Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 11:30:41 AM

Title: Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 11:30:41 AM
I have a major problem!
I mine at eliguis and I am missing two payments.
They show up on so no problem with eliguis.

The problem is my wallet fails to acknowledge them.

I have a screen shot of wallet ready to go, but am unsure how to upload??

I also unistalled bitcoin-qt, deleted %appdata% bitcoin folder and pasted my old.wallet in the newly installed bitcoin-qt. Waited 14 hrs for it to sync and payments are still missing!

What is going on here?

Payments missing are:
2014-03-07 13:32:50 (G) 0.06857834 BTC
2014-03-15 20:42:02 (S) 0.05883705 BTC


Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: jubalix on March 17, 2014, 11:34:46 AM
as long as you have the private key for the public address you are ok.

check this us an offline import to a new wallet after dumping priv key....but do this offline

then clear out blockchain and down load or import into electurm

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 11:46:25 AM
Hi thx for your quick reply.
Firstly your comments don't read properly as you have punctuation mistakes. Im not having a go, Im just saying I only speak and read English and your comment doesn't read normally in English.

Secondly I have no idea what you meant can you explain in simple terms, sorry I am pretty much a newbie even after 3.5 months and don't understand keys properly at all.


Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 12:37:01 PM
try launching the client with "-rescan" swich.
it will take awhile to start, but should find the missing transactions.

and don't teach people english while trying to learn anything from them - that will not help you to learn it quicker.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 12:53:22 PM
-rescan does nothing, that is why I reinstalled thinking the whole blockchain reload would find it..... next idea please! :D

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 12:57:06 PM
well, in such case, the only explanation I have is that you don't have the key in that wallet.dat

what does it say when you execute RPC command "validateaddress <address_of_missing_tx>"?
does it say "ismine : true" ?

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 01:00:23 PM
Hi, it says

"isvalid" : false

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 01:02:11 PM
can you give us the address, then?

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 01:04:31 PM

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 01:13:26 PM
Looks pretty valid to me and indeed has 3 unpent outputs.
So at least the RPC is wrong, assuming that you are using an actual bitcoin client.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 01:15:48 PM
hi, yes it all looks ok, but when I check under mined only 3 of the 5 payments come up.
The ones missing are at the top of the post.
Also that amount missing is not in their whatsoever. :o

happy to use teamviewer if you wish

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 01:21:58 PM
there is something odd about that two coinbase transactions
I will look into it and let you know.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 01:26:06 PM
Thankyou, I also noticed that on a few outgoing payments their were other separate addresses attached to my chosen addresses that I have no idea are for.
As I am only a newbie, I figured that it was part of the group transaction that makes up the blockchain.
Am I wrong?
Those addresses were 1ocsZUCsoNd1S9mMSYBATfoR2L1izh5m2

but it still doesn't explain the eliguis payments not showing???

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: 11inches on March 17, 2014, 01:45:15 PM
bro, open a new account on, import your private key (or your wallet.dat directly with their feature) and you will have a clear and up to date view of the balance + transactions

once you do, either send it to cold storage or re-install your local bitcoin client, generate a new wallet, and send it back to yourself (dont use the old wallet after you imported it)

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 01:46:53 PM
his wallet tells him that this address is invalid - it's unlikely that it will let him to export the private key.
though worth trying... :)

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 01:51:27 PM
I'll give it a go BRB.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 01:57:04 PM
The transaction with:
2014-03-07 13:32:50 (G) 0.06857834 BTC  -
It seems OK.
Your output is even already spent:
I don't know why your wallet would not show it in the history, but since the output is already spent it doesn't matter much, does it?

As of this one:
2014-03-15 20:42:02 (S) 0.05883705 BTC
 - are you sure that you dont see it after -rescan?
It is still unspent and your wallet you should see it.

I also don't understand why your client would say "isvalid : false", after "validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk"

None of these two thing should happen and none of them make any sense to me.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 02:08:03 PM
Ok I cant work out how to import my wallet.dat at
I tried dragging and dropping, and it didn't work.
But I did add it as a watch only address and the amount is wrong!!!

