Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: VSYNC_ on December 20, 2019, 08:42:14 PM

Title: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on December 20, 2019, 08:42:14 PM
In our new forum, Emerging.Technology, we're building a Q&A section which is a bit like Quora, but its only for emerging tech topics like crypto, blockchain, AI, VR/AR, drones and 3d printing.

In the cryptocurrency and blockchain questions section there are 20 questions each there and we thought we'd offer a campaign for BCT members to create some valuable answers for our new users while making some money at the same time

Where it is:

This is the board with the questions for cryptocurrency:
This is the board with the questions for blockchain:

How to make between $5 - $20 per board:

  • 1. Let me know you're interested by dropping a comment saying that you would like to take part.

    2. I will select members with good reputations and who seem knowledgable based on your past discussions on BCT, and will either contact you via PM or directly respond in the comments.

    3. Once you have confirmation from me, go to and create a new account and add an avatar to brighten the place up a bit.

    4.  Once you've set your account up, go to the two boards in the links above and complete all of the questions.  For each board (1. cryptocurrency, and 2. blockchain) you will automatically receive $5 each just for completing the questions.

    Questions must be completed well though, no half-assed answers, it needs to at least answer the question with something that will provide knowledge and value to crypto/blockchain newbies.

    5. From all of those that take part, we will go through the questions submitted once the campaign is closed two weeks from today, and will find the 3 people that provided consistently good answers that really answer the questions well.

1st Place ON EACH BOARD will receive another $20 in BTC/ETH/Paypal, 2nd Place will get $15 and 3rd Place will get $10.

As an example of what you can get as a reward, if you provide the best answers on both the cryptocurrency and the blockchain board, you'll get 2 x $5 just for completing the answers, and another 2 x $20.. one for each board that you were the best on.

If you'd like to answer some pretty straight forward questions about what crypto is and how people can get involved with it, drop your comment below and I'll start selecting people to take part tomorrow morning GMT time.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: cheezcarls on December 20, 2019, 08:52:22 PM
This seems to be an interesting campaign. Count me in! Willing to take part of this opportunity if given the chance. Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: bitmover on December 20, 2019, 10:45:05 PM
This looks an interesting campaign. I like to answer questions about crypto.  I didn't understand pay rates very well...
You can count me in. Tell me if I am accepted.

Suggestion: your questions are not technical,  they are repetitive  (where can I buy x? How to trade?)
They are not genuine questions from newbie cryptocurrency enthusiast  like: private keys, scalability,  fees, seed, wallet recovery, cold storage, etc, which are more practical.

(blockchain questions are better than cryptocurrency )

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: coupable on December 20, 2019, 11:39:22 PM
Sound interesting 🙂
I would like to take part. Please count me in.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on December 21, 2019, 12:54:05 AM
This looks an interesting campaign. I like to answer questions about crypto.  I didn't understand pay rates very well...
You can count me in. Tell me if I am accepted.

Suggestion: your questions are not technical,  they are repetitive  (where can I buy x? How to trade?)
They are not genuine questions from newbie cryptocurrency enthusiast  like: private keys, scalability,  fees, seed, wallet recovery, cold storage, etc, which are more practical.

(blockchain questions are better than cryptocurrency )

Thank you for your feedback regarding this!  Next round well be adding another 20 questions to each board which will be more focused on technical points, maybe stuff that would require some deeper knowledge and more extensive answers.

This round we've intentionally made the questions fairly straight forward, but are really looking for people that can create valuable and thorough answers even from relatively simple questions.

Tomorrow morning will be going through all submissions of interest to choose some people to take part in the first round.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: plvbob0070 on December 21, 2019, 01:03:43 AM
I'm also interested in this campaign. Count me in!
Can you also tell me if I get accepted.
Thank you!

