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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Subark on February 01, 2020, 06:41:43 PM

Title: ---
Post by: Subark on February 01, 2020, 06:41:43 PM

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 01, 2020, 09:03:49 PM
The media selling is a little of what it is all about. The WHO just declared a worldwide emergency. If the one-worlders  who own the media can scare enough people and governments, they just might be able to get the people to give them the authority to take over the world... with the idea of curing the world of the Coronavirus. Of course, nobody can do this curing (except maybe Coors). But the cure is so simple you can do it yourself. MMS -


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Vod on February 01, 2020, 10:26:08 PM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well

Either believe in science, or religion.  Do you trust BadDecker's powerless god to save you?

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Foxpup on February 01, 2020, 10:38:15 PM
FFS, not this nonsense again. ::)

You cannot cure coronavirus (or anything else) by drinking bleach.

You've been warned, people.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: ChiBitCTy on February 01, 2020, 10:39:24 PM
Lol .."papers" in the literal sense are a dying form of communication and most people get their news via the web for free. Nothing is ever going to change that. Now if you mean it's a hoax to get "clicks" ..I'd say it's a bit elaborate.

F.H. .. I'm sorry you have to read through nonsense like this  :D 

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on February 01, 2020, 11:32:11 PM
I don’t think the coronavirus is a hoax. The negative health effects are very similar to the flu, but I understand they are more severe. I also understand that it may be more contagious. This is hard to say for sure because most cases have originated in China and the Chinese government is not exactly most transparent in the world.

The flu will kill around 61k people every year and there are 10s of millions of flu Illness annually. The fatality rate is much lower for the flu, but it is difficult to know the true death rare for the coronavirus because of the lack of reliable information. 

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: styca on February 02, 2020, 07:47:00 PM
FFS, not this nonsense again. ::)

You cannot cure coronavirus (or anything else) by drinking bleach.

You've been warned, people.

You can probably cure religion. If you drink enough of it, you're unlikely to go to church (or anywhere else) again.
Science (!

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 02, 2020, 10:40:06 PM
FFS, not this nonsense again. ::)

You cannot cure coronavirus (or anything else) by drinking bleach.

You've been warned, people.

You can probably cure religion. If you drink enough of it, you're unlikely to go to church (or anywhere else) again.
Science (!

Chlorine dioxide (MMS) is far less dangerous than essentially any medical chemotherapy chemicals.

The idea of drinking any bleach straight, 100%, undiluted, is stupid, just like taking loads of chemo. It would be kinda stupid to down a whole bottle of aspirin in one sitting. Keep MMS diluted according to the instructions, and you will be just fine. You will get well from a bunch of maladies you never knew you had.

"Cure" is something that the medical doesn't do. They don't cure anyone. All they do (when they are not killing people, that is) is putting the body into a more favorable position for healing itself. Same with MMS when used as directed.

You jokers must be hooked up to the medical profession somehow. You need to propagandize folks, or you will lose a bunch of money when they find out how getting well is so easy with things like MMS.

Just to put this into perspective, CBD along with a touch of THC is helping all kinds of people. The medical can't hide this fact any longer. Now watch MMS come out into the public. The medical is going down the tubes because they don't really heal anyone.


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: franky1 on February 03, 2020, 02:56:54 AM
i always knew badecker was a 'stoner' he loves smoking cannabis as it has been very visable with the nonsense he types

comparing medication to bleach shows how little he knows.

in short dont drink bleach.. it is not fine for you even if badecker thinks it is.

also his rant in comparison of chemotherapy shows firstly he does not know what chemotherapy is/does. and also doesnt know how it enters the body and how/what effects it has on the body

quick lesson.. intravenous injecting chemotherapy gets it into your blood and body efficiently and without burning your throat/stomach/intestines..

badecker suggesting drink bleach is stupid beyond belief..  and shows a total lack of knowledge about basic biology and chemistry..

as for corona viruses.. and other flu's there are vaccines and they do work.
the reality is not that the vaccine is the dangerous part. but the catalyst added to it has risks
also in comparison to other previous flu's around the world. the corona virus seems to have been stretched into a national emergency although there were only a couple hundred deaths.
more people die due to traffic incidents but they dont close cities due to traffic..

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: fratoshi on February 03, 2020, 03:00:43 AM
Is really sad how much lies have been spread,
Coronavirus is real, many people died and many more will die,
We are talking about humans, this is real, not a hoax like climate change or bonsai kitten

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Kuffy on February 03, 2020, 08:21:47 AM
Hey drinking bleach cures all illness, but holding a gun against your head and pulling the trigger is quicker and has fewer side effects.

Reports seem to indicate that people with healthy immune systems are not at risk from the coronavirus, so please don't mess up your immune system with pharmaceutical quackery. A healthy diet, frequent aerobic exercise, and no injection to mess up your immune system are more use than a face mask. Giving up smoking and vaping is another must in my opinion - healthy sex is a great alternative.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: KingScorpio on February 03, 2020, 11:59:53 AM
alone in the us every day 200 people die on car accidents,

snake bites, gun violkence, cancer,

dont get me started, media is simply out of stories

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 03, 2020, 08:41:11 PM
i always knew badecker was a 'stoner' he loves smoking cannabis as it has been very visable with the nonsense he types

comparing medication to bleach shows how little he knows.

in short dont drink bleach.. it is not fine for you even if badecker thinks it is.

also his rant in comparison of chemotherapy shows firstly he does not know what chemotherapy is/does. and also doesnt know how it enters the body and how/what effects it has on the body

quick lesson.. intravenous injecting chemotherapy gets it into your blood and body efficiently and without burning your throat/stomach/intestines..

badecker suggesting drink bleach is stupid beyond belief..  and shows a total lack of knowledge about basic biology and chemistry..

as for corona viruses.. and other flu's there are vaccines and they do work.
the reality is not that the vaccine is the dangerous part. but the catalyst added to it has risks
also in comparison to other previous flu's around the world. the corona virus seems to have been stretched into a national emergency although there were only a couple hundred deaths.
more people die due to traffic incidents but they dont close cities due to traffic..

Do you even know how silly you sound? Cities all over the place put bleach into their city water to kill "bugs." Look at all the chlorine in some city swimming pools. It's even advertised for your own home pool. Do you think that nobody ever drinks city water or pool water?

And what about bottled water? Don't you even know that you almost can't buy bottled water in the store that doesn't have bleach in it? In addition, all the grocery stores, including Walmart's grocery section, use bleach water to rinse their fresh produce.

Do you think that the authorities don't know the dangers of doing this, especially for the children? Come on! The authorities are the ones who order people to use bleach in their water, knowing that people will ingest some of it. Show a little sense. If drinking bleach were dangerous, they wouldn't be putting it in water all over the place.

All you jokers want to do is keep people in bondage to the system. How much do they pay you to scare people so much that they give up their freedom?

And about chemo chemicals. The stomach and intestines are designed to filter out dangerous and problem-some chemicals. But you and the medical want to bypass stomach/intestines protections, and inject the poison directly into the blood where it kills the whole person, and not only the stomach/intestines.

You jokers are murderers, just for money.


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: styca on February 04, 2020, 06:53:16 AM
You jokers are murderers, just for money.

A federal jury in the Eastern District of Washington returned a guilty verdict yesterday against a Spokane, Washington, man for selling industrial bleach as a miracle cure for numerous diseases and illnesses, including cancer, AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, lyme disease, asthma and the common cold, the Department of Justice announced.

Louis Daniel Smith, 45, was convicted following a seven-day trial of conspiracy, smuggling, selling misbranded drugs and defrauding the United States. Evidence at trial showed that Smith operated a business called “Project GreenLife” (PGL) from 2007 to 2011. PGL sold a product called “Miracle Mineral Supplement,” or MMS, over the Internet. MMS is a mixture of sodium chlorite and water. Sodium chlorite is an industrial chemical used as a pesticide and for hydraulic fracking and wastewater treatment. Sodium chlorite cannot be sold for human consumption and suppliers of the chemical include a warning sheet stating that it can cause potentially fatal side effects if swallowed.

