Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: cheezcarls on December 07, 2019, 05:11:33 PM

Title: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: cheezcarls on December 07, 2019, 05:11:33 PM
Numerous respected cryptocurrency analysts are taking issue with a Bitcoin-linked investment scheme known as HEX. It claims to be the world’s first high-interest blockchain certificate of deposit and makes spectacular ROI promises, particularly for those getting in at the earliest.

Behind the idea is Richard Heart, a serial entrepreneur, marketing expert, and cryptocurrency proponent. Heart has spent much of the last year promoting HEX, which was originally known as Bitcoin HEX.

Read more here (

Last time, I made a video about the confrontation between Craig "Faketoshi" Wright and Richard Heart ( at Malta AI and blockchain summit last month.

Now, it seems that I could finally call them both scammers.

You know why? Richard Heart himself was now being labeled as a potential scammer for running a Bitcoin ponzi scheme known as HEX.

I just don't know guys, but it looks like I'm not going to side either of these scammers now. But what do you think about this one guys?

Which one are you siding on? Or no one? Just let everybody know here about your reaction or opinion. Cheers and have a happy weekend!

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: NeuroticFish on December 07, 2019, 07:35:12 PM
I knew from twitter that Richard Heart is planning to launch something, but I didn't pay much of attention.
Today everywhere I read only about HEX. I see I've missed the launch by a week. The price has already fallen to dust.

The interests it's promising looks fabulous. Together with the look of the website, it makes me stay extra cautious (although at 6 satoshi / HEX it may be a good business to buy now and sell it when it rises, if ever).
Although indeed it looks too good to be true, I'll stay in the middle and won't call it Ponzi. With the low price of HEX and a possible FOMO rush for Bitcoin, those promises have a chance to be achievable. (But in that case Bitcoin itself will be a much better business.)

Edit: I like a lot the "there is no real basis for value" part in the next post ( It explains it best.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: squatter on December 07, 2019, 07:59:26 PM
I always figured Richard Heart was building up to something like this. He always seemed like a marketer intent on monetizing his position as an influencer on Crypto Twitter.

It reads like an "honest" ponzi scheme. In theory, you can make obscene profits, but there is no real basis for value and everybody is just openly waiting for greater fools to drive the market up.

All such schemes eventually collapse under their own weight. Richard Heart will profit handsomely, though, I'm sure. He's already up more than $3 million just from printing tokens out of thin air.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 08, 2019, 01:06:49 AM
I always figured Richard Heart was building up to something like this. He always seemed like a marketer intent on monetizing his position as an influencer on Crypto Twitter.

I thought he had previous scamming/criminal experience pre crypto under a different name. I seem to recall something about Panama.

As ever in cryptoland who knows what's true and what isn't but actions speak louder than words and his recent ones are rather vocal.

He strikes me as someone with a rather towering superiority complex so would regard relieving peons of their money as a personal favour to them.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: hugeblack on December 08, 2019, 07:31:36 AM
When it comes to money, I don't trust anyone. If you want to make a change, give me a mechanism, program or algorithm that everyone can benefit from. As for financial advice and the promise of profits, they come from scammers or people who take advantage of being famous to make profits.

I haven't read much about HEX, but it just seems to be a new shittoken that Richard Heart is promoting him to get richer.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: Kemarit on December 08, 2019, 09:55:35 AM
I always figured Richard Heart was building up to something like this. He always seemed like a marketer intent on monetizing his position as an influencer on Crypto Twitter.

It reads like an "honest" ponzi scheme. In theory, you can make obscene profits, but there is no real basis for value and everybody is just openly waiting for greater fools to drive the market up.

All such schemes eventually collapse under their own weight. Richard Heart will profit handsomely, though, I'm sure. He's already up more than $3 million just from printing tokens out of thin air.

Right, and now he is the toast of the twitter world because of the way he build his character, but at the end of the day, he was exposed as a scammer.

The thing is that he also was able to enticed other personalities such as TPB:

We're downright shocked how popular this HEX is given that it's clearly a blatant ponzi scheme. TPB should know better. Can someone could explain how a "Bitcoin maximalist" transitions to ponzi scheme promoter & supporter? #ponzi #HEX #scam #cryptoscam

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 08, 2019, 02:41:11 PM
Someone's breakdown of it here -

All a bit grubby but no one should be surprised at what people attempt to pull. I wonder how many other people have been building their rep with similar end goals.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: figmentofmyass on December 08, 2019, 06:37:59 PM
imagine if satoshi distributed bitcoin with an ICO, accrued half of all mining rewards to an address he controlled as a "founder's reward", then took control of the majority of lost coins on the network.

that's pretty much what HEX's distribution is gonna look like:

So far we’ve established that Richard will likely make over $100 million in ETH and control 45% of all HEX after the first year. Unlike in Bitcoin where the high initial inflation rate quickly diluted Satoshi and other early adopters, HEX will only have at most a 3.69% annual inflation rate once the initial launch phase ends, so Richard’s stake will never be diluted. In fact, with the “Bigger Pays Better” bonus that pays large holders an additional 10% on their stake, his share of HEX will only increase over time.

