Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MemoryDealers on November 18, 2011, 01:26:32 PM

Title: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 18, 2011, 01:26:32 PM
------------------------UPDATE NOV 19th-----------------------
The full interview is now online at: (

It was heard live by around 100,000 people.

I would not have had the knowledge to give this interview if it wasn't for all the great users on this forum.
Thank you all for your help!

A good next step for everyone is to visit (, take a look at their sponsors on the right hand side of the page,  see if any of them have something you want to buy,  and contact them to see if they will accept Bitcoins as payment.
If they agree,  please be sure to actually purchase the item from them.  This is a great way to get more shops to accept Bitcoin.


On Saturday Nov 19th 2011,  at 7PM Eastern,
I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on (

It will air on more than 100 radio stations across the USA.
Station list here: (

The show's audience is mainly libertarian, voluntarist, anti-war,  free market advocate types,  so I will need to emphasize the aspects of bitcoin that will appeal to them the most.

My current list of talking points for this group is:

1.  They allow anyone to have a "bank" account that CAN NOT be seized by the IRS.
2. If you are careful,  the IRS can't even know how much money you have in your account,  or that you even have an account at all!
3. They allow you to do business with whoever you want,  anywhere in the world, with complete privacy.
4. No one can block or seize your payments,  in fact,  you can even make your payments secret from everyone else in the world.
5. If you set it up properly,  no one can even track how much money you have earned, so potentially, you could report as much, or as little of it as you choose.
6. Bitcoins can not be counterfeited or inflated.  
7. They will end the government's control of the money supply.

In effect,  they will make paying most taxes voluntary. (in fact,  not necessarily in law)
If most taxes are voluntary,  and the money supply can not be inflated,  the government won't be able to fund its wars. (and other stupid things)
I suspect wars will be greatly reduced, if not eliminated if a Bitcoin like currency becomes used world wide..

The reasons it should be adopted by businesses are:

1.  There are no 3rd party fees.
2. There are no chargebacks or fraudulent orders.
3. There is no risk of identity theft.
4. Payments can not be blocked or controlled.
5. It can be used world wide,  with no need for currency exchange.
6. Anyone can accept Bitcoin payments in a matter of minutes.
7.  As a business owner, I know how incredibly happy I would be if all my customers paid with a form of money with the above properties.

Neat things you can do with Bitcoins:

Get a prepaid Mastercard that can be reloaded with Bitcoins any time through OKPAY.COM (http://OKPAY.COM)
Donate to Wikileaks.
Play poker online for money despite the government's prohibition.
Buy other prohibited items online.  (Silkroad etc)

Please let me know what other things I should mention durring the interview.
What do you think I should say to catch people's attention?

Any input, thoughts, criticism, or other ideas are welcome.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: ThomasV on November 18, 2011, 01:30:31 PM

They allow ...

who is "they" ? it sounds a little bit as if Bitcoin was an organisation

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 18, 2011, 01:38:54 PM

They allow ...

who is "they" ? it sounds a little bit as if Bitcoin was an organisation

"They" is referring to Bitcoins themselves.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: ssaCEO on November 18, 2011, 01:54:16 PM
I think this is a great list, and it's so important to get these benefits out there to people in lay terms without any of the "how it works" and technocrypto stuff getting in the way.

It might be nice to mention that you can cross borders with $100k in coins tucked away in a hidden partition on a memory stick -- or even just as a minified private key written in ballpoint ink on a part of your body they won't search. It's always been easy for politicians with private jets to take a suitcase full of cash to Switzerland or the Bahamas, but the average passenger will get questioned for bringing more than $1000 in cash even on a domestic flight, and no one can travel with more than $10k internationally without declaring it.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: epetroel on November 18, 2011, 02:11:45 PM
Even though it's true, I don't much like the idea of emphasizing the "shady" properties of bitcoin (tax dodging, money laundering, purchasing illegal drugs, etc.)

Doing so just seems like it would just invite the wrong kind of attention from the government, and gives them fuel with which to go after bitcoin.  Not that there's much interest from political types at this point, but I could see them a few years down the road pointing to this interview and saying "see, it's a tool for tax dodgers and criminals, even it's proponents admit it!"

Seems bitcoin has enough other positive properties (non-reversible, anonymous, worldwide, etc.) that emphasizing the illegal uses isn't really necessary.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: deepceleron on November 18, 2011, 02:14:18 PM
This illustrates a strange facet of Bitcoin, whereas the credit card companies and PayPal can send their CEO, there are few experts that have legitimacy beyond "self-proclaimed", due to the non-organizational nature of Bitcoin itself, and that nobody is looking to take money out of your pocket by advocating your use of Bitcoin. What its users say about Bitcoin can reflect on their own attitudes.

It is not an IRS tax dodge (corporations have figured what that really means a long time ago). To not declare your income is advocating lawbreaking, and Bitcoin, like any other currency, can of course be used for illegal activity, no differently than paying your illegal labor in undeclared cash or buying drugs with dollars or stolen TVs.

It is a new international currency that is independently valued and includes its own instant transfer method over the Internet, unfettered by banks. It will not magically debase nation-state currency, however, it is an exercise in what currency transfer can look like without the banks or middlemen, credit scores, merchant fees, contracts, frozen accounts, or anyone else telling you how you should use your money. There is no "credit card fraud" as the owner of the Bitcoins has complete control and only he has the cryptographic keys required to send money. I can transfer my Bitcoins for goods or services, and merchants or individuals providing services can likewise re-spend those Bitcoins, as it is a real economy unto itself. It also is uncounterfeitable, irrevocable, and doesn't have disputes or chargebacks, so you can be certain when you have been paid in Bitcoins you won't be losing out later.

Whereas governments can print more money as they see fit, devaluing personal savings and causing inflation, Bitcoin has a fixed rate of production and a maximum number that will be produced, in a mining process that rewards computer processing power,similar to the way that the world's gold is limited and mining it becomes harder. The currency is not scarce like gold, though, as it can be divided down to eight decimal points, enough for the whole world population to each have 20 million of the base currency units.

It is completely supported by a network of tens of thousands of other users, who use the software to transmit user transfers and account balances to all other users, and who verify that transactions are legitimate and un-forged by securing the record of all past transactions with a cryptographic authentication method that currently involves more computer power than the top 100 supercomputers combined.

It has immediate obvious use a a payment method for web services such as online game economies, auction sites, retail sites, gambling sites, and, just like the Internet itself, has no geographic boundaries. It also can be used in person, as there are varied people that will trade goods (or even your lunch) in person for bitcoins or even trade you dollars for it.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Gabi on November 18, 2011, 02:47:07 PM
Nice, but focusing on it as a way to avoid taxes can make people have the wrong expectations about bitcoin

Try to focus a bit more on the easy of use, you can sell everything everywhere and get paid instantly and then buy something instantly. If you are a gamer and you play mmo for example you can sell golds for bitcoins and use them to buy other games (Battlefield 3 for example, is awesome) for bitcoins.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cbeast on November 18, 2011, 03:11:52 PM
Even though it's true, I don't much like the idea of emphasizing the "shady" properties of bitcoin (tax dodging, money laundering, purchasing illegal drugs, etc.)

Doing so just seems like it would just invite the wrong kind of attention from the government, and gives them fuel with which to go after bitcoin.  Not that there's much interest from political types at this point, but I could see them a few years down the road pointing to this interview and saying "see, it's a tool for tax dodgers and criminals, even it's proponents admit it!"

Seems bitcoin has enough other positive properties (non-reversible, anonymous, worldwide, etc.) that emphasizing the illegal uses isn't really necessary.

Nice, but focusing on it as a way to avoid taxes can make people have the wrong expectations about bitcoin

Try to focus a bit more on the easy of use, you can sell everything everywhere and get paid instantly and then buy something instantly. If you are a gamer and you play mmo for example you can sell golds for bitcoins and use them to buy other games (Battlefield 3 for example, is awesome) for bitcoins.

