Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: LeGaulois on November 07, 2019, 01:29:26 PM

Title: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: LeGaulois on November 07, 2019, 01:29:26 PM
beautiful work!
My bad, I forgot to make it self moderated.  ::)

Even if it's not yet user-friendly enough for the mass, it's only the beginning and we still have a lot to see. What has been done around Bitcoin and its ecosystem is a huge work until now. I don't think Satoshi thought Bitcoin would become such a phenomenon.

"On Sep. 24, 2019, over 820,000 unique addresses transacted bitcoin on the network."
"Americans typed “Bitcoin” into Google more times in 2018 than they searched for a range of headline-making phrases, from “royal wedding” to “election results.”"

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: dothebeats on November 07, 2019, 02:45:44 PM
The amount of effort and thought put into this is superb!

But talking about the statistics and the numbers, in just a decade more or less, bitcoin has achieved a lot of things that other assets and/or currencies cannot, and that is truly remarkable wherein most of the society are convinced that the best financial tool that ever happened is fiat and nothing more. Starting from a group of people that just has the same interest and hobbies to people from different walks of life and backgrounds, bitcoin has achieved tons of things. The numbers aren't easily padded as everything is transparent in the blockchain, and everyone can check for themselves.

And if any doubters come here and ask nonsensical questions contesting what is stated within these charts, lead them to any block explorer and let them compile the historical data laid before their eyes.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: YuginKadoya on November 07, 2019, 03:14:42 PM
I can just say is it is truly remarkable seeing these statistics and seeing Bitcoin increase it year after year I think that this is one technology that has been embraced by many, Even though there are still plenty people that are still curious with Bitcoin in my country, seeing the changes it did to many different countries is groundbreaking as well,

Back then in the year 2014 when a friend of mine introduce me to Bitcoin, I haven't seen the great things it can do and having doubts if it can really make that happen is a big mistake in my life, when Bitcoin still has a lesser price back then and this 2015 when I have created an account in this forum I have gained proper knowledge in what I must and can do regarding Bitcoin and Blockchain I am truly thankful because of it.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: southafricadude on November 12, 2019, 02:16:46 AM
Seeing everything put into visual charts like that is awesome!
We have really come a long way....I remember when bitcoin was only a few dollars, nobody dreamed that the entire ecosystem in every aspect could grow like it has.
I have high hopes for the future, and I am pretty sure it will continue to grow as fast, if not faster than the last five years.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: pooya87 on November 12, 2019, 04:25:18 AM
all these pictures aside, that one caught my eye talking about $10 bitcoin per month. as a matter of fact i have been suggesting many people to do something like this, to buy a very small amount of bitcoin. i got the idea from one of Andreas Antonopoulos videos.
these charts would have been a lot better if they focused a little bit more on merchant adoption too. for example number of merchants online and offline accepting bitcoin, approximate amount of money that has changed hand between customers and merchants (it could be a stat from a payment processor),...

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: mersal on November 12, 2019, 06:41:32 AM
I just take deep look at all the charts,its shows how much things were achieved in the very first ten years,so lets imagine where we will be in the next 10 years?  :D

Most catchy thing for me in all of these chart is the transaction time of international wire transfer.People should know this why we need bitcoin for future not just for trading.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: buwaytress on November 12, 2019, 07:56:04 AM
Very nicely put together OP! And this, I would like to say, is a reminder -- and we seem to really need to remind the space often -- of how, despite whatever the markets and the sentiment throws at us, Bitcoin is not only here to stay. It's here to grow.

Me, personally, I like seeing how the fundamentals are growing day by day. Usage, like in your first chart. Security (hash power over time). Robustness (constant upgrades and optimizations). Scalability is underway. Privacy is on the horizon.

Price is the distraction.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: nelson4lov on November 12, 2019, 09:14:24 AM
Bitcoin has come a really long way. 10 years of existence wasn't an easy feat. From scrutiny and critism from the government to being accepted in stores worldwide today. That's a great feat. Bitcoin is growing in popularity and the number of users are growing exponentially with each passing day. 1/10 of every one of my friends has probably heard about bitcoin or gotten involved with it. With China embracing blockchain, Let's see what the next decade holds for us. 2020 will be 🚀 ~ Block Halving Event Incoming!

