Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Exchanges => Topic started by: Languett89 on September 13, 2019, 12:23:29 AM

Title: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: Languett89 on September 13, 2019, 12:23:29 AM
Hey guys,

I've been doing the Coinbase Earn program to test it out and either recommend it or tell the truth to people around me about it.
Well the results are in,

Starts with "Earn up to 130 USD worth" well to start 80 dollar of that are referrals so let that be clear straight away that you can EARN only 50 USD worth from watching videos and doing tasks.
I'm at 36$ worth now and stuck with the opening a CDP on DAI task for 14$ worth of DAI because the option "Connect to Coinbase" in the mobile wallet in settings section is SIMPLY NOT THERE.
I tried looking for ressources all over, not much help there. Sent a support ticket, still waiting. Asked friends, says seems weird and they did the program a while ago seamlessly.

So here's the catch:

50 dollars worth given to you, but

You have to invite 4 people to EOS and XLM with the link provided, which I tried, one to XLM and one to EOS done, even accepted a friend link for the XLM one when I joined for the program (Didn't have a coinbase account yet and did the KYC, submitted passport successfully) to unlock the full 80 dollars, in 10$ increments for invite links accepted.

YET nothing showed in my account nor in my friend account.

So far, Coinbase Earn program is very dissatisfying, when you think that someone whose new to crypto first impression is MLM mentality, "in order to get your money get people on board" kind of statement and also the DAI task to complete that is simply NOT FUNCTIONING is scary when you think that Coinbase is one of the biggest exchange in the world and it definitely gives an impression of amateurism to newcomers, then you just remembered that you gave them your KYC documents copies and...

facepalm momentum happens.

Title: Re: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: crypthough on September 13, 2019, 02:37:43 PM
I have stuck since one month on the wait list  :-\

Title: Re: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: Herbet Fry on September 15, 2019, 10:32:46 PM
I'm not sure why... I only found out fairly recently that coinbase gave you crypto to learn from some videos. The problem for me is they want KYC and they want to put you on a waiting list.
It feels like you selling who you are for some $$$

I think there are much better referral-based programs with upcoming exchanges and won't be such a hassle. Many good projects have some referral bonuses as well. I say forget it and move on. This doesn't sound good to me at all and this is just one more reason I don't want to use them.

Title: Re: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: flash101k on September 15, 2019, 10:42:25 PM
Coinbase's promotion program is highly appreciated and released worldwide. But it is limited to some countries, especially in Asia. In my country, no one will receive a reward from Coinbase even if you complete all the missions. I'm quite sad because of that and without any notice for this made me very sad.

Title: Re: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: Potato Chips on September 16, 2019, 01:48:37 AM
So basically, If coinbase had paid you, you wouldn't be ranting here and would be glad you sold your KYC info to them. Remember that there's no business that would give free money without anything in return.

well, just reach out to their support team although you may need to bear with how slow they are.

Title: Re: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: Languett89 on September 17, 2019, 07:08:01 PM
So basically, If coinbase had paid you, you wouldn't be ranting here and would be glad you sold your KYC info to them. Remember that there's no business that would give free money without anything in return.

well, just reach out to their support team although you may need to bear with how slow they are.

That's not the issue here, it's for starter "misleading advertisement information" and on top of that, it is insanely buggy, DAI task is straight up not working plus so far I've done 4 invites and received sweet F all so my point is that for newcomers, it is straight up a bad first experience overall. Which amazes me knowing how much money Coinbase generates and the education level of employees there.

Title: Re: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: Potato Chips on September 17, 2019, 11:54:03 PM
That's not the issue here, it's for starter "misleading advertisement information" and on top of that, it is insanely buggy, DAI task is straight up not working plus so far I've done 4 invites and received sweet F all so my point is that for newcomers, it is straight up a bad first experience overall. Which amazes me knowing how much money Coinbase generates and the education level of employees there.

Consider that the problem doesn't only lie to coinbase but also to users who fall to their schemes. The sneaky ppl will keep increasing which is something out of our control unlike ourselves, hence why we should focus on gaining knowledge to not fall for them.

Pretty sure you would get you payout assuming that you've done what needs to be done but the question is when. From what I heard support has a speed of a turtle.

Title: Re: Coinbase Earn program test for friends... DAI "connect to coinbase" problem
Post by: Languett89 on September 19, 2019, 12:49:38 AM
That's not the issue here, it's for starter "misleading advertisement information" and on top of that, it is insanely buggy, DAI task is straight up not working plus so far I've done 4 invites and received sweet F all so my point is that for newcomers, it is straight up a bad first experience overall. Which amazes me knowing how much money Coinbase generates and the education level of employees there.

Consider that the problem doesn't only lie to coinbase but also to users who fall to their schemes. The sneaky ppl will keep increasing which is something out of our control unlike ourselves, hence why we should focus on gaining knowledge to not fall for them.

Pretty sure you would get you payout assuming that you've done what needs to be done but the question is when. From what I heard support has a speed of a turtle.

Indeed and daily I try to school people of X or Y new scam or hacking or phising techniques. Surprisingly, obviously not, I've never been hacked and/or scammed, which is pretty rare nowadays. End of life parenthesis.
Only reason I assumed it would've been geguine and well conceived was because it was CB you know, yet to my "not so" big surprise it just turned out to be the same manipulative bait clicking MLM corporate scheme that CB uses which saddens me being one of the must used option for crypto buyers. Never used. Never will. End of story for me.

P.S. Support just closed my support ticket with an automated message, didn't respond, didn't give an explanation for closing of ticket, amateur hour at it's finest  :D :D :D