Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: djefes on October 18, 2019, 11:38:43 AM

Title: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: djefes on October 18, 2019, 11:38:43 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
Already disappeared and probably dead.
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone?
That is very hard to happen since companies invest in it and they will make sure that bitcoin is valuable.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
It can be banned but people will continue to trade it.
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
A virus targetting miners maybe? or

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Edited to add answers.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Mandoy on October 18, 2019, 11:49:35 AM
The hacking problem was already solved and right now that hacking incident can no longer occur. Even if Satoshi dies bitcoin can stand on its own and will continue to exist as long as the people are using it and runs its wallet. Bitcoin will not be banned by all countries, that is impossible, there already countries that have accepted bitcoin and many more countries will come to adopt it legally. Well if the government will exhaust its resources just to destroy bitcoin that will be one of the most idiotic action from the government. The government will not spend millions of dollars to stop bitcoin since there are many sectors especially welfare sectors that needs funding from our taxes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: CryptoBry on October 18, 2019, 12:08:56 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

You are afraid that this 2010 story can be repeating itself and when then is no more Satoshi Nakamoto who can prevent the death of Bitcoin via hacking then everything will be gone in hours. We should be happy that the incident happened at the early stage of Bitcoin so that solution was immediately found and no damage whatsoever was inflicted to its whole ecosystem. I don't there will be such a thing again and right now all possible scenario can already be covered...even the so-called quantum computing.

Now, it would be impossible to unite all governments and have a single stand to kill Bitcoin. That can never happen as this is not a case of the election where majority wins. Governments have never been united on any issue before...there will always be those who will dissent and will not follow any majority's decision. You can witness this disunity even in the floors of the United Nations. Oh, yes, governments can work to kill Bitcoin but they won't success and since they know it they are not going to waste their time and resources to do so.

Don't worry too much. Just relax, be happy and enjoy the roller-coaster Bitcoin ride.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: ChrisPop on October 18, 2019, 12:10:57 PM
Bitcoin does not run because Satoshi is alive. Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of Bitcoin and he might oversee its evolution from the shadow. Remember that we don't know if Satoshi is one man or a group of people. Secondly, the wise men usually find apprentices whom they teach all their knowledge so he can pass it on to the next generations. I'm sure that a lot of countries in the world will adopt Bitcoin because there if it gets banned will create an outrageous effect on anarchists and bitcoin maximalists that will probably make protests and maybe even move to countries that haven't banned it and empower the economy there.

You've got to understand that there are people working FOR the benefit of Bitcoin in the background as well. We have "allies", not just enemies.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: lionheart78 on October 18, 2019, 12:43:25 PM
The hacking is quite easy during those early days because of low difficulty and very low hashes securing the network of Bitcoin.  I do not think that the same event will happen againd since the bug had been patched, and it is very expensive to outhash those hashes securing the bitcoin network.

Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?

Well, if satoshi dies, no one will know since no one knows his true identity, thus it has no effect on Bitcoin becuse his absences in the current Bitcoin situation is good as being dead.

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.

If Bitcoin can stand alone then we can say that Bitcoin is stable enough to face hurdles, why not be happy about it.

What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Stop drinking too much coffee, it is getting into your nerve.  Let us just enjoy having Bitcoin and the freedom to use it today, only worry when those stuff happened.  By that time  I know the community will have a counter measure for all your worries.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Jating on October 18, 2019, 12:53:16 PM
Lol, bitcoin has existed for the last ten years and even though there are attempts to stop it, somehow bitcoin survived so I doubt that we will go instinct in the next ten years. For me that is the critical because it's the formative stage of it, and ever if did survived (which we did), then there's no stopping it.

Maybe you can also include this bitcoin obituaries?  ;D

And pretty much all your questions has been answered already, Satoshi left us, just imagine that, the creator suddenly disappear but his invention lives on. Are there more challenging than that?

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: ene1980 on October 18, 2019, 12:57:59 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?
In the early stages the software has many bugs and it was trial and error in the beginning where the community helped Satoshi in identifying all these issues and now it is a completely different animal with many talented developers and testers overlooking the project.

What will happen after satoshi dies?
It does not matter as he left the development a long back and there are other talented developers.

What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
These are logically impossible.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Astvile on October 18, 2019, 12:58:34 PM
The hacking problem was already solved and right now that hacking incident can no longer occur.
How can you be se sure that the hacking incident will no longer appear and occur anytime now or in the future?
Bitcoin and blockchain system is yes secured but still quite vulnerable to hacking. Hackers can always find a hole to penetrate and milk the system we can't assure that bitcoins security is on top level.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Pearls Before Swine on October 18, 2019, 01:02:35 PM
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
Bitcoin would have to be banned globally in order for it to die, and that would take some serious legislation across all countries to happen.  I don't think that will happen in my lifetime, nor at all.  I think it is more likely that at some point the banking system will collapse and bitcoin will be needed as a backup currency, which almost happened in 2008 (coincidentally when bitcoin was born).

