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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: mprep on March 16, 2014, 01:08:59 PM

Title: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: mprep on March 16, 2014, 01:08:59 PM
Imagine, you are sitting in front of your PC reading the latest BTC news/gaming/jacking off with the radio in the background. As you traverse the pages, you suddenly notice a change in the radio transmission: the constant music stopped playing and some guy started talking. You walk over to the radio and hear: "This a military emergency broadcast...

(1. To anyone living not in a major city) ...All citizens are to leave the area in a 30 mile radius of [insert nearest major city here] in the next 3 hours. This is not a drill. The city of [insert nearest major city here] has been declared a military quaranteen zone. The area around it after 3 hours will be quaranteened until further notice. I repeat, all citizens are to leave the area in a 30 mile radius surrounding the city. This emergency broadcast will repeat now..."

You look out the window. Outside you see a few of your neighbours trying to start their cars. You remember your car was being fixed in an auto shop in the quaranteened city. As you think to yourself, your neighbours manage to start their cars and drive away as fast as possible. So asking for a ride is out of the question.

You suddenly see a tank drive by in the same direction followed by a bunch of soldiers with automatic rifles. They notice a guy who's running and gun him down along with a cuple of people who were heading in an opposite direction. Looks like the evacuation plan failed minutes after the broadcast on the radio.

Your food supplies are low since you haven't been in the store for quite a long time. Will last a day or so. What do you do?

(2. To anyone living in a major city) ...All citizens are to stay in their homes until further notice. The city of [insert your city here] has been declared a high-risk military quaranteen zone. This is not a drill. Any individual seen outside one hour after the start of the emergency broadcast will be shot on sight. I repeat, all citizens are to stay in their home until further notice. This emergency broadcast will repeat now..."

You look out the window and see panic everywhere. People running and screaming crashed cars everywhere, other debri surounding it. You haven't been to the store for quite some time (your fridge, pantry and cupboards are empty) and your food supplies (a can of beans and a can of potatoes) are gonna last a day at max.

There is an hour left until the military start shooting. The outskirts of the city are probably protected, however  the defenses may not be completely finished. Your subconscious understands what is happenning, though your conscious mind is still having a hard time doing that. What do you do?

1. At least semi-realistic responses (even if you're aiming to make it humorous)
2. Must be thorough and detailed (No short "will kill people and find food" responses)

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: cosmofly on March 16, 2014, 01:24:13 PM
ok cool scenario, but why is the military shooting people for no reason makes no sense

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: Frost000 on March 16, 2014, 01:27:02 PM
(Living in a major city)

I'd tell my girlfriend to stay put in our apartment and to make sure we have a lot of water reserves (before it's too late?). I myself would run outside with a few empty backpacks and head to the nearest grocery store (we have 4 of them within a .5 miles of our apartment). From there, I'd grab as much food as possible. I'd like to say that I'd pick stuff that can last then longest, but I probably wouldn't have the time to logically pick out the "best" stuff.

I'd then run back home and depending on the amount of time left:
1. Go back down and pick up more food and supplies (if there's time)
2. Barricade the front door (which really is the only access point to our apartment. We have no fire escape from the balcony and no neighbors can come on our balcony without seriously risking their own asses.

From there... Play monopoly?

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: Paya on March 16, 2014, 01:50:59 PM
Soldiers suddenly show up and start shooting their own people just like that, for no apparent reason or explanation, and without any previous sign of impending crisis? Coup d'etat? Well... I would be really mad and look for a way to resist. And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be alone out there on the streets.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: mprep on March 16, 2014, 01:53:22 PM
Army suddenly start shooting their own people just like that, for no apparent reason or explanation, and without any previous sign of impending turmoil? Coup d'etat? Well... I would be really mad and look for a way to resist. And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be alone out there on the streets.
Noticed the word "quaranteen" repeating in OP? Think about it... what apocalypse scenario starts with an army quaranteen.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: jarhed on March 16, 2014, 04:20:35 PM
If you're infected the humane thing to do is to off yourself.
But of course, nobody wants to die no matter how horrible their life is.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: MonkeyDOH on March 16, 2014, 04:31:41 PM
If you are not infected you gotta protect yourself
however there is no future plan if you are already infected.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: jarhed on March 16, 2014, 04:35:00 PM
If you are not infected you gotta protect yourself
however there is no future plan if you are already infected.