“This verdict demonstrates that the Department of Justice will prosecute those who sell dangerous chemicals as miracle cures to sick people and their desperate loved ones,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “Consumers have the right to expect that the medicines that they purchase are safe and effective.” Mizer thanked the jury for its service and its careful consideration of the evidence.

The government presented evidence that Smith instructed consumers to combine MMS with citric acid to create chlorine dioxide, add water and drink the resulting mixture to cure numerous illnesses. Chlorine dioxide is a potent agent used to bleach textiles, among other industrial applications. Chlorine dioxide is a severe respiratory and eye irritant that can cause nausea, diarrhea and dehydration. According to the instructions for use that Smith provided with his product, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting were all signs that the miracle cure was working. The instructions also stated that despite a risk of possible brain damage, the product might still be appropriate for pregnant women or infants who were seriously ill.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 04, 2020, 02:31:55 PM
You jokers are murderers, just for money.

A federal jury in the Eastern District of Washington returned a guilty verdict yesterday against a Spokane, Washington, man for selling industrial bleach as a miracle cure for numerous diseases and illnesses, including cancer, AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, lyme disease, asthma and the common cold, the Department of Justice announced.

Louis Daniel Smith, 45, was convicted following a seven-day trial of conspiracy, smuggling, selling misbranded drugs and defrauding the United States. Evidence at trial showed that Smith operated a business called “Project GreenLife” (PGL) from 2007 to 2011. PGL sold a product called “Miracle Mineral Supplement,” or MMS, over the Internet. MMS is a mixture of sodium chlorite and water. Sodium chlorite is an industrial chemical used as a pesticide and for hydraulic fracking and wastewater treatment. Sodium chlorite cannot be sold for human consumption and suppliers of the chemical include a warning sheet stating that it can cause potentially fatal side effects if swallowed.

“This verdict demonstrates that the Department of Justice will prosecute those who sell dangerous chemicals as miracle cures to sick people and their desperate loved ones,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Benjamin C. Mizer of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “Consumers have the right to expect that the medicines that they purchase are safe and effective.” Mizer thanked the jury for its service and its careful consideration of the evidence.

The government presented evidence that Smith instructed consumers to combine MMS with citric acid to create chlorine dioxide, add water and drink the resulting mixture to cure numerous illnesses. Chlorine dioxide is a potent agent used to bleach textiles, among other industrial applications. Chlorine dioxide is a severe respiratory and eye irritant that can cause nausea, diarrhea and dehydration. According to the instructions for use that Smith provided with his product, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting were all signs that the miracle cure was working. The instructions also stated that despite a risk of possible brain damage, the product might still be appropriate for pregnant women or infants who were seriously ill.

Until you get a copy of the indictment and the particulars of the case, you won't know what it was that the jury convicted him of. What I mean is, on the outside of it, it might look like, and journalists might write, that it was for selling MMS, or that it was for harming people. But the real story was probably that he disrespected a judge or the FDA when they told him not to advertise like he did. Further might have been the way he defended himself in court.

For example. The advertising might have said that MMS cures any and every disease. But there isn't any way to know this without a bunch of testing. So, if he kept advertising this way, he is guilty of faulty advertising, even though the media might not state it this way.

For further example, if the guy had stood as an unrepresented man in court, and required to face his accuser as the law states, the named person/accuser the indictment (a State, Fed Gov, or a government agency) would have to take the oath and get on the stand. But the accuser, being just a name on paperwork, can't get on the stand. Case dismissed.

So you see? The indictment was frivolous at its core, just as the claim of the guy being found guilty for selling MMS is frivolous. The loss was a trick used by government to make MMS look bad.

In addition, anything that is swallowed, "can cause potentially fatal side effects if swallowed." What counts is the circumstances around the substance. Chemo chemicals are way more dangerous than the tiny amount of MMS that is administered.

As stated previously, bleach is used all over the place in drinking water in big cities, in bottled water, in washing of fresh produce, etc. Government promotes it because it saves lives. Anti-MMS propaganda exists because it would put medicine out of business, and being out of business, there would be no money to develop things like Coronavirus, used to harm people around the world.


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: KingScorpio on February 04, 2020, 03:39:31 PM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well

Either believe in science, or religion.  Do you trust BadDecker's powerless god to save you?

BadDecker's god indeed exists, problem for him and many others is that he is not the chosen one and he is a muslim.

god threats muslims more like messengers, and cannonfood, and less like friends. (christians)

or nation (jews)

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: franky1 on February 04, 2020, 03:50:59 PM
Do you even know how silly you sound? Cities all over the place put bleach into their city water to kill "bugs." Look at all the chlorine in some city swimming pools. It's even advertised for your own home pool. Do you think that nobody ever drinks city water or pool water?

your the silly fool that does not realise a few things.
1. drinking 2 litres of pool water is bad for your health..
.. kinda like having fluoride in mouthwash. the very rare/occassional ingestion can go without risks. but swallow 2 litres a day every day and i guarantee you health risks

2. you seem to think that the amount of chlorine in municipal/bottled water is the same strength as pool water.. shame on you
3. you seem to think that the amount of chlorine in pool water is safe to ingest 2 litres of it a day.. shame on you

its funny how you think me saying chlorine is bad.. is some how you thinking im saying chlorine is good and people should drink it to make gov & corp profit.

did you know that your foolish affiliate marketing tactic of advertising suppliments and chemicals makes you the one thats actually putting peoples health at risk by telling people to ingest chemicals.

and by the way. if you follow the actual science of it. you would not be so happy to affiliate to it.
and lastly..

you seem to be the kind of dumbass that would stupidly think that MMS (sodium chlorite) is the same as sea salt(sodium chloride)
its not. mms is worse.

but here is one lesson for you.. if you think its the same. then why oh why do you think people that are abondoned in the sea with no fresh water dont just drink the sea water... there is a very very good reason for it.
now multiply the risk if drinking sea water. and youll then maybe, if you stretch that brain cell. understand the risk of mms

oh one last thing
just incase you didnt get the hint yet
MMS is an industrial refined chemical.. not even on the same level as a natural mineral.
the only 'miracle' in MMS is that it seems to have made soo many stupid people fall for the health benefits promoted

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 04, 2020, 07:06:24 PM
Do you even know how silly you sound? Cities all over the place put bleach into their city water to kill "bugs." Look at all the chlorine in some city swimming pools. It's even advertised for your own home pool. Do you think that nobody ever drinks city water or pool water?

your the silly fool that does not realise a few things.
1. drinking 2 litres of pool water is bad for your health..
.. kinda like having fluoride in mouthwash. the very rare/occassional ingestion can go without risks. but swallow 2 litres a day every day and i guarantee you health risks

2. you seem to think that the amount of chlorine in municipal/bottled water is the same strength as pool water.. shame on you
3. you seem to think that the amount of chlorine in pool water is safe to ingest 2 litres of it a day.. shame on you

its funny how you think me saying chlorine is bad.. is some how you thinking im saying chlorine is good and people should drink it to make gov & corp profit.

did you know that your foolish affiliate marketing tactic of advertising suppliments and chemicals makes you the one thats actually putting peoples health at risk by telling people to ingest chemicals.

and by the way. if you follow the actual science of it. you would not be so happy to affiliate to it.
and lastly..

you seem to be the kind of dumbass that would stupidly think that MMS (sodium chlorite) is the same as sea salt(sodium chloride)
its not. mms is worse.

but here is one lesson for you.. if you think its the same. then why oh why do you think people that are abondoned in the sea with no fresh water dont just drink the sea water... there is a very very good reason for it.
now multiply the risk if drinking sea water. and youll then maybe, if you stretch that brain cell. understand the risk of mms

oh one last thing
just incase you didnt get the hint yet
MMS is an industrial refined chemical.. not even on the same level as a natural mineral.
the only 'miracle' in MMS is that it seems to have made soo many stupid people fall for the health benefits promoted

When are you going to realize that drinking water with a little chlorine dioxide in it doesn't harm anyone... and has benefited many? You do the same things that the other advertising does. You make it sound like people have to drink gallons of chlorine dioxide. As long as you talk like this, there is one thing that you are proving... that you are deceptive.

