise with problems like this, but I think the lottery manager will not provide information to the public.

Lottery Blockchain can indeed be a solution here, I support this kind of lottery where everyone can transparently the lottery results without corruption and everything is stored without manipulation in the blockchain. The problem is that there are still a few who accept it, but for those who don't want to be victims of corruption, they will definitely choose this.

Though blockchain lottery is still far from this country, there are already lotteries running via blockchain.
And yes it is right, private or public operated lottery, corruption will always be there.
Blockchain technology will address such transparency of this type of gambling.
But I wonder if government officials will support this tech as they don't have milking cow in this situation.
But for the benefit of the people patronizing this gambling and the people who are getting aid by this institution, I guess the government should seriously consider integrating blockchain within the system.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on August 01, 2019, 02:29:42 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

I don't even know there are private lotteries. I expect that the government tries to maintain a monopoly on it since it's a big cash cow.

I would prefer that the lottery be operated by the government. If it's private then the amount of money the state gets from it would be much smaller. I saw in a vid somewhere that most of the income PCSO gets from lotto actually goes into charity and that the money that goes into operation cost is only less than a quarter of that income. That's a lot of healthcare money the government don't have to pull out of income tax, etc.

There needs to be proper accounting though, when dealing with such large amounts of money it's inevitable that some would get pocketed away.

I hope everyone operators would adopt with that as that would surely give real transparency to millions of people betting their money in lottery.
Philippine Lottery  is just like this -

They are still employing an old school way of drawing the winning combination, and that kind of way games can easily be rigged with inside job.

Well, it could be better. There should be other ways of getting the winning combination. I just want the lottery to still be "active" where bettor selects his own combination rather than just buying a card that have a combination preprinted on it.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: fortunecrypto on August 01, 2019, 02:38:58 PM
I still prefer the government run lottery, they will just have to pick the right and honest people to run the lottery if they are being handled by the government, they can see the profits and allocate the profits for the people's welfare like what they have done until the president suspend the operation.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: jakoylantern on August 01, 2019, 04:27:24 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

For me, its much better of a government sector runs a lottery because it's much legal, safer, and trusted. But what will happen to the taxes? I think the president wants to know and would like to stop the modus of the corrupt government employee, so his action is to suspend the operation and apprehend the corrupt. But if a private will run a lottery, it's like a legal casino, so it will depend on the people which they think is much better   :)

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: akram143 on August 01, 2019, 06:36:45 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts
I think the lotteries are always going on so banning the lotteries is not good from the government if they are also doing it it will not affect anything it will be income for the government also so that the government can do anything better than the private companies in lotteries.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: monalia on August 01, 2019, 06:46:05 PM
Lottery is also comes under gambling filed only we as a government should not take lottery kind of things in hand. It will makes the citizen to think and believe gambling is one of the earnings and people may loose more money.
Better side, government should be lottery business in any country for its goodness.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: emberbekas on August 01, 2019, 07:19:26 PM
Lottery run by government would be better I think, since the money its generated can be used for many other good things which for sure can increase the development on some aspects. Long time ago, when the lottery still allowed here in my country, I can feel the impact. But unfortunately, because of the many people who aren't happy with this type of game (gambling), the government had to stop it!

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: FanEagle on August 01, 2019, 07:47:54 PM
The government would be the best choice if you want the lottery to be more transparent since there are some problems that would rise up if another private sector would own a lottery. Some people might think a monopoly if another company owns it because we all know how much money does a lottery owns just by looking at the said jackpot prizes.
I think if we were truly to look into transparency then government is not the best to do this, I am not saying that private sectors are free from corruption but cannot be compared to the level of corruption in the government. And talking about monopoly, I think it’s not possible with lottery since it requires very capable hands to handle this and most times, they are more like charitable organizations and everyone understands this
I believe it’s unconstitutional for government to handle lotteries and also there are so many reasons why government cannot handle lotteries since they consider gambling activities and lottery is also related  to this. So in my opinion, lotteries have also been better handled by private and its best it remains that ways