Not only that the public key I believe it gives you, uknow the 8 different word thing, well I choose to print as it says not to save it to the PC, well the new window opened and it was blank!
I did copy it but and pasted it too a txt document beforehand. Not good all the same as the print page that was blank and did not load, well once you close that that's it, it acts like you got it ok. That is buggy man, and Im really dubious of this whole bitcoin thing now.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 02:13:44 PM
I really don't understand your problem - the things you describe just don't add up.

There are 3 unspent outputs on that address, amounting to 0.13981465 BTC.
Are you saying that you have a wallet containing a private key to this address, but less than 0.13981465 BTC in it?

And why are you saying that your client answers that "validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk" would be invalid?
It's quite impossible - even my bitcoin-qt says that it is valid, and I don't even have that key.

Please check again your data.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 02:18:02 PM
The transaction with:
2014-03-07 13:32:50 (G) 0.06857834 BTC  -
It seems OK.
Your output is even already spent:
I don't know why your wallet would not show it in the history, but since the output is already spent it doesn't matter much, does it?

As of this one:
2014-03-15 20:42:02 (S) 0.05883705 BTC
 - are you sure that you dont see it after -rescan?
It is still unspent and your wallet you should see it.

I also don't understand why your client would say "isvalid : false", after "validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk"

None of these two thing should happen and none of them make any sense to me.

Ok I will explain again, I am a newbie and half the talk your saying is going past my head about a million k's. Im not a retard, but you need to explain things simply to I get it.

All I got out of that is that one transaction has already been spent, and you agree that why does it not show.

Your confused about the isvalid as much as me!

I have already said -scan did not work and I done it twice. It scanned, but never showed the missing payments. How on earth can you expect the world to take Bitcoin seriously if these problems cannot be understood even by well seasoned user?? The sad part is I am out of pocket here! I seriously cant believe you said it doesn't matter that much!!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 02:28:44 PM
ok just one of you's deal with me ok. PM your mate with your ideas but keep the channel clean so I can stop being overly confussed.
Let start again ok!
Can one of yous please look at what Im saying by Teamviewer please??

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: piotr_n on March 17, 2014, 02:47:21 PM
Ok I will explain again, I am a newbie and half the talk your saying is going past my head about a million k's. Im not a retard, but you need to explain things simply to I get it.

All I got out of that is that one transaction has already been spent, and you agree that why does it not show.

Your confused about the isvalid as much as me!

I have already said -scan did not work and I done it twice. It scanned, but never showed the missing payments. How on earth can you expect the world to take Bitcoin seriously if these problems cannot be understood even by well seasoned user?? The sad part is I am out of pocket here! I seriously cant believe you said it doesn't matter that much!!

Well, for a starter, I am saying that there is no fucking way that your bitcoin client (working in a non-testnet mode) would return:
"isvalid" : false
... after
validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk

Either you found a bug in a piece of code that is very well tested (because completely wallet/chainstate independent) - or you cannot even execute a simple command properly.
Not to offend you, but knowing life, my odds are on the later.

In other words, paraphrasing you: how on earth can you expect anyone to take you seriously if the data you are providing are extremely hard to believe in?

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: jl2012 on March 17, 2014, 02:55:39 PM
Ok I will explain again, I am a newbie and half the talk your saying is going past my head about a million k's. Im not a retard, but you need to explain things simply to I get it.

All I got out of that is that one transaction has already been spent, and you agree that why does it not show.

Your confused about the isvalid as much as me!

I have already said -scan did not work and I done it twice. It scanned, but never showed the missing payments. How on earth can you expect the world to take Bitcoin seriously if these problems cannot be understood even by well seasoned user?? The sad part is I am out of pocket here! I seriously cant believe you said it doesn't matter that much!!

Well, for a starter, I am saying that there is no fucking way that your bitcoin client (working in a non-testnet mode) would return:
"isvalid" : false
... after
validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk

Either you found a bug in a piece of code that is very well tested (because completely wallet/chainstate independent) - or you cannot even execute a simple command properly.
Not to offend you, but knowing life, my odds are on the later.

