Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Zabulus on October 06, 2019, 05:28:16 PM

Title: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zabulus on October 06, 2019, 05:28:16 PM
I am not looking for software to solve captchas. I want to build a site for users to earn money off SOLVING catpchas.

I want people that want captchas solved to be able to buy them etc..

Software like:

Let me know thanks!

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: hatshepsut93 on October 06, 2019, 07:28:48 PM
There's no open source projects like that, you'll have to hire developers to build this service from scratch. Your server will receive unsolved captchas and give them to your workers for solving, and then send back the result - this process must be as quick as possible, because captchas quickly expire.

But the biggest challange is starting this business - you need to have workers available 24/7, so you'll have to operate at a loss at the start, because there won't be much clients, but you still have to be ready, because missed captchas could hurt your reputation.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zabulus on October 06, 2019, 11:41:42 PM
There's no open source projects like that, you'll have to hire developers to build this service from scratch. Your server will receive unsolved captchas and give them to your workers for solving, and then send back the result - this process must be as quick as possible, because captchas quickly expire.

But the biggest challange is starting this business - you need to have workers available 24/7, so you'll have to operate at a loss at the start, because there won't be much clients, but you still have to be ready, because missed captchas could hurt your reputation.

Thanks for the reply.

I have the workers available. I just need the software. Was hoping there were sites for sale that went under or ready made software out there.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: icosonar on October 07, 2019, 08:34:50 AM
I am not looking for software to solve captchas. I want to build a site for users to earn money off SOLVING catpchas.

I want people that want captchas solved to be able to buy them etc..

Software like:

Let me know thanks!

I can help you to build a software to solve captchas. Ping me on the telegram @VikingLord for the further discussion.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zabulus on October 07, 2019, 04:02:56 PM
I am not looking for software to solve captchas. I want to build a site for users to earn money off SOLVING catpchas.

I want people that want captchas solved to be able to buy them etc..

Software like:

Let me know thanks!

I can help you to build a software to solve captchas. Ping me on the telegram @VikingLord for the further discussion.

Have added you

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: mavens on October 07, 2019, 05:31:24 PM
I am not looking for software to solve captchas. I want to build a site for users to earn money off SOLVING catpchas.

I want people that want captchas solved to be able to buy them etc..

Software like:

Let me know thanks!

i have gone through your site and able o develop it as per your need.lets connect for more details Telegram:@mavens

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: PassThePopcorn on October 07, 2019, 08:56:16 PM
So you want to make a site / software that acts just like this?

And you can probably create a site and access hcaptcha's api to get captcha's (have your visitors complete them for payment) as well as create captcha purchases (your visitor submits a job to hcaptcha).

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zabulus on October 08, 2019, 02:00:47 AM
So you want to make a site / software that acts just like this?

And you can probably create a site and access hcaptcha's api to get captcha's (have your visitors complete them for payment) as well as create captcha purchases (your visitor submits a job to hcaptcha).

Correct. My users currently DO them at other sites. I want to cut out the middle man and create my own site. Control my own fate.

I need the software to do that.

Then figure out where to get the buyers :)

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: zee11224 on October 08, 2019, 08:09:05 AM
If your website uses Drupal, PHP, Android, NodeJS or ReactJS. any of this then you should check out the crypto project called.  ( It works similar to Google Captcha but it has more privacy, open source and easy to use. plugins are available to integrate to your site directly. checkout

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zabulus on October 08, 2019, 02:35:52 PM
If your website uses Drupal, PHP, Android, NodeJS or ReactJS. any of this then you should check out the crypto project called.  ( It works similar to Google Captcha but it has more privacy, open source and easy to use. plugins are available to integrate to your site directly. checkout

That's the one I use. The issue is, they pay net 180. That's a LONG time to wait. They pay every 3 months, on profits you earned 6 months prior.

