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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Bightening on November 27, 2019, 10:04:15 PM

Title: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Bightening on November 27, 2019, 10:04:15 PM
You only get one body, the way you treat it today goes along way to determine your health in the long term. What if you were allowed to have just one vehicle your whole life? You'd have to take care of it, change the oil, filters, tires, decide what fuel source is best and a lot more. This might seem like the best comparison, but cars have easily replaceable parts.
These are a few health tips. I added some links so you could read more about your health.

1. Drink Water.

2. Hand washing is a life saving routine of the last century.

3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.

4. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

5. Always let the doctor know (especially when asked) about all the parts you had removed, implants and drugs you’re on.

6. It doesn’t matter how you feel now, you need some kind of exercise.

7. You kidneys and Liver naturally do all the detoxification you ever need. Except in kidney/liver failure, you don’t need to spend money on all these detox teas.

8. Never Ever boil Breast milk.

9. Type 2 diabetes can be largely prevented by a healthy lifestyle. You can save your future self a lot of diabetes complications.

10. Speak up! Share symptoms with your doctor. They don’t need to ask before you say.

11. Don’t give honey to children below the ages of 1.

12. Do not Use Soap douching water inside your vagina. You should wash your labia (the area around your vagina) instead. Just like your eyeballs, your vagina is self-cleansing, you don’t wash your eyeballs. Washing it flushes out the good bacteria that’s supposed to be there, which automatically gets replaced by bad bacteria (yeast infection). › healthWeb resultsHow to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva: 13 FAQs on Soaps, Scents, More - Healthline

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

14. The orifice a baby comes out and that of urine is different. It’s shocking how many people don’t know the anatomy of women.

15. Don’t postpone seeing a dermatologist , if you see any skin moles that are:
A - asymmetrical B - border (odd borders, like they're jagged or something) C - Colour (different colours) D - Diameter (grows) E - Evolve (Well, evolves)
It might be skin cancer.

16. Lifestyle Modification is the First line of treatment for most common diseases. If you knew the complications of diabetes, hypertension or most common disease, you take healthy lifestyle changes serious.

17. You often will feel normal (asymptomatic) with high blood pressure. 1/3 of people living with hypertension don’t know it. Most people find out incidentally, during check ups. Don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you totally don't want to go through.

18. You mental heath is just as important as your physical health. Damage to one, would affect the other.

19. Teeth are considered as luxury bones and must be treated golden. Brushing your teeth twice daily would save you thousands of dollars in the future.

20. The immune system is an incredibly complex organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. The immune system explains why/how vaccines are supposed/designed to work, why allergies complications differs, and why transfusions/transplants procedures are hard to successfully pull off.

21. Allergies may fade out overtime. When exposed to a non-threatening level of an allergy for a long enough time, the body decides that it's not really a threat anymore.

22. Get Sleep. Psychosis could result from not having slept over a long period of time. A few extra hours of sleep might be the solution to a psychological disturbance.

23. There is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate (in males). called the prostatic utricle. It is a duct that leads nowhere.  It sometimes has some remote endometrium in it which produces one drop of blood every 28 days.

24. Your kidneys play a huge role in health and treatment procedures. Learn to take good take of your kidneys by taking appropriate amount of water and salt. › ...PDFWeb resultsKidney Failure: What to Expect - National Institute of Diabetes - NIH

25. You might decide to refuse all vaccines for your newborn; Hepatitis b vaccine and all others, I care less, but you see Vitamin K, don’t skip that. Babies don’t make Vitamin K which prevents bleeding. Vitamin K is made by gut bacteria flora which newborn babies don’t have. › parents › vit...Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

26. Feed your Newborn (especially when you can). Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for infant development and survival. › elena › titlesWeb resultsExclusive breastfeeding for optimal growth, development and health of infants - WHO

27. Some things aren’t meant to go in your rectum. And when you’re rushed in ER, you don’t need to lie saying you ‘fell on it’, we know you didn’t.

These are health tips, and shouldn’t be taken as Diagnosis or treatment. ALWAYS SEE YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, I’m a doctor. I’ll do well to add more tips. Please do add to the list when you can. Got some tips/inspiration from

"treat your body like Cubans treat their 1950s VW beetles"

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on November 27, 2019, 10:44:00 PM
many talk about high blood pressure and heart disease/attacks

but not much is talked about low blood pressure and sudden cardiac arrest and things like weight gain due to water retention due to a duff heart.

if you have swollen ankles, easiiy gain weight even when you dont eat much, erectile dysfunction, and you can get tingling hands and legs easily when crossing arms or legs for short periods. then you should ask about low blood pressure

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Mometaskers on November 28, 2019, 12:52:18 AM
"You can't outrun a bad diet". Helpful to have food journal where you list EVERYTHING going into your mouth if you are trying to lose/gain weight. This would allow you to access what food to cut out, what to add, etc.

but not much is talked about low blood pressure and sudden cardiac arrest and things like weight gain due to water retention due to a duff heart.

I think this drives home the importance of a regular checkup. Just yesterday I was watching a show that talked about rheumatic heart disease. Scary how something simple that people might not even have it checked can lead to heart failure.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: darkangel11 on November 28, 2019, 12:54:02 AM
Most health problems in the modern world come from food. We're eating worse and worse. I think that in the 19th and the early 20th century we were eating the healthiest. It was the times when receipes were really sophisticated and people preferred a rich diet with lots of meat and veggies but not as much sugar and almost no artificial additives.
Now we're basically eating processed shit with a lot of spices and preservatives and it shows.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: squatz1 on November 28, 2019, 01:18:52 AM
Most health problems in the modern world come from food. We're eating worse and worse. I think that in the 19th and the early 20th century we were eating the healthiest. It was the times when receipes were really sophisticated and people preferred a rich diet with lots of meat and veggies but not as much sugar and almost no artificial additives.
Now we're basically eating processed shit with a lot of spices and preservatives and it shows.

I think most people know this sort of thing, and people know that they should probably go to an all plant based diet -- but it's not always so easy and cheap for the average family compared to eating the shitty cheap food.

Much better for you to go to eating all plant based food, but I honestly couldn't do it. I love red meat, chicken, eggs, milk and all those other things too much.

Processed foods are killing us, but we're all stubborn and stuck in our ways.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BITCOIN4X on November 28, 2019, 12:22:17 PM
During this time we may not realize that our activities at the computer as users pretty much affect health. This activity might cause us to lack rest, sleep, drink and even food intake. The higher our active time on the forum for each day, the less physical activity we can do. If we do it continuously without control then I am sure sooner or later we will experience health problems.
That's why I think we should think about our health because being healthy is expensive. So we are not included in the group of people who are always looking for money, but in the end the money will be used to treat illnesses from the habit of making money.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: yoseph on November 28, 2019, 02:15:39 PM
Drinking water is the most important and it's actually no surprise that it's first on the list. Since the body mostly consists of water we have to drink a lot to replace the ones we mostly sweat out and urinate out of the body. Most people take in water only when they are tasty but that's not good for the body especially when it needs around 4 litres of water on a daily basis.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on November 28, 2019, 02:26:36 PM
Back in 1977, the doctors in Orange County went on strike for a month. There were 50% fewer deaths that month. That's why doctors never go on strike anymore. They would lose all their business if they went on strike too often.


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 28, 2019, 03:32:08 PM
especially when it needs around 4 litres of water on a daily basis.
Maintenance water requirements are approximately 30mls per kilogram of body weight per day. An average 70kg person therefore needs 2.1 litres a day as maintenance. Additional water will be needed on top of this to replace excess losses, such as sweating a lot from exercise or hot weather, but even then, 4 litres is excessive unless you are obese.

Back in 1977, the doctors in Orange County went on strike for a month. There were 50% fewer deaths that month. That's why doctors never go on strike anymore. They would lose all their business if they went on strike too often.
Nonsense from BADecker as usual.

The death rate for Orange County was unchanged during this strike. What did go down was the in-hospital death rate, because tens of thousands of elective operations were cancelled, meaning the risk of death from operative complications became zero. Emergency work continued, and the death rate for these conditions and operations was unchanged.

Doctors go on strike all the time around the world. A simple web search can prove this.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on November 28, 2019, 03:35:50 PM
when it comes to food heath the best kept secret is.. (drum roll for anticipation)

the more processing that is required just to make become tasty, edible. the less nutritious it is

if you cant recognise the ingredients by looking at the meal. it aint good for you
if you cant recognise the ingredients label on the packaging. it aint good for you

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Foxpup on November 28, 2019, 03:59:03 PM
if you cant recognise the ingredients by looking at the meal. it aint good for you
if you cant recognise the ingredients label on the packaging. it aint good for you
This clearly can't be good for you, then:

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Bightening on November 28, 2019, 04:12:50 PM
Doctors go on strike all the time around the world. A simple web search can prove this.
Had to go on strike twice in the last decade here. It’s common in most developing countries.

That's why I think we should think about our health because being healthy is expensive.

Being healthy might be ‘expensive’, being ill is expensive. You just have to choose your expensive. Most terminal disease can be prevented by healthy lifestyles, which might seem strenuous but it becomes your lifestyle in the long run.

but not much is talked about low blood pressure and sudden cardiac arrest and things like weight gain due to water retention due to a duff heart.

I wasn’t able to talk about all. Low bp is usually associated with drugs and drug misuse and already know medical conditions, as well as pregnancy. Pregnant moms are advised to check their bp regularly which is a part of antenatal.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on November 28, 2019, 04:38:42 PM
Oh my god. I have no idea what a "banana" is (I assume some kind of rare exotic food?), but you should never eat one. Pentyl acetate is a solvent used in nail polish and paint! Linoleic acid is used in varnish! Oleic acid is used in soldering! Ethene makes plastic! This concoction of chemicals isn't fit for human consumption!

