Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: wasalak07 on August 02, 2019, 04:43:42 AM

Title: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: wasalak07 on August 02, 2019, 04:43:42 AM
Good day, I just created this new account a few minutes ago. Anyone can suggest how to get merit. And what is the purpose of getting merit?

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: mk4 on August 02, 2019, 04:48:59 AM
Think about merits like Facebook likes or Reddit upvotes that are a lot harder to get because you actually need decent knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for other users to think if it's worth giving you merits or not.


P.S. If you're here without any knowledge at all and you're here just to rank up and earn coins through bounties, forget it and get a job instead.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: terizla on August 02, 2019, 05:48:16 AM
You can get merit if someone send it to you and they think your post is useful.

Before you want to earn merit, better you learn more in here and find knowledge.
Read this to learn about this forum (

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: nakamura12 on August 02, 2019, 06:00:18 AM
You want merit?. You'll need knowledge about this forum like the merit system and forum rules. You would also need knowledge about cryptocurrency. Most people learn from their mistakes and able to change what they must change. Focusing on helping people who needs help and contributing to the forum will help you earn merit. Don't focus on merit because merit can kill.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: Upgrade00 on August 02, 2019, 06:31:59 AM
If after just a few minutes on the forum, you're looking at how to get merits, we should assume you have had prior knowledge about how the forum works and the use of merits.
All you need to do is do a lot more reading, forum rules and regulations, profile informations and also read stickies on threads before making posts.
Note that there is a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism and the forum is also averse to spam, which can get you temporarily banned and if done excessively permabanned.
Note, that it's a gradual process, concentrate more on the journey and knowledge you'd gain in trying to learn and contribute.

A very important tool would be the SEARCH ( option. There are answers to almost all basic inquires you would have. You can use it according to your specification.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: DoraNile on August 02, 2019, 06:35:31 AM
You have to make better contribution on this forum like making good quality posts to get merits,since you are still very new i think you should concentrate on understanding how this forum works,forget merit for now

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: hd49728 on August 02, 2019, 06:46:04 AM
A very important tool would be the SEARCH ( option.
This thread was written with details on how to use Search: ★ A Complete Guideline to use forum search button properly ★ (
Discovering the forum: structures, rules is not too bad: Help (; and Unofficial rules (
Read those ones, too
Inspirational stories from self-made promoted users (
[INFOGRAPHIC] Experiences of a Bitcointalk Member (

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: wasalak07 on August 02, 2019, 07:41:33 AM
thanks for the information, I just need to focus on understanding what forum means. read, research and understand more about the things to be needed on this forum.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: TopTort777 on August 02, 2019, 07:44:57 AM
Hey wasalak07,

Don't bother getting merit at this stage. Merit will come with crypto and forum knowledge by itself. Better focus on reading "Beginners & Help (", as I suppose there will be more questions from you soon :)

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: TheUltraElite on August 02, 2019, 08:45:15 AM
Good day, I just created this new account a few minutes ago.
So the first thing that came to your mind was how to get merits? Makes me wonder that you are not new to this forum at all. ::)

Anyone can suggest how to get merit.
If you are going to be one of those people who try to "hunt" for merit, then you wont get any, I am sorry. This is a forum and a forum is meant for discussions. Take part in discussions in as many sections as your knowledge allows you to and, someday, just someday, some kind hearted soul will grant you some merits.

And what is the purpose of getting merit?
Honestly no purpose at all. Merits dont restrict you from posting in this forum. But they help you rank up. If you want to know more search this forum and make it a habit to read more than type. :P

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: rosezionjohn on August 02, 2019, 09:20:00 AM
Here are some of the old threads or guides on how to get merits:
TMAN'S guide to getting merit (
Guide to earning merits (

Don't take the previous comments personally and consider them as constructive criticisms to help you improve in this forum. Best of luck!

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: dengpei on August 02, 2019, 09:48:11 AM
Good day, I just created this new account a few minutes ago. Anyone can suggest how to get merit. And what is the purpose of getting merit?
Just be yourself and be open-minded about learning new ideas. Getting merit should not be your end goal but some additives that you bump into along the way.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: Nnuego on August 02, 2019, 03:45:34 PM
Getting a merits requires quality post and composed comments. Get yourself involve in threading discussion. Don't just post because people are posting, passed information and idea that someone will read and benefit from. Maybe someone might reward you for that

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: Juggy777 on August 02, 2019, 05:12:00 PM
Good day, I just created this new account a few minutes ago.
So the first thing that came to your mind was how to get merits? Makes me wonder that you are not new to this forum at all. ::)

Anyone can suggest how to get merit.
If you are going to be one of those people who try to "hunt" for merit, then you wont get any, I am sorry. This is a forum and a forum is meant for discussions. Take part in discussions in as many sections as your knowledge allows you to and, someday, just someday, some kind hearted soul will grant you some merits.

