Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: xvacator on October 10, 2019, 12:27:11 PM

Title: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: xvacator on October 10, 2019, 12:27:11 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: BlackFor3st on October 10, 2019, 01:25:57 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

I haven't tried because of my busy schedule but I would like to try a meet up someday and spread the advantages of bitcoin. But as of right now, there are plenty of gatherings that are happening in our country that were being hosted by my friends and I love to participate one day then create my own little gathering in our small town.

This will surely help those people who are interested in bitcoin and for me to guide them also so they can earn some good profit even if they are still a newbie in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Kupid002 on October 10, 2019, 02:28:51 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
We are now group of local crypto currency supporters and earners . We try to schedule meet up and always failed doing this because of persosnal reason and other important things to do. But we meet individually up to  7 members on my group we are living in different city so its really hard for us to schedule a meet up since most of them has a family already . How i wish we can set up a meeting someday maybe when the bull market start again .

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Genemind on October 10, 2019, 04:34:01 PM
We are actually setting a gathering in our country. The problem is we are living in different cities and regions. However, we have a group chat where we are able to share our thoughts and ideas about the latest happenings in crypto like the best coins to invest and other speculations about the market. We will try to set a new gathering schedule this Christmas and it will surely be a lot of fun for us Crypto lovers here. It's still important that we're arranging simple gatherings because it would be another way to promote Bitcoin and to unite since we have the same interests.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: YuginKadoya on October 10, 2019, 05:12:32 PM
I don't actually think to just broadcast to random people that I have Bitcoins that would surely put in danger my security, I would tend to let my number of friends to actually know and teach them a couple of I know about this platform than to gather multiple individuals or rather random people and announce that I am earning Bitcoin I guess that would be suicide and this may persuade a couple of fraudulent people as well, I think it is OK to have this forum site and stay in the comfort of it and let yourself be anonymous for our own safety as well.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: acroman08 on October 10, 2019, 05:22:48 PM
I went to a bitcoin gathering once, there were only 7 of us who came but the experience was great. we talked about our experiences with bitcoin
how did we came across it and some other things about our life in the end we all agreed to make a second gathering and at that second gather
of the people who came alone invited other people and the group grew from 7 to 13 we still try to keep in touch with each other and tries to set up
a third gathering but most of us are too busy with study or work. it was a great experience knowing random people and becoming close to them
because of the thing you both like.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: dothebeats on October 10, 2019, 05:32:25 PM
I went to several meetups on Canada and here in the Philippines, but never have I even tried to organize one or be a part of the organizing team. Surprisingly though, there are a lot more attendees to Philippine-based bitcoin meetups compared to Canadian meetups, which is unusual since we all know that the Canadians have more access to lots of exchanges and services open to cryptocurrencies while the Philippines is still on its infancy regarding cryptocurrencies in general. Either way, a lot are still unaware of what bitcoin really is and what it offers, and it's normal considering the learning curve is still high and that there aren't really that much of exposure when it comes to crypto in both countries.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: gantez on October 10, 2019, 05:39:59 PM
There was a time early this year that I missed the time to hang out like that, it was a marriage celebration for a fellow bitcoin group member but it was really far from me plus I wasn't very emotionally sound then. I had to let that go and hoping to get another chance which has not come. That would have been time to meet with crypto friends  ;D