I would like to add that some people disagree with the complete anonymity issue of Bitcoin. In fact, it is possible to create an economic structure using current Bitcoin protocols in ways that make it reasonably traceable by law enforcement while still maintaining privacy for users.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 18, 2011, 03:16:52 PM
Since MemoryDealers' interview is tomorrow, let's use the rest of today to critique his 7 talking points and 7 reasons for adaptation. Having them numbered would make them easy to do such. Simply state which numbered bullet point should not be mentioned and which one should be more focused upon. Any suggestions we offer up should also be numbered--8; 9; 10; etc.--for easier referencing. MemoryDealers should stay on this thread most of today so that tomorrow he'll be less prone to trip over himself during the interview. I further suggest, MD, getting plenty of rest tonight so that you're fresh in the morning, therefore state what you're cutoff time for calling it a night.

I post this because this could be to much of an opportunity for Bitcoin to get it effed-up. We (this community) should devote as much time on this today to help MD with his request for input. This may be the only post I'll offer up on this tread today, for I've be to busy in the field and I'm not as bright as some of you other folks here to aid in his TP request, short of short positive/directional asides.

That said, good luck with the interview tomorrow, MD.

For those not able to listen to it live, I hope there's a link to the recording of it somewhere. I'd love to here it.


Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Cryptoman on November 18, 2011, 03:59:10 PM
I would downplay the whole IRS thing.  Just tell the listeners that Bitcoin, if set up properly, can provide financial privacy.  If the listeners are liberty advocates, they will understand the implications.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: BadBear on November 18, 2011, 04:03:21 PM
I agree with everyone else, you are playing up the illegal aspects too much.  Focus more on what bitcoin is and how its different from fiat currencies, people who care about that kinda stuff will see the implications.  People who don't care will get the wrong idea and be turned off by it. 

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: nmat on November 18, 2011, 04:12:40 PM
My personal view of Bitcoin is different from this, but this is probably related to my political opinions, which are not worth discussing.

For me, Bitcoin is a non-proprietary easy way of sending money over the Internet to anyone the world. It's important that they can't be counterfeited and I like the fact that they are not controlled by a single company, but I don't agree with the most of your points. I think that people should pay taxes and Bitcoin is not an excuse for tax evasion. And ideas like "in 10 years the government will have no control over money because Bitcons will rule the world" are complete non-sense to me. But of course that I respect your opinion and those points will probably please the listeners.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Shuai on November 18, 2011, 04:22:12 PM
Government would still be able to collect as much revenue through taxes as before, if bitcoin was the only currency in use. Basically they would just have to utilize only VAT tax and land tax for all of their tax revenue, by adjusting these two taxes (that are close to impossible to dodge) tax revenues could end up being exactly the same as before.

The only reason why government wouldn't like this kind tax system is because, as mentioned, tax dodging would be difficult no matter who you are, so oligarchic and corporate interest groups would suddenly have to follow the same rules as everyone else.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: kwukduck on November 18, 2011, 04:23:46 PM
Yea don't focus on the 'shady' side, just put it out as a form of 'free' money. (as in free speech...)
Everybody can reason that anything can be used in both good and bad ways, thats not a bitcoin issue at all.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Steve on November 18, 2011, 04:27:02 PM
I would suggest avoiding talking about tax evasion (or "voluntary taxation), money laundering, buying illegal drugs, or using it to purchase anything illegal.  Talk about "privacy" instead of "anonymity" (which is really the same thing but has a more sinister sounding tone).  If you talk about transaction and asset privacy, anyone interested in such things will put 2+2 together and you don't have to give the banks/gov't any sound bytes to use against bitcoin.  

Talk about how the founders of the US likely never imagined a scenario where privacy in financial dealings was effectively impossible, and yet eCommerce has brought about just such a scenario.  Had the founders had such fore sight, they likely would have put provisions in the US constitution to protect financial privacy rights.  

Mention how bitcoin can help impose fiscal discipline on politicians by competing with national currencies.  In the long run, that makes our economies healthier and stronger (which eliminates a big precipitant for war).  Gold as an alternative currency serves that role in theory, but due to the inconvenience of actually using gold, we've developed these debt backed fiat currencies that always ultimately lead to over indebtedness, financial ruin, and war.  The fiat system requires an ever expanding money supply to provide the money needed for repaying debts…and because new money is only issued with debt backing, by extension, the system requires an ever expanding credit.  Needless to say that in such a system, you'll periodically find yourself at a point where debt is over-extended and consequently on the verge of system collapse…and at the very least, extreme and disorderly deleveraging.  With bitcoin you would have less dramatic swings of expansion and contraction of credit because debt is not at the foundation of the system.

Talk about how money is information.  Talk about how it's money designed for the Internet age.  Talk about how all other methods of online transactions require third party involvement.  Talk about how credit cards were designed in the 1950's and ACH in 1972…these technologies are old and could never have anticipated the digitally interconnected we live in today.

Lay out the case where, given the unique properties of bitcoin, it really could serve as the basis of a new, Internet era, financial system.  Make bitcoin synonymous with the future.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: btc_artist on November 18, 2011, 04:32:15 PM
1.  They allow anyone to have a "bank" account that CAN NOT be seized by the IRS.
2. If you are careful,  the IRS can't even know how much money you have in your account,  or that you even have an account at all!
In effect,  they will make paying most taxes voluntary. (in fact,  not necessarily in law)
Please don't advocate tax evasion.  Simply state that you can achieve certain levels of financial privacy with Bitcoin.

3. They allow you to do business with whoever you want,  anywhere in the world, with complete privacy.
By default, Bitcoin is NOT private. But if you're very careful (maintain separate wallets, not send transactions from your IP, etc) you can achieve certain levels of privacy.  Hopefully Bitcoin will become more private in the future.  See this thread about tracking transactions:, and this post about forwarding transactions

5. If you set it up properly,  no one can even track how much money you have earned, so potentially, you could report as much, or as little of it as you choose.
Again, please don't advocate tax evasion. Also, you have to go to a lot of work (patching the client, using nonstandard tools, running behind tor) to actually have some semblance of privacy.

1.  There are no 3rd party fees.
There are no 3rd party/centralized fees, but there can be small fees imposed by the "official" bitcoin client depending on certain factors.

Play poker online for money despite the government's prohibition.
Buy other prohibited items online.  (Silkroad etc)
Again, please don't advocate illegal activities.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: evoorhees on November 18, 2011, 04:33:38 PM
Awesome Roger, can't wait to hear it!

Roger forgets to mention that not only is it on 100 radio stations around the US, but it's also a very popular Podcast, routinely ranking high in the charts. This also means any of you who want to hear Roger's interview tomorrow can download the Podcast via iTunes (just search for Free Talk Live)

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: proudhon on November 18, 2011, 05:19:05 PM

1.  They allow anyone to have a "bank" account that CAN NOT be seized by the IRS.

I think you mean 'cannot'.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 18, 2011, 05:27:24 PM
7. They will end the government's control of the money supply.

I think we should stay away from points that are speculative.

this sounds like a grandiose claim made by a FAN
stick to the facts

at best you could say

7. We hope, They will end the government's control of the money supply.

1.  They allow anyone to have a "bank" account that CAN NOT be seized by the IRS.
2. If you are careful,  the IRS can't even know how much money you have in your account,  or that you even have an account at all!
3. They allow you to do business with whoever you want,  anywhere in the world, with complete privacy.
4. No one can block or seize your payments,  in fact,  you can even make your payments secret from everyone else in the world.
5. If you set it up properly,  no one can even track how much money you have earned, so potentially, you could report as much, or as little of it as you choose.
6. Bitcoins can not be counterfeited or inflated.
7. We hope,They will end the government's control of the money supply.

this list all seems to revolve around one point, the last point

consider only saying #7 and leaving it at that, if the radio host asks you what you mean, use the other points.

something interesting to look at
the 1997 Digialt cash proposal. (

notice it been a long time people have though of make something like bitcoin... but all their ideas needed the bank to work with them, this is why all their ideas failed, and why bitcoin took off.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: btc_artist on November 18, 2011, 05:34:16 PM
7. We hope, They will end the government's control of the money supply.
In the future, this may be able to limit the government's control of the money supply.


Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: BadBear on November 18, 2011, 05:42:57 PM
7. We hope, They will end the government's control of the money supply.
In the future, this may be able to limit the government's control of the money supply.


I like it.  I hope he listens to the good advice in this thread, promoting the illegal things you can do just perpetuates to a bad image some may have about bitcoin already.  Don't appeal to just Libertarians, go for a wider audience.  Besides, this forum could use a more diverse political population.    ;)

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: btc_artist on November 18, 2011, 05:44:24 PM
@BadBear - I agree 100%.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 18, 2011, 05:55:20 PM
I would downplay the whole IRS thing.  Just tell the listeners that Bitcoin, if set up properly, can provide financial privacy.  If the listeners are liberty advocates, they will understand the implications.

+1 this.  I hope the OP catches this suggestion and uses it.

Use more generalized terms like "financial privacy", "assets immune to seizure", "can't be manipulated by central banks to steal your wealth through inflation".

The listener will frame the talking points to their own situation.

If someone wants to cheat the IRS, buy illegal drugs, move money offshore, hide their activity from govt scrutiny, etc will be "read into" those open ended statements. 

You get the same effect without directly advocating tax fraud as an advantage to a national audience.  "Bitcoin is the best way to commit felonies" is not a good marketing strategy.  It attracts all the wrong attention and may turn off people who have no interest in buying drugs or cheating on their taxes but otherwise may be reception to Bitcoin.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cypherdoc on November 18, 2011, 05:57:14 PM
Even though it's true, I don't much like the idea of emphasizing the "shady" properties of bitcoin (tax dodging, money laundering, purchasing illegal drugs, etc.)

Doing so just seems like it would just invite the wrong kind of attention from the government, and gives them fuel with which to go after bitcoin.  Not that there's much interest from political types at this point, but I could see them a few years down the road pointing to this interview and saying "see, it's a tool for tax dodgers and criminals, even it's proponents admit it!"

Seems bitcoin has enough other positive properties (non-reversible, anonymous, worldwide, etc.) that emphasizing the illegal uses isn't really necessary.


Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: BadBear on November 18, 2011, 05:58:45 PM
Someone who wants to cheat the IRS will instantly identify a personal meaning for "financial privacy" and "immune to seizure" however it is much better if the OP isn't the one advocating it (even indirectly).

Exactly, and people who don't want to cheat will avoid it because it of the stigma created.  Just get the information out there about what it is, and leave it up to the people to decide their use for it.  

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cypherdoc on November 18, 2011, 06:14:28 PM
I have been studying the mobile payment systems that are currently being introduced and are on the horizon for a few weeks now.

what painfully becomes obvious within a few minutes of looking at this issue is how every Tom, Dick, and Harry middleman is racing to get in btwn the payer and seller while at the same time introducing their "fee" into the tx.  you name the system; NFC, Square, Paypal, Starbucks in house system, whatever, you'll find a credit card company, a POS vendor, a bank, a telecom trying to insert themselves into the system.

we all know mobile payments is the wave of the future.  Bitcoin can clearly offer far superior services and lower fees, not to mention simplicity, to all digital mobile tx's.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: teukon on November 18, 2011, 06:48:36 PM
Less is more.  I might start with:

Bitcoin is like gold but that you can send though the internet.  If you are careful, no-one can know about your bitcoins but you.

In expanding on Bitcoin's qualities I would focus on the properties that would appeal to your audience but in a subtle way.  Try to appear almost naive to the tremendous power that Bitcoin promises mankind while being clear and accurate about its positive qualities.  This way many of the listeners will naturally realise the true potential of Bitcoin on their own and hence be more motivated to get involved themselves.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: istar on November 18, 2011, 06:54:40 PM
Bitcoin is not company owned, its not owned by any government, its owned by me you and everyone.
This means there is noone who can or will collect your shopping information.
Which both VISA and Mastercard recently was revealed to do.

Bitcoin is freedom.

When paypal froze Occupy Wallstreet, they used bitcoin.
Paypal froze diaspora the free facebook alternative.
They now have bitcoin.

Also mention its spreading all over the world. That china have two exchanges.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Gavin Andresen on November 18, 2011, 07:01:41 PM
The hosts of Free Talk Live know quite a lot about Bitcoin-- I had lunch with them last year (there's a thread in here somewhere about that....).

RE: "don't emphasize the potential illegal uses" -- mmmm.  Last I heard, Ian was enthusiastic about the Silk Road, so I'd expect it to be part of the conversation.

And I think one of the people associated with the show (I'm being vague because I don't want to reveal something they don't want revealed) lost some bitcoins when MyBitcoin went away, so I'd expect security/trust issues to be raised, too.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on November 18, 2011, 07:15:17 PM
The hosts of Free Talk Live know quite a lot about Bitcoin-- I had lunch with them last year (there's a thread in here somewhere about that....).

RE: "don't emphasize the potential illegal uses" -- mmmm.  Last I heard, Ian was enthusiastic about the Silk Road, so I'd expect it to be part of the conversation.

And I think one of the people associated with the show (I'm being vague because I don't want to reveal something they don't want revealed) lost some bitcoins when MyBitcoin went away, so I'd expect security/trust issues to be raised, too.

Oh god. Is Bruce Wagner there too?

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 18, 2011, 08:59:44 PM
And I think one of the people associated with the show (I'm being vague because I don't want to reveal something they don't want revealed) lost some bitcoins when MyBitcoin went away, so I'd expect security/trust issues to be raised, too.

Might be a good idea for OP to ready to field those kinds of questions.  I would bring up things like multi-signature contract, wallets like Strongcoin where the operator never has the private key. 

Bring every question back to Bitcoin = digital cash and needs to be treated as such.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 18, 2011, 09:47:46 PM
I love how this thread is progressing. Let's keep it up, folks, hoping Roger with MD soaks it all in and gives one hell of an interview.

I have one comment on the quote below which is not The Interview related (ref. in bold):

Government would still be able to collect as much revenue through taxes as before, if bitcoin was the only currency in use. Basically they would just have to utilize only VAT tax and land tax for all of their tax revenue, by adjusting these two taxes (that are close to impossible to dodge) tax revenues could end up being exactly the same as before.

The only reason why government wouldn't like this kind tax system is because, as mentioned, tax dodging would be difficult no matter who you are, so oligarchic and corporate interest groups would suddenly have to follow the same rules as everyone else.

No matter how a countries tax revenue is structured, it's safe to say that the net/gross intake will not stay the same as years past.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Steve on November 18, 2011, 10:03:12 PM
Mention that "bitcoin is the most powerful computational system ever organized by mankind for a common purpose."  In one sense, the internet itself is the most powerful computational system ever organized, but it's not for a common purpose.  I think many people, upon hearing that, would  think that there must certainly be a powerful idea behind this if that many people are devoting that many resources toward this common purpose.  You could get into the geeky stats (i.e. more powerful than the top 500 super computers combined), but I think that actually takes away from the message.  People start thinking more about the numbers and less about the bigger picture.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cbeast on November 18, 2011, 10:12:24 PM
I would make a grocery list of all the known features and benefits of Bitcoin. There are as yet unknown business opportunities that have yet to be explored. If the reporter tries to steer you into "gotcha" questions, bring up something "you just thought of" that changes the conversation. In other words keep the focus on the frontier spirit of this technology.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 19, 2011, 12:15:58 AM
I would make a grocery list of all the known features and benefits of Bitcoin. There are as yet unknown business opportunities that have yet to be explored. If the reporter tries to steer you into "gotcha" questions, bring up something "you just thought of" that changes the conversation. In other words keep the focus on the frontier spirit of this technology.

And, by no means let this happen:

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Xenland on November 19, 2011, 12:57:35 AM
Its a good thing I waited before investing into the a radio spots on freetalklive

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 19, 2011, 03:24:11 AM

Thank you for your input.

