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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: naseem_essa on January 07, 2020, 05:39:45 AM

Title: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: naseem_essa on January 07, 2020, 05:39:45 AM
What are the chances of the drone strike in Iran starting a chain of reactions that leads to another World War? I know that political relations are in general always tense, so will the drone strike catalyse another war to come?

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Rafael_Carrero on January 07, 2020, 06:01:32 AM
The third world war is only hypothetical. National leaders understand that WWIII may destroy everything. Who really wants it? Nobody!
I thought that Trump considered conflict in Iran as a way to distract attention from his impeachment.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: coins4commies on January 07, 2020, 06:05:47 AM
A conflict between the US and Iran would not be a world war.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: KingScorpio on January 07, 2020, 09:30:14 AM
What are the chances of the drone strike in Iran starting a chain of reactions that leads to another World War? I know that political relations are in general always tense, so will the drone strike catalyse another war to come?

the chain of reactons started long time ago that drone strike was just an event in it,

it started with the iranian nuclera program,

attacking the american embassy with violence by the iranian leadership showed the entire world that they are not trustworthy treaty partners,

now there will be a war.

the question is weather the usa can sell the war successful as a war against the nuclear program of the islamist leadership in iran.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: chaoscoinz on January 07, 2020, 10:49:57 AM
What are the chances of the drone strike in Iran starting a chain of reactions that leads to another World War? I know that political relations are in general always tense, so will the drone strike catalyse another war to come?
Nobody knows for sure, only time can really tell what will happen, but as of now everyone is really on there toes waiting to see what happens. Suprisingly massive anti-war protest have been taking place all throughout the United States as people are really rallying together to voice their opinions. Whether or not this will segue a change is another story.
    Politics tend to be tricky to follow, so much misinformation out there obscuring the truth. On top of that what a way to ring in the new year  :o, this really may not end well, but all we can do is wait and see. To remain optimistic I hope there is no war, I'm a little on edge, but will continue to follow the news to see what happens.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: gabmen on January 07, 2020, 12:30:22 PM
Well let's say for the sake of a good discussion, itn does happen. Of course not all of us will die. But for sure a lot of us would. The likelihood of it being a nuke holocaust is quite big. Whole cities will be wiped out just like what happened in hiroshima and nagasaki. An exchange of nuke warheads would also have an effect that will be beyond the initial explosions. Imagine the radioactivity of that scale. The death toll for the previous 2 world wars combined would probably look like childs play to what can happen.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Cnut237 on January 07, 2020, 12:57:00 PM
I think there is almost zero chance of another world war.

I'm not a fan in general of globalisation, but what it has done in the years since WW2 is to tie the fortunes of major economies very closely together. Everything is multinational now, every economy depends on every other. This is a major reason why democracies don't tend to attack one another - they have too much to lose.

In general the only wars you see are civil wars within countries, or else 'interventions' such as the US in Iraq, where the inter-relationship of the economies is minimal and any negative effects are vastly outweighed by potential gains e.g. the control of huge oil reserves.

US vs China for example isn't going to happen. It won't be soldiers vs soldiers, bombs and missiles, it will be abstracted into the realm of finance, as we are seeing now with Trump's trade war.

Of course one lunatic with control of nuclear codes could change all that, but on the basis of logic a world war is profoundly unlikely.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Sadlife on January 07, 2020, 01:35:08 PM
That could possibly happen when wars broke out country's have alliances and if the tension escalates then other countries might as well join and trigger as you have said a chain reaction. US drew first blood, now they've made enemies of strongest countries that is allied to iran, in my perspective US got to confident thinking they can oppressed any country in the middle east without any consequences that might occur.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: merchantofzeny on January 07, 2020, 01:45:05 PM
Depends on how many nukes will go off to set off a nuclear winter and or leave much of the land unfarmable due to fallout. Humans managed to bounce back from 10k so I think we can handle this.

I think we are more likely to die of hunger though as prices rise as these countries try sabotage each other's economies. Still, all the memes generated by this was funny. I especially like that tweet by a chick that basically went "Y'all ladies can have your equality, I don't want to get drafted!".

