Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Searing on August 18, 2019, 03:21:01 PM

Title: Using btc/crypto public addresses options limited. Any better?
Post by: Searing on August 18, 2019, 03:21:01 PM
I'm using BTC/Crypto free option on the sign up with email prompts of your
portfolio BTC/Crypto Public Blockchain Addresses options limited. Any better?

The reason is Cointracker only has a few public addresses, less than 1 dozen.
I have asked to add more of the common at least top 100 coins on say (
for example, but little action.

I have come to the conclusion that Cointracker says you have CVS access to 2,500 coins, but it is
my view that is just a lead-in for their paid service and tax advice services from what I can tell from
their ads.

This seems a fairly easy thing to do, (I don't do www pages) but looks to me they could pop something
up if they wished to fairly quick in expanding their public address coin offerings of the above.

Anyway, with the few public address coins they allow, I find this a very handy site, but it would a LOT more handy,
if for example, it showed all the public BTC forks, various sh*tcoin values as this kinda automatic web page action.

I myself would like to see my sh*tcoins in addition to the above BTC forks list the top 100
from Coinmarketcap as the parameters. Specifically, ANY forks of any major coin like BTC/LTC and/or again top 100.

Mine in the Top 100 would be LISK, Siacoin, and any forks of note. That would pretty much cover it. LTC forks ETH forks
that kinda thing. (are their public address ETH forks? no idea myself).

Anyway, is there anything like this that is set up on a FREE service? I'd want or PAID by the by? I would want a www page option
not really interested in an iPhone App for example for such. Will use it if I have to.

Anyway, again, this I think would be a fairly easy site to set up for someone to generate ad revenue
from IMHO. Even if all it did was allow you to sign in and track your public BTC/Crypto addresses and get the
daily email on your portfolio worth.

If limited to public addresses only, the worst that would happen is a site would know your public
crypto addresses. Which is not a big deal to me. Back in 2013, my bank sent the SEC, because in
2013 all BTC was 'evil' don't ya know. Also claimed I was a tax cheat. I made them look like idiots
and SEC guy was like 'why am I here' (on the speaker/voice phone).

By the By, having BTC account troubles with your bank? Use a 'commercial bank' you'll have better odds.
So with that and being hunky-dory with the IRS and SEC. I'm already 'tag'd and bag'd' when the men
in black come for us all on Bitcointalk, etc.

Anyway, just curious. Cointracker, limited in what I can track, maybe the only game in town.
I am NOT gonna give a site access to me and CSV and whatever other accounting trickery they
may claim I need. Just a simple site to track a portfolio of say BTC and say top 100 cryptos with a
daily email option for your daily worth for giggles would be amusing.

Too bad Cointracker is not interested in providing such an option in full and wants you to go full
boat and pay. Hell, I might even pay, IF, they had the above. Alas, don't need tax advice using
CSV formats and the rest. Just need a bit better web service on my public and legal BTC and
Crypto Addresses than Cointracker seems to want to provide. Free or Paid or Otherwise.

Anyway, just a thought if anyone knows of anything better to use, paid or free and hell even
as an iPhone App, if I must. Or anyone who thinks this is a good idea and wants to build such
a quick and dirty site to track public BTC and Crypto Address with email notices option per day
on total value. If so, contact me on either on this thread or PM.

So much BTC and so many sh*tcoins..yawn.....need a 'minion' web page to track the forks of all and such by
putting in public BTC and or sh*tcoins public blockchain addresses, in one place to track.

Let them eat cake! Such a Yuppie re-reading the above I've become. But anyway post your views on this
on this thread, maybe there is some great shining www page on the hill that will serve up my views/needs
from above.

edit: here is the link, it is free to use! (

Also if you have wallets that are NOT public, like say Siacoin, supported by the site, you can setup you HOLD/HOARD manually in wallets.

Anyway, I got the 'paid' version finally with a few more options, I don't have any interest in their paid tax calculator options, but this is a very

a handy site to have all your coins show up and forked coins etc for access and a daily email on changes..all under the free option!

Title: Re: Using btc/crypto public addresses options limited. Any better?
Post by: Searing on July 27, 2020, 07:31:57 PM

Here is the link, it is free to use! (

Also if you have wallets that are NOT public, like say Siacoin, supported by the site, you can setup you HOLD/HOARD manually in wallets.

Anyway, I got the 'paid' version finally with a few more options, I don't have any interest in their paid tax calculator options, but this is a very

a handy site to have all your coins show up and forked coins etc for access and a daily email on changes..for combined price of all! With a daily or real

time total as the free option! Pretty fun to see the free email show up of my total  BTC/Crypto worth today, with the pump over $10k BTC again! Knock Wood! :)

Pretty slick free site options, IMHO. :)

Check it out. A nice little tool to keep track of HODL/HOARD of BTC/Crypto/Altcoins/etc for worth daily by email or whenever you wish to look.

Again the above is under the FREE option just for making a free login account.

