Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Chris Barth on February 03, 2020, 12:19:56 AM

Title: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
Post by: Chris Barth on February 03, 2020, 12:19:56 AM
Many of us here think that promoting bitcoin must involve holding seminars, meet ups, or conversing to people. However, that's not true. In most cases, we should understand that we can promote bitcoin in many ways. It could be by creating memes, stickers (I've seen some cool WhatsApp stickers), etc. You just don't know who would come across it!

Lately, I made an animated video in which the character talked about bitcoin, it's uses, advantages and disadvantages. Tho it wasn't easy making it (it took days), I believe it's worth it.
Here's a link to the video:

If you share the video, it'll get to more people and that's a form of spreading the right info about bitcoin.
So it could get to other people and bring a lot to understand bitcoin better.

Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
Post by: Debonaire217 on February 03, 2020, 02:17:20 AM
Indeed, promoting bitcoin through seminars and meet ups do really work, but the fact that it is not the only way to promote bitcoin as not all people that is inclined with cryptocurrency has the power of words to convince others, through that, we could enter various means of promoting bitcoin. By the way, I really appreciate the video animation you've created, that is one of the ways we could induce market adoption to people.

I just want to share some of the ideas I've learned from others and some ideas that I have regarding bitcoin promotion.

Here are some:

  • Bitcoin could be promoted if we ask - It is not always that people should take the initiative to be concerned about bitcoin, most of the time, they need a mediator that will open up their mind to the concept of bitcoin. I've tried one thing which is to sell prepaid mobile load and offer discount when they pay me in bitcoins. In addition, if we are on the shoes of the customer, we could take initiative to ask if the particular store where we buy things offers bitcoin as payment method (Thanks to the creator of that topic)

  • Wear something that shows bitcoin - Even text, or logo of bitcoin as long as people could see it everywhere, they will surely be curious of what that is whenever there comes a time that they encounter it. Thus, making them research information about bitcoin and probably use it.

  • Keep Sharing it - I use social media platforms and even if I am not personally talking to a person about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I usually post contents about market graphs (Most of the time, when bitcoin is bullish and I show them I am happy). In this way, they might be fascinated when they could see up trend bitcoin projection and think about if I am earning allot, the tendency is they will ask, that is the time I take advantage to share some insights about trading and investment.

  • Help someone in need through Bitcoin - We have encountered that some of our friends are in need so they tend to borrow money, I am not saying we should take advantage of that, but to consider lending money will help them, and it might be better if we lend them through bitcoin regardless if they convert it to fiat, telling them that, bitcoin is the only thing that you have, so there's no choice for them to decline, plus, if that person will repay their debt, ask them to pay it in bitcoin as well.

That are just some of the ways how I help bitcoin to be promoted, thus, with simple means and daily transactions, there are endless possible options that we could take. It doesn't really necessary that we conduct seminars or meetings, but by just living our day with bitcoin will then make it more valuable.[/list]

Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
Post by: Chris Barth on February 03, 2020, 06:15:17 AM
    Indeed, promoting bitcoin through seminars and meet ups do really work, but the fact that it is not the only way to promote bitcoin as not all people that is inclined with cryptocurrency has the power of words to convince others, through that, we could enter various means of promoting bitcoin. By the way, I really appreciate the video animation you've created, that is one of the ways we could induce market adoption to people.

    I just want to share some of the ideas I've learned from others and some ideas that I have regarding bitcoin promotion.

    Here are some:

    • Bitcoin could be promoted if we ask - It is not always that people should take the initiative to be concerned about bitcoin, most of the time, they need a mediator that will open up their mind to the concept of bitcoin. I've tried one thing which is to sell prepaid mobile load and offer discount when they pay me in bitcoins. In addition, if we are on the shoes of the customer, we could take initiative to ask if the particular store where we buy things offers bitcoin as payment method (Thanks to the creator of that topic)

    • Wear something that shows bitcoin - Even text, or logo of bitcoin as long as people could see it everywhere, they will surely be curious of what that is whenever there comes a time that they encounter it. Thus, making them research information about bitcoin and probably use it.

    • Keep Sharing it - I use social media platforms and even if I am not personally talking to a person about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I usually post contents about market graphs (Most of the time, when bitcoin is bullish and I show them I am happy). In this way, they might be fascinated when they could see up trend bitcoin projection and think about if I am earning allot, the tendency is they will ask, that is the time I take advantage to share some insights about trading and investment.

    • Help someone in need through Bitcoin - We have encountered that some of our friends are in need so they tend to borrow money, I am not saying we should take advantage of that, but to consider lending money will help them, and it might be better if we lend them through bitcoin regardless if they convert it to fiat, telling them that, bitcoin is the only thing that you have, so there's no choice for them to decline, plus, if that person will repay their debt, ask them to pay it in bitcoin as well.

