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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Official james on March 26, 2020, 02:00:03 PM

Title: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Official james on March 26, 2020, 02:00:03 PM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: 3 angle on March 26, 2020, 03:30:07 PM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

Well... that looks like a problem without a solution. That is not only happening in Africa, but almost all countries also do the same thing.

The government must think and provide the right solution before asking its citizens to isolate themselves. because, for those who do not have a steady income / or survive on daily income, self-isolation is a difficult thing.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Official james on March 26, 2020, 03:44:20 PM
The major problem of African countries most especially Nigeria is bad political leader, all they know is about themselves alone, if the FD government should give 100 thousands naira to each bvn acct registered, the government will not even fell the impact. No one even consider the homeless.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: crwth on March 26, 2020, 04:49:02 PM
There are a lot of things that people in South Africa have to consider, and only the privileged people are the ones who can do it
  • Social Distancing is hard for them because most of them are in shared accommodation
  • They have no choice of "work from home"
  • Struggling health systems

Maybe there are a few cases right now there because they have struggling health systems there. I hope they find an alternative solution to the problem. Just like what others have said, it's not the solution for them.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: de_ingenious on March 26, 2020, 09:08:23 PM
Basically we have an opportunity to compare how bad things could be if we had not any decent infrastructure

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: BADecker on March 26, 2020, 09:54:22 PM
We all need to remember, Governments are people. They will do what benefits them personally:
1. No quarantine if it is to their benefit;
2. Quarantine if it is to their benefit;
3. Caring for their people if it is too their benefit.

Sometimes the benefit is their conscience. Most of the time it is $money.


Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: SoryuMaiden on March 27, 2020, 01:25:40 AM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

Is it true that there's no help from the government? Because if that's the case, then that's just a terrible move by the government. Here in the Philippines, people are not allowed to go out from their houses unless they have a quarantine pass (a card which is distributed per household). This allows a family representative to go out to buy foods and supplies. We also receive some helps from the government (rice, canned goods, condiments, etc.). I can't imagine a life in a quarantine without any help from the government.

Another thing I would like to correct is the phrase "social distancing". It should be "physical distancing" or "physical isolation".

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: BADecker on March 27, 2020, 04:05:20 AM
I watch TV very little. But this afternoon I saw Pence, the woman who is running the medical program for the White House, and another doctor. When you watch these people, what you need to do is record them. While recording them, watch them without sound the first time you watch. This way your focus will be on the way they act, not on the words they say. Then listen to the sound later if you want... in the rerun.

What I saw doing this was some actors. I can't tell you that they were enjoying their acting. But they were acting. Their focus was on their acting like it was the thing to do whether or not they believed it themselves. The non-politician doctor was the one who looked like he might actually believe what he was talking about... way more than pence, or the woman White House doctor.

Something about this whole thing is screwy. There's more to it than trying to save the people and the nation. They remind me of the look of President Bush in the Florida school while the planes were hitting the Twin Towers.


Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: LazerSMS on March 27, 2020, 05:21:12 AM
There is no work at home options for most people in third world countries, that's why quarantines just don't make sense there, especially since they have so few cases.

And the consequences of such policies there is not about having to close a restaurant in a touristic town like in the West but it's about literally starving.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Meowth05 on March 28, 2020, 08:17:48 AM
I don't know what are the government their doing but I think relief operation will definitely do it, in my country they are delivering food supply from each family and household.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Subbir on March 28, 2020, 01:16:07 PM
I think the govt has taken this drastic step to guard us we should always help with this and therefore the government But even in Africa there's no food and water shortage so there's no got to provide food. But there are many poor people within the world's food-rich countries who need it we'd like to supply adequate relief to our country simply because you said it right.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Morenod on March 28, 2020, 01:19:29 PM
seems like in Africa it's not a problem at all no virus so

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: franky1 on March 29, 2020, 11:41:56 AM
I watch TV very little. But this afternoon I saw Pence, the woman who is running the medical program for the White House, and another doctor.

what you have to realise is to expect most words you hear on TV to be scripted/pre-rehearsed.
this may not be 'acting' but more so being prepared to know what to say and not stuttering. things like sticking to the facts. yet the body has not fully absorbed the info to then be self aware of their own actions.

its not fake its just reading from a screen prompt or notes on a card.
yes there have been many cases that show some dont even follow their own advice
like a best example is this.
woman on right saying dont do certain things during a BBC report. but then doing it herself..