There is an additional benefit the Origin Address receives, though, that may be even more significant than the benefit Richard receives from allotting himself 40–45% of the entire HEX supply. As the holder of the Origin Address, Richard gets paid half of all HEX reclaimed by penalties.

If you’ve only perused the Hex website, you might think that all of this penalized HEX goes to stakers, but in reality half of it is going to Richard’s Origin Address, while the other half is divided amongst the pool of every other staked participant. But remember: Richard not only possesses the Origin Address but will also comprise at least 45% of all the HEX in the staking pool after the first year. So say someone ends their stake early and is penalized 1 million HEX, Richard receives 775,000 HEX himself, leaving only 225,000 coins to be divided amongst the thousands of other stakers.

Unlike the bonuses in HEX, which expire after the initial launch phase, the penalties are a permanent part of the HEX smart contract. They will never expire, enriching Richard in perpetuity, sucking all the value away from you and accruing it to Richard himself.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: 1Referee on December 08, 2019, 11:44:56 PM
It's hilarious (not in positive sense) to see "Bitcoin maximalists" like Tone Vays and Peter McCormack attempt to make his project look like a scam, while in reality they make themselves look like imbeciles donating free exposure to Richard. It's obviously a scam, why do people feel the need to point that out by debating him? All Ether tokens sent to the contract are his. Currently that's +$5 million worth.

How did CSW grow his popularity? By having people so desperately trying to expose him as fakesatoshi. Richard's popularity grows the more people are trying to expose his scam.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: robelneo on December 09, 2019, 01:44:37 PM

How did CSW grow his popularity? By having people so desperately trying to expose him as fakesatoshi. Richard's popularity grows the more people are trying to expose his scam.

Not the kind of popularity that many persons will want to have, and if proven 1005 scam it's easy to prosecute him because he is a very popular and well-known guy, this guy has no conscience for making himself popular by scamming people, people really don't care if they lose their reputation for the sake of getting rich.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: 1Referee on December 09, 2019, 02:42:44 PM
this guy has no conscience for making himself popular by scamming people, people really don't care if they lose their reputation for the sake of getting rich.

In crypto so called influencers don't lose reputation unfortunately. Even if that would be the case, I don't think many of them mind exchanging their 'good' reputation for millions worth of crypto. From a rekt bitch Richard became a multi millionaire.

Ethereum has POS coming up where people can stake and earn actual Ether, yet they sell that Ether for HEX, lol. You buy a pile of poop and after a year you have a bigger pile of poop. That's the best way to describe HEX staking.

I haven't claimed any airdropped HEX myself and won't do it for privacy reasons even though the idea of dumping poop on imbeciles in return for Bitcoin sounds really good.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: milewilda on December 09, 2019, 06:55:27 PM
I 101% agree on this tweet. lol

Its only purpose is to hopefully go up in value by attracting new suckers. (

Its obvious to be a ponzi scheme but people who are aware of would tend to blindfold themselves and invest no matter what. I wont be surprised
if they would cry later on if this thing would collapse.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: figmentofmyass on December 09, 2019, 07:52:30 PM
I 101% agree on this tweet. lol

Its only purpose is to hopefully go up in value by attracting new suckers. (

Its obvious to be a ponzi scheme but people who are aware of would tend to blindfold themselves and invest no matter what. I wont be surprised
if they would cry later on if this thing would collapse.

a lot of the early investors know it's a scam. they don't care, either because they're taking no risk (they are claiming based on BTC holdings), or because they know the cycle will play out just like bitconnect and other ponzi-like schemes.

the early money knows the risk is low because the crypto market is gullible, greedy, and swimming with disposable capital. they'll cause the initial explosion in price, which will in turn cause the dumb money to flood in. and that will build up the house of cards.

it's sad watching this stuff play out in real time. :-\

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: mindrust on December 09, 2019, 08:08:23 PM
He very well knows what HEX is about (a scam btw) but he insists on as if it is legit. He is pretty smart for that kind of shit.