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Betwrong on January 07, 2020, 03:15:39 PM
Read about the previous world wars, WW1 and WW2. They were between coalitions, more or less equal in strength. Now imagine Iran fights with all Western world. They know very well they are going to lose pretty quickly. And forget about China and Russia taking their side. The children of the top politicians from there are living in the West, so they won't bomb their own kids.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: ubercool on January 07, 2020, 04:00:30 PM
There is no definite coalition. UK is struggling in it's brexit mess, Russia is busy with Crimea and Syria, China is busy in South China Sea, India is neutral as usual. If even Iran retaliates then USA and Saudi are waiting to kill Iran. It won't be a long war.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: akram143 on January 07, 2020, 04:40:22 PM
I read Iran government announced US army as terrorist group so they will not be allowed to any kind of activities in that country anymore,tension increases,will be the beginning of missile attacks and fighter plane attacks? Possibly yes and both were ready for that.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: yoseph on January 07, 2020, 04:44:08 PM
Read about the previous world wars, WW1 and WW2. They were between coalitions, more or less equal in strength. Now imagine Iran fights with all Western world. They know very well they are going to lose pretty quickly. And forget about China and Russia taking their side. The children of the top politicians from there are living in the West, so they won't bomb their own kids.
I actually don't see anyone siding with Iran against the USA and it's allies especially now that they have the backings of NATO as well and also let's consider that Soleimani wasn't really a saint at all, He is a very bad man who did horrific things no country in their right mind will ally themselves to Iran because of his assassination.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: eddie13 on January 07, 2020, 05:57:16 PM
It could go many ways if Russia and China decide they are feeling lucky..
How sure are they that their nukes could even hit the USA?
What position would they then be in if they launched nukes just for them to plop into the ocean?
How much technology and futuristic weaponry/defense does the USA really have that remains top secret?
When was the last time the USA declassified serious secret aircraft like the now 60 year old Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird?
What do you think the USA could have now that is still secret tech after all of these years, and you can bet the USA is at the absolute pinnacle of technology, the likes of which the world has yet to see..
It's a huge gamble for them to even think their weapons would be effective..

Do ya feel lucky punk? Do ya?

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: BADecker on January 07, 2020, 09:31:11 PM
WW3 is everything following WW2. It started with the Korean conflict in 1950, even though U.S. soldiers were stationed in S. Korea during the end of WW2.

There is too much money in warring. That's why we have been in WW3 ever since WW2.

What might WW4 be like? That'll probably be Jesus's return to take over the world... which He owns, anyway, even though the Devil is the price of this world currently.


Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: tvbcof on January 08, 2020, 03:17:01 AM

No, we're not 'all' going to die.

Each chosen person gets 2800 non-chosen semi-persons for their own use.  If you are a (semi-) person who will help the 'chosen people' in their goals (e.g., be a 'good noahide'), you've got a chance.

Alternately, if enough people take the time to understand the play-book that is currently being used, there is a very good chance to avoid calamity.  The simple fact of the matter is that this thing ends up working out very well only for a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of humans.  There is no reason for almost anyone to lend support.  They do so only out of ignorance most of the time.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: GideonGono on January 08, 2020, 06:37:06 AM
The third world war is only hypothetical. National leaders understand that WWIII may destroy everything. Who really wants it? Nobody!
I thought that Trump considered conflict in Iran as a way to distract attention from his impeachment.

But if everybody affect from the war then it can cause too because we can't have a freedom if no one would down their pride unless they got win from the fight. We suffer from a strong opponent which has a goal so we can't easy stop the war.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: vladimirhf on January 08, 2020, 08:34:15 AM
It could go many ways if Russia and China decide they are feeling lucky..
How sure are they that their nukes could even hit the USA?
What position would they then be in if they launched nukes just for them to plop into the ocean?
How much technology and futuristic weaponry/defense does the USA really have that remains top secret?
When was the last time the USA declassified serious secret aircraft like the now 60 year old Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird?
What do you think the USA could have now that is still secret tech after all of these years, and you can bet the USA is at the absolute pinnacle of technology, the likes of which the world has yet to see..
It's a huge gamble for them to even think their weapons would be effective..