    That are just some of the ways how I help bitcoin to be promoted, thus, with simple means and daily transactions, there are endless possible options that we could take. It doesn't really necessary that we conduct seminars or meetings, but by just living our day with bitcoin will then make it more valuable.[/list]

    Thanks a lot for this contribution. I've done all you've mentioned except the 4th. One of them which I love doing is wearing a bitcoin shirt. In fact, I'll be wearing my branded BTCitcoin polo today!

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: davis196 on February 03, 2020, 07:46:12 AM
    Your youtube video has 11 views,0 likes and 0 comments.I assume that all the views came from the link you posted in your Bitcointalk thread.Try to SEO optimize your video title,description and tags.You can use tools like VidIQ and Tubebuddy,they are free Chrome and Firefox extentions that will help you with search engine optimization.Bitcoin promotion will work if you do it the right way and if you promote BTC to people who don't know much about it.Posting Youtube video links on Bitcointalk doesn't work. ;D

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: yazher on February 03, 2020, 08:18:00 AM
    Good Job! another way to promote bitcoin with fewer expenses. In seminars, only limited people will know about BTC but if this video will be shared on others as well, it will become known to the other country as well. The truth is, videos like this will give us basic and fundamentals about knowing Bitcoin. the investment is only your time and some few resources. Keep up the good work Man.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: NeuroticFish on February 03, 2020, 08:20:22 AM
    Lately, I made an animated video in which the character talked about bitcoin, it's uses, advantages and disadvantages. Tho it wasn't easy making it (it took days), I believe it's worth it.
    Here's a link to the video:

    I usually don't like to click others' videos or share them because too many just try to get a few extra cents by asking us click / see useless things on youtube.
    But this one, although not perfect, is a nice surprise: pretty informative and easy to follow. Well done, I've also shared it.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: hello_good_sir on February 03, 2020, 08:34:49 AM
    To be honest, I doubt a lot of people get interested in Bitcoin from seminars and actual meetings. People aren't going to have the time or want to attend a bitcoin/blockchain/crypto seminar if they aren't already interested. It's more an enthusiast's thing.

    I don't know about other people, but the 10-15 friends I have that are interested in Bitcoin all got it from word of mouth. It started with a single person watching videos, learning the content, and eventually buying some BTC.

    So I do believe the most influence comes from friends, and maybe media. I doubt events actually promote adoption, it's mostly just teaching the people who are already interested, even more about BTC.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: crwth on February 03, 2020, 08:36:50 AM
    Awesome animation, Epic Chris! Not bad. I'm not familiar with how much effort it took to create that 5-minute video, I know it took quite some time for that, just like you mentioned. Let me comment on your video, if it's okay, I hope you take these comments of mine as constructive.

    • The seminar looks like an AA meeting or something. I usually see it as a classroom-type when you talk about a seminar.
    • The reactions of newbies into Bitcoin are real, like the shock that it showed in the video, it's cool.
    • The basics of Bitcoin were tackled and easy to underestand
    • The subtitles are changing with Bitcoin and bit-coin and it caught my attention
    • Overall, it's a creative way to understand Bitcoin.

    I'm just not sure if someone would easily be invited when you just met that person, or maybe it's different in different cultures?

    I know that I share the knowledge about Bitcoin when someone asks me to and somehow it gets into the conversation about currencies or money in general. That's my take in sharing or promoting it. Some people are aware and just like the girl in your video, they took it as scams, which is not correct.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Kemarit on February 03, 2020, 08:38:28 AM
    [.. snip ..]

    • Wear something that shows bitcoin - Even text, or logo of bitcoin as long as people could see it everywhere, they will surely be curious of what that is whenever there comes a time that they encounter it. Thus, making them research information about bitcoin and probably use it.

    I wouldn't go that far though, you maybe risking yourself, wearing a BTC logo with you. You just don't know criminals might follow you and force you to shell out your private keys. As far as I can remember, there where reports of such incidence already (2017-2018).

