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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Juggy777 on September 19, 2019, 10:35:32 AM

Title: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: Juggy777 on September 19, 2019, 10:35:32 AM
Justin Trudeau was forced to apologise for wearing Brownface makeup while attending a private school gala back in 2001. While many have criticised him I feel he’s being wrongly targeted, his critics seems to have gotten an old photo of him and are using it for petty political gains. One thing I would like to clarify I do not support racism, but this incident only came to light because he’s a politician hence before you criticise him you need to understand you’re being manipulated in criticising him. Do you’ll think politicians need to use old images to win elections, are they not required to show thier action plan for the country based on which the voters can decide whether or not to vote for them?.

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Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: TECSHARE on September 19, 2019, 03:22:58 PM
Apparently it wasn't just one photo, but 3. For the amount of virtue signalling he does this is pretty hilarious seeing him eat crow in a very subject appropriate way. Also in this case it wasn't like it was from his high school years but was from 2001. Hard to say "it was a different time" for this one.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: squatz1 on September 19, 2019, 03:45:52 PM
Apparently it wasn't just one photo, but 3. For the amount of virtue signalling he does this is pretty hilarious seeing him eat crow in a very subject appropriate way. Also in this case it wasn't like it was from his high school years but was from 2001. Hard to say "it was a different time" for this one.

This is the funniest part of it, due to the fact that he's the type of guy to be angry at other people for doing the same thing. I could see him on twitter shaming people right now for wearing blackface at a fucking halloween party 45 years ago or some shit.

Great to see. Though I do think the only reason people should care about this is because of the fact that he would attack people for the same thing.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: Daniel91 on September 22, 2019, 11:44:56 AM
It seems to me that he was killed by his own weapon.
In the past, he and his party were the leaders of the so-called. political correctness.
Trudeau has apologized to everyone in the past many times and it had already become a farce.
Now that came back to him like a boomerang, well deserved.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: squatz1 on September 25, 2019, 03:54:35 PM
It seems to me that he was killed by his own weapon.
In the past, he and his party were the leaders of the so-called. political correctness.
Trudeau has apologized to everyone in the past many times and it had already become a farce.
Now that came back to him like a boomerang, well deserved.

Not surprising to see. This is something thats going to backfire on everyone involved in this whole 'cancel culture'

Meaning that people are just going to search through your entire life -- Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, etc -- and find one bad thing that you've said or done that hurts you in the long run.

Not something that is going to be sustainable in future generations.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on September 28, 2019, 02:26:06 PM
The thing is it wouldn't have been as large of an issue if it didn't made him look like a hypocrite. He be badgering people for being "politically incorrect", for using the "wrong" pronouns (flashback of that cringe "peoplekind" moment), etc.

Not surprising to see. This is something thats going to backfire on everyone involved in this whole 'cancel culture'

Meaning that people are just going to search through your entire life -- Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, etc -- and find one bad thing that you've said or done that hurts you in the long run.

They eat their own. Explains the crazier endorsement of cannibalism.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: TECSHARE on September 30, 2019, 02:15:22 AM
Lol, even more has come out.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: Juggy777 on September 30, 2019, 10:17:33 AM
Lol, even more has come out.

@TECSHARE this video is going to hurt his re-election campaign hard, but when I read the tweets it says he’s yet winning and people don’t care about his blackface photos and videos can you explain how’s this happening?. When I had first seen those photos I felt it was a political witch-hunt, but when I saw this video I realised that there’s something wrong with Justin’s mindset. Also he’s admitted to not remembering how many times he wore blackface, that means he’s aware that more images and videos will be coming out to derail his re-election campaign.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: TECSHARE on September 30, 2019, 12:36:55 PM
Lol, even more has come out.

@TECSHARE this video is going to hurt his re-election campaign hard, but when I read the tweets it says he’s yet winning and people don’t care about his blackface photos and videos can you explain how’s this happening?. When I had first seen those photos I felt it was a political witch-hunt, but when I saw this video I realised that there’s something wrong with Justin’s mindset. Also he’s admitted to not remembering how many times he wore blackface, that means he’s aware that more images and videos will be coming out to derail his re-election campaign.

Frankly I don't think the whole blackface thing is a big deal in and of itself. Originally the stigma came from "minstrel shows", a form of entertainment during the early 19th century in America, and the exaggerated, dismissive, and demeaning stereotypes presented. Over time as politically correct culture has gotten out of control, the simple act of being in blackface itself has attained the original stigma of this historical practice. In my opinion the reprehensible part of this is the part where it is used to purposely demean people based upon their race or skin tone. It also seems to me that most black people really wouldn't care, as long as how I previously I mentioned, it is not accompanied with the demeaning intent. Of course there will always be a minority who are overly sensitive to such things and will overreact no matter how innocent it is, but it seems most people generally don't care as long as it is not actively being used as a tool to degrade people based on their race/skin tone. That said, I personally find this interesting and funny because not only is Canada a nation infested with these overly PC Marxist types, but these kind of things are often even encoded into their legal system in quite asinine ways. Furthermore Trudeau himself is fond of this type of virtue signaling and almost hysterical political correctness. The hypocrisy is the entertaining part here.

Progressives don't really in general have principles, they are usually of the mindset of "the ends justify the means", and as they occupy this Postmodernist mindset where they live within an ideology of the relativist which allows them to justify literally anything in their own minds and among themselves regardless of how hypocritical it is. When things like this happen and this hypocrisy is exposed, it forces these people to be acutely aware of their own double standards, and creates a painful cognitive dissonance within them. This is why you more often than not find the people that are most offended by these types of things are generally middle to upper class white people, because not only is it associated with historical guilt over things like slavery, but exposes their modern type of racism which usually is in the form of bigotry of low expectations. This overreaction is how they deal with their own cognitive dissonance, in effect it is more about absolving themselves of guilt rather than preventing anyone from being discriminated against. It is a very selfish and often extremely racist mindset. This Postmodernist relativist ideology in mind, it becomes more clear how a nation so obsessed with being politically correct can sweep things like this under the rug when it does not serve their own political goals, because ultimately it is about escaping the pain of self awareness and cognitive dissonance over their own self contradicting ideology.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: yoseph on September 30, 2019, 12:41:23 PM
I never liked the guy and i believe that he is way too immature to be President of such a great country,I really doubt that this is going to hurt his re-election, the black community in Canada seems to be of a more forgiving nature than those of in the USA. This is just a silly mistake he made during his youth and am sure lots of people have made mistakes during that time.

Title: Re: Mistakes made in past has jolted Justin Trudeau election campaign
Post by: TECSHARE on September 30, 2019, 12:56:32 PM
I never liked the guy and i believe that he is way too immature to be President of such a great country,I really doubt that this is going to hurt his re-election, the black community in Canada seems to be of a more forgiving nature than those of in the USA. This is just a silly mistake he made during his youth and am sure lots of people have made mistakes during that time.

The black community in Canada as far as I know seems to be composed of a majority immigrant populations on the public dole, so not only do they have financial incentive to ignore this, but the lax immigration policies he and his party support are also preferential. Also immigrant populations are decidedly less sensitive to these types of things as this hysterical type of political correctness is largely a phenomenon of Western society. The small number of black Canadians who were born there also generally don't seem to care much either, unless as explained above it becomes a tool of degradation. The main offended party here is white Marxist progressives, and as I explained their Postmodernist relativist ideology allows them to ignore such things, because being aware of them results in painful cognitive dissonance. When it is say a conservative who was in a similar position of course this cognitive dissonance does not apply, so they are more than happy to create an angry mob over it, because again, they don't really have principles but look at everything through the lens of the ends justifying the means.