Better to only eat things with one or two easily recognized ingredients, like a bowl of pure sugar or a lump of fat.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on November 28, 2019, 07:41:15 PM
I wasn’t able to talk about all. Low bp is usually associated with drugs and drug misuse and already know medical conditions, as well as pregnancy. Pregnant moms are advised to check their bp regularly which is a part of antenatal.

sids(sudden infant death syndrome)
sads(sudden adult death syndrome)

both kill people without warning. many adult athletes have their BP taken and because its not high they are given the all clear.. just because its not high..(even when low) they dont have echocardiograms yet one day they are running along and just drop to the ground, with no warning

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Mometaskers on November 29, 2019, 02:09:22 AM
the more processing that is required just to make become tasty, edible. the less nutritious it is

IMHO processed food is fine every now and then. They are also what we'd end up storing for emergencies due to the packaging and shelf life. Not something to consume everyday though.

Nutrient loss from processing can be made up with other products. My main concern is we don't exactly know what's going inside the container and thus buying processed is a matter of trust. For example, even a well-known (at least in Asia) luncheon meat brand from China have gone through multiple recalls within the past 2 years.

if you cant recognise the ingredients by looking at the meal. it aint good for you
if you cant recognise the ingredients label on the packaging. it aint good for you
This clearly can't be good for you, then:

Oh my gosh! Every banana I've consumed don't have a label. Could I have been eating counterfeit all my life?!

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: sovie on November 29, 2019, 06:48:31 PM
Most health problems in the modern world come from food. We're eating worse and worse. I think that in the 19th and the early 20th century we were eating the healthiest. It was the times when receipes were really sophisticated and people preferred a rich diet with lots of meat and veggies but not as much sugar and almost no artificial additives.
Now we're basically eating processed shit with a lot of spices and preservatives and it shows.

I was listening to a doctor and he was saying that in soft drink there are 47 different chemicals that our body has to digest. Teawhitners, milk powder in fact every packed food item has chemicals that's the reason why cancer is so common.
I have 4 chickens in my house, just to get pure organic eggs and I also do kitchen gardening to get some pure vegetables.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: tamadzky on November 29, 2019, 09:58:45 PM
You only get one body, the way you treat it today goes along way to determine your health in the long term. What if you were allowed to have just one vehicle your whole life? You'd have to take care of it, change the oil, filters, tires, decide what fuel source is best and a lot more. This might seem like the best comparison, but cars have easily replaceable parts.
These are a few health tips. I added some links so you could read more about your health.

1. Drink Water.

2. Hand washing is a life saving routine of the last century.

3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.

4. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

5. Always let the doctor know (especially when asked) about all the parts you had removed, implants and drugs you’re on.

6. It doesn’t matter how you feel now, you need some kind of exercise.

7. You kidneys and Liver naturally do all the detoxification you ever need. Except in kidney/liver failure, you don’t need to spend money on all these detox teas.

8. Never Ever boil Breast milk.

9. Type 2 diabetes can be largely prevented by a healthy lifestyle. You can save your future self a lot of diabetes complications.

10. Speak up! Share symptoms with your doctor. They don’t need to ask before you say.

11. Don’t give honey to children below the ages of 1.

12. Do not Use Soap douching water inside your vagina. You should wash your labia (the area around your vagina) instead. Just like your eyeballs, your vagina is self-cleansing, you don’t wash your eyeballs. Washing it flushes out the good bacteria that’s supposed to be there, which automatically gets replaced by bad bacteria (yeast infection). › healthWeb resultsHow to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva: 13 FAQs on Soaps, Scents, More - Healthline

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

14. The orifice a baby comes out and that of urine is different. It’s shocking how many people don’t know the anatomy of women.

15. Don’t postpone seeing a dermatologist , if you see any skin moles that are:
A - asymmetrical B - border (odd borders, like they're jagged or something) C - Colour (different colours) D - Diameter (grows) E - Evolve (Well, evolves)
It might be skin cancer.

16. Lifestyle Modification is the First line of treatment for most common diseases. If you knew the complications of diabetes, hypertension or most common disease, you take healthy lifestyle changes serious.

17. You often will feel normal (asymptomatic) with high blood pressure. 1/3 of people living with hypertension don’t know it. Most people find out incidentally, during check ups. Don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you totally don't want to go through.

18. You mental heath is just as important as your physical health. Damage to one, would affect the other.

19. Teeth are considered as luxury bones and must be treated golden. Brushing your teeth twice daily would save you thousands of dollars in the future.

20. The immune system is an incredibly complex organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. The immune system explains why/how vaccines are supposed/designed to work, why allergies complications differs, and why transfusions/transplants procedures are hard to successfully pull off.

21. Allergies may fade out overtime. When exposed to a non-threatening level of an allergy for a long enough time, the body decides that it's not really a threat anymore.

22. Get Sleep. Psychosis could result from not having slept over a long period of time. A few extra hours of sleep might be the solution to a psychological disturbance.

23. There is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate (in males). called the prostatic utricle. It is a duct that leads nowhere.  It sometimes has some remote endometrium in it which produces one drop of blood every 28 days.

24. Your kidneys play a huge role in health and treatment procedures. Learn to take good take of your kidneys by taking appropriate amount of water and salt. › ...PDFWeb resultsKidney Failure: What to Expect - National Institute of Diabetes - NIH

25. You might decide to refuse all vaccines for your newborn; Hepatitis b vaccine and all others, I care less, but you see Vitamin K, don’t skip that. Babies don’t make Vitamin K which prevents bleeding. Vitamin K is made by gut bacteria flora which newborn babies don’t have. › parents › vit...Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

26. Feed your Newborn (especially when you can). Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for infant development and survival. › elena › titlesWeb resultsExclusive breastfeeding for optimal growth, development and health of infants - WHO

27. Some things aren’t meant to go in your rectum. And when you’re rushed in ER, you don’t need to lie saying you ‘fell on it’, we know you didn’t.

These are health tips, and shouldn’t be taken as Diagnosis or treatment. ALWAYS SEE YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, I’m a doctor. I’ll do well to add more tips. Please do add to the list when you can. Got some tips/inspiration from

"treat your body like Cubans treat their 1950s VW beetles"

After waking up, do not stand immediately, you can sit down foe 3-5 mins before standing up, then drinking a glass of water is a must, it helps to circulate your blood.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: bananacue on November 30, 2019, 09:30:08 PM
You only get one body, the way you treat it today goes along way to determine your health in the long term. What if you were allowed to have just one vehicle your whole life? You'd have to take care of it, change the oil, filters, tires, decide what fuel source is best and a lot more. This might seem like the best comparison, but cars have easily replaceable parts.
These are a few health tips. I added some links so you could read more about your health.

1. Drink Water.

2. Hand washing is a life saving routine of the last century.

3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.

4. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

5. Always let the doctor know (especially when asked) about all the parts you had removed, implants and drugs you’re on.

6. It doesn’t matter how you feel now, you need some kind of exercise.

7. You kidneys and Liver naturally do all the detoxification you ever need. Except in kidney/liver failure, you don’t need to spend money on all these detox teas.

8. Never Ever boil Breast milk.

9. Type 2 diabetes can be largely prevented by a healthy lifestyle. You can save your future self a lot of diabetes complications.

10. Speak up! Share symptoms with your doctor. They don’t need to ask before you say.

11. Don’t give honey to children below the ages of 1.

12. Do not Use Soap douching water inside your vagina. You should wash your labia (the area around your vagina) instead. Just like your eyeballs, your vagina is self-cleansing, you don’t wash your eyeballs. Washing it flushes out the good bacteria that’s supposed to be there, which automatically gets replaced by bad bacteria (yeast infection). › healthWeb resultsHow to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva: 13 FAQs on Soaps, Scents, More - Healthline

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

14. The orifice a baby comes out and that of urine is different. It’s shocking how many people don’t know the anatomy of women.

15. Don’t postpone seeing a dermatologist , if you see any skin moles that are:
A - asymmetrical B - border (odd borders, like they're jagged or something) C - Colour (different colours) D - Diameter (grows) E - Evolve (Well, evolves)
It might be skin cancer.

16. Lifestyle Modification is the First line of treatment for most common diseases. If you knew the complications of diabetes, hypertension or most common disease, you take healthy lifestyle changes serious.

17. You often will feel normal (asymptomatic) with high blood pressure. 1/3 of people living with hypertension don’t know it. Most people find out incidentally, during check ups. Don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you totally don't want to go through.

18. You mental heath is just as important as your physical health. Damage to one, would affect the other.

19. Teeth are considered as luxury bones and must be treated golden. Brushing your teeth twice daily would save you thousands of dollars in the future.

20. The immune system is an incredibly complex organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. The immune system explains why/how vaccines are supposed/designed to work, why allergies complications differs, and why transfusions/transplants procedures are hard to successfully pull off.

21. Allergies may fade out overtime. When exposed to a non-threatening level of an allergy for a long enough time, the body decides that it's not really a threat anymore.

22. Get Sleep. Psychosis could result from not having slept over a long period of time. A few extra hours of sleep might be the solution to a psychological disturbance.

23. There is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate (in males). called the prostatic utricle. It is a duct that leads nowhere.  It sometimes has some remote endometrium in it which produces one drop of blood every 28 days.

24. Your kidneys play a huge role in health and treatment procedures. Learn to take good take of your kidneys by taking appropriate amount of water and salt. › ...PDFWeb resultsKidney Failure: What to Expect - National Institute of Diabetes - NIH

25. You might decide to refuse all vaccines for your newborn; Hepatitis b vaccine and all others, I care less, but you see Vitamin K, don’t skip that. Babies don’t make Vitamin K which prevents bleeding. Vitamin K is made by gut bacteria flora which newborn babies don’t have. › parents › vit...Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

26. Feed your Newborn (especially when you can). Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for infant development and survival. › elena › titlesWeb resultsExclusive breastfeeding for optimal growth, development and health of infants - WHO

27. Some things aren’t meant to go in your rectum. And when you’re rushed in ER, you don’t need to lie saying you ‘fell on it’, we know you didn’t.