Gov'ts could certainly pass laws making bitcoin ownership illegal, but they don't seem to be interested in doing this so far and it has been 10 years already.  I sort of think they see that it has great value, or at least potential value and that at the very least it isn't causing great harm.  So no, bitcoin's extinction probably won't happen ever and definitely not in most of our lifetimes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: romero121 on October 18, 2019, 01:04:55 PM
Op has understood that gold can't be stopped from usage suddenly. If that's impossible it is not possible to stop bitcoin from its usage. Maybe the years of existence between gold and bitcoin vary, but the technology backing makes bitcoin strong. Controversy is a part of growth, so when there is tremendous growth automatically fear accompanies it. This is what felt by Op, maybe he'll come out of the fear going through the parallel thread Bitcoin is never going to be extinct (

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: blckhawk on October 18, 2019, 01:05:40 PM
If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?
The situation today is not different to when Satoshi dies. As far as I know, Satoshi already left the Bitcoin's blockchain.

When Bitcoin stands alone, either it will thrive and be used to compete to digital fiat, recieve acceptance from the public, or would be regulated heavily by the government.

A global ban is highly unlikely. True censorship is near impossible, unless all countries decided to run under dictatorship with global ban to internet access.

They can't entirely shut down Bitcoin's network. It's a decentralized system of nodes (miners) and shutting a mining farm won't shut down the whole system. It's located all around the world, and to shut it down completely, you need to shut down all nodes that has the copy of the blockchain.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: milani on October 18, 2019, 01:39:15 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

So all these questions are from the category - "what will be if...". But these if may happen, or may not happen. In case such things happen there will be lots of sad and disadvantaged people on the planet. Lots of people will go mad, and even dead)))  ;D sorry, but in case all governments conclude a secret agreement and at the same time forbid the crypto, may be all these questions even will not have any sense and everything will look like in a more simple way. But to my mind it is a nonsense. But even in case crypto disappear one day, if it is possible, I do not think that life is over after that)))))) just be attentive to changes and do not be sure that everything is everlasting...

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: MicroGuy on October 18, 2019, 01:50:31 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

Unless the Proof of Work bug is solved, Bitcoin will destroy itself.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: DannyHamilton on October 18, 2019, 02:35:58 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created?

No, you are not the only one.  There are other foolish people that also believe that.

Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If ANY attack could kill it, then it would already be dead.

If this happened, anything can.

That is not true.  One thing happening does not result in all things happening.  That's not how the universe works.

What will happen after satoshi dies?

He is already dead.  What will happen is what has happened.

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.

Bitcoin has already stood alone.  What will happen is what has happened.

What will happen if it is banned globally?

Can you name any single thing that is banned globally?  If you can, does that thing still exist?

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?

Can you name anything that governments try to kill?  Does that thing still exist?

Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Governments can work to do whatever they want.  It doesn't mean they will succeed.

Btc is not like gold.

Correct.  It is better.

You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc.

Yes, you can. But regardless, in what ways do you think bitcoin can be "made to disappear"?

I am a fan of btc but I am also scared.

It's okay to be scared.  Lots of people are scared of lots of things.

It should be protected but who will do it?

I will.  Will you?

Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Perhaps. Perhaps not.  Does it matter?

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: normanz on October 18, 2019, 02:52:54 PM
Many have said that bitcoin will go extinct, but bitcoin still survives and proves them wrong. I think bitcoin won't be easily extinct but bitcoin still has a future.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: kryptqnick on October 18, 2019, 03:07:00 PM
The hacking problem was already solved and right now that hacking incident can no longer occur.
How can you be se sure that the hacking incident will no longer appear and occur anytime now or in the future?
Bitcoin and blockchain system is yes secured but still quite vulnerable to hacking. Hackers can always find a hole to penetrate and milk the system we can't assure that bitcoins security is on top level.
It's terrifying from the past, and it's true that that could be the end of Bitcoin's popularity and functionality. However, technically Bitcoin would not have died, it would have still existed. It seems logical that it's way easier to hurt a young vulnerable code than the old and tested one. Moreover, back then there was Satoshi and maybe a couple of other people trying to help, whereas today the community is huge, and an active dev team is doing a lot to ensure safety. Sometimes bugs happen, even those pretty similar to the one that happened in 2010, although of a smaller scope ( We cannot know for sure, but it seems that we are in safe hands.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Coinpush on October 18, 2019, 03:11:07 PM
In my opinion, it's fairly unlikely for Bitcoin to ever hit zero because: less activity => easier to mine => more miners => more competitive - and the cycle repeats.

However, I did get thinking about the impact of Quantum computing on cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Here's a video that touches on that: (

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: cr1776 on October 18, 2019, 03:20:32 PM
Great response as had previously been the case in your replies. Good to see you back after 18ish months!

Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created?

No, you are not the only one.  There are other foolish people that also believe that.

Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If ANY attack could kill it, then it would already be dead.

If this happened, anything can.

That is not true.  One thing happening does not result in all things happening.  That's not how the universe works.

What will happen after satoshi dies?

He is already dead.  What will happen is what has happened.

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.

Bitcoin has already stood alone.  What will happen is what has happened.

What will happen if it is banned globally?

Can you name any single thing that is banned globally?  If you can, does that thing still exist?

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?

Can you name anything that governments try to kill?  Does that thing still exist?

Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Governments can work to do whatever they want.  It doesn't mean they will succeed.

Btc is not like gold.

Correct.  It is better.

You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc.

Yes, you can. But regardless, in what ways do you think bitcoin can be "made to disappear"?

I am a fan of btc but I am also scared.

It's okay to be scared.  Lots of people are scared of lots of things.

It should be protected but who will do it?

I will.  Will you?

Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Perhaps. Perhaps not.  Does it matter?