    So this for me its a big risk, as for a simple promotion, you can talk to your close friends, families about it. But to a total stranger? Nah. The last two weeks I was able to discuss it with someone who is very much interested because someone has told him. So we did have a lot of talk about it and last week he did buy his first BTC. So that's already a accomplished for me.  ;D

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Chris Barth on February 03, 2020, 09:28:25 AM
    Your youtube video has 11 views,0 likes and 0 comments.I assume that all the views came from the link you posted in your Bitcointalk thread.Try to SEO optimize your video title,description and tags.You can use tools like VidIQ and Tubebuddy,they are free Chrome and Firefox extentions that will help you with search engine optimization.Bitcoin promotion will work if you do it the right way and if you promote BTC to people who don't know much about it.Posting Youtube video links on Bitcointalk doesn't work. ;D

    Posting the link here wasn't because I want to forum members to learn about bitcoin. I brought it here to prove a point which I believe you didn't see that in the post subject and the the first few lines of the post. Please understand.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Chris Barth on February 03, 2020, 09:35:00 AM
    Awesome animation, Epic Chris! Not bad. I'm not familiar with how much effort it took to create that 5-minute video, I know it took quite some time for that, just like you mentioned. Let me comment on your video, if it's okay, I hope you take these comments of mine as constructive.

    • The seminar looks like an AA meeting or something. I usually see it as a classroom-type when you talk about a seminar.
    • The reactions of newbies into Bitcoin are real, like the shock that it showed in the video, it's cool.
    • The basics of Bitcoin were tackled and easy to underestand
    • The subtitles are changing with Bitcoin and bit-coin and it caught my attention
    • Overall, it's a creative way to understand Bitcoin.

    I'm just not sure if someone would easily be invited when you just met that person, or maybe it's different in different cultures?

    I know that I share the knowledge about Bitcoin when someone asks me to and somehow it gets into the conversation about currencies or money in general. That's my take in sharing or promoting it. Some people are aware and just like the girl in your video, they took it as scams, which is not correct.

    I'm glad you liked it! About the bitcoin and bit-coin issue, I did it on purpose because at some instances, they tend to mispronounce bitcoin as something else so I had to spilt the bit and coin in order to get a more smooth pronunciation..... After all, the person watching will still get the message at the end of the day. 😉

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: jossiel on February 03, 2020, 09:36:43 AM
    I like the idea of making memes. I think I should also start sharing those memes that I used to see on social medias. They're really fun but sometimes out of humor that's why I'm a bit off to share it.

    I might also share videos like the one you have made.

    [.. snip ..]

    • Wear something that shows bitcoin - Even text, or logo of bitcoin as long as people could see it everywhere, they will surely be curious of what that is whenever there comes a time that they encounter it. Thus, making them research information about bitcoin and probably use it.

    I wouldn't go that far though, you maybe risking yourself, wearing a BTC logo with you. You just don't know criminals might follow you and force you to shell out your private keys. As far as I can remember, there where reports of such incidence already (2017-2018).

    So this for me its a big risk, as for a simple promotion, you can talk to your close friends, families about it. But to a total stranger? Nah. The last two weeks I was able to discuss it with someone who is very much interested because someone has told him. So we did have a lot of talk about it and last week he did buy his first BTC. So that's already a accomplished for me.  ;D
    Same thoughts about wearing something like this. Especially, when you are in a crowded place and you are the only one that wears something like this, people might think that you are wealthy enough to rob becase you are wearing it on purpose. I'm not against with this idea but I think, I can't do this for now.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: YuginKadoya on February 03, 2020, 09:59:20 AM
    I really like your video, If someone would definitely watch it they will surely have an idea and will have some little interest with Bitcoin, that is why I will share it to some of my classmates, and yes as the technology is now advance with just one click you can share it into group chats on Facebook although Facebook is not allowing any means of cryptocurrency advertisement I think this video from youtube will surely make its way to some audience, because of your efforts in making this video I will give you something in return.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Chris Barth on February 03, 2020, 10:06:10 AM
    I really like your video, If someone would definitely watch it they will surely have an idea and will have some little interest with Bitcoin, that is why I will share it to some of my classmates, and yes as the technology is now advance with just one click you can share it into group chats on Facebook although Facebook is not allowing any means of cryptocurrency advertisement I think this video from youtube will surely make its way to some audience, because of your efforts in making this video I will give you something in return.

    I'm glad you find it as interesting as I do! About sharing on facebook, I think it should be possible because I sent the link to the video to my cousin who I want to teach about bitcoin (sent it through facebook). In fact, I've been seeing people who do facebook bounty for projects share cryptocurrency related posts (severally).

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Reid on February 03, 2020, 10:33:50 AM
    Yeah, using social media is a good way.
    But what if you don't have that.
    Although, I want to thank you already in advance for a great proper way on how it should be done.