Do ya feel lucky punk? Do ya?

I hope they try, someone should stop these terrorists. and some of them are obviously psychopaths

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: keeee on January 08, 2020, 01:32:46 PM
The third world war is only hypothetical. National leaders understand that WWIII may destroy everything. Who really wants it? Nobody!
I thought that Trump considered conflict in Iran as a way to distract attention from his impeachment.

But if everybody affect from the war then it can cause too because we can't have a freedom if no one would down their pride unless they got win from the fight. We suffer from a strong opponent which has a goal so we can't easy stop the war.
I agree,  in fact when world war III really happen many innocent people will die between the war. Just like what the war before,  it can cause destruction to both party.  But we are still praying and hoping that peace may win between US and IRAN.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: sovie on January 08, 2020, 02:16:10 PM
The third world war is only hypothetical. National leaders understand that WWIII may destroy everything. Who really wants it? Nobody!
I thought that Trump considered conflict in Iran as a way to distract attention from his impeachment.

But if everybody affect from the war then it can cause too because we can't have a freedom if no one would down their pride unless they got win from the fight. We suffer from a strong opponent which has a goal so we can't easy stop the war.
I agree,  in fact when world war III really happen many innocent people will die between the war. Just like what the war before,  it can cause destruction to both party.  But we are still praying and hoping that peace may win between US and IRAN.

There are already enough war in middle east and millions have died in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen. We have to find a way to solve problems through dialogues otherwise this beautiful earth will continue to be a hell place for our coming generations. Let's not do that.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: VasilyS on January 08, 2020, 02:26:51 PM
Iran doesn't have a single ally ready to officially support it in a military confrontation with the United States. This means that Iran is doomed to defeat, but what will be the path? Now the ball is on the field of Americans. If they strike back, then a regional war is inevitable, if they refrain from direct aggression, then the possibility of de-escalation will continue.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Betwrong on January 08, 2020, 02:29:42 PM
Read about the previous world wars, WW1 and WW2. They were between coalitions, more or less equal in strength. Now imagine Iran fights with all Western world. They know very well they are going to lose pretty quickly. And forget about China and Russia taking their side. The children of the top politicians from there are living in the West, so they won't bomb their own kids.
I actually don't see anyone siding with Iran against the USA and it's allies especially now that they have the backings of NATO as well and also let's consider that Soleimani wasn't really a saint at all, He is a very bad man who did horrific things no country in their right mind will ally themselves to Iran because of his assassination.

I personally absolutely agree with you, but politics is a dirty game. Anti-Western governments would be more than happy to side with Iran, and defeat the USA and its allies, no matter how bad Soleimani really was, but it's obvious even to them that they are going to fail in this enterprise. And I think this realization of the imminent defeat is what constrains them more than all other things.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: johhnyUA on January 08, 2020, 02:30:46 PM
And forget about China and Russia taking their side. The children of the top politicians from there are living in the West, so they won't bomb their own kids.

Excellent words! It's funny to see how russian "president" (in fact - german spy and actor) showing cartoons about bombing Florida, while vice president of russian rocket company "Pocкocмoc" bought some new villa in Florida last year.

Or if something happens, russian politics runs to London, to headquarter of "Evil NATO". Daughter of Dmitry Peskov living in France and daughter of Lavrov living in London. Son of Dmitry Medvedev has USA citizenship.

Also, Russia has GDP like 1.5 billions of usd while America has 19 billions. Russia can fight only in proxy wars, like in Ukraine.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: TheCoinGrabber on January 08, 2020, 02:34:13 PM
Why so serious? We're not ALL gonna die. Maybe just some of us. Specifically the poorer ones, we're the one that are used as cannon fodder.  ;D

I just hope it don't spill over into Asia unlike the last world war though that's unlikely coz if this explode into a world war, China will not let this slip without them gaining anything.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: TECSHARE on January 08, 2020, 10:16:59 PM
I have bad news for you. Each and every one of us is going to die.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Betwrong on January 12, 2020, 10:07:47 AM
And forget about China and Russia taking their side. The children of the top politicians from there are living in the West, so they won't bomb their own kids.