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: nydiacaskey01 on October 10, 2019, 06:00:59 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
No I don’t, my network is not that big yet but I do join meet ups like the one organized by Binance in my country. Usually they go from different provinces like 2 weeks from now they will go to Baguio and that place is known as the summer capital of the Philippines because of its cold climate. Theres a lot of Bitcoin enthusiasts there thats why they decided to bring the tour in the province.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: gabbie2010 on October 10, 2019, 06:13:42 PM
A bit difficult to organize such a bitcoin gathering in my community due to bad or negative perceptive about bitcoin which is likened to the moribund MMM ponzi scheme having had a bad and bitter experienced of the scheme there is no amount of conviction about bitcoin to these people that would ever allow them to settle down to the good news about bitcoin, however myself and some of my colleagues are taking the bull by the horn and making concerted efforts towards organizing such a gathering next month.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on October 10, 2019, 06:21:11 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I have not conducted any meet up but i have participated in some of the gathering organized by one of the member here in the form and he introduced me to this forum and to bitcoin. During that time i have heard about bitcoin but did not knew much about it nor interested to learn but then my good friend was engaged in the market for a long time and he introduced me and many people as far as i know and i am sure majority have similar experiences.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: ChrisPop on October 10, 2019, 06:26:13 PM
The interest in bitcoin is low in my city. I don't really see the young generation attracted to it. Maybe that's because it is not so convenient to make payments in bitcoin. Actually I don't know any offline local shop that accepts bitcoin or any cryptocurrency as a method of payment. On the other hand in ecommerce stores bitcoin starts to spread out. I guess we still don't have the infrastructure for physical shops or maybe the experts to implement it. I agree with you that regular meet-ups are the way to build a group that spreads awareness about BTC.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: bhabygrim on October 10, 2019, 06:33:20 PM
No I haven't tried it but we have a facebook group and we did plan to meet up last year,
But I don't really know if it ever happen because I didn't go due to being busy at that time.
But it could also be a good thing you know meeting new people hanging out with a bunch of people who got the same interest and exchanging info or knowledge about crypto.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: target on October 10, 2019, 06:39:53 PM

I can see there are meetups in the capital city in my country. There are NEM community and even ETHER community which I may be able to join too. I am interested to know fellow users in the forum and them in real but I'm not sure if they will reveal the users names they have in bitcointalk. It would be funny learning that someone you met was someone you argued in bitcointalk.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: serjent05 on October 10, 2019, 06:45:16 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

I do gather my friends and some people that I known in FB because of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.  Since we share a commong interest, we decided to meet up.  It was fun as especially meeting new people and feel that we have known each other long enough to be comfortable talking and sharing ideas and experiences with them.

But I never had achance to gather a huge audience just to  explain to them about cryptocurrency but I do share it to my friends, neighbors and to those people I known that works in the same industry as I did.  The first thing they thought is that Bitcoin is somehow a scam scheme.  That's sad but it is true.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: boltz on October 10, 2019, 06:46:12 PM
Would be nice to have a meeting with my local bitcoin community and you gave me a good idea to make a thread about this. As far as I remember my local administrator , Cyrus , has gathered the community a few times and I will ask him if we can do it again as a few years passed since then and we can share and learn a lot from each other as I'm sure we have a lot of new members that want to meet some of us especially Cyrus who is a great guy.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: cheezcarls on October 10, 2019, 07:01:01 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

The first time I gathered with a local community was in the late 2017. I started getting serious about getting into cryptocurrencies, as Bitcoin was on its way to all-time high. They educated me well on how to earn with cryptocurrencies, both free (airdrops and bounties), trading and mining.

Because of my passion and exposure with the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency community, I started to conduct small gatherings and events until the time I was finally invited to become keynote or guest speakers in various universities and blockchain events/conferences/summits locally and internationally.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Wysi on October 10, 2019, 07:04:41 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

If some of the tenured and responsible bitcoin users can take the initiative of having any bitcoin community meet ups or gathering it will create more awareness about bitcoin but we cannot push the users to use bitcoin or any altcoin but rather we can advise them about the benefit of bitcoin and crypto in general, then it's up to them as there are risks involved and the crypto market is extremely volatile hence no one would like to take the risk of asking other to invest and then being held responsible if they lose money.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Fredomago on October 10, 2019, 07:05:29 PM
This is a good way to survey how your community learn about crypto / bitcoin. With such form of gathering people around you and share information about this industry you will be able to know how they appreciates this new form of crypto currency. With your initiatives more people will be influenced especially when you share your success, with someone who already have good benefits it will be much easier to convince other people to also join in and start learning this new type of currency.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: vintages on October 10, 2019, 07:48:26 PM
Whether a meet up or a local community gathering. Both can be very encouraging and it's been done.
All you have to do is to advertise the event prior or weeks before it, both online or offline.
This will encourage interested people to attend. it's all part of creating awareness. It's also interesting to know that some people who don't really know what about Bitcoin attend this gathering out of curiosity.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: LTU_btc on October 10, 2019, 07:59:58 PM
Nope. I live in relatively small city and there is probably very few people who are interested in cryptocurrencies. And in general, crypto community isn't very active, especially after 2017, so it would be difficult to make such meetings. Many people looked into Bitcoin as fast way to become rich, they weren't interested in technology itself, development, adoption and.
These who are very serious with crypto and doing business related with it, offcourse they make meetings, participate in conferences. But ordinary people like me, I prefer to discuss stuff online on Bitcointalk and local websites.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Upgrade00 on October 10, 2019, 08:14:17 PM
A meet up may be important in my country to not only make people aware of this technology, but also of its true nature. I have not organized one yet, but I'm in the process of doing so: inviting speakers, planning the logistics et all.