Have you ever taken an AIDS test? Would you really want to know? If you're honest, we already know the answer is no.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: iram3130 on March 16, 2014, 04:43:21 PM
Looks like a zombie apocalypse. I think I would run/hide to the nearest safest place and barricade the place. Of course I would bring the most essential things for my survival like food, water, guns and weapons, and first aid kit and wait there for a day and assess the situation.

If I'm near in the mountain/forest I would go there. I can survive in the sea, rivers and mountains with knife only. I'm living in the mountains since I was 3 months. I know how to catch fish in the rivers, catch birds and animals in the forest and I know how to find edible foods like wild tubers, edible mushrooms,bats, lizards,worms any animals that can be eaten and medicinal plants. I can produce fire with two sticks. Make pots from clay. I can easily make improvised weapons, traps and my shelter. So I think unless the soldiers shoot me I have no problem.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: MonkeyDOH on March 16, 2014, 05:00:11 PM
If you are not infected you gotta protect yourself
however there is no future plan if you are already infected.

Have you ever taken an AIDS test? Would you really want to know? If you're honest, we already know the answer is no.

However as a "Helix" scheme everyone are able to see that you are infected, you are bleeding something nasty and you do infect people as a beast and you kill people around you  :o

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: jarhed on March 16, 2014, 05:06:09 PM
If you are not infected you gotta protect yourself
however there is no future plan if you are already infected.

Have you ever taken an AIDS test? Would you really want to know? If you're honest, we already know the answer is no.

However as a "Helix" scheme everyone are able to see that you are infected, you are bleeding something nasty and you do infect people as a beast and you kill people around you  :o

That explains everything. Thanx.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: mprep on March 17, 2014, 02:46:32 PM
Ok, let's try to keep the thread on topic. Let's just post the plan and set aside discussions for another thread.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: Lethn on March 17, 2014, 02:52:38 PM
Stealth and Guerilla Warfare for both options, I'd also link up with other survivors who would probably do the exact same thing.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: mprep on March 17, 2014, 02:58:28 PM
Stealth and Guerilla Warfare for both options, I'd also link up with other survivors who would probably do the exact same thing.
Guerilla warfare at who? Who would you be fighting?

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: spazzdla on March 17, 2014, 03:45:31 PM
That "in a major city situation" = you're dead... I can't see how you would ever make it out :S.

I guess I would either get shot or forced into a FEMA camp and worked until I die.. Err huh I mean FEMA camps don't exist that's silly.. 

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: spazzdla on March 17, 2014, 03:48:56 PM
Soldiers suddenly show up and start shooting their own people just like that, for no apparent reason or explanation, and without any previous sign of impending crisis? Coup d'etat? Well... I would be really mad and look for a way to resist. And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be alone out there on the streets.

There was an amendment designed to allow people to protect themselves in this situation.  There is a war against that amendment currently... on a side note Hitler had a massive celebration in the late 1930's about how Germany was the first nation to be gun free..  I think we remeber how that turned out.. :S...  ne ways lol.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: Paya on March 17, 2014, 04:59:10 PM
Ok... so it's zombie apocalypse. Definitely grab my firearms and join militia which I believe appears very soon, in a matter of hours rather than days. No one should underestimate people's instict to self-organize and to actively defend their homes. Complete chaos and disorder which writers just love to describe in such scenarios is very unlikely to happen IMO.

Of course, going back to the OP's story... officials should make an urgent announcement with detailed explanation what is going on and why is army shooting people --otherwise those soldiers might easily become targets.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: RodeoX on March 17, 2014, 05:03:30 PM
I would re-balance my investment portfolio to include post-apocalypse blue chip stocks such as slaves, ammunition and canned goods.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: bitgeek on March 17, 2014, 05:11:23 PM
Really don't get the part where you see the army shooting people on the street and then say "there's an hour left until they start shooting".

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: mprep on March 17, 2014, 05:20:40 PM
That "in a major city situation" = you're dead... I can't see how you would ever make it out :S.