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: dothebeats on October 18, 2019, 03:45:18 PM
I highly doubt it can still happen today, and even with the current technologies that we have right now concerning cryptography and whatnot, it is still remotely possible for any such things to happen. If one vulnerability ever exist that could harm the whole of bitcoin, it already has been done by now and we wouldn’t be having this conversation even. But fortunately there isn’t, and if there is it would easily be patched and fixed.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: judeafante on October 18, 2019, 03:47:47 PM
If this happened, anything can.
So far it's not proven yet if there's a theory about it, it hasn't proven that it will be effective, that an attack can kill it

What will happen after satoshi dies?
Where is he right now, do you know where he is and what he';s been into know

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
It's always been stand alone no central agency has and can control it
What will happen if it is banned globally?
Banning Bitcoin is not effective anymore government is created by the people and serve the people

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
They can try but doubts if it will become successful, every government has their own problems to solve

Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
The farthest that have done is regulate it

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: bounceback on October 18, 2019, 03:56:37 PM
it is very difficult to predict bitcoin can be extinct whereas now most people who want a bitcoin adospi and investors investing with bitcoin and bitcoin are very popular among people now so if the government works to kill bitcoin then i think this will be a big riot between the government and people especially those who hold a portion of bitcoin will surely be a large-scale demonstration to prevent the government from destroying bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: teosanru on October 18, 2019, 04:38:16 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Even if Satoshi dies there will be no change in existence of bitcoin. Satoshi is a very important personality to bitcoin but no matter how important is he there is nothing he is contributing currently towards the working of Bitcoin. Moreover banning it globally isn't that easy. Bitcoin is a digital commodity which actually doesn't requires approval from any government around the world. It's the people who these governments govern and not bitcoin. So at maximum this ban would do is drive away some people from bitcoin and nothing else. The core community users will still stand with bitcoin because they actually are pretty untraceable if we continue to use private key wallets.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Artemis3 on October 18, 2019, 05:55:47 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

What will happen after satoshi dies?
Nothing. Satoshi disappeared and its still working.

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
It will keep working.

What will happen if it is banned globally?
It will keep working.

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
They can't.

Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
No, even if banned worldwide.

Currently, its legal in far more countries, only 15 banned it and they are very unsuccessful from stopping their own citizens from using it (see China).

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?
The gold is physical, and it can be seized (Done in the USA during the 30ies), bitcoin can't be seized unless you give it or fail to protect your seed words and obfuscate your transactions.

Bitcoin was specifically designed against those fears of yours, it is the very reason the markets give it the highest value.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: superman25 on October 18, 2019, 05:57:10 PM
The truth is that I don't believe that Bitcoin can be destroyed on a technical level by hacker attack, although there is such a probability, it is super small and I do not think that governments agree to kill Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in general, in fact there are clear claims of Important officials saying that Bitcoin cannot be stopped, what is being done is a regulation so that people can pay taxes and perform work within the framework of the law.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: ashmodeus on October 18, 2019, 08:37:10 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Q 1. i dunno , because i am not programer or something like that, i just fan of btc,same like u.
Q 2. still going like now,i guess, even who know satoshi?, who can claimed he death already.
Q 3. well, so btc will be forever alone,lol, nothing will happen, basicaly btc stand alone, then, as time goes by , the next altcoins born and continue like that.
Q 4. well, i just believe , banned bitcoin its imposible. btc has created a new world, I don't think governments globally unite to destroy that world.
Q 5. just start it, and soon they will know btc cant be killed.
Q 6. i have no idea.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Shasha80 on October 18, 2019, 09:31:47 PM
Q:Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?
A:Because bitcoin has many benefits for human life so it is not possible to be erased, it is unlikely that bitcoin can be killed because of
   In 2010 there were many who tried to attack bitcoin but their efforts always failed. And now it's been 10 years that bitcoin still exists.

Q:What will happen after satoshi dies?
A:From the beginning bitcoin was created satoshi never appeared, even though satoshi died there was no effect for bitcoin. Because bitcoin
   walk and stand alone.

Q:What will happen when bitcoin stands alone?
A:Until now, bitcoin has always stand on its own, nobody supports it. So indeed bitcoin has always stand alone,its no problem at all.

Q:What will happen if it is banned globally?
A:It is not possible, because not all hate bitcoin. Even those who hate are outnumbered by those who support bitcoin. So globally banned
   is not possible.

Q:What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
A:Please just try to kill bitcoin, I'm sure the results will fail. Because many parties who want to protect bitcoin.

Q:Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
A:The government has often tried to stop bitcoin, even tried to kill it. But it always ends in failure, because it is the number of bitcoin
   users continues to grow so it's almost impossible to stop bitcoin.

Q:Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared.
   It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?
A:Bitcoin will not be lost as long as someone uses it, people who use bitcoin will protect bitcoin, many parties and volunteers who will do it.
  Can exchanges, can also top btc holders who protect bitcoin. Many feel helped by the emergence of bitcoin, so those who feel bitcoin helps
   their lives will automatically protect bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Willitivity on October 18, 2019, 09:45:06 PM
Bitcoin has really come a long way for anyone wanting to destroy. Even though the hacks you pointed out could target Bitcoin's core and wipe it out. But that's not possible for now, unless in the future when the quantum computer technology is actualised. Bitcoin is gradually getting engravedon the minds of people, so many are looking for a way to get into it and enjoy the benefits.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: lobster88 on October 18, 2019, 11:07:22 PM
Why are people are keep on digging this thing? Saying that the Bitcoin may extinct? I am afraid that this truly might happen. Why? Because I do believe that nothing is permanent in this world except change. But for todays oversees to the crypto currency market, Bitcoin is not that easy to end its life. Bitcoin have so many things done and have conquered a long time. The only thing can decide for this is the time which come passes by us.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: elda34b on October 19, 2019, 01:10:32 AM
Why are people are keep on digging this thing? Saying that the Bitcoin may extinct? I am afraid that this truly might happen.