Chemo chemicals are way more poisonous that chlorine dioxide. Even when taken is small amounts. Study it.


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 04, 2020, 07:08:45 PM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well

Either believe in science, or religion.  Do you trust BadDecker's powerless god to save you?

BadDecker's god indeed exists, problem for him and many others is that he is not the chosen one and he is a muslim.

god threats muslims more like messengers, and cannonfood, and less like friends. (christians)

or nation (jews)

BADecker's God is the God Who created the universe.

Does anybody know much of anything about God? Not really. But the Bible is the book of power. Study about the History of the Bible and the nation - Ancient Israel - who wrote it. You will see that there is power in it. Of course, it might be that you can't think enough to understand things like this.


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: HammaSan on February 04, 2020, 09:31:03 PM
Whether it is hoax or not, the truth is that with this news something will happen in China.
A disease like this can hinder international travel, negotiations and growth expectations. China is a very important country and is being hit hard during the Chinese New Year, which has an important effect on the country's economy. We still do not know how serious the epidemic is, if it is going to be similar to that of Sars in 2003. As everything is very incipient, the climate is uncertain.
This year we have already had a crisis between Iran and the United States, creating the possibility of a more serious conflict and increasing pressure in the Middle East. Now the coronavirus. This increases uncertainty worldwide and affects asset prices. Given the risks we already have, the effects of Brexit, the American election in the second half, the situation of the Latin American economy after so many upheavals last year, Australia with very intense fires, the beginning of the year is not calm. For assets in general, for Exchanges, it is quite bad, it brings more volatility and the growth rate of the economy tends to be lower. How much less will depend on how the coronavirus evolves.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Artemis3 on February 05, 2020, 04:19:16 AM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well

And you are going to travel to Wuhan and stream live to back this up right? Right!?

Yes the media is doing what the media always does, inflate things to sell more. That doesn't mean there is no virus or tens of thousands of people infected and hundreds deceased. So far it looks like China has contained it mostly within their borders, but the danger exists and its real, if any of the receiving countries make a mistake, it can spiral out of control. It is serious.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: irfan_pak10 on February 05, 2020, 06:25:29 PM
FFS, not this nonsense again. ::)

You cannot cure coronavirus (or anything else) by drinking bleach.

You've been warned, people.

I read somewhere, Thailand made something using a combination of Flu and HIV drugs to treat coronavirus patients.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 06, 2020, 02:07:42 PM
If you aren't ready for the Coronavirus, you're gonna get it anyway. :'(

W.H.O. demands all nations drop travel restrictions and allow (infected) Chinese to enter-- (

It now increasingly appears that the World Health Organization, Big Tech and the mainstream media are actively trying to ensure the coronavirus pandemic spreads, and they are accomplishing this through a variety of malicious strategies that rely on deception. The latest effort, emerging just last night, has the WHO now demanding that all travel restrictions against mainland Chinese travelers be dropped, allowing infected Chinese to freely enter all nations of the world, where they can further spread the coronavirus pandemic.

The WHO, in other words, which is heavily influenced by China, wants other countries of the world to suffer the same consequences of China. "You can't really believe anything the WHO is telling you about this, either they're up to their eyeballs in it, in my opinion," warned Francis Boyle in a bombshell interview (see full transcript here). He later added, "Can't trust anything the WHO says because they're all bought and paid for by Big Pharma and when they work in cahoots with the CDC, which is the United States government, they work in cahoots with Fort Detrick, so you can't trust any of it."


Title: Coronavirus is not a Hoax
Post by: Kuffy on February 06, 2020, 03:25:46 PM
Well ir is pretty certain that it isn't a hoax. I've become ambivalent as to whether it is a natural disaster, or man made. The Spanish "Flu pandemic of 1912 et seq. killed over 50 million people, and nature seems to kick off when one species becomes too dominant. The modern equivalent would probably be a bout 500 million, so maybe we have that to look forward to. So was it man made? Well there are two aspects to this. One theory is that it was manufactured as a bio weapon, and some say this was done in Canada, but no doubt other military bio research labs will have versions. Another possibility is that it was accidental. It seems that only about 30% of 'flu medication is used by the bodies of the recipients, and the rest is passed into the environment. This is then picked up by birds ( and other animals), and if these are infected by a corona virus, then the virus can use the medication to mutate and create resistant strains.

I'm fed up with constantly reading fake reports of infections and deaths, and having real trouble finding out the truth about the  actions and characteristics of the virus.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Bagaji on February 06, 2020, 08:36:51 PM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well
I don't really think that there is any deception in the pat of the media in relation Corona virus and if there is any form of deception then that could come from the figure and information provided by the government and not really the the media companies.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: bormi on February 06, 2020, 08:40:18 PM


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: bananacue on February 07, 2020, 04:25:25 AM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well

There are 3 confirmed cases of ncov, 10 under investigation and 1 death , here in the philippines, I know this because of media. While half of the intentiin of media is to earn, but dont forget that media also help to spread awareness.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 10, 2020, 02:53:59 PM
Check the comments section at Moon of Alabama.

The Epidemic Recedes - Number Of New Coronavirus Cases In Decline (

Caixin reports (machine translation):

In general, with the increase in isolation and treatment work, the number of new suspected cases nationwide has decreased, and the number of new confirmed cases outside Hubei has fallen for 4 consecutive days. The situation of the new coronavirus epidemic situation may have improved. On the 7th, the first confirmed case appeared in only one city, and the number of newly cured cases exceeded the number of new deaths for 9 consecutive days, indicating that the epidemic was under control.

The graphic below shows the newly suspected cases per day (yellow) and the number of newly confirmed cases per day (red).


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: bugsbuds on February 11, 2020, 05:08:51 AM
Indeed this cause a lot of chaos, and i do not know when will be solved a lot of people are scared and is not good at all.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Subbir on February 11, 2020, 02:16:06 PM
Is really sad how much lies have been spread,
Coronavirus is real, many people died and many more will die,
We are talking about humans, this is real, not a hoax like climate change or bonsai kitten

You are right that it's very sad for the people of China.
This is not a bit of false news The people of China are suffering in many distresses as their economy is threatened. it's usually spread by a plague and wildlife. Again the polluted environment spreads As soon as possible it'll be got to be cured.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Balthazar on February 11, 2020, 02:32:49 PM
I read somewhere, Thailand made something using a combination of Flu and HIV drugs to treat coronavirus patients.
No matter where you read it, it's a complete nonsense. Influenza, HIV or Coronavirus have nothing in common. It's almost like trying to start MacOS executable on MS-DOS, but even more stupid.

People who are writing these things are just combining random drugs in their "articles" to get more traffic.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 12, 2020, 05:25:08 PM
I read somewhere, Thailand made something using a combination of Flu and HIV drugs to treat coronavirus patients.
No matter where you read it, it's a complete nonsense. Influenza, HIV or Coronavirus have nothing in common. It's almost like trying to start MacOS executable on MS-DOS, but even more stupid.

People who are writing these things are just combining random drugs in their "articles" to get more traffic.

Actually, all viruses have lots of stuff in common.

Consider that unencrypted data from a completely different OS, can be read by almost any other modern OS these days.


Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: chris_nor on February 12, 2020, 05:46:14 PM
Yeah, the authorities are going to let the media report lies about how bad this is at the expense of all other industries losing billions of dollars. It's all a big conspiracy and all governments are involved, so that the media could sell more newspapers.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: CryptoYar on February 12, 2020, 07:08:57 PM
It was not as big an issue as it has been made, I hope China will overcome it.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: $crypto$ on February 13, 2020, 06:27:18 AM
Coronavirus has become the center of attention of the world where the industry has spread the news that actually happened there, so whatever people say about the hoax news they will use for this opportunity, clearly this coronavirus has become international public news.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Mometaskers on February 13, 2020, 08:19:11 AM
IMHO media actually seem to be downplaying it. I've never seen the horror footages from China shown on TV news, for example the couple being loaded into a white metal cube with the woman screaming as the truck drives away. Or the woman in a car that got blocked by the police, yanked out and then injected with an unknown substance before being dragged away.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: tvbcof on February 13, 2020, 11:26:26 AM
If it is true that the first case of 'novel coronavirus 2019' was on the first day that a new mandatory forced vaccination went into effect as per my other post (, Dec 1 2019, then that is to suspicious for me personally to just write off.