And what is the purpose of getting merit?
Honestly no purpose at all. Merits dont restrict you from posting in this forum. But they help you rank up. If you want to know more search this forum and make it a habit to read more than type. :P

@TheUltraElite you caught him in the first line this account looks like an alt to me, and I believe that this account has been created with the sole purpose of transferring merits to the original account holder. As many before me have correctly said there’s no need to hunt for merits, one should simply keep making constructive posts and then merits will automatically come. The only purpose of merits is to stop spamming on this forum, and compel users to make constructive posts and so far it seems to be doing a good job.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: Little Mouse on August 02, 2019, 05:22:10 PM
Forget about merit, explore yourself on the forum, learn new things, share your knowledge, help the fellow mates on the forum. Just don't do all this steps for getting merit purpose. You will get merit once you do so.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: alexcopper on August 02, 2019, 07:50:15 PM
Time and participation, keep sharing your knowledge and communicate daily

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: Febo on August 02, 2019, 08:17:26 PM
And what is the purpose of getting merit?

Purpose for you is to demolish some restrictions as you have now as newbie account. You can now post new post only after some time had passed, same as sending PMs to other members. You cant use avatar picture or signature. Also as the name suggest if you want to have more merit on this forum.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: loan.ruiu1 on August 03, 2019, 04:00:59 AM
Find ways to contribute to the Bitcointalk community. To do that, raise your understanding

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: LogitechMouse on August 03, 2019, 05:41:36 AM
Good day, I just created this new account a few minutes ago. 
Then welcome to the forum even I know that you're an old member already.

Anyone can suggest how to get merit.
If you are asking this because you want to rank up then forget about it. People like you who are asking "How to get Merit" and the likes are those who want to rank up easily so that they can earn higher in the bounty campaigns. Anyway to answer your question, if somebody found your post constructive then they will give you merit. Even one word post can be merited (pure stupidity or an alt account maybe).

And what is the purpose of getting merit?
To prevent spammers to rank up and earn higher in bounty campaigns. I know that most of the newbie accounts here are created for joining in different bounty campaigns. Merit system prevents these spammers and accounts who are only posting reports for ranking up.

Hope I answered it OP. Good luck with your journey here :)

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: gentlemand on August 03, 2019, 09:24:33 AM
Why would someone want something when they don't even know what it is?

Merit is a byproduct of generally being a good egg on here. If you go after it with laser focus that's going to be picked up on and people won't be inclined to hand it over. There are thousands of try hards with none.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: DdmrDdmr on August 03, 2019, 10:49:37 AM
Good day, I just created this new account a few minutes ago. Anyone can suggest how to get merit. And what is the purpose of getting merit?
Many people here see it as part of the following syllogism:

        Merits -> leads to higher rank -> leads to better rewards on campaigns

That is partially true, but it lacks a premise that is essential:

        Good posts -> Merits -> leads to higher rank -> leads to better rewards on campaigns

The concept of what a good post is, is subjective, but in general terms it requires some fluid communication skills, decent enough grammar, thought, and often time.

Of course there are other direct derivates (recognition, fun, etc.) and some indirect restricted ones (such as DT election/voting). Some people don't care for merits at all, as they find no use in them when simply reading and/or posting on the forum.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: Successmaniac4 on August 04, 2019, 10:47:43 AM
You get a merit by making reasonable posts that benefit other members on the forum. You can share information regarding trending news concerning crypto. The merits are given so that you can rank up.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: hd49728 on August 04, 2019, 11:45:08 AM
Why would someone want something when they don't even know what it is?
When people started such thread like this one, I doubt that they do not read forum rules, and some important threads pinned in Meta board or Beginners & Help board. Without reading those important threads, they will do not have probability to get merit.

Title: Re: How to get merit to a newbie, Like me
Post by: finaleshot2016 on August 04, 2019, 04:24:30 PM
Good day, I just created this new account a few minutes ago. Anyone can suggest how to get merit. And what is the purpose of getting merit?

Just being intellectual is enough on every post you'll create.

More on point ideas on every discussion, I know merits will come to you. Just make it sure that it's well constructed and definitely not a shitpost.

The only thing I want to advise for you is, don't focus on merits because if you're really targeting the knowledge where you can learn it through discussion, merit is not a big deal. If you're truly a great person and dedicated on what you're doing, it will bring you in the top automatically, just go with the process.