Excellent words! It's funny to see how russian "president" (in fact - german spy and actor) showing cartoons about bombing Florida, while vice president of russian rocket company "Pocкocмoc" bought some new villa in Florida last year.

Or if something happens, russian politics runs to London, to headquarter of "Evil NATO". Daughter of Dmitry Peskov living in France and daughter of Lavrov living in London. Son of Dmitry Medvedev has USA citizenship.

Also, Russia has GDP like 1.5 billions of usd while America has 19 billions. Russia can fight only in proxy wars, like in Ukraine.

I agree with you regarding hypocrisy of the top Russian politicians, and that Russia is no match to the US in military strength, because Russia simply can't afford spending that much on weapons

And I just want to add that not only Russia, but no one, except for Kim Jong-un, maybe, wants a big war nowadays. Everything got intertwined so much that there will be no winners in the WW3, if it happens, there will be only losers.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: tvbcof on January 12, 2020, 10:48:21 AM
And I just want to add that not only Russia, but no one, except for Kim Jong-un, maybe, wants a big war nowadays. Everything got intertwined so much that there will be no winners in the WW3, if it happens, there will be only losers.

The U.S. must be pulled from the top of the pile if someone else is to take over.  WW-III would accomplish this by my estimation.  The pay-off for the next top dog will take a while but eventually it would be worth it (we think (  The U.S.'s 'investment' in WW-II was similar and the pay-off was huge.  But nothing lasts forever.

For clever people who take great pride in their abilities at deception, using the U.S. to destroy the U.S. (thus vacating the top slot for themselves to take over), would, I admit, be a fairly impressive magic trick.  And one which, in retrospect, has been decades in the making.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: inanilujimi on January 12, 2020, 01:49:29 PM
It's terrible to see the title of the thread that you make, even if there is no war we will experience death. Apart from the war between Iran and the US in my opinion will not trigger the chain you are talking about.
So many people refuse whether one person's voice can trigger everything, I don't think so.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Mometaskers on January 12, 2020, 02:58:41 PM
If there's WW3 then yes, not all but plenty. It's only pretty much the Americas that escaped the devastation of WW2, WW3 would be on a much larger scale. So it doesn't hurt to prepare. Set up your network, stockpile your essentials and hope for the best.

Also, Russia has GDP like 1.5 billions of usd while America has 19 billions. Russia can fight only in proxy wars, like in Ukraine.

Right now I think China is the only real threat to the US but China wouldn't yet dare to directly confront it. After all the US is still its largest customer. So it might resort to proxy wars like Russia but for a different reason.

And I just want to add that not only Russia, but no one, except for Kim Jong-un, maybe, wants a big war nowadays. Everything got intertwined so much that there will be no winners in the WW3, if it happens, there will be only losers.

The U.S. must be pulled from the top of the pile if someone else is to take over.  WW-III would accomplish this by my estimation.  The pay-off for the next top dog will take a while but eventually it would be worth it (we think (  The U.S.'s 'investment' in WW-II was similar and the pay-off was huge.  But nothing lasts forever.

For clever people who take great pride in their abilities at deception, using the U.S. to destroy the U.S. (thus vacating the top slot for themselves to take over), would, I admit, be a fairly impressive magic trick.  And one which, in retrospect, has been decades in the making.

Would be unsurprising. There was even a video of Soros himself talking about "moving" the economic engine to China. Banksters and the financial elite are pretty much the only ones that never lose in wars. Have the least damaged country "finance" the rebuilding a la Marshall Plan, profit.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: msarro on January 12, 2020, 04:28:12 PM
Luckily chances of big conflict b/w usa and iran are getting lesser and lesser. Shooting down of Ukraine plane is putting a question mark on Iran military capability. Its in best of Iran and its neighboring countries interest that there shouldn't be any war. Iran will be just rubble in case of war with usa.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: johhnyUA on January 12, 2020, 04:43:14 PM
Russia will end it days as a "threat" (even as a small threat) to USA after 2023. In 2023, soviet heavy nuclear missiles SS-18 Satan ( will be outdated and withdrawn from service. In soviet plans missiles should be withdrawn in 2008-2010, but because Russia don't have any resources to create something like that (even in few  numbers) missiles is still on their "watch" up to 2023.  