For those concerned about the illegal aspects of Bitcoin,  I they will surely come up durring the interview.
The main host openly admits that he refuses to pay federal income taxes because he doesn't support the things the federal government does.
He spoke of the silk road way back in 2010 as the potential "killer app" for bitcoins.

I understand that many people have very different political views,  but please keep in mind that the majority of the listeners to this radio show

1.Taxation is the moral equivalent of theft.
2. The draft is the moral equivalent of kidnapping and slavery.
3. The government is the most successful organized criminal gang in a particular area.
4. Because of the first three items,  they want nothing to do with the state.

I understand that most people do not agree with the above,  but because most listeners of this show do,  I think they will be interested in my original points.
If I was going on the Oprah Winfrey show,  I should certainly use a different list of talking points.

I will continue to monitor this thread for about the next 10 hours.
I will post the interview on youtube as soon as it is available.

Thank you all for your advice.
I am taking all of it into consideration.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cypherdoc on November 19, 2011, 03:29:57 AM
we trust your judgment and understanding of Bitcoin, Roger.  go get 'em!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: nmat on November 19, 2011, 03:31:05 AM
If I was going on the Oprah Winfrey show

Now this would be something. 8)

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 19, 2011, 03:44:48 AM

Thank you for your input.

For those concerned about the illegal aspects of Bitcoin,  I they will surely come up durring the interview.
The main host openly admits that he refuses to pay federal income taxes because he doesn't support the things the federal government does.
He spoke of the silk road way back in 2010 as the potential "killer app" for bitcoins.

I understand that many people have very different political views,  but please keep in mind that the majority of the listeners to this radio show

1.Taxation is the moral equivalent of theft.
2. The draft is the moral equivalent of kidnapping and slavery.
3. The government is the most successful organized criminal gang in a particular area.
4. Because of the first three items,  they want nothing to do with the state.

I understand that most people do not agree with the above,  but because most listeners of this show do,  I think they will be interested in my original points.
If I was going on the Oprah Winfrey show,  I should certainly use a different list of talking points.

I will continue to monitor this thread for about the next 10 hours.
I will post the interview on youtube as soon as it is available.

Thank you all for your advice.
I am taking all of it into consideration.

Excellent insight on freetalklive's listener base but remember, somewhere down the road another interview may take place with a different type of audience, as you mentioned, and taboo talking points could easily come back to haunt us.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cbeast on November 19, 2011, 03:55:21 AM
I understand that many people have very different political views,  but please keep in mind that the majority of the listeners to this radio show

1.Taxation is the moral equivalent of theft.
2. The draft is the moral equivalent of kidnapping and slavery.
3. The government is the most successful organized criminal gang in a particular area.
4. Because of the first three items,  they want nothing to do with the state.

Thank you all for your advice.
I am taking all of it into consideration.

Excellent insight on freetalklive's listener base but remember, somewhere down the road another interview may take place with a different type of audience, as you mentioned, and taboo talking points could easily come back to haunt us.

Hmm. I've actually thought for a while that Bitcoin may first be adapted by fringe and radical groups.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Steve on November 19, 2011, 04:28:19 AM
1.Taxation is the moral equivalent of theft.
2. The draft is the moral equivalent of kidnapping and slavery.
3. The government is the most successful organized criminal gang in a particular area.
4. Because of the first three items,  they want nothing to do with the state.

I understand that most people do not agree with the above,  but because most listeners of this show do,  I think they will be interested in my original points.
Actually, I think most people agree with these things (or at least could very easily be persuaded to those points of view).  If bitcoin is to survive, the average person is going to need to be supportive of it.  If you talk about all the ways bitcoin can be used to break laws, every word you say will be used as propaganda against bitcoin and the average person, not really knowing any better, will form an opinion against bitcoin.  Your audience in this forum is intelligent enough to put 2 & 2 together and see where this is headed, I don't think you need to spell it out for them.  The best thing the powers that be could hope for is a bunch of people to start ranting in public about all the ways bitcoin can be used to break the law or destroy the system.  The media will have a field day portraying those people as a bunch of fringe lunatics or terrorists…they'll have all the support they need from the voters to pass all sorts of draconian laws or regulations to put a stake in the heart of bitcoin.  Governments will pass all sorts of heavy regulations around the use of virtual currencies by businesses that it makes it so costly to deal with bitcoin in a compliant manner that it's simply not economical to use.  It probably wouldn't completely kill bitcoin, but it might set it back a few decades.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: silverfuture on November 19, 2011, 04:53:53 AM
There is really little anyone can do to stop bitcoin from being maligned by the ignorant or the financially interested. It already has been and is going to be for a long time.  No sense in beating around the bush because in the end there will be as much or more gain in adoption from bad press as good. I guarantee there are more than a few "establishment types" who will publicly discredit but privately use the bitcoin network.

Knock 'em dead Roger!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: tvbcof on November 19, 2011, 05:11:15 AM
On the plus side, I would say that the kind of people that you might lasso in would tend to be among the most capable of looking out for themselves in the Wild West that is the Bitcoin world at this time.

On the minus side, the higher the percentage of tax cheats and so on that compose the Bitcoin community, the easier it will be to make the shit which is thrown at it stick.

On balance I think that the project would be better served by not becoming to much more Libertarian heavy, but I could be wrong so I do wish you the best of luck.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 19, 2011, 05:11:43 AM

Thank you for your input.

For those concerned about the illegal aspects of Bitcoin,  I they will surely come up durring the interview.
The main host openly admits that he refuses to pay federal income taxes because he doesn't support the things the federal government does.
He spoke of the silk road way back in 2010 as the potential "killer app" for bitcoins.

I understand that many people have very different political views,  but please keep in mind that the majority of the listeners to this radio show

1.Taxation is the moral equivalent of theft.
2. The draft is the moral equivalent of kidnapping and slavery.
3. The government is the most successful organized criminal gang in a particular area.
4. Because of the first three items,  they want nothing to do with the state.

I understand that most people do not agree with the above,  but because most listeners of this show do,  I think they will be interested in my original points.
If I was going on the Oprah Winfrey show,  I should certainly use a different list of talking points.

I will continue to monitor this thread for about the next 10 hours.
I will post the interview on youtube as soon as it is available.

Thank you all for your advice.
I am taking all of it into consideration.

Excellent insight on freetalklive's listener base but remember, somewhere down the road another interview may take place with a different type of audience, as you mentioned, and taboo talking points could easily come back to haunt us.

Exactly it isn't just the direct audience.  Your words as a Bitcoin supporter could be used to undermine the credibility of Bitcoin movement.  "See Bitcoin supporters promote criminal tax evasion. It should be shut down".

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: btc_artist on November 19, 2011, 05:41:06 AM
1.Taxation is the moral equivalent of theft.
2. The draft is the moral equivalent of kidnapping and slavery.
3. The government is the most successful organized criminal gang in a particular area.
I don't disagree. But consider the following:

If bitcoin is to survive, the average person is going to need to be supportive of it.  If you talk about all the ways bitcoin can be used to break laws, every word you say will be used as propaganda against bitcoin and the average person, not really knowing any better, will form an opinion against bitcoin. 

Your words as a Bitcoin supporter could be used to undermine the credibility of Bitcoin movement.  "See Bitcoin supporters promote criminal tax evasion. It should be shut down".

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: o on November 19, 2011, 09:08:58 AM
btc_artist gives good summary, but two more points:

Legal aspect: Bitcoin is not designed for illegal stuff, but the other way around. It is new architecture, so new laws needs to be created for it. It is an bold attempt as a global and Internet currency, so all old laws does not applied for it. It is operated different from money, gold, debt, bond and stock. Audience should realize themselves the reason of illegal activities at the moment is because the laws does not fit.

Potential usage: Talk about the big markets and the benefits, say exchange of virtual goods, online games, IT supports, new business model for website other than advertisement, etc. Benefit is that it is across any country and website, no exchange fee and easy to use. Maybe talking about bounty economics here, someone raise programming problem, other solves it and get BTC rewards, and money.