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: MATHReX on December 21, 2019, 03:37:17 AM
Definitely count me in if there is availability.  :)

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: The-Devil on December 21, 2019, 05:53:31 AM
Of course, I'm interested. This campaign is a very knowledgeable campaign. If I get a chance then I'll try to give my best. Everyone is more interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency. I think this campaign will run very well. It would have been nice if there were more boards. Because the more boards there are, the more discussions can be made.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Haunebu on December 21, 2019, 07:09:18 AM
I would like to participate. I have no issues with the questions(Technical or non-technical) and will answer them to the best of my knowledge op. The calculations for the earnings were simple enough to understand in my opinion.

It would be better if you escrowed the amount and also mention how long it would take for you to release the amounts to the participants(Not contest related).

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: iamaruf on December 21, 2019, 07:54:48 AM
I am interested,count me.Though i am not expert but i will try to answer if I know.Hope you will accept me&waiting for your confirmation.Thanks     

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: dothebeats on December 21, 2019, 11:05:49 AM
Sign me up. Something to do while on a holiday trip. Of course I will not cheap out on any answers I can provide.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: deisik on December 21, 2019, 11:42:48 AM
Count me in and see the forum topics created by me here (;threads;u=156665;sa=showPosts)

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Loki888 on December 21, 2019, 01:46:46 PM
im up for this

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on December 21, 2019, 06:41:17 PM
Giving it one more day to see if there's anyone else with good rep/past track record who is interested and then I'll select the first group.

(Also adding a bonus $10 award for best avatar as well to add a bit more fun to it - judging will be based on visual impact, humour and creativity)

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on December 22, 2019, 04:46:45 PM
Tomorrow morning (Monday) I'll be choosing the first batch of people to create posts in our crypto and blockchain sections.  Anyone else that's interested drop a comment underneath

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: milewilda on December 22, 2019, 05:01:14 PM
Im interested for this one.Count me in.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: rijaljun on December 22, 2019, 05:41:41 PM
The idea is quiet interesting but there, the questions are pretty common. I have a question, where is the funds (for payment) from? From you, or those who ask the questions?

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on December 22, 2019, 07:02:11 PM
The idea is quiet interesting but there, the questions are pretty common. I have a question, where is the funds (for payment) from? From you, or those who ask the questions?

Solid questions.  The funds are from me, I'm the owner of the community.  Also regarding the questions being common, I think I'm going to add another 20 questions for each one (crypto, blockchain) and then there won't be 15 answers all for the same 20 questions.. People can choose whichever 20 they want to answer in each.

Updates tomorrow morning GMT time.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: lekam0213 on December 22, 2019, 11:32:29 PM

I'm interested. Please do count me in.


Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Danydee on December 23, 2019, 01:00:56 AM

I would like to take part!

Thank you

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: coinliker on December 23, 2019, 03:50:01 AM
I am interested

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: rijaljun on December 23, 2019, 01:26:17 PM
The idea is quiet interesting but there, the questions are pretty common. I have a question, where is the funds (for payment) from? From you, or those who ask the questions?

Solid questions.  The funds are from me, I'm the owner of the community.  Also regarding the questions being common, I think I'm going to add another 20 questions for each one (crypto, blockchain) and then there won't be 15 answers all for the same 20 questions.. People can choose whichever 20 they want to answer in each.

Updates tomorrow morning GMT time.

So basically you are promoting your own forum and paying your members with your own funds and it is eventually face an end cause you will run out of money. And when the forum is no longer paying, those who are staying there just for the money might be leaving the forum.

What do you think about that? Like what's your plan to avoid that?

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on December 23, 2019, 01:31:28 PM
I'm just in the process of notifying all participants of their selection via DM and anyone that hasn’t received a DM by the end of today has not been selected to start yet, however we will be adding more participants in the next week or two.

For all those that receive the DM today...

Here’s what you need to do in order to get a guaranteed $10 in crypto plus the chance to win up to another $45:

1. Go to and create your account ( the best avatar will also win another $10 :D)

2. Contact me on Emerging.Technology via the message system.  My name is Quantum and you can just reply to the welcome message that is sent.  In the reply let me know your username from BCT.  Also make sure to contact me here as well via PM to tell me your Emerging.Technology username so that other's can't impersonate you.

