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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: keseoma on August 22, 2019, 03:31:34 AM

Title: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: keseoma on August 22, 2019, 03:31:34 AM
I have some strange ideas when breakfast:  (Sorry for my English first :))

1:  IPV6 address is enough for every one in this planet

2: Is there any way to use the dedicated IPV6 address for everyone as their cyber ID?  This ID can / should be connected with your identity card, your telephone number, or any other government ID!

3: Now everyone on this planet has a dedicated cyberID,  so is there any way to use this as an node ?

4: Now everyone is a node, is a database, is a ......... is there anyway to develop a global project depends on all of these nodes, database?

hmmm....I have heard there is project launched by Tim Berners-Lee (father of WWW),  it'a a new proctocal named with "Solid", but it's different ! (

But sorry for I have no idea how to use this....Just post this and hope you can provide suggestions on this !

Title: Re: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: Vod on August 22, 2019, 04:52:34 AM
2: Is there any way to use the dedicated IPV6 address for everyone as their cyber ID?  This ID can / should be connected with your identity card, your telephone number, or any other government ID!

What happens if someone wanted to move or even switch ISPs?

Title: Re: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: keseoma on August 22, 2019, 06:25:50 AM
2: Is there any way to use the dedicated IPV6 address for everyone as their cyber ID?  This ID can / should be connected with your identity card, your telephone number, or any other government ID!

What happens if someone wanted to move or even switch ISPs?

that's the problem... here are 2 solutions:

1:  you can have multiple cyber IDs (IPV6 address),  but all should be connected with one government ID! 
Just like you can create different address in your bitcoin wallet!

2:  You can change the ISP, but keep the IPV6 address
Here in my country, we can choose the keep the mobile number when change to another telecom company !

Title: Re: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: Vod on August 22, 2019, 06:47:20 AM
2:  You can change the ISP, but keep the IPV6 address
Here in my country, we can choose the keep the mobile number when change to another telecom company !

You probably should read up on what IP addresses are for.

Title: Re: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: keseoma on August 22, 2019, 08:21:23 AM
2:  You can change the ISP, but keep the IPV6 address
Here in my country, we can choose the keep the mobile number when change to another telecom company !

You probably should read up on what IP addresses are for.

I'm not a geek,  this just a random thoughts when breakfast  :)

Title: Re: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: Jet Cash on August 22, 2019, 08:30:07 AM
IP addresses are allocated by central authorities, and are Internet related. With the rise of software controlled radio, the Internet may not be the only method of P2P communication. I await the arrival of the ability to synchronise a Bitcoin node over a radio link.

Title: Re: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: Kvakvaa on August 22, 2019, 08:39:43 AM
IP addresses are allocated by central authorities, and are Internet related. With the rise of software controlled radio, the Internet may not be the only method of P2P communication. I await the arrival of the ability to synchronise a Bitcoin node over a radio link.

Title: Re: Some strange ideas: Hope someone can develop project on this
Post by: keseoma on August 22, 2019, 07:11:52 PM
IP addresses are allocated by central authorities, and are Internet related. With the rise of software controlled radio, the Internet may not be the only method of P2P communication. I await the arrival of the ability to synchronise a Bitcoin node over a radio link.

so it's time to rebuild the whole internet ....
Tim Berners-Lee launched the  "Solid" project, but it's still on the centralized internet...everything is centralized if you use the hardware, such as optical, router...