Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bernarde on February 05, 2020, 08:12:45 PM

Title: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: bernarde on February 05, 2020, 08:12:45 PM
My main question:
I want to send bitcoin to several addresses, and the amount is the same. Is there any way to do that?

Second question, not that important:
I also want to divide the whole amount to let's say 8 and send the whole thing to 8 different addresses, and the gas fees, etc. make it complicated. It would be nice if the method calculated the fees and subtract from the money sent, and makes it equal for all addresses.
I don't want to hear things like: just use a calculator, I am perfectly capable of doing that, but gas fees, etc. take time, if there is something automatic, why not use it, right.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 05, 2020, 08:24:31 PM
I want to send bitcoin to several addresses, and the amount is the same. Is there any way to do that?
Yes, if you are using a wallet which has that function.

Most people on this forum would recommend Electrum, which will certainly let you do that. You simply click Tools -> Pay to many, and it will open a new transaction with an expanded "Pay to" field. Enter the addresses and the amount you want to send to each address in the format address, amount with one address/amount combo per line. An example:
bc1address1abcdefgh, 0.01
3address2ijklmnop, 0.35
1address3qrstuvwxyz, 0.2

I also want to divide the whole amount to let's say 8 and send the whole thing to 8 different addresses, and the gas fees, etc. make it complicated.
I'm not sure there is an automatic way to do this. You can enter ! instead of an amount and it will send all remaining funds to that address, but that doesn't help you split it evenly several ways. I think you will end up having to do it manually.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: bernarde on February 05, 2020, 08:30:58 PM
I have been using
Can I do that with that?
I imported my private key to that website.

I want to send bitcoin to several addresses, and the amount is the same. Is there any way to do that?
Yes, if you are using a wallet which has that function.

Most people on this forum would recommend Electrum, which will certainly let you do that. You simply click Tools -> Pay to many, and it will open a new transaction with an expanded "Pay to" field. Enter the addresses and the amount you want to send to each address in the format address, amount with one address/amount combo per line. An example:
bc1address1abcdefgh, 0.01
3address2ijklmnop, 0.35
1address3qrstuvwxyz, 0.2

I also want to divide the whole amount to let's say 8 and send the whole thing to 8 different addresses, and the gas fees, etc. make it complicated.
I'm not sure there is an automatic way to do this. You can enter ! instead of an amount and it will send all remaining funds to that address, but that doesn't help you split it evenly several ways. I think you will end up having to do it manually.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: bitmover on February 05, 2020, 08:31:15 PM
If you use any decent wallet you can add all those 8 addresses,  and before you confirm the transaction you will see the total fees.

Take a look at the fees and if you need recalculate manually the whole amount. Ir will be faster than trying to do automatically,  unless if you have to do that over and over again.. but as far as I k know there is no way to automatically calculate as you wish.

Edit: don't use

I suggest that you use electrum or samourai wallet. Sampurai has an easier interface for newbies.
Coinomi is also a good choice imo.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: AGD on February 05, 2020, 08:36:59 PM
I have been using
Can I do that with that?
I imported my private key to that website.

I want to send bitcoin to several addresses, and the amount is the same. Is there any way to do that?
Yes, if you are using a wallet which has that function.

Most people on this forum would recommend Electrum, which will certainly let you do that. You simply click Tools -> Pay to many, and it will open a new transaction with an expanded "Pay to" field. Enter the addresses and the amount you want to send to each address in the format address, amount with one address/amount combo per line. An example:
bc1address1abcdefgh, 0.01
3address2ijklmnop, 0.35
1address3qrstuvwxyz, 0.2

I also want to divide the whole amount to let's say 8 and send the whole thing to 8 different addresses, and the gas fees, etc. make it complicated.
I'm not sure there is an automatic way to do this. You can enter ! instead of an amount and it will send all remaining funds to that address, but that doesn't help you split it evenly several ways. I think you will end up having to do it manually.

1. can not be trusted.
2. You can import that very same private key to electrum and split it like o_e_l_e_o explained.
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 05, 2020, 08:44:21 PM
I have been using
Can I do that with that?
No, doesn't support that feature. I'm not aware of any web wallets which do. You will likely need to download and run your own wallet.

Takes some time before importing your private key to any new wallet you are going to use to ensure you have installed and set it up safely and correctly. As mentioned above, you can import your private key to Electrum (or any other wallet) just as you imported it to, but since that key is now stored on's servers it will never be truly safe again. Once you have spent the funds from it to the 8 addresses that you are planning, you would do well to safely set up a brand new non-web wallet.

