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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Jet Cash on March 06, 2020, 04:56:22 PM

Title: Supermrket shelves, loo rolls, and soap
Post by: Jet Cash on March 06, 2020, 04:56:22 PM
Shoppers have gone a bit mad recently, and it seems to be the Corona Virus that has been the trigger. The supermarkets I have visited seem to have sold out of loo rolls, soap, pasta, tinned tomatoes, hand sanitisers, and a few other things. They seem to have lots of items that I would have thought were more useful in preparation for a shut down. I bought a few tins of sardines and pilchards for example. The soap is really a bit sad - don't people wash their hands normally? As my friend said - she doesn't care about loo rolls, as she has a bidet. Maybe we should all think about installing those to save paper, and improve hygiene. Is pasta really a better option than rice or potatoes as part of an emergency diet? Why choose tinned tomatoes rather than any other tinned vegetable? ( I know, tomatoes are really a fruit, but most people seem to think of them as vegetables ).

Do are the talkers here buying for a supermarket drought? What are your chosen items to carry you through the crisis?

Title: Re: Supermrket shelves, loo rolls, and soap
Post by: jrrsparkles on March 06, 2020, 05:13:37 PM
People were buying things to keep stocks that is why everything was cleared now even I did witnessed the same things on many super market.People thinks that the complete world might get shut down like zombie moves like Resident evil so they need things like this to survive for few days,weeks or months? ???

Title: Re: Supermrket shelves, loo rolls, and soap
Post by: OgNasty on March 06, 2020, 08:14:38 PM
Last time I was at the grocery store I saw people wearing masks... After reading about drastic reductions in pollution and fishing as a result of closed factories and decreased Chinese demand, I think the earth deserves this little break. People should be having Corona parties like parents do for their kids and chicken pox in my opinion.

Title: Re: Supermrket shelves, loo rolls, and soap
Post by: Artemis3 on March 07, 2020, 08:18:30 AM
People were buying things to keep stocks that is why everything was cleared now even I did witnessed the same things on many super market.People thinks that the complete world might get shut down like zombie moves like Resident evil so they need things like this to survive for few days,weeks or months? ???

Well if they start getting quarantined as in China that is the wise thing to do (in theory people should always have plenty of non-perishable supplies just in case for any other catastrophe).

The Zombie shows often depict a virus going lose so that part is right...

At least you guys are now starting too feel how it is under a socialist economy, just imagine that scarcity didn't last a few days or weeks, but years instead...