The mandatory vaccination law simply says that everyone has to go in for their vaccines which will be whatever the state wants to put in them.  Local officials are responsible for compliance and parents are responsible for making sure that their kids get the shots.  No questions asked.  

Wuhan just so happens to be an early (if not THE early) 5G deployment.  The technology is very very good at tracking what people are up to with fine granularity and at an individual level.  Indeed, even more 5G towers were hastily put up to 'help with the outbreak'.  Whatever that means.

What if the initial cases, at least, were simply reactions to whatever was in some new vaccine concoction?  What would we expect to see?

 - I would suggest that the entire world would go into overdrive to cover up the vaccine angle.  Vaccination is a hugely important and highly critical project among the 'leadership' these days and I would expect desperate measures to protect it.  One thing would be to invent some salacious story (like bat eating) and distribute it broadly on social media.  Check.  (That story seemed fishy to me from day one both because it doesn't make much sense scientifically and because of the way it was promoted in social media.)

 - Another would be to go into overdrive on censoring anything and anyone who called anything but the certified acceptable official story-line.  Check.

One interesting data-point is the 'coronavirus simulation 201' which was done by Johns Hopkins, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and others a few months before the outbreak.  Some people find it a little bit suspicious.  What if some entity outside of China 'assisted' with the Chinese vaccination program and had some idea of what might pop up?  I mean some of these NGO's which run around the world do a lot of 'assisting' with a lot of country's vaccination programs.  No government or media is every going to say anything negative about the WHO or Gates no matter what they do.  Ever.  They'll do anything necessary to run cover for these people...for some reason...

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Luqueasaur on February 14, 2020, 12:46:07 AM
It is overblown. Coronavirus is a serious respiratory illness but one that isn't as dangerous as illnesses we already have. I think the fact it's a novelty virus really boost its popularity.

Nations and international organizations are declaring emergency status only so they can perform certain types of preparatory measures. These measures are only doable when such status is declared. They don't actually think it is an emergency. Hence why closing borders is a massive exaggeration.

However, claiming that this virus which has killed a few hundreds doesn't exist... that actually feels like a lowlife thing to do. Completely disregarding lost lives.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: mayo2u on February 14, 2020, 03:11:44 AM
It is overblown. Coronavirus is a serious respiratory illness but one that isn't as dangerous as illnesses we already have. I think the fact it's a novelty virus really boost its popularity.

Nations and international organizations are declaring emergency status only so they can perform certain types of preparatory measures. These measures are only doable when such status is declared. They don't actually think it is an emergency. Hence why closing borders is a massive exaggeration.

However, claiming that this virus which has killed a few hundreds doesn't exist... that actually feels like a lowlife thing to do. Completely disregarding lost lives.

Overblown. I think it's under reported and under played. Well, now, the middle of February it's in the news but relatively nothing was in the news when Wuhan was quarantined.

Think about it a city where they put gravel 8 feet high across the road to prevent cars from using the highway; and where people are quarantined in their home. And, god forbid, if they're found to be infected are taken, not to a hospital, but a quarantine center where they will not receive medical care and will die or survive on their own.

This is not a common flu.  Have you ever seen cities quarantined before? I certainly haven't.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Luqueasaur on February 14, 2020, 02:35:34 PM
It is overblown. Coronavirus is a serious respiratory illness but one that isn't as dangerous as illnesses we already have. I think the fact it's a novelty virus really boost its popularity.

Nations and international organizations are declaring emergency status only so they can perform certain types of preparatory measures. These measures are only doable when such status is declared. They don't actually think it is an emergency. Hence why closing borders is a massive exaggeration.

However, claiming that this virus which has killed a few hundreds doesn't exist... that actually feels like a lowlife thing to do. Completely disregarding lost lives.

Overblown. I think it's under reported and under played. Well, now, the middle of February it's in the news but relatively nothing was in the news when Wuhan was quarantined.

Think about it a city where they put gravel 8 feet high across the road to prevent cars from using the highway; and where people are quarantined in their home. And, god forbid, if they're found to be infected are taken, not to a hospital, but a quarantine center where they will not receive medical care and will die or survive on their own.

This is not a common flu.  Have you ever seen cities quarantined before? I certainly haven't.

What you describe is an exaggerated and extreme reaction of an authoritarian government risking their citizens' wellbeing to avoid more geopolitical reputation tarnishment. The fact China is doing this is, as usual, absurd and borders human rights abuse, and it deserves to be reported and criticized.

HOWEVER, I am arguing that the report on the virus itself is overblown. The novel coronavirus is dangerous but not nearly as much as painted. Wars, famines and pests that are happening throughout the globe that will have much worst effects (such as the East African locust swarm, the ongoing hell within Lybian/Syrian/Yemeni civil wars, the Uighurs' plight) are severely underreported in international headlines in favour of a virus that has sufficient international attention and care.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: coolcoinz on February 14, 2020, 10:14:34 PM
One thing is certain, you'd want to be a face mask producer or seller these days.
Although this is a tragedy it's intriguing how the opportunity is sometimes wating to manifest itself. If you had a case of face masks stashed somewhere in the basement, you could now sell them for 3 times the price and they'd all get sold in a matter of minutes.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Ailurophile on February 15, 2020, 07:04:52 AM
We know that there are always some side story of the news there are something that is left behind.
We know that there are some information's that isn't being told to the public but no matter what it is maybe it is to prevent something else.
Maybe this virus was created to make some money for some company we couldn't know.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: Subbir on February 15, 2020, 12:52:59 PM
We know that there are always some side story of the news there are something that is left behind.
We know that there are some information's that isn't being told to the public but no matter what it is maybe it is to prevent something else.
Maybe this virus was created to make some money for some company we couldn't know.

You  are right but i feel it's the loss of their own country  they're being financially disrupted and trade agreements with different countries are closing. Because it is often calculated by paying money it's never possible to run a whole country with assistance.

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: BADecker on February 15, 2020, 06:33:10 PM
Seems that China started the CV through injecting it into some people in what the people thought was standard immunization. Then it became active, and spread. Now the government has the right to use marshal law to quarantine people. and the people have been tricked into being quarantined by the tricky CV disease that government set up in the first place.

It's all about a handful of people in the China government controlling all the rest. Soon this same control thing will be used in governments around the world.

In the USA, Trump had done a lot of good. But his good is causing him to have a lot of control. When the US Gov starts using the CV, and then implements marshal law, Trump, having the control he does already, will be able to take over much more easily.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: andulolika on February 24, 2020, 11:41:52 PM
It is easier to eat than a lot of hoaxes we had thru the years, I can say I believe this one but talk erbola or that zyka thing and you can make me laugh, just like those fake vids on the news of whatever the hell supposedly happend in england few years back.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: tvbcof on February 25, 2020, 12:34:52 AM
Another likelihood is they're using the financial meltdown to profit.

I'd say it is more likely that 'they' are using it to excuse a financial meltdown.  Financial meltdowns (or 'resets') are both necessary and a fundamental part of 'leadership' for people/families who work at high levels within (and with) social systems.

Governance/banking is ultimately a 'con(fidence) game.'  It is important to maintain confidence meaning that you need a cover story when you do a crisis cycle.  Traditionally they use war.

It's almost impossible for most people to break away from the 'making money' aspect of these things.  Money is just a tool used to achieve an ends (sustaining dominance and the ability to control.)  It's actually a pretty funny joke to the leadership class, or really anyone who has an understanding of what 'money' actually is.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on March 07, 2020, 07:16:08 PM
One nice thing about CV. People are increasing business as they buy a bunch of unnecessary stuff, preparing for the CV scam. What will happen after the scam is over, and people realize they never needed all this stuff? Business might stop, because people have no money left to buy the things they need for life. REAL panic, then.