In other words, paraphrasing you: how on earth can you expect anyone to take you seriously if the data you are providing are extremely hard to believe in?

Interesting point ::)

EDIT: Well, I know what happened:

He ran

validateaddress <1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk>

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: fsb4000 on March 17, 2014, 03:03:35 PM
validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk
"isvalid" : true,
"address" : "1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk",
"ismine" : false

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: 11inches on March 17, 2014, 03:31:07 PM
Ok I will explain again, I am a newbie and half the talk your saying is going past my head about a million k's. Im not a retard, but you need to explain things simply to I get it.

All I got out of that is that one transaction has already been spent, and you agree that why does it not show.

Your confused about the isvalid as much as me!

I have already said -scan did not work and I done it twice. It scanned, but never showed the missing payments. How on earth can you expect the world to take Bitcoin seriously if these problems cannot be understood even by well seasoned user?? The sad part is I am out of pocket here! I seriously cant believe you said it doesn't matter that much!!

Well, for a starter, I am saying that there is no fucking way that your bitcoin client (working in a non-testnet mode) would return:
"isvalid" : false
... after
validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk

Either you found a bug in a piece of code that is very well tested (because completely wallet/chainstate independent) - or you cannot even execute a simple command properly.
Not to offend you, but knowing life, my odds are on the later.

In other words, paraphrasing you: how on earth can you expect anyone to take you seriously if the data you are providing are extremely hard to believe in?

he just wasn't sure how to execute the command. he was able to validate it properly shortly after. the transactions in question which he says he is missing from his balance are ones labelled No Inputs (Newly Generated Coins) on the blockchain. to the best of my knowledge, newly generated coins require 100-120 confirmations

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 03:32:29 PM
hi all, ok 11inches  recons that they payments are still being processed and yes

validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk
Gave back true, so I must have did what jl2012 said after all.

Swearing at your funny!!


Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 03:45:50 PM
You know the bit I don't get is why

2014-03-03 - confirmed
2014-03-07- not confirmed
2014-03-10 - confirmed
2014-03-12 - confirmed
2014-03-15 - not confirmed

all were for pretty much the same amounts.

That link you gave said he did receive the payment just not available for spend.
I simply haven't received those above two payments, anyway will send off email now.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: crazynoggin on March 17, 2014, 03:57:42 PM
Got to love how the guy titles the top of this as a major bug in Bitcoin-QT when he really had no idea what he was doing..

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 17, 2014, 04:29:41 PM
I haven't got to the end of this yet genius!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: machinationus on March 17, 2014, 11:03:26 PM
hi, yes it all looks ok, but when I check under mined only 3 of the 5 payments come up.
The ones missing are at the top of the post.
Also that amount missing is not in their whatsoever. :o

happy to use teamviewer if you wish

You use "Teamviewer"
EXPECT to be very Ripped off!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 18, 2014, 03:45:39 AM
hi, yes it all looks ok, but when I check under mined only 3 of the 5 payments come up.
The ones missing are at the top of the post.
Also that amount missing is not in their whatsoever. :o

happy to use teamviewer if you wish

You use "Teamviewer"
EXPECT to be very Ripped off!

Funny you say that, I can tell someone had reconnected last night. The thx for playing popup was on the screen when I turned it on today.
Logfiles had also been deleted.
I have changed the codes now, but I will go reinstall my backup to be sure. Money is still their, but I really don't have anything to ripoff
Scary part is I doubt it was 11 inch's at all, be too obvious. Which only leaves mods that could have seen my P.M.
hmmm Bitcoin - really should have been called Scamcoin!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 18, 2014, 03:53:21 AM
Just received a PM from someone called "freshly picked flower" with ZERO activity

hey there,

im 99% sure i know what the issue is...i get the same problem with egilius. its a simple bug fix in ur local client. if you still need help with it, ill gladly take you up on the teamviewer offer and fix it real quick. let me kno


Please try much harder you scammer!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 19, 2014, 03:47:03 PM
Just a quick update, I still have not received a reply from Eliguis.
I also received a new payment yesterday from mining at Eliguis. Funnily enough It went straight through to my wallet.
I hope you bigwigs are still here for me if Eliguis can't explain, because honestly I don't think its a processing holdup.

