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Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: nakamura12 on February 10, 2020, 09:45:02 PM

Title: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: nakamura12 on February 10, 2020, 09:45:02 PM
This thread is about URL and Hyperlink as you can read it in the thread title!

Now, Hyperlink and URL is kind of the same if you ask me because both are used to access a site but they are also different in some ways. I hope this will help why we should be careful with links or hyperlinks.

What is URL?
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. A URL is a specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), although many people use the two terms interchangeably. URLs occur most commonly to reference web pages (http), but are also used for file transfer (ftp), email (mailto), database access (JDBC), and many other applications.


URL are consist of several important pieces of information. Here is an image that shows you about URL

What is a Hyperlink?

In computing, a hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference to data that the reader can follow by clicking or tapping. A hyperlink points to a whole document or to a specific element within a document. Hypertext is text with hyperlinks. The text that is linked from is called anchor text. A software system that is used for viewing and creating hypertext is a hypertext system, and to create a hyperlink is to hyperlink (or simply to link). A user following hyperlinks is said to navigate or browse the hypertext.

Be careful with hyperlinks as it can fool you if you didn't check carefully. Hyperlinks for varies to the person. A person can choose to make it as CLICKABLE TEXT, IMAGE or PIC, ICON or LOGO like facebook or a LINK.

Example: (

ALSO, be careful with hyperlinks because some are link to a file that will automatic download after you have clicked the hyperlink.

Here's  a guide on how to bypass it by TryNinja
Please, don't count on this. This is a bad behavior to think the URL is legit because the statusbar shows it so (and thus, a terrible suggestion).

Here is a simple workaround to bypass this "security" measure:

[code]Refer to the original post below as it can't be quoted and it will blocked me to edit the thread. 

Result: you hover the link and it shows in the statusbar. Click it and you will end up on

Always to triple check whether it is safe or not and avoid clicking phishing link. You thought that it's the correct website but it's just a phishing site and a clone to the legit site. More information can be found on those links below.

Hovering to a hyperlink located below:
As away of checking i also usually like Hovering the pointer above the hyperlink before clicking on it. The real link gets displayed in the bottom left corner of your browser. This can help avoid visiting malicious or phishing websites or automatically downloading malware.


Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: bitmover on February 10, 2020, 10:38:52 PM

Example: (

This is important to prevent phishing, as many phishing attempts do that, especially via email.

Always double check destination URLs,  and use virus total in unknown websites.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: JeromeTash on February 10, 2020, 10:52:15 PM
ALSO, be careful with hyperlinks because some are link to a file that will automatic download after you have clicked the hyperlink.

Always to triple check whether it is safe or not and avoid clicking phishing link. You thought that it's the correct website but it's just a phishing site and a clone to the legit site. More information can be found on those links below.
As away of checking i also usually like Hovering the pointer above the hyperlink before clicking on it. The real link gets displayed in the bottom left corner of your browser. This can help avoid visiting malicious or phishing websites or automatically downloading malware.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: nakamura12 on February 11, 2020, 01:12:00 AM
ALSO, be careful with hyperlinks because some are link to a file that will automatic download after you have clicked the hyperlink.

Always to triple check whether it is safe or not and avoid clicking phishing link. You thought that it's the correct website but it's just a phishing site and a clone to the legit site. More information can be found on those links below.
As away of checking i also usually like Hovering the pointer above the hyperlink before clicking on it. The real link gets displayed in the bottom left corner of your browser. This can help avoid visiting malicious or phishing websites or automatically downloading malware.
It seems I forgot to add the hovering to a hyperlink that will show the destination of a hovered clickable text. I'll edit the op and I'll just quote your post and add it on to the thread if you're okay with it. In my opinion, It's the same if I have to search for it and added it here so I'll just quote it and only less time used.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: TryNinja on February 11, 2020, 03:36:20 AM
It seems I forgot to add the hovering to a hyperlink that will show the destination of a hovered clickable text. I'll edit the op and I'll just quote your post and add it on to the thread if you're okay with it. In my opinion, It's the same if I have to search for it and added it here so I'll just quote it and only less time used.
Dude, did you forget what I told you the last time you suggested someone to check the hover link of a URL to see if it is legit?