I'd like to run my own hcaptcha and be in control of the money.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Thekool1s on October 08, 2019, 03:09:19 PM
Just like @hatshepsut93 said you will have to hire someone to develop it for you. If you aren't willing to hire a developer to make this for you. Your best bet is to contact these websites ( and check up with them if they want to share their code with you for revenue share or sell it completely. If i'm being honest the chances are slim but you could try your luck.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zabulus on October 08, 2019, 05:17:20 PM
Just like @hatshepsut93 said you will have to hire someone to develop it for you. If you aren't willing to hire a developer to make this for you. Your best bet is to contact these websites ( and check up with them if they want to share their code with you for revenue share or sell it completely. If i'm being honest the chances are slim but you could try your luck.

I will 100% pay to get the site developed. I just want to make sure I hire someone who knows what they are doing (I got like 6 PMs from people saying they can do it for $200 in 2 days!). Just want to make sure I get someone reputable.

Then figure out where I get the inventory (People willing to pay for the captchas that are solved)

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Thekool1s on October 08, 2019, 05:41:17 PM
Don't go with someone without a portfolio. Something like this requires an optimized code So that everything is fast. A Newbie won't cut it. Just Like @hatshepsut93 mentioned Captchas do expire fairly quickly, A slow 'code' will only hurt your business. Try to hire someone from Freelancer or Upwork if you don't get someone from the forum.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zemomtum on October 08, 2019, 11:42:28 PM
Don't get spammed form those who are sending a personal message to you. They should show you the work they have done in the past that is similar to your request. You can as well look at freelance websites as an alternative to get a quality hand.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: hatshepsut93 on October 09, 2019, 12:03:04 AM
I will 100% pay to get the site developed. I just want to make sure I hire someone who knows what they are doing (I got like 6 PMs from people saying they can do it for $200 in 2 days!). Just want to make sure I get someone reputable.

Then figure out where I get the inventory (People willing to pay for the captchas that are solved)

$200 in 2 days is just unrealistic for this kind of a project, if you want to hire someone on this forum, make sure to only deal through escrow and hire someone who has a good history of delivering non-trivial applications. Despite the seeming abundance of coders here, it's probably quite hard to find someone skilled enough, so you'll probably have to check the mainstream freelance platforms or contact some software companies.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Initscri on October 09, 2019, 12:26:32 AM
There's no open source projects like that, you'll have to hire developers to build this service from scratch. Your server will receive unsolved captchas and give them to your workers for solving, and then send back the result - this process must be as quick as possible, because captchas quickly expire.

But the biggest challange is starting this business - you need to have workers available 24/7, so you'll have to operate at a loss at the start, because there won't be much clients, but you still have to be ready, because missed captchas could hurt your reputation.

Just to add-on to this, you may be able to leverage the workforce of sites like Amazon MTurk (provided their terms permit) and other microworking sites (at-least until you build up the workforce)

I will 100% pay to get the site developed. I just want to make sure I hire someone who knows what they are doing (I got like 6 PMs from people saying they can do it for $200 in 2 days!). Just want to make sure I get someone reputable.

Then figure out where I get the inventory (People willing to pay for the captchas that are solved)

$200 in 2 days is just unrealistic for this kind of a project, if you want to hire someone on this forum, make sure to only deal through escrow and hire someone who has a good history of delivering non-trivial applications. Despite the seeming abundance of coders here, it's probably quite hard to find someone skilled enough, so you'll probably have to check the mainstream freelance platforms or contact some software companies.

I'm a developer. 100% the product you are going to get is going to either be something put together via some sort of shitty script, developers are going to be well-below subpar, or you're going to be scammed. $200 is not enough.

Title: Re: I am looking for Captcha SOFTWARE for my own site
Post by: Zabulus on October 09, 2019, 02:29:46 PM
I'm a developer. 100% the product you are going to get is going to either be something put together via some sort of shitty script, developers are going to be well-below subpar, or you're going to be scammed. $200 is not enough.

That's my worry :)

Need someone who has hopefully done it before or knows what needs to be done and get a proper quote