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: Heisenberg_Hunter on November 12, 2019, 10:28:26 AM
These charts would have definitely given some goosebumps to many of bitcoin users all over the world. We do know how bitcoin is right now, the global phenomenon which might threaten Fiat money in future and almost all the citizens from various countries would just use one currency to transact worldwide without the need to trust/wait for the banks to process their transactions etc. Abraham Lincoln once said the democracy is all about

Quote from: Abraham Lincoln
that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom[8]—
and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

But does the current system of democracy work like this? Many of the people who are still not a user/never known of bitcoin are being treated as the slaves of the government officials who run a centralized form of govenement!

Once when I was reading the book "Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper" I got a strange thought how the bitcoin would have been if Hal didn't respond to the mails of satoshi nor he didn't mine those ~4000 coins in a day? We do know that someone if not Hal would have emerged and would have replied to the mail and would have mined the coins initially. The bitcoin we use today and the bitcoin which challenges today's governmental organizations was built by these early cryptographers and satoshi alone wouldn't have made this happen.

Here is a gist from the book which made what bitcoin is today :

Quote from: Nathaniel Popper
Satoshi sent Hal a new version of the program, with some of the old material restored, and thanked Hal for his help. When it, too, crashed, Hal kept at it. He finally got it running using a program that operated outside Microsoft Windows. Once it was up, he clicked on the most exciting-sounding function in the drop-down menu: “Generate Coins.” When he did this, the processor in his computer audibly clicked into gear at a high clip.


When Hal returned to his computer in the evening, heimmediately saw that it had made him 50 Bitcoins, now recorded next to one of his Bitcoin addresses and also recorded on the public ledger that kept track of all Bitcoins. These, the seventy-eighth block of coins generated, were among the first 4,000 Bitcoins to make it into the real world. At the time they were worth exactly nothing, but that didn’t dampen Hal’s enthusiasm.

Apart from the price actions (pump and dump) I admire the technology behind the bitcoin and how it poses a major threat for the global currencies and governments as a whole! I would like to bow down before the early contributors (not just satoshi) since without them bitcoin would have become obsolete!

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: TheUltraElite on November 12, 2019, 11:36:48 AM
Without any doubt the biggest userbases are coming from US,AU, Russia and Europe. We see a similar distribution in the members of this forum too with Russian boards being very active along with European countries. Rest US and AU use English so they have their own share here too.

Nice way to put in the statistics though OP. These should give some logical backing as to the common FUD that bitcoin would be taken over by attacks on blockchain and government censorship. If people are willing to take it to the next level then they can - to such an extent that government would become forced to accept it in trading like stocks and commodities.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: hatshepsut93 on November 12, 2019, 11:52:44 AM
Nice infographics, thanks for sharing!

I would personally love to see some charts for Bitcoin community growth, like bitcointalk registered users, reddit subscribers, twitter hashtags and so on. Has anyone seen something like that and can post it here? If not, is it possible to obtain raw data for that somewhere?

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: LeGaulois on November 12, 2019, 01:17:38 PM
Remember how people and media outlets were talking about Bitcoin in the first years.
After 10 years we have been able to make the governments afraid of this decentralized system giving back the real power to citizens.10 Years is short. And they now see it as a real threat to fiat, that's why we're seeing them creating in hurry all kinds of (sometimes senseless) regulations.
If you notice nowadays, their plan is to make their State-coin but it won't change anything. Once people will realize the decentralization side it will be too late.

Nice infographics, thanks for sharing!

I would personally love to see some charts for Bitcoin community growth, like bitcointalk registered users, reddit subscribers, twitter hashtags and so on. Has anyone seen something like that and can post it here? If not, is it possible to obtain raw data for that somewhere?

I'm only aware of It gives some stats like the Reddit subscribers, tweets per day, etc. You can use socialblade if you want to check a specific account on Twitter/FB/Insta, etc. It's usually what we use in social media marketing or community management.