Please, don't count on this. This is a bad behavior to think the URL is legit because the statusbar shows it so (and thus, a terrible suggestion).

Here is a simple workaround to bypass this "security" measure:

<a href="" onclick="location.href='';return false">Click here!</a>

Result: you hover the link and it shows in the statusbar. Click it and you will end up on

This isn't possible on BTT since it uses simply BBCode hyperlink tags, but it is in every other website.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: UserU on February 11, 2020, 08:12:05 AM
Please, don't count on this. This is a bad behavior to think the URL is legit because the statusbar shows it so (and thus, a terrible suggestion).

Here is a simple workaround to bypass this "security" measure:

<a href="" onclick="location.href='';return false">Click here!</a>

Result: you hover the link and it shows in the statusbar. Click it and you will end up on

This isn't possible on BTT since it uses simply BBCode hyperlink tags, but it is in every other website.

That's some scary shit. Looks like the good ol' right-click, copy, paste would do the trick.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: Saint-loup on February 11, 2020, 08:34:25 AM
There are some protections on bitcointalk against that :

  • If a link points outside the forum it will be dispayed in blue when you hover over it while it will be displayed in green otherwise

When you hover over with mouse over link that is outside this forum, color will be blue

When you hover over link and you see green color, that is link inide Bitcointalk forum.

  • When you try to impersonate a bitcointalk url, the real one is displayed instead :

will give
and not (

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: Jawhead999 on February 11, 2020, 09:18:19 AM
What is said by @TryNinja is true
This trick can be only found in other website who use Javascript
The actual link target can be "spoofed" using Javascript: It is quite common for websites to exchange the href value with another link as soon as the user clicks on it. For example, you can observe this when visiting Google search results. When you mouseover one of the links, it will be displayed as but as soon as you click it, that event is captured and you visit an intermediate site first ( which redirects you to the actual target.

Sorry I only found the example case using my local language
This is the website :
Scroll down, and if you are hovering your pointer to DOWNLOAD it's will show in the bottom left display. But, when you click it,it's not going to but go to (

The best way to prevent this is right click on the link and click Inspect. So you will see the fake link and real link.
Or using copy-paste (

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: Saint-loup on February 11, 2020, 10:15:05 AM
That's some scary shit. Looks like the good ol' right-click, copy, paste would do the trick.

No, you can't do that to solved it. The fact if you're do copy and paste or right-click on that link, it's wouldn't show the real link.
The best way to prevent this is right click on the link and click Inspect. So you will see the fake link and real link (
??? I don't understand what you mean. If you copy and paste the text of the link how you could be tricked?
You're wrong IMO, doing a basic copy and paste of the text is safe.
If you get a pasted text different from the one copied, it just means you have a clipboard hijacker malware on your computer...

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: Jawhead999 on February 11, 2020, 10:25:45 AM
That's some scary shit. Looks like the good ol' right-click, copy, paste would do the trick.

No, you can't do that to solved it. The fact if you're do copy and paste or right-click on that link, it's wouldn't show the real link.
The best way to prevent this is right click on the link and click Inspect. So you will see the fake link and real link (
??? I don't understand what you mean. If you copy and paste the text of the link how you could be tricked?
You're wrong IMO, doing a basic copy and paste of the text is safe.
If you get a pasted text different from the one copied, it means you have a clipboard hijacker virus on your computer...

Sorry, my bad :P Forgive me
I'am so tired and misunderstanding, I will edit my post.
Thank you very much for correcting my post sir :)

If you get a pasted text different from the one copied, it means you have a clipboard hijacker virus on your computer...