These are health tips, and shouldn’t be taken as Diagnosis or treatment. ALWAYS SEE YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, I’m a doctor. I’ll do well to add more tips. Please do add to the list when you can. Got some tips/inspiration from

"treat your body like Cubans treat their 1950s VW beetles"

28. Laugh. It's the bes medicine they say  ;)

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Good tbc on November 30, 2019, 10:28:32 PM
The following health tips are very important :
1.As one ages or Advance in years as from 40years and above there are need to carry out laboratory investigation on the following
I. Fasting blood sugar
II.Fasting Lipid Profile
III. Liver function Test
V. HIV Screening
2.Regular check up of blood pressure
3.Avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, drug abuse.... Etc.
4. For Diabetic  patient to ensure regular fasting blood sugar test is carried out and always ensure you seek doctors directives and prescriptions.
5.Hbaic, as requested by the Doctor, Glycated heamoglobin is very important as well.
6.Checking of your prostate is very important.
7.Pre-marital investigations are very important to  include Genotype and blood group.
8.To avoid multiple Sex partners
9.Avoid using Sharp razor that an HIV positive individual use. 
10. Avoid shearing underwears to avoid infections and for those Noticing  discharge from their private part, it is advisable to carry out Urine M/c/s as well as Hvs and if chronic E/C/S m/c/s

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: ChiBitCTy on December 01, 2019, 08:59:20 AM
Really great list here.  The one most important thing I stress as you did, the two people to never lie to, your lawyer and your doctor. If you don't tell your doctor the full truth, they can't help you as well as if you had. 

One thing I slightly disagree with...cleansers.  Milk Thistle is believed by many to be a natural liver cleanser.  My buddy's mother was a nurse and told him about taking milk thistle after a night out of drinking, stating it would reduce your hangover.  I can vouch for this being absolutely a fact for some people (all bodies are different). I have taken it for years and there is no question that it significantly reduces your hangovers. Being an ingredient found in many cleansing this not proof that they can help assist in cleaning the liver?

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on December 01, 2019, 12:50:13 PM
a hang over is not about the liver.
livers can regrow and regenerate all on their own. if your getting too drunk too often for a liver to naturally rcover and become damaged. no herb will fix it by sunrise. sorry it dont work that way

a hang over is mainly dehydration
what is important is to be hydrated with water because alcohol does not hydrate you.

what people dont realise is that the supplement milk thistle doesnt give the hangover cure . its the glass of water you use to drink the supplement down with

anyway. if your getting so drunk that your getting hangovers. and its happening regularly.. then maybe its better to look at solving the problem the night before a hangover. EG drink less alcohol and drink more water.
EG drink enough to get the alcohol buzz, but not enough to be messed up the next morning

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: ChiBitCTy on December 02, 2019, 05:29:15 PM
a hang over is not about the liver.
livers can regrow and regenerate all on their own. if your getting too drunk too often for a liver to naturally rcover and become damaged. no herb will fix it by sunrise. sorry it dont work that way

a hang over is mainly dehydration
what is important is to be hydrated with water because alcohol does not hydrate you.

what people dont realise is that the supplement milk thistle doesnt give the hangover cure . its the glass of water you use to drink the supplement down with

anyway. if your getting so drunk that your getting hangovers. and its happening regularly.. then maybe its better to look at solving the problem the night before a hangover. EG drink less alcohol and drink more water.
EG drink enough to get the alcohol buzz, but not enough to be messed up the next morning

I understand all of this, but thank you.  I rarely drink any more. Most of my "case studies" are from my college days. Maybe 2-3 times a year I'll abuse alcohol. I also have taken milk thistle plenty of times w/hardly any water and it still helps. I've also drank water w/out Milk-T and it does not have the same effect as it does when taking milk-t. 

This isn't a debate about over drinking.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: star7dust on December 03, 2019, 03:55:25 PM
Amazing! Thank you for the list, that's a wholesome one. Now it's useful to see how much of these we really observe. It would be helpful to print the list and make it visual, marking the habits you acquire with time

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Jet Cash on December 03, 2019, 05:06:15 PM
My unpopular health tips.

Try to avoid visiting the doctor, all they do is ro push the propaganda that they have lent from the Pharma companies.
Don't allow them to vaccinate you, it doesn't do any good, nd it is designed to damge your immune system.
Drink a few litres of water every day.
Cut out sugar, you get enough from fruit and veg.
Make sure yo get enough salt - you lose a teaspoon of salt if you drink 4 cups of coffee.
Use salt from ancient oceans ( such as Himalayan ), and not table salt with free running agents or sea salt with micro or nano plastics in it.
Use Bicarb of soda to reduce acid reflux - don't buy antacid ills.
Stop smoking or vaping
Don't take drugs - pharma or recreational
Don't use seed oils (vegetable oils ).
High blood pressure is your body trying to cope with a problem - fix the problem, and don't make things worse by reducing your blood pressure.
Get regular exercise and sleep.
There are loads more - for example, eat a cup of raw spinach every day

Remember, I'm not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. It's just the opinion of a 77 year old man with no medical problems, who doesn't take any drugs ever. The above advice may not apply if you have already messed up your immune system as a result of bad advice from your doctor.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 06, 2019, 10:39:49 AM
Man Claims an Inexpensive Medicine for Dogs that Kills Worms and Parasites Cured His Cancer -


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: btcusury on December 06, 2019, 02:00:31 PM
My unpopular health tips.

Try to avoid visiting the doctor, all they do is ro push the propaganda that they have lent from the Pharma companies.
Don't allow them to vaccinate you, it doesn't do any good, nd it is designed to damge your immune system.
Drink a few litres of water every day.
Cut out sugar, you get enough from fruit and veg.
Make sure yo get enough salt - you lose a teaspoon of salt if you drink 4 cups of coffee.
Use salt from ancient oceans ( such as Himalayan ), and not table salt with free running agents or sea salt with micro or nano plastics in it.
Use Bicarb of soda to reduce acid reflux - don't buy antacid ills.
Stop smoking or vaping
Don't take drugs - pharma or recreational
Don't use seed oils (vegetable oils ).
High blood pressure is your body trying to cope with a problem - fix the problem, and don't make things worse by reducing your blood pressure.
Get regular exercise and sleep.
There are loads more - for example, eat a cup of raw spinach every day

Remember, I'm not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. It's just the opinion of a 77 year old man with no medical problems, who doesn't take any drugs ever. The above advice may not apply if you have already messed up your immune system as a result of bad advice from your doctor.

They are popular tips to those with a clue about health. That's great advice sir! I'd only add to your list of suggestions:

-eliminate sugary fruits and starchy carbs too (low-carb or even keto diet)
-do intermittent fasting - stable glucose and insulin levels does a lot towards repairing and building good health
-avoid GMOs at all cost, and go organic wherever you can
-avoid major toxins like aspartame, MSG, fluoride, toxic artificial colorants, soy products, food/supplement products from China (high heavy metals risk), big fish/sea food that bioaccumulate mercury
-avoid non-stick cookware covered with fluoride, aluminum cookware and others:

Artificially reducing your blood pressure with antihypertensives might be necessary if it's a problem you've ignored for some time, but you should still research what the underlying causes might be and try to correct them in natural ways. If you need antihypertensives, find which types work best for you and cycle between different types (there are like 7-11 types i.e. different mechanisms of action).

I'm also not a doctor but the advice comes from some of the best doctors and health researchers on the planet, who expose the many established lies of the medical, government and Big Pharma industries. Two of the best sources of information regarding health are and - if health research is new to you, be prepared to be shocked by the degree of corruption and misunderstandings in the medical industry/field.  >:(

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on December 06, 2019, 02:25:11 PM
Cut out sugar, you get enough from fruit and veg.
-eliminate sugary fruits and starchy carbs too (low-carb or even keto diet)
-avoid major toxins like aspartame, MSG, fluoride, toxic artificial colorants, soy products, food/supplement products from China (high heavy metals risk), big fish/sea food that bioaccumulate mercury

do not eliminate sugary fruits and starchy carbs
lactose(dairy sugars)
fructose(fruit sugars)
glucose(animal fats)
^ they are natural sugars found naturally and unprocessed in food
your body needs carbs. just dont over do it

sucrose(honey and granulated sugar)
^ are processed so reduce how much you consume

aspartame, saccharine (fake non sugars, just sweetener)
^ stay away from(yes eliminate these)

its far healthier to have a cup of orange juice/milk than granulated sugar water(tea/coffee)
its far far healthier to have a cup of orange juice/milk than sweetener sweetened water(tea/coffee)

as for things like flavoured milk(kids milkshake). well thats as bad as sugared/sweetened water as it has extra added sugars

by saying dont overdo carbs. i mean a glass/cup of orange juice/milk. not a whole litre of it a day

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: belka48 on December 06, 2019, 04:21:16 PM
if you cant recognise the ingredients by looking at the meal. it aint good for you
if you cant recognise the ingredients label on the packaging. it aint good for you
This clearly can't be good for you, then:

I always liked it when I saw people who saw an E(number) as part of a product and immediately discarded that food. You need to be much more literate, I think. Now there is a century of information, you can ask Google about everything.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on December 06, 2019, 08:25:54 PM
-eliminate sugary fruits and starchy carbs too (low-carb or even keto diet)
Sugary fruits are fine in moderation, and healthy starchy carbs are good because they keep you feeling fuller for longer and make you less likely to snack on junk.

-avoid GMOs at all cost, and go organic wherever you can
There is a grand total of zero evidence to show that GMOs are in anyway harmful or that organic food is anyway more healthy.

-avoid major toxins like aspartame, MSG, fluoride,
All evidence shows that recommended levels of aspartame, MSG, and fluoride are harmless.

If you need antihypertensives, find which types work best for you and cycle between different types (there are like 7-11 types i.e. different mechanisms of action).
This is terrible advice. There is good evidence for which antihypertensive drugs are most effective in particular age groups, sexes, and ethnicities. You should only swap drugs if it is either ineffective or gives you side effects. Cycling between them exposes you to big swings in blood pressure as you stop one and start another, as well as exposing you to multiple side effect profiles, for no benefit. and
These are two of the biggest pseudo-scientific scams out there. They exist only to peddle their incredibly overpriced snake oil.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on December 07, 2019, 03:20:09 PM
There is a grand total of zero evidence to show that GMOs are in anyway harmful or that organic food is anyway more healthy.