3. There are two places you can then create content in order to participate: the “Cryptocurrency” section and the “Blockchain” section.

For each section you can enter and will receive $5 just for entering, as long as you don’t create half-assed answers that are clearly rush jobs or copied from somewhere else online.  If you do this you won’t receive anything unfortunately.

To enter you can do one of two things:

a) Answer 20 questions in that section
b) Create a single guide in the “Guides” section.

For answering the questions, you can select any 20 questions to answer as long as they don’t already have 4 answers.  If a question has 4 different answers already, you have to choose a different one.

For creating a guide, you have to create a guide that is a minimum of 800 words and that starts with “How to…”.  It can be anything that is a useful thing for new crypto users to know about.. i.e. “How to Set Up a MetaMask Account and Create Your Own Cryptocurrency”, or “How to Use the Binance API”.

Again if anyone copy-pastes anything we will easily see that using copyscape and other tools we already use when having content created and will act accordingly.

We will choose the 3 winners from each section based on the quality of the information provided, irrespective of whether you answer questions or create a guide.  We’d love to see some people answer questions and some people create guides.

We will close entries on Sunday 12th January 2020 at 1 minute to midnight, and will announce the winners publicly on this thread on Tuesday 14th January 2020.

>** To be super clear - If you create a guide for the cryptocurrency section for example, you will earn $5 for doing so and will have the chance to win between $20 - $10 extra if your contribution is in the top 3 for cryptocurrency.  If you then go and answer 20 blockchain questions, you will receive another $5 and you will have the chance to also win another $20 - 10 on top if you’re one of the best 3 blockchain contributors **<

Payments for participation ($5 for crypto, $5 for blockchain) will be paid within 3 days of your completing your submission.

Payments for the overall prizes will be paid after the completion of the comp and the announcement on the 12th and 14th of January respectively.

More people can enter during the competition time period if they comment here next week for example and we decide they would be a good participant.

If you have any questions it’s best to contact me (Quantum) via chat in your Emerging.Technology account, although I will answer all enquiries here in this thread as well.

The idea is quiet interesting but there, the questions are pretty common. I have a question, where is the funds (for payment) from? From you, or those who ask the questions?

Solid questions.  The funds are from me, I'm the owner of the community.  Also regarding the questions being common, I think I'm going to add another 20 questions for each one (crypto, blockchain) and then there won't be 15 answers all for the same 20 questions.. People can choose whichever 20 they want to answer in each.

Updates tomorrow morning GMT time.

So basically you are promoting your own forum and paying your members with your own funds and it is eventually face an end cause you will run out of money. And when the forum is no longer paying, those who are staying there just for the money might be leaving the forum.

What do you think about that? Like what's your plan to avoid that?

Hey thanks very much for the question.  No this is not an ongoing process, it's just a singular competition. 

We aren't permanently paying to have content produced, this competition is running until January and we might run other competitions similar to this after it's complete and winners have been selected, but only selected participants in this round will be paid and have the chance to win additional crypto if they are in the top 3 highest quality participants.

I hope that answers your question.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: bakasabo on December 23, 2019, 01:42:00 PM
Hello VSYNC_,

I would like to take part in that questionnaire. Count me in if there are still spots available.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: ForeversFairyTale on December 23, 2019, 09:08:13 PM
Would love to take part :]

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: endlasuresh on December 24, 2019, 05:54:31 AM
I would like to join the campaign as it looks very interesting to answer questions.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Text on December 24, 2019, 05:24:16 PM
I'm interested and would like to take part. Let me know please if I'm qualified to join the campaign. I'm glad of sharing my ideas with the best of my knowledge. Thanks.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Darkelf11 on December 26, 2019, 04:45:22 PM
Hi. I am really interested for this. Can you take me in?