this is why. you need to do some research on the source. not just form opinions based on what is presented to you.
you seem to take one slice of info and manipulate it until it fits your narative.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: BADecker on March 29, 2020, 02:03:32 PM
I watch TV very little. But this afternoon I saw Pence, the woman who is running the medical program for the White House, and another doctor.

what you have to realise is to expect most words you hear on TV to be scripted/pre-rehearsed.
this may not be 'acting' but more so being prepared to know what to say and not stuttering. things like sticking to the facts. yet the body has not fully absorbed the info to then be self aware of their own actions.

its not fake its just reading from a screen prompt or notes on a card.
yes there have been many cases that show some dont even follow their own advice
like a best example is this.
woman on right saying dont do certain things during a BBC report. but then doing it herself..

this is why. you need to do some research on the source. not just form opinions based on what is presented to you.
you seem to take one slice of info and manipulate it until it fits your narative.

Thanks, franky1. All I have to do is watch the way you say it, and it's pretty easy to determine when to do and believe just the opposite to remain accurate.


Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: franky1 on March 29, 2020, 02:20:37 PM
Thanks, franky1. All I have to do is watch the way you say it, and it's pretty easy to determine when to do and believe just the opposite to remain accurate.

well using your plan by muting the voice you would see and beleive that its fine to touch your face and rub your nose into your hand..

so it seems your plan has flaws
my plan is to realise those on camera ually are reading out info that is presented to them on a teleprompt/ notes or pre-rehersed. it does not mean that what they say are lies. but that they are not speaking fluidly and improvised.

what you need to do. is not pick and select the spoonfed info on your screen. but take that info and then go research it FULLY and be critical of both sides.. again dont just take what you see and then only look for bits that fit your narrative

do research.. or you will be the one that ignore facts ad instead looks at others wiping their face and think its fine for you to do it because you seen someone else do it.
basically your standard tactic of promoting something because you found a flimsy video that supports your lazy lack of research of what is actually right. but that dont matter because as long as someone says something flimsy. youll follow it.. like you aways do

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: BADecker on March 29, 2020, 02:37:28 PM
Thanks, franky1. All I have to do is watch the way you say it, and it's pretty easy to determine when to do and believe just the opposite to remain accurate.

well using your plan by muting the voice you would see and beleive that its fine to touch your face and rub your nose into your hand..

so it seems your plan has flaws
my plan is to realise those on camera ually are reading out info that is presented to them on a teleprompt/ notes or pre-rehersed. it does not mean that what they say are lies. but that they are not speaking fluidly and improvised.

what you need to do. is not pick and select the spoonfed info on your screen. but take that info and then go research it FULLY and be critical of both sides.. again dont just take what you see and then only look for bits that fit your narrative

do research.. or you will be the one that ignore facts ad instead looks at others wiping their face and think its fine for you to do it because you seen someone else do it.
basically your standard tactic of promoting something because you found a flimsy video that supports your lazy lack of research of what is actually right. but that dont matter because as long as someone says something flimsy. youll follow it.. like you aways do

You seem to be suggesting that there is something wrong with touching "your face and rub your nose into your hand." Let me know if this is true... that you are suggesting such, I mean. This way I will know that the opposite is best... you know... things are best when they are opposite of what you say.


Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Morenod on January 13, 2021, 05:52:10 AM
Now we have more time to read about cryptocurrencies and start to trade

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Mauser on January 13, 2021, 09:29:50 AM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

This is very sad when you think about it. Many countries can't afford to support their citizens on a big scale during these difficult times. But without these security measures and social distancing how can we really contain the crisis? Also the vaccines are very expensive. How can everyone afford it for 20-40 USD?

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: franky1 on January 13, 2021, 11:25:19 AM
There are a lot of things that people in South Africa have to consider, and only the privileged people are the ones who can do it
  • Social Distancing is hard for them because most of them are in shared accommodation
  • They have no choice of "work from home"
  • Struggling health systems

Maybe there are a few cases right now there because they have struggling health systems there. I hope they find an alternative solution to the problem. Just like what others have said, it's not the solution for them.