All evidence shows that recommended levels of aspartame, MSG, and fluoride are harmless.

fluoride is dangerous.
it messes with your thyroid and other things. its why they say dont swallow mouth wash and toothpaste

yes one rare mouthwash swallow may not cause much harm. but that is then used to say suddenly its fine to swallow often because a single swallow is not harmful

EG one portion contains X. company then makes a same gram tinned item become 2 portions that way each portion has X still but now they have twice as much X in the same gram tin as before just changing the 'portion' size

its like chocolate having refined sugar. instead of reducing sugar per bar. they reduce the chocolates bar size.
and then ofcourse people then just end up buying multipacks because bitesize just aint enough anymore

have you ever seen anyone just eat one stamp size cube of chocolate and say 'thats enough thats my daily allowance' and truly mean it and be happy about it, fully satisfied

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 07, 2019, 05:24:12 PM and
These are two of the biggest pseudo-scientific scams out there. They exist only to peddle their incredibly overpriced snake oil.

Yabut, the medical is way worse, and they are still around.


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: inanilujimi on December 08, 2019, 11:04:08 AM
Indeed everything you say is true but there is better than all that is the power of the mind.
If our thoughts are positive in facing the day, then every illness will not easily approach us.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 08, 2019, 08:42:54 PM
Indeed everything you say is true but there is better than all that is the power of the mind.
If our thoughts are positive in facing the day, then every illness will not easily approach us.

Yes. It's called placebo effect.      :D

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on December 08, 2019, 10:59:15 PM
Indeed everything you say is true but there is better than all that is the power of the mind.
If our thoughts are positive in facing the day, then every illness will not easily approach us.

whats next happy thoughts can make you fly because peter pan told you

happy thoughts does not defend people from health problems
infact people living in solitude get less flu's then sociable people.

also happy people that are blissfull day dreamers are more likely to trip over or walk into something due to their blissful unawareness and not having a care in the world

theres a difference between being happy and caring about one self
its better to suggest people should care about themselves as a way to reduce health risks

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: semobo on December 09, 2019, 07:17:46 AM
Healthy food paves way for healthy life.

Don't be always dependent on the doctor for every small diseases it can be cured by the home remedies itself.

Being happy makes your life longer.

Don't create artificial depression.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: guigui371 on December 09, 2019, 07:47:37 PM
Don't allow them to vaccinate you, it doesn't do any good, nd it is designed to damge your immune system.
Yeah, you should say that the Polio survivors.
Isn't it great that we live in an almost polio free world ?
Otherwise I do agree with all your other points.
(and I also agree that not all vaccine are needed).

-avoid GMOs at all cost, and go organic wherever you can
Well, if scientists are crossing a tomatoe with a pinapple so the tomato is yellow, the size of a pumpink and taste like straberry I would definitely stay away.
However, humans have been doing GMO for thousands of years.

Sweet potatoes : 8 000 years Natural GMO? Sweet Potato Genetically Modified 8,000 Years Ago (

And also, most scientific consider that grafting is :
It has also been discovered that the horticultural process of grafting different plants together can lead to the exchange of genes, meaning humans have inadvertently been creating transgenic plants for millennia. From genome studies, we can see that gene swapping has been going on since the dawn of life.
    Many plants are naturally GMO, research finds (

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Balthazar on December 09, 2019, 08:55:19 PM
if you cant recognise the ingredients by looking at the meal. it aint good for you
if you cant recognise the ingredients label on the packaging. it aint good for you
I suppose it would be correct to assume that you have never eaten strawberry or other berries?

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: on December 13, 2019, 12:44:54 PM
Lots of useful advices! Let me add just a couple more which I consider quite important. Breathing and moderate exposure to cold. There are various methods. I would recommend Wim Hof method which combines both. Ease to do, doesn't require much time, gives you quick and tangible results. Highly recommended :) (     

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on December 13, 2019, 10:07:34 PM
if you cant recognise the ingredients by looking at the meal. it aint good for you
if you cant recognise the ingredients label on the packaging. it aint good for you
I suppose it would be correct to assume that you have never eaten strawberry or other berries?

i would guess by you having to question a strawberry and research it. you have never actually seen a strawberry. and feel that words on a report will reveal what a strawberry actually is.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 13, 2019, 11:22:19 PM
Here are some more health tips (beef):


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: dogtana on December 14, 2019, 03:27:46 PM
Pap smears, breast examinations (even men), colonoscopy... a good idea to do them in recommended time frames.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: elisabetheva on December 14, 2019, 07:21:35 PM
My unpopular health tips.

Try to avoid visiting the doctor, all they do is ro push the propaganda that they have lent from the Pharma companies.
Don't allow them to vaccinate you, it doesn't do any good, nd it is designed to damge your immune system.
Drink a few litres of water every day.
Cut out sugar, you get enough from fruit and veg.
Make sure yo get enough salt - you lose a teaspoon of salt if you drink 4 cups of coffee.
Use salt from ancient oceans ( such as Himalayan ), and not table salt with free running agents or sea salt with micro or nano plastics in it.
Use Bicarb of soda to reduce acid reflux - don't buy antacid ills.
Stop smoking or vaping
Don't take drugs - pharma or recreational
Don't use seed oils (vegetable oils ).
High blood pressure is your body trying to cope with a problem - fix the problem, and don't make things worse by reducing your blood pressure.
Get regular exercise and sleep.
There are loads more - for example, eat a cup of raw spinach every day

Remember, I'm not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. It's just the opinion of a 77 year old man with no medical problems, who doesn't take any drugs ever. The above advice may not apply if you have already messed up your immune system as a result of bad advice from your doctor.

In principle, what doctors say is certainly true, but we also know that there are unscrupulous doctors who take part in practicing as well as pharmaceutical sales and this is not very good.
I am happy with the explanation above and I can accept some of what was said but for vaccinations I might differ in opinion that for some countries it still needs. clear if it can be true in order to avoid meeting with a doctor because obviously a large fee will be waiting for the meeting. the principle is do not overdo everything that is excessive can certainly be an impact is not good and drink more water and enough rest.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 14, 2019, 09:27:12 PM
My unpopular health tips.

Try to avoid visiting the doctor, all they do is ro push the propaganda that they have lent from the Pharma companies.
Don't allow them to vaccinate you, it doesn't do any good, nd it is designed to damge your immune system.
Drink a few litres of water every day.
Cut out sugar, you get enough from fruit and veg.
Make sure yo get enough salt - you lose a teaspoon of salt if you drink 4 cups of coffee.
Use salt from ancient oceans ( such as Himalayan ), and not table salt with free running agents or sea salt with micro or nano plastics in it.
Use Bicarb of soda to reduce acid reflux - don't buy antacid ills.
Stop smoking or vaping
Don't take drugs - pharma or recreational
Don't use seed oils (vegetable oils ).
High blood pressure is your body trying to cope with a problem - fix the problem, and don't make things worse by reducing your blood pressure.
Get regular exercise and sleep.
There are loads more - for example, eat a cup of raw spinach every day

Remember, I'm not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. It's just the opinion of a 77 year old man with no medical problems, who doesn't take any drugs ever. The above advice may not apply if you have already messed up your immune system as a result of bad advice from your doctor.

In principle, what doctors say is certainly true, but we also know that there are unscrupulous doctors who take part in practicing as well as pharmaceutical sales and this is not very good.
I am happy with the explanation above and I can accept some of what was said but for vaccinations I might differ in opinion that for some countries it still needs. clear if it can be true in order to avoid meeting with a doctor because obviously a large fee will be waiting for the meeting. the principle is do not overdo everything that is excessive can certainly be an impact is not good and drink more water and enough rest.

If what doctors say is true:
- then why are they often surprised when people live who are not expected to live, and that people die who are not expected to die;
- then why do many doctors not prescribe for their own families the same medications that they prescribe for other people;
- then why is it that they haven't figured out how to keep people alive for 500 years.

Doctors know a lot of stuff. But they mostly know that they don't know much of how life works.


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on December 15, 2019, 02:00:51 AM
If what doctors say is true:
- then why are they often surprised when people live who are not expected to live, and that people die who are not expected to die;
- then why do many doctors not prescribe for their own families the same medications that they prescribe for other people;
- then why is it that they haven't figured out how to keep people alive for 500 years.

Doctors know a lot of stuff. But they mostly know that they don't know much of how life works.

doctors cant know everything. general doctors only know the general common stuff and they refer patients to specialists if its over their head.
specialists of brain biology dont know much about bone issues so one intelligent doctor in one area is clueless in another

also even with a diagnosis not every patient has the exact same symptoms or level of intensity. there is a spectrum. take cancer. no one can know the exact day someone goes terminal as their are always many factors involved.
for instance people also with dementia may forget medication which increases the likelyhood of being terminal sooner. others feel sick and dont eat and drink so they dont have the energy or hydration to fight it so they also can be terminal sooner.
all doctors know is average lifespan based on numbers.. its an average not a fixed statistic of 100% guarantee.
all they can do is advice what medication, care and diet patients should follow to maximise their lifetime. but they can pick the specific day of death

your expectation is like wanting to be told that you will score 120 on average and you stupidly think i means hitting a double20 three times. and be consistantly accurate
all someone can do is say you MAY average 120 but that might be
double20 x3 =120
10, trpple20 and the bulls eye =120
triple20 x3                                          }
                                                            } average 120
double20x2 and third dart lands on flaw}
(plus many other combinations over many tries)
so dont bet on always getting tripple20 if someone tells you an average 120 expectancy

as for the 500year old person theory
the medical industry is still young. it has only really been in the last 200 years that things have really accelerated
200 years ago average life expectancy was 35
yep kids being born would never get to know their grandparents uness grandparents gave birth to parents at 15 an parents gave birth to kid a 15 and then the kid might be lucky to know see the grandparents at 5th birthday.. (rare back then)

alot of doctors didnt even have a way to map the genome until the most recent few decades. so i would say expanding life expectancy from ~65-~75 is pretty good work so far for the last 50 years,
many people get to know their great grandparents. i even know someone that has a great great grand parent still alive..
so things have moved on somewhat

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: GideonGono on December 16, 2019, 06:22:08 AM
Most health problems in the modern world come from food. We're eating worse and worse. I think that in the 19th and the early 20th century we were eating the healthiest. It was the times when receipes were really sophisticated and people preferred a rich diet with lots of meat and veggies but not as much sugar and almost no artificial additives.
Now we're basically eating processed shit with a lot of spices and preservatives and it shows.