The world is moving digital and we would all be in better positions if we had understanding of how digital currencies work.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: franky1 on October 10, 2019, 08:15:05 PM
some of the best bitcoin gatherings i arranged were ones that did not allow 'investment' pitches

they were usually done in a function room of a pub/bar so that it was a casual session where people could drink and order food. that way it didnt feel like a lecture hall session, but a social event.

the locals got together and organised what local merchants they would all freqeunt often and decide which merchant was best to adopt bitcoin, and utilise their knowledge and experiences to help that merchant get bitcoin aware.

some done face to face bitcoin exchanges. some discussed scaling, some got technical, some discussed the social economics. and some just wantd to buy a pint with btc

to make it appear more bitcoin friendly place to be without gtting the bar to lift a finger in caring much about the technicals or concerns any business would have... i set up a bar tab myself(prepaid in cash so bar was happy and had no concerns about being paid) and then just asked the staff if they are asked if they accept btc. to total up the drinks order like a normal cash transaction, but put the total into a btc price checker to know the totals btc value. and then show a customer a qr code. when the staff hear a 'ding' on the checker. they just take the cash out the hidden bartab and into the cashier regisiter like normal cash transaction.
thus the people buying drinks feel they bought their drinks with btc.
thus the bar still got their fiat in the cash drawer concern free
thus i converted my fiat into btc (yea the qr code was for me and my cash was for the bar)

i did then after the event, if the bar seemed like alot of locals were bitcoiners who would return. set up a ongoing cash bar tab for them to 'accept btc' and if they seen it popular told them about exchanges like bitpay/coinbase at the time thus removing me out of the equation of being the exchange for them and be more self reliant and on a path to learning about bitcoin independantly

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: kayvie on October 10, 2019, 09:18:24 PM
A meet up may be important in my country to not only make people aware of this technology, but also of its true nature. I have not organized one yet, but I'm in the process of doing so: inviting speakers, planning the logistics et all.

The world is moving digital and we would all be in better positions if we had understanding of how digital currencies work.
I havent also arrange a certain event, and I wasnt planning to do it, I can join by attending and supporting if I will like the topic about the gathering, but I have attended one of the seminar we had in our country where they explain about the use and importance of cryptocurrency, they have also gathered crypto users to become one and support a certain crypto project wherein a lot of investor have invested last 2017.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: malekbaba on October 10, 2019, 10:04:41 PM
I dont think that is a good idea. Anonymity is a feature of crypto and one of the factor to make whole cryptocurrency concept popular. In some part of the world crypto is not welcomed. If anyone arrange such get together in that place, the participants may face difficulties. You may hide true identity but someone may take photographs and may blackmail you later

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: pixie85 on October 10, 2019, 10:18:49 PM
I went to a conference once and it was nice. Not many people but it was a good effort from the organizers.

I've never arranged a meetup for myself but I know some bitcoiners and talk to them on social media from time to time. I also know a person who organized that conference and old him to mail me if they do it again or need some help with it. I think there will be another one next year and it will be my chance to get involved.  

