Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: on March 19, 2014, 08:00:44 PM

Title: programm the Bitcoin-RPC-Konsole
Post by: on March 19, 2014, 08:00:44 PM
Hi there I need some help.

I am looking for a way to automaticly respond to incomming bitcoins into my bitcoin client.
As soon as someone sends me bitcoins and I recieve them on my client I would like the client do this:

1. The client must be able to recognice incoming bitcoins
2. Identify the address from which the bitcoins were send
3. Send the minimum possible ammount back to this address which a massag attached for example "thank you"

Is this possible to do over the Bitcoin-RPC-Konsole or do I need to get some script running? Which would be the easyies way.
thanks for responds

Title: Re: programm the Bitcoin-RPC-Konsole
Post by: cp1 on March 20, 2014, 06:27:43 PM
You'll probably need a little script to poll for incoming transactions.  You could poll getbalance, listunspent, listsinceblock, listreceivedbyaddress, etc and filter by # of confirmations then match up with some database of already processed transactions.

Title: Re: programm the Bitcoin-RPC-Konsole
Post by: sudoku on March 20, 2014, 07:36:25 PM
If you can program in python:

Title: Re: programm the Bitcoin-RPC-Konsole
Post by: yabtcl on March 20, 2014, 08:03:50 PM
As I could understand from your message, you want to just send a message to the person that send you some coins.

So, let me tell you that you can't send message to others bitcoin users. Maybe you think that this is possible because in the portal some transactions have messages in it, but this is a feature especific in that portal and bitcoin protocol doesn't support it.

Furthermore, if someone send you coins from an exchange, their coins isn't being sent from their address but from the exchange addresses, so they will never receive your transaction back.

So, in my opinion you should forget about this. Or if you really want to do this you will need to use the API