I've also notice that because now they invent a food that are delicious but with a low content of vitamins or not nutritious. I also notice that the limit of age was decrease because they can only live 60 to 80 as I know in my country.

For now, I am scared from a lot of person that because of technology they become lazy and it can cause from lack of exercise.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 16, 2019, 11:22:36 AM
If what doctors say is true:
- then why are they often surprised when people live who are not expected to live, and that people die who are not expected to die;
- then why do many doctors not prescribe for their own families the same medications that they prescribe for other people;
- then why is it that they haven't figured out how to keep people alive for 500 years.

Doctors know a lot of stuff. But they mostly know that they don't know much of how life works.

doctors cant know everything. general doctors only know the general common stuff and they refer patients to specialists if its over their head.
specialists of brain biology dont know much about bone issues so one intelligent doctor in one area is clueless in another

also even with a diagnosis not every patient has the exact same symptoms or level of intensity. there is a spectrum. take cancer. no one can know the exact day someone goes terminal as their are always many factors involved.
for instance people also with dementia may forget medication which increases the likelyhood of being terminal sooner. others feel sick and dont eat and drink so they dont have the energy or hydration to fight it so they also can be terminal sooner.
all doctors know is average lifespan based on numbers.. its an average not a fixed statistic of 100% guarantee.
all they can do is advice what medication, care and diet patients should follow to maximise their lifetime. but they can pick the specific day of death

your expectation is like wanting to be told that you will score 120 on average and you stupidly think i means hitting a double20 three times. and be consistantly accurate
all someone can do is say you MAY average 120 but that might be
double20 x3 =120
10, trpple20 and the bulls eye =120
triple20 x3                                          }
                                                            } average 120
double20x2 and third dart lands on flaw}
(plus many other combinations over many tries)
so dont bet on always getting tripple20 if someone tells you an average 120 expectancy

as for the 500year old person theory
the medical industry is still young. it has only really been in the last 200 years that things have really accelerated
200 years ago average life expectancy was 35
yep kids being born would never get to know their grandparents uness grandparents gave birth to parents at 15 an parents gave birth to kid a 15 and then the kid might be lucky to know see the grandparents at 5th birthday.. (rare back then)

alot of doctors didnt even have a way to map the genome until the most recent few decades. so i would say expanding life expectancy from ~65-~75 is pretty good work so far for the last 50 years,
many people get to know their great grandparents. i even know someone that has a great great grand parent still alive..
so things have moved on somewhat

If you really knew a little something, rather than simply assuming all kinds of things, maybe you wouldn't stumble around in the dark so much... dark of mind, that is.

Try "gotu kola" for brain enhancement. Take it with Korean ginseng, and Russian ginseng (which is really eleuthero), and eat a lot of fish and walnuts.


BTW, cut back on the alcohol.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 16, 2019, 11:30:28 AM
Most health problems in the modern world come from food. We're eating worse and worse. I think that in the 19th and the early 20th century we were eating the healthiest. It was the times when receipes were really sophisticated and people preferred a rich diet with lots of meat and veggies but not as much sugar and almost no artificial additives.
Now we're basically eating processed shit with a lot of spices and preservatives and it shows.

I've also notice that because now they invent a food that are delicious but with a low content of vitamins or not nutritious. I also notice that the limit of age was decrease because they can only live 60 to 80 as I know in my country.

For now, I am scared from a lot of person that because of technology they become lazy and it can cause from lack of exercise.

There are wealthy people who are using big jet planes to spray aluminum oxide, some form of barium, and some form of strontium into the air, in tiny-particle form. We absorb these metals into our bodies, and they travel to the brain, lodging themselves there. The new 5G telecommunications can react on these metals in the brain, to cause people to go zombie, burn out, or do all kinds of crazy things.

Learn how to wear an aluminum hat to protect your brain from 5G.


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: senne on December 18, 2019, 09:33:34 AM
You only get one body, the way you treat it today goes along way to determine your health in the long term. What if you were allowed to have just one vehicle your whole life? You'd have to take care of it, change the oil, filters, tires, decide what fuel source is best and a lot more. This might seem like the best comparison, but cars have easily replaceable parts.
These are a few health tips. I added some links so you could read more about your health.

1. Drink Water.

2. Hand washing is a life saving routine of the last century.

3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.

4. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

5. Always let the doctor know (especially when asked) about all the parts you had removed, implants and drugs you’re on.

6. It doesn’t matter how you feel now, you need some kind of exercise.

7. You kidneys and Liver naturally do all the detoxification you ever need. Except in kidney/liver failure, you don’t need to spend money on all these detox teas.

8. Never Ever boil Breast milk.

9. Type 2 diabetes can be largely prevented by a healthy lifestyle. You can save your future self a lot of diabetes complications.

10. Speak up! Share symptoms with your doctor. They don’t need to ask before you say.

11. Don’t give honey to children below the ages of 1.

12. Do not Use Soap douching water inside your vagina. You should wash your labia (the area around your vagina) instead. Just like your eyeballs, your vagina is self-cleansing, you don’t wash your eyeballs. Washing it flushes out the good bacteria that’s supposed to be there, which automatically gets replaced by bad bacteria (yeast infection). › healthWeb resultsHow to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva: 13 FAQs on Soaps, Scents, More - Healthline

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

14. The orifice a baby comes out and that of urine is different. It’s shocking how many people don’t know the anatomy of women.

15. Don’t postpone seeing a dermatologist , if you see any skin moles that are:
A - asymmetrical B - border (odd borders, like they're jagged or something) C - Colour (different colours) D - Diameter (grows) E - Evolve (Well, evolves)
It might be skin cancer.

16. Lifestyle Modification is the First line of treatment for most common diseases. If you knew the complications of diabetes, hypertension or most common disease, you take healthy lifestyle changes serious.

17. You often will feel normal (asymptomatic) with high blood pressure. 1/3 of people living with hypertension don’t know it. Most people find out incidentally, during check ups. Don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you totally don't want to go through.

18. You mental heath is just as important as your physical health. Damage to one, would affect the other.

19. Teeth are considered as luxury bones and must be treated golden. Brushing your teeth twice daily would save you thousands of dollars in the future.

20. The immune system is an incredibly complex organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. The immune system explains why/how vaccines are supposed/designed to work, why allergies complications differs, and why transfusions/transplants procedures are hard to successfully pull off.

21. Allergies may fade out overtime. When exposed to a non-threatening level of an allergy for a long enough time, the body decides that it's not really a threat anymore.

22. Get Sleep. Psychosis could result from not having slept over a long period of time. A few extra hours of sleep might be the solution to a psychological disturbance.

23. There is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate (in males). called the prostatic utricle. It is a duct that leads nowhere.  It sometimes has some remote endometrium in it which produces one drop of blood every 28 days.

24. Your kidneys play a huge role in health and treatment procedures. Learn to take good take of your kidneys by taking appropriate amount of water and salt. › ...PDFWeb resultsKidney Failure: What to Expect - National Institute of Diabetes - NIH

25. You might decide to refuse all vaccines for your newborn; Hepatitis b vaccine and all others, I care less, but you see Vitamin K, don’t skip that. Babies don’t make Vitamin K which prevents bleeding. Vitamin K is made by gut bacteria flora which newborn babies don’t have. › parents › vit...Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

26. Feed your Newborn (especially when you can). Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for infant development and survival. › elena › titlesWeb resultsExclusive breastfeeding for optimal growth, development and health of infants - WHO

27. Some things aren’t meant to go in your rectum. And when you’re rushed in ER, you don’t need to lie saying you ‘fell on it’, we know you didn’t.

These are health tips, and shouldn’t be taken as Diagnosis or treatment. ALWAYS SEE YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, I’m a doctor. I’ll do well to add more tips. Please do add to the list when you can. Got some tips/inspiration from

"treat your body like Cubans treat their 1950s VW beetles"

Treat your body as temple and everything will be fine. Stay hydrated , eat healthy, avoid junk / oily food , have heavy breakfast and less dinner. Beside that regular exercise is very important and also keep a check on your sleep cycle. Sleep early , wake up early, exercise , eat healthy breakfast and live your day. you can pick up any sport you like & atleast give 3 days in a week for that. Swimming, Running or cycling are good exercises to start with if you are not a gym person.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Sadlife on December 18, 2019, 11:02:48 AM
People lack of knowledge in one's health is why most people get sick, i used to wonder why i always get a fever more often and why my learning curve is so slow it really affected my confidence towards people and academic performance. Luckily im interested in watching anything in youtube that one day recommend me a vid to watch about health and how to improve brain function then i watched, after that i got amazed on how much i could do to change my body and change it to be able to learn faster like in the movie limitless.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: djsugar on December 19, 2019, 07:23:45 AM
You only get one body, the way you treat it today goes along way to determine your health in the long term. What if you were allowed to have just one vehicle your whole life? You'd have to take care of it, change the oil, filters, tires, decide what fuel source is best and a lot more. This might seem like the best comparison, but cars have easily replaceable parts.
These are a few health tips. I added some links so you could read more about your health.

1. Drink Water.

2. Hand washing is a life saving routine of the last century.

3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.

4. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

5. Always let the doctor know (especially when asked) about all the parts you had removed, implants and drugs you’re on.

6. It doesn’t matter how you feel now, you need some kind of exercise.

7. You kidneys and Liver naturally do all the detoxification you ever need. Except in kidney/liver failure, you don’t need to spend money on all these detox teas.

8. Never Ever boil Breast milk.

9. Type 2 diabetes can be largely prevented by a healthy lifestyle. You can save your future self a lot of diabetes complications.

10. Speak up! Share symptoms with your doctor. They don’t need to ask before you say.

11. Don’t give honey to children below the ages of 1.

12. Do not Use Soap douching water inside your vagina. You should wash your labia (the area around your vagina) instead. Just like your eyeballs, your vagina is self-cleansing, you don’t wash your eyeballs. Washing it flushes out the good bacteria that’s supposed to be there, which automatically gets replaced by bad bacteria (yeast infection). › healthWeb resultsHow to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva: 13 FAQs on Soaps, Scents, More - Healthline

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

14. The orifice a baby comes out and that of urine is different. It’s shocking how many people don’t know the anatomy of women.

15. Don’t postpone seeing a dermatologist , if you see any skin moles that are:
A - asymmetrical B - border (odd borders, like they're jagged or something) C - Colour (different colours) D - Diameter (grows) E - Evolve (Well, evolves)
It might be skin cancer.

16. Lifestyle Modification is the First line of treatment for most common diseases. If you knew the complications of diabetes, hypertension or most common disease, you take healthy lifestyle changes serious.

17. You often will feel normal (asymptomatic) with high blood pressure. 1/3 of people living with hypertension don’t know it. Most people find out incidentally, during check ups. Don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you totally don't want to go through.

18. You mental heath is just as important as your physical health. Damage to one, would affect the other.

19. Teeth are considered as luxury bones and must be treated golden. Brushing your teeth twice daily would save you thousands of dollars in the future.

20. The immune system is an incredibly complex organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. The immune system explains why/how vaccines are supposed/designed to work, why allergies complications differs, and why transfusions/transplants procedures are hard to successfully pull off.

21. Allergies may fade out overtime. When exposed to a non-threatening level of an allergy for a long enough time, the body decides that it's not really a threat anymore.

22. Get Sleep. Psychosis could result from not having slept over a long period of time. A few extra hours of sleep might be the solution to a psychological disturbance.

23. There is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate (in males). called the prostatic utricle. It is a duct that leads nowhere.  It sometimes has some remote endometrium in it which produces one drop of blood every 28 days.

24. Your kidneys play a huge role in health and treatment procedures. Learn to take good take of your kidneys by taking appropriate amount of water and salt. › ...PDFWeb resultsKidney Failure: What to Expect - National Institute of Diabetes - NIH

25. You might decide to refuse all vaccines for your newborn; Hepatitis b vaccine and all others, I care less, but you see Vitamin K, don’t skip that. Babies don’t make Vitamin K which prevents bleeding. Vitamin K is made by gut bacteria flora which newborn babies don’t have. › parents › vit...Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

26. Feed your Newborn (especially when you can). Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for infant development and survival. › elena › titlesWeb resultsExclusive breastfeeding for optimal growth, development and health of infants - WHO

27. Some things aren’t meant to go in your rectum. And when you’re rushed in ER, you don’t need to lie saying you ‘fell on it’, we know you didn’t.

These are health tips, and shouldn’t be taken as Diagnosis or treatment. ALWAYS SEE YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, I’m a doctor. I’ll do well to add more tips. Please do add to the list when you can. Got some tips/inspiration from

"treat your body like Cubans treat their 1950s VW beetles"

Taking out time to exercise could be the best possible way to stay healthy. Exercise could be a simple jog or even 30 mins cardio. With exercising, diet is also important. Prefer to eat healthy and have control on snacking. Eat less each time but have maybe 5 food sittings in a day. I take out time to play my favourite sports most of the days in a week & also keep control on eating out.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Negotiation on December 19, 2019, 04:41:56 PM
Health is an asset if health is not good then many problems will be faced If you eat more oily foods like junk food then you should stay away from these foods. Also if you drink less water than what the body needs, then sleep is reduced This is why we need to avoid eating outside and eating healthy nutritious foods.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Naida_BR on December 19, 2019, 05:37:37 PM
People lack of knowledge in one's health is why most people get sick, i used to wonder why i always get a fever more often and why my learning curve is so slow it really affected my confidence towards people and academic performance. Luckily im interested in watching anything in youtube that one day recommend me a vid to watch about health and how to improve brain function then i watched, after that i got amazed on how much i could do to change my body and change it to be able to learn faster like in the movie limitless.

I think that we lack education of the nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
There should be classes from early school stages where kids will learn what it is good to eat or not. Sweets and junk food is tasty for the most people but we should not rely our diet on what tastes better.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Sahyadri on December 26, 2019, 04:53:49 PM
You only get one body, the way you treat it today goes along way to determine your health in the long term. What if you were allowed to have just one vehicle your whole life? You'd have to take care of it, change the oil, filters, tires, decide what fuel source is best and a lot more. This might seem like the best comparison, but cars have easily replaceable parts.
These are a few health tips. I added some links so you could read more about your health.

1. Drink Water.

2. Hand washing is a life saving routine of the last century.

3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.

4. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

5. Always let the doctor know (especially when asked) about all the parts you had removed, implants and drugs you’re on.

6. It doesn’t matter how you feel now, you need some kind of exercise.

7. You kidneys and Liver naturally do all the detoxification you ever need. Except in kidney/liver failure, you don’t need to spend money on all these detox teas.

8. Never Ever boil Breast milk.

9. Type 2 diabetes can be largely prevented by a healthy lifestyle. You can save your future self a lot of diabetes complications.

10. Speak up! Share symptoms with your doctor. They don’t need to ask before you say.

11. Don’t give honey to children below the ages of 1.

12. Do not Use Soap douching water inside your vagina. You should wash your labia (the area around your vagina) instead. Just like your eyeballs, your vagina is self-cleansing, you don’t wash your eyeballs. Washing it flushes out the good bacteria that’s supposed to be there, which automatically gets replaced by bad bacteria (yeast infection). › healthWeb resultsHow to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva: 13 FAQs on Soaps, Scents, More - Healthline

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

14. The orifice a baby comes out and that of urine is different. It’s shocking how many people don’t know the anatomy of women.

15. Don’t postpone seeing a dermatologist , if you see any skin moles that are:
A - asymmetrical B - border (odd borders, like they're jagged or something) C - Colour (different colours) D - Diameter (grows) E - Evolve (Well, evolves)
It might be skin cancer.

16. Lifestyle Modification is the First line of treatment for most common diseases. If you knew the complications of diabetes, hypertension or most common disease, you take healthy lifestyle changes serious.

17. You often will feel normal (asymptomatic) with high blood pressure. 1/3 of people living with hypertension don’t know it. Most people find out incidentally, during check ups. Don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you totally don't want to go through.

18. You mental heath is just as important as your physical health. Damage to one, would affect the other.

19. Teeth are considered as luxury bones and must be treated golden. Brushing your teeth twice daily would save you thousands of dollars in the future.

20. The immune system is an incredibly complex organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. The immune system explains why/how vaccines are supposed/designed to work, why allergies complications differs, and why transfusions/transplants procedures are hard to successfully pull off.

21. Allergies may fade out overtime. When exposed to a non-threatening level of an allergy for a long enough time, the body decides that it's not really a threat anymore.

22. Get Sleep. Psychosis could result from not having slept over a long period of time. A few extra hours of sleep might be the solution to a psychological disturbance.

23. There is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate (in males). called the prostatic utricle. It is a duct that leads nowhere.  It sometimes has some remote endometrium in it which produces one drop of blood every 28 days.

24. Your kidneys play a huge role in health and treatment procedures. Learn to take good take of your kidneys by taking appropriate amount of water and salt. › ...PDFWeb resultsKidney Failure: What to Expect - National Institute of Diabetes - NIH

25. You might decide to refuse all vaccines for your newborn; Hepatitis b vaccine and all others, I care less, but you see Vitamin K, don’t skip that. Babies don’t make Vitamin K which prevents bleeding. Vitamin K is made by gut bacteria flora which newborn babies don’t have. › parents › vit...Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

26. Feed your Newborn (especially when you can). Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for infant development and survival. › elena › titlesWeb resultsExclusive breastfeeding for optimal growth, development and health of infants - WHO

27. Some things aren’t meant to go in your rectum. And when you’re rushed in ER, you don’t need to lie saying you ‘fell on it’, we know you didn’t.

These are health tips, and shouldn’t be taken as Diagnosis or treatment. ALWAYS SEE YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, I’m a doctor. I’ll do well to add more tips. Please do add to the list when you can. Got some tips/inspiration from

"treat your body like Cubans treat their 1950s VW beetles"

Staying hydrated, exercising and eating healthy for me are the best way to stay healthy. Have carbs before exercise, have liquids through out the day , eat green vegetables , avoid junk food. Also, sleeping early and getting up early are ways to staying healthy and in better shape. Avoid snacking on junks, eat less but more times can also help to maintain good health.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on December 26, 2019, 05:17:03 PM
Cure - but at least control - your heart disease with vitamin C and the Linus Pauling therapy -


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: btcusury on December 29, 2019, 10:59:56 PM
-eliminate sugary fruits and starchy carbs too (low-carb or even keto diet)
Sugary fruits are fine in moderation, and healthy starchy carbs are good because they keep you feeling fuller for longer and make you less likely to snack on junk.

Yeah, they're not the worst unless overdone, but there's also the idea of keeping stable insulin and glucose levels, and taking it to its full extent that's called a keto diet, which has clear benefits (as you might discover if you do research beyond preconceptions).

-avoid GMOs at all cost, and go organic wherever you can
There is a grand total of zero evidence to show that GMOs are in anyway harmful or that organic food is anyway more healthy.

You have done a grand total of zero research, outside of mainstream sources appealing to officialdom.