He might be running a social experiment.

I remember in one of his older videos in 2017, when he still was a bitcoin maximalist, he was pretty jealous of the people which made quite big profits by investing in ethereum.

He was hating eth at that time. He was calling it a big scam (which is true btw). And now he is coming up with his own shitcoin. Printed on the ethereum blockchain which is the master shitcoin printer.

He knows there are way too many greedy retards in this space and he wants to take advantage of it.

He doesn't care if you call him a scammer of not.

He is just after the money.

He doesn't want to wait for the next bitcoin ATH. Nah. He wants that sweet quick riches.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: milewilda on December 09, 2019, 08:08:59 PM
I 101% agree on this tweet. lol

Its only purpose is to hopefully go up in value by attracting new suckers. (

Its obvious to be a ponzi scheme but people who are aware of would tend to blindfold themselves and invest no matter what. I wont be surprised
if they would cry later on if this thing would collapse.

a lot of the early investors know it's a scam. they don't care, either because they're taking no risk (they are claiming based on BTC holdings), or because they know the cycle will play out just like bitconnect and other ponzi-like schemes.

the early money knows the risk is low because the crypto market is gullible, greedy, and swimming with disposable capital. they'll cause the initial explosion in price, which will in turn cause the dumb money to flood in. and that will build up the house of cards.

it's sad watching this stuff play out in real time. :-\
Well you got it right even on todays doublers there were still people who do jumped in and trying to get the fastest profits as they can before the site closes.They do initially payouts on round 1 or 2 then ran away
and as said they do know the risk but they do think off way more heavier on making money to those opportunities.Same goes to this scenario and i cant really forget on what happened to that Bitconnect, lots of people telling that its a ponzi  but big money still flows into it. People never ever learn no matter how you do tell them.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: CryptoBry on December 12, 2019, 07:34:24 AM

You know why? Richard Heart himself was now being labeled as a potential scammer for running a Bitcoin ponzi scheme known as HEX. I just don't know guys, but it looks like I'm not going to side either of these scammers now. But what do you think about this one guys? Which one are you siding on? Or no one? Just let everybody know here about your reaction or opinion. Cheers and have a happy weekend!

I always remember the adage that when something is too good to be true then in most probability it is not. When a program or project is appealing to our innate sense of greed, the most likely scenario is that it will really end up bad. This happened with many similar programs promising great returns of investment (ROI) as the most effective way to lure in investors or token buyers. Who would not want the highest profits, anyway? I am not really familiar with this man named Richard Heart but judging on what I am reading right now, he seems to possess no "heart" for the many possible victims of his own scheme. I am now starting to believe that the cryptocurrency industry is now being trampled by many scam artists out to get as much money as they can from innocent people.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 12, 2019, 12:38:22 PM
I am now starting to believe that the cryptocurrency industry is now being trampled by many scam artists out to get as much money as they can from innocent people.

You've only just started thinking that way? I admire your stoicism.

It has and probably always will be a paradise for the immoral and predatory. Perhaps when it becomes boring that'll lessen but there will always, always be the 'next Bitcoin'. The idea is just too simple and too compelling.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: figmentofmyass on December 12, 2019, 07:59:08 PM
I am now starting to believe that the cryptocurrency industry is now being trampled by many scam artists out to get as much money as they can from innocent people.

You've only just started thinking that way? I admire your stoicism.

It has and probably always will be a paradise for the immoral and predatory.

the greed i've seen in the crypto's unparalleled. every newcomer i've ever seen is trying get rich quick, putting their money into riskier and riskier investments. cloud mining, shitcoins, ICOs, HYIP, whatever. there is a never ending stream of fish for the taking. that attracts a certain element, to be sure.

not to mention that irreversible and pseudonymous payments = a dream come true for internet scammers. they can find victims across the globe and once the money is in their hands, it's not tied to their identity and it's easy to liquidate.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: squatter on December 12, 2019, 09:01:38 PM
I wonder if Heart is attracting attention from the SEC. I don't see any restrictions on investment from US persons. Despite this humorous disclaimer --

-- it definitely reads like a common enterprise with an expectation of profits from third party efforts. Why are people buying HEX from him, if they didn't believe his promises about the returns? He's even suggesting predictable returns by presenting HEX as a "certificate of deposit." This is how most people view CDs (

CDs are similar to savings accounts in that they are insured "money in the bank" and thus virtually risk free.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 12, 2019, 09:08:11 PM
I wonder if Heart is attracting attention from the SEC. I don't see any restrictions on investment from US persons. Despite this humorous disclaimer --

