Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: wolwoo on November 30, 2019, 09:58:33 PM

Title: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on November 30, 2019, 09:58:33 PM

- English is limited, but I want to express my concern.
- Since 2017 I have been writing in Turkish local forum. I became a senior member at the end of 2017 and I am still in the same position.
- last month, chose me DT1, thank you for your trust ...
- I spend a lot of time at the forum. Total time logged in: 146 days, 20 hours and 49 minutes. (edit)
- I didn't really look at the global parts, but I'm getting hot around here. ;)

-short cut (Turkish idiom ;))
I want to be a merit source

- We have friends waiting for the rank for years and are about to resent the forum.
- I will evaluate "quality messages" with my own subjective approach.
- I have no reference, what I write is my reference.
- I'm writing a few things. It already seems to want to my profile.

I never have a sub-account, not many multi accounts. ONLY THİS!
My aim is to support those who cannot find the necessary support.
I like giving, not taking. I want to be useful to the forum. I want to be useful to people.

AERGO = 7,681 Votes (5,100,000 / 7,681 = 664 AERGO * 0,05 USD = 33,20 USD)
CTXC = 35,777 Votes (3,330,000 / 35,777 = 92 CTXC *0,20 USD = 18,40 USD)

ve daha 17 saat var...

Simdi oy vermek istedim, 8 oyum var ama bölemiyorum galiba... 8'ini de bir tarafa vermem gerek.
AERGO kaybederse (2,500 / 35,777 = 0,33 BNB * 20,00 = 6,50 USD)

Gel de oy ver simdi hadi...
Oyu bölemiyorsunuz. Şuan için ctxc ye oy vermek daha mantıklı 42800 ctxc 8400 aergo oyu var. Aergo kaybedeceği için aergoyu 2500 bnb üzerinden değerlendirmek lazım. şuan aergoya oy başına 0.3 bnb düşüyor. ama daha 15 saat var aergonun oyu 20bini bulur. crcx de 70bini bulur diye düşünüyorum.

Geçtiğimiz sene çok fazla kanal takip ediyor ve izliyordum ama bu sene youtube açmıyorum izlemiyorum desem yeridir. yine arada girip kullandığım ve takip ettiğim kanalları yazayım belki ilginizi çeker.

Cep Hikayeleri ( : ilginç hayatlar, ilginç insanlar ve hikayeleri.
İtfaiye Eri - FireFighters Helmet Cam ( (Bu kanalı bir iki video bile olsa izlemenizi öneririm tamamen gerçek olaylara dayanıyor. Özellikle şu video çok ilginizi çekebilir : Çatı yangını  (
Şanslı Altın Avcısı ( : Yaptığı iş aslında hayalimdeki iş :) Tatil beldelerinde kumsal, deniz içi ve derinlikte değerli şeyleri arıyor. bir iki video şans verin ve izleyin.
Shurap ( : Demir işçiliği gerçekten güzel işler çıkarıyor.
Fix it All ( : Bu kadar az abonesi olmasına şaşırdığım bir youtube kanalı. gerçekten değerli bilgiler içeriyor.

Biraz önerilen kanallar tadında yazdım ama Barış özcan, İlave Tv gibi kanallar zaten verilmiş. Çok fazla popüler olan ve 10-15 yaş arasına hitap eden kanalları izlemiyorum hatta. Orkun Işıtmak, Enes Batur, Deli mi ne?, Berkcan Güven ve bu arkadaşların tarzına benzeyenleri hiç izlemiyorum. Bu kanalları eskiden Video blocker adında bir chrome eklentisi ile engelliyordum gayet güzel çalışan bir eklentiydi ama son 1 aydır engelleme yapmıyor muhtemeldir youtube konuya müdahale etti.

borsada yatırımı olanların pekte dikkat etmesi gerekli bir durum kalmamış ortada. exit scam yapmış bile adamlar.
en azından yaratıcı yöntem izlemişler , genelde hep borsa ''hacklenir'' , bunlar ceo yu kaybetmiş.
böyle şeyler bekliyoruz hırsız uğursuzdan ne bileyim , direk hacklendik yerine biri quantum bilgisayar ile Brute force kullanıp bizi tokatladı, ceo yu marslılar kaçırdı gibisinden.

Volume Network ya da kısaca vol harddisk ile kazılabilen bircoindir.Vol kazmak iiçin ilk önce, dan bir wallet oluşturmak gerekir.Sağ üst köşede İngilizce ye çevirip sign in butonunun üzerine geldiğinizde create aktif olacak.Create e tıklayın ve yeni bir cüzdan oluşturun, Önünüze çıkan 12 kelimelik şifrenizi kaydedin ve kimseye vermeyin.
Giriş yaptıktan sonra sol tarafta vol ile başlayan cüzdan adresiniz ve account id niz oluşacak. Bunları da kaydedin çünkü lazım olacak.
Daha sonra harddisklerimizi plotlamamız gerekmekte bunun için turboplotter programını kullanacağız
Turboplotterı çalıştırdığınızda size account id nizi soracak,buraya account id nizi girin ve ileriyi tıklayın
Karşınıza çıkan ekranda GPU nuzu seçin, alt tarafta da plot yapacağınız diski seçin Ram 10Gb dan fazlaysa ssd seçmeyin daha hızlı olur.
Plot bittikten sonra diskte plot uzantılı dosyalar oluşacak
Şimdi madenci yazılımını indirelim. r
Rardan çıkartınca config.yaml dosyasına ayar yapacağız
Burada account id nin yanına daha önce kaydettiğimiz account idyi girelim,plot dirs altına aynı formatta plotladığımız diskleri girelim. Urlye de havuzun urlsini yazalım.
Şimdi bu havuzun vol ile başlayan adresini bulup stake yapalım stake onaylandıktan sonra madenci yazılımını çalıştırıp kazmaya başlayalım…
Herkese hayırlı kazançlar…

Merhaba arkadaşlar uzun süredir gözlemlediklerime göre bu konuyu açıyorum.
Düşük Sathosili tokenlere karşı ayrı bir ilgim var o yüzden bir çok tokeni takip etmekteyim arkadaşlar uzun süre takip ettiğim coinlerin bir çoğu uçuyor ve dikkatimi çeken olaysa bu coinlerin büyük bir kısmı hep HUOBİ borsasında olması.

Artış gösteren ve bir ara artış gösterip şuan durulmuş olanları paylaşıyorum.

1-) XMX ( )
2-) UUU ( )
3-) EKT ( )
4-) LAMB ( )
5-) YCC ( )
6-) BOX ( )
7-) LXT ( )

Alttakiler de yakın zamanda artış gösterip şimdi duraksamış olanlar.

SSP ( )
UC ( )
PC ( )
İİC ( )
GVE ( )
SHE ( )

EGCC ( ) bunda fazla bir şey görülmemiş ama ekledim.

İçi boş bir token bence. Şuan için sadece pumpliyorlar.  Kucoinde olmasi da ilginç bir durum. Orada olan hacme baktım gayet iyi durumda ana yine de ne idüğü belli olmayan tokeni almamak lazım.

bunun yükselişi bana egretia'yı hatırlattı nedense :)
Yani ne olacağını kimse bilemez tabi ama dikkat edin çakılmasın.

aynen öyle. egretia'dan biraz daha küçük çaplı bir vurgun var. aradaki fark bu sadece.

Yeni blok zincirine geçeceği konuşuluyordu 2020 yılı için. Bu konudaki son durum bilen var mı? BTC yarılanmasının da mayıs 2020'de olacağını düşündüğümüzde ve artı olarak ETH tarafındaki gelişmeler de varken; NEO için bir fırsat olabilir. Fiyata ne kadar yansır bilinmez elbette. Son boğada 180 doları gördü düye tekrar göreceğine şartlanmamak lazım.

Geçen haftalarda sormuştum, kimseden yanıt gelmemiş. Blok zinciri konusu ne oldu arkadaşlar?
Uzun zamandır 7-12 dolar arasında gidip geliyor.

Yeni zincire geçiş 2020 yılının ortasından önce gerçekleşmez diye tahmin ediyorum.

NEO Ethereum'un fazlasıyla ekmeğini yedi zamanında, çünkü ortada Ethereum ile Ico projeleri konusunda kapışabilecek başka bir platform projesi yoktu (EOS biraz geç kaldı, Waves bekleneni veremedi vs)

Şimdi ise işler değişti, rakipleri fazlalaştı. Ayrıca Neo ekosistemindeki bir çok proje diğer zincirlere geçmeye başladılar.

Altcoin sezonu gelmedikçe Neo'dan çok da fazla hareket beklememek lazım.

Forumda başlığı olmayan coinlerden biri, Nimiq. Uzun bir süredir başlığını açmak istiyordum ama son dönemde ekibin usulsüz işlemler yaparak aldıkları yatırımı iç ettikleri suçlamalarını görünce vazgeçmiştim. Ekip sonradan bu iddialara belgeleriyle yanıt verdi.

Nimiq, açık kaynaklı, merkezi olmayan peer-to-peer web ödeme protokolüdür. Nimiq, tarayıcı tabanlı erişim sunarak giriş engellerini azaltmayı ve yeni kullanıcı toplulukları için blok zinciri kullanımını artırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Nimiq'in kendisine ait bir ağı bulunuyor. Ayrıca web miningi destekliyor.

2017 yılında düzenlenen ico'da 10 milyon dolar toplanmış. O dönem ico fiyatı 1.4 usd. Fakat mainnet yayınlandıktan sonra swap yaparak Net olan adını Nim olarak değiştirip, coin sayısını arttırdılar. Şu anda toplam miktarı 4 milyar, yaklaşık 17 milyar'da madencilik için ayrılmış.

Gelelim başlığın açılmasına neden olan habere. Nimiq, Almanya bankası WEG Bank AG ve İsviçre-Malta borsası olan Agora.Trade ile bir ödeme platformu ve euro, usd'i ödeme aracı olarak kullanıma sunma amaçlarıyla anlaşma imzaladılar. WEG Bank AG'nin sitesine girdiğinizde Nimiq'in partnerler arasında göründüğünü görebilirsiniz. Diğer partnerler ise Litecoin ve Token Pay. WEG Bank AG:

Ne dersiniz bu coinden adam olur mu?

Edit: Konunun açıldığı gün Nim fiyatını da ekleyelim, ileride kıyaslama yaparız.

Usd: 0,000854
Btc: 0,00000021

 UYARI: Kripto para piyasaları regülasyona tabi olmamış risk içeren piyasalardır. Geleneksel borsaların aksine 1 günde tüm paranızı kaybetme riskiniz vardır. Bu piyasalarda yatırım yapmadan önce onlarca hatta binlerce kez düşünün. Kripto para piyasalarında danışman veya teknik analiz desteği veren biri değilim.Paylaşımlar yatırım tavsiyesi değildir.


                                                              2021 Boğa Sezonu başlar.
    Tüm piyasayı bu kadar düşürdükten sonra insanları boğa psikolojisine sokmak çok zor olacaktır. Bugün yaşanan XRP örneğinde olduğu gibi 1 aylık karı 4 saatte aldılar. Yıkım oldu yatırımcısı için hepsi adına bende üzüldüm. Ben ufak sıyrıklarla atlatsamda bu düşüşü artık yatırımcıdaki bezginliği bariz farkediyorum. Şuan çok kişi terste kalıp piyasayı zaten birdaha dönmemek üzere terk etti. takip ederseniz biraz yatırımcı psikolojine dair örnekler sunuyor bize, kalanlarda gördüğüm x2 x3 bilemedin x5 yapıp çıkma derdinde. Evet artık kurtulmak istiyor herkes bu çıkmazdan. Bu kadar sat kurtul psikolojisi baskınken piyasayı ayakta tutmak için çok büyük paralara ihtiyaç var. Çok büyük yatırımcılara ihtiyaç var. Bu yatırımcılar 100 milyarlarca dolar parayı bu piyasayı getirmeleri gerek ki piyasanın büyüklüğü trilyon dolarlara ilerleyebilsin o da şuan imkansız. Bu kadar düşüş kıyım çok insanı piyasadan soğuttu.Bugün yine yıkım oldu. Yıkım ve yine yeniden yıkım.

     Piyasanın neden zor toparlanacağına dair örnekler verelim:
Ethereumdan örnek verelim 1500 Dolar ATH seviyesi ise Ethereum şuan 180 Dolar. Orta seviyeli hiç bir yatırımcı 100 bin-1Milyon tl arasında para ile yatırım yapan yatırımcıdır bu, parasını x5 yaptıktan sonra x10'a katlamak için hodl edip riske etmeyecektir. Günlük ve haftalık bazda al-satçıları kenara ayırıp uzun vadeciler için konuşuyorum. Ethereum 1000 dolar olması tamam olabilir ondan sonrası için büyük duvarları aşması gerekiyor. Yoğun satış baskısına maruz kalacaktır. Önümüzdeki 1 yıl içinde 1000 dolardan 1500 doları çıkması ise büyük olay olur. Çıkarmı elbette çıkar fakat 2020 de çıkar mı bence imkansız. Rahatlıkla bunu söylüyorum imkansız. Kimseye 1000 dolardan ethereum aldıramazlar artık yemez insanlar. Yediremezler. Yedirmeleri için yavaş yavaş yükseltmeleri ya da bir oldu bittiye getirip yükseltip aynı hızda düşürürler.

     Evet 2020 yılı bizim için toparlanma yılıdır. Toparlanma demek zarar yazanların yavaş yavaş kar yazmaya başlaması demek Altcoinlerde 2020 yılı içerisinde max x3-x4 değerlenme bekliyorum, bahar havası estirecektir bu durum sonra yine yoğun satışlara maruz kalabilirler. Yeni zirve seviyeleri ise Ath dediğimiz o şanlı zirveler giflerin havada uçuştuğu piyasanın costuğu seviyeler en erken 2021 Haziranda görülecek gibi duruyor. Yahut 2021 Sonları belki de 2022. Ben 2021 Haziran daha ağır basar diyorum.

     Uzun sözün kısası önümüzde toparlanma bahar havası duruyor. x2 x3 çoğu yatırımcının zararlarını telafi edecektir. Piyasadaki bu soğukluğu bahara çevirecektir yükselişler. Ama yaz aylarına daha çok var.