If you do choose to use Electrum, you should only ever download Electrum from the official site here:
You should verify your download prior to installing for extra safety by following the guide here:

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on February 05, 2020, 09:20:08 PM
Second question, not that important:
I also want to divide the whole amount to let's say 8 and send the whole thing to 8 different addresses, and the gas fees, etc. make it complicated. It would be nice if the method calculated the fees and subtract from the money sent, and makes it equal for all addresses.
I don't want to hear things like: just use a calculator, I am perfectly capable of doing that, but gas fees, etc. take time, if there is something automatic, why not use it, right.

This sounds like you run some sort of service that needs to do payouts. If so, you can achieve this with any bitcoin library for the programming language that you use. I could make you an example for node.js if you want.

Alternatively, if you don't trust programmatic Bitcoin clients, you can write (or ask someone to) a script that will either create unsigned transactions with the calculated amounts, and you then will just sign and broadcast it, or at the very least automate calculating the fees.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: bernarde on February 06, 2020, 06:49:27 AM
Thank you, the consensus seem to be on electrum, but then it is not safe for more than one use.
I like coinomi and I have used it before. Is it safe to import my private key there as well and send bitcoin to multiple addresses?

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: pooya87 on February 06, 2020, 08:58:15 AM
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.

"Electrum" is not a company or a server to host anything!
Electrum clients connect to bitcoin nodes that have some additional communication protocol compared to bitcoin core which allows receiving transaction history and block headers in a fraud proof way.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: fer_coinomi on February 06, 2020, 09:23:02 AM
Thank you, the consensus seem to be on electrum, but then it is not safe for more than one use.
I like coinomi and I have used it before. Is it safe to import my private key there as well and send bitcoin to multiple addresses?
Hi bernarde, Coinomi doesn't import private keys, it sweeps ( them, bringing all funds associated with the key to your Coinoim address. Unfortunately sending to multiple addresses in a single transaction is not supported, but it's a feature we plan to add it in the future.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: joniboini on February 06, 2020, 09:27:00 AM
Thank you, the consensus seem to be on electrum, but then it is not safe for more than one use.
I like coinomi and I have used it before. Is it safe to import my private key there as well and send bitcoin to multiple addresses?

From where did you derive that it's not safe to use more than once? As long as you don't expose your seed/private key or got phished your funds are safe.

because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.

This statement is really weird.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 06, 2020, 11:10:19 AM
Thank you, the consensus seem to be on electrum, but then it is not safe for more than one use.
Electrum itself is perfectly safe, provided you follow my instructions above to ensure you are installing the legitimate version, and you always double check your receiving and sending addresses. What isn't completely safe is to continue using a private key which is also stored in an online wallet, because online wallets aren't safe. If you don't care about this, you are free to continue to use it, but the better security practice would be to create a new wallet from scratch in Electrum.

You can quite easily import your key to Electrum, spend what you want to in a "pay to many" transaction, and then just go back to using if you want.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: AGD on February 06, 2020, 11:57:04 AM
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.

"Electrum" is not a company or a server to host anything!
Electrum clients connect to bitcoin nodes that have some additional communication protocol compared to bitcoin core which allows receiving transaction history and block headers in a fraud proof way.

I didn't know. Thanks! Is Electrum as safe as running your own Bitcoin core node then?

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: pooya87 on February 06, 2020, 02:36:47 PM
I didn't know. Thanks! Is Electrum as safe as running your own Bitcoin core node then?

nothing is as safe as running your own full verifying node, but that doesn't make an SPV client such as Electrum unsafe though.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: AGD on February 06, 2020, 02:53:41 PM
I didn't know. Thanks! Is Electrum as safe as running your own Bitcoin core node then?

nothing is as safe as running your own full verifying node, but that doesn't make an SPV client such as Electrum unsafe though.

Oh. Then my quote
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.
is not completely wrong. Hosting your own node is 100% and using Electrum is < 100% safe. 'Electrum nodes' instead of just 'Electrum' would have been the right term here?

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: buwaytress on February 06, 2020, 03:00:19 PM
The other way you could do it, and yes this might take some initial set up but since I'm not super good at coding, it works for me.

It works with Electrum, in which you create first the spreadsheet with formula (using balance minus fees /8 to distribute entire input equally to 8 addresses after fees) and then put into CSV, then import into Electrum. You'll still need to load Electrum out to find out what the fee cost is!