    Mine though have a different attack.
    I do it with beers on the table and some good snacks.  ;D
    Let it pour until we go through political issues and then the financial industry. This is where bitcoin will come in. (many times it goes long with religious beliefs) You will have to wait for the right turn.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: GreatArkansas on February 03, 2020, 10:34:09 AM
    Wow! That's pretty awesome animation video, how many hours did you able to finish that?
    Additionally, as I experienced promoting Bitcoin; I become like a suspected scammer or gambler or bad guy.
    As what I remember before when I told some guy I met that I have a Bitcoin, and he was like:
    "You gambler? Omg, that's risky!" Like WTF? Hahaha.
    And another experience was when you like to talk about Bitcoin, they think it's a scam or you inviting them to some Ponzi or referral links, something like that.
    Keep up the good work everyone, as we do right and know right, no one can stop us from spreading the good news/use about Bitcoin.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: 1Referee on February 03, 2020, 10:52:31 AM
    Especially, when you are in a crowded place and you are the only one that wears something like this, people might think that you are wealthy enough to rob becase you are wearing it on purpose. I'm not against with this idea but I think, I can't do this for now.

    Fair concern. I stopped saying to people I know for a long time when I entered this space. Just because I entered in early 2013 people's first assumption is that I am a millionaire right now, which I wish was true, but that's not the case. I kinda get why they think that, but it's quite narrow minded at the same time.

    My main speech when I introduce myself as Bitcoiner is that I got rekt in 2017/2018 and slowly start adding small chunks to my position. With this in mind, I have mad respect for those who constantly promote Bitcoin in public and are known to be extremely wealthy. I'm sure there are plenty enough dumb criminals still thinking that Bitcoin is anonymous and can't be traced, which makes you a walking target.  :-\

    It's much easier to do it on social media platforms privately and it's damn effective too.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: The Cryptovator on February 03, 2020, 11:03:03 AM
    Agree with OP, we just should not look for any special way to promote bitcoin. Wherever you are from there you can promote bitcoin, it doesn't necessary to arrange any special meetup. We need just spread the word about bitcoin, it should be reach more people. Creating art, video and article more effective to promote bitcoin. Especially who are using internet we may reach to them by this way.

    You can spread word around you like friends & colleagues. To be honest, where I work there is almost 300 people right now and most of them know I am related with bitcoin. But they don't dare to hold it due to volatility and likely thats why they are not entering on bitcoin. But somehow they meet with it and may be watched some video about it. Because if they are from other nationality then I suggest to watch video from YouTube so they might know with their native language.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: bering on February 03, 2020, 11:42:29 AM
    At the video i saw some of people making some conversations and they complaining about banks system and one of them suggests to those people if they want to send money world wide then cryptocurrency could be the best solutions for it but in my view those conversations very similar such as small seminars which is OP says not necessary and i think through an seminars especially big seminars which was attended by many people is good way and effective to introduce and promote bitcoin

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: BlackFor3st on February 03, 2020, 12:05:24 PM
    Many of us here think that promoting bitcoin must involve holding seminars, meet ups, or conversing to people. However, that's not true. In most cases, we should understand that we can promote bitcoin in many ways. It could be by creating memes, stickers (I've seen some cool WhatsApp stickers), etc. You just don't know who would come across it!

    Lately, I made an animated video in which the character talked about bitcoin, it's uses, advantages and disadvantages. Tho it wasn't easy making it (it took days), I believe it's worth it.
    Here's a link to the video:

    If you share the video, it'll get to more people and that's a form of spreading the right info about bitcoin.
    So it could get to other people and bring a lot to understand bitcoin better.

    Any means of promotion will surely help as long as we can reach the audience even if our audience is not that many, still our message were able to reach them.

    Any type of promotion either it is signage, stickers,videos,advertisements and etc. this will bring customer little by little and this little will surely increase the number of users/investors of bitcoin if it will continue until bitcoin will become the most famous currency around the globe.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Wexnident on February 03, 2020, 12:10:22 PM
    At the video i saw some of people making some conversations and they complaining about banks system and one of them suggests to those people if they want to send money world wide then cryptocurrency could be the best solutions for it but in my view those conversations very similar such as small seminars which is OP says not necessary and i think through an seminars especially big seminars which was attended by many people is good way and effective to introduce and promote bitcoin
    Probably because the concept of viewing it on a seminar with you being an actor and viewing it as a 3rd person is quite different? Especially if the situation you've seen is an animated video, this makes it seem much more interesting. If you add in the funny sound effects as well as the childish like voice, boring situations in real life might seem very interesting once made into videos.

    Still, That was quite a video. I know how hard it is to create and manage videos using 3d models since I have some experience with them, and creating this really wasn't easy.
    [.. snip ..]

    • Wear something that shows bitcoin - Even text, or logo of bitcoin as long as people could see it everywhere, they will surely be curious of what that is whenever there comes a time that they encounter it. Thus, making them research information about bitcoin and probably use it.

    I wouldn't go that far though, you maybe risking yourself, wearing a BTC logo with you. You just don't know criminals might follow you and force you to shell out your private keys. As far as I can remember, there where reports of such incidence already (2017-2018).