Başlığın özeti:

Bahar- 2020
Yaz- 2021-2022

Evet arkadaslae jinbi netice olarak post basina fullmember uyeye 25 dolar verecegini soyluyor ni tekim kampanyayi paylasan da sylon sizce verirmi vermezmi patlama ihtimali varmi sizce ?

Bitzon erc20 tabanlı coinlerini şimdi stellara taşıyor.
Swapı yapmak için aşağıda vereceğim formu doldurup sonrasında ise elinizdeki btz leri formda yazan yere göndermeniz gerekiyor.
İşlem biraz dolandırıcılığa müsait olduğu için (formun linki vereceğim) mutlaka telegram grubundan kontrol edin.


Bitzon resmi telegram grubu:
Bitzon web sitesi:

NOT: Dediğim gibi işlem biraz sorunlu, proje çalışanlarının daha kolay swap yöntemleri varken neden böyle bir yolla swap yaptığını anlayamadım.
Daha önce başka bir proje swap yapacağım diye coinlerini topladı ama sonra göndermemişlerdi.
İşlemlerden doğacak aksaklıkların sorumluluğunu kabul etmiyorum. kendi riskinizi kendiniz almalısınız.
Benim burada konu açmamım sebebi: elinde olan arkadaşların bilgilenmesi içindir..



Merhaba arkadaşlar

1 satoşhi olarak  şuan piyasada biliyorsunuz gecen sene  arn"nin  swapı  belirli arn toplayanlara vermişlerdi

5 milyar adet totalde

1  milyar  piyasada dolaşan

binance arkasında   ufak  yatırım yapabilirsiniz

 öneri YTD

uçak firamaları  ile alakalı  mills  hesabı  üzerine arn  güvenlikti  proje  iyi gibi görünüyor  bir 100 dolar attın

Piyasa Değeri
₺646.321 TRY
14 BTC
7.287 BNB
Hacim (24s)
₺664.749 TRY
14,26 BTC
7.495 BNB
Dolaşan Arz CBM
Toplam Arz CBM

Piyasa totalde 220 milyar usd civarındada ne hikmetse cmc 148 gösteriyor?İşte aldı oluşturup acaba bir zemin hazırlamamı var?
BTC dominace % 100  ;D resmi şu anda çekip hazırladık


Bugün düşündüğüm husustur ;
Kriptoya yeni başlayanların ilk giriş yaptığı yerdendir. burası tam bir ölü coin mezarlığıdır. Artık scam olduğu kesinleşmiş projeleri listesinde barındırmaması gerekiyor. Aynı şey exchangeler için de geçerli 20 bin exchange listeli acaba bunların kaç tanesinde volüme var. Exchangeler için bir ayrı konu da fake volümeler yüzünden gerçek volumeleri görememek, bu tecrübesiz arkadaşlar için çok yanıltıcı olabilir.

Bunlar aklıma gelenler eklemek isteyen arkadaşları aşağıya beklerim

Many messages like this and so on can be ignored for some reason. Reasons:
- To be low ranking
- not to be popular in the forum
- prejudice

for this reason, some memberships develop and others remain stable and these are what I found in a very short time

Here, a problem arises:
people are struggling to help their friends and cannot send as many merits to legendary members as necessary. Legends are also shrinking and the real treasures of information are lost.
Only reason: not enough merit.

I'm thinking more of it.

my some topics...

binance coin can fall (

wise stories (

Does "Snob Effect" envelop the market? (

As soon as the bull comes? (

Health Corner (

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) (

Bring the old Bring the new (

fountain of wishes (

Project Pai (PAİ Coin) (

The analogy of causality in bulls (

İDEX vs Bancor (

NEO-ETH parity (

yours sincerely

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: legendster on November 30, 2019, 10:03:38 PM
To be a MS, you need to properly follow the application format. It seems like you have quoted your own threads, but that's not what you are supposed to do.

You should have quoted other people's thread that you thought has not received enough merit as it is. That would determine how good your eye is when it comes to catching meritable posts that are under noticed.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on November 30, 2019, 10:04:42 PM
That's great, I would have merited you if I had merit left.
Anyway, you need just a bit over a dozen merit to rank up to Hero, I'm sure you'll reach this milestone quite quick.

Regarding your application, you have made some good threads for sure, but in the requirements of the application for a MS you need to list 10 recent posts of other users which have not received enough merit according your perception.

Well, legendster was quicker ;)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on November 30, 2019, 10:08:21 PM
To be a MS, you need to properly follow the application format. It seems like you have quoted your own threads, but that's not what you are supposed to do.

You should have quoted other people's thread that you thought has not received enough merit as it is. That would determine how good your eye is when it comes to catching meritable posts that are under noticed.

That's great, I would have merited you if I had merit left.
Anyway, you need just a bit over a dozen merit to rank up to Hero, I'm sure you'll reach this milestone quite quick.

Regarding your application, you have made some good threads for sure, but in the requirements of the application for a MS you need to list 10 recent posts of other users which have not received enough merit according your perception.

Well, legendster was quicker ;)

ok! I am sorry, I'll make arrangements, thank u very much  :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on December 02, 2019, 04:48:55 AM
Wolwoo is a very active, good natured member of the Turkish boards,

brings a very sincere, witty flavor to the discussions, and has a fair, well-disposed tone in general,

I believe he would make a valuable addition to the merit sources of BTT.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 02, 2019, 04:59:04 AM
Wolwoo is a very active, good natured member of the Turkish boards,

brings a very sincere, witty flavor to the discussions, and has a fair, well-disposed tone in general,

I believe he would make a valuable addition to the merit sources of BTT.

thanks Vispilio, my friend...You are a good person and a good friend. (

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Daniel91 on December 02, 2019, 07:47:13 AM
I support your application for merit source.
It's my opinion that local sections needs more merit source since I know that many local members don't write posts in English part of the forum.
So,  if not enough merit source in local sections, many good quality posts in the local sections will not be rewarded with merits what is not fair.
Also,  recently I sew a lot complains from turkish members because not enough merit source for your language.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 02, 2019, 07:55:40 AM
I support your application for merit source.
It's my opinion that local sections needs more merit source since I know that many local members don't write posts in English part of the forum.
So,  if not enough merit source in local sections, many good quality posts in the local sections will not be rewarded with merits what is not fair.
Also,  recently I sew a lot complains from turkish members because not enough merit source for your language.

Thank you very much for your interest and support .... :)
Unfortunately, we have trouble with language. many members and about me flag was opened because of incorrect translation. You can review my profile. fortunately there was no support for flag.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 02, 2019, 03:12:06 PM
@Wolwoo is a popular, active member of the Turkish section. People rely on his judgment. He's already a DT1 member.
I hope he gets elected and succeeds. I support him.

Thank you
everyone knows @Kalemder, 10th anniversary art contest
one of our biggest supporters in the local forum
It is also excellent with personality.
Hopefully he'il get his 10th anniversary art contest badge.
beneficial to the whole community and never hurt

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: ziya1453 on December 02, 2019, 03:34:40 PM
wolwoo is very trustable and helpfull dear member of our turkish local crypto community. also i am pretty sure he will be very fair merit source.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 02, 2019, 03:54:22 PM
wolwoo is very trustable and helpfull dear member of our turkish local crypto community. also i am pretty sure he will be very fair merit source.

ziya1453 is one of the smartest members of the turkish local forum. but the merit is not given and is still at fullmember level. to me he is one of the true writers who deserves to be Hero.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: dannybrown on December 02, 2019, 04:32:50 PM
wolwoo adds colour to this forum.
His personality is a lot of fun and he's a really reliable person.
I hope you can be a source of merit.You deserve it.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 02, 2019, 04:38:16 PM
wolwoo adds colour to this forum.
His personality is a lot of fun and he's a really reliable person.
I hope you can be a source of merit.You deserve it.

haha danny danny danny :)
conquer hearts with your game
rich heart,
smart buddy
you are legend to me 8)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 05, 2019, 12:26:07 AM
and my desire continues...
I hope it is accepted...
Yours truly...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on December 05, 2019, 12:43:45 AM
The evidence in this thread:

is not insignificant.

Whomever decides this, please understands that there have been some interesting bans and ban evasion uncovered that this person is supporting which is an alt of a banned member. 

The way it unfolded;  in my eyes, is highly suspicious and merits careful consideration in the matter of him being a merit source.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 05, 2019, 12:53:43 AM
The evidence in this thread:

is not insignificant.

Whomever decides this, please understands that there have been some interesting bans and ban evasion uncovered that this person is supporting which is an alt of a banned member. 

The way it unfolded;  in my eyes, is highly suspicious and merits careful consideration in the matter of him being a merit source.

Come all of you come
I am the only account
multiple account not forbidden

1 to 10, I fight you all
attack from every arm
woooohhHaaaaaa :D

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on December 05, 2019, 03:45:40 AM
The evidence in this thread:

is not insignificant.

Whomever decides this, please understands that there have been some interesting bans and ban evasion uncovered that this person is supporting which is an alt of a banned member.  

The way it unfolded;  in my eyes, is highly suspicious and merits careful consideration in the matter of him being a merit source.

Just for the record, wolwoo is admittedly showing some emotional reactions in defense of a local section, but he has no connection whatsoever to the allegations raised in any of the threads you are quoting...

Some people are attacking DT1 members for merely including (I'm guessing) goraset in their trust lists for a while, but truth be told, it's very unlikely that these DT1 members from the Turkish section were even aware that goraset may or may not have had a few alt accounts which were banned (it's the first time I've ever seen it brought up anywhere on the forum)...

Some people who have recently lost their DT1 status are now digging up years old threads to make some flimsy connections, and then accusing people indirectly based on Trust list inclusions; thus leading to Wolwoo's emotional warfare in those threads  ;)

Regardless I congratulate Marlboroza for his detective work, I presume Turkish section might now be the most closely scrutinized part of all internet forums everywhere...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on December 05, 2019, 04:00:49 AM
The evidence in this thread:

is not insignificant.

Whomever decides this, please understands that there have been some interesting bans and ban evasion uncovered that this person is supporting which is an alt of a banned member.  

The way it unfolded;  in my eyes, is highly suspicious and merits careful consideration in the matter of him being a merit source.

Just for the record, wolwoo is admittedly showing some emotional reactions in defense of a local section, but he has no connection whatsoever to the allegations raised in any of the threads you are quoting...

Some people are attacking DT1 members for merely including (I'm guessing) goraset in their trust lists for a while, but truth be told, it's very unlikely that these DT1 members from the Turkish section were even aware that goraset may or may not have had a few alt accounts which were banned (it's the first time I've ever seen it brought up anywhere on the forum)...

Some people who have recently lost their DT1 status are now digging up years old threads to make some flimsy connections, and then accusing people indirectly based on Trust list inclusions; thus leading to Wolwoo's emotional warfare in those threads  ;)

Regardless I congratulate Marlboroza for his detective work, I presume Turkish section might now be the most closely scrutinized part of all internet forums everywhere...

Its your behavior.  Its your words.  Its your actions.

Today's record of your post history makes it self evident why I feel the way I feel; on top of the fact that you are making unsubstantiated pseudo-claims of racisim and whatever else.

Own up to it.  

Don't go jumping to the defense of someone positively connected to a banned person as to be a previously banned person.  This is why I think you are suspicious.  FYI: old information being "dug up" to prove someone is indeed a previously banned member insults you somehow?.... wow...  I just do not know how to provide a response that is more logical than this very paragraph.

Someone who responds when un-provoked like you do/did; and in the manner that you did (containing what could unambiguously could be considered threats) does not contain the cores of "a source of merit" in my eyes.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on December 05, 2019, 04:09:32 AM

Its your behavior.  Its your words.  Its your actions.

Today's record of your post history makes it self evident why I feel the way I feel; on top of the fact that you are making unsubstantiated pseudo-claims of racisim and whatever else.

Own up to it.  

Don't go jumping to the defense of someone positively connected to a banned person as to be a previously banned person.  This is why I think you are suspicious.  FYI: old information being "dug up" to prove someone is indeed a previously banned member insults you somehow?.... wow...  I just do not know how to provide a response that is more logical than this very paragraph.

Someone who responds when un-provoked like you do/did; and in the manner that you did (containing what could unambiguously could be considered threats) does not contain the cores of "a source of merit" in my eyes.

wait I thought you were evaluating wolwoo's application, was I your original target all along ?  ;D

Regardless of who you are criticizing at least get your facts straight, the only allegation raised against Wolwoo is that he included goraset in his trust list, which I believe is now removed...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on December 05, 2019, 04:17:26 AM

It was his behavior.  It was his words.  Its your actions.

Today's record of his post history makes it self evident why I feel the way I feel; on top of the fact that he was making unsubstantiated pseudo-claims of racisim and whatever else.

He needs to own up to it.  

Don't go jumping to the defense of someone positively connected to a banned person.

Someone who responds when un-provoked like he does/did; and in the manner that he did (containing what could unambiguously could be considered threats) does not contain the cores of "a source of merit" in my eyes.

wait I thought you were evaluating wolwoo's application, was I your original target all along ?  ;D

Regardless of who you are criticizing at least get your facts straight, the only allegation raised against Wolwoo is that he included goraset in his trust list, which I believe is now removed...

Yeah... I definitely had a lapse in applying the proper statements to the proper person.

I definitely was not targeting you, but the applicant of the merit source.

For everyone, please see my revised statement of the previous post of mine in this quote, I have made the changes in bolt text....

the DT fight has gone on for a bit.   Multiple people involved... soo many people discussing that I am not entirely sure who it was between.

Sorry for the misread.... I think your hilarious candor showed you knew my mistake in that post xD

Ya, it was the fact that he jumped extremely fast on the defense of that person.... means he must have a horse in that race so to speak.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on December 05, 2019, 04:34:57 AM

Yeah... I definitely had a lapse in applying the proper statements to the proper person.

I definitely was not targeting you, but the applicant of the merit source.

For everyone, please see my revised statement of the previous post of mine in this quote, I have made the changes in bolt text....

the DT fight has gone on for a bit.   Multiple people involved... soo many people discussing that I am not entirely sure who it was between.

Sorry for the misread.... I think your hilarious candor showed you knew my mistake in that post xD

Ya, it was the fact that he jumped extremely fast on the defense of that person.... means he must have a horse in that race so to speak.

hahah, no problem at all. I think wolwoo will also come back to revise most of his emotional outbursts after he wakes up tomorrow  ;)...

some cultural differences (and auto translate services) have a lot to do with tonight's debates that spiraled out of control :),

I can assure you, most Turkish members I know would react reasonably and adjust their trust lists if the facts about the banned members
connecting to a few active accounts are presented in a legitimate and robust manner...