As for Bitcointalk stats

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: putukin on November 12, 2019, 01:30:56 PM
Remember how people and media outlets were talking about Bitcoin in the first years.
After 10 years we have been able to make the governments afraid of this decentralized system giving back the real power to citizens.10 Years is short. And they now see it as a real threat to fiat, that's why we're seeing them creating in hurry all kinds of (sometimes senseless) regulations.
If you notice nowadays, their plan is to make their State-coin but it won't change anything. Once people will realize the decentralization side it will be too late.

Nice infographics, thanks for sharing!

I would personally love to see some charts for Bitcoin community growth, like bitcointalk registered users, reddit subscribers, twitter hashtags and so on. Has anyone seen something like that and can post it here? If not, is it possible to obtain raw data for that somewhere?

I'm only aware of It gives some stats like the Reddit subscribers, tweets per day, etc. You can use socialblade if you want to check a specific account on Twitter/FB/Insta, etc. It's usually what we use in social media marketing or community management.

As for Bitcointalk stats

It’s a pity that these are point tools and you can't globally see the progress of Bitcoin users, how many there are, how it grew and where

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: error08 on November 12, 2019, 03:00:05 PM
After 10 years we have been able to make the governments afraid of this decentralized system giving back the real power to citizens.10 Years is short. And they now see it as a real threat to fiat, that's why we're seeing them creating in hurry all kinds of (sometimes senseless) regulations.

Governments aren't afraid of the decentralized bitcoin system, regulate to make sure people don't defraud others, trying to do something illegal such as money laundering, even though we don't like the taxes. Nevertheless, the positive example happens in Japan, government doesn't consider bitcoin as a threat to fiat instead allows it to be used like JPĄ.

I really like this, who want to mess around with bitcoin chain :D*2rrvwhKC3acT4vtOVfCNLw.jpeg

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: Kprawn on November 12, 2019, 06:14:52 PM
OP, I hope it is your own work..  ???  In any way, I gave you 1 merit for posting it, because it adds a lot of brag material for my collection.  ;) I

specifically liked the the "buying $10/mo graph, showing your 595% gain, because it puts a lot of stuff in perspective for me. I had a hard time with

people telling me that we are cherry picking dates to suit our agenda and this blows that crap out of the water.  ;) Keep up the good work, no

wonder you are in one of the best signature campaigns on this forum.  ;D

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: error08 on November 12, 2019, 06:30:25 PM
OP, I hope it is your own work..  ???  In any way, I gave you 1 merit for posting it, because it adds a lot of brag material for my collection.  ;) I

specifically liked the the "buying $10/mo graph, showing your 595% gain, because it puts a lot of stuff in perspective for me. I had a hard time with

people telling me that we are cherry picking dates to suit our agenda and this blows that crap out of the water.  ;) Keep up the good work, no

wonder you are in one of the best signature campaigns on this forum.  ;D

NO, it's not his (I assume)
he has shared the link where it started; unless he's someone who works for coinbase.

"On Sep. 24, 2019, over 820,000 unique addresses transacted bitcoin on the network."
"Americans typed “Bitcoin” into Google more times in 2018 than they searched for a range of headline-making phrases, from “royal wedding” to “election results.”"

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: hello_good_sir on November 12, 2019, 07:21:17 PM
Great graphics OP. I love the animations.

I'm going to tunnel vision on 2 things - the wire transfers section as well as the it's yield statistics.

Wire Transfers - I'm confused why governments and banks are still allowing bitcoin to utterly destroy other companies in this sector, there is just no other option that is as fast as BTC, and the 2nd best option, transfers, usually takes a couple of hours up to a couple of days.

As for the yield section, it's kinda satisfying to see that put into a chart and real numbers...

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: Willitivity on November 12, 2019, 08:54:13 PM
This is a Very detailed and  classic graphical representation. Bitcoin has really come a long way, 10 years down the line with a very high growth margin. Amidst the regulations, bans and restrictions, it still continues to stay strong. Only a few people back then would have believed that Bitcoin can actually come this high judging from where it started.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: FaithInCrypto on November 12, 2019, 09:29:04 PM
I like the animated graphics, very detailed and it was something that someone like me could easily understand.