Because they need to post on this forum, and this topic is easy to discuss and get spammed. If you're talking about value, you will likely find nothing.

Extinct or not, it's useless to talk about it. The 'may' question itself is rhetorical. Unless you want to measure how likely it is, you can always say anything is possible. So, asking 'may it happen' will always result in a 'yes' answer.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Kyraishi on October 19, 2019, 01:56:30 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Doesn't matter if Satoshi is dead or not. His creation doesn't require a single entity to 'activate' or something. It's decentralized and some people actually speculate Satoshi is dead right now.

Bitcoin can't be banned globally and it won't be. The market is too big, it'll be too hard to ban it completely and VPNs and Tor exist to help people.

No government has enough power to wipe out Bitcoin technology. Relax!

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: coin-investor on October 19, 2019, 03:49:28 AM
Why are people are keep on digging this thing? Saying that the Bitcoin may extinct? I am afraid that this truly might happen.

Because they need to post on this forum, and this topic is easy to discuss and get spammed. If you're talking about value, you will likely find nothing.

Extinct or not, it's useless to talk about it. The 'may' question itself is rhetorical. Unless you want to measure how likely it is, you can always say anything is possible. So, asking 'may it happen' will always result in a 'yes' answer.

I don't impose on anybody on what to post and what not but you are right but a topic like this that cannot be proven should not discuss at all it's FUDS if people have that thinking, and we all know people are always going on a safe side they will not invest, the question that if Bitcoin is going to be extinct is always off topic because it's been proven not to by the experts.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Eclipse26 on October 19, 2019, 04:16:26 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Let's just be honest here, there's a possibility of bitcoin to stop circulating. Everything has its end. And I believe that when bitcoin reaches its peak of dominance and popularity, the possible thing that would happen to bitcoin is to go downward or other crypto will dominate.

As of now we don't even know if Satoshi is already dead or not. So even if Satoshi is already dead, bitcoin will still function. I don't know if bitcoin could stand alone cause without other coins, bitcoin won't reach this far. If the whole government would ban bitcoin, then I guess it's another challenge for bitcoin. Government can stop their people from using bitcoin but I don't think they will.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: jootn2kx on October 19, 2019, 04:55:42 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

And what's to say that Satoshi is not dead already? Also, why would BTC be banned globally? It is already adopted in some countries, such as Japan. No reason to be afraid of anything mentioned in there right about now, BTC is evolving still, and some of the old dangers have already been dealt with a long time ago.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: PointHope on October 19, 2019, 05:02:12 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

Unless the Proof of Work bug is solved, Bitcoin will destroy itself.

How is that?
Is not the proof of work a high value security feature of Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Dabs on October 19, 2019, 09:52:04 PM
In my opinion, it's fairly unlikely for Bitcoin to ever hit zero because: less activity => easier to mine => more miners => more competitive - and the cycle repeats.

That is correct, it will keep on going because, in the beginning when there was no incentive or value to it, people still mined it.

Now that there is value and there is an exchange rate, it will never die. Never.

You'd have to kill the internet. They can't even kill the pirate bay which has a centralized website acting as the tracker for all the torrents.

The source code is out there. The miners are out there. The full nodes are out there. There is no stopping bitcoin, they'd have to destroy a large part of the infrastructure to do, and someone or something would have to track down every known dev and eliminate them. Not going to happen.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Youghoor on October 19, 2019, 11:25:52 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

These reasons of you are no good enough to think that Bitcoin may go extinct. Extinction only occurs when there is no significant adoption of that particular thing to its surrounding. With Bitcoin, it has received huge adoption on the darkweb which we all know contains A lot than the normal internet. Apart from the darkweb, a lot of people in the financial space are now investing in Bitcoin and some countries recognize bitcoin as the future of money.  Bitcoin could have been extinct two years after it was launched. You basically don't know what you are saying.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: LbtalkL on October 19, 2019, 11:55:44 PM
Bitcoin unites everyone in the world no matter what the country, language. whoever you are. Different miners around the world connected through blockchain. Do you think the government can stop it? It is decentralized no once can control it. That's why US government is afraid of it because they want to control everything.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: chaoscoinz on October 20, 2019, 12:16:20 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

  I wouldn't worry much, if it does happen, another evangelical techno savior like Satoshi will appear with a new idea. If Block-chain was never made to be an open source code, the crypto markets as we know them today wouldn't be here. The whole theme was decentralization, I doubt the idea would die with bitcoin, I'm certain another decentralized medium of exchange will rise within its place. Bitcoins proof of work is simply the proof of concept for the block-chain. Satoshi most likely just wanted to demonstrate the system so that others would piggy back and brainstorm new ideas to add on to the Blockchain infrastructure. I mean, why else would it be an open source code project, if it wasn't to encourage others to contribute to the idea?

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Sadlife on October 20, 2019, 01:45:01 AM

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
does not considered satoshi being dead for that long years of inactivity and not even updating?but yet Bitcoin is growing right?so wheres the point here?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
banned by governments?yet it is tradable even getting banned isn't it?

