Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Marketplace => Topic started by: BWC Market on November 08, 2019, 11:27:48 AM

Title: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 08, 2019, 11:27:48 AM
Hi Guys!

Im a one man band and I would like to hear some opinion about a marketplace (Etsy style) which i already built, but its not released yet.
The reason that i didnt release it yet, is that i would like to make it as much as friendly as possible to everyone involved (buyers&sellers).

So... First things first...

1. Im a newbie here...I know! But im a grown one with family, kids and strong sense of responsibility!

2. Everyone here is talking about escrow service. I totaly understand and im working on that very hard. I have been scammed couple of times and i know the freakin feeling!
Thats why im cooperating with escrow service which is willing to help me bypass this final obstacle in lets say around 4-5 weeks. Devs are working on it already :)

3. My marketplace is multivendor Etsy style (not like classified ads) and will support as many crypto currencies as wanted by users. Sadly all wont be supported for escrow service.

4. Im going to offer 2 options to users. Monthly subscription for those who would like to use escrow service or fixed commission (trust me its going to minimum) to buy/sell directly through marketplace.

Now I would really want to hear something from you guys. Be it good or bad it wont affect me to give up on this project. I just want to hear your needs, desires, opinions, proposals and any ideas which could help to make this marketplace friendly to crypto lovers.

If there is going to be a demand or a will to test it out i will gladly open it immediately, but be aware that escrow is coming in 4-5 weeks! would be nice to see it live and how it works :)

Thanks in advance to you all!


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto)
Post by: SFR10 on November 08, 2019, 03:16:28 PM
Thats why im cooperating with escrow service which is willing to help me bypass this final obstacle in lets say around 4-5 weeks. Devs are working on it already :)
Do you happen to know if the devs will choose escrow from the community itself or from outside?
- Just to be clear, I'm not promoting myself [I won't accept such deals].

3. My marketplace is multivendor Etsy style (not like classified ads) and will support as many crypto currencies as wanted by users. Sadly all wont be supported for escrow service.
Then you should only accept crypto-currencies that are supported by your escrow providers.

4. Im going to offer 2 options to users. Monthly subscription for those who would like to use escrow service or fixed commission (trust me its going to minimum) to buy/sell directly through marketplace.
Over the years, I've seen a lot of marketplaces that fall into that category and only a few have survived. What makes yours different from the rest?

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 08, 2019, 04:15:18 PM
Hey "legendary" SFR10,

1. Im very happy that someone actually looked here and commented/asked questions

2. I hope there will be much more

3. Q/A:

Q: "Do you happen to know if the devs will choose escrow from the community itself or from outside?"
A: I know exactly which escrow service i will use and their devs is helping me with integration. Im still open to any other suggestions regardless of escrow service integration developing already in progress. Maybe its really better to offer couple of different escrow services from which people can choose from and trust most.

Q: "Then you should only accept crypto-currencies that are supported by your escrow providers."
A: Maybe you are right. Thats what I was thinking but lets see other people responses (if any).

Q: "Over the years, I've seen a lot of marketplaces that fall into that category and only a few have survived. What makes yours different from the rest?"
A: Which category you mean? Subscription or commissions? Will answer after you :)

Thanks SFR10! Really appreciate your comments!


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: SFR10 on November 09, 2019, 05:14:58 AM
Maybe its really better to offer couple of different escrow services from which people can choose from and trust most.
That'd be great.

A: Which category you mean? Subscription or commissions? Will answer after you :)
I meant the part I "highlighted (" but to answer your question, most marketplace were commission-based [AFAIK]. The subscription-based model is only suited for those with a lot of buy/sell orders [not a good choice at the beginning, mainly due to lack of traffic on the marketplace itself].

Thanks SFR10! Really appreciate your comments!
You're very welcome :)

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 09, 2019, 07:41:58 AM
Hey SFR10!

You are the only one reading this post? LOL

Hmmm...i was thinking a lot yesterday before i went to sleep.

Etsy is taking commissions and its still alive. My marketplace will be based on Etsys model (multi vendor) where anyone can open his own store. So why not using their model? Amazon and Ebay....same story, but crazy commissions. I sold pretty expensive thing once on ebay and i was shocked! might be right about other marketplaces taking commissions and sink or whatever (maybe exit scam??), but im not sure which model and marketing strategies they used.

Im leaning more towards subscriptions (monthly, yearly) for a start even if you dont recommend. But i would launch the market for a first month or two for free, take absolutely nothing and then see what will happen.
I will try with all possible user friendly services/services combinations if needed to satisfy the buyers&sellers. Im sick of people just talking how we need this kind of marketplace and there still actually isnt any (at least not major one).

