Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Shuai on November 14, 2011, 10:31:12 PM

Title: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: Shuai on November 14, 2011, 10:31:12 PM
Alright, so basically I'm an entrepreneur that has long had a liking for bitcoin. The time has now finally come that I'm able to commit the money and time required to put some of my ideas, for what bitcoin can be used to, into existence.

I'm looking for a programmer/web developer who is also a Bitcoin enthusiast, and who would like to be a part of creating a brand new service/company. My idea requires an online application that can do video calls, and a payment system where people can cash in bitcoins for tokens on the website that can be traded amongst users and redeemed for bitcoins, so you obviously need to be able to implement this very proffesionally. The service will of course be more than this, but I won't disclose more publicly because I think it's a pretty damn good idea that would quickly be snatched up by someone with more capital and manpower than me ;D

Please contact me here, or at and we can discuss your compensation. I would prefer someone who would be in for the long run, and who likes working with start ups, so in addition to a fixed salary (which won't be spectacular, I haven't got that much funding while the company is still in its idea stage), part of the compensation will be a share of the company once it's started. I won't be scamming you into working for free, though.

Just putting this out here, if anyone has suggestions for a more suitable place to look for a partner, please let me know :)


Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: greyhawk on November 14, 2011, 10:37:19 PM
There are already camwhores accepting BTC.

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: deslok on November 14, 2011, 10:42:54 PM
Disposable email, incomplete yet rather transparent idea, promise of funding with no actual funds... Is this your next account atlas?

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: Shuai on November 14, 2011, 11:09:25 PM
It's not a camwhore site, but again, I won't go into further details about the idea.

And I'm not Atlas, or a scammer(I know writing I'm not a scammer won't do much good). If you are competent and trustworthy enough, and don't trust that I won't pay you for your work, I'll be willing to pay portions of your salary up front, as you complete the work.

The disposable email is just so i can put it on a public forum without risking getting caught by spambots.

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: teflone on November 14, 2011, 11:41:04 PM
Its not Atlas,

The paragraph wasnt wrote as though he was playing scrabble and going for all the triple word scores..

Thats the best way to tell if its Atlas

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: BillX on November 15, 2011, 12:12:47 AM
Vegetta/Flippro is this the new you? I bet what you really want is for Jessy to come back to the forums and yell at you for having really dumb ideas.

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: bbit on November 15, 2011, 12:45:51 AM
I'm going with that really young kid that was opening a business every 5 minutes here forget his name..

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: Shuai on November 15, 2011, 12:57:02 AM
Guys, will you be so kind as to fuck off with your thinly veiled, retarded and baseless accusations?

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: bbit on November 15, 2011, 12:58:22 AM
Guys, will you be so kind as to fuck off with your thinly veiled, retarded and baseless accusations?

hmmmm there was someone similar who used to have a potty mouth like this also trying to think of their name ...

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: slush on November 15, 2011, 01:03:25 AM
Guys, will you be so kind as to fuck off with your thinly veiled, retarded and baseless accusations?

^ this

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: sadpandatech on November 15, 2011, 01:18:40 AM
Guys, will you be so kind as to fuck off with your thinly veiled, retarded and baseless accusations?

^ this


  P.S  Could be my potty mouthed alt but I'm still here.  :-*

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: cbeast on November 15, 2011, 10:04:20 AM
I'm not sure about the video call idea, but the second part is downright confusing. So you "cash in bitcoins for tokens on the website that can be traded amongst users and redeemed for bitcoins" seems superfluous. I'm not asking for your business plan, but if this project only uses Bitcoin as a tertiary instrument, why not just use Paypal or credit/debit cards?

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: sadpandatech on November 15, 2011, 12:09:29 PM
I'm not sure about the video call idea, but the second part is downright confusing. So you "cash in bitcoins for tokens on the website that can be traded amongst users and redeemed for bitcoins" seems superfluous. I'm not asking for your business plan, but if this project only uses Bitcoin as a tertiary instrument, why not just use Paypal or credit/debit cards?

  cause chargebacks = bad. People would load up tokens, spend them all then charge back. ;p

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: cbeast on November 15, 2011, 12:41:06 PM
I'm not sure about the video call idea, but the second part is downright confusing. So you "cash in bitcoins for tokens on the website that can be traded amongst users and redeemed for bitcoins" seems superfluous. I'm not asking for your business plan, but if this project only uses Bitcoin as a tertiary instrument, why not just use Paypal or credit/debit cards?

  cause chargebacks = bad. People would load up tokens, spend them all then charge back. ;p

I understand why 'Bitcoiners' are upset with Paypal for accusing them of criminal activity and allowing chargebacks so easily, but if chargebacks were so common, then why does anyone accept Paypal or credit cards?

Title: Re: Looking for a partner for my bitcoin venture
Post by: sadpandatech on November 15, 2011, 01:00:45 PM
but if chargebacks were so common, then why does anyone accept Paypal or credit cards?

  You have to look at what businesses exaclty accept paypal. Most you will find are too small to have their own merchant solution. In other words they are lacking in options. The other factor is the type of business. For those selling tangible goods the chargeback rate is not nearly as high as it is for digital goods. It is easier for a merchant to prove they delivered something to the identity that bought it verses proving they granted access to something online. Paypal has in recent years taken a few steps to make it a bit more controlled for those dealing with chargeback claims and digital goods. That and the hardline approach of just not accepting some merchants who deal in certain digital goods, like bitcoin.

  For credit cards, that's obvious, because everyone has them, to put it most simply. But, like the paypal users, the CC accepters that are not large enough to have an in house provider, an intermidiary that helps fight frivelous claims, their chargeback rates are likely higher for digital goods. They also have few options. 

   Gotta run, hope any of that makes any sense. ;p