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: endlasuresh on December 30, 2019, 11:47:52 AM
Your answers are completed and waiting for the payment, please let me know where to send the address and which one.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: john1010 on December 31, 2019, 03:52:40 AM
Count me in, Let me know if im one who selected. Thanks

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Ailmand on January 08, 2020, 10:33:23 AM
Count me in. Thank you.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Genemind on January 08, 2020, 10:40:24 AM
Please, count me in. I'm interested.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Debonaire217 on January 08, 2020, 11:36:55 AM
I have been active on this forum for a year, and I would like to test the knowledge I've obtained from the cryptocurrency space. If you wish, you could let me join in!

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Thecryptocurrency09 on January 08, 2020, 02:30:08 PM
Interesting.  :)

Count me in. Thanks

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on January 09, 2020, 04:36:12 PM
Participation invites sent to recent additions.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: HBKMusiK on January 09, 2020, 08:11:31 PM
Count me in, would love to share my knowledge I accumulated in 3 years from the crypto market.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Blowon on January 09, 2020, 08:20:04 PM
Please count me, If you still need more participants.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: plvbob0070 on January 10, 2020, 06:12:42 PM
I got my payment from OP and it was nice on being part of his campaign!
Thank you!

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: nelson4lov on January 10, 2020, 07:17:01 PM
@OP, If you're still accepting applications, I'll be more than happy to participate. Thank you. Will appreciate your response.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on January 10, 2020, 07:39:19 PM
I got my payment from OP and it was nice on being part of his campaign!
Thank you!

Thanks for your excellent contribution!

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: xvids on January 11, 2020, 03:37:44 AM
If this is still available I would like to join and try it.
Thank's in advance and I hope I could join this contest.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on January 12, 2020, 01:23:54 PM
@OP, If you're still accepting applications, I'll be more than happy to participate. Thank you. Will appreciate your response.

PM sent

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: joeperry on January 12, 2020, 01:44:09 PM
Good day can I still participate to this or am I too late? I'm happy to share my knowledge to your forum.


Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: dengpei on January 12, 2020, 02:04:55 PM
Hi I am also interested

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: rupola85 on January 12, 2020, 08:09:51 PM
I've seen two of your boards that are related with cryptocurrency and blockchain,
I'm So much interested to join, I would be grateful if you would give me a chance.  :)

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Text on January 12, 2020, 10:57:02 PM
Thank you so much for this great opportunity, I already received the payment. I hope to answer more questions this day or on the following days when I'm not busy. Glad to share my ideas to the best of my knowledge.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Asuspawer09 on January 13, 2020, 04:38:52 AM
Good day! Hoping to join, Interested in thanks!

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: VSYNC_ on January 16, 2020, 06:01:21 PM
As an update for all those who have entered, we'll be running the campaign until the conclusion of our other promo competition the Crypto Full Moon Party (, with both of these finishing up on February 11th!

At the conclusion of both competitions, for this campaign we will select winners for the top 3 content producers for crypto and blockchain, and for the Full Moon Party we will be selecting 10 winners randomly to go into the grand final to win one of 5 prizes of $100 in crypto.

So far we've had great participating in both promotions, and letting everyone know that entries for both are still open now! 

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: KevinHD on January 18, 2020, 01:45:26 PM
As an update for all those who have entered, we'll be running the campaign until the conclusion of our other promo competition the Crypto Full Moon Party (, with both of these finishing up on February 11th!

At the conclusion of both competitions, for this campaign we will select winners for the top 3 content producers for crypto and blockchain, and for the Full Moon Party we will be selecting 10 winners randomly to go into the grand final to win one of 5 prizes of $100 in crypto.

So far we've had great participating in both promotions, and letting everyone know that entries for both are still open now! 

Hello, if you would notice im the KevinHD in the ET Forum as well. I am eager to help the community. Though I might seem to have an Inactive Bitcointalk account, I assure you that I'll help the ET community. Hoping to be accepted! Also, kindly PM me if I was accepted or I'm too late for this offer. Thankyou!

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: Darkelf11 on January 18, 2020, 03:34:24 PM
Are there slots available? Can you take me in? I would like to take part.

Title: Re: >>> Pay $5 - 50 in BTC/ETH/PP now for answering 20 simple questions about crypto
Post by: shack on January 18, 2020, 05:45:26 PM
Still need help?