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: nydiacaskey01 on August 01, 2019, 11:43:40 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts
There will be no difference if its run by the Government or by a Private company. Imagine if you put the same Juan the corrupt in same position in the private company. That same Juan will do the same. Even if you put a religious or a God fearing man in the position if greed starts to kick in, he will turn into a Juan the corrupt in no time. Its the attitude or character of the person in the position that will make the difference and the institution.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: roosbit on August 01, 2019, 11:55:52 PM
Not sure about how government lotteries are run and paid out but I remember having a chat with someone and was told you don't get paid the full amount when you win...I could be miss informed but it makes sense to withhold the cash but hey private lotteries are better because you certainly get your winnings without any external factors being considered.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Japinat on August 02, 2019, 02:16:59 AM
Not sure about how government lotteries are run and paid out but I remember having a chat with someone and was told you don't get paid the full amount when you win...I could be miss informed but it makes sense to withhold the cash but hey private lotteries are better because you certainly get your winnings without any external factors being considered.
Government lottery are tax free and I don't think they will not release your whole winnings, maybe you are referring to private lottery and I think with that, they violated the law. Government are safer than private as we can ensure that the government has enough funds to pay the winner/s.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: coin-investor on August 02, 2019, 02:42:30 AM
I prefer the government run, they own everything here, all they need are people who are honest and transparent, it's a good source of revenue for the government, instead of a private company making millions, they can use that million to add revenue to fund the government projects, in the Philippines they funded many hospital and charity homes, so it should stay in the government.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Malsetid on August 02, 2019, 08:25:36 AM
Not sure about how government lotteries are run and paid out but I remember having a chat with someone and was told you don't get paid the full amount when you win...I could be miss informed but it makes sense to withhold the cash but hey private lotteries are better because you certainly get your winnings without any external factors being considered.
Government lottery are tax free and I don't think they will not release your whole winnings, maybe you are referring to private lottery and I think with that, they violated the law. Government are safer than private as we can ensure that the government has enough funds to pay the winner/s.

It's not tax free. Or it probably depends on which government we're talking about. Of course the state would tax the winners and i'm sure they don't really get all of the amount they won. If we're talking about philippine lottery, i'm sure it's taxed. Try googling it. Though when it comes to private vs state run lotteries, i'd prefer the latter. It's too easy to get scammed by unregulated private lotteries.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Questat on August 02, 2019, 08:54:26 AM
I prefer the government run, they own everything here, all they need are people who are honest and transparent, it's a good source of revenue for the government, instead of a private company making millions, they can use that million to add revenue to fund the government projects, in the Philippines they funded many hospital and charity homes, so it should stay in the government.
It's hard to find an honest employee if the law is not so strict against people who are corrupt in service.
Everything should start with a law and impose it strictly and for sure that will create an honest employees.

When Lottery is run by private institution, there's a chance that they would not be able to remit the correct tax.
Also, I don't think lottery will be given to the private when this business has no risk for operators, they just have to facilitate the game and pay the winners out from a certain percentage of the total collection, that's an easy money.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: zhea on August 02, 2019, 08:57:58 AM
Not sure about how government lotteries are run and paid out but I remember having a chat with someone and was told you don't get paid the full amount when you win...I could be miss informed but it makes sense to withhold the cash but hey private lotteries are better because you certainly get your winnings without any external factors being considered.
Don't know what you are talking about here but we are talking here on the privatization of lottery games. Meaning, the games will be handled by a private entity and pay the government the corresponding taxes with regards to their revenue but for me it is not good to give this to a private entity. They will only be the ones taking advantage of the people's money and how can we be sure that this lottery games won't be corrupted anymore.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Ranly123 on August 02, 2019, 09:12:36 AM
Lottery run by government would be better I think, since the money its generated can be used for many other good things which for sure can increase the development on some aspects. Long time ago, when the lottery still allowed here in my country, I can feel the impact. But unfortunately, because of the many people who aren't happy with this type of game (gambling), the government had to stop it!

That's right generated money from lottery that was operated by the government is used for charity and health needs for their constitutes. In any case, these will only be possible if the politicians behind this lottery is not corrupt.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: DoublerHunter on August 02, 2019, 09:26:17 AM
Lottery run by government would be better I think, since the money its generated can be used for many other good things which for sure can increase the development on some aspects. Long time ago, when the lottery still allowed here in my country, I can feel the impact. But unfortunately, because of the many people who aren't happy with this type of game (gambling), the government had to stop it!

