Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining speculation => Topic started by: DaveF on March 06, 2020, 12:20:40 PM

Title: What to do with old miners after the having.
Post by: DaveF on March 06, 2020, 12:20:40 PM
With the halving approaching there will probably be a lot of older gear being turned off especially with summer approaching in the northern hemisphere.

What is everyone planning to do with your older gear?
I know we have a lot of us making "space heaters" for the winter but that still leaves a lot of gear that is going to be way past EOL.
Yeah, I am keeping my R4, and probably 1 S7-LN, but the rest and the parts for them I am probably going to send to e-waste.
I have enough spare boards that the 1 board T9+ and the 1 board S9 will also probably stick around.
The rest, not so much.

Anything else anyone is doing that I am missing?

Oh and a side note, please DO NOT just throw them out if you are done with the them, recycle them properly.


Title: Re: What to do with old miners after the having.
Post by: philipma1957 on March 06, 2020, 12:31:38 PM
I will try making  a lot of 1 board  space heaters.

Some and sell them on ebay and here as space heaters that happen to mine.
May seem dumb but I think I could do okay with this idea.

Title: Re: What to do with old miners after the having.
Post by: Artemis3 on March 07, 2020, 07:56:33 AM
Most of them will find their way into my country, put them for sale don't throw them. Yes as time passes the price will lower, an S9 is like $100 now in bulk. Some people sell the hashboards, controllers, psus, cases and fans separate, that is also a viable choice.

I suppose there are other places on Earth where the electricity costs nearly zero, those people would buy it from you, or use a reseller (advertiser?) like kaboomracks etc.

FYI many people here still use incandescent bulbs and CRTs. Talk about retro + "free" (wasted) electricity when it doesn't blackout, like its been doing lately due to gov negligence (lack of maintenance, its a State owned company) + US sanctions (if you dare sell parts to that company, you get into Trump's hate list).

Well, at least it comes from a hydroelectric dam (built in the 60ies), so its "clean" renewable energy.

Title: Re: What to do with old miners after the having.
Post by: mikeywith on March 07, 2020, 10:53:53 PM
Another major reason is the fact that it's cheap, the old saying "You Get What You Pay For" is pretty accurate in these cases, I can pretty much relate to this, the same exact thing happens in my country, electricity is almost free in most places here, but because nobody actually pays for it and the government has to do so, people over-use it and we get a lot of blackouts, along with low and/or unstable voltage.

Free and cheap power is always limited, there will be no market large enough for all the S9s around, and the supply will reach the sky, I highly doubt they will be worth anything above 40-50$ after the halving if bitcoin price doesn't spike, with that said, I think Anmtiner S9 in dual-mode might still be worth a thing as it can do close to 70w per th or lower.

Title: Re: What to do with old miners after the having.
Post by: vickersja on March 08, 2020, 02:31:56 AM
I will try making  a lot of 1 board  space heaters.

Some and sell them on ebay and here as space heaters that happen to mine.
May seem dumb but I think I could do okay with this idea.

I love the idea and would be interested in what you come up with.

Title: Re: What to do with old miners after the having.
Post by: jbillk on April 08, 2020, 05:04:02 PM
Just purchased five S9s with PSUs for $350. I like the space heater idea, been tinkering with braiins OS.

I'm trying to see how high i can get efficiency, The best i can do is 77 watts per th so far. Braiins is really good with the noise/fan control, hashing at 11th with fans at 20%, very quiet.

I'm going to pick out the 3 best hash boards of the 15 I have, and see how high i can get efficiency. I'll pick out the 3 worst hash boards, and try to re-sell. Obviously have way too much time on my hands with the lockdowns.

I find if i drop voltage to 7.95V, then lower frequency until HW errors go away give me the best result.

I plan on trying out some passive, and immersion cooling later with the hash boards.