The most important thing is to raise audience interests. These should answer questions like: Why do we care about it? Why is it useful? Is it legal?

1.Taxation is the moral equivalent of theft.
2. The draft is the moral equivalent of kidnapping and slavery.
3. The government is the most successful organized criminal gang in a particular area.
I don't disagree. But consider the following:

If bitcoin is to survive, the average person is going to need to be supportive of it.  If you talk about all the ways bitcoin can be used to break laws, every word you say will be used as propaganda against bitcoin and the average person, not really knowing any better, will form an opinion against bitcoin.

Your words as a Bitcoin supporter could be used to undermine the credibility of Bitcoin movement.  "See Bitcoin supporters promote criminal tax evasion. It should be shut down".

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cbeast on November 19, 2011, 11:50:45 AM
I say pander to the audience. Let's not coddle Bitcoin. It will survive or die based on it's own merits. If it is robust enough to survive all the attacks it has so far, then that says a lot. If people want to use it for illegal purposes, they can try, but there is risk and law enforcement is getting much better with cybercrimes. Right now gambling seems to be one of the most popular aspects and while it may or may not be illegal, libertarians may like the idea. Only a very small minority of people will commit crimes with Bitcoin anyway.

I know it's late and you may not even see this, but I thought I would add one more item anyway:
With Bitcoin you can hand someone a physical note for a purchase which they can turn around and spend or send online. This is probably the most important feature. You cannot do this with cash or even debit cards without having bank accounts to go through.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: fivebells on November 19, 2011, 12:31:56 PM
For those concerned about the illegal aspects of Bitcoin,  I they will surely come up durring the interview.
The main host openly admits that he refuses to pay federal income taxes because he doesn't support the things the federal government does.

I understand that most people do not agree with the above,  but because most listeners of this show do,  I think they will be interested in my original points.
These are fascinating aspects of bitcoin's potential effects, and definitely worth talking about.  It's worth keeping in mind that you won't necessarily be talking only to the show and it's listeners, because it will be recorded.  If another journalist decides to do a critical piece on bitcoin and finds an interview with a bitcoin proponent pushing evasion of government requirements as bitcoin's key selling point, they will present that in a negative light.  I'm not saying you shouldn't talk about it, just that diplomatic language would be smart.

Also, it is probably worthwhile to scan the "Bitcoin notable press hits" thread for an hour, reading the negative articles and preparing yourself with ready responses to the criticisms they raise.  Even if the radio interviewer is totally in favor of bitcoin, he would be a poor journalist if he didn't push back at you on at least some of the problems with it.  (Wallet security, scams and high-profile hacks, price fluctuation,  not backed by any tangible feature, concentration of wealth, are a few which come to mind off the top of my head.)   These are not things you would want to bring up uninvited, but you should be ready to talk about them persuasively if they come up.

Congratulations and good luck!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: freequant on November 19, 2011, 12:45:51 PM
I understand that most people do not agree with the above,  but because most listeners of this show do,  I think they will be interested in my original points. If I was going on the Oprah Winfrey show,  I should certainly use a different list of talking points.

If you have character, don't fall in the trap of delivering a message that your conscience wouldn't approve of, just to fit with your audience's expectations.
Don't tell something at Free Talk Live that you wouldn't feel comfortable with at Oprah Winfrey's show.
In short, and this is true whatever the context: act with integrity.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: BadBear on November 19, 2011, 12:52:57 PM
Ugh he's gonna do it anyway.  Oh well, it could have been good. 

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Shawshank on November 19, 2011, 01:55:23 PM
I would stick mostly with the points that are currently legal, and not on avoiding taxes, hiding wealth, etc.

I would add the following:

1) Some people hoard gold or jewelry in their homes. Bitcoin is safer.
2) In the case of high inflation, your savings are safer with Bitcoin. Bitcoin can potentially keep up with inflation.
3) If there is a war in your country or some political instability, you can always move to some other country with no baggage at all, connect to a server, download your wallet and start a brand new life with your hard-earned money.
4) Most gold-owners just own gold-certificates. That is definitely no the same as gold. On the other hand, Bitcoin-owners really have the wealth on their wallet file.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: tvbcof on November 19, 2011, 05:43:42 PM
I would stick mostly with the points that are currently legal, and not on avoiding taxes, hiding wealth, etc.

I would add the following:
3) If there is a war in your country or some political instability, you can always move to some other country with no baggage at all, connect to a server, download your wallet and start a brand new life with your hard-earned money.

All of your points are valid as are most others made on this thead.  But this one really stands out in my mind.  There were many things which induced me to finally start figuring out Bitcoin, but this one was possibly the biggest.

I would have thought that this feature in and of itself would have launched BTC values to well in excess of the $30/BTC bubble with no where near the correction we've seen.  In fact, I did think that.  I was wrong and am sitting on a sizable loss in USD terms because of that.

I guess I am about the only person in America who does not believe that the full body scanners popping up like mushrooms are necessarily there to look for bombs.  I do buy into the idea that these scanners exist to identify 'terrorists', but only because the word 'terrorism' can be applied to almost any activity, and most certainly to activities involving monetary issues.

I cannot recall who to credit for this bit of wisdom, but some observant person once stated:

  "The vagueness of the term 'war on terror' is not a bug; it's a feature."

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: finway on November 19, 2011, 05:59:10 PM
waiting for youtube video/radio

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Littleshop on November 19, 2011, 06:06:11 PM
I one point should be put out there:

Bitcoin is an alternative to Paypal for movements as well as individuals.  I think that alone makes it worth while.

With OWS and Wikileaks being blocked people need a way to get around financial 'censorship' . 

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 20, 2011, 12:04:30 AM
Show is starting now on (

There is a link to stream the show live.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 12:52:02 AM
Show is starting now on (

There is a link to stream the show live.

  Listening to you right now. Awesome!

  And to the people that would say, "a currency should be backed by gold, etc", are dreaming a hell of a lot more than what is requiered to believe in Bitcoin. No currency from here on out will EVER be backed by gold again. perdiod. And if it were then those that actually control the gold would still have just as much ability to manipulate its vale as they do now....

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cypherdoc on November 20, 2011, 12:57:17 AM
Show is starting now on (

There is a link to stream the show live.

  Listening to you right now. Awesome!

  And to the people that would say, "a currency should be backed by gold, etc", are dreaming a hell of a lot more than what is requiered to believe in Bitcoin. No currency from here on out will EVER be backed by gold again. perdiod. And if it were then those that actually control the gold would still have just as much ability to manipulate its vale as they do now....

are u listening live right now?  i'm not getting any live link.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Electrongolf on November 20, 2011, 12:59:38 AM
Nice job!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 01:06:46 AM

are u listening live right now?  i'm not getting any live link.

  Yes, using Windows Media from this link here;

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Snapman on November 20, 2011, 01:06:56 AM
tuned in

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 20, 2011, 01:07:52 AM
damn i missed it

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 01:09:08 AM
damn i missed it

  It is still on;

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 20, 2011, 01:15:43 AM
damn i missed it

  It is still on;

?? i caught the last 5 mins... after that he started talking about parking tickets

and now my GF is watching Startrek on the other screen so... i cant listen  :(    (she hates bitcoin)

Edit: i got Startrek playing on the speakers and media player on my headset.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Snapman on November 20, 2011, 01:17:24 AM
their taking callers :O

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 01:18:09 AM
damn i missed it

  It is still on;

?? i caught the last 5 mins... after that he started talking about parking tickets

and now my GF is watching Startrek on the other screen so... i cant listen  :(    (she hates bitcoin)

  That was a commercial about the parking ticket court case. ;p  it is still on.  Flex your muscles at your GF, promise her some special 'treats' and listen in. ;p

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: cypherdoc on November 20, 2011, 01:18:31 AM

are u listening live right now?  i'm not getting any live link.

