Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: TokenHodlr on September 21, 2019, 09:20:57 PM

Title: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 21, 2019, 09:20:57 PM

Leonardo D’ Vinci was once asked, by a patron,
“how do you create such magnificent works out of rocks?”
His answer came immediate and sure,
“I chip away everything that’s not angel”

A true Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals...based on principles of the highest order.
What would a true cryptosystem look like if it had everything in it from the beginning?
Then pruned "everything that’s not angel"?

Some suggestions for inclusion I've read, in no particular order:

An authenticatable mechanism for true open market price/value discovery.
Vertical integration of all key elements in transaction chain, creating a stacked margin or flywheel effect.
Cross-pollinating profit centers.
Solid and diverse uses case.
Perpetual Self-Funding of protocol development.
Community auditable high-value income producing assets, driving price/value appreciation utility/fungibility.
Leverage Existing Communities, Developers, Publishers, Payment Providers, and Merchants to Drive Value, Utility and Fungibility.

The Flywheel model produces these benefits without relying on Network Effects or Economies of Scale at the outset (think Amazon, Walmart, Atlassian).
IMO, Although Bitcoin, Ethereum, et al., may be Directionally and Conceptually Correct, they are far from being Complete Monetary Eco-System Solutions. The Monetary Eco-System and Cryptocurrencies that will Ultimately Succeed, Have Not Been Visioneered, Engineered and Brought to Market, Yet...

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: jossiel on September 21, 2019, 09:43:11 PM
You are too being technical which can't be understood by the usual users and investors of cryptocurrencies.

What's this flywheel model that you are trying to explain? is this another concept that a project tries to make it popular? Bitcoin is far from a total monetary solution? how could that be if it's the reason why cryptos were born and if its not because of it, do you think ideas of creating newer altcoins will come?

Taking the example of being far from that and let's take it a yes. It's because of the conflict of the gov't implementing rules which others might not agree into its purpose.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: on September 21, 2019, 09:59:01 PM
I really like the points buttressed here about features a true crypto must posses, especially solid and diverse use cases. From all the points, I think this is the best and others are ideal. Best in the sense that if a project sort for development that will boost adoption of its coin maybe linked to their product, it will give investors more reasons to hold for long term hence preventing sudden massive dump. Talking about self-funding of project development mentioned here, I don't see anything wrong with crowd-funding unless it's done with bad intentions. Nobody knows the cryptocurrency that will be the "messiah" in the long run, for now we only presume.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: Mrsparks on September 21, 2019, 10:41:35 PM
of all the listed suggestions I most confess having a solid use-case is the most important feature in a project. It beats me hollow when I see projects with zero or no use-case propagating in the crypto space. No use case equals to know the demand and this further implies no value. Hence its pivotal for a project to have a good usecase in order to ensure value.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: Cryptrx on September 21, 2019, 10:52:23 PM

Leonardo D’ Vinci was once asked, by a patron,
“how do you create such magnificent works out of rocks?”
His answer came immediate and sure,
“I chip away everything that’s not angel”

A true Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals...based on principles of the highest order.
What would a true cryptosystem look like if it had everything in it from the beginning?
Then pruned "everything that’s not angel"?

Some suggestions for inclusion I've read, in no particular order:

An authenticatable mechanism for true open market price/value discovery.
Vertical integration of all key elements in transaction chain, creating a stacked margin or flywheel effect.
Cross-pollinating profit centers.
Solid and diverse uses case.
Perpetual Self-Funding of protocol development.
Community auditable high-value income producing assets, driving price/value appreciation utility/fungibility.
Leverage Existing Communities, Developers, Publishers, Payment Providers, and Merchants to Drive Value, Utility and Fungibility.

The Flywheel model produces these benefits without relying on Network Effects or Economies of Scale at the outset (think Amazon, Walmart, Atlassian).
IMO, Although Bitcoin, Ethereum, et al., may be Directionally and Conceptually Correct, they are far from being Complete Monetary Eco-System Solutions. The Monetary Eco-System and Cryptocurrencies that will Ultimately Succeed, Have Not Been Visioneered, Engineered and Brought to Market, Yet...

How do you explain this: The Monetary Eco-System and Cryptocurrencies? What are the benchmarks or criteria for this? In actual reality when you talk about fundamentals, you're looking at the utility, is the project ct viable, does it address any reasonable life issues, is it applicable in real world.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 21, 2019, 11:07:25 PM
You are too being technical which can't be understood by the usual users and investors of cryptocurrencies.

What's this flywheel model that you are trying to explain? is this another concept that a project tries to make it popular? Bitcoin is far from a total monetary solution? how could that be if it's the reason why cryptos were born and if its not because of it, do you think ideas of creating newer altcoins will come?

Taking the example of being far from that and let's take it a yes. It's because of the conflict of the gov't implementing rules which others might not agree into its purpose.


My being too technical was intended to filter out the usual users and investors of
crypto-systems for a more seasoned, sound and serious discussion.

As to the Flywheel Model, although no longer taught at the business universities, is at least as old as recorded history and far from another concept that a project could make popular. Although much is written on the subject, suffice it to say, that in my humble opinion, the Flywheel Model/Effect is the missing link in strategically unifying the real-world of tangible value creation and the world of crypto-systems.

Flywheel Effect: Why Positive Feedback Loops are a Meta-Competitive Advantage (

I don't see Bitcoin as a complete Monetary solution because it lacks the fundamental design, engineering and architecture necessary to serve a community in the hundreds of millions, not to mention the billions.

As I stated in the opening of this thread, the Monetary Eco-system and the currencies that will ultimately succeed, have not been Visioneered and brought to market yet.

In closing, gatekeepers implementing rules and regulations should be sidelined, not complied with.

Thank you for your thoughtful and considered response. I look forward to a deeper exploration of what I intend to be a most productive conversation.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 21, 2019, 11:32:12 PM

Leonardo D’ Vinci was once asked, by a patron,
“how do you create such magnificent works out of rocks?”
His answer came immediate and sure,
“I chip away everything that’s not angel”

A true Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals...based on principles of the highest order.
What would a true cryptosystem look like if it had everything in it from the beginning?
Then pruned "everything that’s not angel"?

Some suggestions for inclusion I've read, in no particular order:

An authenticatable mechanism for true open market price/value discovery.
Vertical integration of all key elements in transaction chain, creating a stacked margin or flywheel effect.
Cross-pollinating profit centers.
Solid and diverse uses case.
Perpetual Self-Funding of protocol development.
Community auditable high-value income producing assets, driving price/value appreciation utility/fungibility.
Leverage Existing Communities, Developers, Publishers, Payment Providers, and Merchants to Drive Value, Utility and Fungibility.