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
just give legitimate reason why governmnt will do this?so maybe answers will coming,but if you can't thens top you Hallucinations because those wont happen

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Eugenar on October 20, 2019, 01:59:06 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

In the question what will happen if satoshi dies, or even after satoshi dies? Let say, there's no founder of bitcoin, in a company, if their CEO dies, someone should replace the position, and in terms of bitcoin, it is not necessary to replace satoshi, as the legacy of bitcoin will run based on us, the people who utilize it. And in addition, there's allot of bitcoin scientists and enthusiasts that can still manage how bitcoin is performing in the market. That might be the reason why satoshi isn't present or active, bitcoin can standalone.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: fullhdpixel on October 20, 2019, 08:29:30 AM
First, satoshi has already created an independent currency, so nothing is going to  happen even if satoshi dies, if you fully have the knowledge of bitcoin very well, you would also see that the absence of satoshi right now is to test this, so bitcoin is already a standalone coin which is making it become more useful as it is not being controlled, which also would make it very difficult for government to be able to ban it because it is not a centralized system, , bitcoin operate on a decentralized technology and I read that the US has even made some moves in the past to ban it which was never successful, so not now that the coin has really advanced that they will be able to ban it. I am not scared of bitcoin at all as I know that it will last for a lifetime.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: 1kings on October 20, 2019, 09:50:43 AM
It'd require a catastrophe to go into extinction. BTC has come to stay.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: djefes on October 22, 2019, 05:17:01 AM
All I am saying is bitcoin will be attacked. I strongly think that it will possible to harm the chain if someone skillfull like satoshi wants to do it. I actually dont care much because I see bitcoin as an idea, not the king of the market. It has clearly started a revolution and we are headed to somewhere better thanks to it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Wind_FURY on October 22, 2019, 05:25:36 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

Unless the Proof of Work bug is solved, Bitcoin will destroy itself.

What bug?

OP, Bitcoin as a software experiment/protocol could fail, BUT the idea that a provably scarce, self-sovereign hard-money is possible will live on.

The cat is out of the bag.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: EdvinZ on October 22, 2019, 08:30:33 AM
Something bad can happen to Bitcoin. It is hard to believe, but it is still a very young technology, and it is unknown what awaits Bitcoin in the future. Therefore, you need to invest in it reasonable money, not all your savings. But 10 years is also a very solid period of operation of the Bitcoin network. During this time, she experienced a number of difficulties, which she successfully coped with. Let us hope that this will continue.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Google+ on October 22, 2019, 10:12:22 AM
indeed such fear will always exist but I am sure bitcoin will still survive even though satoshi nakamoto is dead, and bitcoin still stands alone nobody can control bitcoin even the government is also unable to stop the circulation of bitcoin, bitcoin will never die because bitcoin has been created and stored in many places so that bitcoin is hard to die.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on October 22, 2019, 10:24:52 AM
indeed such fear will always exist but I am sure bitcoin will still survive even though satoshi nakamoto is dead, and bitcoin still stands alone nobody can control bitcoin even the government is also unable to stop the circulation of bitcoin, bitcoin will never die because bitcoin has been created and stored in many places so that bitcoin is hard to die.
But such fear should not come first when it comes to bitcoin. Bitcoin is a type of asset that can survive for a long time.
We all know that bitcoin has been in this industry that has been considered not just an investment but also a way to make a transaction.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: skarais on October 22, 2019, 11:25:35 AM
Bitcoin is a work of technology development. I don't think technology will die after it is presented to the world. Unless there is not the slightest development from it and its use is very little. Bitcoin since being introduced to the world has made people interested. A strong community has led me to believe that bitcoin will last longer than expected.
Traders, investors, companies, have made bitcoin one of the most expensive digital assets, and now its popularity is increasing. What should be doubted ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Edraket31 on October 22, 2019, 11:45:03 AM
Bitcoin is a work of technology development. I don't think technology will die after it is presented to the world. Unless there is not the slightest development from it and its use is very little. Bitcoin since being introduced to the world has made people interested. A strong community has led me to believe that bitcoin will last longer than expected.
Traders, investors, companies, have made bitcoin one of the most expensive digital assets, and now its popularity is increasing. What should be doubted ?

Bitcoin will really last longer, we are now in the world of technology, wherein the technology is evolving day by day, many inventions everyday that making the life of people easier and more comfortable, it may not in this decade, but in the upcoming decades for sure that we will evolve more in technology and possible that money will be in digital.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: djefes on October 25, 2019, 06:12:55 AM
Why do we want bitcoin to last? Because of the tech? The technology has already opened a new era. It is already developed much and there is no need for bitcoin to be alive after new coins become well know and independent from bitcoin price effect. Bitcoin mining is the craziest thing people do to the earth. Cmon guys. Lets stop being fanatics. I have earned a lot thanks to bitcoin but I dont think it should still be mined for years. What world needs is a cryptocurrency with privacy and doesnt require this much energy and they are already exsist. The problem is they are still dependent to bitcoin. When time comes, bitcoin will only harm the world, nothing else.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Kakmakr on October 25, 2019, 06:22:33 AM
Your mind is all over the place, because you say on the one hand that you believe in Bitcoin, but on the other hand you have loads of concerns and you doubt the technology.  ::)

Do a little bit more research on decentralization <P2P networks> and how that protected previous systems from government take downs and how this is also helping Bitcoin.  ;)

Did the ban on alcohol stop people from brewing their own alcohol and trading and selling it in the USA? <One of the most powerful countries in the world?>    :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: shoreno on October 25, 2019, 06:25:54 AM
no no your not alone with that paranoia of yours because i did also think sometimes that btc can pop up and completely dissapear but the percent for that to happen is too low . what if satoshi dies ? btc is still here because its already been established .

what will happen if btc stands alone ? nothing really special.  look at btc now , it stands alone without its creator but it seems to be fine . banning globally is not possible so not all are thinking the same of killing btc and they cant possibly do it . btc is like gold but gold can also possibly disseaper and infact its extinct now . you can protect your own btc by doing saftey measures whether you store it on exchange or on a wallet .