All the Best

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 05, 2019, 05:02:13 AM
I am sleeping  because I must working (English bad)
Thank u bro :-*

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: hacker1001101001 on December 05, 2019, 06:46:51 AM
I think wolwoo's merit source desire should be fulfilled by the great lord theymos !

The evidence in this thread:

He has already resolved the issue here as a smart guy.

I undrstand and I remove goraset.

I don't think you should shit here with your childish attacks.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 05, 2019, 07:21:23 AM
I think wolwoo's merit source desire should be fulfilled by the great lord theymos !

The evidence in this thread:

He has already resolved the issue here as a smart guy.

I undrstand and I remove goraset.

I don't think you should shit here with your childish attacks.

Thanks buddy for your support :)


I don't know what goraset did. Marlboroza and his gang are writing articles that stretch the environment. He welds me together. When I get angry, he wants to pick my words with tweezers and shake me. If they could, they would throw everyone out of the forum ... as if the forum was inherited from their father satoshi

Don't judge people like the Inquisition. If you know what to write, aside, let the forum management decide. If the goraset guilty why not ban
You are performing extraordinary to get people out of the forum. Bravo !!! How many exemplary people lived in my eyes :'(
Manhood lesson for "Frank" Al pacino wuhuuuuu😎

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on December 05, 2019, 02:45:16 PM
I can assure you, most Turkish members I know would react reasonably and adjust their trust lists if the facts about the banned members
connecting to a few active accounts are presented in a legitimate and robust manner...
That is not how it happened (

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 05, 2019, 03:08:16 PM
Who are you to judge me?
First of all, look at you, fuck you, piranhas.

I'm not answering you and gangs

Only admin-staff can ask me questions

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on December 05, 2019, 03:47:02 PM
Who are you to judge me?
Not judging you, just pointing scam accusation and fixing some misinterpreted things.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: The-One-Above-All on December 05, 2019, 04:07:59 PM
I support ANYONE for merit source that is not part of the current merit cycling/ DT colluding gang.

You want DT to self regulate, let's start mixing things up.

No point at all just picking MS from a group of acolytes of the current merit cycling dt bunch of colluders.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on December 06, 2019, 08:55:45 AM
Who are you to judge me?
First of all, look at you, fuck you, piranhas.

I'm not answering you and gangs

Only admin-staff can ask me questions

But the whole forum can mock your attitude and distasteful behavior.

Are you and TOAA roommates?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 06, 2019, 09:35:02 AM
Who are you to judge me?
First of all, look at you, fuck you, piranhas.

I'm not answering you and gangs

Only admin-staff can ask me questions

But the whole forum can mock your attitude and distasteful behavior.

Are you and TOAA roommates?

No, of course
I am wolverine✖️
I'm talking about interrogating like a criminal here.
But of course words are shaped according to intent.
If we spoke Turkish instead of English, it would be a fair conversation.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on December 06, 2019, 11:25:22 AM
Who are you to judge me?
First of all, look at you, fuck you, piranhas.

I'm not answering you and gangs

Only admin-staff can ask me questions

But the whole forum can mock your attitude and distasteful behavior.

Are you and TOAA roommates?

No, of course
I am wolverine✖️
I'm talking about interrogating like a criminal here.
But of course words are shaped according to intent.
If we spoke Turkish instead of English, it would be a fair conversation.

Irony:  at what point were you "interrogated"?

See... you are introducing statements that are either presumptive or unnecessarily inapplicable to the situations they were presented in.

You say you are Wolverine, but earlier you said you were only Wolwoo.   See;  now you are contradicting yourself.

You say words are shaped according to intent:   So take a step back and see how your words compare to ours as far as normal everyday conversations in english progress. 

From your statement;  your 'words intent' is not good given the words you used, the timing of the statements and incorrect application of them.      (this would be using your level of logical thinking)

Your reactions to all of this are likened to Joe Biden's outrage on the 5th where he called a person fat and went off on him;   just for being asked a real and serious question. 
If it wasn't true (claims against the accused banned member);  like you claim here and the other thread;  then why are you so immediately defensive when you were not in the spotlight as a target in that other thread?    I only commented with what i said on this thread AFTER the evidence in the other thread showed enough merit for me to support it (the evidence of the other guy, and your unprovoked reaction in that thread).

Take a step back;  chill out.   Stop being obtuse.     The facts in the other thread provided were very clear;  and its a very serious issue if previously banned members are on DT; and likewise the connections to those individuals must be investigated.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: The-One-Above-All on December 06, 2019, 03:47:40 PM
Who are you to judge me?
First of all, look at you, fuck you, piranhas.

I'm not answering you and gangs

Only admin-staff can ask me questions

But the whole forum can mock your attitude and distasteful behavior.

Are you and TOAA roommates?

No, of course
I am wolverine✖️
I'm talking about interrogating like a criminal here.
But of course words are shaped according to intent.
If we spoke Turkish instead of English, it would be a fair conversation.

Irony:  at what point were you "interrogated"?

See... you are introducing statements that are either presumptive or unnecessarily inapplicable to the situations they were presented in.

You say you are Wolverine, but earlier you said you were only Wolwoo.   See;  now you are contradicting yourself.

You say words are shaped according to intent:   So take a step back and see how your words compare to ours as far as normal everyday conversations in english progress. 

From your statement;  your 'words intent' is not good given the words you used, the timing of the statements and incorrect application of them.      (this would be using your level of logical thinking)

Your reactions to all of this are likened to Joe Biden's outrage on the 5th where he called a person fat and went off on him;   just for being asked a real and serious question. 
If it wasn't true (claims against the accused banned member);  like you claim here and the other thread;  then why are you so immediately defensive when you were not in the spotlight as a target in that other thread?    I only commented with what i said on this thread AFTER the evidence in the other thread showed enough merit for me to support it (the evidence of the other guy, and your unprovoked reaction in that thread).

Take a step back;  chill out.   Stop being obtuse.     The facts in the other thread provided were very clear;  and its a very serious issue if previously banned members are on DT; and likewise the connections to those individuals must be investigated.

But why should he answer your questions when you are supporting on DT proven scammers yourself??

You don't get to publicly deride others for "possible" actions when you are clearly guilty of the same thing yourself.

" the whole forum"  LOL you mean 30 twats (many scammers and scammers supporters on DT) out of 2 million members.

Get real scumbag. This is simply a lot of crying by current DT scum that fear anyone they can not control reaching DT and spoiling their corrupt party.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 06, 2019, 04:19:01 PM
you write too confused
translate sucks
God give you twice what you think about me

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: TMAN on December 06, 2019, 04:40:04 PM
you write too confused
translate sucks
God give you twice what you think about me

Are all your posts with google translate dude?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: DireWolfM14 on December 06, 2019, 05:37:43 PM
you write too confused
translate sucks
God give you twice what you think about me

Are all your posts with google translate dude?

Google translate will do a fairly good job if you enter coherent, well constructed, and properly punctuated sentences.  But if you put garbage in, you'll get garbage out.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 06, 2019, 05:43:55 PM
you write too confused
translate sucks
God give you twice what you think about me

Are all your posts with google translate dude?

Google translate will do a fairly good job if you enter coherent, well constructed, and properly punctuated sentences.  But if you put garbage in, you'll get garbage out.

I'm doing as much as I can, I've got a cocky up there, I couldn't translate his article.

you write too confused
translate sucks
God give you twice what you think about me

Are all your posts with google translate dude?

в ocнoвнoм oтличнo ;)

And he's asking to be a merit source....

Won't even try to have a clarified conversation.  
This is not behavior "of merit".

We are trying to work with you.... apparently you do not understand and are letting your presumptions rule your emotions and the logic ability.  

If you are unclear on something: ELABORATE.... don't just scream some nonsense about another culture or god.....
talk it out.
hey jared do you choose merit source?

I want to be a source of merit yes but in local, not everyone knows english like you

it's not my problem whether you believe in god


this global section is very stressful
you say salute
man extracts etymology of the word "hello"
just say "hello"

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: TMAN on December 06, 2019, 06:15:39 PM
you write too confused
translate sucks
God give you twice what you think about me

Are all your posts with google translate dude?

Google translate will do a fairly good job if you enter coherent, well constructed, and properly punctuated sentences.  But if you put garbage in, you'll get garbage out.

It won’t If you use the amount of slang and colloquialisms that I use all day every day. Got to think of it in reverse. Most native English people understand me 99% of the time, but plenty of the yanks ask me words all the time. Imaging translating mine back and forth? It’ll be like a game of chinese whispers

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on December 06, 2019, 06:57:15 PM
hey jared do you choose merit source?

I want to be a source of merit yes but in local, not everyone knows english like you

it's not my problem whether you believe in god


this global section is very stressful
you say salute
man extracts etymology of the word "hello"
just say "hello"

I give merit to those whom deserve it.  Upstanding people are who get it from me; and only when they deserve to receive it.

I understand the purpose of wanting to be a merit source in the local board;  but sadly, merits aren't board specific and it can't be looked at with such a narrow perspective like you are... 
I can't speak for everyone else on this forum, but I am pretty sure that most people would rather not have the people who advance in the forum ranks to act as you have been acting to us recently.  (threats and the like)

I truly am sorry you are having trouble translating my responses, but they are pretty clear and using common everyday spoken words.  English is a vast language with many words created to convey specific levels of meanings by using fewer words than it would normally take.

I do not understand your need to continually interject religion;  you have NO idea what my stance on religion or god is......    Especially since I have never said anything about it. 
It would be likened to me saying "you are a lunatic for believing in god, because you can not prove he exists."   Very disrespectful assumption. 
God/Religion was nowhere near the context of the entire discussion; and you keep bringing it up.

stop assuming things about others.   You continue to do it, and I will continue to point it out when you do it.

Suggestion:  do not assume things about people based on a paragraph that you do not understand....   
In reality you are making assumptions based upon something you do not comprehend. 
You are creating imaginary details that you convey and react as if your imagined details are true.

I could have said a simple hello;  but you went way past that with your initial reply in the other thread.  It was way out of line and not cordial at all.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 06, 2019, 07:13:09 PM

ladies and gentlemen

We all understood:
Jared doesn't support me, I'm not fit to be a source of value, I don't speak English, I'm inadequate, I'm worthless ...

We thank and applaud him for his invaluable views.

note: I don't have smerit, I give if I had ;)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on December 06, 2019, 07:25:47 PM
Jared doesn't support me, I'm not fit to be a source of value, I don't speak English, I'm inadequate, I'm worthless ...

I don't think that's because of your English proficiency level. I think you sound and act like a petulant child in any language.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 06, 2019, 07:28:39 PM
Jared doesn't support me, I'm not fit to be a source of value, I don't speak English, I'm inadequate, I'm worthless ...

I don't think that's because of your English proficiency level. I think you sound and act like a petulant child in any language.

like this?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on December 06, 2019, 08:13:09 PM
like this?

Ok, correction. You managed to outdo yourself with that post. You sounded like a petulant child using no language at all, with a single punctuation symbol.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on December 06, 2019, 10:50:28 PM
like this?

Ok, correction. You managed to outdo yourself with that post. You sounded like a petulant child using no language at all, with a single punctuation symbol.

I think he proved my point for me....

I almost want to merit him....

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 06, 2019, 11:24:43 PM (

I'm not perfect, I'm just a simple guy.
I just opened a hood to help the local, try my luck, try to do something.
will be given? i don't know but i hope
if not, i will continue my life
this much!

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 12, 2019, 11:39:09 AM
Thank you to everyone with or without support.
We look forward to the management's decision with respect and hope

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 28, 2019, 07:07:41 AM
where do you find these merit? Is there a place we don't know?

merit source wish, no results! The Turkish forum has 2 merit sources and hundreds of members. If you don't like me, please deserve someone else.

many shitty articles take merit, merit is not given in the turkish forum. global people exchange merit among themselves. Man's enthusiasm is running away. : '(

topic open, maybe someone will see :)

Note: Do not send merit for joke, ridicule or charity.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Last of the V8s on December 28, 2019, 10:14:46 AM
where do you find these merit? Is there a place we don't know?

merit source wish, no results! The Turkish forum has 2 merit sources and hundreds of members. If you don't like me, please deserve someone else.

many shitty articles take merit, merit is not given in the turkish forum. global people exchange merit among themselves. Man's enthusiasm is running away. : '(

topic open, maybe someone will see :)

Note: Do not send merit for joke, ridicule or charity.

Sorry to have to tell you but you are probably in for a long wait. Some merit sources were quite recently created, and the administration seems to review the situation approx every six months. Forgive me for the vague timelines, maybe someone can be more accurate, and do be patient. Good luck in your application.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on December 29, 2019, 05:33:45 AM
Sorry to have to tell you but you are probably in for a long wait. Some merit sources were quite recently created, and the administration seems to review the situation approx every six months. Forgive me for the vague timelines, maybe someone can be more accurate, and do be patient. Good luck in your application.

thanks sir,
there are influential groups-people here, and it's hard for us to keep up with them. but management can design other effective elements and achieve balance by "positive discrimination".
I've been here for about 2.5 years, there are types of trouble. I understood that after a certain level they see everyone as their rival. they want to destroy or digest ... I think the forum will not allow it. therefore I decided to continue my merit resource application.
they call me multi and scammer. They say ...
man knows everyone as himself.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on January 02, 2020, 10:45:37 AM
Jared doesn't support me, I'm not fit to be a source of value, I don't speak English, I'm inadequate, I'm worthless ...

I don't think that's because of your English proficiency level. I think you sound and act like a petulant child in any language.

I think it's because wolwoo is from the Dark Side of the Force! He deleted posts of young padawans from his topic about the Dalton Gang.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 02, 2020, 01:14:07 PM
I think it's because wolwoo is from the Dark Side of the Force! He deleted posts of young padawans from his topic about the Dalton Gang.
What are you talking about? This topic not self moderation and I have no authority to delete

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on January 02, 2020, 10:28:20 PM
Well my posts disappeared and mods did not delete them. When mods delete posts you receive a PM informing you about your post being deleted.

Did you use sorcery on my posts? :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 02, 2020, 10:55:36 PM
Well my posts disappeared and mods did not delete them. When mods delete posts you receive a PM informing you about your post being deleted.