A lot of my free time was dedicated to make this marketplace, months and months of work and I would really like to see it getting somewhere :)

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: ChrisPop on November 10, 2019, 10:38:07 AM
As far as I know Etsy is pretty similar to Ebay.. I think it is a great idea and I would love to see a "bidding" feature like on eBay. If you are not familar with it it works like this: Seller lists an item and includes the bidding feature + a Buy Now price of $10. Then Buyer A comes and bids $2.50, then Buyer B overpasses him with a $2.60 bid. The last bid at the end of the bidding period wins the right to buy the product at the bidded price.

I would love to see that feature and be able to pay with BTC or other cryptos. Wish you good luck and I'm looking forward to see it live!

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 11, 2019, 08:06:02 AM
Hi ChrisPop

Thanks for getting in here with some nice and positive feedback :)

Yeah Etsy/Ebay...pretty similar. But as i said...based on my own experience they have way too high fees (at least Ebay).

Bidding is a great idea :) How come i didnt think of it before?! Or maybe I was and I thought it wouldnt be interesting enough...hmmm. I Will try to integrate this feature and let you all know how it goes :)

What is your opinion about subscription plans and/or fees?


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 11, 2019, 10:59:39 AM
Good news for you ChrisPop

Bidding and Buy now features can/will be available :)


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 11, 2019, 12:50:11 PM
Here is a sneak peek how user wallets are going to look and what options they will have ;)

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: Harlot on November 12, 2019, 07:10:51 PM
One thing that I have seen why marketplace fail is the number of scammers and poor sellers lurking around in your service, this is enough for the wanted buyers to stay away from them. So really if you won't be handling any kind of logistics and the way will work is they will just simply post what they are selling it would just create an environment where people will just transact directly without any of your help. It's just like you are just posting the things you want to sell on Facebook's own marketplace which wouldn't be any different alone. Escrow really won't be enough since what other e-commerce website I see is they also handle not only the shipping of the product but also the returns of the broken, fake, or wrong items. This creates a much more guarantee for both the seller and buyer not to scam each other since you as a service is much more involve in each transaction.

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 12, 2019, 07:51:45 PM
Hi Harlot

Thanks for your feedback :)

I think we all agree on everything you just said. That was something that was bothering me most.
But on the other hand if you look at the Etsy for example...what logistics do they offer? They simply cant, because they arent holding things which are selling on their marketplace (I really didnt check in details on their site). Scammers can be there also (and im sure they are...actually they are everywhere if u ask me), but still people are selling and buying there and on many other marketplaces big time.

Now for the next step i believe its really important to make something similar (global marketplace) for crypto-people.
Im taking in account all your constructive ideas and proposals and will try to make as safe "ecosystem" as possible.
Are there any buletproof marketplaces against the scammers?


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: Harlot on November 12, 2019, 08:32:56 PM
Hi Harlot

Thanks for your feedback :)

I think we all agree on everything you just said. That was something that was bothering me most.
But on the other hand if you look at the Etsy for example...what logistics do they offer? They simply cant, because they arent holding things which are selling on their marketplace (I really didnt check in details on their site). Scammers can be there also (and im sure they are...actually they are everywhere if u ask me), but still people are selling and buying there and on many other marketplaces big time.

Well the different thing about Etsy is they are not just a marketplace for the seller since they also offer other services that can be useful for a true seller. Features like analytics, management tools, and support at also provided by their service everytime you list your item making it more useful for any true sellers out there. Based on how you describe your service you will just offer up a website where users can buy and sell. It sort off like Ebay where scammers are also often found. But nevertheless this is just my opinion and maybe I'll be wrong with it but one thing is for sure is that you need to have a unique marketplace where you can beat the others to hopefully gain some market share of your own, without that you will barely have any activity going on in your website.

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 12, 2019, 08:37:16 PM
Hi Harlot

Thanks for your feedback :)

I think we all agree on everything you just said. That was something that was bothering me most.
But on the other hand if you look at the Etsy for example...what logistics do they offer? They simply cant, because they arent holding things which are selling on their marketplace (I really didnt check in details on their site). Scammers can be there also (and im sure they are...actually they are everywhere if u ask me), but still people are selling and buying there and on many other marketplaces big time.

Well the different thing about Etsy is they are not just a marketplace for the seller since they also offer other services that can be useful for a true seller. Features like analytics, management tools, and support at also provided by their service everytime you list your item making it more useful for any true sellers out there. Based on how you describe your service you will just offer up a website where users can buy and sell. It sort off like Ebay where scammers are also often found. But nevertheless this is just my opinion and maybe I'll be wrong with it but one thing is for sure is that you need to have a unique marketplace where you can beat the others to hopefully gain some market share of your own, without that you will barely have any activity going on in your website.