Coronavirus a Global Scam - This Is All You Need To See (

Coronavirus a Global Scam - This Is All You Need To See
Peekay Censored, Mar 3, 2020.
It's in your faces...WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

Click the link. Watch the video.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: CoinCube on March 07, 2020, 07:34:11 PM
One nice thing about CV. People are increasing business as they buy a bunch of unnecessary stuff, preparing for the CV scam. What will happen after the scam is over, and people realize they never needed all this stuff? Business might stop, because people have no money left to buy the things they need for life. REAL panic, then.

I have seen nothing to indicate the Coronavirus is anything other then what it appears to be the beginning of a global pandemic. This is not some new never seen before thing. Such pandemics have happened before though the last one was H1N1 influenza in 1918 so it is outside of living memory.

Most young people who get it under 40 years old will recover as the mortality rate is 0.2% or one chance in 500 of death. The odds get much worse in the elderly.

The data in the graph is from a published Chinese report that analyzed some 44,000 cases. But if you don't trust the Chinese or the Italians who have reported similar numbers we also have some US data that indicate that the reported mortality rates out of China are accurate.

Ten deaths have been traced so far to Life Care Center of Kirkland. A further 15 of the the remaining 69 residents are reported to have been transferred to hospitals in the last 48 hours.

We don't know the average age of the population there but presumably its high as the facility is a nursing home. That gives us a mortality rate of approximately 10/79 = 12.6% with a further 19% hospitalization rate presumably for severe or critical illness. This looks to be on par or perhaps even worse worse then the Chinese data but these folks are probably especially vulnerable due to chronic health conditions that necessitate them living in a nursing home.

Also of note of the initial first responders who responded to 911 calls from the facility before the outbreak was diagnosed a total of 31 firefighters and 3 police officers would ultimately be quarantined or isolated. As of this writing, 18 are showing symptoms. That gives us an idea of how contagious this is and why containment will at best slow this down slightly.


Edit: Zerohedge is reporting that there was 69 residents at the facility after not before 15 were transferred to the hospital. In this case mortality so far is 10/94 = 10.6% in this elderly and vulnerable population.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: CoinCube on March 07, 2020, 09:28:21 PM
Fake News: Definition...

Denialism: Definition

“In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth.”

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on March 07, 2020, 11:11:41 PM
One nice thing about CV. People are increasing business as they buy a bunch of unnecessary stuff, preparing for the CV scam. What will happen after the scam is over, and people realize they never needed all this stuff? Business might stop, because people have no money left to buy the things they need for life. REAL panic, then.

I have seen nothing to indicate the Coronavirus is anything other then what it appears to be the beginning of a global pandemic. This is not some new never seen before thing. Such pandemics have happened before though the last one was H1N1 influenza in 1918 so it is outside of living memory.

Most young people who get it under 40 years old will recover as the mortality rate is 0.2% or one chance in 500 of death. The odds get much worse in the elderly.

The data in the graph is from a published Chinese report that analyzed some 44,000 cases. But if you don't trust the Chinese or the Italians who have reported similar numbers we also have some US data that indicate that the reported mortality rates out of China are accurate.

Ten deaths have been traced so far to Life Care Center of Kirkland. A further 15 of the the remaining 69 residents are reported to have been transferred to hospitals in the last 48 hours.

We don't know the average age of the population there but presumably its high as the facility is a nursing home. That gives us a mortality rate of approximately 10/79 = 12.6% with a further 19% hospitalization rate presumably for severe or critical illness. This looks to be on par or perhaps even worse worse then the Chinese data but these folks are probably especially vulnerable due to chronic health conditions that necessitate them living in a nursing home.

Also of note of the initial first responders who responded to 911 calls from the facility before the outbreak was diagnosed a total of 31 firefighters and 3 police officers would ultimately be quarantined or isolated. As of this writing, 18 are showing symptoms. That gives us an idea of how contagious this is and why containment will at best slow this down slightly.


Edit: Zerohedge is reporting that there was 69 residents at the facility after not before 15 were transferred to the hospital. In this case mortality so far is 10/94 = 10.6% in this elderly and vulnerable population.

Your browser must have messed up on you. There was a video link in my post. But your reply doesn't seem to have it and its website listed. Maybe you should try a different browser. Or maybe even a different IP.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: CoinCube on March 08, 2020, 12:08:28 AM

Your browser must have messed up on you. There was a video link in my post. But your reply doesn't seem to have it and its website listed. Maybe you should try a different browser. Or maybe even a different IP.


I watched about 10 minutes of it. The author seemed to believe that because he found a lot of news articles related to coronavirus that had the number 400 or 400,000 in it that this was all a fake conspiracy. Problem is there are lots and lots of news articles about coronavirus and search engines are good and matching words and numbers so the same conspiracy strategy will work for other numbers too.

The 500, 500,000 conspiracy.

N.J. to receive 500 more coronavirus test kits

Britain and Vietnam confirm new coronavirus cases, death toll tops 500

At least 500 Wuhan medical staff infected with Cronavirus.

Lockdown! Government ready to limit sports crowds to just 500 PEOPLE if coronavirus outbreak escalates

The CDC has tested fewer than 500 people in the U.S. for the virus.

Coronavirus: Expert's worst-case scenario is 96 million infected in US with up to 500,000 dead

Deadly coronavirus could infect 80 per cent of Brits and kill 500,000 in ‘worst case scenario’, document reveals

Coronavirus May Infect Up to 500,000 in Wuhan Before It Peaks

Massachusetts Awarded $500,000 in Initial Federal Funding to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak

Search engines are powerful tools. I got bored and stopped after the first page or two but the list above could have easily been much much larger.

I did not recopy your link because I felt it was misinformation. Your original post is immediately upthread for those so who wish to watch it.  

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on March 08, 2020, 12:25:46 AM

Your browser must have messed up on you. There was a video link in my post. But your reply doesn't seem to have it and its website listed. Maybe you should try a different browser. Or maybe even a different IP.


I watched about 10 minutes of it. The author seemed to believe that because he found a lot of news articles related to coronavirus that had the number 400 or 400,000 in it that this was all a fake conspiracy. Problem is there are lots and lots of news articles about coronavirus and search engines are good and matching words and numbers so the same conspiracy strategy will work for other numbers too.

The 500, 500,000 conspiracy.

N.J. to receive 500 more coronavirus test kits

Britain and Vietnam confirm new coronavirus cases, death toll tops 500

At least 500 Wuhan medical staff infected with Cronavirus.

Lockdown! Government ready to limit sports crowds to just 500 PEOPLE if coronavirus outbreak escalates

The CDC has tested fewer than 500 people in the U.S. for the virus.

Coronavirus: Expert's worst-case scenario is 96 million infected in US with up to 500,000 dead

Deadly coronavirus could infect 80 per cent of Brits and kill 500,000 in ‘worst case scenario’, document reveals

Coronavirus May Infect Up to 500,000 in Wuhan Before It Peaks

Massachusetts Awarded $500,000 in Initial Federal Funding to Combat Coronavirus Outbreak

Search engines are powerful tools. I got bored and stopped after the first page or two but the list above could have easily been much much larger.

I did not recopy your link because I felt it was misinformation. Your original post is immediately upthread for those so who wish to watch it.  

Thank you. So we see that the conspiracy is growing into the 500s, and not only staying in the 400s. But, you cold see things like this in my video if you had watched it a bit longer.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: tvbcof on March 08, 2020, 03:23:53 AM

3.  Wash your hands, dummy

Five step technique:

"Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them."

A person would need to be very highly vaxxed indeed in order to 'need a timer' to figure out 20 seconds.  But lots of people are these days I guess.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Tash on March 08, 2020, 03:32:29 AM
Secretary of State Pompeo refuses to answer.
Politics, what the world do without it

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: coolcoinz on March 08, 2020, 02:23:53 PM

A person would need to be very highly vaxxed indeed in order to 'need a timer' to figure out 20 seconds.  But lots of people are these days I guess.