Did you use sorcery on my posts? :)
Are you not understand? This topic not self moderation

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: TwitchySeal on January 02, 2020, 11:26:53 PM
I desire that wolwoo become a source for many demerits as one of the premier misanthropes in all of bitcointalk.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on January 03, 2020, 08:29:54 AM
Well my posts disappeared and mods did not delete them. When mods delete posts you receive a PM informing you about your post being deleted.

Did you use sorcery on my posts? :)
Are you not understand? This topic not self moderation
I am not talking about this topic. I am talking about the Dalton Gang topic -

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 03, 2020, 08:39:51 AM
Well my posts disappeared and mods did not delete them. When mods delete posts you receive a PM informing you about your post being deleted.

Did you use sorcery on my posts? :)
Are you not understand? This topic not self moderation
I am not talking about this topic. I am talking about the Dalton Gang topic -

I understand mr. GazetaBitcoin

I say "dalton gang topic is normal title, not self moderation. so  I can't delete your messages even if I wanted to"

but for example this topic is>>> <<<<< self moderation and If I threw mud at someone and that guy wanted to come and answer, I could erase his messages.

I think it's because wolwoo is from the Dark Side of the Force! He deleted posts of young padawans from his topic about the Dalton Gang.
you're looking for the dark side in the wrong place

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: forumalacali on January 03, 2020, 08:46:52 AM
protect and support contributors in local languages

increase awareness !!!! This is what we need

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on January 03, 2020, 01:09:50 PM
I desire that wolwoo become a source for many demerits as one of the premier misanthropes in all of bitcointalk.

Just like you I am unable to support any request for Merit Source from the OP because he has been exposed as related to merit scamming and trust abuse circles.

With a self-inflating ego to serve the purpose of having a false feeling of some sort of power or control over others therefore this individual clearly is not a suitable candidate.

Having said that there are far more suitable candidates including iasenko as mentioned in the thread here:

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on January 03, 2020, 01:14:54 PM
I desire that wolwoo become a source for many demerits as one of the premier misanthropes in all of bitcointalk.

Just like you I am unable to support any request for Merit Source from the OP because he has been exposed as related to merit scamming and trust abuse circles.

With a self-inflating ego to serve the purpose of having a false feeling of some sort of power or control over others therefore this individual clearly is not a suitable candidate.

Having said that there are far more suitable candidates including iasenko as mentioned in the thread here:

your information is incorrect, the points raised against wolwoo related to merits have been completely and definitively debunked, the member who raised such allegations lost the respect of the entire community after his 100% false detective work...

You shouldn't try to justify your trust system abuse by making up stories, I don't know what problem you have with Yobit exchange, nor do I give a fuck to be perfectly honest with you,

but going after "easy targets" because it's cool to do so under the current political climate in the forum and venting your hate against them simply because they are wearing a yobit signature, is a very low class despicable move, and the BTT community should know you are abusing the trust system in an immoral way by going after Wolwoo and trying to rationalize your personal hatred with false pretexts...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 11, 2020, 01:19:56 AM
so they can prevent me from being DT1
give negative feedback about me
can open flag about me
but they cannot prevent me from being a source of merit
something must change

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Thekool1s on January 11, 2020, 02:40:42 AM
Quote from: wolwoo
so they can prevent me from being DT1

No, the only thing preventing you is your behaviour...

Quote from: wolwoo
something must change

Indeed! How about you change your behaviour that will be a good starting point... ::)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 11, 2020, 04:32:28 AM
Quote from: wolwoo
so they can prevent me from being DT1

No, the only thing preventing you is your behaviour...

Quote from: wolwoo
something must change

Indeed! How about you change your behaviour that will be a good starting point... ::)

The man who joined the signature of Yobit does not like me. Are you making irony?
How many people defended this signature? This is the first time I've seen you, I think you're multi-account.

Merit says who the past is.😉

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Thekool1s on January 11, 2020, 05:37:25 AM
Quote from: wolwoo

Are you trying to laugh or cry? It's either Haha or Jaja, Never saw this ehuheh... ::)

Quote from: wolwoo
The man who joined the signature of Yobit does not like me. Are you making irony? How many people defended this signature?

I have been in this campaign from 08-12-19. I didn't pledge allegiance to Yobit when I joined their signature campaign... They are simply paying me a "rent" for my sig space... There is nothing "ironic" in me calling-you-out... You defending "yobit's investbox" is a "you" problem because I never placed their "investbox" signature on... But you wouldn't know that because I never jumped in your threads... I'm not even in Yahoo's signature campaign thread, Simply because it isn't required...

Quote from: wolwoo
This is the first time I've seen you, I think you're multi-account.

Cuz I analyse before I jump into a conversation. I have been reading your shitposts for about a month and have concluded that your behaviour needs some working, I would suggest getting some help... You are way too impulsive... I have my alt account mentioned in my trust rating, which hasn't been used in ages, Feel free to check it out...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: ChuckBuck on January 11, 2020, 06:30:57 AM
Guys, you shouldn't keep arguing here, it's not necessary, don't be too impulsive on this forum, you should control your emotions. The purpose of this topic is to desire your source of merit. Everyone has given an opinion, you should accept it. It's not a blasphemy, but your emotions are what make people refuse, wolwoo. You should control your emotions before you want to be a part of this place.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: logfiles on January 11, 2020, 07:05:10 AM
so they can prevent me from being DT1
Nope, Anyone can be on DT1 if they show trustworthy behavior here. You make it look like you have been blocked from getting on DT1. Make friends, be nice. If you make enemies around, do you think they will add to their trust lists?

Also, i don't know why there is so much fuss about being a DT1 member. If you become a DT1 member, will your life be much better? Will you be much richer? Will being a DT1 member help you achieve your life goals?

Whether you are a DT1 member or not, Merit source or not... Life goes on. No need to be bitter about it just because a few members didn't support you. Live positively. Avoid creating chaos and making more enemies.

Just giving you some food for thought

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 11, 2020, 08:06:35 AM
Quote from: wolwoo

Are you trying to laugh or cry? It's either Haha or Jaja, Never saw this ehuheh... ::)

Quote from: wolwoo
The man who joined the signature of Yobit does not like me. Are you making irony? How many people defended this signature?

I have been in this campaign from 08-12-19. I didn't pledge allegiance to Yobit when I joined their signature campaign... They are simply paying me a "rent" for my sig space... There is nothing "ironic" in me calling-you-out... You defending "yobit's investbox" is a "you" problem because I never placed their "investbox" signature on... But you wouldn't know that because I never jumped in your threads... I'm not even in Yahoo's signature campaign thread, Simply because it isn't required...

Quote from: wolwoo
This is the first time I've seen you, I think you're multi-account.

Cuz I analyse before I jump into a conversation. I have been reading your shitposts for about a month and have concluded that your behaviour needs some working, I would suggest getting some help... You are way too impulsive... I have my alt account mentioned in my trust rating, which hasn't been used in ages, Feel free to check it out...
What's happening to you? Do you choose Merit Source? If you don't like Yobit and investbox, why are you signing? İnvestbox in Yobit exchange.
I don't want to read your shiyposts either. Now go back to your hole.

Guys, you shouldn't keep arguing here, it's not necessary, don't be too impulsive on this forum, you should control your emotions. The purpose of this topic is to desire your source of merit. Everyone has given an opinion, you should accept it. It's not a blasphemy, but your emotions are what make people refuse, wolwoo. You should control your emotions before you want to be a part of this place.
Why should I check my emotions? I'm a human. People have feelings, robots don't. I say clearly who I hate and who I love. I'm not hypocrite.

so they can prevent me from being DT1
Nope, Anyone can be on DT1 if they show trustworthy behavior here. You make it look like you have been blocked from getting on DT1. Make friends, be nice. If you make enemies around, do you think they will add to their trust lists?

Also, i don't know why there is so much fuss about being a DT1 member. If you become a DT1 member, will your life be much better? Will you be much richer? Will being a DT1 member help you achieve your life goals?

Whether you are a DT1 member or not, Merit source or not... Life goes on. No need to be bitter about it just because a few members didn't support you. Live positively. Avoid creating chaos and making more enemies.

Just giving you some food for thought

There are a lot of member merit sources here, and it's natural that I want to be Dt1. There's a gang between them. I'm the only one and they're blocking me. They'il be very upset if I'm a source of merit, I'm sure. They're no better than me.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: TwitchySeal on January 11, 2020, 08:16:09 AM
Spiteful shitsposter complaining about not being on DT list in his own merit source request thread.

Probably wasting your time at this point woowoo

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 11, 2020, 08:21:05 AM
Spiteful shitsposter complaining about not being on DT list in his own merit source request thread.

Probably wasting your time at this point woowoo
I'm expressing myself here, if you don't like ignore button on the left

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Thekool1s on January 11, 2020, 08:50:21 AM
Spiteful shitsposter complaining about not being on DT list in his own merit source request thread.

Probably wasting your time at this point woowoo
I'm expressing myself here, if you don't like ignore button on the left

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on January 11, 2020, 09:33:43 AM
Wolwoo is just sad because he is not in the gang. You should try to find a way to be accepted in the gang where The Force is. But for that you must leave The Dark Side forever :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on January 11, 2020, 01:18:40 PM
Wolwoo is just sad because he is not in the gang. You should try to find a way to be accepted in the gang where The Force is. But for that you must leave The Dark Side forever :)

 8) ;) (

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on January 11, 2020, 03:34:35 PM
Your image doesn't load. Can you try to fix it?
Maybe it doesn't load because you used the Dark Side of the Force to upload it :) I told you to come to the other side.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 29, 2020, 05:36:41 PM

Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Jubatuli on May 30, 2020, 07:42:06 PM
Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

5/30/2020 4:54:09 PM   DT1 peers   wolwoo DT1 distrusts Blacknavy DT

Disgusting vulture, already thirsty for power even if it means pushing your former comrade down the cliff?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 30, 2020, 08:24:04 PM
Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

5/30/2020 4:54:09 PM   DT1 peers   wolwoo DT1 distrusts Blacknavy DT

Disgusting vulture, already thirsty for power even if it means pushing your former comrade down the cliff?

thank you for giving me this opportunity, donkey sir

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: logfiles on May 30, 2020, 08:31:40 PM

Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

Are you one of the reasons he's trying to quit being a merit source... I mean the gang pressure he was talking about, thus the distrusts?  :D
Anyway if I were you wolwoo, I wouldn't really care much about being a merit source or trying to force the issue.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 30, 2020, 08:42:00 PM

Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

Are you one of the reasons he's trying to quit being a merit source... I mean the gang pressure he was talking about, thus the distrusts?  :D
Anyway if I were you wolwoo, I wouldn't really care much about being a merit source or trying to force the issue.

we had some differences of opinion yes
I think you have a full agreement

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Jubatuli on May 30, 2020, 09:16:11 PM
Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

5/30/2020 4:54:09 PM   DT1 peers   wolwoo DT1 distrusts Blacknavy DT

Disgusting vulture, already thirsty for power even if it means pushing your former comrade down the cliff?

thank you for giving me this opportunity, donkey sir

Shut up you piece of shit lying scumbag, you blood thirsty vulture
You and your terrorist friend are the ones to balme for eveything bad that happesn to the turkish section
You all pretedn you care about turks, you give nothing, all you feed is your ego and your pockets.

Vispilio is all about justice, independence, nationalism when goes to meta when in forum
-you want merit you have to give merit back to those account
-you want to rank up, you have to add poeple to trust list
-you want to use alts, use but share bounty

When you scumbags come to english section you all pretend you care, when it back in the turkish section you stab everybody

Why u want to be a merit source? To grow more alts in bed with vispilio!!!!! To have more trust and to get more poeple in signatures!

That all you think and do, you extort eveyone in the lcoal forum because we can't post god posts outside and yu make us prisoners..
Merit, you have to kiss ass, bounty you have to kiss ass, you raise your voice you're silenced by tens of alts throwing you to hiennas.

I knw already that you will find out who I am but I don't care anymore

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 30, 2020, 09:19:53 PM
Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

5/30/2020 4:54:09 PM   DT1 peers   wolwoo DT1 distrusts Blacknavy DT

Disgusting vulture, already thirsty for power even if it means pushing your former comrade down the cliff?

thank you for giving me this opportunity, donkey sir

Shut up you piece of shit lying scumbag, you blood thirsty vulture
You and your terrorist friend are the ones to balme for eveything bad that happesn to the turkish section
You all pretedn you care about turks, you give nothing, all you feed is your ego and your pockets.

Vispilio is all about justice, independence, nationalism when goes to meta when in forum
-you want merit you have to give merit back to those account
-you want to rank up, you have to add poeple to trust list
-you want to use alts, use but share bounty

When you scumbags come to english section you all pretend you care, when it back in the turkish section you stab everybody

Why u want to be a merit source? To grow more alts in bed with vispilio!!!!! To have more trust and to get more poeple in signatures!

That all you think and do, you extort eveyone in the lcoal forum because we can't post god posts outside and yu make us prisoners..
Merit, you have to kiss ass, bounty you have to kiss ass, you raise your voice you're silenced by tens of alts throwing you to hiennas.

I knw already that you will find out who I am but I don't care anymore

so much hate is not good for the heart

God damn me if I have a alt account, damn you if you have a alt account ;)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: gumusi on May 31, 2020, 02:34:17 PM

Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

He is very active member. I hope you choose merit source for the Turkish section. Because at the moment there is one merit source Turkish section. I think , wolwo will be fair.   Good luck.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: mandown on May 31, 2020, 02:54:35 PM
good luck already.

I support @wolwo to be a source of merit.
I think it would be fair

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 02:59:35 PM

Blacknavy ceased to be a source of merit.
Hope my application is evaluated ...

He is very active member. I hope you choose merit source for the Turkish section. Because at the moment there is one merit source Turkish section. I think , wolwo will be fair.   Good luck.

good luck already.

I support @wolwo to be a source of merit.
I think it would be fair

Thanks guys

I hope a new source is assigned because we need it a lot. Only one merit source and few merits ...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on May 31, 2020, 03:09:46 PM
He is very active member. I hope you choose merit source for the Turkish section. Because at the moment there is one merit source Turkish section. I think , wolwo will be fair.   Good luck.
Makes me wonder, how the hell are you not ( banned (

good luck already.

