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Other => Serious discussion => Topic started by: allthingsbtc on March 31, 2020, 02:36:29 PM

Title: How are we?
Post by: allthingsbtc on March 31, 2020, 02:36:29 PM
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening my axe.” Thus said Abraham Lincoln.

Have we started to do some planning, considered options, or are we already facing the crisis head on OR we are still at a "trying to figure out" stage??

Title: Re: How are we?
Post by: franky1 on April 01, 2020, 10:50:07 AM
hospitals cant cope. that was known very early.
to stop people dying unaided all in one go. they wante the public to self isolate

this is not because self isolation magically makes people immune . it means they wont get it YET.
this then allows time to expand hospital bed numbers, get more ventilators, hire more staff..

we are still in the delay phase.
the 'majority spread' event has not started because ~99% of population have not even been near people to get it.
less than 1% of a countries population has tested positive.

. when countries feel that they have enough supplies/staff/facilities to cope with more hospital admittances. they will let the public out of their homes more. but expect the next wave could have higher numbers of admittances to hospital. and if it becomes too fast, they will tell the public to self isolate again

so expect many waves lasting 2-3 months at a time.
this is not going to end in the next couple weeks

Title: Re: How are we?
Post by: UserU on April 01, 2020, 11:38:06 AM
There are those stubborn people not heeding orders, which is why hospitals can't even catchup.

It's hard because that's like the first time such apocalypse happened, after the SARS nearly like 2 decades ago. Many people aren't ready to be "locked" inside their homes.

Also, vaccines don't appear like miracles. They have to be tried for years before they could be mass-produced. If people actually bothered to play safe, the whole thing could be controlled more effectively.

Title: Re: How are we?
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 01, 2020, 12:20:27 PM
we are still at a "trying to figure out" stage??

Yep, this is the current stage.
Modern medicine is a combination of science and statistics. Right now there's not enough data (yep, people and how the virus has affected them) to get a proper idea. Quite strange knowing the scale of all this, but nothing is centralized properly (maybe you've noticed that each and every country tries to make its own mistakes instead of learning).

We (humanity) have just passed though the initial shock (or maybe we are still partly in the initial shock).
Getting real, starting to organize and think properly is a future step. And then the planning could come.

Title: Re: How are we?
Post by: Initscri on April 12, 2020, 11:02:45 AM
I think we're somewhere in the middle tbh. I don't believe any government truly knows 100% what they are doing, but I wouldn't say we are in the "trying to figure out" stage sort-to speak.

I think we have like a sorta plan. Obviously this depends on the country.

Title: Re: How are we?
Post by: Adriane14 on April 14, 2020, 12:46:05 AM
How prepared are we when Bill said before that I think he is referring to this Pandemic so now we know that some people can predict such an event. I just hope we can now prepare next time or there will be next time again.