Most people are dumb, careless and prone to panic. It's unfortunate but true. That's why in most countries, even in the EU where there's just a few cases of virus per country, people are making food supplies and buying out face masks and hand sanitizers. In Germany you can't buy them anymore, you have to order online.
At the same time you hear stories about people diagnosed with the virus escaping from quarantine.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: tvbcof on March 08, 2020, 03:40:51 PM

A person would need to be very highly vaxxed indeed in order to 'need a timer' to figure out 20 seconds.  But lots of people are these days I guess.

Most people are dumb, careless and prone to panic. It's unfortunate but true. That's why in most countries, even in the EU where there's just a few cases of virus per country, people are making food supplies and buying out face masks and hand sanitizers. In Germany you can't buy them anymore, you have to order online.
At the same time you hear stories about people diagnosed with the virus escaping from quarantine.

I've heard that on-line retailers (Amazon, E-Bay, etc) are shutting down accounts of people who sell masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning products, etc in the U.S..

Actually, if one looks at various aspects of the U.S. response it kinda seems like many actions (or inaction) are geared toward trying to get the virus (or some virus) distributed as widely as possible.

So far I've not had any trouble in The Philippines, but we got our stuff a long time ago and have been maintaining stock of what we'd need if we were forced to stay in our house for some weeks.  People here are, I suspect, a bit less proactive than in Germany, and also don't have the money to spend.

I also suspect that the average Filipino is vastly stronger than the average Westerner vis-a-vis immune system function and the ability to fight off illness.  On top of that the percentage of people who even make it to age 80 is much less so they simply won't have that demographic which is having so much trouble elsewhere.  Having trouble with the current crop of coronavirus strains that have been thus-far released I should say.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Tash on March 08, 2020, 06:06:47 PM
Another one of those awkward coincidences (
Nineteen year Metonic cycle, the golden number "because it is more precious than the other numbers"

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on March 11, 2020, 03:04:11 PM
CV just came out of nowhere. All of a sudden it is big news. Nobody needs to find a good name for it; all the media knew the name way ahead of time. The symptoms were happening, already, with other diseases. The reason why China is a good place for CV to happen, they are the only big country that has killer control over their people, so that they can kill their people, and make it look like CV did it. Masks only work a little for a short time; masks are BS. CV doesn't make sense at all.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on March 17, 2020, 08:38:05 PM
I thought (hoped) Trump might be a good guy. But here he is, caving to all the CV fake news. Or is he behind all the fake CV news.

The Coronavirus Hoax (

Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act's hollow promises of security.

It is ironic to see the same Democrats who tried to impeach President Trump last month for abuse of power demanding that the Administration grab more power and authority in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has killed less than 100 Americans.

Declaring a pandemic emergency on Friday, President Trump now claims the power to quarantine individuals suspected of being infected by the virus and, as Politico writes, "stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease." He can even call out the military to cordon off a US city or state.

State and local authoritarians love panic as well. The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, signed an executive order declaring the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol and cut off gas, water, or electricity to any citizen. The governor of Ohio just essentially closed his entire state.

The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis.

On Face the Nation, Fauci did his best to further damage an already tanking economy by stating, "Right now, personally, myself, I wouldn't go to a restaurant." He has pushed for closing the entire country down for 14 days.

Over what? A virus that has thus far killed just over 5,000 worldwide and less than 100 in the United States? By contrast, tuberculosis, an old disease not much discussed these days, killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017. Where's the panic over this?

If anything, what people like Fauci and the other fearmongers are demanding will likely make the disease worse. The martial law they dream about will leave people hunkered down inside their homes instead of going outdoors or to the beach where the sunshine and fresh air would help boost immunity. The panic produced by these fearmongers is likely helping spread the disease, as massive crowds rush into Walmart and Costco for that last roll of toilet paper.

The madness over the coronavirus is not limited to politicians and the medical community. The head of the neoconservative Atlantic Council wrote an editorial this week urging NATO to pass an Article 5 declaration of war against the COVID-19 virus! Are they going to send in tanks and drones to wipe out these microscopic enemies?

People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus "pandemic" could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit – financially or politically – from the ensuing panic.

That is not to say the disease is harmless. Without question people will die from coronavirus. Those in vulnerable categories should take precautions to limit their risk of exposure. But we have seen this movie before. Government over-hypes a threat as an excuse to grab more of our freedoms. When the "threat" is over, however, they never give us our freedoms back.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on March 20, 2020, 06:50:47 PM
The Coronavirus is a hoax... not the fact of it, but that it ravages the world as they say that it does. Here is the reason why it is being presented to be as dangerous as they say. Again, check the article for the links.

Blain: "A Global Reset Is Coming" (

No matter what the doomsters say... the Coronavirus is not the end of the world. But, it might still have trigged the global economic reset we've long feared...

That the virus will abate is a simple matter of fact. Just as suddenly and quickly as it struck, it will feel like it fizzles out much faster than we expect. Its simple maths.

The modelers I'm working with show the Virus will peak in around 6-8 weeks, and then infections will start to fall. There will be future successive waves – which will be damaging and trigger market reactions before immunity is gradually built up.  The virus will have a volatility all of its own. Understanding that will be key to understanding economic and market consequences.

Other models show similar results. Watching the various scenarios play out on cluster charts on the Laptop yesterday was fascinating – rings of infection creating walls of immunity, while the virus seems to sleep before exploding elsewhere. Understanding how the successive waves of the virus will trigger new clusters, how it hides, and especially how it will impact the economy is going to be ... educational. 

Its complex math – but makes sense. Earlier this week, Rob Hillman, the quant behind the model I'm working with, confidently predicted UK schools would close. It happened. Next up is the rumoured London lockdown – and I hear 40 tube stations are closing this morning. Its not the end of the World – but it feels like it and its unprecedented.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Tash on March 21, 2020, 10:54:52 AM
Until today, coronavirus in Mexico has been a problem for the elites.
Several of Mexico’s most prominent business leaders — including a banking executive, the chairman of Mexico’s stock exchange and the chief executive of the company that makes Jose Cuervo tequila — tested positive for the virus after traveling to Vail, a ski resort west of Denver.
Nationwide there were 164 confirmed infections, all of them people who recently traveled out of the country or came into direct contact with somebody else who had.
In Brazil, which has 793 confirmed cases, importers of the virus include several social media influencers and members of a government delegation that met with President Trump on March 7 at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
In Panama, where 137 people have tested positive, those infected include people who had recently traveled to Italy, France or New York.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Subbir on March 21, 2020, 12:08:37 PM
The media doesn't always provide accurate news but it's true that the coronavirus is shaking the entire world it's an epidemic that will never be false a day people are dying and therefore the number of victims is increasing. We are becoming updated information about the virus almost everywhere but more is being heard on social media. Every country's economy is getting damaged and other people live away worse life they're afraid to travel out and lockdown almost everything.

Title: Panic Pandemic Why Are People Who Should Know Better Buying the Covid19 Hype?
Post by: BADecker on March 21, 2020, 04:34:49 PM

ISIS are apparently a bit worried about nCoV also and is allegedly sending out travel advisories to its jihadists.

Panic Pandemic Why Are People Who Should Know Better Buying the Covid19 Hype? (

The only certainty about the 'novel' virus is that a great deal of nonsense is being talked about it by people who really ought to know better, and a great deal of opportunism is being displayed.

From Netanyahu grabbing the chance to postpone his corruption trial to Hollywood starlets claiming they have 'tested positive' (surely not a sad and cynical attempt to up their profile), this bandwagon is seething and teeming with those trying to seize their moment of fame or get rich or stay out of jail or just join in the mayhem

It's cool to be nCoV-positive now. Maybe that's why such inordinate numbers of famous people are staking their claim to it.

ISIS are apparently a bit worried about nCoV also and is allegedly sending out travel advisories to its jihadists.

Yup, that's a real thing, right there. Really happening. Definitely.