I support @wolwo to be a source of merit.
I think it would be fair
Oh my, another ban evader wants wolwoo to become merit source! How is your alt account mdikmetas (;u=1027102) doing?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 03:16:48 PM
He is very active member. I hope you choose merit source for the Turkish section. Because at the moment there is one merit source Turkish section. I think , wolwo will be fair.   Good luck.
Makes me wonder, how the hell are you not ( banned (

good luck already.

I support @wolwo to be a source of merit.
I think it would be fair
Oh my, another ban evader wants wolwoo to become merit source! How is your alt account mdikmetas (;u=1027102) doing?

Marlboroza, I'm looking at you again in your form
You keep opening the title, let the management decide.
Let me open my own title and let the management decide again. Ok?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on May 31, 2020, 03:23:45 PM
Having members with highly questionable backgrounds posting positive posts for members with equally highly questionable backgrounds is not surprising at all to be honest. They all seem to find one another to post propaganda for the same of propping up whatever motives each other have.

He is very active member. I hope you choose merit source for the Turkish section. Because at the moment there is one merit source Turkish section. I think , wolwo will be fair.   Good luck.
Makes me wonder, how the hell are you not ( banned (

good luck already.

I support @wolwo to be a source of merit.
I think it would be fair
Oh my, another ban evader wants wolwoo to become merit source! How is your alt account mdikmetas (;u=1027102) doing?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 03:28:56 PM
Having members with highly questionable backgrounds posting positive posts for members with equally highly questionable backgrounds is not surprising at all to be honest. They all seem to find one another to post propaganda for the same of propping up whatever motives each other have.

He is very active member. I hope you choose merit source for the Turkish section. Because at the moment there is one merit source Turkish section. I think , wolwo will be fair.   Good luck.
Makes me wonder, how the hell are you not ( banned (

good luck already.

I support @wolwo to be a source of merit.
I think it would be fair
Oh my, another ban evader wants wolwoo to become merit source! How is your alt account mdikmetas (;u=1027102) doing?

Our demand for the source of rights includes rational and justified reasons. We expect the forum management to make a positive decision in this regard.
Propaganda is the job of those like you. Instead of JollyGood, Joseph Goebbels nickname would suit you better.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on May 31, 2020, 03:47:10 PM
Having members with highly questionable backgrounds posting positive posts for members with equally highly questionable backgrounds is not surprising at all to be honest. They all seem to find one another to post propaganda for the same of propping up whatever motives each other have.
There must be a good reason why some Turks are ranting all over the place and making whole Turkish bitcoin community to look very bad. I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: gumusi on May 31, 2020, 03:54:06 PM
Having members with highly questionable backgrounds posting positive posts for members with equally highly questionable backgrounds is not surprising at all to be honest. They all seem to find one another to post propaganda for the same of propping up whatever motives each other have.

He is very active member. I hope you choose merit source for the Turkish section. Because at the moment there is one merit source Turkish section. I think , wolwo will be fair.   Good luck.
Makes me wonder, how the hell are you not ( banned (

good luck already.

I support @wolwo to be a source of merit.
I think it would be fair
Oh my, another ban evader wants wolwoo to become merit source! How is your alt account mdikmetas (;u=1027102) doing?

The more reliable you are, the more reliable I am

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on May 31, 2020, 03:58:03 PM
There must be a good reason why some Turks are ranting all over the place and making whole Turkish bitcoin community to look very bad. I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.

I'm still puzzled why some seemingly smart Turkish users don't have the balls to exclude wolwoo, Vispilio, and the sockpuppeting shitheads... what do those shitheads have on them?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 03:58:46 PM
Having members with highly questionable backgrounds posting positive posts for members with equally highly questionable backgrounds is not surprising at all to be honest. They all seem to find one another to post propaganda for the same of propping up whatever motives each other have.
There must be a good reason why some Turks are ranting all over the place and making whole Turkish bitcoin community to look very bad. I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.
Swear to God, do you have an alts? I don't have a alts. This is my first and only account! I feel completely free about trust and merit. I have no fanatic attachment to anyone or race. I am writing in Turkish because I know Turkish. I am 42 years old, I have a job, I invested tens of thousands of dollars in bitcoins, I lost most of them in this market ... I am still trying to be a trader. I follow to observe the market and I have many friends. I do not know any of them in real life, but we talk for years, I have not seen their evil either. The reason I came here is the need for merit at the local place.
I ask and want the administration, he should not forget us.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: gumusi on May 31, 2020, 04:00:15 PM
Having members with highly questionable backgrounds posting positive posts for members with equally highly questionable backgrounds is not surprising at all to be honest. They all seem to find one another to post propaganda for the same of propping up whatever motives each other have.
There must be a good reason why some Turks are ranting all over the place and making whole Turkish bitcoin community to look very bad. I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.

Everyone thinks that the other person is like him. Like you bro...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on May 31, 2020, 04:05:30 PM
There must be a good reason why some Turks are ranting all over the place and making whole Turkish bitcoin community to look very bad. I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.

I'm still puzzled why some seemingly smart Turkish users don't have the balls to exclude wolwoo, Vispilio, and the sockpuppeting shitheads... what do those shitheads have on them?

so gross, please disinfect that disgusting mouth of yours and learn some manners,

why do like 99% of women of Russian origin who end up in the US turn into total cunts, probably because your husband is pacified by the police state so he can't teach you how to behave...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: ChuckBuck on May 31, 2020, 04:32:35 PM
I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.
I can call it as they carries fire in one and water in the other  :D But I have compliments for them  :D they are very united  :D When one or some people have some problems, others come to protect them. And when a merit source application was put here, they're here to support  :D I know a Turkey guy here and he's completely pure, never support someone like this, and of course, he doesn't cry about racism. Because racism does not exist for him.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on May 31, 2020, 04:35:34 PM
What an absolutely disgusting profanity and innuendo filled post.

Was it necessary for you to make it?

And here you are trying to morph from a disgusting troll and merit abuser who is part of a fake trust circle in to a so-called campaign manager. After reading the disgusting words you post who in their mind who consider hiring you no matter how many self-moderated (censored) threads you open to spread your lies and propaganda?

There must be a good reason why some Turks are ranting all over the place and making whole Turkish bitcoin community to look very bad. I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.

I'm still puzzled why some seemingly smart Turkish users don't have the balls to exclude wolwoo, Vispilio, and the sockpuppeting shitheads... what do those shitheads have on them?

so gross, please disinfect that disgusting mouth of yours and learn some manners,

why do like 99% of women of Russian origin who end up in the US turn into total cunts, probably because your husband is pacified by the police state so he can't teach you how to behave...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 04:36:18 PM
I can think of bunch of banned accounts and tagged users from the past who moved to new accounts telling stories like everyone is against them and everyone is racist while the truth is they are bunch of abusers and cheaters telling fairy tales and twisting things all over this place.
I can call it as they carries fire in one and water in the other  :D But I have compliments for them  :D they are very united  :D When one or some people have some problems, others come to protect them. And when a merit source application was put here, they're here to support  :D I know a Turkey guy here and he's completely pure, never support someone like this, and of course, he doesn't cry about racism. Because racism does not exist for him.
I'm not racist
I want merit for local from management
But parasites like you are intervening☺️

Shut up JGoebels

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on May 31, 2020, 04:43:45 PM


you really need a better job than trolling an internet forum 24 / 7, you devalue the leading crypto community,

you devalue cryptocurrencies in general, you devalue humanity, NPC's like you are very likely to cost billions of dollars of investment that go elsewhere because you represent the lowest of the low in dishonesty and black propaganda, and a prospective newcomer would be physically repulsed were he to chance upon any of your phony bullshit messages here;

seriously, your employers need to kick the shit out of you, as far away from this forum as possible if Bitcointalk has any chance of returning to its former status as a place of intellect and intelligent debate. Do not address me again here or elsewhere, your sold-out fake opinions and ulterior motives are less than worthless, in fact the same goes for all the paid trolls who have overtaken this place for the last few years...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 04:51:26 PM

He is not JollyGood
He is Joseph Goebbels

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on May 31, 2020, 04:57:53 PM
To be honest and fair, you are behaving in the same way the terrorist Kemal Pasha did when he betrayed the Turkish Empire while he was supposed to be in command of a large force to protect it from invasion and fragmenting in to anarchy. That betrayal resulted in him having a warrant out for his arrest which would have allowed a swift military court judgement to take place and him being executed. Being the coward Kemal Pasha was, he went in to hiding before hiding even further in the shadows allowing others to fight the battle against foreign invaders before he cheated his way to the top post.

What a coward terrorist Kemal Pasha was, he was not even really Turkish.

He was no Attatürk (father of Turkish country), he was the Türk Halkına Ihanet Eden Terörist (terrorist betrayer of Turks).

Speaking about posting, you and your buddies had cheated in to DT via fake trust circles and merit abuse but I see you also betraying the Turkish members in this forum because you along with low-life members such as Vispilio and your gang are trying to become de-facto representatives of the Turkish members when in reality none of you should be merit source or anywhere near DT.

Our demand for the source of rights includes rational and justified reasons. We expect the forum management to make a positive decision in this regard.
Propaganda is the job of those like you. Instead of JollyGood, Joseph Goebbels nickname would suit you better.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 05:03:58 PM
To be honest and fair, you are behaving in the same way the terrorist Kemal Pasha did when he betrayed the Turkish Empire while he was supposed to be in command of a large force to protect it from invasion and fragmenting in to anarchy. That betrayal resulted in him having a warrant out for his arrest which would have allowed a swift military court judgement to take place and him being executed. Being the coward Kemal Pasha was, he went in to hiding before hiding even further in the shadows allowing others to fight the battle against foreign invaders before he cheated his way to the top post.

What a coward terrorist was Kemal Pasha. He was no Attatürk (father of Turkish country), he was the Türk Halkına Ihanet Eden Terörist (terrorist betrayer of Turkey).

Speaking about posting, you and your buddies had cheated in to DT via fake trust circles and merit abuse but I see you also betraying the Turkish members in this forum because you along with low-life members such as Vispilio and your gang are trying to become de-facto representatives of the Turkish members when in reality none of you should be merit source or anywhere near DT.

Our demand for the source of rights includes rational and justified reasons. We expect the forum management to make a positive decision in this regard.
Propaganda is the job of those like you. Instead of JollyGood, Joseph Goebbels nickname would suit you better.

His Nazi friend appeared, the best trick of Joseph Goebbels was to show good people as bad. And by repeating his lies, he was very successful in this regard. You are insulting all Turkish citizens by insulting Ataturk. I hope a Nuremberg court is set up on the forum and all racists are punished

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on May 31, 2020, 05:07:41 PM


As a curious side point, some Turks are today a bit angry at the legendary founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,

you know why you little NPC troll ? Because he showed magnanimous mercy to radical islamist terrorists like you, hoping that you could be eventually rehabilitated, instead of decapitating them en masse, which most of the modern Turkish people would have gladly carried out.  

Anyways I'm done with this crazy thread, and done responding to small time terrorist trolls... Get Well.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on May 31, 2020, 05:41:51 PM
disgusting mouth


No worries, you're certainly not the first troll with mommy issues to roam the Meta board. Not sure how this is helping wolwoo merit source application but you're doing a poor job representing the Turkish board here so perhaps you should resign as its self-appointed spokesperson.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 05:44:09 PM
disgusting mouth


No worries, you're certainly not the first troll with mommy issues to roam the Meta board. Not sure how this is helping wolwoo merit source application but you're doing a poor job representing the Turkish board here so perhaps you should resign as its self-appointed spokesperson.
Nobody is my spokesperson! Everyone is responsible for their own opinions. Peer2peer messages ...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on May 31, 2020, 05:49:59 PM
Nobody is my spokesperson! Everyone is responsible for their own opinions. Peer2peer messages ...

Yet Vispilio has taken on this responsibility to attack people for saying something unpleasant about any Turkish user, even if that user is a scammer or a ban evader. So perhaps you should make it clear to Vispilio that his behavior is not appreciated.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on May 31, 2020, 05:57:18 PM


Not sure how this is helping wolwoo merit source application but you're doing a poor job representing the Turkish board here so perhaps you should resign as its self-appointed spokesperson.

Yet Vispilio has taken on this responsibility to attack people for saying something unpleasant about any Turkish user, even if that user is a scammer or a ban evader. So perhaps you should make it clear to Vispilio that his behavior is not appreciated.

I will gladly resign from responding to your ad hominems, when you and all the other "Affirmative Action" candidates will stop milking the hapless organization Chipmixer like a cow.

Seriously, when will this company take a hint? I also feel a bit sorry for @theymos, because he is a brilliant guy, some of his ideas and writing are really insightful, and yet somehow he is pressured into remaining silent on the gigantic DT scam going on in this forum.

In all honesty, you often sound like a smart woman, I'm excluding you when I say this, but this forum and crypto space in general would do itself a great service and improve its brand value a lot by weeding out the mediocre parasites freeloaders and respecting meritocracy especially when handing out financial incentives...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 05:58:35 PM
Nobody is my spokesperson! Everyone is responsible for their own opinions. Peer2peer messages ...

Yet Vispilio has taken on this responsibility to attack people for saying something unpleasant about any Turkish user, even if that user is a scammer or a ban evader. So perhaps you should make it clear to Vispilio that his behavior is not appreciated.
Yes, we can talk more constructively. He made some heavy words. However, whenever we write globally, we are harassed. There are many members that show us as potential fraudsters. One of them is you. We have not come from space. We live in a civilization between Asia and Europe. I was born in Germany, but I am Turkish. You are approaching us with stereotypes in your head, just because it is Turkish. I was a participant in the Yobit campaign, bounty manager yahoo ... you gave me negative, you added him to the trustlist, and I was also fired from the campaign. Do not discriminate so much. Be some good people.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: gospodin on May 31, 2020, 06:02:47 PM
topic: wolwoo's merit source desire

posts: - i want to merit source (ok)
- hey you don't deserve (ok)
- ..... cunt..... (???)
- mustafa kemal ataturk (wtf moron! he doesnt want to source. ) (

i'm bored with this!

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: mindrust on May 31, 2020, 06:05:22 PM
To be honest and fair, you are behaving in the same way the terrorist Kemal Pasha did when he betrayed the Turkish Empire while he was supposed to be in command of a large force to protect it from invasion and fragmenting in to anarchy. That betrayal resulted in him having a warrant out for his arrest which would have allowed a swift military court judgement to take place and him being executed. Being the coward Kemal Pasha was, he went in to hiding before hiding even further in the shadows allowing others to fight the battle against foreign invaders before he cheated his way to the top post.