  Yes, using Windows Media from this link here;

bummer, can't get it to play >:(

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 01:18:58 AM

are u listening live right now?  i'm not getting any live link.

  Yes, using Windows Media from this link here;

bummer, can't get it to play >:(

  Not with anything? There are like 5 different player options..

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 01:20:41 AM
  Listen Live here;     Shoutcast play    Media Player    Real media Player    Quicktime

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 20, 2011, 01:22:03 AM
  Listen Live here;     Shoutcast play    Media Player    Real media Player    Quicktime

even easier start windows media player   File > open url > 

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 01:23:12 AM
  And a live video stream here;

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 20, 2011, 01:24:44 AM
now i know how people felt as they watch the moon landing!

:D lol

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Snapman on November 20, 2011, 01:29:26 AM
and its ovaaaaa.....

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 20, 2011, 01:32:16 AM
and its ovaaaaa.....

Roger is going to answer questions for 30 hour now?

are we not going to hear that?

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 01:34:57 AM
They are still talking about Bitcoins......

 I did not hear them say it was over. Of course I walked away for a minute to get coffee. It does sound it though.

  Hopefully they post the recording soon, as I missed all the initial presentation.  They have all their other shows available in mp3, etc on the main site.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Snapman on November 20, 2011, 01:40:53 AM
if you post your bitcoin address at, free bitcoin

im #3 :D

added: just received it

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 02:16:10 AM
if you post your bitcoin address at, free bitcoin

im #3 :D

added: just received it

  HAHA, have not logged my Facebook account in over a year. HOLY fuggin spamage, bat breath!  Good to see a bunch of family found me though.

  Also made sure to pop a bitcoin addy on there.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: julz on November 20, 2011, 02:22:52 AM
I hope people here will in general leave those free bitcoins for people who are brand new to bitcoin.
I don't know how many roger is handing out, but it'd be kinda sad if existing bitcoiners slurped them up :/

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: tvbcof on November 20, 2011, 02:34:35 AM
I hope people here will in general leave those free bitcoins for people who are brand new to bitcoin.
I don't know how many roger is handing out, but it'd be kinda sad if existing bitcoiners slurped them up :/

Pffft.  Freeloaders in the overwhelmingly Libertarian Bitcoin community?  Who could have imagined?

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 20, 2011, 02:39:34 AM

Any links to the recording? I'm Jonesin' here!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Snapman on November 20, 2011, 02:47:23 AM
i think they keep archives of all their broadcasts, gotta wait for a day to pass tho.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 20, 2011, 02:50:17 AM
I will post the whole thing on youtube shortly.
For those who heard it,   how did it go?

Also,  if someone can make a banner for

I will change the Memory Dealers banner on this page to the Bitcoin banner. (

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 20, 2011, 03:12:46 AM
I will post the whole thing on youtube shortly.
For those who heard it,   how did it go?

Also,  if someone can make a banner for

I will change the Memory Dealers banner on this page to the Bitcoin banner. (

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 20, 2011, 03:27:05 AM
Any reasonable size for that page should be fine.

I will wait a bit longer to see if there are any more banner submissions,  before I ask them to change it.

Thanks so much for the help!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: btcinstant on November 20, 2011, 04:37:12 AM
Defiantly, let us know how it went!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 20, 2011, 04:49:29 AM
Defiantly, let us know how it went!

I can't wait to see the youtube video, i was only able to catch the last few mins.

they appear to have archived the show... but it doesn't work for me (

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 20, 2011, 04:58:02 AM
Since MemoryDealers' interview is tomorrow, let's use the rest of today to critique his 7 talking points and 7 reasons for adaptation. Having them numbered would make them easy to do such. Simply state which numbered bullet point should not be mentioned and which one should be more focused upon. Any suggestions we offer up should also be numbered--8; 9; 10; etc.--for easier referencing. MemoryDealers should stay on this thread most of today so that tomorrow he'll be less prone to trip over himself during the interview. I further suggest, MD, getting plenty of rest tonight so that you're fresh in the morning, therefore state what you're cutoff time for calling it a night.

I post this because this could be to much of an opportunity for Bitcoin to get it effed-up. We (this community) should devote as much time on this today to help MD with his request for input. This may be the only post I'll offer up on this tread today, for I've be to busy in the field and I'm not as bright as some of you other folks here to aid in his TP request, short of short positive/directional asides.

That said, good luck with the interview tomorrow, MD.

For those not able to listen to it live, I hope there's a link to the recording of it somewhere. I'd love to here it.


Stupid me! I thought it was 7AM, hence the bold above.

Listening to it down.

EDIT: Just heard that you're in Japan, therefore my advice was correct.

So far, excellent interview.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: majamalu on November 20, 2011, 06:53:13 AM
Congratulations! You've done a great job.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: notme on November 20, 2011, 07:06:41 AM
Nice job, great interview!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: beckspace on November 20, 2011, 07:10:10 AM


"That's why they have an entire force of armed man to go after you if you try to do that. It's the U.S. government system for handle counterfeiting."

"But Bitcoin doesn't have a group of armed man."

"How Bitcoin handle counterfeiting?"


"Bitcoins are protected by the rules of mathematics."

"If you point a gun at the rules of mathematics they are not gonna flinch. They don't care if you are pointing a gun at them or not."

Nice interview.



"I just think that it's gonna help set the world free. It's gonna let people have control over their own money."

"And that's what people are so upset about, with all the bailouts in the USA. The only reason that was able to happen it's because the government can print as much money as they want and do whatever they want. If the world was using Bitcoins, the bailouts would have been impossible. They can't take your bitcoins, they can't make fake bitcoins, they can't give imaginary bitcoins to someone else."


"It's true decentralization of the money suply."

"It doesn't require anything central. There's no Bitcoin Head Office. There's no Bitcoin Corporation. There's no vault for the Feds to go and raid. There's no server farm for them to take offline. It's COMPLETELY untouchable by the federal government or ANY government."


"You have 100% control over your own money."

sorry for any typo, one more excerpt:


"Hi, I just tunned in. I was wondering: what backs up Bitcoins? What makes Bitcoin worth money?"


"Basically, because people agree that they worth money and they are incredible useful as a currency. You can send them anywhere in the world instantly without anyone getting involved."

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: evoorhees on November 20, 2011, 07:20:20 AM
Yeah was really great interview... Roger was on for like over an hour!  Tons of callers on the topic, I think it was a hit. Honestly it's the perfect demographic.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 20, 2011, 07:32:29 AM
The host of the show told me that likely, around 100,000 people heard the show!

I will be posting the interview on youtube shortly.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: tvbcof on November 20, 2011, 08:28:49 AM
Listened to it.  Nicely done Roger.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Jeremy West on November 20, 2011, 10:17:39 AM
The host of the show told me that likely, around 100,000 people heard the show!

I will be posting the interview on youtube shortly.

I think you did a fantastic job, Roger. Thanks for the great work.

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: wareen on November 20, 2011, 10:31:42 AM
I think you did a fantastic job, Roger. Thanks for the great work.
Great interview - I especially liked the part with "you can't point a gun at the rules of mathematics" :)

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 20, 2011, 01:14:23 PM
The full interview is now online at: (

It was heard live by around 100,000 people.

I would not have had the knowledge to give this interview if it wasn't for all the great users on this forum.
Thank you all for your help!

Bitcoins are going to change the world!

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 03:21:30 PM
The full interview is now online at: (

It was heard live by around 100,000 people.

I would not have had the knowledge to give this interview if it wasn't for all the great users on this forum.
Thank you all for your help!

Bitcoins are going to change the world!

  Beautiful, I'm listening to the full thing now while I work. I very much like the 'down to earth' and straight forward nature of your answers.

  All the hype of some past interviewees was disturbing. ;p

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: cypherdoc on November 20, 2011, 03:43:48 PM

that was beautiful. :D

no memorized pithy phrases.  no stumbling, no hesitation.  clear logical thought with an excellent understanding of the underlying technology and its benefits.  the right balance btwn optimism and reality. 

you are also unique in that you are a proven businessman with a solid business who's going to be successful with or without Bitcoin.  you have no hidden agenda except a philosophical support for a new, fair, and revolutionary monetary system.

seriously Roger, the community needs you to step up and become the new spokesperson. 


Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: cryptoxchange on November 20, 2011, 03:50:51 PM

that was beautiful. :D

no memorized pithy phrases.  no stumbling, no hesitation.  clear logical thought with an excellent understanding of the underlying technology and its benefits.  the right balance btwn optimism and reality. 

you are also unique in that you are a proven businessman with a solid business who's going to be successful with or without Bitcoin.  you have no hidden agenda except a philosophical support for a new, fair, and revolutionary monetary system.

seriously Roger, the community needs you to step up and become the new spokesperson. 


Totally Agree!

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: wareen on November 20, 2011, 03:55:37 PM
Forgive me, but why is it ok to talk about all kinds of illegal drugs on the radio but you get kicked as soon as you say "the f-word". Anybody care to explain that to a puzzled European ???

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: cypherdoc on November 20, 2011, 04:08:08 PM
here's my favorite:

Roger:  "If you Love Liberty, you should Love Bitcoin."

THAT should become the new Bitcoin Slogan.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: fivebells on November 20, 2011, 04:25:56 PM
They imply at the start that you have a business relationship with FTL.  That may undermine the credibility of the interview, if it really gets legs.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 20, 2011, 04:30:54 PM
Once again, Roger, an excellent interview. It was/is(now) an excellent listening pleasure. You and the host provided an smooth discussion on Bitcoin, albeit I found some of the caller's questions/comments, should I say, lame.

May I offer up a bit of advice on your YouTube video, without being called out as being hypercritical? First the title. Bitcoin Interview On Free Talk Live seems to me more professional looking/reading. Next, the tags. The tags on YouTube, just like with Etsy and other sites, is how some of the search results are generated. Bitcoin, as well on Free Talk Live and the host names, should be included. Others to consider are Fiat; Currency; Cyber-Currency; etc.,--the usual suspects. As the tags stand now, you'll get the same amount of hits as if you didn't include any tags.

I hope you accept my comments as they were intended.

Sincerely, Bruno

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on November 20, 2011, 04:36:57 PM
here's my favorite:

Roger:  "If you Love Liberty, you should Love Bitcoin."

THAT should become the new Bitcoin Slogan.

If You Love Liberty ~ You'll Love Bitcoin

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: BTCurious on November 20, 2011, 04:49:08 PM
Will listen to it later. Posting so I don't forget this thread.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Shuai on November 20, 2011, 04:52:16 PM

Really well done, really well spoken.

Thank you Roger Ver! :D

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: evoorhees on November 20, 2011, 05:06:55 PM
Forgive me, but why is it ok to talk about all kinds of illegal drugs on the radio but you get kicked as soon as you say "the f-word". Anybody care to explain that to a puzzled European ???

Because here in America we have god-given, inalienable, worth-dying-for, super 100% important and always protected "freedom of speech"... unless that speech offends someone. Hypocrisy #581291 of American society.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: BTCurious on November 20, 2011, 06:18:04 PM
Because here in America we have god-given, inalienable, worth-dying-for, super 100% important and always protected "freedom of speech"... unless that speech offends someone. Hypocrisy #581291 of American society.
You Americans are fucking weird.

No offense.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: wareen on November 20, 2011, 06:29:12 PM
You Americans are fucking weird.

No offense.
Well, every country or society has its hypocrisies I guess. They happen to be somewhat harder to spot from the inside though :)

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: jimbobway on November 20, 2011, 06:30:47 PM
great work roger!

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on November 20, 2011, 06:53:48 PM
 "If you Love Dustberries, you should Love Bitcoin.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: S3052 on November 20, 2011, 07:15:17 PM

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: BTCurious on November 20, 2011, 08:23:27 PM
Well, every country or society has its hypocrisies I guess. They happen to be somewhat harder to spot from the inside though :)
True. I did indeed mean it as a joke, anyway :)

*Listening now
Edit: Lol, advertisements for hunting gear. Never heard that in Europe :)
Edit: and now a revolver ad. This feels like walking into some modern-day/movie-texas mashup. Is all of America like this? Great interview so far, by the way! I like how the radio hosts are actually intelligently contributing to the conversation, they seem to have done their homework.
Edit: "Bitcoin is backed by the a-logarithm." 36:25 lol :)

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: tvbcof on November 20, 2011, 09:07:41 PM
here's my favorite:

Roger:  "If you Love Liberty, you should Love Bitcoin."

THAT should become the new Bitcoin Slogan.

If You Love Liberty ~ You'll Love Bitcoin

Bitcoin ~ Pearls Cast Before Swine.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 09:31:41 PM
Edit: Lol, advertisements for hunting gear. Never heard that in Europe :)
Edit: and now a revolver ad. This feels like walking into some modern-day/movie-texas mashup. Is all of America like this?


  I don't personally hunt, but myself and a HUGE number of Americans are armed. ;p  Hunting is big here in just about any state. Here in Florida you would be hard pressed not to see a few hunters in just about any town or city you would visit here.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on November 20, 2011, 09:37:23 PM
Edit: Lol, advertisements for hunting gear. Never heard that in Europe :)
Edit: and now a revolver ad. This feels like walking into some modern-day/movie-texas mashup. Is all of America like this?


  I don't personally hunt, but myself and a HUGE number of Americans are armed. ;p  Hunting is big here in just about any state. Here in Florida you would be hard pressed not to see a few hunters in just about any town or city you would visit here.

In America we don't hunt animals anymore, just humans whom we want to self-defence against.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: edd on November 20, 2011, 09:40:31 PM
I'm a little disappointed that no one mentioned that you can buy coffee with bitcoins but I put up the youtube video at BitBrew ( anyway.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: sadpandatech on November 20, 2011, 09:41:23 PM
Edit: Lol, advertisements for hunting gear. Never heard that in Europe :)
Edit: and now a revolver ad. This feels like walking into some modern-day/movie-texas mashup. Is all of America like this?


  I don't personally hunt, but myself and a HUGE number of Americans are armed. ;p  Hunting is big here in just about any state. Here in Florida you would be hard pressed not to see a few hunters in just about any town or city you would visit here.

In America we don't hunt animals anymore, just humans whom we want to self-defence against.

  That's a pretty broad stroked statement there, Matt..  I have never and will never point a gun at a human unless there is absolutly no other choice. period. I would like to think I'm not alone atleast from a 'self defense' perspective..

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: kwukduck on November 20, 2011, 10:11:36 PM
Great interview!

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Eveofwar on November 20, 2011, 10:16:12 PM
Edit: Lol, advertisements for hunting gear. Never heard that in Europe :)
Edit: and now a revolver ad. This feels like walking into some modern-day/movie-texas mashup. Is all of America like this?


  I don't personally hunt, but myself and a HUGE number of Americans are armed. ;p  Hunting is big here in just about any state. Here in Florida you would be hard pressed not to see a few hunters in just about any town or city you would visit here.

In America we don't hunt animals anymore, just humans whom we want to self-defence against.

  That's a pretty broad stroked statement there, Matt..  I have never and will never point a gun at a human unless there is absolutly no other choice. period. I would like to think I'm not alone atleast from a 'self defense' perspective..

Only to stop an imminent threat or grievous bodily harm ;)

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: piuk on November 20, 2011, 10:42:34 PM
Great interview, well done.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: BTCurious on November 20, 2011, 11:45:08 PM
The interview was great.

I also listened to the part after that though, and that was… weird. They had some good points on the smoking ban, but there were callers who had some good points too, which they basically swept under the rug, or misquoted, or refused to interpret in a neutral way. And then afterwards they call the callers fascists.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: SaintFlow on November 20, 2011, 11:55:30 PM
heared it
liked it

quote:  It is to the banking what email was to the postal service.

seems like at the moment bitcoin is a pet project for technophils and liberterians...

the silk road user caller wasn't really a proud and open drug user :D

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Liste
Post by: Jeremy West on November 20, 2011, 11:58:01 PM
I'm a little disappointed that no one mentioned that you can buy coffee with bitcoins but I put up the youtube video at BitBrew ( anyway.