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: pooya87 on February 06, 2020, 03:44:02 PM
I didn't know. Thanks! Is Electrum as safe as running your own Bitcoin core node then?

nothing is as safe as running your own full verifying node, but that doesn't make an SPV client such as Electrum unsafe though.

Oh. Then my quote
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.
is not completely wrong. Hosting your own node is 100% and using Electrum is < 100% safe. 'Electrum nodes' instead of just 'Electrum' would have been the right term here?

the wrong part that i pointed out was the part where you say when running Electrum "you rely on the blockchain that Electrum hosts". it is ambiguous and sounds like you are suggesting that Electrum is like some of the other light wallets where the clients connect to a single centralized "server" and download data that you need. that is false.

not to mention that lack of safety is in very special cases. cases such as very long chain reorgs where a full node is more aware of the situation compared to an SPV node and it could increase the risk of double spending if user had a payment in those blocks which is easily mitigated by requiring more confirmation count.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: AGD on February 06, 2020, 04:07:47 PM
I didn't know. Thanks! Is Electrum as safe as running your own Bitcoin core node then?

nothing is as safe as running your own full verifying node, but that doesn't make an SPV client such as Electrum unsafe though.

Oh. Then my quote
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.
is not completely wrong. Hosting your own node is 100% and using Electrum is < 100% safe. 'Electrum nodes' instead of just 'Electrum' would have been the right term here?

the wrong part that i pointed out was the part where you say when running Electrum "you rely on the blockchain that Electrum hosts". it is ambiguous and sounds like you are suggesting that Electrum is like some of the other light wallets where the clients connect to a single centralized "server" and download data that you need. that is false.

not to mention that lack of safety is in very special cases. cases such as very long chain reorgs where a full node is more aware of the situation compared to an SPV node and it could increase the risk of double spending if user had a payment in those blocks which is easily mitigated by requiring more confirmation count.

I understood this part now. So Electrum nodes (the ones with the added protocol) are pratically unable to collude to alter/delay/falsificate transactions? Did I get this right? Anyway, with big amounts I still would suggest running your own node, which connects to the other Bitcoin Core nodes, instead of a signficantly smaller number of Electrum nodes.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: Artemis3 on February 06, 2020, 04:39:34 PM
I didn't know. Thanks! Is Electrum as safe as running your own Bitcoin core node then?

nothing is as safe as running your own full verifying node, but that doesn't make an SPV client such as Electrum unsafe though.

Oh. Then my quote
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.
is not completely wrong. Hosting your own node is 100% and using Electrum is < 100% safe. 'Electrum nodes' instead of just 'Electrum' would have been the right term here?

Are you aware that you can run a full node, an Electrum server connected to that node, and an Electrum wallet connected to that server?

Sure, you could also just run Bitcoin Core, but its technically inaccurate what you guys are saying.

To OP: Nothing online is safe, a proper wallet like Bitcoin Core or Electrum can send to multiple addresses. Electrum by default doesn't need to download the entire blockchain (250+ gbytes) to start, but you do have to rely in others (the public Electrum servers) of you want to start quick. Its still better than any online wallet.

If you are concerned about security, you should run your wallet in Linux or similar Free and Open Source secure operating system. There are guides in this forum on how to setup wallets with Electrum etc.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: AGD on February 06, 2020, 04:54:46 PM
I didn't know. Thanks! Is Electrum as safe as running your own Bitcoin core node then?

nothing is as safe as running your own full verifying node, but that doesn't make an SPV client such as Electrum unsafe though.

Oh. Then my quote
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.
is not completely wrong. Hosting your own node is 100% and using Electrum is < 100% safe. 'Electrum nodes' instead of just 'Electrum' would have been the right term here?

Are you aware that you can run a full node, an Electrum server connected to that node, and an Electrum wallet connected to that server?


I knew that, but people usually don't run a full node when they use Electrum, because they use Electrum for the very reason to NOT download the entire blockchain, which is ok with me regarding small Bitcoin amounts. If I had a business or I would transfer big amounts of money I would ALWAYS run a full node (and in the case of Electrum: My own Electrum server connected to my own full node) instead of trusting random Electrum servers provided by the software.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: reallester on February 07, 2020, 07:42:41 AM
I want to send bitcoin to several addresses, and the amount is the same. Is there any way to do that?
Yes, if you are using a wallet which has that function.