I follow a couple of crypto-aware lawyers on Twitter. I think it's safe to say they're rather less confident than he is in the future success of his wonderful project -

Then again he strikes me as a right slippery git so may know something we don't.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 14, 2019, 05:26:48 PM
I have zero idea of the ins and outs of how it works and I've no idea how many people bought it rather than claimed it or whatever but this person is reporting a 99.93% loss in three days if you'd actually bought Hex -

Not bad. I think it can do better yet.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: squatter on December 14, 2019, 09:00:34 PM
I have zero idea of the ins and outs of how it works and I've no idea how many people bought it rather than claimed it or whatever but this person is reporting a 99.93% loss in three days if you'd actually bought Hex -

Not bad. I think it can do better yet.

Don't worry. This is actually a good thing, according to Richard Heart:

There is no liquidity, either. It has a 24-hour volume of ~26 ETH on Bidesk, which doesn't seem to have a CMC listing. And less than 1 ETH volume on ForkDelta.

This looks really brutal for anyone who bought through the HEX system. How much has he raised so far? I keep seeing articles that say he's raised millions but I can't find the address.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: Racer8 on December 15, 2019, 07:22:59 AM
It's interesting that the Hex project compares Hex to a Certificate of Deposit.  When you deposit money into a CD that capital is lent to another party who uses it for whatever and pays you interest for the privilege.  That is what gives your capital some sort of value.  With Hex staking the Hex just sits there and some code in a contract pays out "interest".  I just don't see how that defines any sort of value for your Hex?

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: mindrust on December 15, 2019, 08:24:05 AM
It's interesting that the Hex project compares Hex to a Certificate of Deposit.  When you deposit money into a CD that capital is lent to another party who uses it for whatever and pays you interest for the privilege.  That is what gives your capital some sort of value.  With Hex staking the Hex just sits there and some code in a contract pays out "interest".  I just don't see how that defines any sort of value for your Hex?

It is a ponzi scheme.

They want to artificially replicate bitcoin's deflationary nature.

Bitcoin has been going up even though some of its investors cashed out big amounts from time to time.
Bitcoin is that strong.

Hex is trying to close the cash out gate to increase the price artificially. Sooner or later people will want to get out and it will crash.

Don't touch this.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 16, 2019, 01:27:36 AM's exchange has listed Hex -

If I were Mr. Ver that's something I would have just a few wee doubts about but perhaps he's decided to go for broke and go full shit. Bitconnect and Onecoin up for a comeback next I guess.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: tmfp on December 16, 2019, 06:39:25 AM's exchange has listed Hex -

If I were Mr. Ver that's something I would have just a few wee doubts about but perhaps he's decided to go for broke and go full shit. Bitconnect and Onecoin up for a comeback next I guess.

Yeah, and a Clubcoin IEO ( no doubt.

Just another example of crypto eating itself (and its credibility).
Heart's angle has something of Mavrodi ( about it.

I think this comment on the Steemit article ( summed things up pretty much

thanks for the links but doubt anyone on steem would care, scammers take millions here and so long as crumbs fall down none cares who's being robbed

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: audaciousbeing on December 16, 2019, 12:20:49 PM
Numerous respected cryptocurrency analysts are taking issue with a Bitcoin-linked investment scheme known as HEX. It claims to be the world’s first high-interest blockchain certificate of deposit and makes spectacular ROI promises, particularly for those getting in at the earliest.

Behind the idea is Richard Heart, a serial entrepreneur, marketing expert, and cryptocurrency proponent. Heart has spent much of the last year promoting HEX, which was originally known as Bitcoin HEX.

Read more here (

Last time, I made a video about the confrontation between Craig "Faketoshi" Wright and Richard Heart ( at Malta AI and blockchain summit last month.

Now, it seems that I could finally call them both scammers.

You know why? Richard Heart himself was now being labeled as a potential scammer for running a Bitcoin ponzi scheme known as HEX.

I just don't know guys, but it looks like I'm not going to side either of these scammers now. But what do you think about this one guys?

Which one are you siding on? Or no one? Just let everybody know here about your reaction or opinion. Cheers and have a happy weekend!

One of the problem we will continue to have in crypto is the greediness of people that have infested the crypto space and its so discouraging to have to deal with news such as this. Many people wants to invest and reap 50 folds within a short period of time. I don't know which kind of investment model that has ever worked in real life and the entrepreneurs who understands that level of greediness would continue to take advantage of it. Its disheartening but I don't see the end to that anytime soon.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: 1Referee on December 16, 2019, 09:37:18 PM's exchange has listed Hex

If I were Mr. Ver that's something I would have just a few wee doubts about but perhaps he's decided to go for broke and go full shit. Bitconnect and Onecoin up for a comeback next I guess.