-avoid major toxins like aspartame, MSG, fluoride,
All evidence shows that recommended levels of aspartame, MSG, and fluoride are harmless.

Only if by "all" you mean the tiny sliver of selective scientific data you have received from perceived authoritative sources and are presuming represents an accurate perception of the whole body of evidence.

If you need antihypertensives, find which types work best for you and cycle between different types (there are like 7-11 types i.e. different mechanisms of action).
This is terrible advice. There is good evidence for which antihypertensive drugs are most effective in particular age groups, sexes, and ethnicities. You should only swap drugs if it is either ineffective or gives you side effects. Cycling between them exposes you to big swings in blood pressure as you stop one and start another, as well as exposing you to multiple side effect profiles, for no benefit.

That "good evidence" is in a general sense. Each individual is unique and generalizations aren't necessarily the best idea, unless you're interested in average/mediocre health. As with almost any drug, they each, when used chronically for long enough, end up causing side-effects, which many doctors will be eager to "treat" with a symptomatic patch while ignoring the root cause. You might notice that, say, chronic use of calcium channel blockers (one of the many types or mechanisms of action by which BP can be artificially lowered) cause swelling in the legs, so it might be a good idea to try switching to an ACE inhibitor or an ARB (two other types, which have a generally lower side-effects profile). I'm not saying that it would be a bad idea to consult with your doctor before making such a decision.

Quote and
These are two of the biggest pseudo-scientific scams out there. They exist only to peddle their incredibly overpriced snake oil.

That exact idea is true about the pseudo-scientific (selectively-scientific) mainstream/industry beliefs you subscribe to, having done no research of your own. Don't forget to take your flu shots and to drink enough fluoride to protect your teeth. ;)

Indeed everything you say is true but there is better than all that is the power of the mind.
If our thoughts are positive in facing the day, then every illness will not easily approach us.

This is also entirely true, though if you're a Westerner you might be operating under particular belief systems that might make keeping good health much more difficult than it needs be.

-avoid GMOs at all cost, and go organic wherever you can
Well, if scientists are crossing a tomatoe with a pinapple so the tomato is yellow, the size of a pumpink and taste like straberry I would definitely stay away.
However, humans have been doing GMO for thousands of years.

Sweet potatoes : 8 000 years Natural GMO? Sweet Potato Genetically Modified 8,000 Years Ago (

And also, most scientific consider that grafting is :
It has also been discovered that the horticultural process of grafting different plants together can lead to the exchange of genes, meaning humans have inadvertently been creating transgenic plants for millennia. From genome studies, we can see that gene swapping has been going on since the dawn of life.
    Many plants are naturally GMO, research finds (

There are many different levels to the idea of "genetic modification". In the broadest sense that you're talking about, the damage is limited to things like oversweet fruits contributing to things like overeating, diabetes, CVD. In the sense, it's the wild west, making a testing ground out of your body without your consent (at least without proper consideration).

Lots of useful advices! Let me add just a couple more which I consider quite important. Breathing and moderate exposure to cold. There are various methods. I would recommend Wim Hof method which combines both. Ease to do, doesn't require much time, gives you quick and tangible results. Highly recommended :) (     

Another winner! Combine that with (careful) fasting and you've got an extremely cheap yet powerful stem cell regeneration technology at your fingertips.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: DanWork on December 29, 2019, 11:05:48 PM
Out of the ones posted I think hand washing is the most underrated one. It's underrated because the people who do it are never, ever reminded of the crippling colds, sickness that they avoided. Things like water, people will drink water. It's part of their physiology, but keeping your hands clean. Very underrated.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Smartvirus on December 30, 2019, 12:33:01 AM
In as much as good meal is required for a healthy living, it is a necessity that you excrete as often as possible. Think of your body as a machine because it surely is!!! Let's say a perfectly constructed and programmed biological machine capable of some self authentication but then, for optimal functionality, you opt to excercise every now and then. It is said that jogging is one of the best fitness excercise you can do and funny enough, it requires almost zero resource. In jogging, every part of your body is arosed and worked up. Again, you can also do some Yoga and free your mind from unnecessary thoughts, feeling of depression and relaxes you. A positive mindset could be everything as it helps set your course right for lucrative and innovative ideas. Surround yourself with happy people and engage in recreational activities. It is said it takes 17 muscles to smile and 47 muscles to frown so you can imagine how much energy you save by just being cheerful.
And always be open minded and tell people your problems. It doesn't only ease your mind of thinking much, it sometimes provide useful solutions as whom you confide in can help think of a possible solution with you, might be in your shoes as well or beware of similar case and how to handle it and can also keep an eye on you if need be. Drug isn't the only solution there is.
Stay healthy and don't be scared to talk to your medicine person at all times!

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Aveatrex on December 30, 2019, 03:23:26 AM
3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.
Antibiotics,even when prescribed by your doctor,they should ONLY be used if the illness is life threatning.Why? Because antibiotics kills also the good microbiome in your gut,which can leads to several side effects like slowing down the growth of brain/hippocampus neurogenesis.There multiple research suggesting this,but mostly in rats.Here is a recent one that studied humans: Source: (

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

Reducing Salt and Sugar is not necessary if you already have a normal intake of these two elements.In fact, it's life threatning to have a below normal salt intake. Source: (

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: ubercool on December 30, 2019, 06:36:29 AM
The problem with most of the health issues these days is because of mixing different things into food products. We have already seen plastic rice. I guess growing your own vegetables might get you some good results.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on December 30, 2019, 10:19:53 AM
Good. I'm glad we are in agreement that all serious scientific and peer reviewed data back up my statements.

It's actually far more common for tolerance to side effects to develop over time, rather than sensitization to them. Still, if you have serious side effects then of course you should try a different class of drug, but that's not what you said originally. You said you should continually cycle between drug types, which is just plain dangerous.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: btcusury on December 30, 2019, 02:20:53 PM
Pap smears, breast examinations (even men), colonoscopy... a good idea to do them in recommended time frames.

Except mammograms (what often is meant by "breast examinations"), you might want to carefully consider those, as they carry some risk of cancer and there are better alternatives:

If what doctors say is true:
- then why are they often surprised when people live who are not expected to live, and that people die who are not expected to die;
- then why do many doctors not prescribe for their own families the same medications that they prescribe for other people;
- then why is it that they haven't figured out how to keep people alive for 500 years.

Doctors know a lot of stuff. But they mostly know that they don't know much of how life works.


There are a large number, I want to say a majority, of people in the medical industry who are well-meaning people, and a large subset within that who are heart-centered/service-to-others-oriented.

But the business model of the healthcare industry hinges upon people being sick. Even moreso the pharmaceutical industry. There are more incentives to keep people sick than to keep them healthy. Drug research is conducted based on how to mask a condition rather than how to expand consciousness (e.g. by ideally agonizing serotonin receptor types), how to increase well-being (e.g. by selective modulation of neurotransmitters, like a safer MDMA (, how to help you meditate (say by eliminating anxiety or mind chatter), etc.

"Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its existence." --James Bryce

"The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions." --Florence Nightingale

"'Modern medicine' may well be defined as 'the experimental study of what happens when poisonous chemicals are placed into malnourished human bodies.'" --A. Saul, Contributing Editor, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine

Try "gotu kola" for brain enhancement. Take it with Korean ginseng, and Russian ginseng (which is really eleuthero), and eat a lot of fish and walnuts.

Those are great indeed, although only small fish which eat few or no other fish is recommended, because of high mercury levels in most seas. An example is salmon, which by itself is one of the healthiest things you can eat, but due to the mercury contamination it's only worth it if it's wild-caught from uncontaminated waters in Alaska. Mercury is one of the most damaging toxins, but it's a slow gradual easily unnoticeable damage spread over its long half-lives. Farmed salmon also has several other toxins such as pesticides, antibiotics, dioxins, PCBs:

Good. I'm glad we are in agreement that all serious scientific and peer reviewed data back up my statements.

Only if by "all serious scientific and peer reviewed data" you mean the (unscientific) selective science underpinning the established/dogmatic beliefs and deliberate lies of the medical and pharmaceutical industry.

"Medicine being a compendium of the successive and contradictory mistakes of medical practitioners, when we summon the wisest of them to our aid, the chances are that we may be relying on a scientific truth the error of which will be recognized in a few years' time." --Marcel Proust

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine." --Dr. Marcia Angell (2009)

It's actually far more common for tolerance to side effects to develop over time, rather than sensitization to them. Still, if you have serious side effects then of course you should try a different class of drug, but that's not what you said originally. You said you should continually cycle between drug types, which is just plain dangerous.

Not continually based on some schedule based on generalities/averages as the medical industry would give you the impression is the best way to do it, but based on your own discernment of desired-to-undesired effects progression over time. The same is true for any drug taken chronically. You generally want to allow homeostasis to take hold, rather than adaption to chronic administration of some chemical.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: sovie on December 30, 2019, 02:25:03 PM
My tip is to eat soaked almonds in the morning while fasting.
Make it habbit not to sleep  without doing cardio exercise.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: btcusury on December 30, 2019, 02:28:30 PM
Forgot to mention, colonoscopies are also highly questionable: (cancer scares tend to be fake news, oncology being possibly the 2nd most corrupt within the medical industry behind only the lawless and amoral vaccine industry)

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on December 30, 2019, 08:02:01 PM
Only if by "all serious scientific and peer reviewed data" you mean the (unscientific) selective science underpinning the established/dogmatic beliefs and deliberate lies of the medical and pharmaceutical industry.
Rich coming from the guy whose only sources are links from, a site which only exists to sell quack supplements to the gullible.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on December 30, 2019, 09:05:36 PM
Reducing Salt and Sugar is not necessary if you already have a normal intake of these two elements.In fact, it's life threatning to have a below normal salt intake. Source: (

its important to know there are different types of 'salts' and 'sugars' too

take the salts/brines used in processed meat is not the same salt you sprinkle on your fries
the salts/brines used in preserving meats is far worse.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Naida_BR on December 31, 2019, 09:20:48 AM
Reducing Salt and Sugar is not necessary if you already have a normal intake of these two elements.In fact, it's life threatning to have a below normal salt intake. Source: (

its important to know there are different types of 'salts' and 'sugars' too

take the salts/brines used in processed meat is not the same salt you sprinkle on your fries
the salts/brines used in preserving meats is far worse.

