Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: remotemass on March 19, 2014, 11:44:14 AM

Title: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: remotemass on March 19, 2014, 11:44:14 AM (

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: IrishFutbol on March 19, 2014, 12:45:24 PM (

Put a democratically elected government in charge of the money supply, and the economy will "magically" get stronger around each election at the expense of long term growth.

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: AnonyMint on March 19, 2014, 03:02:15 PM (

I've been telling everyone that the plan of the globalists is to destroy the nation-state central banks, and to separate money from the state, by creating a supra-national entity to manage a basket called SDR on which all the nation-state currencies will float against.

This discrediting of national central banks is a clever way for the BoE to push for that NWO result while pretending they are helping spread truth for our benefit.

Quote from: AnonyMint
Apologies for the triple post, but to give more authority to my prior post I note the Bank of England just admitted it (

I do believe by discrediting nation-state central banking (which I've long anticipated was the plan), the BoE will favor a "solution" will be to double-down on top-down control by moving the control up to a higher level and arguing that it is a separation of money and state, wherein we move to a basket SDR on which national currencies will float against.

I don't believe this is the correct "solution". I believe the hitech community will speak with technology and not politics on this matter. And I don't mean precisely Bitcoin.

Once again folks, the elite always use the method of "create a problem, offer a solution". They pretend they didn't create the problem and that their solution is actually better than the problem. Always the same bullshit.

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: IrishFutbol on March 19, 2014, 04:06:08 PM (

I've been telling everyone that the plan of the globalists is to destroy the nation-state central banks, and to separate money from the state, by creating a supra-national entity to manage a basket called SDR on which all the nation-state currencies will float against.

This discrediting of national central banks is a clever way for the BoE to push for that NWO result while pretending they are helping spread truth for our benefit.

Quote from: AnonyMint
Apologies for the triple post, but to give more authority to my prior post I note the Bank of England just admitted it (

I do believe by discrediting nation-state central banking (which I've long anticipated was the plan), the BoE will favor a "solution" will be to double-down on top-down control by moving the control up to a higher level and arguing that it is a separation of money and state, wherein we move to a basket SDR on which national currencies will float against.

I don't believe this is the correct "solution". I believe the hitech community will speak with technology and not politics on this matter. And I don't mean precisely Bitcoin.

Once again folks, the elite always use the method of "create a problem, offer a solution". They pretend they didn't create the problem and that their solution is actually better than the problem. Always the same bullshit.

If the BoE was truly into the NWO / one currency...wouldn't they be on the Euro and not still on the Pound?

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: chtopor on March 19, 2014, 04:56:38 PM
frankly speaking I haven't found any astonishing revelation in this article, nothing new

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: AnonyMint on March 19, 2014, 07:08:46 PM
If the BoE was truly into the NWO / one currency...wouldn't they be on the Euro and not still on the Pound?

If you were tasked with accomplishing something and Margaret Thatcher had blocked you (or whatever the reason the UK didn't join the Euro), does that mean you weren't still tasked with a certain goal.

Also isn't it better to make all varied attempts fail in unison to give the appearance that the free market failed, i.e. that central banking is part of the free market, and hide that it was a grand manipulation.

Actually I concur that central banking was a natural outcome given there was no solution to the Byzantine Generals problem, but that is a deeper explanation than I feel like making right now. But just because it was natural doesn't exclude that there are vested conspiratorial interests riding and guiding it. By definition of the power vacuum we know there must be vested interests. The only debate is whether these vested interests are piecemeal and were ignorant of coming implosion, or whether they were conspiratorial (coordinating) students of history and knew damn well what they are guiding. I see too much order to accept the former. I mean if I could predict they would discredit themselves, then surely there were some within their Bilderberg and Trilateralist ranks who were smart enough to foresee.

I am not naming any names so I have no obligation to prove it in a court-of-law. I try to raise awareness of the potential threat to our freedom. I only hope to influence our actions. I am not after the goal of putting any blame on individuals of such a conspiracy.

P.S. the short reply would be that this is just more of the Hegelian dialectic modus operandi of the elite. Meaning they create the good vs. evil mirage, when in fact these are two heads of the same monster.

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: practicaldreamer on March 19, 2014, 07:53:42 PM
The BofE document, to my mind, makes a subtle shift in the blame/responsibilty for the creation of debt - away from the bank and towards the consumer of debt and their need to borrow. Thats my reading anyhow. No great revelation - just a bit of politics.

   We're all in it together  ;) ::)

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: countryfree on March 21, 2014, 01:10:57 AM (

Remarkable article, it will convince you that BTC is more robust than fiat. At least in the UK.

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: franky1 on March 21, 2014, 01:16:11 AM
they mentioned this on twitter. i followed them and sent them a message about the beauty of bitcoins..

.. within hours i cannot see my messages linked to their page..

.. i wonder why

Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: BADecker on March 21, 2014, 03:24:54 AM (

Put a democratically elected government in charge of the money supply, and the economy will "magically" get stronger around each election at the expense of long term growth.

Unlike the United States where the President is elected by the Electoral College rather than the people.

When you use Bitcoin, if at some time Government agents attempt to tell you that you are using money, if you don't have an agreement with them already (like being a corporation or other entity), don't accept their offer.

All bank loans are really creations of new money. Google "Modern Money Mechanics" and "Two Faces of Debt." It might take a little study to see this. But it is there in these Federal Reserve Bank documents.


Title: Re: Bank of England keeps bringing forth separation of Money and State
Post by: fordlincoln on March 21, 2014, 05:12:57 AM
Did someone say bank run?