The Flywheel model produces these benefits without relying on Network Effects or Economies of Scale at the outset (think Amazon, Walmart, Atlassian).
IMO, Although Bitcoin, Ethereum, et al., may be Directionally and Conceptually Correct, they are far from being Complete Monetary Eco-System Solutions. The Monetary Eco-System and Cryptocurrencies that will Ultimately Succeed, Have Not Been Visioneered, Engineered and Brought to Market, Yet...

How do you explain this: The Monetary Eco-System and Cryptocurrencies? What are the benchmarks or criteria for this? In actual reality when you talk about fundamentals, you're looking at the utility, is the project ct viable, does it address any reasonable life issues, is it applicable in real world.

All the Monetary systems I have studied, regardless of the method of exchange, have been built around individual buyers, sellers and transactors, peer-to-peer, without regulating intermediaries, without gatekeepers, without sanctioned rent-seekers and the whole sorted lot of socio-political parasites, seeming to exist without purpose; other than to further their interests through manipulation, malfeasance, and misdirection.

It is precicely your question, "What are the benchmarks or criteria for this?" that I intended this thread to explore and discover.

Appreciate your thoughtful contribution.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: CryptoBry on September 21, 2019, 11:50:14 PM
of all the listed suggestions I most confess having a solid use-case is the most important feature in a project. It beats me hollow when I see projects with zero or no use-case propagating in the crypto space. No use case equals to know the demand and this further implies no value. Hence its pivotal for a project to have a good usecase in order to ensure value.

I agree. No matter how technically magnificent a project is but when it failed to present and experience solid use-cases then there is a strong probability it will just die down the road. Of course, it is good to be technically flawless but it must make sure that there is a critical size of market that it is going to capture and make sure that it do otherwise it can just be a waste of time. Actually, we already have many good platforms but as always nothing is perfect.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: Periodik on September 22, 2019, 12:32:11 AM
I'll just stick to the term "fundamentals". This is the project's do or die. Or perhaps "fundamentals" is the project itself. A project with a great marketing and promotion, with a nice website, hardworking developers, etc does not necessarily mean they are up for success already. If the project has below quality fundamentals, I'm afraid they will still end up where they are destined to-- at the trash bin. The crypto world is very competitive already. Innovation is a tight race.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: mu_enrico on September 22, 2019, 05:09:56 AM
The Flywheel model produces these benefits without relying on Network Effects or Economies of Scale at the outset (think Amazon, Walmart, Atlassian).
@OP what do you mean by the above statement? Isn't the majority of businesses rely on the network effect and economies of scale? IMO The flywheel is just jargon to say: "A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all." - Michael LeBoeuf. (

Do you think we need more utility on BTC and ETH or do we need new altcoin to support your vision?

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: Miklight88 on September 22, 2019, 06:06:03 AM
i think this is a good write up to have started a peoject with has it will be a good way to develop any project and after getting to market it move along with the technical  analysis which will then depend on the way the demand and supply goes for every reason to be follow and the fundamental  goes.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 22, 2019, 03:59:37 PM
I'll just stick to the term "fundamentals". This is the project's do or die. Or perhaps "fundamentals" is the project itself. A project with a great marketing and promotion, with a nice website, hardworking developers, etc does not necessarily mean they are up for success already. If the project has below quality fundamentals, I'm afraid they will still end up where they are destined to-- at the trash bin. The crypto world is very competitive already. Innovation is a tight race.

I agree with your observation without reservation, and the crypto space, it is very competitive, but the vast majority of projects out and in the pipeline all seem to be targeting a handful of very narrowly defined niches. Imo, a solid proxy for measuring this is the last five years trading charts for Bitcoin and Altcoins. You will see that they track each other almost as if choreographed. This I believe to be indicative of how narrowly concentrated the competition is.

As to the question of innovation, I believe this to be already on the shelf waiting for a handful of generalists to put the big pieces together, so that the technicians, developers, and specialists can bring the myriad smaller pieces, creating an Apex-Class competitor.

Look forward to continued and constructive dialogue.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 22, 2019, 04:51:21 PM
The Flywheel model produces these benefits without relying on Network Effects or Economies of Scale at the outset (think Amazon, Walmart, Atlassian).
@OP what do you mean by the above statement? Isn't the majority of businesses rely on the network effect and economies of scale? IMO The flywheel is just jargon to say: "A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all." - Michael LeBoeuf. (
Thank you for the wise, tried and true Mr. LeBoeuf quote. I have a number of his books in my personal library. It is at least the cornerstone of a foundation built on fundamental principle centricity. It is, in my view, a major ingredient that any enterprise of consequence must have as a component of its secret sauce.

It is true that a majority of business models become reliant on the network effect and economies of scale. What the Flywheel Model brings to the table is an organizational structure that becomes the catalyst for the momentum effect, which attracts and rewards users before the network effect and scale of economy come into play.

Amazon, I think presents itself as an ideal Flywheel Model in that long before they reached their current stage of Leviathan through network and scale, Bezos was in his garage filling orders with his very own two hands, starting the Flywheel in motion, generating momentum, monetizing and optimizing the network and scale of economy.

I've posted a link to an article earlier in the thread that does a good job of rendering a fair and non-technical exploration of the Flywheel Model; Ill repost it here for your convenience:

Flywheel Effect: Why Positive Feedback Loops are a Meta-Competitive Advantage (

Do you think we need more utility on BTC and ETH or do we need new altcoin to support your vision?
I have explored the last question you pose very deeply.

Although utility and fungibility are at the top of the list of prerequisites, I just don't see how BTC, ETH, et al. scale strategically in a real-world global market. No reliable mechanism of true price/value discovery translates into speculation and endless volatility.

Although I continue to monitor the evidence, at this point I am convinced that a new protocol, with its own native cryptocurrency is an absolutely essential component for community management and self-regulation of the entire transaction chain cycle, enabling efficient, effective and profitable delivery on promises.   

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 22, 2019, 07:23:46 PM

How do you explain this: The Monetary Eco-System and Cryptocurrencies? What are the benchmarks or criteria for this? In actual reality when you talk about fundamentals, you're looking at the utility, is the project ct viable, does it address any reasonable life issues, is it applicable in real world.

In looking back I can see I inadvertently neglected to address your first question.