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: coin-investor on October 10, 2019, 11:41:17 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

I haven't done yet from other place but here in our town, I and my friends always had a small talk about Bitcoin and it's future, it's a breeze if you can talk to some people face to face about your passion, but we really need meet up from other people from other cities, not only here online, it's different when you are talking face to face or in a meeting than doing it online.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Ailmand on October 10, 2019, 11:48:21 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

Haven't tried that, however I have been invited by an investment group here in our country which focuses on mining investment. What I didn't like about their approach is their wrong point of view on crypto and they are inviting people who are not related to crypto to invest in them, telling that they will earn passive income through mining and bitcoin price will constantly increase, etc. I wish there are groups of people who would share useable and legitimate information about crypto and it's potential to people without an intent to make money through them.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Kyraishi on October 10, 2019, 11:53:01 PM
That could be interesting for sure, I personally know a couple of friends in school that are pretty interested in cryptocurrencies, but it wouldn't be a huge meet-up.

In the city I live in, there are often events or bitcoin/crypto-based conferences and people are able to network and talk to others, so most people use that as a meetup option.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: uray on October 11, 2019, 12:04:22 AM
I tried visit few, but most of them either focus on earning money while i'm more interested to discuss technical side of Bitcoin.
Overall it's not good experience since few people promote shady investment in many forms (ICO, money game, unknown altcoin, etc.)
This is exactly what you see in most of the get together as everyone wants to make money when they can and they will come up with shitty projects and their main aim is to make a name and make some money doing so, i have being to a few ones in the past and then i stopped as i did not feel comfortable doing that. Initially it was interesting because you see people who are intrested in mining and hence i liked those and now i have some contacts because of these meet ups which is fine.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: bounceback on October 11, 2019, 04:27:26 AM
In my city there is also a bitcoin community meeting. I also attended some of these events. I am personally very happy because there are events like that, especially if we often gather fellow bitcoin communities, so we can ask a lot about bitcoin and about other coins like altcoins to understand. maybe with an event like that, our knowledge will increase about cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: shoreno on October 11, 2019, 04:44:59 AM
i didnt experience to do that because i cant find a companion yet . almost every crypto/bitcoin enthusiast that i met here and on other sites are always living abroad and only few of them are from local countries which is also far away from my region but  i hear  one time that there are crypto and blockchain expo here on our country as welll as on other countries were real people gather and talk about stuffs related to it .

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Oasisman on October 11, 2019, 04:47:23 AM
Most of the case, when a company or the people calls for a public meetings to tackle about crypto currency in their local city, is either selling their products or inviting people to invest in cryptocurrency through them (probably HYIP's)

There's a lot of seminars and orientations happening in my local hometown about Bitcoins and all other Cryptocurrency. Sad to say, not all the people could totally understand the other functions of Bitcoin except It can generate good profit for their investments. Because, like I said these companies are just selling their product/coin/token, they do not discuss the Bitcoin and blockchain technology itself.

Talking about Bitcoin adoption through this kind of strategy may require a lot of effort because not everyone is interested. Not unless if majority of merchants and big businesses starts accepting Bitcoin and other alts. That way people would start to wonder how does Bitcoin acquire market value, thus on the latter it will catch their interest.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Wintersoldier on October 11, 2019, 05:49:34 AM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

In our area, we aren't trying to make a meet up or gathering in order to protect the anonymity and security of each and every one of us. None the less, if from the start, we grow and we already know each other. Basically, we already have a huge growing forum up until now, and it is considerably enough for us to discuss topics in here, so there's no need for a gathering.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Kakmakr on October 11, 2019, 06:02:48 AM
Yes, a group of us arranged with a local pub to provide us a venue at their establishment every Friday to host a Bitcoin meetup. We also showed the owner how Bitcoin works and he allows us to pay with bitcoins for our drinks and food. We arrange everything and invite "newbies" to every meetup to grow adoption.  ;)

We use these meetups to discuss the current news and developments in Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies and we invite speakers to talk at these events. <We do not have enough money to invite Bitcoin influencers, but the local Bitcoin merchants normally speak about the product and services that they have on offer>  ;)

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: timerland on October 11, 2019, 06:12:26 AM
Yes, a group of us arranged with a local pub to provide us a venue at their establishment every Friday to host a Bitcoin meetup. We also showed the owner how Bitcoin works and he allows us to pay with bitcoins for our drinks and food. We arrange everything and invite "newbies" to every meetup to grow adoption.  ;)

We use these meetups to discuss the current news and developments in Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies and we invite speakers to talk at these events. <We do not have enough money to invite Bitcoin influencers, but the local Bitcoin merchants normally speak about the product and services that they have on offer>  ;)
Damn, that sounds like a really tight-knit community and it feels amazing that crypto-currencies and bitcoin could connect such a huge group of people together and create amazing things :).

