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Local => 中文 (Chinese) => Topic started by: zhangshiwen82921 on December 22, 2019, 02:38:10 PM

Title: electrum 钱包菜单下的密语种子为什么是灰色的?
Post by: zhangshiwen82921 on December 22, 2019, 02:38:10 PM
electrum 钱包菜单下的密语种子为什么是灰色的?

Title: Re: electrum 钱包菜单下的密语种子为什么是灰色的?
Post by: DireWolfM14 on December 22, 2019, 03:40:54 PM
electrum 钱包菜单下的密语种子为什么是灰色的?

Google Translate:
electrum Why is the whispered seed under the wallet menu gray?

If your wallet only contains imported private keys, it will not have a secret seed phrase back-up, so there's none to display.   If you are using a hardware wallet Electrum will not display the seed phrase.  The other reason your seed phrase may not be displayed is if you are viewing a "Watch Only" wallet.

Title: Re: electrum 钱包菜单下的密语种子为什么是灰色的?
Post by: HCP on December 22, 2019, 06:02:32 PM
There are actually 2 other instances where Electrum will not store the seed in the wallet file, so the menu item is gray.

1. if you are using a "2FA" (Two Factor Authentication) wallet.
2. If you created the wallet using the "BIP39 seed" option.

Google Translate:

1.如果您使用的是“ 2FA”(两因素身份验证)钱包。
2.如果使用“ BIP39种子”选项创建了钱包。