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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: LittleD on March 16, 2014, 05:53:20 PM

Title: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: LittleD on March 16, 2014, 05:53:20 PM
I theorize that Russia, under Vladamir Putin(who is really a dictator in disguise) is using the Iran situation as an excuse to demonize USA to the rest of the world, and encouraging Iran to provoke Israel & USA into war. China and Russia have had a quickly growing alliance for the past five or so years. Both countries are rapidly expanding their militarily forces and technology.
USA's allies are growing scarce, even some of our "friends" in Europe have grown to despise and resent USA, thanks to socialist propaganda. There has been a resurgence of the communist movement, now under the name of "socialism", with a much friendlier propaganda campaign. It is as though Fidel Castro's business model was used. Capitalism is now being painted as oppressive, in favor of the wealthy, but socialism is being presented as beneficial "for the people". Venezuela and other Central and South American countries have given way to the socialist movement, and taken a step back from USA.

links i found:

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: iram3130 on March 16, 2014, 06:01:27 PM
World War 3 = Mutually assured destruction

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: jarhed on March 16, 2014, 06:26:59 PM
Old news really. In every movie where there's a black president the world ends.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: dKingston on March 18, 2014, 05:58:12 AM
Old news really. In every movie where there's a black president the world ends.

Lol so true agree.  :)

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: bryant.coleman on March 18, 2014, 07:56:13 AM
Add Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus and Syria.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: Emill on March 18, 2014, 03:27:55 PM
fighting and wars have been with us since the start of time. The world is still going around it's orbit. Alliance and pacts change constantly. Fiat has enslaved mankind that is the real enemy. ???

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: spazzdla on March 18, 2014, 03:59:36 PM
Banks VS Banks, err I mean huh ya america vs russia ya that's what's going on... This isn't a war that was started by the banksteres for the banksters to give them more power.. nope that's not happening..  Wait.. have wars allowed banks to put countires in debt to them?  Yes.. yes yes it did.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: CryptoREI on March 18, 2014, 04:01:13 PM
World War 3 = Mutually assured destruction

They said that about WWII as well but yet we are here :D

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: marcovaldo on March 18, 2014, 06:47:06 PM
World War 3 = Mutually assured destruction

They said that about WWII as well but yet we are here :D

60 years ago, the nuclear weapons were not as developped as now :)

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: iram3130 on March 18, 2014, 07:02:33 PM
Add Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus and Syria.

Vietnam is now allied with USA.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: iram3130 on March 18, 2014, 07:07:23 PM
World War 3 = Mutually assured destruction

They said that about WWII as well but yet we are here :D

Because during world war II they don't have thousands of megaton nuclear warheads. They don't have efficient delivery systems unlike now you will be turned to ash in less than an hour if world war III started. And it needs two countries with nuclear bombs, during world war II only USA has the bomb.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: LittleD on March 19, 2014, 10:15:18 PM
Add Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus and Syria.

added lol

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: sana8410 on March 20, 2014, 05:40:12 AM
I hope there would be no world war 3 in my lifetime. :) I was scared watching the horror of world war 2 how much more if I experience it.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: mexxer on March 20, 2014, 02:03:58 PM
north korea isn't a really important compared to the other two, it would be sad if people are stupid enough to destroy each other and be destroyed in response again like WW2 even after all the technology,learning and science they have got.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: BitOnyx on March 20, 2014, 02:07:59 PM
Well, I personally don't care. WW3 we won't survive in any case and secret war... well it is secret, who cares.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: giletto on March 20, 2014, 02:17:03 PM
I theorize that Russia, under Vladamir Putin(who is really a dictator in disguise) is using the Iran situation as an excuse to demonize USA to the rest of the world, and encouraging Iran to provoke Israel & USA into war.
I never read bigger bullshit like this in 1 phrase, in my intire life.

Honestly, don't watch to much brain wash bullshit mainstream media, if you don't want to be an idiot zombie.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: LittleD on March 28, 2014, 11:50:19 PM
Putin calls Obama to discuss U.S. proposal on Ukraine-White House

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: kuroman on March 28, 2014, 11:56:40 PM
I theorize that Russia, under Vladamir Putin(who is really a dictator in disguise) is using the Iran situation as an excuse to demonize USA to the rest of the world, and encouraging Iran to provoke Israel & USA into war. China and Russia have had a quickly growing alliance for the past five or so years. Both countries are rapidly expanding their militarily forces and technology.
USA's allies are growing scarce, even some of our "friends" in Europe have grown to despise and resent USA, thanks to socialist propaganda. There has been a resurgence of the communist movement, now under the name of "socialism", with a much friendlier propaganda campaign. It is as though Fidel Castro's business model was used. Capitalism is now being painted as oppressive, in favor of the wealthy, but socialism is being presented as beneficial "for the people". Venezuela and other Central and South American countries have given way to the socialist movement, and taken a step back from USA.