Most of my meetups are not specifically for BTC related events, but often involves me and friends doing an activity like bowling and then we end up chatting about crypto-currencies and the market, a lot of our conversation actually revolves around the altcoin market and what coins are becoming new hot topics.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: febriyana on October 11, 2019, 07:07:00 AM
I never experience it. Because Bitcoin here in my town is still not yet famous. There is still many problem if we try to educate people, like why we need use Bitcoin? It can't buy item in shop, that is waste of our time.  :D
But if in Facebook Group, that is some people already take meetup, maybe in big town.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: nankers on October 11, 2019, 08:16:17 AM
for now I rarely meet up with the bitcoin community in my area. but in 2018 when bitcoin became popular in my country and I was actively working with bitcoin, I always had meetings with several local bitcoin communities. much was discussed at the meeting, trading, mining, bounty campaign, etc. from that meeting my knowledge of bitcoin increased. What's interesting about this meeting, we are required to wear a t-shirt, clothes or accessories related to cryptocurrency as a characteristic. this clearly attracts people outside our community to want to get to know and want to know cryptocurrency (especially bitcoin). this is proven every time we have a meeting, there is always a new person who joins us and I am personally happy with it. but now some communities in my area rarely meet up like this. maybe because of the members' busyness that makes it a bit difficult to have a meeting again

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Arsenyo on October 11, 2019, 09:00:22 AM
I live in small city, it's difficult to organize such a bitcoin gathering. The interest in bitcoin is really low here. Last year I gathered with some of my crypto friends and people I know, but I soon stopped visiting those gathering as people there see bitcoin only as the way of becoming rich, they desperately waiting for a bullrun to earn money. They do not care about development and adoption of cryptocurrency. So, I don't see a point in such meetings.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Wexnident on October 11, 2019, 09:03:20 AM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I haven't really tried it since most of the groups or companies I have joined were for information sources or campaigns. Although, i indeed have discussed some stuff together with my friends about the current market and random FUDs they found over lunch and dinner every now and then. I'd expect a lot of engagement though if a meetup ever happened and imo, the time should be near when people start inviting others for irl engagements and such.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on October 11, 2019, 09:03:59 AM
I live in small city, it's difficult to organize such a bitcoin gathering. The interest in bitcoin is really low here. Last year I gathered with some of my crypto friends and people I know, but I soon stopped visiting those gathering as people there see bitcoin only as the way of becoming rich, they desperately waiting for a bullrun to earn money. They do not care about development and adoption of cryptocurrency. So, I don't see a point in such meetings.
Living in a small city is not a problem, as long as you share the same interest with other people in your area you can have even a small gathering from bitcoin community. If they are not fully aware of bitcoin, sharing your knowledge will be the best option for them to know how amazing technology is. Maybe that way you can consider them that cryptocurrency is not just about investment, it is also to adapt the development of the technology.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Inkdatar on October 11, 2019, 09:16:40 AM
I just saw this on a Facebook page that they organize or make gathering about bitcoin. This is part of our country so if given a chance I would love to join this gathering to be able to develop our knowledge in cryptocurrency. Also, this is good to know there's a kind of event that makes people aware of bitcoin. This way many people will know how bitcoin works and they can adopt cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: sunsilk on October 11, 2019, 09:20:13 AM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
I did this for few times during the all time high of 2017 and the result and experience was very disappointing. That's why I don't have any urgency of making a meetup anymore with those who wants to study about bitcoin. I can help them to discuss online but having a meetup, I don't think that I'll do it again.