I like that move because it makes Roger look bad within his own community. It made me kind of have some respect for the BCH community as they are against Roger shilling this flat out scam. It means that they are more than just ass lickers following their master. The main ABC dev is publicly speaking out against it, which is hilarious, mainly so with how he is partly paid by Roger.

Interesting part is that just before the listing, Richard in one of his streams said that the biggest HEX claim comes from a Bitcoin address that had nearly 2000BTC in it, then suddenly Roger Ver announces the listing on his shitcoin dot com exchange. Coincidence?  ::)

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: squatter on December 16, 2019, 10:51:45 PM's exchange has listed Hex

If I were Mr. Ver that's something I would have just a few wee doubts about but perhaps he's decided to go for broke and go full shit. Bitconnect and Onecoin up for a comeback next I guess.
Interesting part is that just before the listing, Richard in one of his streams said that the biggest HEX claim comes from a Bitcoin address that had nearly 2000BTC in it, then suddenly Roger Ver announces the listing on his shitcoin dot com exchange. Coincidence?  ::)

That might explain part of the motive, but I'll bet that Richard Heart paid a listing fee far above and beyond industry standards, and probably made Roger a huge HEX shareholder on top of it. Heart badly needs a noteworthy exchange to list HEX.

The two are looking quite chummy on this live stream they broadcast together yesterday (

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: darkangel11 on December 20, 2019, 04:46:30 PM
It's another bitconnect.

Here you can see that when some guy asked for his real name he said that he won't give it away, but he's not asking anyone for money so he doesn't have to. When he decides to ask for money he'll be doing it with his real name.

Now some time later he's really asking for money because this is what all this crypto tweeting comes down to and he's not doing it with his real name: Richard J Schueler

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: pixie85 on December 20, 2019, 10:30:39 PM
I don't like Heart. There's something off about this guy.

Let's sum this up. Some guy changes his name and starts posing on the Internet as a rich successful investor who wants to give advice to you for free. This always leads to some kind of a scam or advertising project. Just wait until he starts selling shirts and mugs with his face on it.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 21, 2019, 12:26:22 AM
Let's sum this up. Some guy changes his name and starts posing on the Internet as a rich successful investor who wants to give advice to you for free. This always leads to some kind of a scam or advertising project. Just wait until he starts selling shirts and mugs with his face on it.

I remember him saying that he spent untold thousands of dollars on Tony Robbins courses for him and his family and then decided to use that knowledge to heal the world. His early vids were him in a top hat telling you to be nice and stuff.

I guess the mask slipped or no one gave a shit.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: pixie85 on December 21, 2019, 08:13:57 PM
I remember him saying that he spent untold thousands of dollars on Tony Robbins courses for him and his family and then decided to use that knowledge to heal the world. His early vids were him in a top hat telling you to be nice and stuff.

I guess the mask slipped or no one gave a shit.

I saw his debate with Tone Vays and as much as I don't agree with Tone's predictions I don't get why people thought he lost the debate. Cointelegraph called it a debate of a maximalist vs realist which is already damning because realists are considered smart and open for discussion. The name suggests there's going to be a stubborn guy who's there to do his thing and not listen to any arguments.

Heart's points weren't realism. He focused on hos Bitcoin is bad for the environment and that Bitcoin's 2 critical bugs were much worse than ETH rollback. If that was realism I'm out.

Also Richard says Hex isn't a scam because he's not asking for money. If you buy it you buy it even if you're buying his bag of Hex worth 0.0001 USD each.  :D

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on December 26, 2019, 02:32:15 PM
I used to have a LOT of respect for the guy he did help a lot of people understand bitcoin and blockchain shame he's fallen down this route.

That was probably the plan all along. I'll bet he's kicking himself for not going full penis in 2017. Maybe that's why he started crying when the market took a monster shit. He could've made billions rather than a few mil.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: squatter on December 26, 2019, 09:30:16 PM
I used to have a LOT of respect for the guy he did help a lot of people understand bitcoin and blockchain shame he's fallen down this route.

That was probably the plan all along. I'll bet he's kicking himself for not going full penis in 2017. Maybe that's why he started crying when the market took a monster shit. He could've made billions rather than a few mil.