That's right generated money from lottery that was operated by the government is used for charity and health needs for their constitutes. In any case, these will only be possible if the politicians behind this lottery is not corrupt.
^ The big question is most politicians now is being corrupt, let us accept the fact that some of them doing that now(excuse for those doing good). Even a lottery run by a private or in a government company there might corruptions happen. So, the best solution of this is to have a weekly or monthly audit of all sales they had. The charity also good from a gambling lottery because they can help people in need.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Fredomago on August 02, 2019, 09:31:49 AM
Lottery run by government would be better I think, since the money its generated can be used for many other good things which for sure can increase the development on some aspects. Long time ago, when the lottery still allowed here in my country, I can feel the impact. But unfortunately, because of the many people who aren't happy with this type of game (gambling), the government had to stop it!

That's right generated money from lottery that was operated by the government is used for charity and health needs for their constitutes. In any case, these will only be possible if the politicians behind this lottery is not corrupt.
When there's money expect that there's corruptions inside the government if only this types of business can be done without corruptions it should be used in a much proper ways then it can be useful from the people around that specific countries who's catering the draw of that lottery, private sectors can get affiliations but the main beneficiaries should be the people who's going to benefits.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: klaaas on August 02, 2019, 10:29:29 AM
Both wont differ much if the same rules are in play. If you have to question one of both it is maybe wiser to not join that lottery.

I remember having a chat with someone and was told you don't get paid the full amount when you win
Could depend if the advertised amount is taxed or not.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: DeathAngel on August 02, 2019, 11:56:27 AM
I trust government run lotteries much more than privately run ones. Tbh I don’t even play the lottery any more but when I did it was always my countries government run one. Your chances of winning the lottery are so low, that’s why I stopped playing.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: beerlover on August 02, 2019, 07:40:02 PM
I would still prefer the Government to control lottery. I think we've had enough privatizations in the last few decades and we already know the consequences. The ban has been lifted already by the way.
Maybe you should give better reasons why you want it handled by the government aside sentiments because for me, I feel this lottery projects are better handled by private considering the rate of corruption in the government sector, I think even before now, lotteries have always been handled by private sectors and it was well taken care of,  I think those times it was referred to as Numbers, not so sure but was controlled by gangs. One challenge then was with the fact it was been ran by related gang influence.

Government then decided to take over considering the money that could be generated , but then they should also understand that this is two sided, in as much there is a lot of money collected from tax, there is also money going into rehabilitation and prevention of addiction by gamblers. For me, it’s still better this is left in the hand of private .

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Hypnosis00 on August 02, 2019, 10:58:05 PM
Both are treated well as they are all legit games unless there is something wrong in the registration. Lottery is a big gambling games and of huge prizes which it eventually drive people to try.
TBH, I'll been doing lottery games and surprisingly I won the least amount and I'm already happy with that and to prove that thete is no manipulation inside. It is government lottery games.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Chrystora123 on August 02, 2019, 11:07:43 PM
I chose the private-run lottery...

I think only 1 advantage that makes government lottery better than private lottery that is "Reliable" but the weakness of the government lottery there is a high possibility of manipulation or fraud.  cmiiw

The private-run lottery is better, but not traditional private run lottery... Private-run Lottery which uses the blockchain system is the best, safest, and fair... you should only use a lottery platform that uses blockchain technology, don't just want to be tempted by big ROI.. investigate the platform very detailed.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Johnzky on August 02, 2019, 11:21:23 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts
Why need to run by private company when the only thing we need is a will power to have a monitoring body for the officials not to pocket the money from the gambling site

How.much the earnings we can have running this and we will just let private company to have this?no we must not because the money from the Lottery can help many people in need

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: pixie85 on August 03, 2019, 12:40:04 AM
I would still prefer the Government to control lottery. I think we've had enough privatizations in the last few decades and we already know the consequences. The ban has been lifted already by the way.

It's rare for people on crypto forums to support centralization and believe in the fairness of government officials but it happens. When I see people speak against privatization and in support of strong centralized power I lose my faith in humanity.