    So this for me its a big risk, as for a simple promotion, you can talk to your close friends, families about it. But to a total stranger? Nah. The last two weeks I was able to discuss it with someone who is very much interested because someone has told him. So we did have a lot of talk about it and last week he did buy his first BTC. So that's already a accomplished for me.  ;D

    Tbh though, we gotta remove the notion of how you're trading BTC = you're very rich. I've already stopped thinking about it, but honestly, I'm pretty sure some of my friends think of me as something that pulls money out of his ass every now and then. They keep on thinking that when you trade BTC/Crypto = You make money every day.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: julius caesar on February 03, 2020, 12:17:19 PM
    You can just promote the usage of bitcoin in terms of spreading the positive effect of it in the society and in the government. Start with your family and friends and it will spread to the other people for sure. Do not stop promoting bitcoin to other people so that the bitcoin community will grow big and it will have a huge amount of supporters and investors soon.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: YuginKadoya on February 03, 2020, 12:29:54 PM
    I really like your video, If someone would definitely watch it they will surely have an idea and will have some little interest with Bitcoin, that is why I will share it to some of my classmates, and yes as the technology is now advance with just one click you can share it into group chats on Facebook although Facebook is not allowing any means of cryptocurrency advertisement I think this video from youtube will surely make its way to some audience, because of your efforts in making this video I will give you something in return.

    I'm glad you find it as interesting as I do! About sharing on facebook, I think it should be possible because I sent the link to the video to my cousin who I want to teach about bitcoin (sent it through facebook). In fact, I've been seeing people who do facebook bounty for projects share cryptocurrency related posts (severally).

    Well, after the Libra Launch (Stable Coin) if ever that had been a success, Facebook had disallowed links that are related to cryptocurrency but after testing it to one of my group chat well I just copied the link and drop it for further views,

    Well, I have been in one of a bounty campaign that are sharing the link to Twitter and Facebook and back then Facebook is open with cryptocurrency links and stuff about cryptocurrency and now that the developer of Facebook had created their own coin that is the time when Facebook had closed its doors to cryptocurrency-related link well then again I think Youtube is Exempted.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Eclipse26 on February 03, 2020, 01:15:09 PM
    Promoting Bitcoin isn't all about having big capital to do it. Seminars and meetings aren't necessary when you really don't have enough money. Simple things would do especially when you give efforts on it. We can use various things, platforms, more. We can maximize everything just to promote Bitcoin. Use our own skills in talent is enough. If you're good at creating song, then create one for Bitcoin. If you're good at art or digital art, make an art about Bitcoin and share it on your social medias. But if you don't have those skills, you can still promote Bitcoin. Promote it to the people around you. Share your knowledge. That's a basic thing to do but can still help in promoting Bitcoin.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 03, 2020, 01:20:13 PM

    I think that in any case it is good to spread the word and that Bitcoin reaches all those parts of the world to people who do not know it yet, the adoption takes place every day, from the point of view of the enthusiast, of the trader, of the Investor.

    The video is very well structured, it's a great job you did, everything for bitcoin is welcome, I congratulate you.The good thing about this initiative is that many will be encouraged to promote bitcoin in every possible way, if the market is larger, if more people enter as demand grows, the supply decreases and the price will have more strength to continue rising.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Baby Dragon on February 03, 2020, 01:35:34 PM
    At the video i saw some of people making some conversations and they complaining about banks system and one of them suggests to those people if they want to send money world wide then cryptocurrency could be the best solutions for it but in my view those conversations very similar such as small seminars which is OP says not necessary and i think through an seminars especially big seminars which was attended by many people is good way and effective to introduce and promote bitcoin
    Conducting seminars requires a lot of time and exertion, it's a bit laborious however it's unquestionably worth it because you know that you have enlightened people's mind for new learning and opportunities. It's great particularly when the speaker have enough knowledge to explain things quite well. It will be much convenient for the audience to comprehend the particular subject if they are allowed to pose inquiries at whatever point they feel confounded. As a member of this wonderful community, I have also did my part by sharing my insights and experiences on the individuals around me. It went well because it makes me changes on their mindset regarding bitcoin being used in illegal activities and I can say that it's an improvement because I know that they have open their minds about the positive side of bitcoin.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: XCANA on February 03, 2020, 01:39:20 PM
    Personally, I agree with OP opinions on promotional ideas on Bitcoin. Bitcoin can also be promoted by given the needed results to those who doubt the existence of Bitcoin. I have been teaching many of my colleagues about the technology, many of whom have joined the journey of Bitcoin. Those who saw results coming from us joined without our awareness, today they are happy to be part of this journey of digital currency.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Google+ on February 03, 2020, 01:50:50 PM
    Personally, I agree with OP opinions on promotional ideas on Bitcoin. Bitcoin can also be promoted by given the needed results to those who doubt the existence of Bitcoin. I have been teaching many of my colleagues about the technology, many of whom have joined the journey of Bitcoin. Those who saw results coming from us joined without our awareness, today they are happy to be part of this journey of digital currency.
    promoting bitcoin to many people is indeed a very good step, but you should know that at this time many people have been victimized and the promotion of bitcoin is scam, so I think now to be able to promote bitcoin should be able to provide information about bitcoin properly and correctly so that no new people are fooled by the bitcoin platform anymore.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: darewaller on February 03, 2020, 02:20:29 PM
    Social media as well as youtube is a platform which can be most reliable for promoting bitcoins and smaller methods of promotion too can lead for a greater cause. There are people who spend most of their time on social media.