What a coward terrorist Kemal Pasha was, he was not even really Turkish.

He was no Attatürk (father of Turkish country), he was the Türk Halkına Ihanet Eden Terörist (terrorist betrayer of Turks).

Speaking about posting, you and your buddies had cheated in to DT via fake trust circles and merit abuse but I see you also betraying the Turkish members in this forum because you along with low-life members such as Vispilio and your gang are trying to become de-facto representatives of the Turkish members when in reality none of you should be merit source or anywhere near DT.


Atatürk is the founder of modern Turkey who imposed (not saying this as a bad thing, you can't make a revolution in other way) the Western values to his people.

I wonder, would you prefer Saudi Arabia as a neighbor to Greece instead of Turkey?

I admit the country is turning into a shithole lately but it wasn't always like that. Wasn't that bad 20 years ago.

Even though your opinions about Atatürk are completely false I respect them but, these have nothing to with them cheating/cycling merits etc, just saying. Please keep Atatürk out of it.

Fighting the scammers/cheaters is fine, insulting a whole nation doesn't look good on you.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on May 31, 2020, 06:26:54 PM
I hope a Nuremberg court is set up on the forum and all racists are punished
You should contact Nürnberg and ask them to become merit source.
I'm still puzzled why some seemingly smart Turkish users don't have the balls to exclude wolwoo, Vispilio, and the sockpuppeting shitheads... what do those shitheads have on them?
Good question. I have feeling that some of them are spreading false agenda in their local board and good members blindly trust their words without doing any research at all and/or choose to stay away from "drama".

Anyway, timestamps: wolwoo declared war because some accounts are evading ban, then he shilled for scam coin, then he requested to be banned, then he tried to manipulate DT system and then he bumped this topic 8)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on May 31, 2020, 06:29:23 PM
Sorry, kindly accept my apologies but at no point was it my intention to insult a nation at all and I am still unsure in which part of the post was considered insulting Turkey. Having said that I whole heartedly apologise to anybody that felt offended by my post or misconstrued it.

Thank you mindrust for your feedback, I will try to stay on point in future when engaging with any trolls (and cheaters, scammers etc) from the Turkish local board that post in the global boards.

Your objection most definitely has been noted.


Atatürk is the founder of modern Turkey who imposed (not saying this as a bad thing, you can't make a revolution in other way) the Western values to his people.

I wonder, would you prefer Saudi Arabia as a neighbor to Greece instead of Turkey?

I admit the country is turning into a shithole lately but it wasn't always like that. Wasn't that bad 20 years ago.

Even though your opinions about Atatürk are completely false I respect them but, these have nothing to with them cheating/cycling merits etc, just saying. Please keep Atatürk out of it.

Fighting the scammers/cheaters is fine, insulting a whole nation doesn't look good on you.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on May 31, 2020, 06:36:20 PM
In all honesty, you often sound like a smart woman

Thank you, I'll let my wife know - I think she'll find that amusing in more ways than one.

Yes, we can talk more constructively. He made some heavy words. However, whenever we write globally, we are harassed. There are many members that show us as potential fraudsters. One of them is you.

News to me. Whom did I defraud?

We have not come from space. We live in a civilization between Asia and Europe. I was born in Germany, but I am Turkish.

This is where you're starting to go off rails. No one gives a shit. I was born somewhere and live somewhere else and I'm not from space either... no one needs to care, doesn't affect anything I do on this forum.

You are approaching us with stereotypes in your head, just because it is Turkish. I was a participant in the Yobit campaign, bounty manager yahoo ... you gave me negative, you added him to the trustlist, and I was also fired from the campaign. Do not discriminate so much. Be some good people.

I didn't give you "negative" (if you mean red trust) and yahoo fired you certainly not because of something others did but because of your own behavior.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: mindrust on May 31, 2020, 06:38:55 PM
I am still unsure in which part of the post was considered insulting Turkey. scammers/cheaters is fine, insulting a whole nation doesn't look good on you.

The part where you called the founder of Turkey (Atatürk) a terrorist was pretty insulting.  8)

If you also understood that part, I accept your apology.

I mean, you can call anybody anything you like. This is internet. Nobody can send you to jail for what you said here but you know...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 06:43:04 PM
I hope a Nuremberg court is set up on the forum and all racists are punished
You should contact Nürnberg and ask them to become merit source.
I'm still puzzled why some seemingly smart Turkish users don't have the balls to exclude wolwoo, Vispilio, and the sockpuppeting shitheads... what do those shitheads have on them?
Good question. I have feeling that some of them are spreading false agenda in their local board and good members blindly trust their words without doing any research at all and/or choose to stay away from "drama".

Anyway, timestamps: wolwoo declared war because some accounts are evading ban, then he shilled for scam coin, then he requested to be banned, then he tried to manipulate DT system and then he bumped this topic 8)
What is the DT system? You set your own rules. You all confirm each other's trust and positive feedback. Sometimes you fight lies and change trust.

To me, Ripple scam! Then those who shine Ripple are also scammers. Every project sold on any stock exchange (announced here for months) carries risk. Don't buy it if you don't like it!

I don't know who whispered you from the local forum, but I have no power. I am not a DT1 member. I wanted to be a source of merit because Blacknavy left, there is a need.
I write fearlessly, how beautiful it is if it bothers someone. Be open to different thoughts.


News to me. Whom did I defraud?
translation error! there is even inequality about it! When you speak in your native language, we try to defend in the language we do not know. You call us "cheaters"

This is where you're starting to go off rails. No one gives a shit. I was born somewhere and live somewhere else and I'm not from space either... no one needs to care, doesn't affect anything I do on this forum.

If I was a German born in Germany, I would get very different reactions

I didn't give you "negative" (if you mean red trust) and yahoo fired you certainly not because of something others did but because of your own behavior.

you gave neutral but those like you gave negative. yahoo cited "drama" as a reason whereas he is just a co-star.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on May 31, 2020, 06:53:01 PM
I will gladly resign from responding to your ad hominems, when you and all the other "Affirmative Action" candidates will stop milking the hapless organization Chipmixer like a cow.
I don't think you know what an ad hominem argument is--or at least the quotes you posted don't demonstrate anything of the sort.

Affirmative action?  May I ask exactly what you mean by that when referring to Chipmixer?  I don't see how anyone got into the Chipmixer campaign because they were an under-represented minority.  That campaign is the closest thing to a meritocracy as I've seen on the ol' intertubes, and thankfully it only accepts the cream of the crop.

I write fearlessly, how beautiful it is if it bothers someone. Be open to different thoughts.
That's fine and all, but the question is about how you'd be handing out merits if you were made a merit source.  If you merited mostly Turkish members, I wouldn't have a problem with that in the least, as I support merit sources in local boards....but much of what you express is agenda-driven, emotional, and not altogether rational.  That should be taken into account when considering giving someone the power (admittedly, it isn't much) to distribute merits above and beyond what that person has earned himself.  I don't trust that you wouldn't misuse that power, but that's just my opinion--Theymos is the one calling the shots here as far as all of this is concerned.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on May 31, 2020, 06:55:31 PM
It is an historical fact when Kemal Pasha was a member of the Ottoman Empire he resigned from the army on 8th July 1919 (some say deserted) and had a warrant for his arrest issued partly because of the Amasya Circular which was to lead to him being executed as a traitor according to the Ottoman Empire that was effectively the government at the time. I mentioned that fact but I had no idea it was a highly contentious issue.

I will bring closure to this from my side by simply withdrawing that comment and again apologise to yourself and anybody else who may have been offended.

Regarding wolwoo making his application to become Merit Source, I would like to take this very apt moment to lodge an objection of my own hoping he is overlooked and not made Merit Source because of historical questionable behaviour  ;D

I am still unsure in which part of the post was considered insulting Turkey. scammers/cheaters is fine, insulting a whole nation doesn't look good on you.

The part where you called the founder of Turkey (Atatürk) a terrorist was pretty insulting.  8)

If you also understood that part, I accept your apology.

I mean, you can call anybody anything you like. This is internet. Nobody can send you to jail for what you said here but you know...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: mindrust on May 31, 2020, 06:57:18 PM
It is an historical fact when Kemal Pasha was a member of the Ottoman Empire he resigned from the army on 8th July 1919 (some say deserted) and had a warrant for his arrest issued which was to lead to him being executed as a traitor. I mentioned that fact but I had no idea it was a highly contentious issue.

He was a terrorist according to the Ottomans.

There are no Ottomans anymore. Only the Turkish.

editing instead of posting another offtopic post:

You can post about him whenever you want, preferably in the politics sub-forum.

You may genuinely believe that he was a terrorist, just don't turn the topic into a national flamewars while you are fighting cheaters. It looks out of context.

Glad you got my point.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on May 31, 2020, 07:03:05 PM
Sorry I edited my post before I read your post but it was edited nonetheless. Your point has been noted and I will not post about Kemal Pasha again ;)

It is an historical fact when Kemal Pasha was a member of the Ottoman Empire he resigned from the army on 8th July 1919 (some say deserted) and had a warrant for his arrest issued which was to lead to him being executed as a traitor. I mentioned that fact but I had no idea it was a highly contentious issue.

He was a terrorist according to the Ottomans.

There are no Ottomans anymore. Only the Turkish.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 07:31:11 PM

I write fearlessly, how beautiful it is if it bothers someone. Be open to different thoughts.
That's fine and all, but the question is about how you'd be handing out merits if you were made a merit source.  If you merited mostly Turkish members, I wouldn't have a problem with that in the least, as I support merit sources in local boards....but much of what you express is agenda-driven, emotional, and not altogether rational.  That should be taken into account when considering giving someone the power (admittedly, it isn't much) to distribute merits above and beyond what that person has earned himself.  I don't trust that you wouldn't misuse that power, but that's just my opinion--Theymos is the one calling the shots here as far as all of this is concerned.

finally a word on the subject!

If I am a merit source, I think of using the limited source in the most pragmatic way.

I think of giving a minimum number of merits to multi accounts written for Merit
I will give more merit to those who are active in the forum every day.

Those who write technical issues in the local area are given more value. however, thousands of merits are distributed even in dramas in meta and reputation. Those who write about art-life-music-society are excluded. Is this a forum or a white paper?

merit trade will not be allowed

50 merits will be sent to a certain number of members each month, and a sub merit resource will be created. these will be audited. These will be selected under the rank of legendary.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Vispilio on May 31, 2020, 07:35:05 PM
I will gladly resign from responding to your ad hominems, when you and all the other "Affirmative Action" candidates will stop milking the hapless organization Chipmixer like a cow.
I don't think you know what an ad hominem argument is--or at least the quotes you posted don't demonstrate anything of the sort.

Affirmative action?  ...

ad hominems on page 5, please read the thread carefully before jumping in to blindly defend your buddies & bounty campaign,

and see what is implied by "affirmative action" in far greater detail on this thread (

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on May 31, 2020, 07:38:58 PM
What is the DT system? You set your own rules. You all confirm each other's trust and positive feedback. Sometimes you fight lies and change trust.
DT system is definitely not this, this is something called manipulation.
To me, Ripple scam! Then those who shine Ripple are also scammers. Every project sold on any stock exchange (announced here for months) carries risk. Don't buy it if you don't like it!
Ok, you think Ripple is scam and you shilled for obvious yobit's scam coin, you are not making much sense.
I don't know who whispered you from the local forum, but I have no power. I am not a DT1 member. I wanted to be a source of merit because Blacknavy left, there is a need.
I write fearlessly, how beautiful it is if it bothers someone. Be open to different thoughts.
No one whispered me anything, I have my own eyes, as much as you think your local board is private chat room, may I assure you it isn't. How someone who wants to be merit source choose to troll:

What happened to Lauda?  ;)

Instead of reading topic?

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on May 31, 2020, 07:47:51 PM
News to me. Whom did I defraud?
translation error!

Fair enough. If you meant that I called some Turkish users fraudsters then that's true. Because some of them are fraudsters. Not all, not a majority, just some, like some users on many other local boards here are fraudsters. It would be far more productive if you acknowledged that and helped to weed them out instead of covering up fraud and ban evasion.

there is even inequality about it! When you speak in your native language, we try to defend in the language we do not know. You call us "cheaters"

English is not my native language. And it's not really a language issue that's causing you trouble.

This is where you're starting to go off rails. No one gives a shit. I was born somewhere and live somewhere else and I'm not from space either... no one needs to care, doesn't affect anything I do on this forum.

If I was a German born in Germany, I would get very different reactions

You're missing the point. I don't see German users going around waving their nationality around. Because it doesn't really matter much in this forum. If you were born German but acted the same way as you do now, you would get the same reaction.

you gave neutral but those like you gave negative. yahoo cited "drama" as a reason whereas he is just a co-star.

I gave the same neutral rating to many users for promoting the obvious investbox scam. This was not the reason for your removal from the campaign.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 07:52:38 PM
Instead of reading topic?
yes I asked Lauda because double standards are not applied.

DT system is definitely not this, this is something called manipulation.

this is not manupulation, real life true read this mesaage

Ok, you think Ripple is scam and you shilled for obvious yobit's scam coin, you are not making much sense.
The bigger of the scam is more dangerous ;)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on May 31, 2020, 08:22:44 PM
Instead of reading topic?
yes I asked Lauda because double standards are not applied.
I believe I expressed my opinion about that in one of related topics. You are missing some points here, probably because you read only what you want to read.

DT system is definitely not this, this is something called manipulation.

this is not manupulation, real life true read this mesaage
I see users who included other users because they have good judgement, on the other hand you have in your trust network some proven manipulators and ban evaders and you tried to manipulate DT.
The bigger of the scam is more dangerous ;)
So start scam accusation and provide some proofs like other users provided you more then enough proofs of scam instead of going full retard with "you racist, you terrorists, you are against Turks, you scammers, this scam and that scam, GERONIMOOO" and all conspiracy theories, it creates more and more drama and it doesn't solve anything.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 08:35:01 PM
Dude, you're on the status quo. I decided we couldn't agree with you on any issue.
Here I just help you message you for signature. You are against mutual trust, but you get a mutual message. Everything is mutual in this world! If you enter the Scam project, the risk is high but the amount of earnings increases. Are the projects in Binance so good? NO

I write fearlessly, how beautiful it is if it bothers someone. Be open to different thoughts.
That's fine and all, but the question is about how you'd be handing out merits if you were made a merit source.  If you merited mostly Turkish members, I wouldn't have a problem with that in the least, as I support merit sources in local boards....but much of what you express is agenda-driven, emotional, and not altogether rational.  That should be taken into account when considering giving someone the power (admittedly, it isn't much) to distribute merits above and beyond what that person has earned himself.  I don't trust that you wouldn't misuse that power, but that's just my opinion--Theymos is the one calling the shots here as far as all of this is concerned.

finally a word on the subject!