Also I doubt about China. Of course, it has strong economic, but it's army is far from ideal. But we can see how for example Japan is militarized in few decades. And how fast! (Japan builds destroyer ship just in three years from start to full readiness!)

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: coolcoinz on January 12, 2020, 06:04:04 PM
Russia will end it days as a "threat" (even as a small threat) to USA after 2023. In 2023, soviet heavy nuclear missiles SS-18 Satan ( will be outdated and withdrawn from service. In soviet plans missiles should be withdrawn in 2008-2010, but because Russia don't have any resources to create something like that (even in few  numbers) missiles is still on their "watch" up to 2023.  

This is what comes to my mind when somebody talks about Russian missiles.

I also remember reading an article about the state of Russian military installations built by the soviets. Some of them weren't maintained for over 30 years and got so rusty that silo doors wouldn't open when they finally came to check them out. If there was a nuclear war between the US and Russia in the early 90s probably half of them Russian stuff wouldn't be able to reach their targets.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: johhnyUA on January 12, 2020, 06:49:04 PM
I also remember reading an article about the state of Russian military installations built by the soviets. Some of them weren't maintained for over 30 years and got so rusty that silo doors wouldn't open when they finally came to check them out. If there was a nuclear war between the US and Russia in the early 90s probably half of them Russian stuff wouldn't be able to reach their targets.

In early 90s, SS-18 was enough new, because R-36M2 Voevoda were implemented in 1988 in service.  There were created only 40 rockets of Voevoda modification. It was enough powerful weapon, even one has 10 warheads.

But of course, after 30 years in service and 5 years without proper maintance (from 2014 the creator of rockets - Yuzhmash ( stopped his maintance and services for Russia because of it's aggression on Ukraine) it's mostly myth and real danger.

And Russia doesn't have any new inventions, except those like in your gif  :)

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Betwrong on January 13, 2020, 12:09:29 PM
And I just want to add that not only Russia, but no one, except for Kim Jong-un, maybe, wants a big war nowadays. Everything got intertwined so much that there will be no winners in the WW3, if it happens, there will be only losers.

The U.S. must be pulled from the top of the pile if someone else is to take over.  WW-III would accomplish this by my estimation.  The pay-off for the next top dog will take a while but eventually it would be worth it (we think (  ~

Yeah, it would be "worth it" exactly like in the video you provided a link to. Hundreds of millions of people would die for nothing, because it is very likely that another "top dog" is going to be worse than the previous one.

People often criticize the US, forgetting that all the dominant empires from the past were acting much worse in regards to the basic rights of their own citizens, and especially of the outlanders.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: allthingsluxury on January 13, 2020, 02:16:18 PM
Very, very unlikely. Iran is not going to start WW3, however, it could have a massive short to medium term rippling effect across the region and on the price of oil, thus raising prices across the board. This obviously is not good, even if it does not mean WW3.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: GideonGono on January 13, 2020, 04:56:02 PM
Very, very unlikely. Iran is not going to start WW3, however, it could have a massive short to medium term rippling effect across the region and on the price of oil, thus raising prices across the board. This obviously is not good, even if it does not mean WW3.

But by what happen for now, this was an attempt for the world war. By the world, we can't say on what the Iran plan and goals because everything would affect by that specially on the resources they bring to us so how was it? What if they do much more?

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: yslyv on January 13, 2020, 05:17:07 PM
What are the chances of the drone strike in Iran starting a chain of reactions that leads to another World War? I know that political relations are in general always tense, so will the drone strike catalyse another war to come?

Probably most of the human being are going to die in a possible world war 3.

As Albert Einstein said: " “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: kro55 on January 14, 2020, 12:39:35 PM
What are the chances of the drone strike in Iran starting a chain of reactions that leads to another World War? I know that political relations are in general always tense, so will the drone strike catalyse another war to come?

Probably most of the human being are going to die in a possible world war 3.