I imagine that's why he waited until now to launch it, as opposed to last year's downturn. The 2020 halving is around the corner, and the market is still coming off an impressive upturn in early 2019. He's obviously hoping to ride the next 2017. And he might just become a billionaire if the SEC (or similar agency) doesn't step in and force him to disgorge his profits.

This few million could just be the start.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: darkangel11 on December 27, 2019, 12:51:43 AM
You guys were asking about how much money he made and his address.

This is it. Up to this date Richard has made almost 6 million dollars. In early December it was 2 million, so he made almost 4 million USD in just 1 month.

Good thread to read more about the scam  (

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: kingcarsen on December 29, 2019, 06:48:29 PM
You guys were asking about how much money he made and his address.

This is it. Up to this date Richard has made almost 6 million dollars. In early December it was 2 million, so he made almost 4 million USD in just 1 month.

Good thread to read more about the scam  (


He also goes on rants for like 2 hours on Youtube about how he doesn't block anyone and would debate with anyone about it, debated him for about 10 minutes, he got triggered and then blocked me.

Richard Heart is going to be the next Carlos, grab the popcorn guys.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: aoluain on January 01, 2020, 09:55:00 PM
I 101% agree on this tweet. lol

Its only purpose is to hopefully go up in value by attracting new suckers. (

Its obvious to be a ponzi scheme but people who are aware of would tend to blindfold themselves and invest no matter what. I wont be surprised
if they would cry later on if this thing would collapse.

a lot of the early investors know it's a scam. they don't care, either because they're taking no risk (they are claiming based on BTC holdings), or because they know the cycle will play out just like bitconnect and other ponzi-like schemes.

the early money knows the risk is low because the crypto market is gullible, greedy, and swimming with disposable capital. they'll cause the initial explosion in price, which will in turn cause the dumb money to flood in. and that will build up the house of cards.

it's sad watching this stuff play out in real time. :-\

totally agree, there are indeed people investing in HEX knowing its a ponzi
and they dont care as long as they are in early and out early leaving the
other suckers who are not in the know with bags of worthless HEX.

The definition if Hex below sums up this scheme,
anyone who gets into this will be HEXed

verb (used with object)
to bewitch; practice witchcraft on:

spell; charm

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on January 05, 2020, 04:37:59 PM

The Hex price is now under one Satoshi. Good effort.

I wonder whether he'll try to keep it twitching until or if there's another alt pump or whether he'll cut and run. Burning your rep is a one time deal. Guess he's not the 'thought leader' he thought he was.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: pushups44 on January 13, 2020, 03:43:29 AM
I wonder if Heart is attracting attention from the SEC. I don't see any restrictions on investment from US persons. Despite this humorous disclaimer --

I follow a couple of crypto-aware lawyers on Twitter. I think it's safe to say they're rather less confident than he is in the future success of his wonderful project -

Then again he strikes me as a right slippery git so may know something we don't.

I thought he did a great job debating Tone Vays for Cointelegraph so I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but then rumors started swirling about his project and I did some Googling... let's just say this person has a past. I found some bright red flags. I will leave it at that because I don't know if he's litigious. His past, which includes allegations of serious legal problems, is all over the internet.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on January 13, 2020, 02:17:07 PM
I thought he did a great job debating Tone Vays for Cointelegraph so I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but then rumors started swirling about his project and I did some Googling... let's just say this person has a past. I found some bright red flags. I will leave it at that because I don't know if he's litigious. His past, which includes allegations of serious legal problems, is all over the internet.

Even if you didn't look up his multiple aliases most people would be able to tell that here is a person who regards others as marks to be milked and discarded. There's something about his manner that tells you he is not someone troubled by his conscience. Cos there ain't one.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on January 13, 2020, 03:13:54 PM
Even if you didn't look up his multiple aliases most people would be able to tell that here is a person who regards others as marks to be milked and discarded. There's something about his manner that tells you he is not someone troubled by his conscience. Cos there ain't one.
It is true that he is having a shady past and i never trusted what he said and i doubted whether HEX will continue for a long time because it straight up looked like a ponzi like the way he made all the money in the past and finally one more scammer who gelled in the bitcoin market as an advocate of prediction and stuff is revealed ;D.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: pushups44 on January 20, 2020, 01:34:30 PM
I thought he did a great job debating Tone Vays for Cointelegraph so I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but then rumors started swirling about his project and I did some Googling... let's just say this person has a past. I found some bright red flags. I will leave it at that because I don't know if he's litigious. His past, which includes allegations of serious legal problems, is all over the internet.