If I am a merit source, I think of using the limited source in the most pragmatic way.

I think of giving a minimum number of merits to multi accounts written for Merit
I will give more merit to those who are active in the forum every day.

Those who write technical issues in the local area are given more value. however, thousands of merits are distributed even in dramas in meta and reputation. Those who write about art-life-music-society are excluded. Is this a forum or a white paper?

merit trade will not be allowed

50 merits will be sent to a certain number of members each month, and a sub merit resource will be created. these will be audited. These will be selected under the rank of legendary.
what do you think about this subject? this is the main thing!

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on May 31, 2020, 08:48:27 PM
Here I just help you message you for signature.
And here we go again, if it is not racism/terrorism/hate it is signature then ::)
You are against mutual trust, but you get a mutual message. Everything is mutual in this world! If you enter the Scam project, the risk is high but the amount of earnings increases. Are the projects in Binance so good? NO
What's the point, you just don't get it. Btw, where did I say that I am against mutual trust?
what do you think about this subject? this is the main thing!
I don't think you will be good merit source, not with this behavior and not with defending ban evaders and scammers and having them in your trust network ( (I am repeating myself, if you want to add something new and not spin in circle I am all ears)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on May 31, 2020, 08:56:09 PM
I don't think you will be good merit source

ok thanks, i respect your opinion, please let's not go beyond the subject anymore

SUBJECT: wolwoo wants to be merit source

-Yes, I support
-No I don't support

management will also make the decision

it's that simple :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: jopen on May 31, 2020, 11:14:06 PM
peace at home peace in the world



“Bu memleketin toprakları üzerinde kanlarını döken kahramanlar! Burada bir dost vatanın toprağındasınız.

Huzur ve sükûn içinde uyuyunuz. Sizler, Mehmetçiklerle yanyana, koyun koyunasınız. Uzak diyarlardan evlâtlarını harbe gönderen analar! Gözyaşlarınızı dindiriniz. Evlâtlarınız bizim bağrımızdadır.

Huzur içindedirler ve huzur içinde rahat uyuyacaklardır. Onlar, bu toprakta canlarını verdikten sonra, artık bizim evlâtlarımız olmuşlardır.”

When will racism and fascism end in this forum?
These two concepts should be erased all over the world

OK, everything is freedom of expression, but sometimes things go to a different point

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 01, 2020, 12:24:21 AM
I would like to lodge an objection to wolwoo applying to become Merit Source because of historical questionable behaviour on his part.

Thank you

I don't think you will be good merit source

ok thanks, i respect your opinion, please let's not go beyond the subject anymore

SUBJECT: wolwoo wants to be merit source

-Yes, I support
-No I don't support

management will also make the decision

it's that simple :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JaredKaragen on June 01, 2020, 11:59:35 AM
I would like to lodge an objection to wolwoo applying to become Merit Source because of historical questionable behaviour on his part.

Thank you

I don't think you will be good merit source

ok thanks, i respect your opinion, please let's not go beyond the subject anymore

SUBJECT: wolwoo wants to be merit source

-Yes, I support
-No I don't support

management will also make the decision

it's that simple :)

I will second, and continue my parallel objection as well.

To any interested, see my previous replies.   It is very clear when you read the progression of it.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: muslol67 on June 01, 2020, 12:24:26 PM
To be honest and fair, you are behaving in the same way the terrorist Kemal Pasha did when he betrayed the Turkish Empire while he was supposed to be in command of a large force to protect it from invasion and fragmenting in to anarchy. That betrayal resulted in him having a warrant out for his arrest which would have allowed a swift military court judgement to take place and him being executed. Being the coward Kemal Pasha was, he went in to hiding before hiding even further in the shadows allowing others to fight the battle against foreign invaders before he cheated his way to the top post.

What a coward terrorist Kemal Pasha was, he was not even really Turkish.

He was no Attatürk (father of Turkish country), he was the Türk Halkına Ihanet Eden Terörist (terrorist betrayer of Turks).

Speaking about posting, you and your buddies had cheated in to DT via fake trust circles and merit abuse but I see you also betraying the Turkish members in this forum because you along with low-life members such as Vispilio and your gang are trying to become de-facto representatives of the Turkish members when in reality none of you should be merit source or anywhere near DT.

Our demand for the source of rights includes rational and justified reasons. We expect the forum management to make a positive decision in this regard.
Propaganda is the job of those like you. Instead of JollyGood, Joseph Goebbels nickname would suit you better.

You can say everything about @wolwoo mutually! But what's the fun of a nation's history? Or how much do you know historical values ​​that you can make judgments about this? Remember, one's hero is another's greatest enemy! And yes, bringing the Turkish people together for a purpose, Mustafa Kemal saved a state that was attacked from all sides and changed the history.

I don't know how you read historical sources. I do not know which country you are a citizen of. I don't care! It doesn't make any sense to which race you belong to to value you as a human. However, with these things you are accusing not only one person but also the whole country! And worst of all, is this just for a merit source application in the forum? Pathetic!

His name is not Kemal Pasha! It is a rule! Custom names are never changed when they are transmitted in writing. They are written as they are! So his name is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk! And he had nothing to do with terrorism.

Let me give you a little history lesson.
Mustafa Kemal and his comrades never fought an Ottoman soldier. When the Ottoman family that he came from and the last sultan who could not protect the sinking empire defended the country during the war, Mustafa Kemal resigned from his military service and took the duty of defending the country with a civil initiative. As a result of the support of all the Turkish people, he was able to keep a country afloat even though the war was the loser! He founded a new state, worked for democratic life! Mustafa Kemal founded the first state in the world to give women the right to vote!

BTW, Mustafa Kemal, was repeatedly named the most genius, brave and good statesman by many authorities.
For example John F Kennedy:

Fortunately no one cares about the worthless views of someone like you!

To Forum Management; Do you really welcome the post of such political content, hate and racism in this forum? Merit source application by Turkey's founding leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk may be a link between what you like? I understand and support the freedom of expression of the forum. However, this should not allow anyone to insult someone else! Never to an entire state! You should step on this as soon as possible!

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Lauda on June 01, 2020, 12:53:25 PM
I understand and support the freedom of expression of the forum. However, this should not allow anyone to insult someone else! Never to an entire state! You should step on this as soon as possible!
How about you fuck off from this place then? There is no freedom of expression if you are not allowed to insult anyone and anything for any and no reason whatsoever. You can have my "racism" (actually you lot are just dumbasses) and freedom of expression together, or you can't have either one of them.

Is this because nobody wants to hire the Turkish monkeys into campaigns? :D
OP would be one of the worst choices out of the pool of possibilities, similar to Kalemdar. Which one is exactly worse than the other I leave up to the public.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: koincik on June 01, 2020, 01:05:02 PM
he is one of the most active person in this forum. And I think he deserve being source for Turkish local section.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: muslol67 on June 01, 2020, 01:08:49 PM
I understand and support the freedom of expression of the forum. However, this should not allow anyone to insult someone else! Never to an entire state! You should step on this as soon as possible!
How about you fuck off from this place then? There is no freedom of expression if you are not allowed to insult anyone and anything for any and no reason whatsoever. You can have my "racism" (actually you lot are just dumbasses) and freedom of expression together, or you can't have either one of them.

Is this because nobody wants to hire the Turkish monkeys into campaigns? :D
OP would be one of the worst choices out of the pool of possibilities, similar to Kalemdar. Which one is exactly worse than the other I leave up to the public.

No one cares what you're thinking anymore "imitator!". Go and make some plagiarism around here.
I pity you more with every post you make...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Lauda on June 01, 2020, 01:13:59 PM
No one cares what you're thinking anymore "imitator!". Go and make some plagiarism around here.
I pity you more with every post you make...
he is one of the most active person in this forum. And I think he deserve being source for Turkish local section.
Yet you respond and provide fake support, along with other shitposting users. Are you trying to say that you guys are incapable of producing quality content, i.e. that you folk are all too dumb for anything useful? I would not contest such a claim. Monkey see, monkey do.  :D

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: muslol67 on June 01, 2020, 01:18:10 PM
No one cares what you're thinking anymore "imitator!". Go and make some plagiarism around here.
I pity you more with every post you make...
he is one of the most active person in this forum. And I think he deserve being source for Turkish local section.
Yet you respond and provide fake support, along with other shitposting users. Are you trying to say that you guys are incapable of producing quality content, i.e. that you folk are all too dumb for anything useful? I would not contest such a claim. Monkey see, monkey do.  :D

What is the issue here?
wolwoo created a topic about his merit source application and who can say anything if people want to support him.
whatever go and get lost in your own darkness !

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 01, 2020, 01:23:01 PM
I would like to lodge an objection to wolwoo applying to become Merit Source because of historical questionable behaviour on his part.

Thank you

I will second, and continue my parallel objection as well.

To any interested, see my previous replies.   It is very clear when you read the progression of it.
Thank you for your views, it is important the forum moderators and owners know the general consensus towards those members that are trying abuse the system regardless of their local language background.

You can say everything about @wolwoo mutually!

You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading propaganda on behalf of wolwoo and your allies.

OP would be one of the worst choices out of the pool of possibilities, similar to Kalemdar. Which one is exactly worse than the other I leave up to the public.
Yes this is absolutely true, the OP (wolwoo) should never be considered for Merit Source and should be permanently banned from being anywhere near DT

he is one of the most active person in this forum. And I think he deserve being source for Turkish local section.
Your words have been noted but your motives for your comments have not yet been discovered. having said that I hope they fall on deaf ears, the OP (wolwoo) should never ever be trusted with being a Merit Source member.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: muslol67 on June 01, 2020, 01:28:28 PM
You can say everything about @wolwoo mutually!

You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading propaganda on behalf of wolwoo and your allies.

I have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not interested in anyone who merit source. wolwoo deserves or not this is not my problem.

But you should be ashamed of what you say. There is no connection between the subject of Merit source and Mustafa Kemal. You cannot blacken a nation's history to hurt a person. You are completely free to say your negative thoughts about wolwoo. But please do not slander the values of Turks or any nation while doing this. Mustafa Kemal was a commander who wanted to save his own people. If he carried out this together with his military duties, he saved his country as a result of the movement he started as a civilian because he would betray the uniform he wore.

Anyway, if you want, we can talk to you about the date via private message. However, if you think again, you will see that what he wrote about Ataturk in that post is unwarranted.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Lauda on June 01, 2020, 01:32:46 PM
No one cares what you're thinking anymore "imitator!". Go and make some plagiarism around here.
I pity you more with every post you make...
he is one of the most active person in this forum. And I think he deserve being source for Turkish local section.
Yet you respond and provide fake support, along with other shitposting users. Are you trying to say that you guys are incapable of producing quality content, i.e. that you folk are all too dumb for anything useful? I would not contest such a claim. Monkey see, monkey do.  :D

What is the issue here?
wolwoo created a topic about his merit source application and who can say anything if people want to support him.
whatever go and get lost in your own darkness !
The issue is that you are lying and supporting him precisely because he is Turkish, i.e. you are the "racist" by your own standards. Objectively speaking, there are zero reasons to be found to support OP's application.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 01, 2020, 01:41:45 PM
I have no interest in discussing Kemal Pasha in this thread as I will hold strong to my word that I gave to a forum member I like, trust and respect. I have no need to renege on my promise.

As for you and the views you hold, you are entitled to them.

You can say everything about @wolwoo mutually!

You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading propaganda on behalf of wolwoo and your allies.

I have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not interested in anyone who merit source. wolwoo deserves or not this is not my problem.

But you should be ashamed of what you say. There is no connection between the subject of Merit source and Mustafa Kemal. You cannot blacken a nation's history to hurt a person. You are completely free to say your negative thoughts about wolwoo. But please do not slander the values of Turks or any nation while doing this. Mustafa Kemal was a commander who wanted to save his own people. If he carried out this together with his military duties, he saved his country as a result of the movement he started as a civilian because he would betray the uniform he wore.

Anyway, if you want, we can talk to you about the date via private message. However, if you think again, you will see that what he wrote about Ataturk in that post is unwarranted.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: muslol67 on June 01, 2020, 01:42:32 PM
No one cares what you're thinking anymore "imitator!". Go and make some plagiarism around here.
I pity you more with every post you make...
he is one of the most active person in this forum. And I think he deserve being source for Turkish local section.
Yet you respond and provide fake support, along with other shitposting users. Are you trying to say that you guys are incapable of producing quality content, i.e. that you folk are all too dumb for anything useful? I would not contest such a claim. Monkey see, monkey do.  :D

What is the issue here?
wolwoo created a topic about his merit source application and who can say anything if people want to support him.
whatever go and get lost in your own darkness !
The issue is that you are lying and supporting him precisely because he is Turkish, i.e. you are the "racist" by your own standards. Objectively speaking, there are zero reasons to be found to support OP's application.

bla bla bla...
Go and make some plagiarism around here.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on June 01, 2020, 01:46:12 PM
What is the issue here?
wolwoo created a topic about his merit source application and who can say anything if people want to support him.
whatever go and get lost in your own darkness !
I don't see any issue here, you and some users support wolwoo's application on the other hand some other users don't support it, it is somehow discussion thingy.

peace at home peace in the world
Oh my, oh my...