Meanwhile, the propaganda is relentless, and there's a variety for all tastes.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Sternbinder on March 29, 2020, 11:01:35 AM
What in the world are you saying. if you do not believe that coronavirus exists then you should go to those affected  places and find out for yourself. The coronavirus is real and people are dying. Awareness programs have been set up in some countries about the coronavirus. There are even hotlines for people who need advice on what to do when affected, I am sure that this makes the coronavirus a real thing. The horrifying videos on the internet where people just drop down when they are infected serves as another proof. Many sporting events that were sopposed to take place this year have also been cancelled because of it.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: TimeTeller on March 29, 2020, 11:12:19 AM
CoronaHoax is expanding. ::)
I just ignore it along with all the other fake news.

Here's what you can do if you have any actual real health problems:
1.Colloidal Silver:

"Colloidal silver is a commercially sold product that contains microscopic flakes of pure silver. Usually the flakes are suspended in demineralized water or another liquid.  Colloidal silver is often touted as an antibacterial agent and a topical wound dressing. "

Colloidal Silver will cure 'CoronaVirus' and other imaginary illnesses, real diseases such as Flu virus or Diabetes, and Aging.

2.  Chicken Noodle Soup.

3.  Wash your hands, dummy

Is coronavirus still a hoax for you?
Just check the number of deaths in Italy and Spain, that's very disturbing.
Where in the world are you living? By any chance, is your area not affected by this pandemic?

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Tash on March 29, 2020, 12:01:33 PM
Some experts in the field

Someplaces know someone is dead before he knows it

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Meowth05 on March 29, 2020, 01:28:04 PM
The difference with what you are saying to what is true is that the media made an overreaction and thus ensuing panic but to completely say that it is a hoax while people  the people around the world is trying to combat the pandemic is absolutely ridiculous. There are figures that are available in the Internet about the cases, try to check it out. Too much conspiracy theories will surely blind you. Always do a research on a topic.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: tvbcof on March 29, 2020, 01:47:36 PM
The difference with what you are saying to what is true is that the media made an overreaction and thus ensuing panic but to completely say that it is a hoax while people  the people around the world is trying to combat the pandemic is absolutely ridiculous. There are figures that are available in the Internet about the cases, try to check it out. Too much conspiracy theories will surely blind you. Always do a research on a topic.

The best way to avoid 'falling victim' to 'conspiracy theories' is to NOT do research.

And if you accidentally do do some research, remember these two techniques:

 - forget about the Occam's Razor.  Just get it out of your mind.

 - after every improbable element in support of an one element of the official story, 're-set the clock' so-to-speak so that you don't notice the chain of improbable (and often flatly desperate) 'facts' necessary to support the officially certified narrative.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on March 29, 2020, 02:06:05 PM
What in the world are you saying. if you do not believe that coronavirus exists then you should go to those affected  places and find out for yourself. The coronavirus is real and people are dying. Awareness programs have been set up in some countries about the coronavirus. There are even hotlines for people who need advice on what to do when affected, I am sure that this makes the coronavirus a real thing. The horrifying videos on the internet where people just drop down when they are infected serves as another proof. Many sporting events that were sopposed to take place this year have also been cancelled because of it.

The next thing you'll be saying is that when somebody dies in a car accident, that it really was Coronavirus.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Mad7Scientist on April 02, 2020, 05:52:55 PM
Is there solid evidence that hospitals in New York are more full than they normally would be during a bad flu year?

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Spendulus on April 03, 2020, 01:16:05 AM
CoronaHoax is expanding. ::)
I just ignore it along with all the other fake news.

Here's what you can do if you have any actual real health problems:
1.Colloidal Silver:

"Colloidal silver is a commercially sold product that contains microscopic flakes of pure silver. Usually the flakes are suspended in demineralized water or another liquid.  Colloidal silver is often touted as an antibacterial agent and a topical wound dressing. "

Colloidal Silver will cure 'CoronaVirus' and other imaginary illnesses, real diseases such as Flu virus or Diabetes, and Aging.

2.  Chicken Noodle Soup.

3.  Wash your hands, dummy

Quack-quack-quack. Quackwatch says that's totally bogus.

In 2019, searching for “colloidal silver” yields hundreds of products, many of which are promoted with false claims that they support the immune system and/or are effective against various types of infections.

Critical Studies and Case Reports
In 1995, an herbal distributor named Leslie Taylor tested nine commonly marketed colloidal silver products available at health-food stores and concluded:

Two of the products were contaminated with microorganisms.
The amount of silver suspended in solution varied from product to product and would gradually decrease over time.
Only five products actually showed antibacterial activity in a laboratory test. To perform the test, she prepared a culture plate with Staphylococcus aureas bacteria, which can cause infections in humans. She then placed a drop from each product on the plate and used disks of two common antibiotics as controls. After eight hours of incubation, she found that bacterial growth had been inhibited around the antibiotics and four of the products.
Of course, the fact that a product inhibits bacteria in a laboratory culture doesn’t mean it is effective (or safe) in the human body. In fact, products that kill bacteria in the laboratory would be more likely to cause argyria because they contain more silver ions that are free to deposit in the user’s skin.

FDA laboratory studies have found that the amount of silver in some product samples has varied from 15.2% to 124% of the amount listed on the product labels. The amount of silver required to produce argyria is unknown. However, the FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver products have been reported:

In October 1996, the FDA proposed to ban the use of colloidal silver or silver salts in over-the-counter products [11]. A Final Rule banning such use was issued on August 17, 1999 and became effective September 16th. The rule applies to any nonprescription colloidal silver or silver salt product claimed to be effective in preventing or treating any disease [12]. Silver products can still be sold as “dietary supplements” provided that no health claims are made for them. During 2000, the FDA issued warnings to more than 20 companies whose Web sites were making illegal therapeutic claims for colloidal silver products. Since then it has issued at least 33 more.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on April 03, 2020, 02:19:38 AM
Is there solid evidence that hospitals in New York are more full than they normally would be during a bad flu year?

My sister's a nurse (not in NY) in a big metropolitan area. She says the hospitals in her area are laying nurses off because they don't have enough business.

So, where are all the CV sickies going? Out to the beaches to have fun with the Spring Break kids? Or maybe, just maybe, this whole CV thing is a big scam.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on July 04, 2020, 01:26:16 AM
Here is the reason why Covid is a hoax. There is probably a Covid virus, but that virus is never really found in ways that it can be considered the cause of death. In fact, it barely is ever found at all.

Here is the reason why all these Covid lies are really being done.

Older stuff, but as accurate today as in the past.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: lepbagong on July 05, 2020, 12:53:44 PM
why there are still many people who do not believe and always say that the corona pandemic is something that is not real. even though many countries have experienced problems from the many who are sick and the inability of hospitals to accommodate them because the availability of beds for those who have to be prepared for the sick is no longer available.

It is natural in a situation of social media development that there are many hoax news that is very susceptible to occur and surprisingly many believe without checking the news received.
many always play in every disaster and sometimes people who deal with politics most often use issues like this.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on July 05, 2020, 07:08:46 PM
why there are still many people who do not believe and always say that the corona pandemic is something that is not real. even though many countries have experienced problems from the many who are sick and the inability of hospitals to accommodate them because the availability of beds for those who have to be prepared for the sick is no longer available.

This behavior can be explained  ambivalently. It may be compared with the habit of  ostrich who   hides his head in the sand in the face of danger. For people like that it’s easier to think of nothing at all. For others, it’s a way of complacency and persuading oneself, something akin to autogenic training.

Yeah. It's always difficult figuring out who the ostrich is:
1. The one who has studied the science and the numbers and has found the pandemic is not real;
2. The one who listens and believes the media without really understanding the numbers, and believes with religious faith that the pandemic is real.