A private lottery can be as corrupt as the one run by your government but you can speak against it freely. A corrupt government has the power to control the media and shut down protests. It's also better at hiding the money.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: aioc on August 03, 2019, 01:43:26 AM
I think it's not the lottery but the small town lottery that involves small number that works like a jueteng, lotto is now back after a few days, but the small town lottery are not, which is currently under investigations because this can be manipulated, even the cash distribution is manipulated.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: mu_enrico on August 03, 2019, 05:55:41 AM
Philippine Lottery  is just like this -
Damn! That machine though...
Meanwhile, a lottery in Indonesia is more manual.
I'm not saying they were cheating, but this practice opens many "loopholes" in the drawing:
- Not random enough;
- We couldn't verify the coupons one by one;
- Paid actors with sleight of hands; etc.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: NavI_027 on August 03, 2019, 09:17:21 AM
I wasn't expecting that this one could be worse ;D. Is this really a government-run lottery in Indonesia? I can't believe it. With such rules and mechanics, the transparency of the game itself is very doubtful. They should start doing it the electronic way because it is a must.
- Paid actors with sleight of hands; etc.
I guess this is the best way to cheat that game especially that bulk of coupons around your body can serve as your blind spot to do the trick and the act will be a lot easier if there are no CCTVs in there.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: mu_enrico on August 03, 2019, 10:56:10 AM
Is this really a government-run lottery in Indonesia?
No no, it's a private-run lottery since gambling is illegal in Indonesia, but only if the tickets were bought. In this case, the lottery tickets were more like a giveaway.
Almost all lottery draw is like this AFAIK.

Anyway, whether it's private or public (government), we cannot tell if the party is honest or not; hence, the on-chain lottery could be the solution to this problem.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Janation on August 03, 2019, 11:12:01 AM
Both are treated well as they are all legit games unless there is something wrong in the registration. Lottery is a big gambling games and of huge prizes which it eventually drive people to try.
TBH, I'll been doing lottery games and surprisingly I won the least amount and I'm already happy with that and to prove that thete is no manipulation inside. It is government lottery games.
I would still prefer to have government lottery games than the private one because the funds that have been collected from lottery are intended for a good purpose and that is to give assistance to the people whenever calamity comes. The suspension has been over already and the operation has already started again.

It is funny though since there are a lot of people bashing the President about that.

I never thought that this would be a big thing since I thought people would not care whether the government holds it or not. To be honest a lot of people are so addicted in putting their own numbers into lotteries in the Philippines. Lines and lines of people are still paying for their lottery tickets despite the fact that the possibility of them winning is so low. I think the President has the right decision to end the suspension, the government better holds it than private companies, that will have a higher chance of being robbed.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: kaya11 on August 03, 2019, 09:45:25 PM
Both are treated well as they are all legit games unless there is something wrong in the registration. Lottery is a big gambling games and of huge prizes which it eventually drive people to try.
TBH, I'll been doing lottery games and surprisingly I won the least amount and I'm already happy with that and to prove that thete is no manipulation inside. It is government lottery games.
I would still prefer to have government lottery games than the private one because the funds that have been collected from lottery are intended for a good purpose and that is to give assistance to the people whenever calamity comes. The suspension has been over already and the operation has already started again.

It is funny though since there are a lot of people bashing the President about that.

I never thought that this would be a big thing since I thought people would not care whether the government holds it or not. To be honest a lot of people are so addicted in putting their own numbers into lotteries in the Philippines. Lines and lines of people are still paying for their lottery tickets despite the fact that the possibility of them winning is so low. I think the President has the right decision to end the suspension, the government better holds it than private companies, that will have a higher chance of being robbed.

The thing is they should have just probably kept their money, almost everyday after work they pile up in the lottery booths to get their numbers. The chances of winning is slim an yet they still do it. I really believe that the current president is concerned on his fellow men and that is why he is stopping it, the lottery companies don't feel the guiltiness, all they want is dirty money, even though it is coming mostly from the poor. The people are blind by those winning pots, and don't even think about the fairness at all.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: fortunecrypto on August 04, 2019, 12:58:45 AM
Is this really a government-run lottery in Indonesia?
No no, it's a private-run lottery since gambling is illegal in Indonesia, but only if the tickets were bought. In this case, the lottery tickets were more like a giveaway.
Almost all lottery draw is like this AFAIK.