Hey Harlot

You may misunderstood....i will offer same features like you mentioned "Features like analytics, management tools, and support". My marketplace wont be just like classified ads.

Everything is set up already.


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: SFR10 on November 12, 2019, 11:02:02 PM
You are the only one reading this post? LOL
I'm no longer the only one ;)

Here is a sneak peek how user wallets are going to look and what options they will have ;)
It appears that we're not allowed to choose TX fees [greyed out button for fee], am I right?
- If the answer is "YES", then you should probably adjust that part.

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 13, 2019, 08:54:31 AM
Thats perfect :) What im really impressed about is that im getting responses from legendary and hero members, which i believe is a good sign. Im getting more and more optimistic :)

"It appears that we're not allowed to choose TX fees [greyed out button for fee], am I right?
- If the answer is "YES", then you should probably adjust that part."

Users will pay this fixed amount per each withdrawal. But im not allowed to set a fee lower than what's imposed by the platform which im using :/  I can set it higher though :D
How did you imagine to choose TX fees? Can you explain in short?
Cause for now im able to adjust withdrawal and internal move fees for myself. As i stated before... withdrawal fees are now set to minimum (amount depends on which crypto you want to withdraw), im only able to adjust internal move fees (from 0% up) which are 0% and will stay this way.


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: SFR10 on November 13, 2019, 11:15:16 AM
I can set it higher though :D
Ouch haha :D

How did you imagine to choose TX fees? Can you explain in short?
Most platforms tend to use a fee a lot higher than the required fee for TX [especially when it comes to bitcoin TX]. You can choose the appropriate fee based on the amount of unconfirmed TX with the help of the following services:
- Unconfirmed TX (
- Bitcoin Fee Calculator (

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 13, 2019, 11:32:19 AM
Ok...Here are my current WITHDRAWAL fixed fees:

BTC = 0.0003
LTC = 0.006
BCH = 0.003
DASH = 0.003
ETH = 0.003
RVN = 0.01
XMR = 0.03
XVG = 0.3
ZEC = 0.003

Are these high? I really dont have time right now to check your links (fashion retouching job haha), but will surely do in couple of hours.
Im also able to set proportional withdrawal fees instead of fixed if that helps.

Also thinking about running own nodes in the future for each crypto used in marketplace. But thats a different story...


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: ronaldo40 on November 13, 2019, 01:36:08 PM
Im also able to set proportional withdrawal fees instead of fixed if that helps.

i think adding this feature will be very helpful if you can add a few options that the user can choose
so usually there is a user that wants to get the fastest confirmation on the blockchain so highest fees will be good but usually, there is a person that want to withdraw with the lowest fees as possible

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 13, 2019, 01:40:34 PM
Damn...another "Legendary" :)

What kind of options do you have in mind?

Thanks for your suggestion ronaldo40!


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: ronaldo40 on November 13, 2019, 02:25:32 PM
Damn...another "Legendary" :)

What kind of options do you have in mind?

Thanks for your suggestion ronaldo40!


maybe an option like below
  • Fastest 0.0005BTC
  • Normal 0.0003BTC
  • Low 0.00005BTC/0.0001BTC

i already saw this option used by another website and many of their users like this option but it's up to you to put the amount for each option

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 13, 2019, 02:55:02 PM
Damn...another "Legendary" :)

What kind of options do you have in mind?

Thanks for your suggestion ronaldo40!


maybe an option like below
  • Fastest 0.0005BTC
  • Normal 0.0003BTC
  • Low 0.00005BTC/0.0001BTC

i already saw this option used by another website and many of their users like this option but it's up to you to put the amount for each option


Thanks man! Will see what i can do. Looks very interesting to me :)
Maybe i should rename my marketplace to MWAPO (Marketplace With All Possible Options) :)


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: on November 13, 2019, 07:06:05 PM

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 13, 2019, 07:20:39 PM

Hahaha...nice one :)
Didnt notice before. It looks very nice and simple :) Wish u best of luck and a good business :)


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: on November 13, 2019, 09:16:21 PM

Hahaha...nice one :)
Didnt notice before. It looks very nice and simple :) Wish u best of luck and a good business :)


Thanks Alex,

Same to you buddy! :)

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 13, 2019, 09:22:23 PM

Hahaha...nice one :)
Didnt notice before. It looks very nice and simple :) Wish u best of luck and a good business :)


Thanks Alex,

Same to you buddy! :)

Thanks! :)
Im working on it as we speak...not far from opening :)


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 14, 2019, 07:40:49 AM
Yo guys  :),

Finally... ::)

I believe i managed to prepare the marketplace for opening (was working whole freakin night on it).

- Escrow service not available yet. Still waiting for devs!

- Before actual opening I need to test everything internally again.