I use the phrase Monetary Eco-System to put a handle on the entire sphere of buyers, sellers, traders, transactors and all of the products, services and other utility these participants bring to the market. Combining that set of abstracts with a cryptocurrency to serve as a manipulation-free method of exchange, creating measurable liquidity and mobility for the underlying fundamental value/price discovery, i.e. high quality income-producing assets.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 22, 2019, 07:30:31 PM
The Flywheel model produces these benefits without relying on Network Effects or Economies of Scale at the outset (think Amazon, Walmart, Atlassian).
@OP what do you mean by the above statement? Isn't the majority of businesses rely on the network effect and economies of scale? IMO The flywheel is just jargon to say: "A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all." - Michael LeBoeuf. (

Do you think we need more utility on BTC and ETH or do we need new altcoin to support your vision?

Thanks for the upvote, I know those aren't given out easy.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: disconnectme on September 22, 2019, 07:48:22 PM
Any good project must be based on sound fundamentals but to me what differentiate good projects that succeeded and those that do not is sound marketing behind their project, this is one thing in the space that is really lacking, what most of these projects rely on is using Twitter influencers and this can only do 1/10th of what needed to be done. Until this is looked into critically, not when you want to raise money but after the platform is up and running

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: akirasendo17 on September 22, 2019, 08:02:17 PM
a true crypto currency should be basic in the since that it doesnt need to be  to complicated, identifies it self if its usages, mostly this is what also needs to be clear what its path, for the future, the developers should always and must know its limitations, and can push it to its limits, can do mass adaptations because its what people needs to know for a projects

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: nanaimogold on September 22, 2019, 09:42:10 PM

Leonardo D’ Vinci was once asked, by a patron,
“how do you create such magnificent works out of rocks?”
His answer came immediate and sure,
“I chip away everything that’s not angel”

A true Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals...based on principles of the highest order.
What would a true cryptosystem look like if it had everything in it from the beginning?
Then pruned "everything that’s not angel"?

Some suggestions for inclusion I've read, in no particular order:

An authenticatable mechanism for true open market price/value discovery.
Vertical integration of all key elements in transaction chain, creating a stacked margin or flywheel effect.
Cross-pollinating profit centers.
Solid and diverse uses case.
Perpetual Self-Funding of protocol development.
Community auditable high-value income producing assets, driving price/value appreciation utility/fungibility.
Leverage Existing Communities, Developers, Publishers, Payment Providers, and Merchants to Drive Value, Utility and Fungibility.

The Flywheel model produces these benefits without relying on Network Effects or Economies of Scale at the outset (think Amazon, Walmart, Atlassian).
IMO, Although Bitcoin, Ethereum, et al., may be Directionally and Conceptually Correct, they are far from being Complete Monetary Eco-System Solutions. The Monetary Eco-System and Cryptocurrencies that will Ultimately Succeed, Have Not Been Visioneered, Engineered and Brought to Market, Yet...

I wish we can really bring it down to the layman's level, I equally agree that a true cryptocurrency has to have all fundamental qualities to make it so but with all been said, can you please enumerate the few cryptocurrencies that make this cut of being a true crypto. It will help the ordinary cryptocurrency enthusiasts outline and identify true cryptos

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: hatshepsut93 on September 22, 2019, 10:12:08 PM
Strange that you have missed the biggest fundamental of any cryptocurrency - the underlying consensus algorithm. If algorithm isn't theoretically secure, the whole cryptocurrency can't be considered safe and decentralized. A ton of altcoins are using iherently centralized algorithms, which makes all their supposed achievements irrelevant - the point of cryptocurrency is to remove the middleman, not create a new type of middleman.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 22, 2019, 10:58:50 PM
Any good project must be based on sound fundamentals but to me what differentiate good projects that succeeded and those that do not is sound marketing behind their project, this is one thing in the space that is really lacking, what most of these projects rely on is using Twitter influencers and this can only do 1/10th of what needed to be done. Until this is looked into critically, not when you want to raise money but after the platform is up and running

Marketing/sales has two strategic approaches. One is a push, the other is pull.
Push entails force, very expensive, pull has your constituency driving demand. 

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 22, 2019, 11:06:58 PM
Strange that you have missed the biggest fundamental of any cryptocurrency - the underlying consensus algorithm. If algorithm isn't theoretically secure, the whole cryptocurrency can't be considered safe and decentralized. A ton of altcoins are using iherently centralized algorithms, which makes all their supposed achievements irrelevant - the point of cryptocurrency is to remove the middleman, not create a new type of middleman.

Your point is my point. Nuff said

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: Lexurdania on September 22, 2019, 11:45:43 PM
Any good project must be based on sound fundamentals but to me what differentiate good projects that succeeded and those that do not is sound marketing behind their project, this is one thing in the space that is really lacking, what most of these projects rely on is using Twitter influencers and this can only do 1/10th of what needed to be done. Until this is looked into critically, not when you want to raise money but after the platform is up and running

Marketing/sales has two strategic approaches. One is a push, the other is pull.
Push entails force, very expensive, pull has your constituency driving demand. 

I agree that marketing can be done after the product is running and so investors understand about the project to be invested. Fundamentals are important because they form the foundation of a project because fundamental analysis will determine how a company earns money and finances the project

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: jossiel on September 23, 2019, 11:34:16 AM
You are too being technical which can't be understood by the usual users and investors of cryptocurrencies.

What's this flywheel model that you are trying to explain? is this another concept that a project tries to make it popular? Bitcoin is far from a total monetary solution? how could that be if it's the reason why cryptos were born and if its not because of it, do you think ideas of creating newer altcoins will come?

Taking the example of being far from that and let's take it a yes. It's because of the conflict of the gov't implementing rules which others might not agree into its purpose.


My being too technical was intended to filter out the usual users and investors of
crypto-systems for a more seasoned, sound and serious discussion.
I understand your point of eliminating those investors that just comes in because they've heard that crypto is something new and they can also profit with it despite not going deep with it. But they are all starting and most of us came from that point. Once they go deep with those fundamentals that's the turning point if they'll go serious or not.

As to the Flywheel Model, although no longer taught at the business universities, is at least as old as recorded history and far from another concept that a project could make popular. Although much is written on the subject, suffice it to say, that in my humble opinion, the Flywheel Model/Effect is the missing link in strategically unifying the real-world of tangible value creation and the world of crypto-systems.

Flywheel Effect: Why Positive Feedback Loops are a Meta-Competitive Advantage (

I don't see Bitcoin as a complete Monetary solution because it lacks the fundamental design, engineering and architecture necessary to serve a community in the hundreds of millions, not to mention the billions.

As I stated in the opening of this thread, the Monetary Eco-system and the currencies that will ultimately succeed, have not been Visioneered and brought to market yet.

In closing, gatekeepers implementing rules and regulations should be sidelined, not complied with.

Thank you for your thoughtful and considered response. I look forward to a deeper exploration of what I intend to be a most productive conversation.