I guess I would either get shot or forced into a FEMA camp and worked until I die.. Err huh I mean FEMA camps don't exist that's silly.. 
At least tell what would your short-term plan would be.

Ok... so it's zombie apocalypse. Definitely grab my firearms and join militia which I believe appears very soon, in a matter of hours rather than days. No one should underestimate people's instict to self-organize and to actively defend their homes. Complete chaos and disorder which writers just love to describe in such scenarios is very unlikely to happen IMO.

Of course, going back to the OP's story... officials should make an urgent announcement with detailed explanation what is going on and why is army shooting people --otherwise those soldiers might easily become targets.
The classic scenario of every "infection" apocalypse outbreak is the army trying to contain the epidemic before it's too late. Such haste usually causes panic even amongst government officials. That means a lack of synchronization  between different ranks ending up in the lower rank officers disobeying the orders not to shoot because they think "the whole are must be purged to prevent spreading".

Really don't get the part where you see the army shooting people on the street and then say "there's an hour left until they start shooting".
Read my reply to the previous post (just above your quote).

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: spazzdla on March 17, 2014, 05:37:10 PM
Can I "cheat" a little? 

I am in the major city situation, say I have a lot of spare food, :), food is wealth don't ya know.  I'd fill up everything I could with water, and hideout for a little over a month.  Hopefully most people have died or dispursed, I'd try to make it to one of the islands out on lake misoka after that but I would require more people.  One does not survive alone.  It would depend on what exactly happened though, odds are your are going to need to make an army or join one..  Not the typical armies we see now but if things went to hell warlords would become kings again, be one or bow to one.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: acs267 on March 17, 2014, 05:39:22 PM
Plan (One) -

Head for a bus or two. There's actually a bus station right by my house, that's loaded with 'em. Not to mention, fuel.

You could use a bus for 'houses' and transportation. Meaning, I could possibly get a few survivors. And buses have a lot of room anyway.

Plan (Two) -

Try and control the nearest neighbor hood. Fortify it, and also try and recruit other survivors.

Plan (Three) -

Try and stay the hell away from pawn shops, hunting stores, or gun shops.

Plan (Four) -

Scavenge for supplies in remote areas, or try and make a camp in one. This is just a few blocks from my house.

By the way, guys talking about zombies:

A apocalypse could be any great disaster. So come on. It would most likely create extreme loss, fear, and destruction.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: EvilPanda on March 17, 2014, 05:42:51 PM
That's easy, I'd pack my bags and sneak out the back door. Next step would be to secure an offroad transport like a cross motorcycle or 4x4 car, even if I had to steal it. There's a lot of those in car parks and resale stores, and I'd need it to avoid major roads, and use the fields and country roads to travel. I have a house in the country with a well, so I'd just need to secure some food, even most basic one like rice, and flour. I'd try to buy some in small local stores outside major cities, chances are they wouldn't be evacuated or robbed by the time I got there.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: marcovaldo on March 17, 2014, 11:02:06 PM
I will be dead way before that :)

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: dKingston on March 18, 2014, 04:44:27 AM
I think when things like this that happens very quick our instinct would takeover without us knowing it.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: KIRAZ on March 18, 2014, 05:05:54 AM
I would try to capture the mall, there's everything for our need.,It can last some while.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: mprep on March 18, 2014, 05:17:56 AM
I will be dead way before that :)
I think when things like this that happens very quick our instinct would takeover without us knowing it.
I would try to capture the mall, there's everything for our need.,It can last some while.
Let's try to follow the reccommendations and post at least 4 sentences and above.

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: cosmofly on March 18, 2014, 10:03:52 AM
I would try to capture the mall, there's everything for our need.,It can last some while.

very smart.

Fortify the mall with a few survivors and seal all entry points. You'd new a few survivors with you to keep it safe from zombies

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: E.exchanger on March 18, 2014, 07:11:46 PM
In that worst conditions i would hit a solder and get myself in his dress and will try to escape !! ::)

Title: Re: What would be your plan in the start of an apocalypse?
Post by: mprep on March 18, 2014, 07:18:55 PM
In that worst conditions i would hit a solder and get myself in his dress and will try to escape !! ::)
How would you hit a soldier fully armed and prepared to kill anyone on sight, walking beside the tank, with his buddies?