Most people on this forum would recommend Electrum, which will certainly let you do that. You simply click Tools -> Pay to many, and it will open a new transaction with an expanded "Pay to" field. Enter the addresses and the amount you want to send to each address in the format address, amount with one address/amount combo per line. An example:
bc1address1abcdefgh, 0.01
3address2ijklmnop, 0.35
1address3qrstuvwxyz, 0.2

I also want to divide the whole amount to let's say 8 and send the whole thing to 8 different addresses, and the gas fees, etc. make it complicated.
I'm not sure there is an automatic way to do this. You can enter ! instead of an amount and it will send all remaining funds to that address, but that doesn't help you split it evenly several ways. I think you will end up having to do it manually.

This is Brilliant. I almost thought its impossible to send btc to different addresses with different values at the same time. But reading this now proves the possibility. But if I may ask, aside from Electrum wallet is there any other wallet you can recommend me to use for this action because I am not familiar with Electrum wallet. I currently use blockchain wallet, mycelium wallet and Coinomi wallet but none seem to have this feature.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: pooya87 on February 07, 2020, 08:25:44 AM
I currently use blockchain wallet, mycelium wallet and Coinomi wallet but none seem to have this feature.

both and Coinomi are considered bad wallets to use. is bad because it is a web wallet and is known for having bugs and not supporting lots of features even with many demands for those features.
and Coinomi is bad because it is closed source and the developers have been evasive about it for a long time.

i am not a Mycelium user but it appears that it allows paying to multiple addresses: although i can't find that much information about it!

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: Leonardo7 on February 07, 2020, 01:08:41 PM
1. can not be trusted.
2. You can import that very same private key to electrum and split it like o_e_l_e_o explained.
3. Don't trust Electrum 100% with very big amounts, because you have to rely on a blockchain, that Electrum hosts for you. Just saying.

Hello, why do you say blockchain dot com can't be trusted? This is a non-custodian wallet wherein a password can't be recovered if loss and you own your private keys. do you think something is wrong with their services? And you said one shouldn't trust Electrum wallet 100%, could this be because it's a hot wallet? Thanks

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 07, 2020, 01:45:28 PM
This is a non-custodian wallet wherein a password can't be recovered if loss and you own your private keys.
You are 100% sure about that? You are 100% sure that their security set-up is unhackable? You are 100% sure that they don't have access to your seed or private key? You are 100% sure that they don't have access to your password? You are 100% sure that everything that happens in your browser is fully encrypted before being sent to them? You are 100% sure that they can't decrypt it? You are 100% sure that there is no backdoor or other malicious code anywhere on their website, backends, servers, etc? You are 100% sure they don't have any rogue employees who might want to push some code that compromises your coins? The list is endless. You have to take an awful lot on trust to use their platform. Not to mention that you are also trusting them never to freeze or lock your account, demand KYC, decide they don't like where you are sending your coins, and all the rest of it.

And you said one shouldn't trust Electrum wallet 100%, could this be because it's a hot wallet?
Depends how you use it. If you use Electrum on an internet-enabled computer, then yes, it's a hot wallet. You can also use Electrum as an interface for many hardware wallets, or on an airgapped machine, in which case it isn't.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: metenjean on February 07, 2020, 01:46:20 PM
Only support with ellectrum wallet could and available sending bitcoin to several address all at once, you just put and setting which one address want to sent bitcoin in electrum wallet, maybe its the way use by bounty campaign manager handle their payment bitcoin in weekly by sending using electrum wallet, look hard if sending one by one to many bounty signature campaign participants.

Title: Re: How to send bitcoin to several addresses all at once?
Post by: AGD on February 08, 2020, 09:17:15 AM
This is a non-custodian wallet wherein a password can't be recovered if loss and you own your private keys.
You are 100% sure about that? You are 100% sure that their security set-up is unhackable? You are 100% sure that they don't have access to your seed or private key? You are 100% sure that they don't have access to your password? You are 100% sure that everything that happens in your browser is fully encrypted before being sent to them? You are 100% sure that they can't decrypt it? You are 100% sure that there is no backdoor or other malicious code anywhere on their website, backends, servers, etc? You are 100% sure they don't have any rogue employees who might want to push some code that compromises your coins? The list is endless. You have to take an awful lot on trust to use their platform. Not to mention that you are also trusting them never to freeze or lock your account, demand KYC, decide they don't like where you are sending your coins, and all the rest of it.

And you said one shouldn't trust Electrum wallet 100%, could this be because it's a hot wallet?
Depends how you use it. If you use Electrum on an internet-enabled computer, then yes, it's a hot wallet. You can also use Electrum as an interface for many hardware wallets, or on an airgapped machine, in which case it isn't.

Regarding to I would add, that Roger "Bitcoin Judas" Ver is behind this website. I don't trust anything that has his name connected to.