This is kinda long but thank you for this and I'll read this whole thing afterward.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: mu_enrico on September 23, 2019, 12:08:47 PM
@TokenHodlr your welcome :)

Even though I think TokenHodlr is a smurf account, it doesn't matter since you bring an interesting discussion to the table. Perhaps you could speak this way more freely.

What the Flywheel Model brings to the table is an organizational structure that becomes the catalyst for the momentum effect, which attracts and rewards users before the network effect and scale of economy come into play.
I've read the medium article, and IMO not much new information can be derived (perhaps I studied business for too long). Models/frameworks indeed useful for mapping ideas, and I can see why the Flywheel Model looks appealing. However, I shall not derail this thread. I get your point that the snowball effect + momentum is essential.

Although utility and fungibility are at the top of the list of prerequisites, I just don't see how BTC, ETH, et al. scale strategically in a real-world global market. No reliable mechanism of true price/value discovery translates into speculation and endless volatility.  
I think the free and open market is the only way to get the true price/value discovery. What's the alternative?
It doesn't matter what motivates market participants. Everything is already priced in, assumed that the market is efficient. << this is what they taught in school.
The problem is that the crypto market is far from efficient.

As for BTC, ETH, etc., yeah, I remain skeptical after observe how the situation progressed.

I am convinced that a new protocol, with its own native cryptocurrency is an absolutely essential component for community management and self-regulation of the entire transaction chain cycle, enabling efficient, effective and profitable delivery on promises.   
I don't know man, cryptocurrencies (and any form of currency) always involve governance. And it goes beyond the tech itself (i.e., consensus, reward/subsidy, hashing algorithm, etc.). Perhaps you should elaborate your idea more clearly, about what kind of protocol in your mind that can be the better currency than the contemporary blockchain technology.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: cudora on September 23, 2019, 12:19:22 PM
The most important part is the use case, which 90 percent of all currencies do not have at all. They can have a good website, whitepaper, community, but without real value behind the project, no coin will achieve something.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: jazmuzika217 on September 23, 2019, 12:51:35 PM
You are driving very deep on your point. Yes you are right that fundamentals are important and I think to all thing this is important. But always remember that function and marketing is more important in everything because this is the heart of every business or any project. Deep article or post is not important in this industry. We are here to make our life easy and comfartable not in a deep conversation.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 07:06:06 PM
a true crypto currency should be basic in the since that it doesnt need to be  to complicated, identifies it self if its usages, mostly this is what also needs to be clear what its path, for the future, the developers should always and must know its limitations, and can push it to its limits, can do mass adaptations because its what people needs to know for a projects

Stipulated, "cryptocurrency" is an important, but relatively small element in terms of the eco-system itself, which the method of exchange (MOE) or crypto serves to facilitate, buying, selling, trading and other productive trans-actors, as well as liquidity and general fungibility/utility or uses case. As for the path, that should be the product of ‘the wisdom of the vested community’.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 07:19:25 PM

I wish we can really bring it down to the layman's level, I equally agree that a true cryptocurrency has to have all fundamental qualities to make it so but with all been said, can you please enumerate the few cryptocurrencies that make this cut of being a true crypto. It will help the ordinary cryptocurrency enthusiasts outline and identify true cryptos

Your response gives you away.

I understand what it is you ask, however, a layman you are not.

I would be happy to report that there were a few, even one, that I have found that I would recommend to my mother, whom is an ordinary cryptocurrency enthusiast. It is my desired outcome that this thread will play out a helpful role in exploring, discovering and perhaps even creating a community deveopled, supported, managed, regulated and most importantly, profiting from our exploration.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 07:35:43 PM
Strange that you have missed the biggest fundamental of any cryptocurrency - the underlying consensus algorithm. If algorithm isn't theoretically secure, the whole cryptocurrency can't be considered safe and decentralized. A ton of altcoins are using iherently centralized algorithms, which makes all their supposed achievements irrelevant - the point of cryptocurrency is to remove the middleman, not create a new type of middleman.

Ive looked back over my posts on these threads (out of respect for your member status, activity and your merit) and do not see how you arrive at

Strange that you have missed the biggest fundamental of any cryptocurrency

otherwise, I agree with your post in its entirety. I am here precisely because of these concerns you, others and I have.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 07:42:24 PM
Any good project must be based on sound fundamentals but to me what differentiate good projects that succeeded and those that do not is sound marketing behind their project, this is one thing in the space that is really lacking, what most of these projects rely on is using Twitter influencers and this can only do 1/10th of what needed to be done. Until this is looked into critically, not when you want to raise money but after the platform is up and running

Marketing/sales has two strategic approaches. One is a push, the other is pull.
Push entails force, very expensive, pull has your constituency driving demand. 

I agree that marketing can be done after the product is running and so investors understand about the project to be invested. Fundamentals are important because they form the foundation of a project because fundamental analysis will determine how a company earns money and finances the project


Precisely, like sex on the blockchain!

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 07:53:31 PM

I understand your point of eliminating those investors that just comes in because they've heard that crypto is something new and they can also profit with it despite not going deep with it. But they are all starting and most of us came from that point. Once they go deep with those fundamentals that's the turning point if they'll go serious or not.

It is not my intent to exclude those investors that are new or unitiated in this thread. My outcome is that most of this thread would be populated by those in the community vested in its most beneficial outcome for all participants.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 08:11:56 PM
@TokenHodlr your welcome :)

Even though I think TokenHodlr is a smurf account, it doesn't matter since you bring an interesting discussion to the table. Perhaps you could speak this way more freely.

What the Flywheel Model brings to the table is an organizational structure that becomes the catalyst for the momentum effect, which attracts and rewards users before the network effect and scale of economy come into play.
I've read the medium article, and IMO not much new information can be derived (perhaps I studied business for too long). Models/frameworks indeed useful for mapping ideas, and I can see why the Flywheel Model looks appealing. However, I shall not derail this thread. I get your point that the snowball effect + momentum is essential.

Although utility and fungibility are at the top of the list of prerequisites, I just don't see how BTC, ETH, et al. scale strategically in a real-world global market. No reliable mechanism of true price/value discovery translates into speculation and endless volatility.  
I think the free and open market is the only way to get the true price/value discovery. What's the alternative?
It doesn't matter what motivates market participants. Everything is already priced in, assumed that the market is efficient. << this is what they taught in school.
The problem is that the crypto market is far from efficient.

As for BTC, ETH, etc., yeah, I remain skeptical after observe how the situation progressed.