As Albert Einstein said: " “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

I don't think we can afford any World War now. Every country is equipped with deadly weapons that can kill hundred of thousands people in just blink of an eye. There wont be any WW-4, since the life on earth will cease if we have WW-3. Lets try to establish peace.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: Sadlife on January 14, 2020, 01:18:01 PM
Probably not because capitalist only wants profit from wars as they "Wars are not meant to end, it is meant to be continuous" the oligarchs doesn't want for their world to rule to be ashes and stones that's why they've stopped before it gets any worse. They only want to destabilize the economy of Iran, so they could take back the lead in oil production.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: djsugar on January 14, 2020, 02:06:06 PM
What are the chances of the drone strike in Iran starting a chain of reactions that leads to another World War? I know that political relations are in general always tense, so will the drone strike catalyse another war to come?

The nations are too powerful and equipped with warheads capable of destroying the race of species. No one would want that and even if some rebel nations go in that direction , they will be stopped by NATO and UNs. War these days are more digital in nature , and all I see is sanctions getting strict between the nations at war. Trade war is the new preferred war as it does not include mass killing. Also , Iran is well aware of the fact that it can not challenge USA. All I see are small hits and proxy wars happening.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: GideonGono on January 14, 2020, 04:23:58 PM
I have bad news for you. Each and every one of us is going to die.

It's not a bad news, that was reality. Yes we all died but do you agree if you died because of that? Without peace? You died for nothing? Your name was not important? It was good to die if we enjoy our life.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: seoincorporation on January 15, 2020, 02:42:23 AM
Very, very unlikely. Iran is not going to start WW3, however, it could have a massive short to medium term rippling effect across the region and on the price of oil, thus raising prices across the board. This obviously is not good, even if it does not mean WW3.
Maybe Iran will not start the WW3, but if USA keeps pushing them they will not have other options than to attack. If Rusia or China decide to protect Iran then it could be the start of WW3. The odd of this scenario are really low, but is possible.

Anyway, if it happens a lot of people will die, but it will not be the end of the world.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: senne on January 15, 2020, 11:26:01 AM
What are the chances of the drone strike in Iran starting a chain of reactions that leads to another World War? I know that political relations are in general always tense, so will the drone strike catalyse another war to come?
World leader realize that war at this time will be catastrophic capable of destroying the human race. War now a days are more proxy in nature and have phased into something more hitting and less catastrophic like sanctions , trade wars. Even if gets filthy , other nations wont support this at any cost and certainly UN and NATO will intervene to stop the growing war.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: spadormie on January 15, 2020, 02:47:45 PM
Maybe Iran will not start the WW3, but if USA keeps pushing them they will not have other options than to attack. If Rusia or China decide to protect Iran then it could be the start of WW3. The odd of this scenario are really low, but is possible.

Anyway, if it happens a lot of people will die, but it will not be the end of the world.
The chances of having WW3 is very low now as of the moment. It seems that the tension between the United States and Iran have been dropped which is a good thing. And the probable cause of that shrinking tension is the fall of an airplane of Ukraine because of Iran's failure in judgment.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: gabmen on January 17, 2020, 08:55:20 AM
Maybe Iran will not start the WW3, but if USA keeps pushing them they will not have other options than to attack. If Rusia or China decide to protect Iran then it could be the start of WW3. The odd of this scenario are really low, but is possible.

Anyway, if it happens a lot of people will die, but it will not be the end of the world.
The chances of having WW3 is very low now as of the moment. It seems that the tension between the United States and Iran have been dropped which is a good thing. And the probable cause of that shrinking tension is the fall of an airplane of Ukraine because of Iran's failure in judgment.

I think there's this quiet tension among the concerned countries especially because iran admitted shooting down a passenger plane. Justin trudeau already said they won't take this sitting down unless justice is served as there are several canadians onboard, as well as ukranians. The us hasn't really said much about that at this point but on small spark could escalate things real quick.

Title: Re: WW3 - Are we all gonna die?
Post by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 10:26:09 AM
forget it now because everyone also dies through a bad economy. so there is no need of ww3 to kill anyone.