    Moreover, we spend some time on social media scrolling various posts and in those posts we at least get to know about bitcoins in any single post.

    These posts are reached by a number of individuals who like to spend their time on social media and they get to know more about bitcoins. Also making bitcoins more visible by creating stickers, emoji, videos, etc can be eye catchy and also people would never at least forget how physical bitcoin might look. Branding any commodity before their sale leads for more attention from the entire community and this might be the best example for the same.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: worle1bm on February 03, 2020, 02:23:00 PM
    Yeah! We can promote bitcoin by any mean. Once I lent my friend $100 and he messaged me on WhatsApp after 3 months asking bank accounts details to return the money. But I asked him to pay me in bitcoin instead. He heard about bitcoin for the first time. Anyhow, he bought bitcoin worth $250 as exchange didn't allow him to buy lower than that and sent me $100. Two days later I received his message again. This time he told me that his balance magically rose from $150 to $185. Then I explained him about the magic of bitcoin.

    Fast forward to present, he is active bitcoin investor and have over $20K invested in bitcoin. This is the power of bitcoin and I am happy to contribute to its success.  :)

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: davinchi on February 03, 2020, 02:29:32 PM
    I really like your video, If someone would definitely watch it they will surely have an idea and will have some little interest with Bitcoin, that is why I will share it to some of my classmates, and yes as the technology is now advance with just one click you can share it into group chats on Facebook although Facebook is not allowing any means of cryptocurrency advertisement I think this video from youtube will surely make its way to some audience, because of your efforts in making this video I will give you something in return.
    OP really made huge efforts in creating this video and I really salute his/her efforts. The video seems attractive for new comers and I am sure most of the newbies who have the will to join with us in blockchain networks would surely find some or the other beneficial information from this video.

    These kind of acts leads for a better promotion of the cryptocurrencies as we all know that cryptocurrencies are a digital currency and digitally marketing them with a number of audience can seem beneficial as the more number of people join bitcoins, the more demand it would gain which would lead for more wider price in the nearly approaching future.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: YuginKadoya on February 03, 2020, 02:44:40 PM
    I really like your video, If someone would definitely watch it they will surely have an idea and will have some little interest with Bitcoin, that is why I will share it to some of my classmates, and yes as the technology is now advance with just one click you can share it into group chats on Facebook although Facebook is not allowing any means of cryptocurrency advertisement I think this video from youtube will surely make its way to some audience, because of your efforts in making this video I will give you something in return.
    OP really made huge efforts in creating this video and I really salute his/her efforts. The video seems attractive for new comers and I am sure most of the newbies who have the will to join with us in blockchain networks would surely find some or the other beneficial information from this video.

    These kind of acts leads for a better promotion of the cryptocurrencies as we all know that cryptocurrencies are a digital currency and digitally marketing them with a number of audience can seem beneficial as the more number of people join bitcoins, the more demand it would gain which would lead for more wider price in the nearly approaching future.

    I really like it because it is a not only attractive and better promotion for newbies but it is very informative as well, and in the Video, they have discussed not only the great and useful thing Bitcoin can do but the volatileness of Bitcoin as well for people to know what they are dealing of here, I guess this is the most important part where newbies need to really know about Bitcoin that there are still risk in it regarding the many great things it offers to someone.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Oceat on February 03, 2020, 02:59:52 PM
    I didn't think a meme could be a good idea to share and promote Bitcoin. lol
    Although I've seen it before where memes are used in a Bitcoin group/page as a means of entertainment.
    Thanks for sharing the idea OP it could be useful to the people who wasn't well aware of the existence of Bitcoin, they may heard it already or seen it somewhere but they just don't think it is worth it to try since they don't have any idea what that is.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: dothebeats on February 03, 2020, 03:18:00 PM
    We've actually passed this stage wherein we are proactively telling people about the wonders of bitcoin.