Anyway, whether it's private or public (government), we cannot tell if the party is honest or not; hence, the on-chain lottery could be the solution to this problem.

I believe in the chain lottery, like the provably fair in an online casino, but the draw is held in national television, all balls are weigh-in to make sure no balls with a number on it will have an advantage over the others, and the air that circulates to get the winning ball, are also monitored, so far that's the fairest we can get.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Tipstar on August 04, 2019, 01:14:11 AM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

Lottery is a gamble. There should be regulations from government in every gambling business but the government itself should not be involved in selling tickets to it's own citizens. When the government distributes lottery, people would get the message that this is the thing to do.
They would eventually believe more in luck than work.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Janation on August 04, 2019, 01:46:22 AM
The thing is they should have just probably kept their money, almost everyday after work they pile up in the lottery booths to get their numbers. The chances of winning is slim an yet they still do it. I really believe that the current president is concerned on his fellow men and that is why he is stopping it, the lottery companies don't feel the guiltiness, all they want is dirty money, even though it is coming mostly from the poor. The people are blind by those winning pots, and don't even think about the fairness at all.

We can say that they are that desperate to earn money for their future.

I am not saying that they are all dependent on gambling or in the lottery, what I am saying is that it is a habit of most of the Filipinos to put their money into their lottery number since when I even was a kid, I usually commute and drivers and even other commuters before going home stop by a lottery booth to put their numbers in. They do that every single day, I'm impressed not because they are addicted but they are just consistent and that is funny since until not they are still not winning the main price though as far as I know, they won some but not that much since you can get a price of 4 to 5 numbers correctly.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: LGame on August 04, 2019, 03:23:01 AM
I prefer Government run Lottery since it will protect us safe. Compliance is very important.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on August 04, 2019, 03:35:29 AM
Privatization is not the solution, as in India we had very bad experience with that. Here a mafia tycoon called Santiago Martin got the contract to operate state lotteries in some of the Northeastern regions and he made many billions by cheating the players. Lottery tickets were printed out above the permissible limit and a smaller share was reserved for the prize pool.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Ryker1 on August 04, 2019, 04:16:00 AM
I prefer Government run Lottery since it will protect us safe. Compliance is very important.
Well, this is what I am thinking of, it is better to choose the lottery run by the government because we know that the government has a full audit and you can sure that there is no manipulation of a lottery gaming inside. Indeed, not like private owner lottery, we can't assure by the operators having a dishonest draw result. Well, each of us has a different perspective way of thinking which better to choose and as a gambler, we should know how to imbalance between the two of them.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: ityandsyn on August 04, 2019, 02:39:15 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

      Because of so many corrupt people in Philippines government , I will prepare a private institution to manage the Philippines lotto charity , as of now Phillipines lotto was manage by philippine governments and yes it was stopped the corruption of pcso

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: rdluffy on August 04, 2019, 04:29:26 PM
Here in Brazil we have government lottery, this is the only lottery available and allowed, so far nobody could prove there's corruption on the system, but almost any citizem from here have some doubts about the money
It's very hard to detect frauds in this kind of lotteries

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 05, 2019, 05:18:38 PM
I prefer Government run Lottery since it will protect us safe. Compliance is very important.
Well, this is what I am thinking of, it is better to choose the lottery run by the government because we know that the government has a full audit and you can sure that there is no manipulation of a lottery gaming inside. Indeed, not like private owner lottery, we can't assure by the operators having a dishonest draw result. Well, each of us has a different perspective way of thinking which better to choose and as a gambler, we should know how to imbalance between the two of them.