1. social distancing is about strangers. EG dont go to house parties with people you dont sleep with. in all countries 'family/support bubbles' has been a thing. meaning if your a family of 6. this does not mean your family have to separate in 6 distant locations

2. work from home has not been a thing for all people. its not some mass curfew. those doing essential jobs and those that cant work from home still can/do work. yes this means there is less people isolating in poorer communities because more % have to work. which is bad in of itself as theres more risk of spreads due to lack of resources to effectively just shut down essential workplaces. but this is the same across the world. farmers still need to farm. they just got to learn to not hug their co-workers while farming

3. this is the major one that should have been dealt with months ago. its been 9-10 months and so african healthcare should have been expanded.. heck with all the natural disasters and other things like ebola over the decades healthcare should have been priority number 1 for decades
but to avoid even worrying about going to hospital if sick. the solution is simple. dont mingle in close proximity to other people you dont sleep with. whether in your home street or at work

4. usually seen as a negative. but this time a positive. the average lifespan of africans is 50. so the amount of the population over 50 to then be at extreme risk of severe covid is low. which for this instance is a benefit to healthcare limitations... low atrisk population numbers

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Rruchi man on January 24, 2021, 06:32:07 PM
In a continent like africa with a very underdeveloped and analog systems, practicing social distancing and self isolation is next to impossible. They have very underdeveloped transport systems, underdeveloped markets and the most serious of them all, people that are not well informed and civilized to deal and handle the realities of the virus.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Mauser on January 25, 2021, 01:34:49 PM
In a continent like africa with a very underdeveloped and analog systems, practicing social distancing and self isolation is next to impossible. They have very underdeveloped transport systems, underdeveloped markets and the most serious of them all, people that are not well informed and civilized to deal and handle the realities of the virus.

One the one side this is true, but because the health system is not as developed as in the western world, the people in Africa need to look after themselfs much more. They can't rely on the government to fix everything for them. Another thing is people in Africa have to deal with more illnesses and viruses than in other places. We can just look back a few years to the Ebola outbreak and how terrible it was for the people. They really needed international help to contain the outbreak. So I think people in Africa listen more to doctors giving advice on how to deal with corona, than people in the developed world. Just look at all the recent riots happening due to curfews and lockdowns.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Jet Cash on January 25, 2021, 02:14:23 PM
Of course they want them to isolate and stay out of the sun. That way they reduce their vitamin "D" and are more susceptible to infections.

Here is a thought - self-isolation is racist. Dark skinned people need more sunlight to build Vitamin "D". Removing this option makes them more vulnerable than light skinned people.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: dongyi17 on April 10, 2021, 11:41:47 PM
Many people in the world experienced the help coming from government won't reach them, even the give relief goods. Some country have a lot a budget, they deliver their food in their house so people could stay in their house. Some people thought, they would neither died with hungry or get killed by COVID, hopefully government give the best plan to reach their people.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Natsuu on April 11, 2021, 11:56:09 AM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

Isn't this stereotyping on how africa as a continent progress? Do we really think that africa is still the no water community that we believed in?

Yes there is poor community in africa, but I think that they are not that affected by the covid as they are somehow isolated from the cities which the virus is concentrated.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Dusang1998 on April 15, 2021, 06:58:45 PM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

This is very sad when you think about it. Many countries can't afford to support their citizens on a big scale during these difficult times. But without these security measures and social distancing how can we really contain the crisis? Also the vaccines are very expensive. How can everyone afford it for 20-40 USD?
you are right, we need to make distance for a while.

Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: BADecker on April 15, 2021, 07:35:55 PM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

Isn't this stereotyping on how africa as a continent progress? Do we really think that africa is still the no water community that we believed in?

Yes there is poor community in africa, but I think that they are not that affected by the covid as they are somehow isolated from the cities which the virus is concentrated.

Where have you been? It was shown long ago, that the reason why Africans aren't affected by Covid is, they have been taking HCQ for decades, for malaria. And they get plenty of zinc from their simple diets.


Title: Re: Social distancing and self isolation
Post by: Natsuu on April 16, 2021, 03:49:14 PM
Social distance and self isolation created in Africa also where there no food and one lack access to water, how did their federal Government want them to survive indoor without help.

Isn't this stereotyping on how africa as a continent progress? Do we really think that africa is still the no water community that we believed in?

Yes there is poor community in africa, but I think that they are not that affected by the covid as they are somehow isolated from the cities which the virus is concentrated.

Where have you been? It was shown long ago, that the reason why Africans aren't affected by Covid is, they have been taking HCQ for decades, for malaria. And they get plenty of zinc from their simple diets.

Nice insights, but I don't think that's the reasons because it is only a treatment, not for prevention