Even if you didn't look up his multiple aliases most people would be able to tell that here is a person who regards others as marks to be milked and discarded. There's something about his manner that tells you he is not someone troubled by his conscience. Cos there ain't one.

So, when Richard Heart claimed he had no motive of making massive money but wanted to help humanity because he was self-made, why didn't Tone Vays bring up his past? It would not have been unethical or wrong at all - *he* brought up how successful he is. Vays looked so weak in that debate. Heart's past was fair game if he was making claims about his moral standing based on how supposedly clean it was. I mean the guy referenced his past and was trying to portray Vays as the scammer. Anyway, I lost respect for Vays in that debate - he got reamed.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: gentlemand on January 20, 2020, 02:57:20 PM
So, when Richard Heart claimed he had no motive of making massive money but wanted to help humanity because he was self-made, why didn't Tone Vays bring up his past? It would not have been unethical or wrong at all - *he* brought up how successful he is. Vays looked so weak in that debate. Heart's past was fair game if he was making claims about his moral standing based on how supposedly clean it was. I mean the guy referenced his past and was trying to portray Vays as the scammer. Anyway, I lost respect for Vays in that debate - he got reamed.

I presume when debating a known crypto personality one assumes by default that they have a criminal or scammy past. It's probably a profound shock when they turn out not to.

It's such a grind figuring out what's true and what isn't in cryptoland that unless there are actual convictions someone that slippery could shrug off accusations of that nature.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: smyslov on January 22, 2020, 01:18:13 PM
You know why? Richard Heart himself was now being labeled as a potential scammer for running a Bitcoin ponzi scheme known as HEX.

I just don't know guys, but it looks like I'm not going to side either of these scammers now. But what do you think about this one guys?

Which one are you siding on? Or no one? Just let everybody know here about your reaction or opinion. Cheers and have a happy weekend!

Richard Heart's coin can be considered a scam coin billions of supply, no volume, 1 sat, this is a certified shitcoin, this coin has no future at all and all have no future at all, if people invested here, Heart should refund the money of these investors.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: bhadz on January 23, 2020, 11:02:42 PM
Richard Heart's coin can be considered a scam coin billions of supply, no volume, 1 sat, this is a certified shitcoin, this coin has no future at all and all have no future at all, if people invested here, Heart should refund the money of these investors.
The "high interest" quote from the website already tells us what this kind of project is. Everything that proposes a too good to be true profit is already a red flag for wise investors. But there are still potential victims on this kind of coin by Heart.
The ignorant ones will buy on that promises that he's giving because they are not aware of how the project itself will generate profit for most of them.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: Baoo on February 02, 2020, 11:05:51 PM
Well, I don't give  attention to these persons, but it is certain scammers are unfortunately widespread in this domain. In fact, I barely trust these types of people because most of them are greedy, they just want to achieve their future endeavors through exploiting the weak people. 
Trust and believe in yourself,  your mind is a miracle, use it ,   keep it always up, it is sure that you will face a lot of obstacles especially  in the first experiences but remember that without hardwork, productivity and creativity you can't reach any goal.
Try to create your own success otherwise, someone else will hire or use  you in order to achieve his goals.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: aioc on February 05, 2020, 03:08:16 PM

You know why? Richard Heart himself was now being labeled as a potential scammer for running a Bitcoin ponzi scheme known as HEX.

I just don't know guys, but it looks like I'm not going to side either of these scammers now. But what do you think about this one guys?

Which one are you siding on? Or no one? Just let everybody know here about your reaction or opinion. Cheers and have a happy weekend!

Just look at the volume and the price they are traded at 1 sat, he is good at talking but people do not want another Ponzi scheme in the tradition of Bitconnectcoin and Onecoin it will be a matter of time before this proejct die a natural death and every investor will go after Richard Heart.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: zviadits on February 08, 2020, 01:41:21 PM
Almost always when companies or entrepreneurs offer super cool deposit conditions and so on, this turns out to be a trap for investors. So HEX can be a scam with high fidelity. HERE does not need to be a super analyst to understand this. You need to wait at least a year from the start of HEX and only then doing some conclusions

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: fortunecrypto on February 19, 2020, 02:22:23 PM
Richard Heart's coin can be considered a scam coin billions of supply, no volume, 1 sat, this is a certified shitcoin, this coin has no future at all and all have no future at all, if people invested here, Heart should refund the money of these investors.
The "high interest" quote from the website already tells us what this kind of project is. Everything that proposes a too good to be true profit is already a red flag for wise investors. But there are still potential victims on this kind of coin by Heart.
The ignorant ones will buy on that promises that he's giving because they are not aware of how the project itself will generate profit for most of them.