Mr. Not Cool Jopen, do you maybe know why is account cooljopen (;u=1262435) banned?   ;D

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Lauda on June 01, 2020, 01:47:16 PM
No one cares what you're thinking anymore "imitator!". Go and make some plagiarism around here.
I pity you more with every post you make...
he is one of the most active person in this forum. And I think he deserve being source for Turkish local section.
Yet you respond and provide fake support, along with other shitposting users. Are you trying to say that you guys are incapable of producing quality content, i.e. that you folk are all too dumb for anything useful? I would not contest such a claim. Monkey see, monkey do.  :D

What is the issue here?
wolwoo created a topic about his merit source application and who can say anything if people want to support him.
whatever go and get lost in your own darkness !
The issue is that you are lying and supporting him precisely because he is Turkish, i.e. you are the "racist" by your own standards. Objectively speaking, there are zero reasons to be found to support OP's application.

bla bla bla...
Go and make some plagiarism around here.
You repeat yours, then I repeat my meme:,550x550,075,f.jpg

Stop lying about OP, monkey.  ::)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: muslol67 on June 01, 2020, 01:59:51 PM
What is the issue here?
wolwoo created a topic about his merit source application and who can say anything if people want to support him.
whatever go and get lost in your own darkness !

I think you have a problem understanding what you read.
Let me help you one more time;

I have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not interested in anyone who merit source. wolwoo deserves or not this is not my problem.

...some nonse comments...

I will not answer anymore your stupid comments.
These racist attitudes humiliate you, not us.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 01, 2020, 02:04:01 PM
Hi guys
The subject is the merit source.
I wanted to remind :-*

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: dannybrown on June 01, 2020, 06:29:01 PM
wolwoo,one of the most active members in the section of Turkish.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Lauda on June 01, 2020, 06:30:53 PM
wolwoo,one of the most active members in the section of Turkish.
Extrapolating this argument, you are saying that I should be a merit source too for the whole forum?  :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 01, 2020, 06:42:13 PM
wolwoo,one of the most active members in the section of Turkish.
Extrapolating this argument, you are saying that I should be a merit source too for the whole forum?  :)
😂 Thanks Danny
Total time logged in: 179 days, 2 hours and 41 minutes

Lauda when do you sleep? You are always onlines  :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: dannybrown on June 01, 2020, 06:50:54 PM
wolwoo,one of the most active members in the section of Turkish.
Extrapolating this argument, you are saying that I should be a merit source too for the whole forum?  :)

First of all, I thought that it would be necessary to be active in the forum to be a source of merit.

and yes I think you should be a source of merit.
Maybe you are so I don't know :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: Lauda on June 01, 2020, 06:52:24 PM
Lauda when do you sleep? You are always onlines  :)

The subject is the merit source.
I wanted to remind :-*
Do not forget your own words.  :)

wolwoo,one of the most active members in the section of Turkish.
Extrapolating this argument, you are saying that I should be a merit source too for the whole forum?  :)
First of all, I thought that it would be necessary to be active in the forum to be a source of merit.
That makes complete sense, and based off of that metric I would be 3nd in line, just after philipma1957  and BADecker.  ;)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 01, 2020, 06:54:42 PM
Oh my, oh my...

Mr. Not Cool Jopen, do you maybe know why is account cooljopen (;u=1262435) banned?   ;D
Another alt-account? No surprise there

Hi guys
The subject is the merit source.
I wanted to remind :-*
Yes thank you for reminding us... but we re-iterate our views that you are not worthy of being a Merit Source member and also re-iterate the point you are not trustworthy in any capacity.

Thank you

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 01, 2020, 07:09:34 PM
Hi guys
The subject is the merit source.
I wanted to remind :-*
Yes thank you for reminding us... but we re-iterate our views that you are not worthy of being a Merit Source member and also re-iterate the point you are not trustworthy in any capacity.

Thank you
Look, I have no capacity, yes, but I have no capacity to fraud. Even if I want it, I can't be a scam. I'm ordinary, I don't lie.
I haven't alts, it's %100 true

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: jopen on June 05, 2020, 11:39:49 PM
@JollyGood , @Lauda, @marlboroza

racism and fascism will of course be erased from this world.and you will be cleared from this forum.


"peace at home peace in the world"


Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 06, 2020, 04:38:54 AM
And you are.....?

@JollyGood , @Lauda, @marlboroza

racism and fascism will of course be erased from this world.and you will be cleared from this forum.



"peace at home peace in the world"


Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 06, 2020, 08:34:32 AM
Thank you to friends who updated the thread more than me :)

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: TwitchySeal on June 06, 2020, 08:39:25 AM
Are you a merit source yet? Or application still pending.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 06, 2020, 09:27:43 AM
It seems his buddy Vispilio made it to Merit Source but at least one of his alt-accounts has come to light (DragonDance) so maybe theymos will revoke it.

Regarding the OP, he is hoping to be Merit Source he has not been selected. The application is probably not even pending because it is (deeply) flawed.

Are you a merit source yet? Or application still pending.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 06, 2020, 10:39:30 AM
Are you a merit source yet? Or application still pending.
I still want to be the merit source and I'm waiting. Do not look at Joseph Goebbels, because he is the SS propaganda minister, he thinks everyone like him.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: marlboroza on June 06, 2020, 11:12:07 AM
racism and fascism
Joseph Goebbels
SS propaganda minister
racist attitudes
What's with all this racist/fascist/nazi nonsense?

"peace at home peace in the world"


"They look like alt accounts"

Anonymous member of internet forum... 30. February 2020.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 06, 2020, 11:27:18 AM
racism and fascism
Joseph Goebbels
SS propaganda minister
racist attitudes
What's with all this racist/fascist/nazi nonsense?

JG's purpose is not to find a scammer! Making the accounts dysfunctional, slander. While doing this, it focuses on different nations. You can also look at the articles he wrote in the subject.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 06, 2020, 02:34:54 PM
Do you have any evidence to back up what you say? Surely you would at least present some proof of the claims you make.

JG's purpose is not to find a scammer! Making the accounts dysfunctional, slander. While doing this, it focuses on different nations. You can also look at the articles he wrote in the subject.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 06, 2020, 03:35:16 PM
Do you have any evidence to back up what you say? Surely you would at least present some proof of the claims you make.

JG's purpose is not to find a scammer! Making the accounts dysfunctional, slander. While doing this, it focuses on different nations. You can also look at the articles he wrote in the subject.;u=1016855

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 06, 2020, 07:09:47 PM
You are not a suitable candidate to be merit source.

Hopefully your friend Vispilio will have his merit source revoked after theymos reads the posts about his alt-accounts.

Are you a merit source yet? Or application still pending.
I still want to be the merit source and I'm waiting. Do not look at Joseph Goebbels, because he is the SS propaganda minister, he thinks everyone like him.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 06, 2020, 07:14:27 PM
You are not a suitable candidate to be merit source.

Hopefully your friend Vispilio will have his merit source revoked after theymos reads the posts about his alt-accounts.

Are you a merit source yet? Or application still pending.
I still want to be the merit source and I'm waiting. Do not look at Joseph Goebbels, because he is the SS propaganda minister, he thinks everyone like him.
Are you making the merit source choices? We understand you do not like me, go write on another subject.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on June 06, 2020, 08:48:45 PM
No but just expressing an opinion, I hope you accept that I am entitled to that at the very least.

Are you making the merit source choices? We understand you do not like me, go write on another subject.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 06, 2020, 09:03:57 PM
No but just expressing an opinion, I hope you accept that I am entitled to that at the very least.

Are you making the merit source choices? We understand you do not like me, go write on another subject.
You have already expressed your opinion many times, I swear the whole forum understood: you do not support me.

Listen to me everyone


We understand I swear

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on June 06, 2020, 09:22:19 PM
I give up my application from the source of Merit at my own will. You keep choosing those guys.


*hopefully marlboroza will not bring files ;)
Why, you don't like my "files"?

I am not sure what to say any more, for example, previous merit source from Turkish local:
I give up my application from the source of Merit at my own will. You keep choosing those guys.
... is account buyer and merit abuser ( and, according to, account is evading ban.

For another example:
i follow @trendcoin for a long time, i trust his technical support and fantastic ideas, good luck bro.
..this account is also evading ban ( Why don't you clean your local board from shady users? It really doesn't look good when bunch of abusers start shilling for merit sources and some other users from Turkish local board start defending those abusers.

It was a joke.
Find, publish, how many are there...
I got my answer here in order not to disturb the subject of trendcoin ...

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on November 23, 2020, 12:25:50 AM
There is no merit in the Turkish section. Whether I or anyone else, a merit source is urgently needed. Stop acting like the world's most important commodity and allocate merit resources.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 24, 2020, 05:01:37 AM
There is no merit in the Turkish section. Whether I or anyone else, a merit source is urgently needed. Stop acting like the world's most important commodity and allocate merit resources.

Oh no... what should we do... ??? There is no merit source in the Otoman horde...

But I thought you ceased to wish to become a merit source... Am I wrong?

I give up my application from the source of Merit at my own will.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: suchmoon on November 24, 2020, 05:24:59 AM
Oh no... what should we do... ??? There is no merit source in the Otoman horde...

There is Vispilio meriting his sockpuppets, so that should cover about half of the Turkish board. And there are at least four other Turkish merit sources ( - EFS, teramit, mhanbostanci, and mindrust. Oh wait, they excommunicated mindrust for caving to the rotten Western decadence, but that still leaves plenty of sources. wolwoo is full of shit as usual.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: istiak2277 on November 24, 2020, 06:11:51 AM
The number of forum members increased as well as quality posts. Especially some local board became very active but most of them don't have any merit source to give merit. Like two top local boards like Bangladesh and Pakistan that do not have their own board is doing very well. responsible members and staff should look at these so that every quality post gets what they deserved.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 24, 2020, 06:51:33 AM
wolwoo is full of shit as usual.

Sacré bleu! Could that be true? And I was almost believing the poor Ottoman baboon... I was almost worried for the Horde running without a merit source.

Wolwoo, so you lied again? I hope you know what that means!

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on November 24, 2020, 06:54:19 AM
I don't even translate what you write anymore. You are so worthless. :D

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: JollyGood on November 24, 2020, 08:15:37 AM
There is no merit in the Turkish section. Whether I or anyone else, a merit source is urgently needed. Stop acting like the world's most important commodity and allocate merit resources.

Oh no... what should we do... ??? There is no merit source in the Otoman horde...

But I thought you ceased to wish to become a merit source... Am I wrong?

I give up my application from the source of Merit at my own will.
GazetaBitcoin digging out those posts is so funny. Got to say it made me laugh  ;)

Sacré bleu! Could that be true? And I was almost believing the poor Otoman baboon... I was almost worried for the Horde running without a merit source.

Wolwoo, so you lied again? I hope you know what that means!
You know the thing that confuses me? They are under the impression that they will have some form of elevation in status if they become merit source. Strange.

Stop acting like the world's most important commodity and allocate merit resources.

This is my preferred way of getting people to do what I want them to do: just insult or coerce them into submission.

I used to sell cars. When somebody expressed any interest in buying a car whatsoever, I grabbed them by the back of the neck and whispered to them that they're gonna buy that fucking car or I'm gonna open the hood, stick their head under it, and close it a few times. I never got a sale but my instincts still tell me its the right thing to do.
Thank heavens I never had the good fortune to meet you when I brought any of my cars because in the process of making the deal either through coercion or insult, I would have ended up in hospital and got a lot more than I bargained for   ;D

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 24, 2020, 09:47:29 AM
GazetaBitcoin digging out those posts is so funny. Got to say it made me laugh  ;)

Looool, I am making myself laugh as well :)

You know the thing that confuses me? They are under the impression that they will have some form of elevation in status if they become merit source. Strange.

Yes, it's strange. Maybe being merit sources make them think it's a privilege, like they are getting something. Instead, being a merit source doesn't mean to get (something), but to give. However, because of still having in present the ancient hordes mentality of pillaging and generally getting whatever they wanted back then (of course, until meeting Vlad the Impaler lol), they live under the impression that if they have an Ottoman merit source they will get something as a nation horde. But they won't, as that person (if any would be chosen) would not get anything; instead, s/he will have to give something (the merits).

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on November 27, 2020, 10:58:13 AM
There is a problem here:
More merit has been distributed to the Turkish section in the past
Or now there is incomplete distribution
Responsible for both: management

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 27, 2020, 11:14:54 AM
Responsible for both: management

Yes, management must be bun! Starting with theymos! I suggest you to start a topic in Meta. The Ottoman horde must receive more merits! This is undeniable!

Oh wait... nobody can ban theymos... What to do, what to do... ???

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on November 27, 2020, 11:21:27 AM
Responsible for both: management

Yes, management must be bun! Starting with theymos! I suggest you to start a topic in Meta. The Ottoman horde must receive more merits! This is undeniable!

Oh wait... nobody can ban theymos... What to do, what to do... ???

Name:   GazetaBitcoin
Posts:   1665
Activity:   434
Merit:   1249
Position:   Sr. Member
Date Registered:   November 06, 2017, 10:35:33 AM

 :D ;) I'm not multi, like you

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: GazetaBitcoin on November 27, 2020, 12:53:21 PM
Name:   GazetaBitcoin
Posts:   1665
Activity:   434
Merit:   1249
Position:   Sr. Member
Date Registered:   November 06, 2017, 10:35:33 AM

Thank you for pointing out my nice and big number of merits and also my good merits vs. activity ratio (which is 2.87)! Yes, it is a nice achievement to surpass the Legendary threshold while being still Sr. Member, or to obtain more than 500 merits while being Full Member, so thank you for appreciating this.

:D ;) I'm not multi, like you

You are not multi what like me? I don't understand what you mean here.

Title: Re: wolwoo's merit source desire
Post by: wolwoo on November 27, 2020, 01:11:51 PM
Name:   GazetaBitcoin
Posts:   1665
Activity:   434
Merit:   1249
Position:   Sr. Member
Date Registered:   November 06, 2017, 10:35:33 AM

Thank you for pointing out my nice and big number of merits and also my good merits vs. activity ratio (which is 2.87)! Yes, it is a nice achievement to surpass the Legendary threshold while being still Sr. Member, or to obtain more than 500 merits while being Full Member, so thank you for appreciating this.

:D ;) I'm not multi, like you

You are not multi what like me? I don't understand what you mean here.

you just want rights for yourself! There are numerous sources of merit globally and you are pumping among you. You create multiple accounts and become a powerhouse globally. You have so much virtue. You are trying to divide it fairly (!) among you so that nobody benefits. You use all the possibilities of the forum to your advantage. With the trust system, you discredit any potential competitor account other than you.
You can't even tolerate an ordinary request header because you're afraid that your source of income will be lost ...

You and many more accounts are actually a one man army! troll army
I don't understand why everybody surrendered to this
everyone somehow chose to make do with crumbs ::)