- One thing is testing internally with testnets (which Im doing right now) , but once its public... How the heck im I going to test it with real people  ???  :-\ Any suggestions? Maybe any volunteers (2 or 3 would be enought probably) for some cheap products, free subscription and willing to be refunded to their wallets if anything goes wrong?

Will post you some screenshots down the road, so you will get a feeling how it looks and what options you will have...
Frontend is really simple and user friendly, backend is a monster :)


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: SFR10 on November 14, 2019, 09:23:42 AM
Are these high?
There's still some room for lowering the fees and still be able to get it into the next block but since these are fixed fees, then it's good enough [it's still lower than some of the platforms that use high fees for no reason].

How the heck im I going to test it with real people  ???  :-\ Any suggestions? Maybe any volunteers (2 or 3 would be enought probably) for some cheap products, free subscription and willing to be refunded to their wallets if anything goes wrong?
You can create another thread on "Services (" section and look for volunteers in exchange for either what you mentioned or for a fee [I can't volunteer due to my current location not being a suitable one].

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 14, 2019, 09:27:05 AM
Hey SFR10,

Thanks for your opinion and directions...really appreciate it.

Opening very soon...maybe even today or tomorrow. Working on final touches :)


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: ronaldo40 on November 14, 2019, 12:10:06 PM
Yo guys  :),

Finally... ::)

I believe i managed to prepare the marketplace for opening (was working whole freakin night on it).

- Escrow service not available yet. Still waiting for devs!

- Before actual opening I need to test everything internally again.

- One thing is testing internally with testnets (which Im doing right now) , but once its public... How the heck im I going to test it with real people  ???  :-\ Any suggestions? Maybe any volunteers (2 or 3 would be enought probably) for some cheap products, free subscription and willing to be refunded to their wallets if anything goes wrong?

Will post you some screenshots down the road, so you will get a feeling how it looks and what options you will have...
Frontend is really simple and user friendly, backend is a monster :)


creating a thread on services page will be good if you want to find a tester for your website and i can join to be a betas tester but can you release the UI of your website that you want to open?

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 14, 2019, 12:15:03 PM
Hi ronaldo40,

I will post on services page once i bypass some small issues.
I had to go live about an hour ago to make buyer and seller account and test it. There is just one small thing i need to fix, everything else is working fine.

Glad to have you on board for testing :) Thanks A LOT!

Will post some UI as i promised, but after fixing the issues.


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 14, 2019, 12:24:27 PM
Actually im going live now!

Just please dont post anything for sell yet if you want to, then name it "test whatever". You can explore and register freely to test everything, and can even keep your account for later :)

No one is going to loose coins though....tested already :)

I will work on backend and frontend if needed I will adjust frontend when i see some users feedback

Btw...there is some sarcasm used in some areas, so please dont attack me for that :) Can change later for finished version!

Ohhh..and please if anyone finds english words that arent written right or would maybe rename the categories, please let me know. Im not native english.


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 14, 2019, 07:55:57 PM
Hey Guys,

I have some troubles with internal moves so i have to close it down for some time again, sorry.

Damn internal moves its a nice feature which i would like to keep!

Hopefully will be back for testing in a day or two.


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: shield132 on November 14, 2019, 09:43:00 PM
I think you had to open this thread (or move now) in project development section.
Idea is good, would love to see something like etsy with cryptocurrencies cause it seems quite good. But how will you deal with escrow? One thing I can't understand, with which escrow service are you cooperating? The ones which are on bitcointalk? For start that will be normal I guess but if your website becomes known (hope it will) then you'll have to look at this task again and modify it.
Btw can you spoil us with website's design?

Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on November 14, 2019, 09:56:27 PM
I think you had to open this thread (or move now) in project development section.
Idea is good, would love to see something like etsy with cryptocurrencies cause it seems quite good. But how will you deal with escrow? One thing I can't understand, with which escrow service are you cooperating? The ones which are on bitcointalk? For start that will be normal I guess but if your website becomes known (hope it will) then you'll have to look at this task again and modify it.
Btw can you spoil us with website's design?

Hi shield132,

Thanks for the positive feedback :)

For the escrow im cooperating with outside escrow, which will stay in my marketplace forever, but im not sure if i can name it here (advertising) :/

I will go live again in few minutes and you can see the design by yourself :)

I still didnt fix the main issue, but i will in next few days. Until then i will keep it live for testing and wont discuss about development anymore :)


Title: Re: BWC Marketplace (BWC = Buy With Crypto) - Coming soon!
Post by: BWC Market on December 18, 2019, 12:19:05 PM
Hello everyone!

Im anouncing that marketplace is working perfectly with 3rd party escrow service.


All crypto lovers most welcome :)

Will put official announcement to anouncements thread!

Thanks for supporting me :)

See ya!