Oh, and in regards to one of the mods trying to hack me, well today an attempt was made on email account.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:38:31 AM UTC
IP Address:
Location: Chicago, IL, USA

But already they have given up!
Such a bitchslap when the only arsenal left is spam!

I'm not happy I tell you.
Press connections I have are very interested though!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: zee112212 on March 19, 2014, 04:10:05 PM
The title is very misleading. lol

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 19, 2014, 04:40:34 PM
I hope you are right, please entertain me with the answer then?

Yes as I thought, re: above comment, no answers to give!!

For anyone else that wants to bomb my thread, if you don't have a solution, please refrain from making yourself look STUPID!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 21, 2014, 01:04:19 AM
Hi, this is the reply I got from Eliguis:

Sounds like a problem with your wallet software/provider. Eligius has sent the payments, its up to your wallet or service to account for them.

Right, I am still in deliberation with Eliguis, but its not looking good so far.
Also have updated to latest V9 Qt and no change has been made!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: machinationus on March 21, 2014, 11:56:47 PM
I would not blame Eligius as some one can see all the public address's there
Hey I lost 0.047 so I turned the donations to 99% and they still paid the mining
fee to the wallet thief! 14gFWFSg9dxARw2khji4bnJmUYQp56aXbC

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 05:36:30 AM
No, I definitely don't blame Eliguis, I blame a major bug in the bitcoin-qt app and Eliguis also confirm this.
As already stated the payments are on the blockchain, just not in my wallet or even recognised by my wallet.
I also have reinstalled a backup and reinstalled the updated QT twice. Once on my O/S and once on my backed up O/S AND the its the exact same thing - The deposits have never made it to the wallet!
Look at all the people rushing to my defence around here-NOT!

They hope ignoring me will make it all go away. But they are in for a rude shock!
I simply cant tell enough people to stay away from this cryptocoin B.S.!
Its just a giant scam! Its had 4 years to come to fruition and nothing. Funniest part is all the Altcoin idiots thinking their coins will be viable when BITRIP can't even be taking seriously and is flawed.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: dowsey14 on March 22, 2014, 06:59:24 AM

Open the Bitcoin-QT client.

Wait for the blockchain to synchronize.

Go to your receive tab, copy the receiving address or the address that your coins were supposed to be sent to, we'll call this YourAddress.
Is it 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk ?
If it is, then use that one.

Open up the debug console window, and type

dumpprivkey YourAddress

You should see the private key for that address. If it's not there, you don't have access to any coins at that address.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 08:44:51 AM
It says:
Private key for address 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk is not known (code -4)

So that means what?? because the last two payments I received ok and I have transferred to and from this account with no problem.

Where are the payments???? Why do they not show up in mined or wallet?
Why do the two missing payments on eliguis show up with a (S) in front of them and all payments I received have a (G) in front of them. Why is Eliguis saying its a wallet issue.

These are some of the reasons Bitrip can't succeed, Whom in their right mind can be bothered with this crap? I go to shop I give you cash I go home with item, this is just simply stupid!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: cbeast on March 22, 2014, 10:34:46 AM
It says:
Private key for address 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk is not known (code -4)

So that means what?? because the last two payments I received ok and I have transferred to and from this account with no problem.

Where are the payments???? Why do they not show up in mined or wallet?
Why do the two missing payments on eliguis show up with a (S) in front of them and all payments I received have a (G) in front of them. Why is Eliguis saying its a wallet issue.

These are some of the reasons Bitrip can't succeed, Whom in their right mind can be bothered with this crap? I go to shop I give you cash I go home with item, this is just simply stupid!

People are trying to help. You are doing advanced things like mining and are moving coins around using that address for over a month so this is a recent problem. If your client was buggy, that wouldn't be the case, right? I see multiple links between addresses.