I am convinced that a new protocol, with its own native cryptocurrency is an absolutely essential component for community management and self-regulation of the entire transaction chain cycle, enabling efficient, effective and profitable delivery on promises.   
I don't know man, cryptocurrencies (and any form of currency) always involve governance. And it goes beyond the tech itself (i.e., consensus, reward/subsidy, hashing algorithm, etc.). Perhaps you should elaborate your idea more clearly, about what kind of protocol in your mind that can be the better currency than the contemporary blockchain technology.

Sir, if I may presume so, I agree. Everything is regulated in one way or another. Whether it be the universe, the galaxy or creation itself. Technology is not the issue in my mind. Constitutionality is.

I appreciate your encouragement and I most certainly will elaborate "your idea more clearly".

If I had all the answers, I wouldn't be here. Like most of the contributors here, I would likely be on the isle of my dream with no time for anything else, other than friends, family and the enjoyment thereof. 

I don't imagine it being a "better currency" or "blockchain technology", these are more than adequate for the time-being.


Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 08:38:32 PM
The most important part is the use case, which 90 percent of all currencies do not have at all. They can have a good website, whitepaper, community, but without real value behind the project, no coin will achieve something.

I must confess, I have not followed your commentary on this forum.

Thus, do not discern the discrepancy between your activity and merit scores. However, I will wholeheartedly endorse the entirety of your contribution to this most eventful conversation.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 23, 2019, 09:10:59 PM
You are driving very deep on your point. Yes you are right that fundamentals are important and I think to all thing this is important. But always remember that function and marketing is more important in everything because this is the heart of every business or any project. Deep article or post is not important in this industry. We are here to make our life easy and comfartable not in a deep conversation.

Understood, however, I take issue with your inference, that we are here to make our lives easy and comfortable.

I am here to make life deeply satisfying.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: mu_enrico on September 24, 2019, 04:04:42 AM
Sir, if I may presume so,
No, I'm a sucker.

My apologies, I'm under the impression that you are here to speak/teach about your "new cryptocurrency." But I think what you want is:

I am here to make life deeply satisfying.
So, I wish you good luck finding what you are looking for in this place.

Seriously? The Bitcointalk altcoin discussion?

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 24, 2019, 04:49:10 PM
Sir, if I may presume so,
No, I'm a sucker.

My apologies, I'm under the impression that you are here to speak/teach about your "new cryptocurrency." But I think what you want is:

I am here to make life deeply satisfying.
So, I wish you good luck finding what you are looking for in this place.

Seriously? The Bitcointalk altcoin discussion?

Admittedly, that was a bit cheesy. Should've used the sarc button.

It has been my observation that the best teachers were also the best students.

On a more serious note,

The big issue for me in all the offerings I've seen is a simple lack of authenticatable yield; no income, no basis for discovery of true price/value. Just pure speculation; or better yet, gambling. I think this is best illustrated looking at the historical price charts, especially the last 5 years. For all coins, including Bitcoin. You will see they move almost in tandem; a glaring indication they're pretty much all 'me too' coins. Although recently Altcoins have, on occasion, led Bitcoin, especially to the downside.

Yield as we know, is the wisest and truest protector from inflation's ills and preserver of wealth and the formation of capital. Without high-quality income-producing assets at the foundation of the cryptocurrency, there will be no mechanism for true price/value discovery in the open markets that transactors can rely on.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 24, 2019, 07:32:38 PM
The most important part is the use case, which 90 percent of all currencies do not have at all. They can have a good website, whitepaper, community, but without real value behind the project, no coin will achieve something.
An example of this is the definition of Webchain, it is a well-defined project which conceives the community of website users as the processing grid for applications, based on blockchain technology, open-source, a very precise white paper, which shows the real value of your product and innovation in the consensus mechanism.
Next to Webchain, are CoinIMP (JavaScript Web Miner) and Mintme (Exchange Platform), platforms that make up a whole ecosystem. Although Mintme goes much further, you can create your own tokens and give them value in WEB currencies, trade them or invest in the tokens of other creators, among other features.

I am familiar with the first two recommendations. The third one I will give a look.

For me, the use case, meaning fungibility, utility, or ubiquitous exchangeability is paramount. Its usefulness should be at least up to the standard of USD without the insidious inflation that eats away savers' financial plans, purchasing power and store of value...

Re-inventing the wheel isn't what I'm looking for or proposing here. In my 3+ years of
researching these issues and more than 30 years of operations experience reveals to me that
the right team with the right balance, both in breadth and depth of experience, has simply not been
put together to produce even one project, that I'm aware of, that successfully combines all of the elements
necessary for the project to go from ICO to Apex-class competitor.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 24, 2019, 11:21:47 PM

What I am suggesting is that if you are going to invest in the DLT/Blockchain, Crypto  markets, arguably one of the most insane games on the planet, then you need to have some measure to protect your investment capital from significant losses.

Unclear on what the catalyst could be, if anything news-wise, but cryptos are collapsing across the board with altcoins leading the plunge... Bitcoin’s network hash rate dipped a record 40% yesterday, Sept. 23, in a sudden shock for the network.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 24, 2019, 11:37:36 PM

Since, ‘companies’ derive their revenue/earnings from consumption of their goods, products, and services; it is only logical that price appreciation, over any-term, should be fairly equated to its economic growth. This should/could be the case in a properly engineered crypto-system as well.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 25, 2019, 03:51:40 PM
The MOE would feature broad functionality, more than just a ‘beautifully crafted concept’,
an authentic and viable instrument which would seamlessly operate on a global scale.
Implemented by virtue of Blockchain technology, and secured by continuous community
audit of all income streams and the assets producing those cash flows.

From my perspective, altcoins reveal how little true price discovery there is to Bitcoin... This is as true of any Altcoin or ‘currency’ which isn't directly linked and convertible into Fundamental Physical Commodities; land, buildings, equipment, finished goods inventory, food, water, shelter, natural resources, other currencies/financial instruments, etc.

At an authenticated, Published and Transparent Conversion Rate.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 25, 2019, 08:51:16 PM
I believe there already exist cryptocurrencies that can achieve most of the things you listed  in Blockchain-friendly manner. Some altcoins have also done alot of difficult development job in Blockchain world. They will just need to keep improving the existing products. New coins will probably just copy them or  build centralized Blockchains.

I'm sure the things I've listed as prerequisites are far from inclusive of the elements necessary for strategic success. This very small list was meant as a stimulant for mind-storming only.

I think we could certainly find it useful if you could provide some examples of crypto systems that achieve even these few things listed in this thread.

Much gratitude for your contribution to the community and the conversation.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: mu_enrico on September 26, 2019, 03:59:58 AM
In my wildest opinion

I think currency is used only as MoE and UoA. It doesn't yield profit, doesn't have intrinsic value, doesn't have to be pegged with anything (at its final form). The problem with the fiat however, the government keep playing with the supply (inflation).