Maybe the government can clean the corruption that might happen in gambling because we don't know that the gamblers have using the money from the money laundering or something like that. With the auditing in the gambling places, I think they can investigate for something that might strange or suspicious so they can directly to track the transaction or they can get more information if the money is from the money laundering. However, with the government-run the lottery, they can be more transparent to control the lottery than the private operate the lottery.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: tsaroz on August 05, 2019, 05:25:15 PM
With the introduction of blockchain, a lottery run by smart contract is much more better than done by humans with manual drawings.
Government involvement in lottery may bring some credibility for the results but for most of the countries I know, government does not operate such scheme. And where it does, the bureaucracy has a bad track record that makes the lottery itself questionable.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Johnzky on August 05, 2019, 06:55:14 PM
I think it's not the lottery but the small town lottery that involves small number that works like a jueteng, lotto is now back after a few days, but the small town lottery are not, which is currently under investigations because this can be manipulated, even the cash distribution is manipulated.
Either the small town lottery (in which active in provinces)or the big lottery that is very famous ,what’s important here is the corruption that happening
There are billions of pesos involving here and the help that supposedly for poor people are being manipulated by the officials
I know the President Duterte is truthful to his promises for the peopl but the problem is his appointees in which. Doing the dirty job that affects his goals

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Oceat on August 05, 2019, 07:00:28 PM
With the introduction of blockchain, a lottery run by smart contract is much more better than done by humans with manual drawings.
Government involvement in lottery may bring some credibility for the results but for most of the countries I know, government does not operate such scheme. And where it does, the bureaucracy has a bad track record that makes the lottery itself questionable.
Only if the government want to introduce blockchain in the lottery but i highly doubt it if it would happen. As you can see the situation of cryptocurrency and fiat are still in a big debate that people and the government are trying to make a change to these two. But still, i want the government to take control of the lottery instead of some private sector to avoid such alarming issues.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: boyptc on August 05, 2019, 10:19:07 PM
It's very hard to detect frauds in this kind of lotteries
Yeah, if we don't know the process it's hard to accused. We can think of something inside the institution but it's still a hard guess and it's difficult to say without basis of accusation.

I'd prefer the gov't run lottery if there's a charity that they support and since it's from the authorities, it must be legit.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Barcode_ on August 05, 2019, 10:33:04 PM
With the introduction of blockchain, a lottery run by smart contract is much more better than done by humans with manual drawings.
Government involvement in lottery may bring some credibility for the results but for most of the countries I know, government does not operate such scheme. And where it does, the bureaucracy has a bad track record that makes the lottery itself questionable.
I believe there are a lot of old people who likes to buy lottery tickets, and I think they would usually watch the numbers being reveal manually on live television broadcast. So it might be extremely difficult to explain to these group of people about provably fair system in a lottery draw by using the blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: DarkDays on August 06, 2019, 10:57:06 AM
Government run lotteries are never lucrative. But they're always sure to pay out. And you never have to worry about whether playing that lottery would land you in jail or not. Where I am from, people are not really interested in gov. run lotteries simply because they have better alternatives and the private lotteries are well marketed.

However, one thing you should note is that government lotteries are usually tax free, whereas private lotteries often are not.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Best Dreams on August 07, 2019, 11:15:34 AM
With the introduction of blockchain, a lottery run by smart contract is much more better than done by humans with manual drawings.
Government involvement in lottery may bring some credibility for the results but for most of the countries I know, government does not operate such scheme. And where it does, the bureaucracy has a bad track record that makes the lottery itself questionable.
I believe there are a lot of old people who likes to buy lottery tickets, and I think they would usually watch the numbers being reveal manually on live television broadcast. So it might be extremely difficult to explain to these group of people about provably fair system in a lottery draw by using the blockchain technology.
Well to spread awareness about lottery and the usage I think in society there should be some proper system. If governments will give transparency in lottery policy I am sure people will prefer using government system to adopt any policy the only thing is that maybe government will fix some tax in this regard.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: xSkylarx on August 07, 2019, 12:12:22 PM
I would just choose the government to run lotteries. Atleast you know who will be held responsible if things go wrong, and the profit of those lotteries will help to develop the country's economy. If private group will handle it then the profit will just go to their personal interests.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Fredomago on August 07, 2019, 04:22:50 PM
I would just choose the government to run lotteries. Atleast you know who will be held responsible if things go wrong, and the profit of those lotteries will help to develop the country's economy. If private group will handle it then the profit will just go to their personal interests.
I also prefer for government run lottery because even if we keep on losing from this kind of gambling,we know that our losses might be very beneficial for those people who are badly needed some funds due to the calamities they have been experienced.Gambling may sounds negative to most of the people but when it comes to lottery,it brings positive effect to the mankind.
The intentions was really well but the executions coming from those corrupt government officials should also be taken placed, we knew how far the gambling profits able to reached out and helps those people who are really in need of money, the government allocates bigger portions of lottery earnings to help the charity if everything will be done according to the sole purpose then having the government to handle / run this gambling will be purposely used for enhancing the charity works of the government.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Dread Pirate Roberts on August 07, 2019, 04:57:23 PM
For reasons of security, honest and fair, I prefer more to the government. but for prizes that are unique and give a lot more bonuses to run some trusted people aren't bad either. but in my country it is not possible to run a lottery. even gambling is illegal here in asian.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: qwertyup23 on August 07, 2019, 05:08:20 PM
Philippine President Duterte suspended the operation of the government-run lottery because it is spam infested and many governments appointed officials are pocketing money coming from the sales, do you think it is much better to let a private company run the Lottery or they set up a monitoring board to check if all funds are all remitted..