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: airdnasxela on October 25, 2019, 08:02:27 AM

You don't have to worry much about that because it is very unlikely to happened that all government will ban bitcoin. We're aware that some government are positive towards bitcoin. I think op you overthink too much. Even though all government can go against bitcoin, I bet it won't happen.
Who should protect bitcoin? Not the exchanges and not the top holder, but us. Everyone who's into bitcoin is obliged to protect bitcoin. Because you don't want bitcoin, you wouldn't.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Expecto on October 28, 2019, 07:22:41 PM
Truthfully, there is always a possibility for a cryptocurrency to extinct, even for Bitcoin. But there is an obvious thing that Bitcoin is the most dominant cryptocurrency in the market and I think it is the last to be erased.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: mazdafunsun on October 28, 2019, 07:51:16 PM
Sataoshi may very well be dead already , he has not been active for years now.
It doe snot matter if goverments ban bitcoin, it will live on , goverments ( not all) are stupid enough to ban it , they know that it will go under gorund otherwise.
There are 2 real threats.
1. 51% attack
2. Quantum computing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: DatKing on October 28, 2019, 09:55:08 PM
It doesn't seem too possible to me that Bitcoin will be banned globally. Of course, there are countries that doesn't like Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies but they wouldn't want to take a risk by banning cryptos. In an economic recession, cryptos and gold will be very important.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: magneto on October 28, 2019, 10:13:15 PM
Satoshi has nothing to do with bitcoin now.

The bitcoin ecosystem has survived the better half of a decade without Satoshi's intervention, which is good in the way of decentralisation anyway. I don't know why you believe that somehow BTC will die after this.

Even with quantum computers, bitcoin can simply fork to adjust its algorithm to a quantum resistant one.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: joinfree on October 28, 2019, 11:28:07 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

It's normal to have such fears but let's consider the growth of bitcoin at the moment and ask ourselves whether it's worth it to harbour such fears. Bitcoin has been in existence for over a decade without the emergence of Satoshi Nakamoto, yet the network is still thriving. It's difficulty level has increased across the years and this also makes it absolutely impossible to suffer any form of 51% attack. Well governments have the power to restrict it's use but not kill it because if we the people decide to use it we can do so even without their authorization.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Ashong Salonga on October 28, 2019, 11:32:28 PM
Yes it may extinct but it does not mean that bitcoin is no longer profitable. As a matter of fact, bitcoin falls but still have a higher value compared to other coins. Bitcoin has its own definition of powerful and it never gets old. A lot of people are trusting it until today.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Wintersoldier on October 29, 2019, 01:07:52 AM
Yes it may extinct but it does not mean that bitcoin is no longer profitable. As a matter of fact, bitcoin falls but still have a higher value compared to other coins. Bitcoin has its own definition of powerful and it never gets old. A lot of people are trusting it until today.

Basically extinction will not gonna happen unless people will no longer utilize using cryptocurrency such as bitcoin. The main reason for me that will be the cause for bitcoin to be extinct is when people will spread and continue to make a bad reputatuon for bitcoin. In a sense that the situation before, people are making false investment platform to attract small scale investors, as a result, it turn into ponzi scam that makes the reputation of bitcoin miserable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: crossabdd on October 29, 2019, 02:03:11 AM
I once thought like you, if bitcoin can be made, then bitcoin can be destroyed. it's only by reversing the calculation. but this is the difference. Bitcoin runs on blockchain. a chain that is connected between the past and the future. like this simply. for 1 to 10, you have to pass 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. when you want to destroy number 1 through number 2 you have to solve calculations 1 to 2, but when you do that. the miners have continued their calculations. so when you have not completed the calculation in the number 2. you have moved in the number 3, which has a more difficult calculation. and that goes on and on. this is a simplification in my opinion. and you don't need to be afraid. because the bitcoin algorithm is currently very difficult. countries aren't that easy to kill or block bitcoin. unless they turn off their internet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Reatim on October 29, 2019, 02:49:12 AM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
Lol Satoshi was considered dead after that long time of inactivity and not showing off,and even if he still alive yet he’s already dead for the market so what’s the sense for that?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
You are thinking too much.maybe what if You leave the community and never come back?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
Thy will never do that,look in future all of them will surely adopt bitcoin and may consider buying also

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

But bitcoin cannot be disappears as well,like gold this is one important thing in our computer generation and gold will be need in physical while bitcoin in virtual

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: diahsw on October 29, 2019, 02:54:53 AM
nothing lasts forever in this world, just waiting for the queue to die, let alone bitcoin, I feel that bitcoin must die too, because it is impossible to be eternal bitcoin. if later bitcoin dies / goes extinct, then surely everything here can prepare for extinction ... !!