The consumption-based economy failed to predict that humans are incredibly greedy, lazy, risk-averse, etc. Instead of using the increased money supply to do productive activities, they use it to inflate assets/commodities.

Treating currency like stocks, that can yielding profits, have a predictable outcome, the greediest people will compete to have the biggest pie. And do nothing.

Maybe currency has to be pegged with gold as in a true gold standard, to reduce speculative behavior.
And then slowly and silently partially detached from gold (after WW1 - Bretton Woods).
Then completely separated from gold (Nixon).

The funny thing is, a lot of people still think that currencies are "backed" by gold. I believe this is why the currency is relatively stable because the uninformed don't understand. The perception has penetrated the deepest subconscious brain area, that the money is stable.

A similar event occurred in 98 when SE Asian countries abandoned pegged system (USD) and then used the free-float system.

Cryptocurrencies, without first pegged with something stable, would end as speculative assets.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 26, 2019, 06:06:05 PM
In my wildest opinion

I think currency is used only as MoE and UoA. It doesn't yield profit, doesn't have intrinsic value, doesn't have to be pegged with anything (at its final form). The problem with the fiat however, the government keep playing with the supply (inflation).

The consumption-based economy failed to predict that humans are incredibly greedy, lazy, risk-averse, etc. Instead of using the increased money supply to do productive activities, they use it to inflate assets/commodities.

Treating currency like stocks, that can yielding profits, have a predictable outcome, the greediest people will compete to have the biggest pie. And do nothing.

Maybe currency has to be pegged with gold as in a true gold standard, to reduce speculative behavior.
And then slowly and silently partially detached from gold (after WW1 - Bretton Woods).
Then completely separated from gold (Nixon).

The funny thing is, a lot of people still think that currencies are "backed" by gold. I believe this is why the currency is relatively stable because the uninformed don't understand. The perception has penetrated the deepest subconscious brain area, that the money is stable.

A similar event occurred in 98 when SE Asian countries abandoned pegged system (USD) and then used the free-float system.

Cryptocurrencies, without first pegged with something stable, would end as speculative assets.

Negative interest rates turn everything we know about economics upside down.

Under what scenario would anyone lend $1,000 to receive $900 in return at some point in the future?
Only when the alternative is to receive $800 back instead, due to the predicted interventions of central
banks and governments. Only then would locking in a set rate of capital loss make sense.
By "capital loss" I mean just that; when there is, no positive interest paid, the principal itself must be consumed.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 26, 2019, 10:10:59 PM
No society in history has previously entertained the idea of negative interest rates.

The destruction of capital, economic and social, should be contrary to every human impulse.

Civilization requires productive surplus and accumulation; de-civilization happens when
too many people borrow, spend, and consume more than they produce.

However, what if the crypto revolution succeeds?

What would it look, sound, smell, taste, feel …like

As in any revolution, today’s top dogs have the most to lose.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: mu_enrico on September 27, 2019, 07:23:50 AM
It is often criticized actually... some said let it "flow" naturally, the recession is good for the economy.

Under what scenario would anyone lend $1,000 to receive $900 in return at some point in the future?

The consumption-based economy failed to predict that humans are incredibly greedy, lazy, risk-averse, etc. Instead of using the increased money supply to do productive activities, they use it to inflate assets/commodities.
The contemporary economic systems encourage spending (consumption) to drive economic activities. It assumed that HODL is terrible for the economy. Inflation is a form of tax for idle money.

When inflation is already low, how government tax people? Obviously with negative interest rates.

Civilization requires productive surplus and accumulation; de-civilization happens when
too many people borrow, spend, and consume more than they produce.
How to encourage greedy, lazy, and overly risk-averse people to work? To be more entrepreneurial? (push)
How to attract diligent, bright, and risk-taker people to keep working and producing? (pull)

How "cryptocurrencies" alone solve this problem?
Perhaps, the "better" system has not been envisioned?

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: btcmegastar on September 27, 2019, 07:27:28 AM
Any good project must be based on sound fundamentals but to me what differentiate good projects that succeeded and those that do not is sound marketing behind their project, this is one thing in the space that is really lacking, what most of these projects rely on is using Twitter influencers and this can only do 1/10th of what needed to be done. Until this is looked into critically, not when you want to raise money but after the platform is up and running

Marketing/sales has two strategic approaches. One is a push, the other is pull.
Push entails force, very expensive, pull has your constituency driving demand. 

I agree that marketing can be done after the product is running and so investors understand about the project to be invested. Fundamentals are important because they form the foundation of a project because fundamental analysis will determine how a company earns money and finances the project

In block chain majority, we need to understand fundamental analysis about the future activity that's how they will raise the fund through their crowd sales. Their major target is to develop the product to get more exposure in the market and it will help them to attract the investors and traders.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 27, 2019, 04:54:40 PM
It is often criticized actually... some said let it "flow" naturally, the recession is good for the economy.

Recession is good for the economy, in the sense that it is the winter season in all properly
functioning economies and their markets. Without winter, there is no pruning mechanism,
which provides the fertile space for the new and renewable growth that drives the entrepreneurial
impulse, producing the surplus seed corn, for planting in the spring, after the winter has done its wonderful work.

The consumption-based economy failed to predict that humans are incredibly greedy, lazy,
risk-averse, etc. Instead of using the increased money supply to do productive activities, they use
it to inflate assets/commodities.

I don't view these as failure of morality issues. These are in fact, in my opinion, simply symptomatic
of a systemic failure on the part of our systems, institutions and the governance thereof. This too, I see
as a multi-generational cycle. A defining characteristic this time around is the rapidity at which the change
is taking place. In other words, what used to take generations to acquire can now be realized intra-generationally.

This, I believe is being driven by a multiplicity of "mega-trends" coalescing into "meta-trends". When I first
began to tease this out, one of the conclusions I thought I had made was that this was happening so quickly
that it had to lead to some kind of culture shock. Don't think I could've been more wrong about that.

The reality of it is that more than 99% of humanity is sleepwalking right
through it, and as history reveals to us, there will be a relative handful of
people that recognize these universal drivers, setting themselves and their
descendants up as the new movers, shapers, rain & king-makers, for generations to come.

How to encourage greedy, lazy, and overly risk-averse people to work? To be more entrepreneurial? (push)
How to attract diligent, bright, and risk-taker people to keep working and producing? (pull)

How "cryptocurrencies" alone solve this problem?
Perhaps, the "better" system has not been envisioned?