But what about the sugar?
I don't think that there is any "good" sugar... All kinds affect negatively our body. Even the sugar that exists in fruits in not healthy if you consume a lot of "sweet" fruits.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: Negotiation on January 01, 2020, 01:03:10 PM
People lack of knowledge in one's health is why most people get sick, i used to wonder why i always get a fever more often and why my learning curve is so slow it really affected my confidence towards people and academic performance. Luckily im interested in watching anything in youtube that one day recommend me a vid to watch about health and how to improve brain function then i watched, after that i got amazed on how much i could do to change my body and change it to be able to learn faster like in the movie limitless.

I think that we lack education of the nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
There should be classes from early school stages where kids will learn what it is good to eat or not. Sweets and junk food is tasty for the most people but we should not rely our diet on what tastes better.

Yes you are right that we are deficient in nutritious food which causes great harm to our health. For this reason to maintain good health you need to take nutritious food and avoid lubricating and external foods.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: deadthings on January 01, 2020, 03:52:32 PM
Just want to add regarding renal health, when people think that more water can help. It’s otherwise; less water is needed when kidney fails. Less potassium intake is needed for the patient suffer End stage renal disease ESRD

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: BADecker on January 01, 2020, 03:56:33 PM

Try "gotu kola" for brain enhancement. Take it with Korean ginseng, and Russian ginseng (which is really eleuthero), and eat a lot of fish and walnuts.

Those are great indeed, although only small fish which eat few or no other fish is recommended, because of high mercury levels in most seas. An example is salmon, which by itself is one of the healthiest things you can eat, but due to the mercury contamination it's only worth it if it's wild-caught from uncontaminated waters in Alaska. Mercury is one of the most damaging toxins, but it's a slow gradual easily unnoticeable damage spread over its long half-lives. Farmed salmon also has several other toxins such as pesticides, antibiotics, dioxins, PCBs:

Mercury is not a problem. Heavy metals can be expelled from the body by: EDTA, cilantro, sauna, and other ways. People often have high mercury content in their bodies from the fillings in their teeth.

Tooth fillings the way the dentists do them are not really all that natural. The mercury-silver amalgam is something that the body tries to remove, because the body naturally knows it is foreign and poisonous. So, over the years, the fillings break down slightly, thereby poisoning the body a little. The better one eats, the better his health gets, and the more capable the body is for getting rid of the mercury-silver amalgam by breaking it down, and the more it gets into his system.

Fish mercury is not a big problem.


Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: semobo on January 02, 2020, 03:16:06 AM
My tip is to eat soaked almonds in the morning while fasting.
Make it habbit not to sleep  without doing cardio exercise.
Stretching in the morning will do more good than doing at eve time.It not only gives fitness to body and also help us to wakeup our mind and start doing our works more brisk than before.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: franky1 on January 02, 2020, 04:12:34 AM
But what about the sugar?
I don't think that there is any "good" sugar... All kinds affect negatively our body. Even the sugar that exists in fruits in not healthy if you consume a lot of "sweet" fruits.

there are different types of sugars
lactose, dextrose, fructose etc

they each have different properties and yes excess amounts of each have negatives.
your body does need sugars and each type of sugar has a different effect on the body

there are simple sugars which your body just uses direct as energy which can cause excess bloodsugar if taken too excess. there are also complex sugar which take time to breakdown.
there are also sugars which take time to break down but your bodies initial reaction is to spike the insulin which can actually cause a mis match of your body slowing down due to insulin and then speeding up later due to the sugars.
its where people after a meal feel sluggish and then get a second wind later

yep it isnt the christmas turkey making you having the christmas afternoon nap. its all the carbohydrates from the potato's and gravy that triggers your insulin

short summary.
dont eat to excess and your body wont go wild trying to control the uncontrolable
so control what you eat and your body will control the rest

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: SummerBliss on January 03, 2020, 11:39:06 AM
You only get one body, the way you treat it today goes along way to determine your health in the long term. What if you were allowed to have just one vehicle your whole life? You'd have to take care of it, change the oil, filters, tires, decide what fuel source is best and a lot more. This might seem like the best comparison, but cars have easily replaceable parts.
These are a few health tips. I added some links so you could read more about your health.

1. Drink Water.

2. Hand washing is a life saving routine of the last century.

3. Antibiotics should be taken only when prescribed by your Doctor. They are not a magical cure for every pain in your body. Stick strictly to the dose, and completely you prescription.   Misuse of antibiotics creates an Antibiotics Resistance apocalypse.

4. Being skinny doesn’t mean you’re healthy.

5. Always let the doctor know (especially when asked) about all the parts you had removed, implants and drugs you’re on.

6. It doesn’t matter how you feel now, you need some kind of exercise.

7. You kidneys and Liver naturally do all the detoxification you ever need. Except in kidney/liver failure, you don’t need to spend money on all these detox teas.

8. Never Ever boil Breast milk.

9. Type 2 diabetes can be largely prevented by a healthy lifestyle. You can save your future self a lot of diabetes complications.

10. Speak up! Share symptoms with your doctor. They don’t need to ask before you say.

11. Don’t give honey to children below the ages of 1.

12. Do not Use Soap douching water inside your vagina. You should wash your labia (the area around your vagina) instead. Just like your eyeballs, your vagina is self-cleansing, you don’t wash your eyeballs. Washing it flushes out the good bacteria that’s supposed to be there, which automatically gets replaced by bad bacteria (yeast infection). › healthWeb resultsHow to Clean Your Vagina and Vulva: 13 FAQs on Soaps, Scents, More - Healthline

13. Reduce Salt and Sugar intake.

14. The orifice a baby comes out and that of urine is different. It’s shocking how many people don’t know the anatomy of women.

15. Don’t postpone seeing a dermatologist , if you see any skin moles that are:
A - asymmetrical B - border (odd borders, like they're jagged or something) C - Colour (different colours) D - Diameter (grows) E - Evolve (Well, evolves)
It might be skin cancer.

16. Lifestyle Modification is the First line of treatment for most common diseases. If you knew the complications of diabetes, hypertension or most common disease, you take healthy lifestyle changes serious.

17. You often will feel normal (asymptomatic) with high blood pressure. 1/3 of people living with hypertension don’t know it. Most people find out incidentally, during check ups. Don’t wait until it gives you symptoms you totally don't want to go through.

18. You mental heath is just as important as your physical health. Damage to one, would affect the other.

19. Teeth are considered as luxury bones and must be treated golden. Brushing your teeth twice daily would save you thousands of dollars in the future.

20. The immune system is an incredibly complex organization of cells that communicates readily to destroy anything deemed hostile within the body. The immune system explains why/how vaccines are supposed/designed to work, why allergies complications differs, and why transfusions/transplants procedures are hard to successfully pull off.

21. Allergies may fade out overtime. When exposed to a non-threatening level of an allergy for a long enough time, the body decides that it's not really a threat anymore.

22. Get Sleep. Psychosis could result from not having slept over a long period of time. A few extra hours of sleep might be the solution to a psychological disturbance.

23. There is a vestigial remnant of the uterus located in the prostate (in males). called the prostatic utricle. It is a duct that leads nowhere.  It sometimes has some remote endometrium in it which produces one drop of blood every 28 days.

24. Your kidneys play a huge role in health and treatment procedures. Learn to take good take of your kidneys by taking appropriate amount of water and salt. › ...PDFWeb resultsKidney Failure: What to Expect - National Institute of Diabetes - NIH

25. You might decide to refuse all vaccines for your newborn; Hepatitis b vaccine and all others, I care less, but you see Vitamin K, don’t skip that. Babies don’t make Vitamin K which prevents bleeding. Vitamin K is made by gut bacteria flora which newborn babies don’t have. › parents › vit...Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth

26. Feed your Newborn (especially when you can). Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for infant development and survival. › elena › titlesWeb resultsExclusive breastfeeding for optimal growth, development and health of infants - WHO

27. Some things aren’t meant to go in your rectum. And when you’re rushed in ER, you don’t need to lie saying you ‘fell on it’, we know you didn’t.

These are health tips, and shouldn’t be taken as Diagnosis or treatment. ALWAYS SEE YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, I’m a doctor. I’ll do well to add more tips. Please do add to the list when you can. Got some tips/inspiration from

"treat your body like Cubans treat their 1950s VW beetles"

For me and what I personally follow : dehydration , getting good sleeo , eating healthy , staying away from junk and exercising are few things to stay healthy. Exercising atleast 3 days a week and maintaining your diet is very important.  Not really necessary to go join a gym but simple jogging can help maintain a good health.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: butcherme on October 04, 2020, 07:23:42 AM
I was away because of health issue and this is the first topic that caught my eyes I really like the tips and it would really help a lot.
I used to drink less water since I don't do anything besides play on my computer and eat I only drink less than 5 glass a day but I think I should really start to have even small exercise and try to complete the 8 glass of water per day to stay healthy.

Title: Re: Health tips people need to know
Post by: samputin on October 04, 2020, 09:51:37 AM
This is a nice list if health tips. But I would just like to input my opinion especially on No.4 — Being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy but being skinny doesn't also mean that you're not healthy. I just know people who are skinny but they're healthy. They do not have underlying illness. It's just that, they have a fast metabolism (at least that's what they say).

Anyway, it's really important to take care of ourselves. And what I always do is to drink plenty of water (plenty as in 8-10 glasses a day). I just feel dry if I don't drink enough water. A regular exercise will help, too, in boosting our immunity which is really necessary especially this time of pandemic. Being quarantined for several months now just allowed many of us to have time for ourselves and keep our body healthy and fit.