    Too many videos, ads, infographics, text and whatnot have been distributed and disseminated everywhere. That was in 2015-2017 when little to no people are really interested in bitcoin until it started making rounds in the mainstream media due to its appreciation in value. Perhaps people back then were attracted to bitcoin for the wrong reasons, that's why a lot of them disappeared in 2018. Though that doesn't mean that what we're doing to get the word out there is wrong.

    Even though the general perception of people about bitcoin nowadays is all about scamming, just try to point them out on the right direction: make them see some stats that are realistic and that are actually happening and it will sway their minds even just a little bit. Keep up the good fight in spreading the good word of bitcoin.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Rosilito on February 03, 2020, 03:40:20 PM
    Great video Chris! What an effort, I wish I had the same skills and patience you have. You really love bitcoin, huh going to share this with people I know struggling in money stuff to promote your video as well.

    I didn't think a meme could be a good idea to share and promote Bitcoin. lol
    Although I've seen it before where memes are used in a Bitcoin group/page as a means of entertainment.
    Thanks for sharing the idea OP it could be useful to the people who wasn't well aware of the existence of Bitcoin, they may heard it already or seen it somewhere but they just don't think it is worth it to try since they don't have any idea what that is.
    Well, there's no basis on promoting bitcoin itself. It could be the way you want, the way you think would be the best way in your terms or field, like what Chris did here. Meme nowadays are totally an attention hooker, in my opinion, whenever people crosses out on something unfamiliar which may be like meme's message or what, they will tend to look for some source to confirm what meme wants to say. Well, in such cases, there will be some circumstances that some other people would even dare to dive to such knowledge, and will get to be a part of a community they never thought they could get. So much story, but it is definitely worth trying though, besides we don't know what would be the other result except entertaining people.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: taufik123 on February 03, 2020, 03:55:17 PM
    Many types of promotions that can be done including the way you use is to create 3D animation.
    I appreciate the 3D animation that you make, because it takes too long to make every move, if you have to modeling each character it might take weeks.

    there must be more creative ideas that can be applied and used to promote bitcoin to the general public and this is one of them.
    Regarding the contents of promotional content that is used can be adjusted to the needs and target of your audience.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Capt00 on February 03, 2020, 04:01:11 PM
    Promoting can be anything that could catch the attention of the readers and listeners, as long as it not in an illegal way...for sure it will works.
    And one great and successful way of promoting Bitcoin and any campaign is through social media. It could easily be read and attract more people cause most of us are already been using phones and mostly engage in social media. But the bad thing is that it can simply be edited which giving some confusing info that they might get and could lead to misunderstanding.

    That is why, when we are promoting it just like should rallying the truth as we built a reputation and not leading them to questionable ends.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: bamboylee on February 03, 2020, 04:18:06 PM
    Nice to see that you are continuing your effort to promote bitcoin.

    I just want to add some suggestions.

    I think it is better to add some links under your description. It can be a link to or to Bitcoin whitepaper. These links can be very helpful to newbies who will come across your video. Just telling newbies to google bitcoin can have a bad effect. They can come across bad information that will not be helpful to them. But if you direct them here, all their question will be easily answered and they can also contribute to a healthy discussion.

    By the way, good video.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: tbterryboy on February 03, 2020, 04:58:11 PM
    You just trying to promote a video and not Bitcoin. And moreover, no one said seminars are the only way to promote Bitcoin, there are already lots of articles about Bitcoin that you can find online and I believe those are enough.

    When I started making use of Bitcoin I didn’t watch a random video or article, I went to the direct source which is the Bitcoin organization website and I read everything about Bitcoin there. People already come across lots of contents that are related cryptocurrency and it’s a matter of interest, it’s likely that anyone that come across your video might already know about it and wouldn’t take interest in this type of video.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Chris Barth on February 03, 2020, 05:31:33 PM
    You just trying to promote a video and not Bitcoin. And moreover, no one said seminars are the only way to promote Bitcoin, there are already lots of articles about Bitcoin that you can find online and I believe those are enough.

    When I started making use of Bitcoin I didn’t watch a random video or article, I went to the direct source which is the Bitcoin organization website and I read everything about Bitcoin there. People already come across lots of contents that are related cryptocurrency and it’s a matter of interest, it’s likely that anyone that come across your video might already know about it and wouldn’t take interest in this type of video.

    You just trying to promote a video and not Bitcoin.
    Now this is the kind of comments that make me back down. I can't imagine what you are actually thinking. I am promoting bitcoin through a video!

    SHM..... I really don't get your point

    it’s likely that anyone that come across your video "might" already know about it and wouldn’t take interest in this type of video.