links i found:

No happening and will not happen, this kind of misinterpretation is easly made due to much propaganda that you receive 24/7 from your media.
Also you can ad Iran, and all those Center and south american countries that disagree with the US as they all are evil if you see what I mean

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: durrrr on March 29, 2014, 04:41:08 PM
This is very interesting but is vladire really trying to turn everyone against the USA? We just had the Olympics there for the first time in how many years

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: FalconFly on March 29, 2014, 05:20:08 PM
I theorize that Russia, under Vladamir Putin(who is really a dictator in disguise) is using the Iran situation as an excuse to demonize USA to the rest of the world, and encouraging Iran to provoke Israel & USA into war. China and Russia have had a quickly growing alliance for the past five or so years. Both countries are rapidly expanding their militarily forces and technology.
USA's allies are growing scarce, even some of our "friends" in Europe have grown to despise and resent USA, thanks to socialist propaganda. There has been a resurgence of the communist movement, now under the name of "socialism", with a much friendlier propaganda campaign. It is as though Fidel Castro's business model was used. Capitalism is now being painted as oppressive, in favor of the wealthy, but socialism is being presented as beneficial "for the people". Venezuela and other Central and South American countries have given way to the socialist movement, and taken a step back from USA.

First of all, I think North Korea is an absolute non-player. The US doesn't care about them, neither does the EU and neither does Russia. China has a limited interest as to keep the crazy nuts quiet there and retain some level of local stability.

Looking at our so-called shiny capitalistic democracies, I have bad news for you.
We're in no better position than the Russians and hardly in any better than the Chinese. Why? When things really matter, none of the governments care one bit what the population wants. The US is run by a corrupt elite, the EU is run by a corrupt elite, Russia is run by corrupt KGB connections, China is run by corrupt communists.

All different lables to spur different emotions - but at the end of the day... They're all the same.

And considering the insane amount of crap that the US/Israeli connection has done over the last decades - the Russians and Chinese government nearly fade in comparison and look like peaceful doves (which we know they aren't - but the death toll hiscore of "foreign policy" is clearly with the US).

The "west" propraganda nowadays is just as full of shit as the "east" propaganda. Almost feels like old times.

I think the only real news to take away (which shouldn't be news to most), is that... there hardly are any good guys around. Certainly not in the league of global power players.

And capitalism... well, we don't have that, we didn't have that since decades. Corporate welfare, wealth distribution from bottom to top, mass corruption, state-sponsored gifts for tax-evading megacoroporations. The list is nearly endless. All while productive citizens are taxed to death. Notice something? Apple Corp. for example pays 2.5% tax rate in the US (which after their financial advisors are done they never have to pay up in full). Same goes for large corporations in the EU. Same in Germany, for example. Compare that to you or me and know this is not an accident.

The US economy is run by FED central planners, communist-style, which won the battle over money creation (and power) in 1913. The unelected talking heads here in Brussels are working hard to transform the EU into central planners wet dreams as well. Almost all belonging to their banking masters (most notably Goldman Sachs which helped run Greece and Italy into the ground so far and their operatives in place in many other EU nations already).
Compared to that, the Russians look much more capitalistic, even more China in its special commerce regions (which is pretty bizarre, once you realize it, chinese communists beating even the US to capitalism).

The best advice I can give anyone out there, is to completely disregard the mainstream propaganda machine (TV, Newspapers) as those in our hemisphere are owned by no more than 3 people and are 100.0% streamlined (even the US latenight show Conan started making fun of the streamlined news anchors, which truly are nothing but empty talking heads reading their teleprompter - whistleblowers who quit their jobs there all stated that telling the news like they really were always meant being instantly fired. They're paid to follow the script, nothing else.).
Getting news means researching and verifying yourself nowadays.
In the last decades, just about all decisive and influencial events turned out as not quite as they were told, as soon as they were given a closer inspection. The next major even will likely not be different.

We've come a long way and the future doesn't look right. Therefor, no reason to point at other nations - we got nearly identical issues. Maybe the window dressing is a bit nicer but at the end, it's the same shit (or worse) running in the background.