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Baby Dragon on October 29, 2019, 08:40:25 AM
indeed such fear will always exist but I am sure bitcoin will still survive even though satoshi nakamoto is dead, and bitcoin still stands alone nobody can control bitcoin even the government is also unable to stop the circulation of bitcoin, bitcoin will never die because bitcoin has been created and stored in many places so that bitcoin is hard to die.
I get your point that bitcoin can handle problems because it has faced a lot of challenges before and despite of that bitcoin remains and giving us opportunity. I don't think that bitcoin can be easily extinct or disappear, we can't change the fact that its possible but its better if we stay optimistic. As long as were here supporting and believing it, I think bitcoin is capable on handling things very well just like in the past years.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: zloadr12 on October 29, 2019, 08:59:21 AM
a lot of security is breaching in the crypto and blockchain industry. May you know binance's BTC hack issue. But noone can kill bts ultimately. But you can balance your invest by investing in various crypto assets or sto.

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Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: ILuckyGuyI on October 29, 2019, 11:42:41 AM
Bitcoin may extinct after many many years but in my opinion it will not extinct. The price may go back to its first times but it can be still one of the best payment options and even be the best in the world.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: pwetto on October 29, 2019, 06:38:20 PM
The probability that Bitcoin disappears for various reasons: market demand, cyber attack or bans is really very low, Bitcoin has the backing of millions of people and expectations about the future are good.

The risk that Bitcoin is running is that an Altcoin suddenly emerges with a lot of innovation and an aggressive approach that allows a massive and practical use, in that case, Bitcoin can lose its leadership, but so far it has not happened.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Kyraishi on October 29, 2019, 06:58:36 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Everything in the world has a definite end (except taxes :P), but unfortunately, none of what you have said really applies to Bitcoin and a lot of crypto-currencies. The codes been around 10 years with little to no flaws in it and no one has yet been able to hack the system.

The probability that Bitcoin disappears for various reasons: market demand, cyber attack or bans is really very low, Bitcoin has the backing of millions of people and expectations about the future are good.

The risk that Bitcoin is running is that an Altcoin suddenly emerges with a lot of innovation and an aggressive approach that allows a massive and practical use, in that case, Bitcoin can lose its leadership, but so far it has not happened.
It depends, people don't like change at all and I doubt a random altcoin that mimics bitcoin's decentralization would be able to take over, they'd require a lot of new features and a great team behind it.

The biggest risk is blockchain technology becoming obsolete.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: 7788bitcoin on October 29, 2019, 07:52:03 PM
What will happen after satoshi dies?
If you look at the bitcoin development in the last nine years you will understand that Satoshi is dead and the rest of the dedicated team is taking care of the development.

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
Stand alone in what sense  ???.

What will happen if it is banned globally?
There is no way that is going to happen.

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
They need to spend a ton of money to try and it is impossible at this stage.

Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
If they could they would have already done that.

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?
How can bitcoin disappear all of a sudden, you have complete authority as long as you hold the coins and you hold your private key.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: derdemo on October 29, 2019, 09:19:48 PM
Maybe you're right

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Asmonist on October 29, 2019, 09:53:13 PM
I'm not worried about it because that is so rare to happen. We are on a digital age now. The government and all other sectors are more likely to adapt bitcoin. The technology is fast-changing. We all know that people now needs immediate actions and resolutions, online transactions, etc. All these are possible with digital processes.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Lmaooo on October 29, 2019, 09:58:16 PM
Gents, Am I the only one thinks that bitcoin can be erased in the same way it is created? Dont you think any attack can kill it?

If this happened, anything can.
What will happen after satoshi dies?
What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
What will happen if it is banned globally?
What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

None of the above-mentioned reasons will kill bitcoin, to be frank!

What will happen after satoshi dies?
The bitcoin is open source project even if Satoshi died the project will continue.

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone.
Bitcoin was originally designed to standalone that is why it a peer-to-peer digital currency.

What will happen if it is banned globally?
That is not going to happen because bitcoin accepted already in so many countries around the world such as Japan, Korea, Malta, e.t.c.

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
No government in the world can kill bitcoin because it is a peer-to-peer digital currency. In fact, nobody can shut down bitcoin.

Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency that is decentralized thus no government has control over the bitcoin or the authority to kill it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: deadsilent on October 29, 2019, 10:06:33 PM
Then there's no point of using Bitcoin. Where you gonna use it? There's no liquidity because it's ban globally. Also its price plummeted back down from the start of even worthless unless you create your country and use Bitcoin as your currency. So far we see good development of other countries toward cryptocurrencies. But still not enough. What will happen if satoshi dies? Still, Bitcoin can still survive. Bitcoin can stand alone because it's decentralized blockchain technology.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Mike Mayor on October 29, 2019, 11:03:16 PM
How can you erase bitcoin the same way it was made? That makes no sense. What is all this fascination people have with Satoshi? Why would him/her have an impact on bitcoin if they died? You never know, they could be dead already and no one would even know.