    Firstly, you should understand that you said "might". Secondly, this is no where close to a reason not to promote bitcoin through this means. I had to do some analyzing to know the target audience and what they know, don't know, and what they think. So, this video as I believe does not only motivate other to promote bitcoin through various means but also tells newbies a superficial facet of bitcoin.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: gundala on February 03, 2020, 10:53:51 PM
    Many of us here think that promoting bitcoin must involve holding seminars, meet ups, or conversing to people. However, that's not true. In most cases, we should understand that we can promote bitcoin in many ways. It could be by creating memes, stickers (I've seen some cool WhatsApp stickers), etc. You just don't know who would come across it!
    Lately, I made an animated video in which the character talked about bitcoin, it's uses, advantages and disadvantages. Tho it wasn't easy making it (it took days), I believe it's worth it.
    Here's a link to the video:
    If you share the video, it'll get to more people and that's a form of spreading the right info about bitcoin.
    So it could get to other people and bring a lot to understand bitcoin better.
    I really like creative people, and you have done your best by maximizing your abilities. This is one of the biggest forums for discussing cryptocurrency, especially bitcoin, this is a great tool for you to get a lot of attention and provide benefits, education.
    Yes, I strongly agree that providing education about cryptocurrency not only through seminars or the like, using an avatar related to cryptocurrency on social media accounts can be a very good tool, providing knowledge directly to family and friends is also very effective for correcting perceived not quite right about cryptocurrency.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: finaleshot2016 on February 03, 2020, 11:47:07 PM
    Nice video I guess? but people will lose interest in the video itself since the voice wasn't good. I think you used software for the voice, it's better to use a real voice to cover up those lines. It's very creative.

    Yes, I agree with the promotion of bitcoin through individuals first. We shouldn't rely on seminars and other events just to develop our community in bitcoin. As an individual, you should think up by yourself on what can you do in our community and @OP tried it through making animated video.

    I personally did the same thing but not through animated videos. "Development" and "Improvement" of the Society: Discussion about Blockchain. (

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: chennappa121 on February 04, 2020, 01:37:53 AM
    Promote bitcoin through talking to your buddies and family members teach them to know about bitcoin. Uploading video  in YouTube channel. Conducting seminars for college students. Traveling to other places and promoting Bitcoin who doesn't know about it. Let them know the worth of the Bitcoin. As other member told wear a bitcoin Tshirt, Let's promote bitcoin. 

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: maxreish on February 04, 2020, 03:23:02 AM
    Even not in social media, wearing some tshirts with the word "Bitcoin" has also a big impact to the people who aren't aware yet about it. And yeah, even having some simple things like keychains with the word or engrave bitcoin is useful too. But just like what I have said before, we conducted  seminar together with my brother firstly within the family members for the awareness of this new technology. We can start promoting btc within the family first, it's a fulfilling feeling to know that the family members seems very optimistic about bitcoin.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: blckhawk on February 04, 2020, 04:48:18 AM
    Besides the effort in making quality content to spread Bitcoin awareness, we also must have enough resources to actually disseminate the material to a larger-scale of audience. Having the content would be useless if it's not shared properly and widely in different platforms.

    Promotion is not also bound to creating multimedia, but even a simple talk with acquaintances would help.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: KnightElite on February 04, 2020, 06:55:35 AM
    Nice video I guess? but people will lose interest in the video itself since the voice wasn't good. I think you used software for the voice, it's better to use a real voice to cover up those lines. It's very creative.

    Yes, I agree with the promotion of bitcoin through individuals first. We shouldn't rely on seminars and other events just to develop our community in bitcoin. As an individual, you should think up by yourself on what can you do in our community and @OP tried it through making animated video.

    I personally did the same thing but not through animated videos. "Development" and "Improvement" of the Society: Discussion about Blockchain. (
    Creating videos to promote bitcoin is not enough to spread awareness the best promotion is still the word of mouth for me. Even though it is a organic marketing approach, it still effective nowadays because there are people who always getting curious in many things. I also promote bitcoin specially in retailers, whenever there are small retailers in my community; I always telling the manager that they should accept and adopt bitcoin as mode of payment.

    Title: Re: Promote bitcoin through any means. It'll work!
    Post by: Chris Barth on February 04, 2020, 07:51:25 AM
    Creating videos to promote bitcoin is not enough to spread awareness the best promotion is still the word of mouth for me. Even though it is a organic marketing approach, it still effective nowadays because there are people who always getting curious in many things. I also promote bitcoin specially in retailers, whenever there are small retailers in my community; I always telling the manager that they should accept and adopt bitcoin as mode of payment.

    The word of mouth type of promotion isn't enough either. The point is that we should do all that we can. Videos, stickers, discussion, and even a mere statement all contribute in their various ways. If you believe it's better to talk to people, then do it.