In comparison - do you really think a golf player from Kenya with a fake birth certificate, fake background and history - put in place by the establishment that ran the last ~6 presidents of the USA - really runs the show ? He's an actor, nothing more. Like the one before him, and the one before that.
You think deciding between a Democratic candidate or a Republican candidate yields any significant difference in the course of United States? You'd be dead wrong. Welcome to the american democracy simulation (it's nearly the same shit over here in Europe already)...

The USA still has alot of "friends" (= useful tools) in Europe - the other muppet governments that are in place here. But since they're not fully installed yet on all nations, the full support is still limited to a few nations.
When it comes to ordinary and informed citizens, the USA (its government) has lost all credibility and trust they ever had due to their corrupt, mass-murdering and false-flag-based foreign policy. This trust has fallen so far, it is basically non-recoverable.

When it comes to welfare, the USA has long gone the same road as all the other pseudo-democratic nations. With over 100 Million US citizens on at least one type of government benefit program, they're no different, just on another spot of the exact same timeline. Anyone very carefully researching related news knows that the US government is very actively preparing for the disintegration of their social welfare programs and the ever-more-fragile social order. The way they're doing this is pointing to nothing good. It seems they expect the absolute worst-case scenario already to occur in this decade. In that respect, the US is absolutely unique, no other nation prepares so intensively for that day.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: Kiki112 on March 29, 2014, 05:52:19 PM
Old news actually but okay :D

for those suggesting ww3, ww3 ain't gonna happen, people today are really pacifist..

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: kuroman on March 29, 2014, 11:05:16 PM
Old news actually but okay :D

for those suggesting ww3, ww3 ain't gonna happen, people today are really pacifist..

Maybe you should try and visite Central Africa and tell them you are a Muslim and see what's happens......

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: bryant.coleman on March 31, 2014, 03:51:12 AM
Add Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus and Syria.

Vietnam is now allied with USA.

Oh.. forgot that. Vietnam will not ally with China. So it was natural for them to ally with the US.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: Sithara007 on March 31, 2014, 05:04:08 AM
Oh.. forgot that. Vietnam will not ally with China. So it was natural for them to ally with the US.

Vietnam is another victim of the Chinese bullying. They were forced to ally with the US.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: LittleD on March 31, 2014, 06:59:04 PM
World War III here we come, get ready people we are def going to war this year... Obama is not letting the US people know but I have a feeling we are going to war this year ... forsure!

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: giletto on April 01, 2014, 04:48:37 AM
Old news actually but okay :D

for those suggesting ww3, ww3 ain't gonna happen, people today are really pacifist..

Maybe you should try and visite Central Africa and tell them you are a Muslim and see what's happens......
He say people - not brainless monkeys. People include only human in country's with education.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 01, 2014, 05:17:55 AM
Maybe you should try and visite Central Africa and tell them you are a Muslim and see what's happens......

Until the 1990s, the majority of the people in CAR believed in traditional beliefs. Christians and Muslims were in minority. Two decades ago, American missionary organization Joshuaproject pumped in billions of $$$ to convert the Africans to Christianity. Qatar and Saudi also did the same, converting people to Islam. The result.... endless warfare and suffering.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: Nathonas on April 01, 2014, 05:25:10 AM
The whole "China and Russia are best pals" thing is dead wrong. Their history is actually one of mutual hostility for the most part, and the only reason they are partners at the moment is because they don't really have anyone else. As for NK, they're the joke of the world. Neither Russia or China give two shits about them.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: Nathonas on April 01, 2014, 05:27:39 AM
Old news actually but okay :D

for those suggesting ww3, ww3 ain't gonna happen, people today are really pacifist..

I hope you're right, but that's what they said after World War 1 as soon as people forget about the horrors of war, it has a chance of coming back. Ironically though it's a good thing we have nuclear weapons now, because it means that nobody will risk attacking another nation because you will suffer the same damage in return.

Title: Re: Russia, China and North Korea Alliance
Post by: giletto on April 01, 2014, 05:33:34 AM
Old news actually but okay :D

for those suggesting ww3, ww3 ain't gonna happen, people today are really pacifist..

I hope you're right, but that's what they said after World War 1 as soon as people forget about the horrors of war, it has a chance of coming back. Ironically though it's a good thing we have nuclear weapons now, because it means that nobody will risk attacking another nation because you will suffer the same damage in return.
About which people do you talking about? After world war 1 no citizen in the world want another war, just idiot pervert politican want, controlled by arms industry!