Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: kasscrypto on January 30, 2020, 04:54:46 PM

Title: Blockchain Development Mega Guide
Post by: kasscrypto on January 30, 2020, 04:54:46 PM
The blockchain learning ecosystem has changed a lot since I first started. So I thought I'd share some of the cool sh*t I've either created or found on the web.  

The Mega Guide
Blockchain Development Mega Guide (Medium) (

Free courses
These are about understanding more than programming but... It's a decent start.

Blockchain Technology ( - Berkley
Bitcoin and Blockchain ( - Khan Academy
Cryptography Course ( - Stanford
Blockchain Fundamentals ( - Plural sight
Blockchain Principles and Practices ( - Plural sight
Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies ( - Linux Foundation
Introduction to FinTech ( - Hong Kong University


How to become a blockchain developer (
I don't know why they chose javascript to demonstrate lol, but otherwise, this is a solid guide! (
Site is kinda ugly, but packed with information about cryptography, with demonstrations and code. (
The bitcoin wiki developer page.

What the Guides don't tell you...
There are a good few things these guides don't tell you. These aren't hard concepts but are often glossed over or replaced with a more convenient learning example.

...about mining
In practice, mining isn't really about looking for a hash starting with serval '0' bits. Mining actually requires finding a hash that has a numerical value is less than a target hash (this results in a number of '0' bits). That target hash can be calculated from the difficulty. Bitcoin wiki page on difficulty. (

pseudo code:
hash = sha256(block)
if big_endian(hash) < big_endian(target_hash):
  mined = true

...about adjusting difficulty
Difficulty must be adjusted to keep up with the changing hash rate of the network (to keep a block time of say 10 mins). The easiest way is to adjust the current target based on how much faster or longer it took to mine X blocks.

pseudo code:
target_hash = big_endian(diff_to_target(difficulty))
quotient = epoch_duration / expected_duration
new_target_hash = target_hash * quotient

difficulty = target_to_diff(new_target_hash)

I will add more to this when I get a chance
Happy Coding

Title: Re: Blockchain Development Mega Guide
Post by: odolvlobo on January 31, 2020, 07:22:09 PM
This is also a good resource:

Title: Re: Blockchain Development Mega Guide
Post by: tromp on February 12, 2020, 04:34:24 PM
...about mining
In practice, mining isn't really about looking for a hash starting with serval '0' bits. Mining actually requires finding a hash that has a numerical value is less than a target hash (this results in a number of '0' bits).

There's more to mining than hashing:

Title: Re: Blockchain Development Mega Guide
Post by: DaCryptoRaccoon on February 12, 2020, 05:44:54 PM
Another good way to visualize what is going on in the mining process it to have a look at the mining simulator.

This gives a good overview of how the process works in a visual manner. 

The source code is also available on github