Which one is right? Check the numbers and the logic.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: madnessteat on July 07, 2020, 03:05:26 PM
On the one hand, it is clear that statistics on the pandemic are inflated, but on the other hand, there is information from several acquaintances that they are very likely to have contracted coronavirus (most symptoms were present). There's a guy I know who does a CT scan. He talks about a real increase in pneumonia in April, May, June this year.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Tash on July 07, 2020, 05:26:17 PM
Eat proper, dont go acidic crazy (fish, meat, cheees, grains...).
Frequencies, damn frequencies can feel, hear, see (for most parts) or touch...but sure will knock you about.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: lepbagong on July 07, 2020, 07:47:15 PM
On the one hand, it is clear that statistics on the pandemic are inflated, but on the other hand, there is information from several acquaintances that they are very likely to have contracted coronavirus (most symptoms were present). There's a guy I know who does a CT scan. He talks about a real increase in pneumonia in April, May, June this year.
I agree that statistics released by many countries prove that, the increase in the corona pandemic is real.
what is now very frightened is that a corona pandemic has no symptoms, a person with a positive corona but does not feel any symptoms at all indicates that he has corona pain.

so he did not know that he was sick and only found out when he infect on to his family who had never traveled anywhere, instead experienced pain with symptoms.
finally forced to be investigated he got the infection from where and had gone anywhere, resulting in everything related to him must be examined.

this is something that must be overcome immediately, because as far as I know there is no cure and vaccine that can cure. it just sounds like it's still on trial and it's unknown how long it will.
Current anticipation is only to avoid the positive corona not infect the healthy.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on July 07, 2020, 07:57:47 PM
^^^ The point is, suddenly it is being called Coronavirus. Normally it is the flu or a cold or pneumonia. It isn't one thing. It isn't Coronavirus. They are simply using that word to cover a bunch of different things that really make up what it is. They do this to take control over you by focusing your fear. Are you going to let them? Do you want them to be your dictators?


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Filipbits79 on July 07, 2020, 08:54:11 PM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well.  Yet another lie, you know the drill.

You might be right that this getting blown out of proportion. The important thing though is that Bitcoin price has only increased since the start of the pandemic despite the drop in march:
Source (

Title: Re: Coronavirus Hoax
Post by: KiloFoxtrot on July 07, 2020, 10:20:08 PM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well.  Yet another lie, you know the drill.

I don't believe that the COVID-19 is a sham. But it's totally possible that certain entities are riding along and taking advantage of the pandemic instead. >:(

I don’t think the coronavirus is a hoax. The negative health effects are very similar to the flu, but I understand they are more severe. I also understand that it may be more contagious. This is hard to say for sure because most cases have originated in China and the Chinese government is not exactly most transparent in the world.

The flu will kill around 61k people every year and there are 10s of millions of flu Illness annually. The fatality rate is much lower for the flu, but it is difficult to know the true death rare for the coronavirus because of the lack of reliable information. 

I agree.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Mauser on July 08, 2020, 08:08:38 AM
I know a sham when I see one.  The Media Industry is putting a lot of effort into this one in order to sell more papers.  I wonder if they're using this for another cover-up as well.  Yet another lie, you know the drill.

You might be right that this getting blown out of proportion. The important thing though is that Bitcoin price has only increased since the start of the pandemic despite the drop in march:

Having a virus all around the world without any vaccination seems very risky to me. Maybe you don't believe in the some media caompanies - but rejecting all form of media seems crazy. I am sure if you end up with a family member of friend infected with corona you will change your mind.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on July 08, 2020, 10:12:02 AM
Probably everyone will feel the existence of the virus only when they feel it in their own skin. Until recently, until it touched my friends, I also denied its existence everywhere. But I admit that he is, maybe his name is different, for example, pneumonia, but this pneumonia is viral and very serious. In our country, quarantine has again been strengthened. Stay safe.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: tvbcof on July 08, 2020, 11:29:37 AM
The epidemic has a devastating effect on the planet but since no vaccine has been developed it's risky but our own precautions can protect us from this conflict.

Although the media often gives wrong information they'll be giving correct information about the virus. Looking around, many of us are infected with this disease so how can it's called a lie.

The bold part is actually correct.  So-called 'covid-19' is nothing more than one of this year's seasonal colds bugs.  Billions of people 'are infected' by the middle of 2020, though technically most people are over it and no longer infected.  For healthy people it is over in a few days and most people don't even know they ever had it.

It's a scam, folks.  A classic example of 'telling a big enough lie and repeating it often enough.'  Even with all of the fraud of calling any death 'covid-19' if the deceased had a sore throat, and all of the scare tactics and propaganda (e.g., 'died with', vs. 'died of') They STILL cannot get the numbers to match the yearly influenza 'deaths'.

There has been a 'devastating effect', but it was exclusively because the globalist leaders decided to pull the plug on the economy.  'SARS-cov-2' was just the random seasonal cold bug which happened to be around when they decided to 'run the script.'

People are getting sick with this and that as always.  In most cases of 'covid-19' there is no reason to believe that the 'SARS-cov-2' virus, if it exists at all, is the cause.  There is a lot of pressure to, and a lot of money to be made by, pumping the 'covid-19' count.  These are political and social things rather than biomedical things.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: Naida_BR on July 08, 2020, 04:10:11 PM
May be coronavorus is not real but it has a real effects to the econymy. Price of the market falls, economy falls, many people lost their jobs.

Do you have any evidence that it is not real? Or you are just saying that out of your mind?
It is real and it is here around us. If you cannot see it this doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
There are true results on the economy and i believe that there are more to come during spring.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: madnessteat on July 08, 2020, 04:33:10 PM
If Bill Gates says there will be a second wave of coronavirus in the fall, I have no doubt that the virus was developed with it.

Think about it... a man without medical training insists on global vaccination. Previously, he said vaccines could help reduce population growth.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: ewasegun11 on July 08, 2020, 05:25:48 PM
If Bill Gates says there will be a second wave of coronavirus in the fall, I have no doubt that the virus was developed with it.

Think about it... a man without medical training insists on global vaccination. Previously, he said vaccines could help reduce population growth.

If it will be a second wave of coronovirus it will be very difficult for economy. Many people will lose their jobs and money.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on July 08, 2020, 05:31:38 PM
If Bill Gates says there will be a second wave of coronavirus in the fall, I have no doubt that the virus was developed with it.

Think about it... a man without medical training insists on global vaccination. Previously, he said vaccines could help reduce population growth.

If it will be a second wave of coronovirus it will be very difficult for economy. Many people will lose their jobs and money.

Most people who have not been ventilated in the hospital, have lived, and have been discharged from the hospital. They are carrying the next wave from what they have been injected with in the hospital to treat their Covid.

They will be back to the hospital, with a whole bunch of other people they have infected.


Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: tvbcof on July 08, 2020, 05:32:45 PM
If Bill Gates says there will be a second wave of coronavirus in the fall, I have no doubt that the virus was developed with it.

Think about it... a man without medical training insists on global vaccination. Previously, he said vaccines could help reduce population growth.

If it will be a second wave of coronovirus it will be very difficult for economy. Many people will lose their jobs and money.

Yup.  That's the idea.  Keep applying more and more pressure until 99% of the population agrees to be chipped with an ID2020 compliant device and injected with the genetic material of Gates' choice.

Title: Re: CoronaHoax 2020: Coronavorus isn't real
Post by: BADecker on July 13, 2020, 11:11:28 PM
I'm so shocked! Maybe he didn't know, :D :D :D. After all, he's only a lowly mayor :D :D :D.

It's politics, and lack of common sense.

Phoenix Mayor Lied About Morgues Bringing In 'Refrigerator Trucks' To Store Overflow COVID B (

"During the interview, Gallego claimed that the county's public health agency had just put in an order for refrigerated trucks because they were running out of space in the morgue."

Hours later, as the mayor's comments started proliferating through the media, representatives for the hospital system called and complained that the mayor's comment wasn't true, despite the fact that she made the claim – seemingly with a high degree of certainty – on a popular cable new show.

Spokesman Keith Jones told that Abrazo hospitals have "adequate morgue space."

Here's the story: Phoenix and the rest of the state have been asked to implement their emergency plans to prepare for possible COVID-19 overloads.

Part of the plan, Jones said, was to proactively make sure there would be enough morgue space. So the hospital system ordered refrigerated storage weeks ago, but they have yet to be deployed.