Fully understand this sentiment.

My ego was waiting to hear spend bitcoins mentioned too. Actually, Mark did mention it, but as I'm no longer a paid advertiser just said "I used a third party service". :)

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: adamstgBit on November 21, 2011, 01:23:03 AM
I will post the whole thing on youtube shortly.
For those who heard it,   how did it go?

Also,  if someone can make a banner for

I will change the Memory Dealers banner on this page to the Bitcoin banner. (

I wonder if they keep stats on the banners, would be cool to see if we got any clicks yet

how long will the banner be up there?

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: grubles on November 21, 2011, 02:06:01 AM
Good job, Roger. I'm also glad someone mentioned!  8)

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 21, 2011, 02:10:21 AM
how long will the banner be up there?

The banner will be up there for as long as I keep paying.  I suspect this will be years and years.

To (, (, and others,  I'm sorry I did not have a chance to plug you.
I tried to plug as many things as I could,  but it is hard to remember everyone durring a fast paced interview.

I think a good next step for everyone is to visit (, take a look at their sponsors on the right hand side of the page,  see if any of them have something you want to buy,  and contact them to see if they will accept Bitcoins as payment.
If they agree,  please be sure to actually purchase the item from them.  This is a great way to get more shops to accept Bitcoin.

I really want the 50 caliber air-gun their sponsor sells! ( (

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: Jeremy West on November 21, 2011, 02:20:56 AM
how long will the banner be up there?

The banner will be up there for as long as I keep paying.  I suspect this will be years and years.

To (, (, and others,  I'm sorry I did not have a chance to plug you.
I tried to plug as many things as I could,  but it is hard to remember everyone durring a fast paced interview.

I think a good next step for everyone is to visit (, take a look at their sponsors on the right hand side of the page,  see if any of them have something you want to buy,  and contact them to see if they will accept Bitcoins as payment.
If they agree,  please be sure to actually purchase the item from them.  This is a great way to get more shops to accept Bitcoin.

I really want the 50 caliber air-gun their sponsor sells! ( (

Haha. Sorry if it sounded like I was offended, I know you are well networked and I'm just glad you had the chance to plug bitcoin. My ego survived just fine. :)

Title: Re: I will be interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations!
Post by: edd on November 21, 2011, 02:27:47 AM
how long will the banner be up there?

The banner will be up there for as long as I keep paying.  I suspect this will be years and years.

To (, (, and others,  I'm sorry I did not have a chance to plug you.
I tried to plug as many things as I could,  but it is hard to remember everyone durring a fast paced interview.

I think a good next step for everyone is to visit (, take a look at their sponsors on the right hand side of the page,  see if any of them have something you want to buy,  and contact them to see if they will accept Bitcoins as payment.
If they agree,  please be sure to actually purchase the item from them.  This is a great way to get more shops to accept Bitcoin.

I really want the 50 caliber air-gun their sponsor sells! ( (

Haha. Sorry if it sounded like I was offended, I know you are well networked and I'm just glad you had the chance to plug bitcoin. My ego survived just fine. :)

Ditto. It was an informative and positive interview; I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: adamstgBit on November 21, 2011, 03:35:36 AM
Lets go live on the radio to talk about bitcoin some more

go to (

find "Lets discuses the bitcoin businesses, the good, the bad, the guly"

click the +

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Steve on November 21, 2011, 03:55:32 AM
Awesome job Roger!

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: silverfuture on November 21, 2011, 08:08:16 AM
Finally got a chance to listen. Great Job! 

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: cbeast on November 21, 2011, 11:11:33 AM
I enjoyed the show on the youtube post. The slideshow is a nice touch. (

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: FlipPro on November 21, 2011, 11:33:03 AM
Excellent job Roger.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: btc_artist on November 21, 2011, 03:02:36 PM
Roger-- thanks for doing your part in promoting bitcoin!

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: Herodes on November 21, 2011, 03:44:40 PM
I listened to the entire interview, and I would say: Job well done.

If there's anything I'd mention it's the comparison about the worlds 500 fastest supercomputers and the bitcoin network.

From my limited understanding it's a bit like comparing apples and oranges.

Good thing you talked about privacy and not about avoiding taxes.

The callers were a bit strange, and the last one was blown of when mentioning irc and bitcoin-otc,
I would think most people would be smart enough to figure it out? So it was not needed to dismiss
him out of hand.

But again: God job, and thanks for taking your time to the benefit of the community, Roger of Memory Dealers!

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: DeepBit on November 21, 2011, 04:32:14 PM
You are doing great job promoting bitcoin !

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: BTCurious on November 21, 2011, 05:10:19 PM
The callers were a bit strange, and the last one was blown of when mentioning irc and bitcoin-otc,
I would think most people would be smart enough to figure it out? So it was not needed to dismiss him out of hand.
No, I agreed with them on that. IRC is some scary chatroom for nerds, to most non-computer people, and the whole stuff with GPG for bitcoin-otc? Forget it.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: wareen on November 21, 2011, 05:35:49 PM
If there's anything I'd mention it's the comparison about the worlds 500 fastest supercomputers and the bitcoin network.

From my limited understanding it's a bit like comparing apples and oranges.
The way I see it, if people hear that Bitcoin can in theory be attacked with enough computing power, they might think that supercomputers are a big threat to Bitcoin. Supercomputers are not optimized for the kind of workload Bitcoin mining requires, therefore they would be "relatively" slow at hashing.

The Bitcoin network is indeed more powerful than supercomputers, but only if you compare the Bitcoin mining performance. Since this is the only thing that matters in the context of Bitcoin security I think the comparison is valid.

Of course the comparison as an argument for Bitcoin's security is a bit moot, because an adversary that has extensive access to top-notch supercomputer-power could probably amass enough integer processing power as well - just not with most of the existing supercomputer architectures.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: BTCurious on November 21, 2011, 05:56:44 PM
For the record: There are actually integer-supercomputers as well. These are basically just a huge amount of amassed GPUS, and they don't really pose a threat to the bitcoin network (They need MOAR GPUS! :)), but there is scientific interest in GPU superclusters for molecular simulations (, weather simulations, etc.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on November 21, 2011, 07:05:24 PM
The Bitcoin network is indeed more powerful than supercomputers, but only if you compare the Bitcoin mining performance. Since this is the only thing that matters in the context of Bitcoin security I think the comparison is valid.

Exactly. It doesn't matter how good the whole earth simulator is at modeling weather patterns or how badly the Bitcoin network would compare on that task.  What matters is how good would supercomputer be at mining and thus how likely are they to represent a credible threat to the Bitcoin network.

The reality is supercomputers aren't so "super" when it comes to mining power.  They are totally outmatched by the aggregate of legit nodes in raw integer performance.  Even among supercomputers which have decent integer potential they are outmatched by the sheer number of Bitcoin nodes.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: MatthewLM on November 21, 2011, 10:57:31 PM
Didn't mention the "have to wait for confirmations to be secure" in the radio show. So I don't have to find it, what was the bitcoin debit card called? I'd like to know how that works and with what debit card provider it works with.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: MemoryDealers on November 22, 2011, 02:25:39 AM
Didn't mention the "have to wait for confirmations to be secure" in the radio show. So I don't have to find it, what was the bitcoin debit card called? I'd like to know how that works and with what debit card provider it works with. ( offers it.
I'm sure they are the first of many others that will offer similar services soon.

Title: Re: I was interviewed about Bitcoin on more than 100 Radio stations! ~100K Listeners
Post by: MatthewLM on November 22, 2011, 07:04:42 PM
It seems you have to transfer bitcins into their online account. I thought it was a bit more sophisticated where it automated payments using an online bitcoin wallet. I suppose it is slightly easier than going through a bitcoin exchange to get the money into the bank account you use a debit card with.