Source :

Your thoughts

If a private company were to control the lotto industry, expect people to sway and deviate from this practice. The reason on why the government controls this type of gambling (although it has been branded as a corrupt system), they still have the power, authority, duty, and goal for the protection of its individuals in the society. Having to be controlled by a third-party would mean that it will be a LARGE-SCALE gambling for all people that derives it profit from a fraction of what people bet.

I doubt that a private company would even attempt to do this as people may get easily scammed from this scheme.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Spaffin on August 07, 2019, 05:46:32 PM
Oddly enough, in such situations, when you want to have some kind of confidence, we always turn to those events or companies that conduct or belong to the state.  This applies not only to lotteries, but also to the banking system.  If we are worried about our deposits, because banks may go bankrupt or disappear, it is best to make deposits with a state bank.  This is not only a guarantee but also peace of mind.  The same situation is with game lotteries, which a priori cannot be fraudulent, because it is carried out by the state.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: stomachgrowls on August 07, 2019, 06:33:32 PM
I would just choose the government to run lotteries. Atleast you know who will be held responsible if things go wrong, and the profit of those lotteries will help to develop the country's economy. If private group will handle it then the profit will just go to their personal interests.
I also prefer for government run lottery because even if we keep on losing from this kind of gambling,we know that our losses might be very beneficial for those people who are badly needed some funds due to the calamities they have been experienced.Gambling may sounds negative to most of the people but when it comes to lottery,it brings positive effect to the mankind.
Main difference between a government and a private run lottery in terms of beneficiaries.For government i cant deny that they are more worthy to be played

yet we know on where these funds do end up which is for further development and assistance for those who in need.The only problem here is that these funds is being abused nor being corrupted thats why such decision on stopping it do happens.

Title: Re: Which is better Government run Lottery or private run Lottery
Post by: Twinkledoe on August 07, 2019, 11:54:27 PM
I would just choose the government to run lotteries. Atleast you know who will be held responsible if things go wrong, and the profit of those lotteries will help to develop the country's economy. If private group will handle it then the profit will just go to their personal interests.
I also prefer for government run lottery because even if we keep on losing from this kind of gambling,we know that our losses might be very beneficial for those people who are badly needed some funds due to the calamities they have been experienced.Gambling may sounds negative to most of the people but when it comes to lottery,it brings positive effect to the mankind.
Main difference between a government and a private run lottery in terms of beneficiaries.For government i cant deny that they are more worthy to be played

yet we know on where these funds do end up which is for further development and assistance for those who in need.The only problem here is that these funds is being abused nor being corrupted thats why such decision on stopping it do happens.
The suspension has been over already and its old operation has started again. It's really sad to know that government officials are the one benefiting the funds from lottery which is supposed to be exclusive only for those needy people. I believe government run lottery is better than the private one because the funds will serve as an assistance for building infrastructures to serve the people and assistance also for those people who have been in mosfortune.

Government run lottery is better if they are really giving assistance to those who are in need. But most of the time, they are favouring individuals, depends on who you know in that institution. Corruption is also rampant. I guess we need to live in that kind of situation. Change is very far from happening in this management.