It looks like payments and/or change have been sent to the same wallet more than once, so either you are sending to yourself or your security has been compromised. If the wallet did not have private keys for the outputs, they would not have spent. If you are having problem accessing the keys now, then something recently happened to your wallet and those coins will not be there. It does not look like a malfunctioning wallet. Please be careful if you are trying to do advanced key management and you are inexperienced with the software. It is Beta and doesn't have much user safety built in yet.

If this is not helpful, please provide further information so we may see where the wallet malfunctions.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: fbueller on March 22, 2014, 02:15:06 PM
OP, Burning bridges with everyone will mean they're in no way inclined to help. Danny and the others are very knowledgeable people, but as an onlooker it appears the only barrier to you getting your coins, is you (you said this to the very first person who tried to help you: "Firstly your comments don't read properly as you have punctuation mistakes. Im not having a go, Im just saying I only speak and read English and your comment doesn't read normally in English.")

No one wants you to lose your coins, but you are repelling everyone.

1: First, please explain what you mean here:
"Not only that the public key I believe it gives you, uknow the 8 different word thing, well I choose to print as it says not to save it to the PC, well the new window opened and it was blank!"
Is this your wallet passphrase? I don't know what you could be referring to here.

2: Can you open Bitcoin-QT, Help->Debug, and open the 'Console' tab. Run "getinfo" and paste it here.

3: "validateaddress 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk"
    "isvalid" : true,
    "address" : "1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk",
    "ismine" : false
As you can see, when I run validateaddress, it returns ismine:false. If yours returns this, the key is not in your wallet. Do you back up your wallet? Did you forget to back up after a new address was created?

4. Can you try do dumpprivkey to each address that you have in your wallet? Your wallet may have been corrupted otherwise. Don't paste them here obviously. It probably makes sense you can't access these funds if the key isn't in the wallet. I suggest you take a screenshot of your addresses tab, so we can see what we're dealing with.

5. Have you moved all your money out of these addresses yet? You should soon. The wallet could have been compromised (people have noticed that the outputs have been spent, meaning you, or someone with the keys spent them), or you sent it but quickly shut the program..

6. Do you ever play with raw transactions? If you tried to spend mined funds before they matured, maybe it wasn't realized by the wallet at the time (raw transactions have no safety checks), so the transaction was invalidated by the network?

6. Using, visit each address and click 'Unspent Outputs'. We can recover mature funds with a rwa transaction.

I think - abandon your current wallet, move all your funds to a new one, and we'll see exactly what the damage is. Be polite and patient, and you'll have smarter people than me on your side.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 02:52:07 PM
YOUR bombing my thread, if your not helping me get my money back, just go away!!
Im not fucking 10 years old! your just making me more pissed off!

re: cbeast

1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk - base wallet
1ocsZUCsoNd1S9mMSYBATfoR2L1izh5m2 - this is the leech account!!!  I did not authorise these and believe missing money has gone here! But still why mined not showing up????
1BykqJj5TBhVeG3KddAPsFj3nEyXAB3cHL - mobile wallet
19L5ox7LBcTv4So7GgRJrjLgaEqNiFGkp3 - mintpal
161QnZe4onKirYZUGXNe3T9pVvXdyH5NnA - old wallet

omg...bitrip = bitcoin please just go share your worthless opinions elsewhere!


Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: cbeast on March 22, 2014, 03:14:13 PM
It looks like 1ocsZUCsoNd1S9mMSYBATfoR2L1izh5m2 is in your wallet as you've had 1JJA3L6UGUtrK3MzscbKdWFt8mrv6eHfkk spent to in on more than one occasion and spent from both of them to BykqJj5TBhVeG3KddAPsFj3nEyXAB3cHL meaning that they are both your keys. If 1ocsZUCsoNd1S9mMSYBATfoR2L1izh5m2 is a "leech" address it means that someone else has the private key and is sweeping outputs to it out of your wallet, which I don't see happening. In fact, you did authorize 1ocsZUCsoNd1S9mMSYBATfoR2L1izh5m2 because you both spent from it and to it. Your base and mobile wallet are probably sharing keys, but if they are not synched, then they may show different balances.

