Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: cryptomarketyourself on December 17, 2019, 04:52:37 PM

Title: US Treasury vs European Central Bank
Post by: cryptomarketyourself on December 17, 2019, 04:52:37 PM
The US treasure sees no incentives towards getting into the crypto space according to this article: (

The ECB on the other hand has announced that they're already planning on a digital currency for european banks. (

The US is falling behind.


Title: Re: US Treasury vs European Central Bank
Post by: marketingnerd on December 17, 2019, 04:59:52 PM
China is the one winning this race

Title: Re: US Treasury vs European Central Bank
Post by: bobsav2121 on December 17, 2019, 05:06:51 PM
The US Treasury couldn't be stupider. Blockchain is the future of banking and they're getting late to the party.

Title: Re: US Treasury vs European Central Bank
Post by: timcook on December 17, 2019, 05:13:54 PM
Cool - let them be late for dinner. Theey won't even get dessert.

Title: Re: US Treasury vs European Central Bank
Post by: NeuroticFish on December 17, 2019, 05:42:00 PM
The US is falling behind.


I am not convinced by the declarations. Intentions or the lack of them means nothing really. The moment of truth is when the "product" is launched. If China will have it stable coin, if ECB will have another one, .. then yes, we can say US has fallen behind.

But now we still have nothing on that subject. (Actually we have the Petro, which is a failure.)

Title: Re: US Treasury vs European Central Bank
Post by: teosanru on December 17, 2019, 05:46:52 PM
The US treasure sees no incentives towards getting into the crypto space according to this article: (

The ECB on the other hand has announced that they're already planning on a digital currency for european banks. (

The US is falling behind.

Maybe this era of blockchain and Cryptocurrencies could be the era in which Once again there is a change in the center of world trade. Countries like China & Japan are already in the race to develop currencies based on blockchain or atleast inculcate blockchain to assist programs but USA seems to be conservative for it. As u said even Europe is trying to get into the arena now. I think USA will really fall behind if they decide to stay away from it but I think the global economies are such that soon US would realise their mistake and join the league.

Title: Re: US Treasury vs European Central Bank
Post by: Hydrogen on December 17, 2019, 11:36:12 PM
Regulators ban and illegalize anything with the potential to strengthen america's economy. Everything from fantasy sports, to crypto exchanges, crypto ETFs/IPOs and even the adult entertainment industry is curbed by regulators to restrict the USA's potential for economic growth and prosperity.

Whether the excuse they utilize revolve around "climate change" or outright lies, its all the same.

Right now china is implementing plans to build 700 new coal power plants. The united states has shut down 50 coal plants since 2016. Guess which country the EU plans to impose harsh regulations against due to them being a major climate change violator? The only area of US energy that has a high carbon footprint is its military and defense sector. America defends a large portion of the world which translates to a large carbon footprint.

Perhaps in this we can see there is an agenda in place whereby leftist nations like china are allowed to pollute and destroy the environment as they please. While only right leaning nations like the US which do not pollute heavily at all, are cracked down upon by corrupt institutions like the EU.