Having invested more than 30 years in the turnaround/startup space, some key lessons I've picked up
along the way are, in no particular order, the system over time corrupts the people. This is
the fault of the system not the people. There is no greater fertilizer than an owners footprints,
provide a vesting mechanism and transform them all into owners. It is like cutting the string from
a helium balloon. The solution is almost always where the problem is. Start at the shipping/receiving
dock and ask them, "What can I do to help make your work bigger, better, faster and funner"? and long
before you get to the E Suite, they will have provided you with the turnaround plan. And a bonus is, they
also reveal to you where and who the dead wood is, so the pruning can begin as well. That can be like discovering a vaccine.

To me cryptocurrencies are but a small part, although important as a component, but far from a problem-solver
in and of themselves. The Eco-system and cryptocurrencies that will ultimately succeed have not been visioneered,
engineered and brought to market yet.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: mu_enrico on September 28, 2019, 01:10:12 PM
Thank you for choosing to teach @TokenHodlr, and I pretty much agree with what you said.

I don't view these as failure of morality issues. These are in fact, in my opinion, simply symptomatic
of a systemic failure on the part of our systems, institutions and the governance thereof.

Having invested more than 30 years in the turnaround/startup space, some key lessons I've picked up
along the way are, in no particular order, the system over time corrupts the people. This is
the fault of the system not the people.
I have a similar conclusion about the system as the source of problems. I've seen enough evidence that the system can turn "good people" into "bad people." Humans have two polarities, the X and Y in one package, and I see the current system embrace one side over another.

To me cryptocurrencies are but a small part, although important as a component, but far from a problem-solver
in and of themselves. The Eco-system and cryptocurrencies that will ultimately succeed have not been visioneered,
engineered and brought to market yet.
It's very noble for you to keep doing this research while there is a probability that this (true cryptocurrency) is only a utopia. Probably currencies should be detached from economics and governance.

Economics, the allocation of resources, perhaps cannot satisfy all involved parties. Governance, the distribution of power, maybe always imbalanced, continuous cycle of order and chaos.

However, before I pass the baton to anyone who is far more competent than me, here's my general idea:

Freedom to choose between saving, consumption, and investment, but encouraging people without coercion to create/produce/invest, and not to hoard.
A mechanism to protect the system from malicious acts of its biggest holder and its creator.
A mechanism to prevent it from being used as speculative assets at its infancy.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: bitcoinposts on September 30, 2019, 12:48:11 PM
Crypto currency is full of fundamental knowledge based trading a crypto currency trader should stick with his fundamental knowledge based then we can pick price fluctuation and book profits

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: Marckolind on September 30, 2019, 12:58:20 PM
of all the listed suggestions I most confess having a solid use-case is the most important feature in a project. It beats me hollow when I see projects with zero or no use-case propagating in the crypto space. No use case equals to know the demand and this further implies no value. Hence its pivotal for a project to have a good usecase in order to ensure value.

Couldn't possibly agree with you more. There are tons of useless projects out there with 0 use cases at all. They simply steal code from other projects, and claim it as their own under some kind of disguise, some don't hide it at all.
One of the few projects I know who's been working their asses off is Blocknet. These guys made the first DEX, coded everything from scratch, yet it seems like nobody cares? I don't get it.
Look at TRON, just as an example. Did an ICO with empty promises, recieved millions in funding, pumped like crazy, and dumped back down again, yet it's STILL a top 20 coin, based on what? NOTHING.

As an investor it's really hard to know which projects is worth your time, and which aren't. Blocknet is pretty solid though, among other old projects who had the time to develop their own products.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: RBOWEN on September 30, 2019, 01:08:25 PM
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Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on September 30, 2019, 02:27:41 PM

Metcalfe’s Law, which measures the value of a network, can
calculate a cryptocurrency’s value, assuming the key measure
of value for cryptocurrencies is the network of entities who use them.

The original law is based on the idea that the value of a network grows
 in proportion with the number of all possible connections. In other words,
it assumes that all nodes can connect with each other.

This can happen for short periods of time because of factors such as herding
 behavior. But without an infinite number of people it is not sustainable. For this
reason alone, a crash or correction is inevitable.

A key concern must then be how to attract early adopters and opinion leaders prior
to reaching critical mass.

As the number of users increases, the system becomes even more valuable and
 is able to attract and retain a resilient high-quality stakeholder base, organically
growing the networks Member Services and Utility Values.

The key strategy here is to create a system that builds-in enough tangible and
experiential value, to early adopters, without significant network effects at the outset.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: bvg96634 on October 02, 2019, 02:35:48 PM
Alas, true maters are rare nowadays. there are genius in crypto as Leonardo was in art and science who understand the matter but it's like one in a million.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: thisnewcoin on October 02, 2019, 02:58:41 PM
Honestly, I did not find all of these features in any startup crypto project yet. Some potential projects came with their products and future use cases, investors supported them. But most of the new project doesn't have any real use cases except some words in the whitepaper. But if a project comes with all these fundamentals, that will be a blessing for the whole crypto industry!

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: aces777 on October 03, 2019, 06:13:10 AM
I think there are some fundamental knowledge that guides the cryptocurrency industry, or rather, that can help one scale through the cryptocurrency industry. If this knowledge is applied duly, and certain rules are skills are adhered to, there will much more success and wins recorded in the industry rather than loses.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on October 03, 2019, 06:39:04 PM
Are there any Altcoins out there backed by real assets?
‘Real’ assets produce profitable income streams.

The Creation of an Apex Class Competitor.

•   100% recycle, repurpose, renewable, blended, and balanced, carbon negative, GHG mitigated, closed-loop ecosystem with a superior, durable and sustainable ecological profile.
•   Extreme supply/demand imbalances with systemic structural and institutional barriers to redress.
•   Durable, substantial, meaningful, authentic experiences and messages highly sought after by a motivated, economically resilient and affluent customer/end user demand.
•   100% sustainable, renewable, below-zero emissions, carbon negative, blended & balanced, closed-loop eco-system.
•   Primary profit centers blitz-scalable at very low capital intensity with positive, measurable and meaningful ecological impact.
•   Highly motivated, economically resilient customers and end users for all product lines.
•   Vertical integration of all key elements in transaction chain from input to end-user, creating a stacked margin effect.
•   Customers bear a majority of cap costs through long term contracts.
•   Marketing Messages and collateral are green, clean, hi-tech, authentic and durable.
•   Non-seasonal continuous harvest and production in all profit centers.
•   All product and service offerings are contracted out to capacity translating into a capacity-driven business model, sustainably reducing the cost of the marketing and sales function.
•   Cross-pollinating profit centers….
•   Substantial surplus of GHG emissions and carbon sequestration credits – consumer, producer, deveoper and distributor.
•   All operations are capacity driven, Not Sales.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: shield132 on October 03, 2019, 10:50:47 PM

Leonardo D’ Vinci was once asked, by a patron,
“how do you create such magnificent works out of rocks?”
His answer came immediate and sure,
“I chip away everything that’s not angel”

A true Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals...based on principles of the highest order.
What would a true cryptosystem look like if it had everything in it from the beginning?
Then pruned "everything that’s not angel"?
If it had everything from the beginning? Everything that’s not angel? And how is that possible man to consider everything? And also what if we won't forget the fact that we change and something that was acceptable in past, isn't acceptable now and opposite. Centuries ago people were saying: With such young generation, we will ruin but as you see instead of degradation we are developing on higher level (still degrade too for some reasons at some point). Our views and thoughts are changing so if something has everything from the begining as for now, this can turn from everything into void in future because of our thoughts and needs change.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on October 07, 2019, 05:11:22 PM
Absolutely Right.

