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Other => Meta => Topic started by: tranthidung on January 29, 2020, 02:36:11 AM

Title: 2nd anniversary of the merit system
Post by: tranthidung on January 29, 2020, 02:36:11 AM
  • There are 296607 merit transactions.
  • The sum of merits transacted is 578164.
  • In number of merit transactions over the 2 anniversaries, there are 148091 (49.9%) for the 1st anni, and 148516 (50.1%) for the 2nd anni.
  • In sum of merits transacted over the 2 anniversaries, there are 308714 merits (53.4%) for the 1st anni, and 269450 merits (46.6%) for the 2nd anni.
  • The 1st year has 39264 more merits than the 2nd year but in number of merit transactions, the 2nd year has 425 more merit transactions than the 1st year.
  • The median of intra-day merits is 633 (1st anni) and 662 (2nd anni) but the interquartile range for the 2nd anni is much consoliating (566 to 773) compared to the figure of the 1st anni (524 to 837).
  • Minimum and maximum of intra-day merits are 44 and 12676 (includes incomplete days).

  • Time format: in GMT time.
  • The 1st merit transaction is at 24jan2018 22:12:21. That time point is used to split dataset into 2 parts: for the 1st anni and the 2nd anni.
  • The last merit transaction of the 1st anni is at 24jan2019 22:07:18
  • The last merit transaction of the 2nd anni is at 24jan2020 22:08:18. *
Last merit transactions of each 1-year period are:
For 2018 - 2019:
        |            GMTtime       anni   merit   sent_u~d   receiv~d        ntopic_initial |
        | 24jan2019 22:07:18   1st year       5         35      78147   5101823.msg49405472 |
For 2019 - 2020:
        |            GMTtime       anni   merit   sent_u~d   receiv~d        ntopic_initial |
        | 24jan2020 22:08:18   2nd year       1    2015418    2658890   5206744.msg53255442 |

Time-series plot:

     | tmerit_anni   total_merit   pmerit_anni   nmerit_anni   total_nmerit   p_nmerit_anni       anni |
  1. |      308714        578164          53.4        148091         296607           49.93   1st year |
  2. |      269450        578164          46.6        148516         296607           50.07   2nd year |

Summary for variables: merit
     by categories of: anni

            anni |         N      mean        sd       p50       p25       p75       min       max
        1st year |       366  843.4809  868.5462       633       524       837       333     12676
        2nd year |       366  736.2022  451.0998     661.5       566       773        44      5515
           Total |       732  789.8415  693.6553     655.5     549.5     807.5        44     12676

  • One year anniversary of merit system (
  • Where’s this year's happy second birthday to the Merit System’s thread? (

Title: Re: 2nd anniversary of the merit system
Post by: tranthidung on February 01, 2020, 02:27:07 AM
Bump with update for full data within the first 2 years since the birthday of merit system.

From stats, we have seen users make more merit transaction in the 2nd year and the median of intraday merits has increased over years. See the Abstract in OP for more details