I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins.
There are dedicated groups that arrange this kind of meetups already that's why I don't want to engage with this activity on my own. I just want to attend meaningful seminars and meetups.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: dimox on October 11, 2019, 09:34:08 AM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?

i ever invited by my friend to come in some city. i went there alone and following an event that hosted by some exchanger like meet and greet. many people join (although the participant are restricted) but there are a lot of experience and knowledge shared and its fun.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: coolcoinz on October 12, 2019, 03:04:58 PM
I helped to organize a meeting in my city. It wasn't anything and we had less than 50 people participate with 5 people having speeches mostly about trading, taxes and security. We also had a dinner afterwards.
The best thing about this meeting was the ability to see how many people find cryptocurrencies interesting and that these people are coming from completely different backgrounds. It's not that only tech savvy people are into Bitcoin these days but also older, retired people and some younger people, who are still in high school.
If there's a conference in your city don't think twice about attending. You'll meet a lot of people and have fun.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on October 12, 2019, 06:38:43 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I have done it since 2018 ago ans thus far if there is seminars who talk about bitcoin or most seminars are talk blokchain technology (but they will have a focus to spreading up an information about bitcoin) I always come to these place although the event is far to my home. I'm willing to spend eight hours with my motorcycle to came in the seminar.

This technology is really new so there is many innovation who can be extanded and can be use by most people in the future. I'm still ignoring what people say especially for those who don't like this technology and as much as possible I'll be avoided to argue with some people who don't like bitcoin.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Lauren Smith on October 13, 2019, 04:57:38 AM
There are not many people that are in the area. But over a larger area in the city, there are many but there is not really a central location to draw enough of a crowd. Mostly just talking about it with friends.
There are local forums and we will wait for more people to join and maybe in a year or two have a gathering.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: AicecreaME on October 13, 2019, 06:22:07 AM
We have this group chat in messenger that we've created in the year 2016, we're all bitcoin enthusiast from different places here in our country. In the year 2017, midyear I guess, we planned to meet up and set the place already but it didn't happen because of busy schedules and we have different responsibilities in life, though I'm sure it would be awesome if we met each other that time, I'm just waiting for them to reset that meet up that has been postponed.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Astvile on October 13, 2019, 06:49:04 AM
Arranging and planning a get together or meeting or an seminar about bitcoin would really help a lot in spreading news and positivity about bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency world for sure.
What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I'll bet no one will pay any interest in joining here in my town, they are all thinking that bitcoin is just a scam and will not help their life. I know this because I already told them many times about bitcoin and they refuse to listen and bad mouth me about it.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: timerland on October 13, 2019, 06:58:12 AM
Arranging and planning a get together or meeting or an seminar about bitcoin would really help a lot in spreading news and positivity about bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency world for sure.
What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I'll bet no one will pay any interest in joining here in my town, they are all thinking that bitcoin is just a scam and will not help their life. I know this because I already told them many times about bitcoin and they refuse to listen and bad mouth me about it.
I don't think conventional ways of showcasing cryptocurrencies are really going to be effective in the future, just shoving photos of BTC and slogans down people's throat.

Instead, I think the way we get to these people would be via more personal connections, whether it's their friend talking to them about it, or their favourite influencer giving off a good impression of BTC.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: enhu on October 13, 2019, 07:00:29 AM

No meets ups or gathering of BTC or altcoin community in my town though but if there are I would definitely join just to at least make some contacts to real people who have same interest. I wanna learn more about mining and I can definitely need some help from fellows who knew how. I'm not gonna mind BTC though but I'm planing just an altcoin like XMR or ETH.

Arranging and planning a get together or meeting or an seminar about bitcoin would really help a lot in spreading news and positivity about bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency world for sure.
What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I'll bet no one will pay any interest in joining here in my town, they are all thinking that bitcoin is just a scam and will not help their life. I know this because I already told them many times about bitcoin and they refuse to listen and bad mouth me about it.