Everything meaning the fundamentals necessary for a true closed-loop eco-system.

These fundamentals must lead to and be driven by a profit-making enterprise. This then becomes the
basis for buyers, sellers and other trans-actors to discover true price value of the systems' native token.
Much like you would use the price-to-earnings ratio to determine a fair price for one share of a company's
stock/token. I.e. 1 million in earnings divided by 1 million tokens will provide you with an actual face value;
no pump-and-dumps, no meaningful volatility, no speculation. Just true, transparent blockchain-authenticated
price/value discovery.

Hence, a reliable store of value and Method of Exchange (MOE).

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on October 17, 2019, 10:16:16 PM
And how is that possible man to consider everything? And also what if we won't forget the fact that
we change and something that was acceptable in past, isn't acceptable now and opposite.

Our views and thoughts are changing so if something has everything from the begining as for now,
this can turn from everything into void in future because of our thoughts and needs change.

You ‘man’ Have opened up Pandora’s box. Do not despair, your miseducation is just incomplete.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on October 24, 2019, 05:16:50 PM
But if a project comes with all these fundamentals, that
will be a blessing for the whole crypto industry!

This can only happen if we , as a community cut one from
whole cloth. As I’ve said before this is not a build it and they
will come opportunity, this a build it ‘they're already there challenge’.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: xiboothrezi on October 24, 2019, 06:45:50 PM
of all the listed suggestions I most confess having a solid use-case is the most important feature in a project. It beats me hollow when I see projects with zero or no use-case propagating in the crypto space. No use case equals to know the demand and this further implies no value. Hence its pivotal for a project to have a good usecase in order to ensure value.
You are right. In general, blockchain and cryptocurrency offer solutions to various problems that exist today. That is why many companies try to innovate by creating a product whose purpose is to facilitate various human activities if the product is unrealistic, only wishful thinking is too high, who will use it? If the product can be used for real, what is the attraction?

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on November 06, 2019, 06:23:37 PM
of all the listed suggestions I most confess having a solid use-case is
the most important feature in a project. It beats me hollow when I see
projects with zero or no use-case propagating in the crypto space.
No use case equals to know the demand and this further implies no value.
Hence its pivotal for a project to have a good usecase in order to ensure value.
You are right. In general, blockchain and cryptocurrency offer solutions
to various problems that exist today. That is why many companies try to innovate
by creating a product whose purpose is to facilitate various human activities if the
product is unrealistic, only wishful thinking is too high, who will use it? If the product
can be used for real, what is the attraction?

Although I’ve studied north of 100 whitepapers and scanned 100s more, imo not 1 among
them is on the path to becoming an Apex class competitor. Sure a few will prosper as a result
of some incremental market advantage, always at risk from the next disruptor. 99% will falter
on the rocks of reality as have the thousands of me too projects already deceased.

It would be interesting to explore; what would be quality use cases?

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: Drai on November 13, 2019, 10:44:37 AM
You are quite right, if not for any other reason, then the fact that the existing blockchain infrastructure lacks the scalability that would make it the default currency of the future and additionally, the fact that the prices are so unstable doesn't help it's case at all, the perfect Cryptocurrencies for worldwide adoption has not been invented yet but you have to consider that the first computer invented didn't give the best access to the internet, the more it is worked on, the more it keeps improving.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: TokenHodlr on February 13, 2020, 04:13:33 PM
the fact that the prices are so unstable doesn't help it's case at all
Price volatility is driven almost entirely on the absence of a transparent, true value/price discovery.
As I have said, the monetary ecosystem and cryptocurrencies that will ultimately
succeed have not been visioneered, engineered and brought to market...yet.

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: wellay on February 13, 2020, 08:18:31 PM
I would say that another very important component is the reliability of exchanges today. Even though leading exchanges are working on improving reliability, there is still much to work on. What is your attitude towards such kind of wallets? Or you are more on hardwallets side?

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: juegav on February 13, 2020, 08:19:25 PM
I would say that another very important component is the reliability of exchanges today. Even though leading exchanges are working on improving reliability, there is still much to work on. What is your attitude towards such kind of wallets? Or you are more on hardwallets side?

From my point of view, much depends here, but vast majority is still choosing online wallets. However what I have noticed - there are more attacks on exchanges, so there is a shift to hardwallets

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: wellay on February 13, 2020, 08:22:15 PM
From my point of view, much depends here, but vast majority is still choosing online wallets. However what I have noticed - there are more attacks on exchanges, so there is a shift to hardwallets

This is exactly what I have noticed as well. The problem I figured out - there are many pretty similar solutions, however they are not coming with something unique that would be advanced and attractive

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: juegav on February 13, 2020, 08:25:00 PM
This is exactly what I have noticed as well. The problem I figured out - there are many pretty similar solutions, however they are not coming with something unique that would be advanced and attractive

This is true. I would say that I am only aware of 1 truly advanced hardware wallet. Kinda unique one, with own standards and real results

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: wellay on February 13, 2020, 08:26:23 PM
This is true. I would say that I am only aware of 1 truly advanced hardware wallet. Kinda unique one, with own standards and real results

What is the one you are talking about? Curious to know, cause I couldn't find the one that would meet my requirements

Title: Re: A True Cryptocurrency must start with the fundamentals
Post by: juegav on February 13, 2020, 08:27:34 PM
What is the one you are talking about? Curious to know, cause I couldn't find the one that would meet my requirements

The one I am talking about is GetHashWallet. Basically, one of the most advanced solutions these days. This is a secured and private hardware wallet, it is arrow certified and reliable. What also makes sense - guys had successful campaign on Indiegogo. And the product is already available for sale, so everyone can try it out. And I recommend you to have a look at their website, cause there is a lot of useful info available there