Yeah, but better to showing the script to know the real link directed. Because when we do copy and paste the link, we only see the fake link... not the real malware link.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: LbtalkL on February 11, 2020, 10:35:49 AM
Good info everyone should be careful in clicking links even here in Bitcointalk, In the previous year, I guess someone posted a phishing link here using these Hyperlinks. Sometimes when you are tired you don't have time to hover your mouse to check the link, I install phishing protection like cryptonite extension and ublock origin - ad blocker to prevent these phishing attempts.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: UserU on February 11, 2020, 03:07:40 PM

 ??? I don't understand what you mean. If you copy and paste the text of the link how you could be tricked?
You're wrong IMO, doing a basic copy and paste of the text is safe.
If you get a pasted text different from the one copied, it just means you have a clipboard hijacker malware on your computer...

True, one can't edit the link that has been copied. I was left confused for a moment by his earlier post, haha.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: nakamura12 on February 11, 2020, 04:36:42 PM
Good info everyone should be careful in clicking links even here in Bitcointalk, In the previous year, I guess someone posted a phishing link here using these Hyperlinks. Sometimes when you are tired you don't have time to hover your mouse to check the link, I install phishing protection like cryptonite extension and ublock origin - ad blocker to prevent these phishing attempts.
The code use to bypass such fake sites is good for desktop while in mobile it is not that easy. We all know that using mobile won't let you hover and those who mostly use mobile phones should be very careful. Much choice to do is open the settings of your browser and try to check about the hyperlink display then find page to search for the hyperlink and see if it is phished site.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: nakamura12 on September 05, 2020, 06:45:46 AM

As I read in some thread I found a thread explaining about a hidden url or a hyperlink so what comes to my mind is this thread. Read some of the replies have a good point which I forgot to add to this thread. Hope many newbies who haven't know this should read for further learning.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: hd49728 on September 05, 2020, 07:33:05 AM
URL and hyperlink contain risks of phishing attacks so I agree with OP that everyone should be aware of such risks before make a click on URL or hyperlink.

What to do to avoid phishing sites (
Host-file to deal with phishing sites ( It is for known, detected phishing sites and can not prevent you from new phishing sites which have not been reported and detected.
Use this for identifying Scam/Phishing/ websites & exchanges in crypto (
Punycode and how to protect yourself from Homograph Phishing attacks? (
Can also do phising quizzes in [LEARN] Phishing Quizzes - Beginners & Experts ( to test your level of understandings on phishing attacks.

My composed my topic when I saw yours, A Reminder To Newbies! ( One year and you made another one, more details, more informative. Congratulations!

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: jademaxsuy on September 05, 2020, 08:38:22 AM
In order to avoid getting Phished out by a wrong site making a user to disclose important details especially online wallet, then one must know about this so as to get into the wrong site which usually hackers do. There are may attempts of this kind here and sad to say that there are really few who falls for it. Being careless is not a  fault but it could be preventive to get into trouble by being careful. I must admit I was also being scam but not here. It just a  RPG game where i disclose info even the password to think that the site is legit for giveaways. I was wrong when I was not able to log in into my account because the password was change already. However, it was a lesson learn and one may have hard time for me to fall this kind of trap.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: tranthidung on September 05, 2020, 09:39:21 AM
That thread of yours is good and you can add it in OP. SSL vs. TLS! ( Some images are broken in this thread and that thread, you should check and fix it when you have time.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: friends1980 on September 05, 2020, 10:30:43 AM
Also, try to type the URL manually every time you need to access a website containing sensitive information.

I seem to remember a scam from a few years ago and I think it concerned, where the small "L" was replaced by a capital "i" - not 100% sure about the domain, but the example is the same anyway:

MyEtherWaIIet are NOT the same.

In certain font styles, l and I look exactly the same, just like 0 and O etc.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on September 05, 2020, 02:55:54 PM
From what I gather in your article, the key word is centered on referencing on a page. That's it.
There is barely any difference about that as to function, the URL and hyperlink virtually does the same thing.
They making referencing a page to another individual more easier, safe stress, data and time or randomly looking for information.
Also, scammers has exploited this as, you never know what lies behind a URL or hyperlink until you click it and some of these could be coded to give a go or an entry to whom ever might have sent it hence, it's advised to be minding of the URL and hyperlinks you click as they making phishing very possible.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: UserU on September 05, 2020, 04:43:50 PM
Also, try to type the URL manually every time you need to access a website containing sensitive information.