What do you mean by bitcoin standing alone? Why not edit your post and put the answer there so we can all see? Bitcoin will never be banned globally and it won't change a thing if it is. People will still use it.
I think that governments have better things to do than to try "kill" bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: djefes on October 30, 2019, 07:57:43 AM
added some answers to the post according to your answers :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Murat on October 30, 2019, 10:18:16 AM
There is no way to ignore these points what you have mentioned here, I have some observations regarding those issues, I think Bitcoin is not run with a single person so if Satoshi dies then someone will handle it after his departures, No one in any sector will work for the lifetime, Definitely there is an alternative option here, So I don't think Bitcoin is not standing alone, it will not be an alone in the future, I don't think so that government haven't tried to stop Bitcoin a lot of time but they couldn't manage it, so the government issue is not the main thing regarding Bitcoin sustainability. But I have a strong belief that the Government will work with this platform in the future.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Bitcoin Seller on October 30, 2019, 01:01:02 PM
Bitcoin does not run because Satoshi is alive. Satoshi Nakamoto is the creator of Bitcoin and he might oversee its evolution from the shadow. Remember that we don't know if Satoshi is one man or a group of people. Secondly, the wise men usually find apprentices whom they teach all their knowledge so he can pass it on to the next generations. I'm sure that a lot of countries in the world will adopt Bitcoin because there if it gets banned will create an outrageous effect on anarchists and bitcoin maximalists that will probably make protests and maybe even move to countries that haven't banned it and empower the economy there.

You've got to understand that there are people working FOR the benefit of Bitcoin in the background as well. We have "allies", not just enemies.

How do you know it? We are not aware if he existed as a real person ever, and you say he is alive. He can be an organization, a company, or even the person that the whole world knows about, but does not guess that he is exactly this Satoshi, who gave us Bitcoin. BTC is always under pressure: even China did not call it in the list of the most promising cryptocurrencies. However, we simply do support it, and it lives.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: sapnu on October 30, 2019, 04:42:59 PM
I once thought like you, if bitcoin can be made, then bitcoin can be destroyed. it's only by reversing the calculation. but this is the difference. Bitcoin runs on blockchain. a chain that is connected between the past and the future. like this simply. for 1 to 10, you have to pass 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. when you want to destroy number 1 through number 2 you have to solve calculations 1 to 2, but when you do that. the miners have continued their calculations. so when you have not completed the calculation in the number 2. you have moved in the number 3, which has a more difficult calculation. and that goes on and on. this is a simplification in my opinion. and you don't need to be afraid. because the bitcoin algorithm is currently very difficult. countries aren't that easy to kill or block bitcoin. unless they turn off their internet.

Amazing! Simple explanation but this makes me confident that Bitcoin cannot really destroy, I am also in doubt and in fear that Bitcoin can also destroy anytime by the founder, of an expert hacker, so based on what you said it will be really hard for them to do it, so now my fear and doubt has gone, thanks.
I dont think that bitcoin may extinct since there are lots of people are now buying and using bitcoin in different ways, there are gambling sites that they are using bitcoins as bet and there are also trading site in which they are trading their own bitcoin to earn money , and as of now as the price is in low price many are buying bitcoin maybe we cannot see the changes and it is not going up but someday it will rise up again just like what happened last 2017, bitcoin actually reaches twenty thousand dollars in price. Bitcoin also has the highest price and volume as you can see in the coinmarketcap, so I dont think that bitcoin will extinct or die.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: DaftAjax on October 30, 2019, 06:18:02 PM
Disclaimer: I will answer some of your questions in the most bizarre/sarcastic way possible (for me at least) since most (all) of it has already been answered, and there's nothing I could possibly add, I suppose. No harm for some humor if I say so myself.

What will happen after satoshi dies?

The government will rejoice to know that satoshi, the creator of Bitcoin, died. They will think that Bitcoin will die along with satoshi and will never touch or lay a finger to Bitcoin even again (representation of how politicians see the internet).

When that happens, we will rejoice (users of Bitcoin), because the government will avert their eyes to one of their issues, and we will see the fruition of Bitcoin will utilize its optimal potential.

What will happen when bitcoin stands alone?

Once upon a time, our lord and savior Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin (the virgin Ma--oh wait that's a different story), the lord was pleased by his creation and will do anything in his power to nurture her--after all, she's the only one of her kind.

Or so we thought, an excerpt from a certain book: "Go ye and multiply"--and the rest is history.

What will happen if it is banned globally?

Well, that sucks! Better find myself a job then. (AS IF!)

What if goverments start working on killing bitcoin?
Dont you think goverments can work on it to kill it?

They already did, I wonder how much money they've thrown away just to see it fail--and all those propaganda they did to no avail.

A virus targetting miners maybe? or

That's unlikely, we haven't had a virus that has the same manner. And besides If I'm the hacker (who creates viruses, whatever), I'd be the densest hacker in the world if I shut down the mining operations.

Btc is not like gold. You cant make the gold disappear suddenly as it is possible for btc. I am a fan of btc but I am also scared. It should be protected but who will do it? Exchanges? The top btc holder?

Blockchain my friend--worked since 2009.

Title: Re: Bitcoin May Extinct
Post by: Zionatin on October 31, 2019, 01:45:55 PM
Bitcoin going extinct is about the same chance that the internet will not work anymore. It just won't happen. It is too late. It is already here and it is here to stay.
Bitcoin has proved its value and can you honestly imagine not having bitcoin? A life without bitcoin is like how a life without the internet would be. You didn't know you needed it until you had it.
I can't see myself going back. I rely on bitcoin far too much and I am a firm believer.

added some answers to the post according to your answers :)

I would give you merit for that but I have none. Silly merit system. I am not sure why no one is giving you merits. Everyone can reply for their post count but not give merits.