I can easily understand that Bitcoin is an awesome cryptocurrency that has survived and still doing great over the years and still making its impact on society.

Great efforts, OP.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: Asmonist on November 12, 2019, 10:14:38 PM
This is a very inspiring charts. Bitcoin after 10 productive years. It has really lead the financial economy right now. In terms of its delivery time and cost-saving features. Its a win-win situation for the business and its customers. It really gives the best customer experience and gives opportunity for everybody to dream big. Its really exciting to see its performance in the next 10 years.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: Xxmodded on November 12, 2019, 10:42:41 PM
This is a very inspiring charts. Bitcoin after 10 productive years. It has really lead the financial economy right now. In terms of its delivery time and cost-saving features. Its a win-win situation for the business and its customers. It really gives the best customer experience and gives opportunity for everybody to dream big. Its really exciting to see its performance in the next 10 years.
After ten years bitcoin look raising up with many investor get much profit and lost with bitcoin investing, I think next years bitcoin look drop after pass ten year price still down, now bitcoin have increase lower last three years where bitcoin price reached above $15k, will bitcoin become profitable at the future or not with price always down?

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: Kakmakr on November 13, 2019, 06:39:00 AM
Coinbase are in a position to provide a wealth of information, but they are not doing that. I know at one stage they supplied a graph on the spending patterns of their users and you could more or less see what their users were doing with their bitcoins.

They have one of the largest databases of Crypto currency users in this world, but they are not sharing that information. They have all the KYC information on their users, so they can give us an estimation on the average age of users on their platform and where the highest concentration of these users are, without compromising the sensitive information of those individual users.

The information provided here are very informative, thank you for posting it.  ;)

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: sapnu on November 15, 2019, 03:45:07 PM
This is a very inspiring charts. Bitcoin after 10 productive years. It has really lead the financial economy right now. In terms of its delivery time and cost-saving features. Its a win-win situation for the business and its customers. It really gives the best customer experience and gives opportunity for everybody to dream big. Its really exciting to see its performance in the next 10 years.
After ten years bitcoin look raising up with many investor get much profit and lost with bitcoin investing, I think next years bitcoin look drop after pass ten year price still down, now bitcoin have increase lower last three years where bitcoin price reached above $15k, will bitcoin become profitable at the future or not with price always down?
As we have seen, bitcoin really rises up from nothing to a bulk of money, I can see that as the time goes by there are lots of people using bitcoin, our community is growing and it is good for everyone because the more the bitcoin is famous the more investors will be encouraged to invest in some projects. The more investors we have the bigger the possibility that the particular project will succeed. It is a big opportunity for me to know bitcoin because in my young age I can earn my own money just applying my own knowledge about bitcoin although age doesn't matter here because there are teens here that are earning millions, it is actually based on your intelligence on how to manage your own money.

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: kryptqnick on November 15, 2019, 06:01:13 PM
Wow, the info is organized beautifully. When you see it in the animated version, it is somehow different from seeing it as a straight line or a set of separate diagrams. The animation puts things in perspective, helps to see how far we've got. It's important, I think because sometimes we might focus on minor setbacks rather than on the general picture. And the general picture is undeniable: Bitcoin has had an impressively successful decade.
A map that would also be nice to see here IMO is an animated map of Bitcoin regulations around the world. After all, many countries have turned from "grey" to "green".

Title: Re: After a decade, Bitcoin in charts
Post by: Duzter on November 15, 2019, 10:30:01 PM
That's a huge thing, he could've spend days to create this content. All that mentioned were must known things of the cryptocurrency network. The information is productive and has been made in a peculiar way that everyone can go through and understand with ease. The pictorial representation gives better understanding than a series of writings. To get all data he could've took days and Blockchain wallet might have more accurate data on the count of users as every cryptocurrency users used to have a Blockchain wallet in my view.