You haven't revealed your wallet clients for the base and mobile. If they are not displaying properly, one of them may be compromised. Try to think of anything else that may be even remotely relevant.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 03:24:49 PM
base wallet - 0.8.6-beta
mobile - Knc  0.9.3

I just then moved some money out from base to mobile.
I have it preset for pay TX fee 0.00010000
I just got charged -0.00011471 what is going on here???

Not to mention you don't have a choice in paying it whatsoever.

As far as relevancy goes, everything had been going ok. I then read about swapping out your wallet.dat with a new address to keep wallet in sync, and to swap back in your "spending wallet for purchases/whatever!
This is when all the troubles began.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 03:31:44 PM
ok I will sent it back now! wait for update here!

WTF?? I am trying to send back 0.7341 and the send button doesn't light up when entered???
I will try 0.73........

YES ITS BACK IN BASE, what now??

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 03:42:09 PM
Where the fuck did 11 inches comments just go???

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: 11inches on March 22, 2014, 03:42:24 PM
Where the fuck did 11 inches comments just go???

whats the balance read on your phone?

edit: i don't know what to tell you man. it looks like you literally spent your bitcoin and forgot you spent it. there is nothing out of the ordinary with the transactions.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: grue on March 22, 2014, 03:44:21 PM
base wallet - 0.8.6-beta
mobile - Knc  0.9.3
none of those are known bitcoin clients. can you post a screenshot of the about screen of those clients?

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: 11inches on March 22, 2014, 03:47:57 PM
base wallet - 0.8.6-beta
mobile - Knc  0.9.3
none of those are known bitcoin clients. can you post a screenshot of the about screen of those clients?

isnt it this?

anyways, i would advise you do the following

1. back up all your private keys
2. uninstall your bitcoin client completely, from both your computer and phone
3. stop sharing wallets with your phone/pc
4. download the newest bitcoin client
5. import your old private key and start having fun again

the funds were received by your wallet and they were even spent according to the blockchain. either your wallet is compromised or you forgot you spent it

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 03:48:56 PM
Mobile balance left is 0.0040

Ok I get they may have been spent, according to you saying it all adds up, I am still yet to check this out, but that still doesn't explain them not showing up under mining does it.

Yes that is the client in the link, are some of you guys from out of space because I got the link from NEWS! See up their its just above the HOME page tab!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 04:03:58 PM
11 inches help me here! whats this newbie saying???

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 04:07:27 PM
Dude I just got robbed of 0.5 to 137o87ATivWp6K4YHYhv5f5X3uzcT5GCxn

I did not do what he said!
This is fucking crazy, I still have .2 unconfirmed!
I have shut the client down!

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: grue on March 22, 2014, 04:17:04 PM
you could have avoided the confusion if you didn't call your client "bitcoin base" instead of "bitcoin core" or "bitcoin-qt".

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: mattboldfield on March 22, 2014, 04:18:44 PM
yeah ok, Anyone want to explain WTF just happened?

11 inches man WTF? Why dude, why be so fucking stupid?

Its my own fault for not changing the PW on both my locked qt and on my teamviewer when I asked for help.

But it all boils down to the mined payments not showing up in the QT that brought me here in the first place.


Why is everyone silent?

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: fran2k on March 23, 2014, 06:07:48 AM

Super FUD title.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: dishwara on March 23, 2014, 10:19:12 AM
I think your wallet.dat file is corrupted.
Maybe your hard drive dying.
Better take backup of your wallet & import all keys in to a new wallet in a DIFFERENT hard disk.

Title: Re: MAJOR BUG IN BITCOIN-QT! Payments on blockchain but not in Account
Post by: grue on March 23, 2014, 05:49:57 PM
Topic cleaned of off topic posts, mainly attacks on mattboldfield and mattboldfield's complaints about bitcointalk. Please keep on topic. If mattboldfield wants to discuss about the forum's policy on scamers, he is free to post in meta. Also, topic title edited because it was previously very misleading.