What I'm also aspiring to see if there is a meet up within the city I live. I wouldn't want to initiate a gathering myself but I can sell them shirts with BTC designs on it. There has to be more so I that there will be funding. Someone who will speak like a developer team.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Zeke_23 on October 13, 2019, 07:05:53 AM
Arranging and planning a get together or meeting or an seminar about bitcoin would really help a lot in spreading news and positivity about bitcoin and the whole cryptocurrency world for sure.
What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I'll bet no one will pay any interest in joining here in my town, they are all thinking that bitcoin is just a scam and will not help their life. I know this because I already told them many times about bitcoin and they refuse to listen and bad mouth me about it.
Reputation of bitcoin is really bad in some countries where it is known as a type of investment scam or pyramiding. Once they heard about it they start to avoid topics which is crypto related. Most of people around my place also think that bitcoin will not gonna have a future and its just a tool for illegal activities.
It would be beneficial if bitcoin community would gather a seminar to explain and help those kind of people to fully understand the use and how does bitcoin is working.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Palider on October 13, 2019, 07:26:14 AM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community? I think that will give a chance to spread bitcoin in your city, and you can ask other people to join you to use bitcoin or other coins. What they reaction if they read or see a slogan of Bitcoin?
I have been to this gathering once, And it really helps us especially for newcomers to Bitcoin / Crypto Currency. It can help us to better understand bitcoin and what it can do for our lives. So far only a few have been doing this event and I have been unable to attend because of the scheudule of my work. Hopefully, these events will increase, so that other people can be aware of what bitcoin is and how to use it properly.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Eclipse26 on October 13, 2019, 07:27:50 AM
I haven't tried going or arranging a gathering regarding bitcoin here in my country or my city. Me and my friends are the only one gathering talking about bitcoin. But rather than gathering it would be better to have seminars about bitcoin for other people to give them knowledge so they might get interested with bitcoin. Because when we say gathering, it's about people who already knew about bitcoin. But if we aim to target new people, seminar would be better, then existing users would invite their colleagues who don't know bitcoin to attend the seminar.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: ReiMomo on October 13, 2019, 08:18:11 AM
Well, as much as I want to but in my place, most of the bitcoin enthusiasts don't want to be recognized because they think that they might get arrested by the government due to bitcoin  IF is illegal in their place. Maybe the best thing to do is to make a group chat so that we can be able to communicate even without meeting each other personally. But sometimes we have an open topic for my fellow colleague.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Mike Mayor on October 13, 2019, 12:05:23 PM
I am too busy and have many other meetups involving other things mostly hobbies. There are many Bitcoin supporters here but people live far from one another here and you must travel a fair distance to go to most main areas. People lived scattered out it is not like there is any one area that is more crypto-focused then the rest. They advertise bitcoin here and I think they have seminars. I am not really that interested, as I say I have many other hobbies.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Daniel91 on October 13, 2019, 12:15:35 PM
Yes, we had our first meet up in our local community, Croatia, last year.
We didn't know each other before, we met just in this forum but one member of our forum received some prize in btc and decided to spend that reward by inviting the rest of us for first meet up.
It was great meeting, we stayed together all night, talking and getting to know each other, with drinks and dinner.
I hope we can do it again soon.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Apes on October 13, 2019, 01:02:17 PM
I have never attended a meet up that was held in my city.  but I often meet with my friends who are fellow crypto users, we often discuss sharing information about cryptocurrency hot issues lately.
unfortunately on several official occasions we were unable to attend the meet-up held by the bigges cryptocurrency exchange market in our country, because they very rare scheduling this event.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: Lucius on October 13, 2019, 02:38:09 PM
I wonder with many people now know bitcoin as a new trend in many countries, did you arrange a meetup or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?

I would say that it is not hard to make a gathering , but sometimes this is not a smart move. I say this for at least two reasons, and first is security of the person who organizes such events, because it is assumed that such persons own some crypto, and therefore may become the target of attacks and robbery. The second reason is still a deep belief that Bitcoin is a ponzi/mlm scheme, and that persons promoting it create personal financial gain to the detriment of others.

I am not saying that it is completely wrong to promote Bitcoin, but that today it can be done in other safer ways, by posting on forums, blogs or by making good videos.

Title: Re: Did you arrange a meet up or make a gathering with local bitcoin community?
Post by: alexsandria on October 13, 2019, 10:54:24 PM
I havent tried it. It is for the reason that I have so many things to do and I have no time for that. But it is a good thing to do! It will help to spread bitcoin, and all of us want that. But before in class I have telling my classmates about it(even me, I had know bitcoin because of another classmates), they are at first hesitant and doubtful but when I show some evidences, they began to be curious.