Bitcoin Forum

Local => India => Topic started by: Marakaya on January 23, 2020, 08:21:15 PM

Title: A research of Indian crypto-community
Post by: Marakaya on January 23, 2020, 08:21:15 PM
Hi guys!

I'm sorry for posting in English but I don't speak Indian and that is why my task is twice as hard.

At this point I want to study Indian crypto-community: active sites, telegram groups, other social networks, may be bloggers that are covering this topic. Plus, Indian exchanges. May be there is data on daily / weekly / monthly trading volumes?
As you see, I’ve got lots of questions and it’s pretty hard to find answers without knowledge of Indian language

I was wondering if Indian bitcointalk community can help me out with that.

Why am I doing this study? Well, there is a pretty strong project (I won't mention its name for one not to think that I'm promoting it being a newbie on the forum) and I would like to show its developers that Indian market is a blast and their project can storm right in it and everybody will be happy

So, what do you say, will you help me out?

Thanks in advance and have a great day!

P.S. I have gathered some links already but ain't sure I can post them here – don’t want to be banned from the start of my work here.

Title: Re: A research of Indian crypto-community
Post by: TheUltraElite on January 24, 2020, 12:07:31 PM
I'm sorry for posting in English but I don't speak Indian and that is why my task is twice as hard.
There is no language called "Indian". People in this country speak a large number of languages but most of them here understand English. :D

At this point I want to study Indian crypto-community: active sites, telegram groups, other social networks, may be bloggers that are covering this topic. Plus, Indian exchanges. May be there is data on daily / weekly / monthly trading volumes?
Are you aware that there is a blanket ban from RBI (reserve bank of India) at this point in the trading of cryptocurrencies? There were a number of exchanges before that like Zebpay etc. but they all shut down and/or moved to other countries. They are trying to raise their voice again this ban but that is all for now. Currently I believe people are using p2p sites to buy/sell instead of exchanges.

As you see, I’ve got lots of questions and it’s pretty hard to find answers without knowledge of Indian language
LOL, read what I wrote above. ;D

Why am I doing this study? Well, there is a pretty strong project (I won't mention its name for one not to think that I'm promoting it being a newbie on the forum) and I would like to show its developers that Indian market is a blast and their project can storm right in it and everybody will be happy
Good luck on that. If you have any other questions post here, many of the members who are still active here might respond.

Title: Re: A research of Indian crypto-community
Post by: akram143 on January 24, 2020, 01:06:44 PM
Hi guys!

I'm sorry for posting in English but I don't speak Indian and that is why my task is twice as hard.
It proves that you have no knowledge about country India then why you want to promote your project here?

Title: Re: A research of Indian crypto-community
Post by: libert19 on January 28, 2020, 03:56:08 AM
I'll mention here what I use:


1) coincruch:

Telegram groups:

1) Indiabits:

2) coincrunch:

Social media:

1) cryptokanoon:

Title: Re: A research of Indian crypto-community
Post by: Soham_Pal on March 10, 2020, 04:45:38 PM
hello, I am an Indian and trading bitcoin & cryptocurrency since 2017.
Only 0.5% of Indian trade in cryptocurrency.
Recently our central bank removed the banking ban from exchanges, this will trigger more trader's interest to join this race.

My Website >
MY Quora profile >