I seem to remember a scam from a few years ago and I think it concerned, where the small "L" was replaced by a capital "i" - not 100% sure about the domain, but the example is the same anyway:

MyEtherWaIIet are NOT the same.

In certain font styles, l and I look exactly the same, just like 0 and O etc.

Usually if you visit the sites often, their URL should auto-complete.

Or better, just bookmark.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: Princejebs on September 05, 2020, 06:24:43 PM

My question is our of the topic please forgive me.
How did you make that boxes and arrow on your images?

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: nakamura12 on September 05, 2020, 10:13:39 PM
Wherever we are or what time it is we need to be very careful about urls and what we click. There are different ways that you can do just to be safe.

My question is our of the topic please forgive me.
How did you make that boxes and arrow on your images?

You can use microsoft word or same applications that let you create arrows and boxes or other shapes you want. That image is not mine and I only use it as an example to show.

That thread of yours is good and you can add it in OP. SSL vs. TLS! ( Some images are broken in this thread and that thread, you should check and fix it when you have time.
I agree, maybe it's because that I do not own the image provided. I'll find another image or create one on how SSL works and the URL and hyperlink. Thanks for reminding me.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: libert19 on September 06, 2020, 03:56:14 AM
Most reputed browsers and email platforms allow user to show 'original' url on clicking hyperlink, I believe it's worthy enough to be enabled if not already on by default.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: crwth on September 06, 2020, 04:05:46 AM
I believe that it's essential to know these necessary information about URLs and hyperlinks. My personal experience about it is that I clicked a link from way back from a group chat in Yahoo Messenger, and it showed a freaking window with pornographic content, and it moves on its own when you try to close it. It's quite traumatizing when it happened to you when you are still young and don't know anything about it, but it sticks with you, and makes sure that you are clicking on the right links.

It's quite a healthy practice with verifying of links before clicking it. I hope no one gets phished by it.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: hd49728 on September 06, 2020, 07:03:31 AM
I believe that it's essential to know these necessary information about URLs and hyperlinks.
Attackers use hidden links or shortened links to hide their real links. Don't click on link from strangers is the best. People can argue that if you never click on links send to you by a stranger you can sometimes miss good opportunities or miss chances to help the others. To be safe, it is the best. If you decide to open stranger's email, it is time to be careful with any link in emails.

Back in the past, I sent email to professor who I don't know. I only know him after I read his book in which I see his email. I contacted him by email, and ask some question, and a pdf file of this book. He is kindful and generous so he sent me the doc file and he claims to give me his book updates each semester. It is life. Just be kind and you will get help and can help others.

It's quite a healthy practice with verifying of links before clicking it. I hope no one gets phished by it.
As said, I don't verify link if it is from strangers. I ignore them. Verify strange links means risk.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: noormcs5 on September 06, 2020, 08:30:29 AM
Wherever we are or what time it is we need to be very careful about urls and what we click. There are different ways that you can do just to be safe.

My question is our of the topic please forgive me.
How did you make that boxes and arrow on your images?

You can use microsoft word or same applications that let you create arrows and boxes or other shapes you want. That image is not mine and I only use it as an example to show.

Yes, it easy to make such presentations in Microsoft word or power point but the screenshot showed that it was made in Notepad which is quite surprising for me too. I will search on google for this and let everyone know how it is possible.

Title: Re: URL and Hyperlink!
Post by: nakamura12 on September 06, 2020, 04:46:29 PM

Yes, it easy to make such presentations in Microsoft word or power point but the screenshot showed that it was made in Notepad which is quite surprising for me too. I will search on google for this and let everyone know how it is possible.
I think that the person made it use notepad to type the example and take screenshot of it and then add some boxes and arrows which takes some time rather than using the power point or ms word which is more faster and easier. I wonder why not made it on ms word though.

That thread of yours is good and you can add it in OP. SSL vs. TLS! ( Some images are broken in this thread and that thread, you should check and fix it when you have time.
It seems I can't edit the thread as it said that I am blocked. I'll find what's wrong with it then i'll edit it soon after.