I have seen him do a debate on one trader in a Singapore meet up and he seems good at talking and convincing people, good trait for a guy who is very much into MLM and Hype, listening to him, will made you believe that his Hex coin is the new Bitcoin and the only coin worth investing, so better check the character of this guy before buying his coin.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: RussiaUkraineTranslation on July 19, 2022, 11:58:55 AM
Numerous respected cryptocurrency analysts are taking issue with a Bitcoin-linked investment scheme known as HEX. It claims to be the world’s first high-interest blockchain certificate of deposit and makes spectacular ROI promises, particularly for those getting in at the earliest.

Behind the idea is Richard Heart, a serial entrepreneur, marketing expert, and cryptocurrency proponent. Heart has spent much of the last year promoting HEX, which was originally known as Bitcoin HEX.

Read more here (

Last time, I made a video about the confrontation between Craig "Faketoshi" Wright and Richard Heart ( at Malta AI and blockchain summit last month.

Now, it seems that I could finally call them both scammers.

You know why? Richard Heart himself was now being labeled as a potential scammer for running a Bitcoin ponzi scheme known as HEX.

I just don't know guys, but it looks like I'm not going to side either of these scammers now. But what do you think about this one guys?

Which one are you siding on? Or no one? Just let everybody know here about your reaction or opinion. Cheers and have a happy weekend!

I want to start by saying that I am not defending Richard Heart or his behavior. I think he has many personality flaws, too many to name here and not worth the time but a moment on his Twitter page will teach you all you need to know. In fact, I think the HEX contract is so good, and the concept behind it, that it has been sucessful despite RH, which is proof of its utility. People call the contract a Ponzi but it, and other tokenized CDs, do not pay dividends to depositors based on the deposits of new investors. Instead, these contracts are inflationary and provide rewards based on amount staked, length of stake and fees collected from withdrawals. The question should be, how long will the contract survive if it is hyper inflationary. I would say that long term, it may not be a good investment because it is lacking utility above staking and there are not enough revenue sources. I have seen numerous forks of HEX fail because they didn't address these issues. There is a new one coming out though called MAXX . Finance, which has upgraded the HEX contract and added more revenue generating features like node validators, DAO, DeFi DApps, and token transaction fees. Now it should be easier for investors to see the long term profit potential of staking. All they have to do is check the DAO wallets to see the amount of revenue and payout to stakers.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: larry_vw_1955 on September 12, 2022, 05:29:49 AM
one thing i didn't like about this richard heart guy, actually alot of thing but the main one is how he throws shade at satoshi when satoshi might be dead and here richard heart is saying something along the lines of  "where was satoshi when bitcoin had this problem nowhere to be found but I stepped up to the plate to try and help bitcoin."

Shade is a subtle, sneering expression of contempt for or disgust with someone

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: NotATether on September 12, 2022, 10:41:25 AM
one thing i didn't like about this richard heart guy, actually alot of thing but the main one is how he throws shade at satoshi when satoshi might be dead and here richard heart is saying something along the lines of  "where was satoshi when bitcoin had this problem nowhere to be found but I stepped up to the plate to try and help bitcoin."

So what exactly did Richard Heart do about the block size conflict? I'm going to take the safest guess and assume that he was just spectating the whole thing.

Title: Re: So Richard Heart is a Bitcoin ponzi scammer too?
Post by: larry_vw_1955 on September 13, 2022, 02:23:44 AM
one thing i didn't like about this richard heart guy, actually alot of thing but the main one is how he throws shade at satoshi when satoshi might be dead and here richard heart is saying something along the lines of  "where was satoshi when bitcoin had this problem nowhere to be found but I stepped up to the plate to try and help bitcoin."

So what exactly did Richard Heart do about the block size conflict? I'm going to take the safest guess and assume that he was just spectating the whole thing.

i don't know what he was referring to exactly that he had to step in and help out but he acts like it was a pain in the ass for him to have to do it so people should really feel gratitude to him for what he did. like bitcoin wouldn't have survived without him...

he has some silly one-liners like this one:
"all cryptocurrencies are is an excel spreadsheet on the internet you put your money on you need your password to spend and they inflate 2% per year to keep the sheet honest."

the dumbest thing i ever hear him say is that hex is better than bitcoin. now THAT'S DUMB!

smart guy no doubt. but he's a little off on some of the thing he says. 8)

he also said that bitcoin destroys the environment and he would know since he used to mine bitcoin he claims...